SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1892. tl AN me ee ws bn The Best of Everything isd in the meat line always on hand, in- dadine: FRESH and 8ALT MEATS, BOLOGNA = tor ise. Fsablishe 0 Years On the Corner of Grant and Ord Streets. And yet we are not content. than our efforts were in the past. “Onward!” Is The Watehword. Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, i Low Prices, a matured experience and unflagging enterprise are the keys to success. We thank you for your patronage, which Bas made this! stcre what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has| been in the past, and. your happiness will be .increased pro portionately. We keep in 1 stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions. Boots | and Shoes, Men's and Bays Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- roceries, Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor-| liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Repes of all sizes Wood and ware, Queensware, w illow- -ware, Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. en in ‘exchange at market prices. P. S. HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA. ‘While our trade has been growing year by year, we are today working as diligently to enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come Country Produce tak- AL I. GIN AGEY, — Dealer In—— chan Se, Hardware, STOVES and a We handle the celebrated tine of Oinder- ella Stoves and Ranges. also the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of slove that may be desired. We aim to please the people tn giving the LOWEST PRICES on shelf and other hardware, including Oils, Paints, Glass, Nuils Pumps, Hollow Ware. Horse Pads. Blankels; Robes, etc:. ote;, and such other things that, may be found in a hardware store. In the line of Tinware we can Furnish anything made of tin. wid of any quantity or quality; from the cheap- est to the best of grades, at lowest prices. Spotting, Roving satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solicit. ng your patronage, we remain C. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. Bargains! ! Se Teen H.-C. SHAW'S, WEST SALISBURY. Loak at the following quotations and govern yourself accordingly: : Minehaha Flour, per barrel... . Pllisbury’s Best," per barrel. .. . Minesota X X X, per barrel / Reitz’s Best, per barrel, ... Becker Flonr, per barrel Caio ra Stanton's Buckwheat Pious, or ». 0% dts. Shelled Corn, per bushel .. wi ninines as DECHS * White Oats, per bushel .......... ... ‘ * Balt, per sack .. a a 17% Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Pood at | Botiom Prices. Give nie a enll and I will save you money. H.C. SHAW. Dr. D. 0. McKINLEY, EDITORIAL REMARKS, The Auglo-Mugwump party when born showed great temerity, And plunged Mito the contest that was raging with celerity; Its former friends it criticised and treated with . asperity, Misrepresented and impugned their acta, it did, in verity. But now its days are numbered. it will never see posterity, For "tis dying: surely dying of American pros- perity. : GERRY MARDER is never a popular fellow: with the other side. Ex Senator Bram inlks etetirely 100 much for a presidential candidate, SoME of the New York merchants have decided to complete Grant's monument. Can it be possible? THE nian who knows how to keep his tongue still when he has nothing fa say 4s usually a successful man. Tar Standard Oil Trust under x new name will still be the same old grab-and- hold all-it-can-reach concern. " PRRHAPS Lord Salisbury has an idea that he is properly’ equipped to follow royalty into the pulverizing business. Re THERE hus heen quite an epidemic of charity among our millionaires of late May the disease spread antil everv one of them ‘has been thoroughly inoculated. Cov. WATTERSON has for the ‘second time thrown Mr. Cleveland overbonrd. + Will hie take him up again? And if so, will it result ina case of ‘three times nd out?” : Rernmpirarren Homan: will never be nominated for President with the ¢on- sent of Tammuny Hall; their ideas on the expenditare of public fonds ace too wide apart. : "“Tarry” pays. Fred Douglas, who bias. heen praising the government of that government ns its agent at the World's fair. if Tax phipit and the stage are not nec: essatily antagonistic, Lotta, the actress, is trying a8 hard: as she knows how to 1 get a young clergyman Shpoinien chap: Iain in the army. Lown ‘SALISBURY would better wen his attention to the half million English | miners on strike, instead ot engaging in the fruitless game of trying to hinff the United States, Fi : Doctors pretend to he able to deseribe the exact sensations of a man killed by electricity, but as no man so killed hua ever given his tertimony we have a right Hayti in lectures, has been selected hy | deserves from the press. Tt would carried out, remedy one of the great eo of national politics—the striving sud ination. Tue anthracite coal rouds, controlling a capital of .000. Linve combing Free coal would ‘enable the people ti cape in part from the clutchés of th monopoly. —Kansus City Times. the McKinley bill. Paragraph 536 Coal, unthracite—freé,” ; ple of the kind of atgunionie() advan by the *‘reformers.” FREE coluage appears 10 be play a much more conspicuous part than to whack Hill over the hend, thee statement that he will vote fi Year. that silver will not be nn issu 2 campaign this year. : Jupae Gunnison, of Erie, ina view snd not a decision, says t lignor man's license is burned up « erwise destroyed by accident, tha cannot get it re-issued. License § isutied once a venr, the law provid if destroyed un new one cannot be Judge - Vincent und other attorn Erie do not agree with Judge Gann but as the Istter is the one who refuses license in Erie county, his opini ¢ is of course the more weighty one, wi many holders of license are having th insured st $600, the regular fee in tha city.—Ex. ut. Tar kid-glover gentry presidi the County Commissioners’ office, still being complained of by the even by those whom have no tax to make. The law may not Commissioners to lenye their oi hear appeals, but customs ofte SGING men holding petty offi put on is truly 8 spectacle for men. This paper in going to show n roltenness wherever it believes it 16 exis reganilan of what political party it Tae amount of monevsthat the Coun ‘Nee > : tenders his professional services to those requir- fo teuby their nbd I, Commissioners are going {a save : o i ing dental treatment. No QuesTION ahout the bravery of Soumy Joti nating but sittiv st we in hs J sh anes Soods. G vill M d. Office on Union 8t., west of Brethren Church. | that Italian who left one wife in New. Ihels mee ih hil re ie, - ——— usre and righ, there will be nothing to rants e, ‘ : York while he went back to sunny Ttaly that iT {lov visit the different 1 ~ornshi wu watiten compet you to continue buying of me. You will A.M LICHTY to marry two more and bring them over, and horoughs 10 | Is, Mi f If you BALE will at all times try in please you! takes this method of returning his thanks to the many patroms{ 2! tut his discretion was sadly defective. uronghs 10 hear ahpeals, Hint . wistom Physician And Surgeon eb oS tax: payer in ‘the county will appe = tugs OME ON wha have enabled him to makea complete success of his strict- : "|. Wo anya that crying babies are of no | want his tax lowered. Bah! What do payed 0 ; Office first door south of the M. Hay corner | service in the world? One of them saved | they take the people tor? They have Say a0 be convinced that I. oan do you kood and ly cash system venture, SALISBURY. PA. the lives of the occupants of a New York | no business to fower any man's tax un ay. Riiy ie ham ot trv Ihe 15 mares fortune in % dey: : — : apartment house, which was on fire, by | less good cause ¢an be shown why if ont person od Soliciting « ean Er onags: We find that we can, ‘under the above system, give our pat- AF SPEICHER, lustily screaming at 2:30 o'clock in ‘the | should be lowered, but it x ui can show sad any e, | am respecisully, nr morning. snfficient cause for a reduction, he should seinen, rons any goods they may ‘need, without the additional profit Ph Si ci an An d Surg 6 on ———=== ~~ |haveit granted to bim. Bat ho should eT Casper Wahl . k fi b d 1 C hh d I y ? Ir Miss Phoebe Couzins were asked her | 20 25 680 miles and spend more mo CHE oR : : necessar EY to ma e up or a accounts. pay Lash and se Tenders hig professions) setyices to o, citizens opinion she would probably ay that Mis. to have his nx lowered than the redu 0: 2 Ent “x : i goods’ at Cash Prices, for Cash, and give you a cordial | one Soret Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury, | Pottor Palmer's efforts 10 secure greater | tion amounts to. ; aasion ‘or | i Insurance Agency of ! Penna. independence for the hoard of lady. man: amount, : invitationJto visit us and i inspect our stock; we will risk your agers of the World's fuir were entirely | There is more or less kicking heli hint { Ji Wi B. COOK, 4 J.C: LOWRY, : UNNECcessary. done in all sections of the county on tesa me. § : Hl. buying: ATTORNEX AT LAW, i count of the county commissioners sittin, a. Sowszaur, Pa. Quargery and foolishness do not exist | 1, hour ali appenls from the triennial ni Meyersdale, “Penna, Agent for a full line of the best. American. and Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of assetls. : PROMPT ATTENTION given to set: ttoment of claims. W. B. COOK, Zi SMITH, Agent, General Solteitor and Collector, i Rm. M. BERCHY, VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases horse flesh 16 heir to. Maw atest and most improved veterinary sur- struments and: appliances, also 4 com- terinary library. Veterinary Obatetrice a Specialty. mplete Ktock Of veterinary medicines ul. ud, thereby saving troiible. ahd an- ken for treatment for $2.50 per week ; 8, according to treatment required. before killing your broken:legged 1 horses. I have treated tetantus or Ti The Knife Plunged Into Prices Of Wall Paper, Cutting Them in Half. HOW CAN WE DO IT? WE BUY. WALL PAPER BY TIE CAR LOAD from the Sargent manufactories in the United States, so cheap and in such quantities that we can sell you many patterns for less money than . small dealers can buy them. We will sell stores in 50 plece bundles and save them money. Will sell YOU in uny quantities wanted, good patterns, no gilt, at 2,3, 4,5 and 8c peor bolt.’ Good Gilt Papers, st 4.5, 7, 10 una 13¢; extra fine, nt 18 and 206. We selected the finest; newest and best patterns from four factories—~we haven't a _plece of old paper In our store. We will sell these goods for less money than you can buy them for in any city. Having investigated the matter, we know whereof we speak. WE CAN DO IT. as it costs us nothing to add paper to our large business. - We carry all kinds of paper—hundreds of patterns—from the cheapest to the finest embossed, besutifil gold patterns, plain’ ingrains with magnificently ducorated 18-inch borders, up to the very finest pressed paper, good enough for a palace. : £9 1€ you need paper and appreciate saving the dollars, you will buy from us. Call, or ond for samples of paper and a copy of our guide—"How to Paper.” CARPET and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We have nlso put In stock the largest and finest line of CARPET ever brought to Meyeradale, and Velvets, Seo our Brus- All grades from the cheapest up. Ingraiiis, Tapestry, Body Brussels sels at 400. | A magnificent assortment of LACE WINDOW CURTAINS, about 200 pairs in stock at 60c to $5,00, Lago assortment fine DRESS GOODS, Summer Fabrics of all kinds, Large ol stock 3 Ladies’ Spring Coats Just opened, Cail and see th { Men' 's, Boys! and Children's Suita. as the cotintry affords, Il ahd see If we haven't just what you want for | LINERY DEPARTMENT will open $n April. Large stock in every depa We do a large busiuess ona small margin, Some; see our goods, : We will save you mon, ESTING. ANNOUNCEMENT! A An elegant took of best makes of SHOES for men, women | nd price withstaud all compeiition. ' Tn'OUR CLOTHING | THE VALLEY HOUSE, . LOECHSL, Proprietor. Board by the day, Webk or month. First-class accommodations, - Rates reasonable, Tas Onvy LICENSED Horsw IN Sausnugy. We' take Pleasure in trying $0 please onr pat- rons, and you will always find Tus VALLEY 8 good, orderly ‘house, : 2» I desire to inform the public that I have a good team and wagon and am well prepared to do all kinds of draying, hanling and anything that can be done with a team.’ Prompt attention given 10 all business entrusted to me, and charges reason: able. : WILSON HAWN, | dogs. in the Democratic party alone. In Olio the Bhermsan Republicans and Foraker Republicans are fighting like cats and What fools some of these Demo. ernts and Republicans be, 5 Ur fo date the only visible effects of the tariff debate at Washington have been the emptying of the House galler- ies and the production of a tired fecling upon the public; or that portion of the public “which reads congressional pro: esedings. Uxpx “free sugar’ our consumption lins grown from 54.56 pounds per eapitn in 1880 to 67.46 pounds in 1801. The su: gar tariff was a revenue tariff, hence a tax. That is why the McKinley Inw, ‘1 which believes in protective duties only, abolished it. GEN. WEAVERS hook ‘Called to Ae: Lion” is not a war story, although he will | probably raise no objections if the Nation: | al convention of the peuple’s party shall regard it as a declaration of war againgt 1 the old purties, and select its author as their standard bearer in the coming fight. Dr. D. Haves Aeraw. one of the most $8 | renowned surgeons in tho world, died in ladelphian on Tuesday. He will be re- : Chief Burgeon: to General wiring to appeal from the HESELALL'S Fo turn, are compelled to visit the coun seal in order to do so, and in many cases #t n greater cost than the amnount.of nx es they wonld® nve 10 pay under the us: sessor’s retatn, amour 16. It is possi ble that a great deal of injustice may b done individoals | through the method adopted by the commissioners,” but § point of economy to the lax-paye Anrge, itis claimed, it will prove the me of saving a conniderable sum.—Som Herald. “A party of young men from Bomerse and Stonycreek townships have | having a good bit of fun for the Sul but not so much for the other folly whom tliey have attempted to and in some cares snceveded pretty. well The party referred to disguise the in oll clothes and fantastic hats, with charred faces enter the houses neighbors and: demand that men cooked for them, threatening to vob barn the honses it their demands not granted. One. of the gentle cently visited by the young my ceeded in learning their names an s death is a great : ping
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers