‘SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, FEB, 25, 1892, NUMBER 12. Hardware, @TOVES and TIN. We handle the celebrated ‘Une of Oinder- ¢lla Stoves and Ranges, alio the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any’ f Hind of stove that may be desired. : We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES gu shelf and ether Bardloave. including Oils, Pagnts, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware, Horst Pads. Blankets, Robes, eto. etc., and : suchiother things that. may bo found in a hardware store. ” Inthe line of Tinware we can furnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or quality. from the cheap: est io the best of grads, at lowest prices. pouting, Roving satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solioit- ing your patronage, oe remain. x C.R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. “on the Corner of Grant and ord Streets. A ‘And yet we are ‘not content. . While our trade, has been] enlarge our business and serve you better. 1. yéany 0. come than our efforts were in the past, . “Onward” Is The W agoney Diligence, Perseverarice, Grn Dealing, Low Prices, . {a matured experience and anfiagzing enterprise: are the keys {to success. . ‘We thank you for your patronage, ‘which has made this stere what it is today. ~ A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has been in the past, and your happiness. will be increased pro- portionately. : : We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots {and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- ll | ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books; d | Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- 2 | liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, dl | Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil; Putty, Window | Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and A Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. Country Produce wk en in ‘exchange at market prices. P. 8, HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA. A I. GNAGHY, ——Dealer In— SE _ Girantsville, Md, Z| who have enabled him to make a complete success of his strict- 1ly cash system. venture. We find that we «can, under the above system, give our pat. | 208 rons any goods they may. need, without. the: additional profit nfoesspry. to make up for bad accounts. I pay + Gish and sell ; growing year by year, we are today" working as diligently. to] co this method: of returning his thanks to the many patrons ; un 'C. SHAW'S, WEST ShkispURY. govern Jousgelt accordingly: Give me a cull and 1 will save you money, renders hie professional ervice % © Ing dental itis ‘office on Union 8t., west of Brethren Church. A M. LICHTY, Physician : And Jogo | Office first, door south of ‘the M. Hay corhet. SALISBURY, PA. A. F. SPEIOHER, : Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vieinity. Office, coruer Grant and Union Sts,, Salisbury, J.C. LOWRY, ATTORNET AT LAT 3 ¢ * SomERsaT, Pa, RR. ML. BERCHY, VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases ‘horse flesh. is heir to. Has the latest and most improved veterinary sur- gical instruments and appliances, also a com- plete veterinary library. : Veterinary Obstetrics a Speclaity. A eomplete stock of veterinary medicines al ways on hand, thereby saving trouble and an- noyance. - Horses taken for treatmient for $2.50 per week and upwards, according to treatment required. Cansult me before killing your broken-legged and tetanized horses. I have treated tetatitus or locked-jaw succesafully. ‘Place of residence, 8 miles west of Salisbury, Pa. Postoffick address, ¢ Grantsville, Ma. CASPER TOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA,, 001s and SHOES. kinds done with neatness aud | mpton Give Ive Dg patronage, . and I will ry VALLEY HOUSE, » LOECHEL, Proprietor. : ; Bond ty the dey. week or month, First-class accommodations, Rates reasonable, Tun Onn Sasimany Hous, 1x Suavay, & to please our pat- | nd Tax Vaiizy & and all kinds of job work, guaranteed 0 ire Look at the following qugtations and H.C. SHAW. .. | in a plant of our own. BLEOTRIC LIGHT. ; LA Means Whe Wants to Give it'to Salisbury, Do We Want it? It is not generally known that there was an electric light meeting in the Coun- cil Chamber on. Tuesday evening, but nevertheless stich was the case, and it's now, possible for Salisbury to have a first. class electric light plant in operation by about May 1st. The question now is, do we want eldetric light in thistown? The answer is, or rather should be, that we do,’ i we can get it 5p ‘the pruper terms. . A Wao. W. Staub, the man who puts in Meyersdale’s electric plant, was in our .the borough officers and see whether ar- rangements could be made to put ina plant here. . Electric light is the only reliable, safe, clean: and economic light for both domes- tic and other ‘piarposes,: and the time is now here ‘when by two small copper wires you can have heat in cold weather, run an electric fan on same wires to fan yourself when it is warm and furnish J light on the same wires. What the electric light company asks of the borough is about as follows: . The right for thirty years to erect poles, string overhead or underground wires,” and maintain the same over and across or un- derneath Any of the. public strects, alleys amd highways within the borough (said wires to be properly insulated) for the purpose of transmitting an electric cur: rent for light, heat and power to consum- ers, or for transportation purposes, as the company may at any time see fit or nec- essary for the proper transaction of their dividual or corporated, shall be granted any’rights of a similar character to this, during the continuance of the ageement, it. being agreed that the company. will | maintain au efficient plant at afl times. The borough. is to agree to pay the bor augh taxes on’ the plant for five vedrs. Then} after the agreement is sigred, the borough is to make the right of way one of the borough ordinances. Mr. Staub says IT he can sell 700 lights here, that the price per 18.candle power light per month, will be 80 cents, which ut ag cheap and in some cases cheap oun, | {8 800 se. ] €¥ than oil: From $4 to $6 per month ‘will be charged for each 2000-candlo pow: : | endight for street lighting, the pricede: pending on the number of lights taken: The borough will’ have to Day Suing | da {forthe coustruction of the line, the stréét lights and the poles from’; which | thiey ate to be hung. and if we under: stand the proposition the borough will not be compelled to Tight the streets, but that ihe plant will be put in if 700 lights : ‘can be sold te private parties,’ The lights | 'need only be taken for a year at a time, and if at any time any person desires to | discard the electric light, he can do en at compelled to invest In electric light for | his house whe does not wang it. In other words, Tt wilt be only for those who want {t. but we believe that if the plant is once put in, all will want it, as thé citizens of Meyersdald are all delighted with it. Many who opposed it at first are now the most enthusiastic in its favor. Mr. Stanb wants our people to lake a vote on the electric light question, ‘next Saturday, the 27th. but that is too soon. We must have a little more time to con- sider the question in all ite phases. The borough officers have the full power to make the desl, without consulting any- one, but they do not want to do business that way. Mr. Staub had better come up here in person; and call a public meeting and explain everything fully. Then we can act on the question speedily and intelligently. If the plant is put in, it will be Jsonted 80 as to light both Salisbury and West Salisbury. and Tee Bran. believes that the time is here for us to have our streets and ‘houses lighted with ¢électric light. But some few-are opposed to the scheme on the ground thatitisa scheme by the Meyersdate people to get things in petter shape for. the proposed electric road: What ifit, is? If Meyersdale wants to ‘put an electric road. into our. town, let it bo putin. It will: cost the ‘people of Salisbury nothing and will not hurt the ‘town, even if it would doit no good. Tax Star has no fight to make on the electric road whatever, But believing that such a road would not piy, we would advise our peopleto put no capital in it. But if Meversdale wants to build euch a road all herself, for Heaven's sake let her build it. Electric light is what we want here and should work for, no matter whether it brings an electric road or not. . But before closing this article Tae Stan | will! state that it opposes giving any com- pany the exclusive right to operate an electric plant in this town for thirty years Salisbury does not. want to put her foot in it in that way. Especially ' as there is home company for the purpose of putting ‘are in earnest about this business, and if capital will give us electric light, it ve. the gle ‘We believe city on Tuesday evening to confer with | I business. No other company. either in- | the end of any year, and no one willbe | now a movement on foot to organizea | Our capitalists. to get:a plant of our own, but we are will: ing to listen to what Mr. Staub has to shy, but the 30-year privilege is not guingi to take here. We want electric light and are going to have it, but if Mr. Stanb wants to pat in thie plant he will have 10 change his proposition considerably. §¥" For DISTRICT ATTORNEY, J. A. BERKEY, of Somerset Borough. Subject to the decision of the Republican Pr mary election, to be held Saturddy. April 9, 180: EDITORIAL REMARKS, THR silver question ‘promises’ to maim a lot of ‘politicians.’ Lookout for the ex: plosion. ge ts ohm et os 4 ie ”. 5 Mg. BrAaiNg never knew how many friends he had until he wrote his letter © of withdrawal Is it because “familiarity breeds con: tempt” that some men ‘object | to beeom- - ing familiar with truth? EX GE It is better to be the humblest laborer 3 in the land than to ‘be proprietor of. A grounded Presidential boom. Tar bi-chloride of gold treatment f drunkenness appears to be almost as fa- tal in its effects as delirium tremens. Hero! Is there to be a Ben Buti National political party this year? Ther is ground for jue belief that Ben is will fog. Mgr. CrLEvELARD should extend his Southern trip to Alabama, asthe Hill men are claiming a solid d delegation ftom that state. {Tas Alliance Congressmen’ will soon have a chance to earn their spurs. ast fight in the House over the free coinage bill promises 10 be exceedingly lively. EE presidency ‘of an insurance ¢ pany. even though it carries a salar of $75,000 a year, is fot the kind of presi dency that Mr. Grover Cleveland is aft Tan politician invariably speaks of his side. as ‘‘the people.” The real people ssw wood, and, sometithes, ~entirely fo ssldpm-sit down right hard ig Poli: tician,: sand privately instriets bis “h ers” to work up public sentiment in fi or of compelling his acceptance. ) te Cor. ErvLiorr F. Saerarn. the “oul good New York editor, threatens hs keep Tammany so busy at home, ‘explaining his charges. against its ‘members, thatit will have no time to bother with Nation: 5 al affairs. Tae air-ship fever is raging in various. sections of the world at this time, anid the. time has gone by when its victims ave called cranks. It may be months, or it may be years, but aerial navigation, . : bound to come. co A BAILROAD trast, involving property valued at $450,000,000, is the latest, and it is now proposed to combine all the tanneries in the country into one mam- moth trust to be evntrolled by English capital. There is surely a limit to this sort of thing. In Europe the newspaper ‘correspond: ent who sends his paper news that sational enough to affect the stock Aen- ark ‘et, is banished from the ¢ountry in which he ‘happens to be; in America the same class of news gets the correspondent a comfortable raise in his salary. res A To AA 3 3 Taz Republican gatrymander ot Ohio is but the “tit” for the democratic “rar” It.weoms a great pity that sil the ‘states. ; could not be permanently disticted by some non-partisan ‘authority. without regard to the wishes of either political : party. The common-sense idea of a con- . 5 gressional ‘district is thatit should be a or compact as possible. ; Now that Congress has determined that:the Pension office shall: be investi- gated and Speaker Crisp has appointed an committee of five to do it. let that com: mittee lay aside partisan polities and to find out whether the many charges which have been made against that bu J resu are true or false. That is what © | country wants ‘to know, let it. help o hurt who ft may. es A NEW magnesinm lamp, devised by M. Dronier, burns without attention for regular periods of 24 hours.’ A pound of magnesium is consumed in about 100 hours, giving a Night equal to that of pounds of candles, 80 pounds of pet lepm, or somewhat more than 100 cubi
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