hand, fat JOLOGNA Fb ~ vinced that SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA. THURSDAY, MARCH, 3, 1802. NUMBER 13. $2.50 per cord, deliv- : ered at the works of the _ Standard Extract Co., West Salisbury, Pa. UPTON H. WHITE, Manager. IN (1 E LE ‘he Direct Route to and som Chicege, Joliet, tons, Peoria, La Salle, Moline, Rock: Jsland, 4 in JriINom: Peoria, 1a Muscatine, _° contain Soda and Charcoal. WEADACHE POWDERS For Nervous or Sick Headache from any cause. They Used by thousands of persons because harmless and unlike any others which are narcotics, to be ‘avoided. Do not + accept a substiute. If your druggist does not sell them send 10c. or 250. in stamps to F. G. STEWART & Co., 588 Dearborn st., Chicago: For sale by J. L. Barchus, Salisbury, Pu, and Eichnor Drug Co., Meyersdale, Pa. 18652. ‘Audubon fn TOWA; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in MIN- A; Watertown snd Sfoux Falls, in DAKOTA ; Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City, in MISSOURI ; maha, Lincoln, Fairbury and Nelson, in NEBRASKA. Leavenworth, Horton, Topeks, Hutchinson 3 Belleville, Abilene, Dodge City, Caldwell, in Kingfisher, El Reno and Minco, in INDIAN RITORY; Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, RADO. Traverses new areas of rich farming grazing lands, affording the best facilities of inter- feation to all towns and cities east and west, orth: vest and southwest of Chicago and to Pacific and - ‘teans-oceanic seaports. from Manitou, Pike's Peak and all other sanitary and gcenic resortsand cities and mining districts in Colorado, Dany FAST EXPRESS TRAINS From St Joseph and Kansas Oity to and from all im- portant towns, cities and sections in Southern Nebraska, Kansns and the Indian Territory, Also via ALBERT EEA BOUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to Water- town, Sioux. Falls, MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, connectiong for all points north and northwest between ¢ lakes and thé Pacific Coast. “For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information * #pply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States 7 Lor Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, © Gen’l Manager, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen’l Tkt. & Pass, Agta CHICAGO, ILL. ; all's Meat Marke 1s headqu arters for everything usually kept in a Hirst class meat market. The Best of Everything - i to be bud in the meat line always on hand, in- _ cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA Land Fresh Fish, in Season. iry my wares. Come and be con- handle noue hut the best of goods, Give me your patronage, and if 1 don’t treat ore an You square and right, there will be nothing to + 8 Some you to continue buying of me. You will + find that 1 will at all times try to please you. COME ON : . and be convinced that I can do you good and that dam not trying to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage, ‘and soliciting a continuance and increase of the Same, 1 am respectfully, $otasper Wahl. : Insurance Agency of Ym. B. COOK, or a full line of the best American nd Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of asselts, PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- _ tlement of clavms. W. B. COOK, ML Agent. General Solicitor and Collector. the interes! Hh land ms A “monthly Peper , Jerored ul oo to. help advance t en bd bw vhs gnoe i And yet we are not content. 1892. Hardware, STOVES and ded, We handle the celebrated line of Cinder- ella Stoves and Ranges, also the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of stove thal may be desired, We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES 1 on shelf and other hardware, including Oils, Paints. Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware. | Horse Pads, Blankels, Robes, ete. ele., and such other things that may be Jound in a qe hard ware store. Iu the tine of Tinware we can Furnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or quality. from the cheap- est.lo the best of grades. at lowest prices. Spotting, Roofing and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give satisfaction, al reasonable prices. Solicit ing your patronage, we remain C. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. ished 40 Ye On the Corner of Grant and Ord Streets. While our trade has been growing year ‘by year, we are today working as diligently to , enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come | than our efforts were in the past. “Onward!” Is The Watchword Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, \ x Low Prices, a matured experience and unflagging enterprise are the keys to success. We thank you for your patronage, which has made this stcre what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pro- portionately. We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- ware, Queensware, Groteries, ‘Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, { Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes. of all sizes Wood and Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. ~ Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc, en in exchange at market prices. Country Produce tak- P. 8 HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA Caner takes this method of returning his thanks to the many patrons — Dealer In— ii ” i Grantsville, Md., | who haye enabled him to make a complete success of his strict- ly cash system venture, We find that we can, under the above system, give our pat- necessary to make up for ad accounts. rons any goods they may’ need, without the additional profit I pay Cash. and sell goodsTat Cash Prices, yor Cash, and give you a cordial invitation” to visit'us and i inspect our stock; we will risk your bu . ng: | ‘dispatch. 3 TONS, you fade Bargains —— AT H GC SHAW, WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and govern yourself accordingly : Minnehaha Flour, per barrel Pillsbury's Best, per barrel 3 ‘Minesota X X X,perbarrel ........ ....i. .:0.90 Reitz’s Best, per barrel, ' Becker Flour, perbarrel .. ... ..... ......4 Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per B Shelled Corn, per bushel ‘White Oats, per bushel “Sal persack Mining Powder. S Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at Bottom Prices. Give me a call and I will save vou money. H.C. SHAW. D. 0. McKINLEY, tenders his professional services to those requir ing dental treatment. Office on Union St., west of Brethren Church. A M IICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. ” 'Office first door sonth of the M. Hay corner. SALISBURY, PA. A. F. SPICICHICR, Physician And: Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury, Penua. J. C. LOWRY, ATTORNEY AT TAT, SOMERSET, PA. R.M.BEACHY, VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases horse flesh is heir to. Has the latest and most improved veterinary sur- gical instruments and appliances, also a com- plete veterinary library. - Veterinary Obstetrics a Specialty. A complete stock of veterinary medicines al- ways on hand, thereby saving trouble and an- noyance. Horses taken for treatment for $2.50 per week | #nd upwards, according to treatment required. Consult me before killing your broken-legged and tetanized horses. I have treated tetantus or locked-jaw successfully. Place of residence, 8 miles west of Salisbury, Pa. Postoffice address, Grantsville, Md. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA., “DEALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. ! Repairin of all kinds done with neatness and ive me your patronage, and I will try to please you THE VALLEY HOUSE, H. LOECHEL, Proprietor. Board by the day, week or ‘month, First-class accommodations: Rates reasonable. THR Onvy Liornsep Horr IN SALISBURY. We take pleasure: in trying to please onr pat- | in always and THe VaLie J Senator Blair's 1 atood at least 10 feet high. £5 For DISTRICT ATTORNEY, J. A. BERKEY, of Somerset Borough. 7 Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri- mary election, to be held Saturday, April 9, 1892 EDITORIAL REMARKS. To G. C.: Have you tried hypnotism? That might give you control of the plang of D. B. H. THE Prince of Wales is to retire from the turf. Wonder if somebody. has been monkeying with his jockeys? Mr. CLEVELAND now appreciates the Biblical statement that ‘a prophet is not without honor, save in his own coantry.” BENATOR Gibson, of Maryland, has been losing time. A sneak thief walked off with his wife's watch the other day. Some Presidential’ candidates believe in assuming in public a modest mein. but it is needless to say Senator Hill isn’t one uf that kind. THERE is no’ serious objection to ex- becoming President; he might'send his old edueational speeches to Congress as Special messages. me oe IT Toe editors who knew exactly what the Bt. Louis industrial conference wonld do now find themselves overstocked with “I told you 80's.” which they have been unable to work off. Fame and fortune awaits the inventor who cin devise an automatic conpler, with unbreakable grip, that can he guar- anteed 10 hook the politicians to the winning Presidential boom. Craroaco has not vet demanded an ex- planation of the House Chaplain for his action in publicly praving for Divine protection for those who went on the Congressional excursion to that city. , PRESENT indications are that in the near future the old toper will be unable to walk a square without having a sign something like this staring him in the face: “Drunkenness cured while you wait.” IN his! proclamation stating what the exira session of the legislature of Texas would do, Governor Hogg omitted one thing that it is certain to do. That is to pliv—on second thought we have con- cluded 10 leave it to, You to say what. Ox fhe same day that New York turned dhe cold shoulder to Brother Cleveland. Michigan gave him a prodigal son’s recep- tion, but it does not necessarily follow that he Will be supported by the Michigan delegation to the Chicago convention. IF it were not that each of the many Democratic editors, pressing the claims of ‘some good western man” upon their party, had a different man in his eye, the chance of the wesi's securing the Democratic nomination would be much hrighter. ThE biggest junket of the age—That Congressional excursion. Foar special trains, made up of thirty-two Pullinan cars, with free refreshments galore. cer: tainly made a gorgeous ‘“‘onsomble” as John Crapeau would say; but who pays the freight? THERE must have been a few privates in the late war. although there is litile in the records of Congress to prove it. Rep- resentative Vincent Taylor. of Ohio, wishes to remove all doubts: by erecting a $100,000 monument at Washington: in honor of the private soldiers. BonEs recently found in New Zealand are estimated to represent 500 specimens of the moa. This immense wingless bird, now oxtinet, seems to have been hunted and eaten by the carly inhabitants of New Zealand, and is believed to have Madagascar had another giant wingless bird, whose eggs—10 or 12 inches in diameter, three times the size of those of the ostrich— | have been discovered. OR 2nd page we give you a full ac- count of the recent hloody revolt in Ber- lin, Germany. The old German empire seems to be in a bad way, and the time is undoubtedly near at band wlen the down-trodden masses of that nation will wipe their despotic monarchiat form of government out of existence. That. is what they should have done long ago. Germany's present emperor is both a fool and a tryant, and his despotic reign has- tens the doom of thatempire. Prox. OLIVER J. LODGE calculates that the impact of light-waves from the sun produces a pressure on the moon's sur- face of about 1000 tons. In a total eclipse of the moon tkis force is withdrawn, but since the total attraction of the sun on the moon is to be éstimated in millions of tons, this slight apparent diminution no appreciable effect. Upon a Photography. greater than the attraction “of gravita- tion. Such a body need not be infinite ly minute, but of a size comparable with that of a grain of dust. Ij is conceivahii: that the dropping off of comets’ tails 0 their approach 10 the sun is due to this action. THE schedule time for cars on the pro- posed electric’ railway between Vienna: and Buda-Pesth is expected to be 75 min. utes for the entire distance of 150 mile As planned, the road will have (wo main power stations, with 100 sub stations bat only three or four stopping place Each ear will be about 130 feet long fitted with four bogie trucks, and at tric motor at each end will receive : rent through contact wheels running. aw : conducting rails. The ends of the. cats to diminish air resistance. will Le shap 1 like those of an air ship. IT makes the public exceedingly w to read so much of the uncalled for: in the newspapers that starts out in th wise: “Whereas, it has pleased God fo remove from our midst,” ete: ‘efe. Fo Heaven's sake, when will this “tom for ery” end? Let it be emphatically un er stood right here that THE STAR, like Somerset Herald, will positively refus hore its readers with resolutions spect unless they are paid. for at ad gL tising rates. It is not the mission “of press to bore the public with resolutic of respect. but if an editor must muk paper a receptacle for various kinds rot, there is no reason why lie shoul be paid for so doing. = Whenever you tempted to resolute, just don’t 48 it TrE juice of the laequer- tree (BA vernicifera) is the natural varnish up which depends the famous lacquer w of the Japancse.. Specimens of this tree were brought from Japan 16 yea and planted in the Botanical Guides Frankfort, where they have flour . and’have yielded seeds from which tl ty voung trees have sprung. This pla now has 84 healthy trees 80 feet h To determine whether the juice is affect by its changed” conditions, Prof, Rein sent samples to Japanese artists for t and is having comparative analyses by eminent chemists. If the reporis favorable, iL is expected that the Jacqui tree will be quite: extensively planted] Germany, and that Earopeans willl be structed in the lnguering of wood by wor ker from Japan. Ina paver on “The Leni Fatnus « " Me. F. Adolphe mentio the following: as among : the speciulti which moder n men of science are ge ing as 8° means whereby their resus may be indirectly turned into gold: 1. The artificial production of the diamon from carbon. which means the crystal zation of carbon. 2. A prevention 0 cure for epilepsy and consumption. 8 The camplete combustion of conl, of which but five per cent is now nvailabi 4. Photography is natural colors. 5 The direct utilization of solar heat. anil the ebb and fload. 6. The production of “attar of roses” from worthless sath stances. Even the nlchemist’s origingl dream of direct and genuine transmu tion is being revived, for the indication are increasing that thes présent elements are not the simple substances they hy 3 been supposed, and should gold prove 1 be a compound its artificial production would be but nu question of time: What a Baby Did in One Hour. [As reported by bis bachelor unele.} Yelled 15 minutes: without tuk in breath. [Uncle Will declares solemnly that this is a true statement. ] ER Pulled out’ enough hair from his imele’ § head and whiskers to stuff a sofa pillow Crocked the wall paper ashigh as be could reach with the poker. SE Broke a stereoscope by sitting dawn or it. Swallowed six Battons and a for NE part ! of a spool of thread. Eniptied the contents of his mother's work-basket down tlie furnuce register. Tried to squeeze the head of a eat into atin cup, aud was serate hed badly in the attempt. Knocked the Bend off a fine wax aul belonging to his older sister by trying to: drive a tack into a toy wagon with it Fell off the edge of the whatnot, brought down with Lim two costly vases which were ruined, : : Broke two panes of window glass witli a cane which uncle let him have. Fell into the coal-hod and spoiled. hig new white dress. ; ; Set fire to the carpet while suis was out of the room bunting up something to amuse him. Crawled under the bed and refused to come out nnless uncle would give him the molasses jug. Got twisted into the rungs of a chai which had to be broken to get him out. Poured a pitcher of water into his mother’s best shoes. Finally, when he saw his sioner ing, he r n it 1 the porch An
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers