' Novel ‘oys and many of aay rind of & oo find that joes very — Fd ITH, eat and ices. If onvince cot, TOR". fresh <, gO 5t, go 8 to i 18, 1802. NUMBER 11. to success. ~| We thank you for | your - patronage, which. = mide this ; stcre what it is today. A ontinuance, we hope, will be as} | fruitful in the future development and enlargement ; as it has been in the past, and your Jappiniese. i be, Ingreased Pro: £ portionately. :! We keep i in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions. Boots : and hg es, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- T Office first door south of the M. Hay corner, ueensware, ‘Groceries, Confectionery, ‘School Books, Staconery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, | Vardtishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window |, | Glass, alt kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of al sizes Wood | and| wd Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. = Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, ete. Country ) Produce tak-| + enin exchange at market prices. : Pt 8. HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA : {ion nile rn Ai ogi [© R. Haselbarth’& Son, 2 Ed Heselbarth, Dem Haan 45. STOVES and TIN. * We handle the celebrated. line of Oinder- : con rth tating ade at tn and 4 of quantity or the best de and oll binds otiot work, guard it Salisbury, Pa. | © SHAWS, WEST ‘SALISBURY. | Look at the. following ‘quotations and yon t accordingly: ot | Wm. Cochrane, Bep...... Cian 40.8. Lichliter, Demi ili ine. 4 | M. 3 Livengood, Rep {1 7T. Slottehy, Dem........ BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS. BH : Election Returns of Elk Ligk Township and Salisbury Borough. Following is the vote- cast in the bor- { ough: : | JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Levi Lichliter, Dem.............. an No other candidate in the field. HIGH CONSTABLE. John Fair, Rep ; C. ©. McKenzie, Dents)... . 0: 41. , © | TAXCOLLEETOR. Ww. A ‘Glotlelty, Rep M B. Wagner, Dem JUDGE OF ELECTION. 1 Adam Fogle, Rep. Safaris 1, E. H., Lambert, Dem.. 3 INSPHOTOR. Ww. A Glotfelty. Rep... R. A. Kidvoer, Dem i STREET COMMISSIONER. David Eunos, Rep....: Alfred Wagner, Dem... .... 00. 1.64 © BOHOOL DIRECTORS. D. 0. McKinley. Rep; : T. Wagner, Rep... ...... 8. A Wagner, Dem. : AUDITOR. Lanes BURGESS. X ; Jer, J. Livengood, Reb... .: RED 89. 4 BH Loechel, Dean... y Assim. Ll Eollowing is the vote of Ek Lick town: ship: susTICR or THE PEACE. : Sf 1B. Martin, Rep........ rin aves 128 IS A Kretchman, Dem E OF ELECTION. © Robert Coc rane; Bep....i....... <. 148. Dante} Duecker; Pemi....... ©: INSPROTOR. Harvey Livengood, Rep............ 147 Retthen Folk, Dem.........0.... ous 187: r+. WAX COLLECTOR, ! J Iron Dom... iets | AseEESOR. A. Tu Law, Bob... 2100 84 0t8.. Bamue! Comptom, Dem..........c. +168. : BOAD SUPERVISORS. : Pik, Rp... nein so 200, 8. A. Christnar, Rep............ ; Wm. Hawn, Rep........... Sais ‘Richard Glotfelty, Dem..... (ii ene, 1 Obris, Lee, Dem................ Laid e you | 1:5. Maust, Dem. tenders nis i potemtons servides w0'thioss equ | ing dental treatment. fine ou aton st, west of Brethren Chureh. AM LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. SALISBURY. PA, A. F. SPEICHER, Physician. And Surgeon, tenters his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity,’ a oo enfuaf Gran ah and Union Sts, Setar, x eC. LOWRY, ATTORITAE ATLAS, Somhser, Pa. _ Grantsville, Md, , ake this metliod of returning. his. thanks to the many patrons . who Have enabled him to make 2 sompias success of his strict- ly cash system venture. : We find. that we can, under the shove system, give our pat. | rors a any goods they may need, without the addidions| proc} Rr MM. BERCHY, _| VETERINARY SURGEON, frosts all curable diseases horse flesh 18 heir to, Has the latest and most iniproved veterinary sur- gleal instruments and nary. TT imesh alio a com plete veterinary library Veterinary Obstetrics a ‘Specialty. A complete stock of veterinary medicines al: I'ways on band, thereby saving trouble and au. noyanoe, 0 - Horses taken for Sontinant for #0 ‘per week .{ and upwards, according to treatment required. Consult me before killing your broken-legged and tetanized horses. 1 have Sreated tetautus or : locked: jaw i ity. Place of residence, a miles’ west of Salisbury, a. Postoffice : Grantsville, Md, CASPER TOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA. —~DEALER IN. {BOOTS and SHOES. of all ki tness and Rn a THE yatey HOUSE, | SCHOOL DIRECTORS, "8. A. Beachy, Rep........cc..orarn. 01, D. W. Maust, Rob ranirernsers, 100. | R.A, Winter, Ind. Rep.......... +2100, ¥ U. A. Merrill, Bethe tom 81 . | AUDITOR. So J.P Vogel, Rep... oii +148. J. M. Hay, Dem.............. Ceevan SI TOWNSHIP CLERK. a A Rodamer, Rep.............. L181 C. J. Fike, Dem. . cavensnesanees dds CONSTABLE. fir & Chas, Cromen Rep... ........... 180, Calvin Faller, Demi............... 188. BOITORIAL RI REMARKS: history, went Republican at the election on Tuesday. There ia some hope for Hyuduan yet, ; Tug returns of Inst Tuesdays elections show large Republican gains all over the state.” Theold Keystone state is evident ly gelling in proper trim. for the Presi: dential fray. ' Rosear T. LincoLy declares in em- phatic terms that he is nora candidate for the presidency. It begins to look more like Hatr{son every day, and Harri: son will do very well. | “Pug first hanging in Kent ay. Del.. since 1851, occurred a few weeks ago, aid now the Pittsburgh Times. is unkind enough to say that it is no wonder Dela. Repuhlfean, Tar novel feature of a new electric boat, the ides of a French eugineer, fs a seawater battery. The zinc and copper plates are under the boat, and can pe raised or lowered by pulleys, serving as a kind of keel while at the same time driving a propeller by meaus of a motor. Amr en A cHANGE of name is more important to Salisbury than any other one thing. Why don’t our leading citizens speak out reform? Waken up, gentlemen, and let its hear from you. You cannot afford to remain silent on this important subject. In January. § 1891, the imports of flour by Cnba were, from the United Bintes, 2.720 sacks and from Spain 88,490, but in | January, 1892, the reciprocity arrange. ne: ‘into effect on the 1st, + dhe imports ote, from foida. none ‘and | w M. B. Kretcliman, Dem..............08. HEYNDMAN. for the. the first time. in its ware goes Democratic when it shonld be | and belp to bring about this much needed yo Tag other day we noticed several real pretty girls in the act of chewing gum: Of course that is very beconiing 10 the gentle sex, for what looks more lovely than a young; sweet-mouthed girl doing the open and shut act on a hank of white: gum about the size of her foot? The mo- tion is usually very easy and quiet when they don’t open their mouths in the set, It brings the dimples to view, protrudes their pretty lips as for a kiss, strengt ens the muscles of their jaws for mas cating tough meéat and enlarges their *| pretty cheeks. We adnfire the lab even when they wallop their tongues around over thelr shoulders and tickle the young fellow in the rear chu * { under the chin. There is nothing. er to our vision than {0 see n sweet moat] spread. all over the north part of the pretty face of a gtw-chewing girl. 2 a Tag STAR has been Miformed th several Democrats in this vicinity - ha said that they would like fo snbecribe “it, but are afraid that the paper, migh too rough on their party during ¢ ‘idential campaign, Out erring polit brethren. known asthe. ‘great un Democracy,” should uot make the appear ridiculuus by acting’ ns they were afraid of whata Re paper published ih a country {ow do. ‘Tut! tut] gentlemen, come ol you can't stand what opposition “ |say sgainst your doctrine, itis s sign that vou are too tender’ f | world: But don't be aldrmed, of Sraris not going to abuse anybody; less it Is in self-defense. We cu very pronounced political paper abusing anyone: Abuse is not Argan and we shall not use it a 3 “RAZORS IN THE amg = Not Exactly Razors, bug Weapons oe _gerous. How They Gut Hair, Spill and Smash Windows In West Sulls- bary, Last Saturday ‘night West ‘Salishuey was the scene of wars ‘and Time wars, and blood flowed. freely. © Jother stuff, and the fact that othe “| flowed freely was the reason that | have occasion to record the gor of those who looked too often upon tl “Juice of the bug” when it egtth Ei" - a ns amy & some: * thing thet Tum ran does not. ch senseless. It is said that Tom I threw both stones, because Pile og to whip bis brother James. rant is out for the arrest of Tom, Ww has fled, but he will likely be capt and broughit back by the time this Lprint. Au assault and battery cise intent to kill, is looked for when | is captured, and the prevailing opinl that it will go hurd with him, if what is. charged with can be proven. Tre SrA fs also Tuforied | that evening 1 aud — Mr. Willinms was Struck with a beer mug. Reports. ho ever, about that feature of the ‘perform: ances are very equtradictory but on Monday dvening : AKOTHER ROW Ey occurred st the same hotel, and onée more stones flew with a vengeance. This time the trouble was with Simon Haw mer, who concluded to act the part of lammer as well ay bear that name. wanted admittance to the hotel at a1 when he wasn't. wanted inside, so Williams informs us, and becaiise admit tance was refused he smashed in a wil dow with stones and battered upithe do considerably, : - This was too much for the landlord, and the next day Hammer wus arrested on the charge of malicious mischief, found guilty and flued. The fine w paid and Mr. Williams satisfied. B Simon wasn't satisfied, and that bein the case, he went to: Esquire Lichi and made a sworn statement that hie Mr. Williams to openly violate the Hg laws by selling liquor to persons visibl under its influence ‘und getting’ the drunk as to endanger ‘their own lives, Williams will now have to give a bond for his appearance at court, snd the lic is unxiously awaiting lo see whethe or not he can prove that he igh in ul the charue against him. Garrett Connty Getting There: As this paper has frequently stated, Gar vett county, Md., has ag fore her, being rich in timber und w al wealth. The people out ther
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