SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, FEB, 11, 1892. NUMBER 10. 0 _ at the ors of the a ndard Extract Co., ' West Salisbury, Pa. || : on H. WHITE, Manager. OFF ICIAL GUIDE World's Fais and Chicago “NOW READY. earls un pages size 9x15 inches. Elegantly . Handsomely bound in silk cloth, em- Bemed in gold. Superbly illustrated ‘with mag- cet representations of all the mammoth Fair Buildings. Esch building a fli lored plate, executed in eight oil colors at of nearly FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. ¥ photographic views of Chicago's ‘“sky- ** bnildings, such asthe new Masonic Temple, 21. stories Nigh, the Auditorium, the gery, etc. A superb bird's-eye view of the eity, size 13x25 inches. The crowning aire 1s a grand cyclorama pleture, Bird's-eye few of the Exposition Grounds and Buildings, ght ofl colors, size 9x18 tnoher, positively | | ng in magnificence, revealing what will “For Notvons or Sick Headache tom a any cause. They ota Soda and Charcoal. Used by thousands of persons because harmless and unlike any others which are narootics, to be avoided. Do not 4 - acoept asubstinte. If your druggist does 4 not sell them send 10c. or 25e. in 4 stamps to F, G. StEwasr & Co, 368 Dearborn st., Chicago: 2 4 ver $20,000,000. It i'n wonderful ploture, wing what cannot perfectly be de " §, where the richest products of every clime be shown. Every nation In the world will resented. 1e book is for the mittens who contemplate ting Chicago in 1898. It will be purchased by lions who cannot go, but who wlll desire | know Just what their friends are seeing. Chance ofa Lifetime! : ay - eredit. Livers). toting or full particulars or ‘secure the agency yend uy 95 genta for - wlegass, Emily Publish 8t. Louls, Mo. AR MAN TR THE GEOGRAPHY UF THIS COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION STUDY. OF THIS MAP OF THE : SEE Ho Unie hn, JOHN. sEBAST dt on the Gorner of Grant and Ord Streets. And yet we are not content. . While our trade has. Seana growing year by year, we are today working as diligently to enlarge our business and servé you better in years to come than our efforts were in the past. gore “Dnward!” - Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, Low Prices, a matured Experience and unfagzing enterprise are the keys to success. = Cs od We thank you for your patronage, which has made this stcre what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as. it has been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pio: portionately. We: keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boys Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard-| ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners' Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, ‘Minnehaha Flour, etc. Country Produce tak- en in exchange at market prices. : =P. $. HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA. A. L. GIN AGHEY, General Merchandise, Grantsville, Md. takes this method of returning ‘his-thanks to the many patrons | ‘who have enabled him to make a complete Success of his strict- {ly cash system venture. ' rf ie We find that we can, under the above system, give our pat- rons any goods they may need, without the additional profit necessary to make. up for bad accounts. I pay ‘Cash and sell goods; ‘at Cash Prices, for Cash, and give you a “cordial invitation to visit us and inspect our stock; we wil risk your Bargains! : i ~~ A Pe’ H. C. BHAW’'S, WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and govern yourself uccordingly: Minehaha Flour, per barrel... ............8. Phisbury’s Best, perbarrel...... .... ...... 5 Minesota X XX, per barrel bi raas a Reitz's Best, per barrel, Becker Flour, per barrel . Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per » Shelled Corn, pet bushel iL White Onta. per bushel, | Wiig powder de aes 1 Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at Bottom Prices. @ive me a call and 1 will save you hey. H.C. SHAW. ‘Dr. D. 0. McKINLEY, 1D) : tenders Naprotamsionat sdrvices to those requir: ¢ ing dental treatment. often on Union'St., west tof Brethren Church. : AM. LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. ‘Office first door sonth of the M. Hay corner, SALISBURY, PA. . ALF. SPEICHER, Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the citizens of} Salisbury and vicinity. “Office, corner Grant and Union 8ts., Salisbury, Penna, TE c LOWRY, ! ATEORNET aD TANT, JSONERSET, Pa. =. Mi. BEACHY, X VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases horse flesh is heir to, Has the latest and most improved veterinary sur- gleal instruments and appliances, also a com- plete veterinary library. : Vejerinary Obstetrics a Specialty. noyance. * Hotses' taken for treatment for $2.50 per week and upwards, according to treatment required. Consult me before ‘killing your broken-legged -} and tetanized horses. I have treated tetantus or locked-jaw successfully. Place of residence; 3 miles west of Sallsbury, | Pa. Postoffice address,” Grantsville, Md. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA., —DEALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Give me your patronage, and I will try to please yon. "WAGNER'S GROCERY! The best place in Sallsbury to get pure, fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, choice Cigars and Tobacco, Refreshing Drinks, Fresh Oysters and other things in the grocery line, is at M. H. Wagner's grocery. Yours for bargaius, M. H. WAGNER. 5 Insurance Agency Of | Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Agent for a full line of the best American and Foreign companies, vepresenting over Forty-four Million Dollars of assetls. PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- tement of claims. W. B. COOK, MF. SMITH, Agent. General Solicitor and Collector. BEATTY’ S 2 CELEBRATED : For Catalogues; Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. |THE . VALLEY HOUSE, H. LOECHEL, Proprietor. Board by the day, week or month. First-class accommodations. Rates reasonable. Tue ORLY Licexsen Horer IN SALISBURY. We take pleasure in trying to please our pat- rons, and you will always find TaE VALLEY a good, orderly honse. 8. Lowry & ar UNDERTARKERS., at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also have A FINE HEARSE, and all funerals entfusted to us will receive prompt attention or WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. stock of veterinary medicines al-. way, on hood, thereby saving trouble and. ans 1 { ealenlated for the advaucement of msn: { pick and shovel. Penna. ORGANS And PIANOS. : . Are the Best. Write for e. Address Dan EDITORIAL REMARKS. Tage Pittsburgh Daily Times is a hust- ler from Hustlersville. It scooped all the other Pittsburgh papers in giving the news concerning the noted Fitzsimmons affair. The Times is a sort of all-round dandy newspaper, Anyway. . Now that Blaine is out of the Presi- dential race, this paper is for the man that “‘gets there” at the Republican Na- tional convention. Either Harrison, Gresham or Bob Lincoln will fill the bill and be able to knock out anything the Deniocrats can stick up. Some people in these days of divorces are much opposed to divorces. - With all such this paper hegs leave to differ. Di- vorces are in most cases a good thing and usually sesult from married folks not be- ing adapted to each other. When a mar- ried couple find that they are not adapted to each other, they should lose no time in becoming divorced, for when people live together in continual turmoil they are ‘unfit torear families and the public good and future welfare of the world de- mand their separation, As will be seen on th page of this is- sus, James G. Blaine is out with a letier stating that he is not a candidate for the presidency under any circumstances. That ought to settle it, but it grinds Tee STAR to learn that such is really the case, for Mr. Blaine is undpubtedly the almost unanimous choice of his party for the of- fice. However, ‘it is greater to be Jim Blaine than to be president, and the pehple of the whole world recognize that fact. Evin should he retire fo private life. he | would still stand head and shoulders above all the world for greatness. He is great er than all the crowned heads of the world combined, mightier than the com- bined armies of the globe, grander than grandeur itself. JupciNg from the lengthy article in this issue signed “Miner,” and headed Grassy Hollow;” some people may be lead to believe that this is a regular K. of L. paper. But such is not the case, how: ever, as THE STAR is not an organ pub- | lished in the interests of any one class ot} people. newspaper, and as our chief object is print the news, we feel just as independ ‘ent'as a hog on ice. ‘But as this paper is kind in general, and for the greatest good to the greatest number of the inhabitants in the locality in which it is published. we do not feel disposed to deny space to ‘anyone who has anything to say in which this community is interested. This town may properly be classed with mining towns, as its prosperity is largely due to the men who wield the This being the case we deem it but justice to the miners to give space to their opinions in our columns, for the whole community is more or less interested in their welfare. If they are prosperous, the whole country around us is prosperous, while if business is dull with them it is also more or less dull with the rest of us. It don’t pay to try to keep the laboring men down, for they are the bone and sinew of our country, and when yoni sneer at what the laboring man has to say for his cause, or try to keep him from giving his views on things of pub- lic interest, then you are indeed opposing your own best interests. * All men have a right to lie heard upon ghestions in which the public is inter- ested, and the columns of this paper are open to capital- and labor alike. All we ask is for contributors to avoid getting into personalities and, to limit themselves toa reasonable amount of space. The Grassy Hollow article is a good one and | contains some excellent points—points which any honest man can: endorse. But the writer .monopulizes too much of our space. and hereafter must he more brief, if he has anything further to say. CORRESPONDENCE. ¥rom Rev. O.F. Harshman.® Eprror Star: —When the initial num- ber of your newspaper came to hand, I concluded to write you, but this threat- ened ealamity—to your readers—w as happily averted by other matters engag- ing oir attention. Having been a resi: dent of Salisbury for five and a half years, I am very much interested in the welfare and prosperity of the people, and ean- not but congratulate the citizens on hay- ing such a wide-awake paper as THe STAR established in their midst. It brings to us news of friends’ and acquaintances ‘and seems as the face of an old friend looking in on us among the mountains up here in Cambria county. I judge itis not the mission of the newspaper or the ministry to follow in the wake of public opinion, and be fearful of making any advance until af- ter the public pulse had been felt and the assurance received that no offense would be given. Iam glad tosee THE BTAR is forging ahead. snd thus forming public opinion. Th who are fearful and hat is the: reason We. claim to publish a zener ¥ former days were better than these degen- erate times?” are not the ones 1o advise as to what is best for the prosperity of a community. ' Tt has been prophesied that Salisbury will in the near future be = booming town, and a live newspaper (such as it now has) will be one of the chief factors in ushering in an era of an precedented prosperity. : - We have many reasons to remember the people of Balishury and many tokens of their thoughtfulness and regard were received during the period of our sojourn : among them. And this kindness is still manifested. I would wish to acknowl edge the kindness of E. E. H., ‘the den- con,” in causing Tur STAR 10 send. its cheering twinkles even here. Neighbor towns may boast of their electric lights but with such a Bran. Salisbary nevis none. Our winter as been rather mild, with many visits of ‘Jupiter pluviug.” Thus far there have been about three weeks of sleighing. The recent cold snap—10 low zero—bruadened the visuges of the ice men hereabouts, who were wishi for the wherewithal to keep cool, ‘nex Dog davs. A'voice from West Salisbury Iu he calling for all those "who are interes in the progression of onr: old burg’ speak ont regarding a change of na and suggesting the name “Royal.” lieve I am one. of those addressed, as [ ag much interested in the progression—no like n crub—ol Salisbury as I welle and I would rise and modestly ° that iu such an important mater it wi be wise to hasten slowly. A might prefer the nwme of “Bolo while those who are hunters might gest the names of “Raccoon” or " Turkey City” as more appropriate. well satisfied with the name which 1 town hus worn whiie men have com and men have gone, during the years ‘have passed, but if there must be a ‘name, in accordance with the eternal ness of ‘things, would it not ba, well change the name from Balisbury to Blue berry, in acknowledgment of the boun ful supply of those luscious berries, w are found everywhere in the vicinity? I have whiled away a blue hour in pen ning. these lines which I now lead tow La “There | are several [mild cases of g in ‘the home of your corresponden Wishing your renders the same blessings, I remain 8s ever, Rev. O. F. Harsuman Lid P. 8S. gentler sex without a P. 8.2 only wish to add, Me. Editor. that the Dominie betterhalf finds fault with Tee Stak, because when it comes the housewor! must stop until it is read, including db! 5 ; State Line: Thirteen below zero on Saturday. On Sunday, at noon, 50 above. That was a change of 63 de- grees in 80 hours. J. W. Folk will move ‘into Maggie Brown! § house, in Grantsville, in the spring. Gil Broadwater trapped a big wildeat on their farm, recently. Henry Wagner, while cutting foe on the mi dam, lost his footing and went into the wat This 1s his second mishap of this kind, Hai Feb. 9th, 1808. Janus. Teachers’ District Institute. 2 The following topics are for discussion at the District Institute, to be held nt : Salisbury, Feb. 20, 1892. 45 The Coming Teacher—D. H. Bender. g Ger education—H. H. Rupp, c. E. Dick: y vidas Hay. Recess or no RevossC. C. Welfley. Prizes and Rewards—Annie Hagel: barth. oo Memory Culture--H:. G. Lepley. | Weekly and Monthly’ Reports—Ax McKinley. What should teachers rend? —Tdu Beachy. Reviews—C. F. Livengood: LA Higher Education of Women Mand ; | Statler. : Should the school term be lengthened —C. ¥. Btatler. How should teachers spend their oye: nings?—Lizzie Livengood. Is public opinion a safe guide to deter- . mine a teacher's success?—J. P. Vogel. To what extent should pupils be as- sisted 9—Harvey Nicholson. To what extent should pupils memo izer—A. L. Maust. How shonld teachers spend their vaca tion?—E. K. Blauch. i Cuas. F. LIvENGOOD, g J.P. VOGEL, : Committee. Afternoon Exerciscs—A Li i ce’ Monthly Report of the Thomas Schoo . Following is the report of the Thomas school, for the month ending Jan. » 1892: ‘W hole number enrolled: Male 9; Fe male, 16; total, 25. Average utiendance daring the mo Male 7; Female, 12; total. 19. Per cent of attendance during month Male 95; Female, 83; total, 89. Names of pupils that attended e day: Henry. K.. Vogel, Irvin Th : Mary Coleman, Emma M ] Jopx Yoaut, Te
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers