10 .note Weabs have a job lot of note . -1 TL... ..-4 , on nana, mcy mini gu C The price will do It. pies and prices for the ask Ve furnish them printed Us than you can buy them Vut printing. Vagcnseller, Editor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to New, Science, Art, Political Economy and Cnrrent Literature. MIDDLEBUEGH, SNYDER COUNTY, &NNA. XO YEM15KK 1 9 ld03. Kale.: One Dollar Per Annum, In Advance L xxxx. NUMBEli 45. mil Svely Little Liners. ustle and the Bustle of the Lnty Seat, Told in Brief Paragraphs. L More or Less Prominent. jtlnn Population anJ Event ol In .e,t that Satisfy Curiosity and Appease the Thir.st tor News. UK . Magoeor Kreamer w Seat visitor Sunday. i"...,l.,r!,.lr mill u'ift Visited ti, rir"l llv at MirtlinburB over Sunday. nrnuiii and lady of Mt. tiiw ,t MM visited friends iu town y. t w nrirlo-nnd wlfesnent Sun- IthH. H. Harter aud family at Twnp Fasold of Sunbury spent I days with her sister Mrs. J. M. Vies Illegel and wife of Freeburg fou H. M. Amlg's ana x . a. iue- liindav. Ide Smith and wifeof Carbondale . 'p. ltlng Dauiel Millliouse auu wne lineford. lor A. M. Aurana 01 weaver L made a fraternal call on the last week. s Knvdpr and John Newman Lilian became subscribers to the (ast Friday, ounty Commissioner Thomas . i n. !er of West Heaver was ai me : Beat Monday. Roland of New Berlin was at unty Seat Saturday and made a i this office. tt. M. Smith of Beaver Springs the County Seat on business 5f fliwmi F. F. Raiick, who spent several with her parents here, return- Lr home iu Willianisport. Kinney operator at Lewistown liV fpciit Sunday in town. Tliey away iiboiit four weeks, i Kaiiclotilnish and daughter i, formerly of Adumsburg, vi.-d- il. I'lt-h und wife Monday. building lots for sale in .Swin -'rice from $ Ml. up to $110. i'.mt. David Vi:t.i:i.. '.. Spcclit and wife of Siuiliury, fluidity in town. Mrs. Sjiccht's :it Kissiminee is very poorly. Kern has installed a complete tuv iras plar.t !ii Ins resilience In 15 States and England Deeming it of some Interest we give below a list of schools who lire now using "Theory and I'raclice of Adver tising" as a text hook in their classes : The Institute, I.Utie Hock, Ark. Fresno lil-dllt-ss College, I'resliii, Calif' Florida Commercial College, Tampa, Fla. Ore. nviile Col'egc, (ireenville, Ills. lluiul.oU: Colli -ire, 1 ImiiU.l.tt, lo-va. Mcl'li.'ixoit C.dl. ge, Mel'hcrson, Kai.s. Kas. Wc-li-yuri l!js. Coll. S.ilina, Kas. Central Bus. College, Ciniiherlaicl, Mil. Jacob Tome ln-tiiuie, lit DcpuMt, M.I. CtM)pei';iiive Sclio.d of Correspondeiicf Detroit, Mich. Traverse City Bus. Coll., Traverse City Mich. Southern Minn. Normal Coll. Austin, Minn. Nevada Business Institute, Keno, New Actual Bus. School, Massillon, Ohio. New 1'hila. it Dover Bus. Coll. New lMiila , Ohio. Bixler Business Coll. Wooster, Ohio. American Business Coll. Allcntowii, Fa. Enston Public Schools, Kaston, Pa. Keller's Business Coll., Lewisburg, Fa. Acme Business Coll., Seattle, Wash. Wilson's Modern Bus. Coll., Seattle, Wash. Marshall Bus. Coll., Huntingdon, W. Va. Capital City Commercial Coll. Madison Wis. Pheonix Correspondence Coll. Broom hill, Kngland. It Is a matter of pride that we are able to present such an aray of the leading schools in 15 states and Kng land, now using an advertising text book that has had its origin iu Middle burg. The book is but little over one year old aud the first eaitiou was ex hausted last March already, only eight mouth from the time it was printed. The second edition has already been nau exhausted. "Theory and Practice Br aavertislug" 1g the first ahrTbhly auverusing text book in the world. When an advertising school and text book from Mibdlebunr was first an nounced, it was sneered at by those in iUiililleuurg who should have done every thing in their power to eiicour of age it and make il a success. By thi 1 1 . . 1 oook aione, .Ml'lilleliing lias become mole wi.kiy Known not only m every stale ol the I moil, but also in Canada and every KtiLrli-hpcakiiig count rv on the globe, than by any one means. This book has not yet fairly begun. W e have i;nt hail cither the time 01 ine money to pu.-h this book as it should have been pushed. .IiK).(ino to ou.'ioo per year could be i.rolital.iv SWINEFORD. I.ibby and daughter, Dora, Used to advert Ue tln-i l,,,L- Tl.i. iiected the latter with a private amount may stagger sum - of our read ers. but their i iiinu'i'niin f . ., 1 1 . ., i .... aoout I'l million dollars have a I read been spent to advertise ltoyal Baking I owder. ludit was held, iu Jas. C. Crouse's Friday. A number of Union ppinau township people were in price. LlHirary organization was effect Inlay evening, lookimr forward fTgnuization of a volunteer fire Ineiit. Id H. Snyder of Verdilla Wesley ... - p, W m. H. Houser and wife of ton were callers at this office on 1 fi Friday. P. F. Rigel was at the Ceurt on offlcial business Mondav lurt atinotlt(v1 n mmr inn few fiou of Union township. fion hand a numbr nf o-nnil 1 - " iiand orcrans. nlso n foil lino nf . , frgaus. Come and see them. P- Kiegle, Middleburg. SALE. Saylor's Tortland Ce The Water htleft oyer and they desire to me. inquire of Mr. Freder- V A. W. Alirnnrt nan 1I..A I - " XMU UIIIC Pwternow since a new girl came lotne. Evtn 0rantl.no A... 1 she trims haU and waita on L FSter wan tnrno,! t ii i I .-.ugu iuw me pipes nd for the first time people 1:7 un"K Shade Mountain rltllOUt Koino- nffi.li It fere all sent home. "yer of Amnrin t. I . t.u , iCAHO a r w the state where they ticketa with . I cTuiver, was one on account of the illness rut Xlfl TOo a a XI-UJi.i wAauvuouui Contervillc Primary School. Tlie following arc the Names of the pupils who attended the Ccntrevilli Primary School every day during the second month ending Oct. IIOlli. Boys : Lester Napp, Urie JJerger, (. lenient Aapp, Myron Shcary John Walter, Paul Dundore. JohnUoIund JayKnhns Dcrscy M'ohn, Lamont Mtisser, i rank DeLong, Jay Snook Girls : Mamie Ncitz, Blanche Musser, Annie Fesslcr. Minnie W.il tcr, Maudie Loss, Lulu Snook, Lena Nrmnirler t'nrrln l,"nl...o t.u.... 1 r F . . . ..uiihd , 1 J.I L 1 1. I Kuhns, Sarah Walter. Clara Wnlter Alice Mohn, Minnie Ifartman. those marked with star hnventti.n.l. ed every day during term until date, riomeris. jiowersox, Teacher. kli.T. I uecemer Term, F'ttelrpreeenceatCoui Do You Want Trout Fry? Applications for brook trout frv mnv be had by applying to the Depart ment of fisheries at Ilarrisburg, or from the countv trame and fish plnha and from the State Senators and Ron- resentatlve and must be in the hands of the Department at Harrisburg not later than January first. No nnnlleii. tion received atter January first will be filled. Miss Heddings of Washington ville is visiting friends in town. Isaac Steimling and wife enjoyed a visit to friends in Sunbury over Sun day. J. M. Van Zandt has been substitut ing C. H. Dunkleburger as storekeeper and guager at Mart s' distillery while the former. ia engaged at repairing property damaged by the fire. John spent Friday at Lock Haven J. M. Mover, Sr., and Bird I.ibby drove to Port Ann Saturday. John Bodge r of Dry Valley X roads, transacted business in town Moo. lav. Charles Patterson of Naginey and San ford Sehambach of I.ewistown vis ited relatives in our vicinity dining the week. Miss I!os(. S. hoeh is pelii!iiii' some timeat Coburn with II. 15. Kow ami wife. Steiuiuger Bros, shipped I.IK) bushels of potatoes this Fall. Heavy Weight porkers will soon be rep rted. Our farmers have finished husking corn. A fair crop is reported. F.Imer Bihgaman, who had been working at (ilobe Mi'ls during the Summer, has returned home to stay. The Middleburg Water Co., left the water pass into the pipes Friday. They found several ot them bursted, owing to their not having a sufficient number of hydrants to allow the air to escape. The Middleburg Leather Co., are now running a lot of extra large hides to be made into harness leather. If the samples prove satisfactory, they will build an addition to the structure iu the spring. Monday our Supervisor Joseph Mus ser, finished working on the public road. Cloyd Walter of Vira, Mifflin Co., is spending some time with his uncle John Walter. A spelling "B" .held at Gilbert's school house recently was a success. L. CI. Smith, who went to Pittsburg to wojfc, came home sick. Frank Graybill and Samuel Zim merman of Paxtonville spent Saturday evening in town. Clement M. Spandcr. 'ykfii"!;'M-''y.-ij-.i-' Died at the home of Joseph Bowersox, Saturday .morning at eight o'clock. He had been in feeble health for some time and was lingering along in ill health for several years. Some IS months ago, he was In Denver, but found liltle relief. His in .ther, a daughter of Joseph Bowcisox, died several years ago. I f i lather is A. L. Spangler, a storekeeper and imager, now located at New Mn-l"i-prisc, Bedford Co., 1'a. Funeral took place Tuesday after noon at one o'clock. Bev. W. K. 1 Held oiliciateil. Mrs. IVrry An rand. ' Mrs. Perry Aurand, daughter of Jacob Krdley died at her husband's home at Kreamer, Thursday afternoon li e funeral took l aee Mondav nt Salem. He v. Wo-neldorf officiated Aged (53 years. She is the mother of Mrs. Geo. Hoke and Mr. J. jr. Maurcrand a child who died in infancy. Lester Tittle Killed. lhe child's mother, Mrs. William Tittle, one mile from CentervIIle, had loaded a gun to shoot chicken hawks and the gun was placed on a chest from which it fell Thursday morning and was discharged, shooting the five- vear-oid son, Lester, in the neck and lie died instantly, The funeral took place Friday at 2 i-. iu. newijuuns o 1 c ate . The Water Kates. The Middleburg Water Co.. has is sued tlie following schedule of rates First Tap, without screw nozzle, $6.00 First Tap, with screw nozzle, $9.00 Pave wash, no other supply, $6.00 Pave wash, with other supply, $3.00 Bath Tub, $3.00 Wash Basin, $2.00 Water Closet, $2.00 Additional Spigots, $1.50 Hydrant In Stable, no other supply, T- 1 I r r . 1 i 1 wq neaa ot oiock. J $6.00 Hydrant in Stable with other supply, .wviigouuiutiuj l.OU. Full System, consisting of Hot and uoia, luicnen, Bain, uoset and Basin In Bath Room, Pave wash and Hydrant In Stable, (2 Head of Stock,) $15.00 Call on A. E. Soles ia his new shav ing and hair cutting, parlor foi voui head cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market annnro nm- posite Central Hotel Satisfaction guar- L -I . mnieeu. U. THE FUTURE REVEALED. Coniinn Events Cast Their Shadows Heroic. The readers of the Post arc request ed to send us announcements of all events. No charge will be made to publish the saiue when the event is of public importance. Wkknbsii.w, Nov. Is, Finest Gamble Kecit.tl Co., will give a musical en tertainment i.i thcSelinsgrove Opt ra 1 louse. Sa u kdav, Nov. Jl, C. A. Fisher of Kreamer will have 11 shooting match for turkeys and ducks. Tiu usHAV, Noy. -y,, Annual Tluiuks giving Day. The Banks will be clos ed. Monday, Nov. 30, The loth annual Teachers' Institute of Snyder County will convene in the Court house at Middleburgh at eleven a. m. -- - WANTKB. Girls to work iu Shirt Factory. Pleasant room to work in in cold weather. ( Sood wages paid from the start. For full particulars, call on or address, W. F. Baulk, 10-2)-2t Beavertown, Pa. Hides ! Hides ! A reliable man is wanted to collect aud ship country hides. Highest cash market juices paid. Address 10-l,V4t. M. O, Ktntz, Lchighton, Pa. Clubbing List. For the benefit of those of our readers who desire other reading matter in ad dition to the Post, we issue this club bing list. By taking the different Combinations you can save money : COM III N ATION No. I. The Post, one year, $t.(Kl. Tribune Farmer, 0 pages, weekly $1.00. Combined price, $l.i!.". COM 111 NATION NO. II. The Post, one year $1.00. N. Y. Thricc-a-Week World, one( ,yir, Combined price, $1.05. ' COtfBtXATTON HsK'ttb'Z'-i" The Post, Tribune Farmer ami N. Y. Thricc-a-Weck World, all one year, only $I.!M). Address all orders to "TlIK POST," Middleburgh, Peiiiia Teeth L'uiactcl Witlimit Pain. I extract teeth with. ml pain, with out sleep, without cocaine and conse .iieiulv without danger. Our ".Newest Oiseovery" provi s it. Come in and have yourol.l teeili ex tract. mI 1, 11. 1 gi t a new set. m will enjoy life belter and von can i,innei !i' . 11 masticate your food. All work guai anicen. I'laeiicing Peiillstrv lor over ill) years. t-b lhi. .1. W. Okwi.i. Teachers' Institute Programme. (Continued From Last Week.) pcrhtenden!, 1 A. R. Gil- L'i. Wm. W. (v 11 r;:. V. (x)mm rrn :i :s Permanent Certificates, (Appointed by State bert. Miss Rae Mover. T. A. Stetler. Professional Reading R. F. Smith, John Erunncr. A. R. Gilbert, Ccn Jarrett, Fannie J:w. meet in Co. Superintendent's office nt f:C0 A. M Resolutions : T. A. Stetler. William Rani Smith. Sallie M. Stahl. Will meet in Countv Si M., Uec. 0, 1503.) Local Institutes: To arrange programs and determine placer, 1st District, composed of Adams, Beaver, Beaver We.t. Spri:i. To '"eetat Jan. 8 and 9, 0903. 0. A. Auran.i. V "'-'. i-M4 iumiy. 1 win meet in countv b :p r:,n- nu -a j t fice at 4 P. M.. Nov. 30, 1903. Second District, composed of Centre, Middleburg Borough and Franklin 1 meet at Jan. 22 and 23, 1903. Lottie Crouso. L. C Bachman. A. B. Shcary. (Will meet in County Superintendent's office at 8 A. M., Dec. 1, 1903. Third District, composed of Monroe, Selins Grove Borough ai.d Jacks n lmf? Jan. 29 and 30, 1903. Mabel Stetler! Elva M. Forncrook. R. B. H. Albert. (Will meet in County Superintendent's office at 4 P.M., Dec. I, 1903. Fourth District.' composed of Washington, Middlccreek and Penn To mef, at. Feb. 5 and 6. 1904. Fred. H. Holtzappie. H. C. Hendricks, Thomas Arbogast. (Will meet In County Superintendent's of fice, at 8 A. M., Dec. 2, 1903. Fifth District, composed of Union and Chapman. To meet at .,, Feb- 12 and I3. 1904. T. G. Herrold and J. Albert Herold (Will meet In County Superintendent's office, at 4 P. M., Dec. 2, 1903. Sixth District, composed of Perry, West Perry and Independent District Jomf?t at Feb. 19 and 20, 1904. A. E. Whiteley Geo. H. Relchenbach, F. S. Gingrich. (Will meet in County Superintendents office at 8 A. M.. Dec. 3, 1903. JOINT INSTITUTE. To meet at Richfield, H. S. Homberger, Mabel Gingrich, Frances Winey. Will meet In County Superintendent's office at 8 A. M., Dec. 4. 1903. All the foregoing Committees are expected to report, Friday forenoon, December 4, 1903. PROGRAM FOR DAY SESSIONS. Monday, Nov. 30th, 1 1 A. M. Organization and Enrollment of Teachers. Monday. 1:30 P. M., "The Two Worlds-Mind and Matter," Dr. Lee Francis Lybarger. -Nature Study." Prof. George E. Fisher. -Underlying Principles In Teaching," Prof. Chas. II. Albert. , Tuesday. Dec. 1, 9, A. M.. -Primary Arithmetic," Prof. Chas. H. Albert. "Thorouehness in Teaching " Pf w r r.UAtoU. ..c! d.ii , n "uiviu,i. wjuiiiiaiy iNcuiauuiia of our Public Schools," Prof. Geo. E. Fisher. "Construction of the Universe." - iic,v Darer- Tuesday, 1:30 P.M., "School Eronomy," W. uaSiisSirEr Vc&Umy? Dr."LeeTi-ancls Lybarger. -Mhe CfcfWiJ Life before the School Life," Prof. Chas. H. Albert. Civics, Prof. Ira N McCloskey, Supt., Clinton Co.. Pa. Wednesday, Uec. 2, 9 A. M., "Commercial Geography," Prof. Cha Marriage K. Sassanian, Pearl Hehn, Licenses. 1 Idinmel's Wharf llimimer.s Wlialf; liolciulcr Heal L'stnte. K. Schoch bought the farm for M $L'cri0.-) ; H. H. neiininger the Hocli lot for $HXi an acre ; J5. W. 'oder, orchard nt ? 10 1 an acre : David Wetzel, field Fast of Wittenmyer at fL'OO an acre; Woodland, ricldsand Yoder, flii'i.OO Limestone lot, M. K. SSchoch. JillOl). The fair ground was not sold. Attention ! Capt. Ryan Post, No. 301, (. A. It. Comrades : On Friday evening, Nov. -7th, 13. ltegular muster, there will be the annual inspection of the Post, by Comrade II. It. Tobias, also ot a re cent meeting there was a resolution passed to change our meetings to Urn last Saturday evening of each month during the winter. This will bo noted upon at this meeting. Furthermore, by the bv-Iuws. that date will lm tbn latest to make nominations for officers of the Post for next year. This must also be attended to. 80 von hpo nnlil meeting will be both Important and in teresting. All comrades are earnestly Invited and urged to come and heln us make this meetlug one of the best In the history of the Post. Comrades hav ing uniforms will please put them on. Jiy request or J no. Y. Shindel, Commander. What Shall -We Have for Dessert ? This question arises iu the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prenared in two mlnutM. Nn boiling I No baking I simply add boil ing water ana Bee 10 cool, flavors: Lemon. Orange, Raspberry and Straw berry! Get a package at your grocers to-day, 10 ota. Albert. "Pedagogical Value of Habit," Pu.f. J. mum baiary bill, lJrof. A. R. Gilbert. "5k. ry L mnci.; Lvhar. r. in Teaching," I'r:'. C! citati -n, " IT." Oc! -r V..!ru:f. "The K, T:v.:r. !v:. D. c. 3, '1 1 T I "Tii' leach. lar Syst-m. VeJiV'S 1:;. li. .!! 1." Mi. lar I lv '. A r f t:l . ' Dr I ay, I :J0 I . I) rt. V, c:.l S p t:i.: i." Dr. I.e. M., "i'riiii iry i'v.'. nt: -t!i C -:it-!rv, e Fr.iii.'i:'. I.'.Tar I. Voedruff. cf tl'.e C. nst.; 'Z I.! : Kl .11' .1.. M!..-, M:.rv 1 ni.v. . ! I-im; '. , Lv: v. .!::'.;." I 1 :'. V. .1 " i r f ,': "The !: vs. H. Mini ' Dr. U:cc R-j- 1 1. Sen i Lmt.:. Ii:,t a-v. Dr. Paul !-'. peck. Tliun.iay, I ;.''; !' Recitativ 11, Misc, Anna 1 '"tti,-":. "Tii- Dr. Paul K. F'eck. Vical S- I . f.! !.! the Sclnr.l Ro;.m." Dr. Leo Francio Lyl-rger. Friday, Dec. 4, 9 A. M.."How t.) l're.;ont th Thon. Ilcut.:. Rep ;rt:; cf Committees. "Tlv; I Frontier," Dr. Paul !'. F'eck. "Vhat the Wcrl l Lybarger. The following qtie::tions were suggested by r..a i.'ig note book. Read them and see whether any c taken from your uvrk. ,' S-i!-j f .- !;;t: n f f the D':pei-;nt--;;d'.'nt':; in might have he. or are you examinir.i; them ? Vli vjld :-. Uack-lic-lds,' fror.t ol the 1. Are you teaching yoer pupil uu 1 w nun r wny r 2. If you arc a noisy teacher, how about your school ? 3. Do all your pupils answer at once, or only one at a time ? 4. How would you like to j;o to school to a Inacher :;nch as you are ? o. Are you in the habit of calling your pupils "kids" "Dummies" 6. Do you use your coal ashes to erect a monument tj your mennry, i your scnooi noor ( tion ?' D Prepare for your dally work' or do yu "know u aM" without any preparu o ??J ? ta!k "down" 10 yur PUP"S or do you appear f he a student amour them? 7. wmtn seems 10 attract the attcniion of your visitor:; the more, the noi-.e in school room, or the recitation ? 10. Do you have anv ' beer simis" ammu vnnr rl.rnroi;,,r 1 Is your blackboard full of scrawls and poorly arranged work ? Do you teach "books" or "subjects,"? Which ? 'vhy ? Do you teach "readlnfj." or only the "pronunciation" of words ? Do you repeat the pupils' answer ? Why ? Do V0U riva "blisv work" simnlv 1.1 lf.n nimllc ..1 of ;, i w ... t ----- 'f ..m. up.i ul.i vi i 1 n.i : Da Vnn nllnuf urgcln nnn. mi il.n IU... ...u.t. I. ... j ., i i. - f ct. Wi, Hum iui a wnuic wccr anu men uumn u on srnnnl ffrniinri r 1 . Aro you a growing teacher, or have you reached the "dead-line"? 18. Do you permit pupils to destroy school property ? 19. Are Vnil alminw in rrnt lUmttrtU lk& UnL . , I . i . . . , .. ,, . . t i .in vuj.ii niu ui iu iiiivc your pupus unucrsiaiiu mo subjects named In the text ? 20. Do you allow pupils to walk up to you and ask questions while you are tryinp to conduct a recitation ? ' 5 1. Are you reading any educational journals ? 22- Dn Vnil haim ailU ranAe kalm.an ,FA..lf . - J ... 11- J . . . w-i".vii jruuiion aim uur pupns 10 una answers 10 ques tions asked In the book, and then call their performance a recitation ? oefore or "after the lesson II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. the -ww.., u. iiiuii wen muii pel iui mail. 23. Do you ask questions on the reading lesson read bv the Chun ? Ovl rt- . .... ... ui u encourage pupils to lorm mental pictures of what they read ? Which interests you the more, the success of your work, or the money that's Is it ? 24. 25. Pursuant to its usual custom, the Pennsylvania Itailrond Company will Issue clerical orders for the year 1U04 to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near Its lines. Clergymen desiring such or ders should make Individual applica tion for same on blanks furnished by the Company through IU Agents. Ap plications should be sent to the ceneml office of the Company soon as possible, In no case later than December 10th, BO that"ordrM luav 1a mnilprl hv 1W 81st to all clergymen entitled to receive mem. Dr. Orwig Is prepared to do surgical and mechanical work iu dentistry. Having been in active practice for over thirty years, his extensive experience is abundant proof of his ability. Ar. tificlal teeth a specialty. His exten slve dental experience qualifies him to do only the best work. tf FOR KALE. In Middleburg, Pa., a good frame house, 7 rooms, and lot of land. Also a good livery stable on the same lot. For terms and particulars apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of Middleburg on road leading to Beaver town. tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers