. ' "- - I We have a Job. lot of note Lead on hand. They must go ..rW The orlce will da It. t - - Eamples and prices for the l-j. We furnlsn them prated la less than you can buy them Without printing. L. '. WifHr, I4lur aid Praarlaur, LrjL.XXXX. L Hustle and the Bustle of the County Seat, Told lit Brief Paragraphs. Lple .More or Les Prominent. A 'tally Jaarsal, Dtu4 u Jewi, StitaM. Art, falitkal caaair aal Carreat tittntare. MIDDLEBUROn, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., NOVEMBER 12, 1003. . One -!;r P-r ni-nm, n A1viict NUMBER U. Lively Little Liners, j 5tiiHavutheitciayf.rfiiii.ga John K'rai,ir of Kramer was in town faturdny attending to f.ii-inw-. f. W. Ire- nf H.-nvrtown wi at' be t' S i-! iy and .!-'.,;.-d ! :!. f . '.,. p. .st. j ' ' r-.-v.d to - the fnon!;.- J -il jr.!.-i y and Inn. f :ii-ir rcin-in i.,h- ( m; r,,mrnix-i'.n. T-. ' '.VASTK.'j: .:- ANXOrXCKMKN'T. to inri'i F:A( in.is. Diiunof.-s am r r: r j:n r or i.Di'r.vi i x i- nyij;i: focvrv. ; oo'-.oo! Flnatini Population ani F.vmt of In tfTtl that Satiify Crioify anJ Apptau th Thlrt f f Newt. n Folk ia aff"td witii typlw id rfpii Moyer of Freeb'ir.' was a ,ty fat visitor Friday. rril Shannon, who U eu. '. .yd at kiitown, apwit Sunday at home. i ( A. Hchorli i j.v! dii a visiting friend ii L'ruoii t'o'ii.ty. t. J of an inch thick wa taken off m laurel in thin pla.- .-"aturday uing. vrill pay niArket price f..r good lvm, bide and tallow. J. I WlXEMA.V, 10-15-4C Lewlsburg, I'a. Un Field of Kreamtr ban asked us Jftr hia thanks to thpople for the jp rote. Lniel Mar.eval of West Perry town- smiled on hi frlend.4 at the fcty eat Saturday. Lph C'lelan of Lewwtown greeted friends and viaited relativea at this feover riunday. G. Hwrnberger of Ifeiiwrvllle, Yj over the el:tion, greeted hia lu here Saturday. I. Kline of Kantz paaaed kgb thia plaoe Saturday with til bead of nice cattle. k E.a.Sublot Reailinia pay- ruit to her parent Daniel 1W1- tod wife in Franklin. vJT. B. Church on . Than kagi vinn (ul have a chu;kiui"Qd ''wmffle, tt and supper. W. ."troub of Lewiabury transaot- ini here Saturday. He w a sou u:ie! ?tnub of Penusvretk. h 'niiiiitr and l)u!tr was put ;-.-l fir the enlar-d ,!:ii)t. V.". II. :i:iier .in 1 h-.-r nmtli-r' ."v.-. and if is-- Mahi ;r.:n:u i ;n'.:iy iu Siinbury wii i itn ; i,- W. II. IViuIcf IV ivt-r ni-iiiif-' v'l Sa:uril:ty ::-io.iii. ;-. -'ui Inytil a.- :i !iian :lt the i I ui'.din-. ei:!ier y th d t.' .r..-. .; 5i. i.i I'm. if la.xt ve k If. M. ItfH'taKI'KlV Pa. I'fsr of i: u,n Fa v r, fvin :i v i -1 1 : ir .-'al'm ai.d .-itii- r.. ti. t to -jnd Whi, .-,!.,, tit f.i p. 'i Ar.r.usl Irut.ti.:.. in rr.ir.1 what . -h ss b.'sr. .v;r :;rr. tv :rvM .v.. t.'.r.sl -x' .'. -5? : Anr '. VI ". ' ;r r. a i'.''7 --Ivs'i- f'.al .- :e,rr,r.t HrV-rt ;i:n!i i.4i.i), win, w m in-ployi-d it Mi,- ( i.m.'ii u i- wnrk nt I)ininr, I'i.ciir.K Imnie Sacurday on Mi.'tL'ir i" i'nrt rri-v.n'Mii .-li-i-'iiatiti J.C Hasainswr and h.;r dauish-: ut ;!t" ( '"II:lt 'Ht'.mlay. Mr. Mr. 1- '. Bowersox and Mrs F ' viiL.toPt lvalue a ,U!W-r:ir !.. 'hf t,r ,,;' are vUitiuir Mrs. , P ,ST r,?ri1 'vwk3 M--M' .i?ai;th at Xw KeuiD!jtoii. : -ar :"t,u"1 a" :'' ""r -'lur- V. Ljt, wife aud child L-ai:it' up j iy :r-ui bipnenyurg to pay a' aonunt nf tli wrrU rlji,ir down i wttern i(rt U not an busy rm it had rxi rT-;;dr.t. G:. '. 'Vi'.h-.rr. 'iC'i-Pr3i r.t. (fa j .i j : . . t . ..... . ' ' ' .. -, m .--iiti in tin Lnf r ' . . distant ocr'ar'. rreasurr. Alfx. T. Paxi. wife and daua:!itr , Er.rsllir.g Chr'3. C'yrr.er p-,m;. Mry, or p.u-uw, anMnf enrr-. Ticket Aar.t :-n M P.r--.ii'c ar.c . '.-ri' a,-:. - :. iva.:5h. t- ' d? '"I : .-, " -iijca' a pcw.r - r THE !MGT ty C'.iGrir.t-. I A. 3:-t;;r V-a -r vrarr. r-r-. tained at the F.ditnr' home thia woffe. fjcor Kei.-i.n i H ur. .iaxwe:i an. I it r. Katton nf the '-,,.. "!1M W-mH.I itra-w-r. "Rn Lauvr. wrnie u-.a.'e are :iiso in town, i neyin r..r, c,Jt.. v rf. 2--r H-Mntz! ?-: an. ,H.lt.ij, Jlr. rxwnare enjoy- epCrters. "Wee:y Herald." A. 'V. Musser. ,u " u",,u "Snyder Caunty Ne-vs." Gee. A. Kerr. Call on A. K. Holes id hia new sliav- ' Middleburj p-.r.t." Reno Snvder. inaal hair uttum parlor foi you, "Selins Grove T:Te-." ?ev. E. E. Haney. hrat cimiiMl with refreahm ahara- F reeburg Cour'er." 'V:!!:am P'.T.'.g. pa)aiida cleair uwel to ea.-h patron ! "Sellns Grove Trtbur.e." Michael Baney. on the north aidi- of Market ancare or-, ,Nj poalte Central H..ti. Stwfati4 H iriar-! '' " ' " u anteert. r. ' Prof. Ghar'.es H. Albert. Gtate Normal School. 31c.orr.sbur;, Ps. Mrs. Lt. Orwhr and Mrs. M. .. -rancis Lybarger. Ph. D . M!ff!!nbur?, Pa SteininirerofMiddleb.irgon laatlhuiT. ' Bastian. Esc.. WilliamsDrrt, Pa. dy, on a cloudy day brought sunnhine pr;f- ''v-lliarn Noetlin?, Selins Grove. Pa. and happiness to the family of Mrs. I Ira N- McClcskey. Supt.. Clinton Go.. Pa. Reiohly at Centrevllleforwhirli theyM" Wscdruff. Cean Susquehanna University. Selir.s Grove. Pa. are entitled to apiritual and temporal auI F" Ph- D- jt4te NciTCal school. Siocmsbur?. Pa. hospitality XZ Professor inos. C.Houtr, Susquehanna Univeroity, Selins Grove. Pa. Prof. Paul Eillhardt. Musical Director, Mlddleburg, Pa. FOR SALE.-In Middlehurjf, Pa., a, Prof. William F. Brcwn. Ranlst. Freeburg, Pa. goad foam immm 7 an-mav mnA lat.at.i MkWleburf CfrAestra-irflK tmr.Uk; jrst IbrerretetrtfuXSMK land. Abo a anod livery stable on the fcV-NING ENTERTAINMENTS. jeo j v.rer of -a-h o-.pty .hail . -r-rn :r,t :::r.?y :'-:n-:-,. -,oe . g. 0 DO -.w-e ;.h5fl :,;t-.; .-t ?. 3'lt Oefor- , -.hail .--.v-,u-? aocr-r,r ;r 'eot r-,' Aw,o.'atJ.on hall jrt 'o -he 1oi;r'v .wr.sr vt'en and vhere the r,et!ntj -'a -.!-. - yv 't. "a ".oeaker-, vr errol-yd nd v'-at v-er--A Aocroved. The 2 lot tay -J ,-prl . or.-! i To oe -..ont nuei a ,r -..- - -a-h r f r ' r - - rae lot For t?rnM and partit-ulars apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of Middlehur on road leading to Reaves -town. tf. Foi -a:.;-:. A iinii.eand lot -itiuiinl in Patron ville i. .itlcn-l at pnvati- -an. The'.iii:.!i:i..-4 a.-- in t u-.iiit .mi. Mondav Ev 'V A X riI- 'HHt vnrthy w-t.!Ul! .-nan nr iady m -n nnnty ro nmiiHire' ; 'nHinpoa for an -ltt -tat,lihed homo i ilid rlnaru'ial randtn. 4nihr j inns ;lde v.tbly -alary nf .,Htl , !y 'hwk -a.-h Mon1ay with all - inmiri't frnni hndiiUHr'er. foney advan.-wl for -c i ,-twei. Knfixno ;td-j 'Irtwi tnvf.!ni. .fanan'r. jiui i itxtnn , ISidir., L'liinirfo. liV!-!'it Engine For Sale A twelve horse jjower pnrtahlt Frick Engine i ottered at private sale. It rrt f? sri at !rrrptrwn. rnquln or E. ft. HTRnrp, tmiiptown. Pa. niF i f II ,F. F.VR.Kn v.imirc; ;-.v-nts v.isr Their shadows :Vnre riie rt-vitera f J, T iro -o,,,,,. e1 -t -end -n mnniin.-i.nient-' f all event.. .v., . t,w wl!l :ila, ;,, publish 'he -ante -vl.en 'lie .v-nt ..f public initKr.iui-e WKI.Vt.siiA V. N'ov. is. Ki uesf ilanil.le liecitul 'o., will ijiv. a musical en tertainment in the.eins(-mve I ipem House.. Ttrt nsruv. Xov. 2rt, Annual Tlianks .'ivhnr I The fianka will Uplm. i.ltnli ilite Shunts r. d. 1"! d -v : rn-sf 'i A .1 11. 'i; j t Pow- lliev is vi l i'l.-c'.nr.vhii'. sail .-trtv:.uvr -rvii-.-s v:il in -lie Latu.-r-iii .-:i it" M;.i ir.' :hi yar. Tin- -rrinui v:i: ie iev. r.lias ' ill nf X.-w it' '.:n ?.i-:'.i:"iifi imrrji ii r": il'id dil-ll iH-i-ai-iied ; y L'ei i.i. L'-i.-t' ir r-:--r. M. W. I. i ;a;-:iiu:i. and U a- C r Miy i (.-Tu in. -v;in :i nn iir previous, v. N'-iv .si :Ue :uni-i,a. ' D. w:!ier'..rd I'vnd'i.- la'- V eraiidp Benj. B icbmaii. Mrs. i1" 't-'ud several weeks here. U ALE.-yrwTor s Portland C The Varerk)iiiuuv has a li vnt left over , lot they desire to te of Mr. Vreder- LS P -"Uiuiav ijelweeii Itaaioat Dam and Middyrftur a jold wati-!i. year U.iuyfic '.ase. size Ii Elzm rjiove'iieilt. jeJ. With 'liai k o i attauhed .:hana i)uJB niaile ni" ,'im metal with rhn-e -iJ feilieral reward for tilt return of tbewatek to the Pnst Prmtiui; oiUl-v, Middlebup, P.. Jt. - :--::-at:r.? o. :.r:r:a:e ::;tu :or IIS i2jtU"a d or :ne usu d. Smith who had beeu emuii v-l hlwP.lt li. Co.. ha rtjturmd! avouut of the Companv's! Iv.ion to out down exjitiisfs and It'll riandh. u have puiil your subscrii.tiou k ibj liiat two uiuuih and vour not ap-.'ared in the R ll of Muoutjof the ftuir last isiues, ""'ify uts anhoru proprietor of the Hotel, is bwd fat aud helblew? hlimUtarj like. parHlud. He evvii raise his head from hi w drink wuier. M H. Mover and Wiu. H. Hile ff. will pleased auisciitH!rti uhIii tinr uni.tiim rV id traustu.'leJ rtusit.e r N't House. iitill U it'a Aral V Ittif iiwr IvtKt r aud wife iu Fraukliu. ! J!" T . J, a 3T i'----z ore :v ror. eotrsi u vr. '". - srrhu. . .-.urs-day aver.ir., Gsc. 3, i :C ,6-- --u. .u..i .wr. .-Mgzs. .-- :o oeurr.tec our tope to nave .v.:n r.ere again. ev. . M. GMchar.t, '.Vh. 7vo ;i 2 :r.:st siessmg features :f the entertainment at ": a.t ever.in? vere tr.s :rr.per:cnat::r.s or.i -vr.:s;!ir.g ocics oy SniiL-ar. .eveiar.-. i i - -Mr-i -Hut 1 in. I. ii-.il ilin ... u Hill M. Z. A. . t a;n Sealer' ail oillman ixiggs is a deiigntful entertainer. His voice, even in ,:r:eaKing. Thomaa H. Hostermau, warn faiiniy resides in thia place is iu the hoiuea pathio Hospilai iu Pittsburg suit'ernii: from a severe iilutss. Ho had leeu emilovei iu one of the iron mills and s r- raduailv worki-1 his wav up from -t :s. ar.c wr.en acsuea to tne elegant pr.rasir.? anc poetical imagery :i hu :ec Sl.W to J a day. The empioymeur, :ure !n the extreme. A fine vein :r humor -uns thrcugn however, i very hazardous, w huh a. h:s lecrure. and tne -.Uustrattve itcrtes call :':rr. loui cursts ot merriment ar.a tll, tiriltie .-AiIm. nf ilis illileM. UpplaUie. . . :ji -i a.c iiiicucr vhen acsiied oo rveet. olea; nciation "h li iu Uurhiiiu. X. (J. for MloJMra. Ulaha hoalth. Ira w Kvi'jalajKe mill dou it! ia pwoared to do aun-ii-id !va, ma tt.UU6iv ejnwUMc Maiitprwf of hia ability. Ar. I WvU acuity, Hia eUu- F""" oJUajxieuiw inallrt. Ki,. a. ' -a bii av taaui Hx-UwMtfwk. tf This i oue cuance iu your life tiu'e - l - -fy. to i;et the euuineiieuny iiictures, rif Teachers Enrollment Fee. including Season Ticket r'cr Seservec Seat, two pi. iuies fVOO cents, tlii week 31.-0. Monday and Tuesday evening, Reserved Seat. 25c. General Acmis- o ily. lteiufU'J'riie date as we pos aion eacn evening 20 cts. ' Vednescay and Thursday evening. Reserved Seat. tively wjII uot tai; :yry tnore penny -Wets, general Admission -.5 cts. Season iicket. 51.0C. pictures aiter this yeek. Located ou ' Positively no Tickets vill be sold to anybedy betcre !I o'clcck A. M., Suj-w-r tret, aJkfiiiijj Ceutrai Hoiei, Nov. CO, 102. All the School Sirectcrs of the County are most cordially :n Mlddleburg, Pa., X-Ray Photo Car, A. vited to attend the iessions of the Institute. Directors ccrr.e and opend the C. Hockeubery, photographer. veek with us. Both the teachers and the Co. Superintendent viil be oieasea Ouaxwuu of the football game , .d encouraged by ycur presence. Go to J. N. Brostus. the Ticket Agent twee., the tmu of UickiUsou College , t0 be enrC,,ea' ani ;CU vM be Z :ree :tcxet t0 r evening en- and State College, l be played at !lc,L" ; , , n. . v , Wilhaiiu-port ua Nov. 14, the! . ' " . V' , 7 w"'a croance witn tne act ill st l4iitswu tickets to,s: n" w , w ' e--a n mo oireticrs ci me ucunty Vill At me inn it-t -atonlay i;arr..-r -aid , lie was worKimr nuhe i'mN i ri'i an n iiimijer for a new house, .m.j . ail :.iK.-!i -Uiis wife wita iiiai to ueip itiai aars v-j the loirs, -uiideuiy i -not was .n-afl : anil jln. turner Il-u uucouacioua. : says there were Uuuters ,u ihe wn...is. tUounn he aid not see taem. treat iudnnauoa has i.eeu arouse i by the i-nnie and the authorities iru making a thorough mvestiizauu. Verysimiiar to the assassination of iixxiUnif, the old farmer -not to deatu as he at at a wiudow .a his iiome uear Oneutai ou the eveumirof i K-t lKmJ, ii the mysterious siuyinj; nf Mrs. Barner. Absalom Barner s trial 'vaa one of the most seusatioual aud most vit;or- . ousiy ..outested ever held ia Jumata , County. More than one hundred I witnesses were examined and theevsu, j itii -. r. .V. "ar. ar -. .v.. 1 r-r ;Ull ll.Mllcl ; r -. '.. .". ' 'I'i! X aI'I. ,. I. .:. i.e i ' 1 . . in.- . a. V. rhrn-.-a-.Vs: 'V.-rM. un- il... Address ad nit-rs i hie ifvr.- Middieimra. l''."!iLa ar. , . u l.nj, , . . , . ' . . V,v. 11 nice .u oijiuw .-sMivii .ii uio V.UUU i ivuac di iYiiuuieourj, at iU:40 0 C10CK. A. uutTl N6vmovr w' iuI! A.. Thursday. Jan. 7. 1904. The following committees is requested to meet Beilelbut Ueuovo ' Kl-' in C3unty Superintendents office at Middleburg, at I o'clock. P. M.. Dec. .uLJri' mi i 3- 19(-- t0 irS a program fcr the Directors Convention : Rev. Dr. Focht. Williaujspor aud rviuiuitig elusive, froui Utile mira. Ki BloomsLuii,. Mt. Car.u.l. J- iy(- t0 ir& 2 ?KVm tcr e Ctrectors Convention : Rev. Dr. Focht, Lykeus, HairiaUirMlddleburg, Co-! Hcn- G" A!fred 5choc!l- Dr" Marand Rock. J. H. Hetrick. S. A. Knouse. buru, aud iutvwueviiate statious, at, A2 ACT1, rate of a siuKle fare for the round trip, , . . . . . , , , , Uuiuuuuiumte,oeut). . o. eitaoiish county assoc.aticns of SchocJ Directors. tt Sec. 1. 3e it enacted, etc.. That it shall be the duty of each county superintendent of schools to call together, during the school year beginning MurUtt UcuxMa. j June, one thousand nines hundred and three, and annually thereafter, at the ( tieo. K. VVhitelaud Thoiusoulowu. v-suniy ci. ur aumw uuicr auiiauw ptaca m mo county, ail me scnool Qirec r.O.ST. fa Midaifoursr -r -wimty a Fraternity iiauire ?t ntli .pais let ters K. A. i-l. Euuravwi with owner imtiais i S. s. : ol. llewari if rtur:'.- tO(iei. -i. -eh'X-if s-eiillsitftive. ;'a.. It'etn Extrattcii 'Vithom i'aia. r . . including pay of detectives who worK-1 1 rl'raa "m -nuout , am. wuu- oui sieep, wiliiouc ' iK-aine iud -orse Mollie K. Weumd Oliver Harbesoo Killed. Kx-Couuty Comiuistioner Uliver Uaxbesouot Forest Hill, Unioa Co., was struck by a I tea ding passenger train Saturday afternooa at Lewis burs aud WM instantly killed. The hiinw h waadnvins was hurled manv McCluts. ' tor of the county, for the consideration and discussion of questions pertaining feet- ei up the case, aggregated t-loO. It was the purpose U' the prosecution to prove that Barner, who suspected Itoudliug of intimacy with his wife, had committed the crime. The testi mony showed that Barner had threat ened i ioodliug, but through his accus ed wile and his sea the defaudaut es tablished aa alibi, aud the jury return ed a verdict of "not guilty." lueutlv without daiiifer. "ur Newest I'icovery;' proves it. 'ome iu and have youroid teeth ex- l tractud aud cu a new et. Vou will enjov life iietter aud you can properly masticate your food. All work iruar auteed. Practicing Dentistry for over W years. t-f. I.-K. J. W. ( liiwtll. Wanted A Wife. A good woman with f.'i.OUO is waated for a wife. Money wanted to help to pay for a good and pleasant farm neat to a nice town. Title to be iu wife's name. Age to be between. 30 and 55 years. Common sooids need not write. Address, 'Matrimony," taje of the Post, Middleburg, Pfc 10-iEWt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers