UT)OLK!U' it. r . .T. ADMIRAL BOWLES LEAVESTHE NAVY Resigns to Become rrvsiJeat of Pri vat3 Shipbuilding Co.r.pa:iy. raMEBURO by mm. CAVE-IN Ten Crushc 1 to Death in A 'client in New York Subway. WAS 23 YEARS IN THE SERVICE! F0UR OTHERS BADLY INJURED Washington. On. 27.-U-.-ar Admiral' Now Y,,rU- 0,L M-T.-n lives were KiaiKisT. Howies. , hi. f ot the bureau 1,,!!t 1 ' eavo In of tho roof nn.l i.f voumi'.. .ion and i.-iair of the navy wal,s 'f n' subway tunnel at ISr.th U. -patun. ui. has to nj .''d his resUna-' stroi i, n I four poisons wcro liailly in lien us an ot'tocr in the I nil. . I St.it. si i J'11"' ' v:l ' nl1 inJuriM uav to ia prestd-'tu. and it was a.- w,r" w.uhmcii. and most of thorn cept..!. t. l.ihe i' fi t October ('on- Italians. sua. ...i . 1.. Ci; ,- n. v on duty at The tatuiel v.as helm; bornl ly open- I l.o N. w ,.; 'h n.iN a:d. bus l-.-:i s-- i"" a 1" ipendi. ular embrasure in the ;i...d . i at I". 'the a. aa y. I . the b.tv and Wasting tho A..:,... i. i . . j ;. j ;e n l i-'. '" '. t'ie.ht lltnl of this em MTV .ce I.. :. . , .'..' j :i si.i-n. y of a ;:;....' . I'm..' blasts vip nrranitCil j i ,v.,:. .- . . , .,,;.) tn V . ! floors, the holes lioina sa. . to- ... , ,: .1 .n i.,.. pt.-sidot... i 1 well toward the roof. T'.io .- :., v, -i . .: .s tn n w it .sd'vw an 1 tin' three . -n. : a a. ; a j . :. s. ; t ::i rapid sueo ssion : a ! .i.a! t. r.d ;, 1 ; .'....: loos. nit.R hra:e ipi.u.ti ! ..' s-i.-.'-s-i : -s , . .nriii :;:.d ro. V Tl.o driller . ' ... !. ..) '..:'. si i i. 'tie: olapsi .i '.. f.-- r: .vi" ::.. ;:t.; i Hi :. :. - ,' , to '.. .. aw ay 1 ohu '- ' . C .!. y.;-l I.- 'i,.., ;-v :-":.:!; ih" i -r :t'...n. nil i ' V..'--a '.. :s -is. i;i ..''. r:i f'r'ha'.to ad;.n. od. th - ' ' ' 1 ; .oior.r.d if- :,n;, r ::v. tid-tii: to stri;,; wires nn.i ; ' ' t. i. l :l ly the . i:i. ,s lo l::t lli. way. : i's :;:.u- :r:- 71, ; : . ! 1' wori.;.'. n t' '1 !'' o.'!-..v., -r . o; li., ll.l.i I-fa. l.f.! ; '? ''1 "' ,l' tli. : r. .1 ii Mo?-., , . 'u n r. rtimWinr ;'' '" ' ' f :;i;x. Ha, .nar.i 1: ji.iw it. ohr.tii " - :..' w;.s . . in x . ,. ;,.j;:.;.t; i. ;;,iit. Those in at i ho tr.;;o i: th ;. ; :;; i ...t to tun about a-i:..:: . ..: .-; : : !.:.! alt. r IS) ears , . .. u ,, ; : ;1 :..,-j; oiash l! t'.f.i to lrao tli. i,-..,. . , ,;s ,, ,. !:s o! ro. k 1. !1 on flu : '!.:: si.nds-.irro;1Rli. . .. ;ai Unil, : ' - ' v ' a;::'ooa:.:. T: a:i.! two or three Ital- : . ;:.-:.;.:..y ,f a ship- .. Vl, o;:i of reaoh of th : U 1'ad been ,5 ; : . .,v K w , Kr.oeKed Hat on ' ;i,;,:,..l. pro- ,;, . , , . ,,v . . j-.j f j,,,) s. : i , , . . : : to Hue l.is , ; ; 5 1 a:... w. pern-.;t ., ; , r. a ..r. 1 ; -.vo nv.ibu'anee sur- 1..:.. .. :..s ..a::e slate, and t!e tV: to er.ter the tttnne n-ist a.-e.-; t. ; .; Tin r.-.n alons ih !' i....t: r ur.d-1 J:..,. n w; , :. si;;: !u:!,t-d by in- ...if .. : i..: -m vi onys pa: t, b ..: , th, y re:u hed :"' " '-f ;i::rn::, .. v- ,,f rs and . rusho.i v'' ! - Mfessor had bf: i. , ; ... ,,,.,u:. :,n n;vi :. : the j-restdi :.t a:.d w... ; . n.-r.i-.i on a shell ' ..:::.ra; w ios. as of :;. . :: : ion 1 y eno br. n bonldei t:;-- : ;:..n iin.i . . .,..., jn hav.ni: ' . .. ... ...... i.i ... . .. , , han.mtti: s v !l 1 ' ' ' i 1 . . r o: ; '.;!. ,- . mi-oon-a io'is- Jl ' rv;r;i I. ?'. ro k wh:. h :. :.J h.i.i wa: v v- '; " o.r f..pji- t ; : r-.'. t! r.-: r .in a !r. ... t :rV. r ly v s ' oti i;e'j j,,,v of :.:) .!.- .'.re'.y we.lpo r! : ' 1 :'4' - : ,i At: r...;.f.) s'.-owed that ; ' i; s . v..'. a., i fi ;.. n . l...-.::,ii-r woalo ''' A" ;4 ' '' 'r. ,:-.::y nr.t;; tl.i .;.ia-i t. be eopl.ioly 1 ' - '' :". irua-i Vlii tikior ilu 8irui:ni i! i: !nif. aau p.' rf.f of ehirf noi- w EU . , lit ih p.BiO. ci U t. ud t.u 6HERV.AVS GRANDSON KILLED Was a Frrchrrar. et Yale and F-ll in ! ..rymo .o S;aie "'Without I1 teen tnui. iae puiu-o, T:,. rrr,'. who was not ldeiitiJed died lr- . ; a hospital. !dy of William Schuett" Jx-nwlio; :;rniari, a frr.r. lstin of ' erci V,'.":;;.:!'. 1 eeun-.Fch fh.TJr.'.r.. v; J:i:.ee 1 y f:...:::r " f- : f-.n: : .. V. Tir- -1. ;:. : M' v - Va., : vlthiL i feet of the face of the tunnel r.nd hp had b"cn kioe.i instantly. Th" most jiathctir in, iilent in con n"ft'or. v;;h the ;u. it'. :;t was tin f.r;.i.T.L- r.f :: ..,: pc-man Ti::i (!;. t. '. v . - ;.:.a ' r : : . a - I rE'N:v ENC'M E.f vV L P : K at- z-,t. Prt.i I - t E::-.i-ii'f' L: - I: '. :: ;-:--C '!'!. : t . i. v a: i. '.. : -.u-atif r; :.. -ia. i: ;:,. . ... . -u. nuia..- a : Tie .la'i.'-. i.ovi.!.. . .iiic-.o--f.i' !':!::;.: .'. ii" Tie :a- :: . Li.f if.-: K :,t:v .-i..-r:j-.i. rw:Lg.f ' '. a.im.f I -a v; ..:! v.... y v n' n. uiii'j- ' aa r j u: a ,a r s.nurt. jir- ' . !! :e " IPl':'-0 It. li! i ! 1 s.'- "fU. !:tl!ii;-i-C j m u " fo oaa.- o '.o '.'Xi'i'sfJl. is li' ' i.ifv i. it. if 'oirian. lie i-id'.Iii oi laao-:.-: "Tio , a..-: wa.' I'.ili ' v a;." -'v.. v a: i.. .v. t i:,. '.a: : '' oa ' ' t tea'. ;.. ',i:e t.,i ' ra . 1. r.-i:,. i.a ..' wo. ii.owi. fa'. : ' . ' 'a .'ij'a' of t:.i t'u.j. ami .'..'nan jj j:;. o'.ai' .iia'. C.-'.aii'.. 'u ffi .'. tttiy t.ai.- i.air..u'- aj'!:;' f.ir, ' .it. or. a f . a' Jji ..- I . . ' . 0::J. 1. .o.- V, l a : .. . to una r.ts son. were, li . .iiseu, tum pellel to put together their meagre rep-Hirees to mnke up the amount re quired to buy the offlre. Aceordlns to the evidence of Mrs. Heindel, widow of the lale steward, Dr. Z. K. Meyers, treasurer of the board, made the de mand. Exiled For Life For Shoplifting. Chicago. Oct. 27.-Exile for, life in derma ny was the sentence negatively Imposed on Mrs. Mary Stein, convict ed of shoplifting, by Judge Clifford.! The woman's husband pleaded that the sentence of one year in the House of Correction, which was proposed by the court vxonl.l r'sult in the death of the prisoner. Mr. Stela xhilitd a steamer ticket for tleriua.ay. and de clared tint if the lourt wvuld per mit Mrs. Stein would depart Imme diately for t'leniiany nnd nev r re turn. JtnUe Clifford agreed and i.ia '.e Saturday pext the time limit ior sail 'n::. " i . at' -" n." .uu. in uv aurprisa i n Dillon seemed to travel .or, . .: 1 when the half-mile w.-n le-nhod ti e timer's slate clicked out 59'j. A great iher arose, and many hor;-'tnon predicted that a new reicrd wai niaklns. On t'.i far turn McCoy w as forced to whip the ruuner to keep clear of the trotting mare, which was pushing hl;n cl.i.'ely. The three-quarters polo was passed In 1 L'SVj. and the mare had turned for homo. The wind now was an advantage rather than n detriment, and with a superb burst of speed, I ou Dillon, urged on by the shout? of the drivers cf the runi'.fr.-, dashed uuder the wire DOVJIE SPEAKS OF LIFE SECRET the I', y. a i . . tird. of Now bi ' ii to d.aih in a fall'.fr's , . : -v his layai.a'o-, deep ia tie.1 o. . fell. .. i . .'. n '. 1, u:u. o'.iuiy, wa ; sufou-atial .if of i ot ion :n his . '''I.e be i n I a : : 1 ojo loin 1. ot n. :. ;ik'.i li..n at r.iy lAv. : , t i' low.L w SENATOR CTLWAPvT CARRIED ; " Aaed Nevada PoJit'r i.m Wedded to the y" Mrs. M. A. Cji-.e Atlanta. i,. n i Atlanta, (la., i t. '.T. '. r..:.al St.-.te ,s, ; Senator William M. Slow art, of No- was t ork. O. t. Ll. 1 l a:-- : :-. i i i-. b. i.a :. ..oi i. .- : ilorni in M.- !--a if ; n aii.ii. a. . . i aia.. '.!.. , 1 I. it the Mil of l:i a broa.o- d"ii I'.i : w ii .t i'..i" i. ; stn-itl '.: ;ua re !,i" I ! i1. ii. in p t ra irniii '.: al.'i M irray a,!a, was ii.ainod in a private parlor lowe. ot !:-( . la.. I'to-.n wl.oai h tal.es bis l atronvnuc. but that bis ta ther w.-.s a l.aii'.li ai .a. oil'u or of hi,; family by a "Scotch marriage." lb l.oap. .1 il'.il'.cai i n an 1 d. iiiim i.'.t'.o.. upon .lo, n Murray powle, wiioni h iletlared had made his r.iotl'.er believ, her inani.i 'e ta liowi. 's lather wa shau-.ciiil, ; ad, the r...y o.lii er ha ill. boi u tab. i away 1 his relatives, h. tnoilu f. in the lust ansii of her shame had soiiioit to give her son a name to marrying John Murray Dovvie. The rovi hitii n was made at the en of an hour's tirade against the pres.. f this city, its treatment of his work and himscll being styled a "eonspirai of falsehood," the reporters denouneid as "v.ilow- dogs, poisone.is reptiles, who have wrecked thousands of h. ia and broken thousands of hcirts." He led up to the publh i..n of ex tracts fre..i lot: .s pass. ;.g between of the riedim-nt Hotel, of Atlanta, to hitus. If and John Murray Dowle. indi- Mrs Mary Agnes Cone, widow of the eating Powie s renunciation of the hit- late Theodore C. Cone, of tieorgla. for as a parer.t.. and which were re- and for si vernl yiars past a resident sponsible tor the general overseer's of Wash'.r.oior. partial exposition of the groat secret The ceremony a pilvata, xk on'. of L:s life. vitcitt beict lie lfii:m St. Kor- lltTtttj!Vll u mmtaat ia a it woorl, of Iitcb MrrM TVUct i tt Mlinm Us. nae SO yaars afo wits Settlor 8tew- Dc! weul.1 he nns spik art; Hon. Clark Howell and State in the most gentie voice of his mother Treasurer R. 11 Tark. The ceremony and wife. The great audience was was performed by Rev. H. S. Bradley, moved by bis evident emotion. Wo-ex-Senator Norwood acting as best rncn wept, and at times bursts of ap man. Th" bride and groom left for plause Rroeted his declarations. Washington. v l"owle announced that Just'one year a?o he had addressed a meeting in Chl- Sinator William M. Stewart is 76 cago, at which h? had told of an at- years i ld.as.1. 1 eranse of his long terart to blackmail by a man writing wi.i:-.- ! ar.:. l.a ! ' n kn-w?s in Wa-'..- MM.f wnt :.w v. sti w.vr.T. CORNELL PROFESSOR DEAD Prof. R. H. Thurston Dies Suddenly ' From Heart Disease. Ithaca. N. Y Oct 2S. Professor Robert H. Thurston, director of the Sibley 'college of engineering. Cornell Vnlverslty. died suddenly at his home on the campus. lie was sil'.lng in his library awaiting the arrival of for nier President Andrew 1). White, Dean Huffctit, of the college of law; Prof. Hewett and others who were to bo his guests at dinner, it beln-r. his 64th birthday. Ho seemed to fall asleep but when his wife made efforts to rouse hi in she found him unconscious and he was dead before a physician could be summoned. Heart iMs"iiro was the cuise of death. Ho had liven In apparent good healMi and spirit and had Just returned from a brisk walk. Dr. Thurston was one of the h'at known members of the tiniv rally fac ulty and ranked very high in his pro lession. He wni born at Providence, It. I . In 1M'.!. 4 vyw -' 'a...W .v--;.,,; ; I'A I 4 Killed Her CWd-cn Mc.niorfy. ('; I., lit :. porai iiy del a i : I. i.l - wife of a Salm.l : i In o. In r child i at tie- dictation, supremo power, her ebb's) ilauglH years. She then iiof eldest Mill. While Insane, j While tern- !'-s. Louis Iversoti , n hinlst, murdered 1 :U I'aelile drove, , s tid la! -r, of a i ii 11 rs l strangled '. Louisa, a;;ed 12 ' al!eiapt"d the life of igeil II. but the boy ; broke awa Irotn Iter and took a (rain lor bis ho'.ee in Salimi. She then strangled her son. 1 land I, nod ti. and, securing an ne. struck him a blow on the head. Later In the evening sho killed her seven -months-ohl baby 1. s! rangling. Couldn't Leave His Old Home. Smith lterw icU, Me., (let. i Uatlier than leave the old iiome where lie had spent the ;!." years of hla life, nnd where his father and grandfather he fore him had lived nnd died, and which had been sold over hla head, iioorge W. Ford put n bullet iuto his hralu nnd fell dead at the feet of tho new owner, who had come to take possession. Close To Border Line of Life and Death. -Neuralgia f Heart, 7a& Gtonaaoh. Dr. Mllea Heart Cured Her. Cure .v. :a (. ::.u A f-. L"VV ir f.'c-. E ' lie wa-- r- cf 1 i:. JariJv ly .'i s a N'i ic -isei he-tft. : :' - -' : ry '-i ' .:: :awa i r !' : X . !:a.ra I'.oster., whn ilainied to have cer tain letters .vhi.h had pas'se-.! litwea 1..::.- .!' a:a: Jol.r. Manay I'owif. "': aat w:; te u.a," said Mr. . . ' :' .,: h t:--;s il publish. d : ;. . and Jn the a a- : I....,:-: said that for f a 1 v. a i v : a. tla i.i over to me .?..::: . 4 l. aa , r r. '..:. i-- . ;... ; : .-. :a ti.. ? ', u rs v ; ' ;. ::. a ; r in this i ta!.; paper lo ;: ; i .-inal i. w hat - : : .t." '.. J l ! E ..w a Pis a ;f. ii. ci f- J-f " ,: qaif i:s aud : a ;-.::! d iti r ,;...:! bia. 1 -j'-wr. 1 him from v.". of .- x. Iowa. .;. If . '.vl . p .or. wii h- r :-". to as lo sell whoia bv fuls'-ly raid j . I'.-t'.'-rs have cotai; , ' r a tla laixh doi ;jor i wi- ked, the boii.-ct of all ."" ' v a - lo a. greatly ex it 1--.J ana tramp i the: piaiform with lit it a i : ' ::.att. ;. r, , ...j Ilevas :n ;i"""l itt'" "iplor.a'' was 1..; l. Th !.":vi"i '-.oi ::. I lir.n tvll Fervf , r j v j, ':, rv vi,. -e a. av.atL-a a i..gh posfioL. anj lae M'T'tti'! vat a pro'.' ge '. 'he la'1, si:.." Lci'u Salisbury, wh '.' ex:: ! .' ;;'i ; of tth Llpi'itliB'i'.- vltill waa bas-d on I if f-'iioa -.1' wu'.h Russia in the cleii- nervous steps. Lis frame Quivering 'at n.af.er of ti. Aigi.ar. b'mtidary with thf ir.u-u.-My of Lis euotion. i.eitn.f.ati'.'.. "''!'- b'-i j..-oof that John Murray Sir M-r::ne-r was n li.o"' ' to Tc- ia." wa siot ia fa'L'.-r," U--.- : Lmt;d. horas bi'."ii. i.f was. ap;i".?''.-d to ' ''': 1 ! i- fives up i; y i. 'tors to present post a an bats.a ior tt Madrid.' btai. M-bai.ia;; Lira for the most lerri Ke was eot:sid-ri-d in St. Petersburg We crime a n an eould ever commit, Jn the most as1 'at.- !iplou.at Or;t IJri- i::y j'i'.'rni'T.t. V'im. it all against my- uiL ever :. :.t to Tfi.'-'t t,. K- has w-- .d j.ut fcr-, but then; ia om. ofler. ev),-e::si;d a grea' l.hnt; Ior ,!'' "-'. !l'l'1,ft. P'Jri-st woiaau Aiuereau!:. Jit Las a wilt and uie. l!;-t ,v,r '"'. w- ' i '' yars, liUariitet. lln'k (joil, in H.-aven i!;y mother. LC'J DILLON TROTS IN 1581-2. ' , "J ':",-"':''"' ''' VMUaH-n of thobf ii-u.ei oi , a1..: .- they aje fait Ji) many Tr.e Cnat lv".ar Clipt 1 1-4 Seconds Off par's, ia.ge e.iraets- being omitted, Creceu' Tirr.e. tlo-ieby dictonltig the meaning of the j .Vemphir. Ti-ni. , Oc li' . fiu Ml- -:t. ior. owned by K. 0. Hiliinn''. "f '-'hi- "I vf :t Vj my that I wvi-r wantid eag' and driven by Millard Sanders, this Mory to come o-jt, but It : known pso'. oi.. L:r ricti' to the uHc of tiuoei: that J am not the sou ,f the miherahle of the turf by trotting a mile under m ouiei: 1, vi.-,, in oi'h-r to tilnke ul i.mi:.-i i.-onattioio: in the remarkable me. ;,ol'.l 1 i.i- ieii.ois in wuii-li I ru tin. i of J.r-.Vi. The naug.ater of Sid- proae.1.' d i.im to t.L- vile press of New lo .'jthoL vas .aii-'l by u runner i Vork ".r,i-u bv Scott McCoy, ai.! anotin r iy'.- b'.rsi into invx-tivc of tin Neural'ia of the heart causes sudden death. It is an acute nffectkm of the car diac nerve, just ps neuralein is of the nerves of the face, usually, and sciatica is of the nerve trunk of the tiiiglC One of its most irnnnt cvm..r,nc it . I. ...... ........ .. .t. stomach aud liver. Strengthen the heart's action and enrich the l-Pod w ith Dr. Miles' "eart Cure; tone tp tl.e nerves illi Kestoi attve Nerv.uc and you will .-con Lo cuied. "Nervous cxhsustion an-l livur trouble so affected my w ife's health tnai she was preatiy run d w-ii; neuralgia c.f the heart tvt i'n and t, r a i. !! tane m,..- as Vtry close to the bur itir i. lie of Lie and dctii. She was attended Iv two physicians, wiio ui.l all thev couid for lier, 1 ut in spile of evcr:hin she P- w, r e rtf.at nhn-. hie uay 1 saw an .i .vert.e:i.er.t if Dr. MihV Nervine and -m-w i:t-a:t Cat-, ar.d tl.e ei.icter's explana 1 1 n ' I t:.e e5e-".s if ih-tvihis troithie upi.n ti e heart K-eir. .1 ,o i, paad taut I .tecided t got i..; rciR- a trt.il. We now know I.';..: th: st' a:...ii an 1 liver tio 'ibPs were part ' : ' ? !.e ft v. ...I. s. Mi- ji;,;,,, ved won ' '.a Her api-t;te picked up, ' ' i at night and the pain aronml ' :"'-! ; :'. :;s.i ;-cared. '1 hanks to Dr. 1 1 ... . -t u:e ia a ti .v works sac was hie P. he Lp a-. I nfid t.. her houaeUld -'-'te. and ia a I.- f.aK.'l.s every s pn of - i !--'t fteal.ie lad vanished." - J.vMi.s P. M; i.i.v.Toitii-f.11, Conn. .'idr f,.l ri j r,;ara:,tee fir.-t bottle I :. M...., Jon:ef.t.-. Semi lor free book an Vrn.:: and Heart Diseases. Address . r. .Mi.o Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. t .i Lr l".l" i . r. v .v .... "Oon't forget ti:r r! tho fili on l.is ! '. l;or in'arly thirtv -,;? s hoon traveling .i!o:; "?1(1, nnd is still tr.r.;; l ip.o-in licallli ami t : . 'icrovor lie tnics. To the consuniptive Itrins the strength i.e so much needs. To all weak and ii, hildren he crjves rich -liXMio;thcninfr food. 1'' .I..V- ' 1 i i o nun aim i)a o ivn ' c gives new firm iKsh ;ch redsjlood. Children who fiit s-T. .J man with the h!i .1 .own up and haw tl.ild : their own. I lo stands for Scott's E' ' ... . r 1 I- . 01 ui Hiiu cotl liver 0: ' li:;htful food and a narJ :11c for children, for o!df, vd for al wlio need th'A . rengtli SCOTT A BOWNE. Cherrl.t, JU-415 Pearl Street, NewV-J uwu. -iiiui,uui an aruEitsa, C. RUTTBR, M. D in 1'iiysiuan anci Mirei Port Trcvorton, Pa, Offers his Profesiilonnl Sen id the Public. AU Calls I'rom tended. 'ANTHI):-8EVKHAI. IMH S1 1:1 m'ii 111 riu'ii hui'o ii irnvi'i n.r n, i.i t eil eleven yearn mill with laiei i7.i:tji iitiini iiii'ri-liniitn unit iiki'IiIi lor i.i.itttttl nrolltnlile linn. Permanent eiiim-i-nti,! ly eiiiili iwlnry of t IH nml all I r,o e.i'.i vjaj iiiki luilul bum nuvant'cil In oeli'ik KxI'erii'iH'o not vaHeniial. Veil:: ami iMielnflo .i'tf aililri'si'i' .i... NATIONAL, 34 .DearbornSt. Ctiiaaa n 1 it: a i iimi iom: DAT. Take Laxative Piriimo-(uiiiiiK:Tiililetn All drua'trists refutnl tliu money if it oil.s tueuiv. (;. V. (Ji'ove'n niiiiiture ittl eiofl box. i'ic 0 fir? rrvv I ill 11,.; if r led iwi.d 1 .'.... I y to utye the bi't ii;,m :;,i. ef.ori. 'J tie '.rucK 1 ' :..i- ..: : 1 ai, '. aii'i.fo. j ".ii im .-' s . i a I . lj I.e vi I ' A H'lol.y J '';' pt io-:i ".' '-, .-or, a:.'. '' i ' an t pi ' '-' - Li. .. if I. .'.r. i ' ,'ile' f. r h.,i t li pe ir.;,air l ti:e pr SH toi a '. : ii I.-, lb i . ,-! I:! i by 'oi, ..yoii. a 1 i :,. i-.ii! lie t,, .f : ' f ' . n: I' i. ... I.l. : : : i , i Jb li lo l.o l .'.Ul 'i la. I 'lit' .... 1' If- lo -Ale "I "l , ' t; i . . .- : . II iff ui e . f ' . .- .! i . 'y.,. .t. . ....' if t..a- a.o:.cy' . auiU Ut.a'li.1. LU tiauKulcr ... . '' ' r p'-a . . o . . i u'.e (..(.. '.:, : . ' ..- ... .- c ..i.-a', i.nd f;t.-...y i-i-C'-i. Vj face ti.y i;i.ii.piva lul'.ei' '.loy lie liiiwj- ia tho New and Bettor Breakfast Tooi, bo diffcrtut from all otlidrn tLat it jkuhcs everybody. (Jet a j;tteka.;e to-day ut your (jroeera. Tat Oii l'cui l'o'U Co., La Itor, H. 7. Moilerfl A lulilMiiii. "Aren't )oj uinbitloua to rank aa a apiain f indiihii y?" "No," anhwerod Hoiiulor Forphuni, 'I'm KaUsMid to keip mnnei-tid with Mm; payinautf rn depariiuent." V,'aHh- (vlliuK Hurl, al lllr.i. Comedian No itonoy lo j ay huh idea, you i)? Will, ;o;i'iij a iibl 'iiiaacr, uu are. fJuar:'.r -V.eli, tliu l,ii.i.o.;W hm fce;j bad - Coliiciiiua If ru I j.i I ii,y ,,orji J I'JI J. a,..-. Mal,iij..ej- 1', i,dpH yoo'.i r, f,il rhelj Ihe altci,!lil,i I..J.J j jsl, l.j, I lanj pay ou HhmiM.v tt ,ijo. I IlK Ull V ii ) . ' i'-u; I I.e i 11 Uiid llot v.i, lib.. 'L .',,1, -..jolt lii re V.UJ mole I).,, i, oi,, . n li.e lii..iiy.- I'.joi'. Tin- KUIil liltii.. 'I... i :. JJo .' V. a;-, i. ;.. v nicy w io n j,,.. j,, a. pc-ciiy Ida. ui--Oh, II had the rlfc.i,( rli.K lo It. I'owa Tojita. WANTi-.i)-si:vi:i!.r. pri:- nrter ami iroml ri'iint.-iliiHi in tlii I'l.iiniy ri'ipiiri'iO in n-' H-i'olil i-ialililii it vwallhy I., soliil liuani'inl htnnilin4 s'.i .,: with pxi'Iihi'm ii.lilitimiril, a'' iliri'et rvery Weilni'mlay fi. n u-eaml c:irriae;i' fnnii-l,ol 1,'i'fi'UMH'i.'.. laioloi.,. If n I Coluliial. tltl'i I Hurl i .1 ii St., ( I. MANAGER WANTED. Trnsnviulhy laily . r pciii!' IiinIiii'-h in iIiih I 'e'nnt uii'l n a. lur W'kiI anil n, voral.ly U i o.w tlnaneial n;amli-iLp. j-.'O.oi or., n (mil i'xpi.it., pai.l i'ii. Ii .V..i, t;o : ree' friini lii-aiiiu:irtiri. !--;.. r - vanceil; usitii,ii piTtnaiii-i.l. Manager, alO rtonnn ItlJ.a. CI '.ell I'.'t. Jury List. List of (Iranil Juror lira" i, f. r i... Oyer ami Terminer anil ami c ir . very and Court of (jiiartei N- ' ot Siiyile, Ciinnly loil.l iii o, iu : I i in"n.'iiiif .Minulay, llt'c. II, l.i .a tiliA.ND Jl ltoi:-. Name, Occupation, lie--.! 1 Alnln Mlllnii, T.-aclier, I'lai.k l'. Ainaml W illiam, liiinlii'i'iii. m. M a Ili.HI'IMlX .1. (I. Inlllll'r, t i'llll. Illii.niinn .1 I iii.'1'iit, Mpniu' I uu ins II.-in), in run r, M o el ! r-. . Drees.! Iti'llli 'li, lielll lelllllll, s, , . iii.iiiieiiii,. wiiiiuiii lauiM i i', i.i. II irlliein.liiliii I, titrinrr ( inir, llillnliiel ii,, l.ul nrer, M il il " lliemiiK'i'i 1'i'irv, lannui, W. -i li ll ilsiiu.' Alirnliaiii, n'-iil. We t I; klllin Jiilin M., I.il ln, I , A'l n,i- I, ' iilK ili llei.iiiii, liiliorer, I'miii Miller I liiuli'H Ji'., I a i mil, p. ;,ii .M'iiT (li'uryi K., larini'r, a IjI'" ICIIi i ,1'ilin, liiin.i'i-, J ii 'li.nni hlrniili.'S. II. Kent ivmii, Hi-l-li'ihl I 'n in. in. Il l,i I. IT, I'l l 'f. sliiunliJlli Aiiiliew, l.ciin-1, I of.,.. I ls.li, A . A. mi niiiini, .-ipi I' : Waller I ill, ill, Inline, I . I, He Mliii'iiiiii-jiT, W. V . itei.l M 1,1 1.'." I'K'l IT H 'inilt". Amlir Jernii i', i,,iii e' . Wii i 1' ii; iiioiih, im'iiiki' a. im iii . .Iih'ov.!. II nisi Ini'iie I., uu im , , M .Mi,, II. 4 'lllllllll I'liltlll, llllllll'l. 10. 11,1 III Il iiM i I Inn I. n, l,iii,il,i in, a. ro linger I'.iiim. Iitinii'i, I-1 ,,!. In. Il.ivo'lnox I hi inline, iiiiiiier, i -i '" I'OIISI- .I.HI,, I, ;. 1,11,1111,., l i.i 1 1 ' . I'.ei In, In 0 i,ii. 1 1 i.i no r . I i., nla i, II I. I.li r i my i,'i.i i. iiii-r. s i.- hlillev .1 ,111,11, I. Ill" II I, Ml, , III i. Ken-Il l', I'. II. I, II, 1. 1 I, I i-I.Oe lOslmr All lllll ', lillnlhilil, .Mi it!' I I'm n iiiMu, l,n in,,., I'l l,,, iiilliiln .,,i.,illi.ili ,., Iiiinn i lilllSH Ail. n, i, li.ii In i ,i -I.i , ' ' i HII..S J ll. hi in I ,i i in. i ii , Aii.ini III! veil .11, inn, ,1 p.. U ,-. ; IP iii, lie I I ii,.. I. hi.. i r. Mi si.'" in im. hi I.i. ii.-, ii, nl, Ail.iln II ,.,- Ii.n n l, im . i . hr.iiyei Miniiii, i,,iii,, r, mi.i.m . Im, ,(,., r ii. c.i ',l, i , . Il l"-e A II, III, ill, 1,11 ,, i . II' . I , ,11. il, I" . k. I I ii, i.l .in ,i,: Ii.i.-i..o,,ii Nui ,ii i. inn. ,. M..IIIII, .lull II II 1.. Al.niii') n.iiiiiit-, f l'l, 1. 1 1 Il ll 1,1111 ll'e' I ll. U . I, lllll, I .1,11 II f l I . I lill .11. lllll , U ., I" ' I II I,!" II II 11' "I II I'lillHl' i II I. I. ill,, , I., ,n a i. .In., i., I..I i.n I I ' 1 1 I ., I; l.ili , I., ,n. ll K lill ii,l, in , III .li .1 i, el, I.n l, I li ,l. I .1 ,l.li V . Im lain ,,i. n si. In, 1 1 I,, lliill.'-ll J.ni in,. I in In i.lel , ,ni HI, .,.11 i A lit. ,1, .1, p ,'ii sl,.,i,,i ii ti NuIIiiiii, III , k. mill' 1 siiMiin I,i.,,-. w .i a, ... Tiilil.mllllli, I. limine, ,M,,lie,,,i, -" I l.-li r.inin Men I,,, i, i. ui , i i. . I ii., ui-i,,ii li v in, In.ill on r 1 1.-1 , ' 'i Willi l lliiliei'i (.inn, i' . i.i. VoUng j-ibv.inl, iiiiinci, Mni.na. I', -I . II, ,0 ,1 p. I. II , . . ll ... - ..ll. .li ll. ,1,1, V I . I'll., I I
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