T ' MIDUUSBUHG-POST. cur.ia's qad. follows.' -y Oriental proverb. W.sme way with disease. A small :ti vivo it an entrance and Hisease once hae place In the 1 m f Aimmmm LTuna in a "weak" When the r-0- . t. also Dccuiire" t,r lack oi kioo, anu L. attacks rrt, lifer, kidneys herorjrsns. Pierce a In Melieal Diseor- kes tbe weak V& strong. It cures U, of the stomach tther organs of di- il nutrition, L enable s the liody r .. n t or tnrow on omer rtiseasrs. , ,n l women who are sick are in. o consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, ohw.n without cnarge the opinion .--. i'.iit on their ailments. All cor r. i strictly confidential. Ad ir. II. V. I'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ;..-.t two rear t h.ive been n v-ry -. ,i writ.- Sir. Chaffy of V'.f. - ."".'an'!. Ohio. "I tried Tnilifirr- . : r. .irrl to no avail. AI 1a 4t I r!wi i i - - e r.ol.'-n Ntedu-.-il lu..overv. I w all run-down ari'l had a ,.oit uae in my mouth Wn 1 .'it time it wn verv h.,rd for m? - I h id -i-re hfadvche and ruttuiir joint. U'a- wak I cu.d -nv work nor w.iik up or down tl.r n--it;in-e r.f niv t.r .'-irr or I a-n no-T tktn? til- f.,urtH .ott, T-tf to ay I ItI like tnywif n;otln. i 1 fy-"i ntnir-i an-1 iT! .rin i:.y . " . iny onf Kvrrvtliiiis. v mi to .o. 1 I rati insure y m that I,ic i. - substitute for "C.oMen MM--.'.-.(.rv." There is nothing jiwt '. :' ' dyspepsia or debility. ,ws is curer 1 by the use of Dr. 's Pleasant I'elleU. -T'KNKY AT LAW, ti:-i r-iitr:ited (o M f r -f'.vj i.T'iitinf tittnn'io'.i. NNSYLVAM HAILROA'J. L-H-istown Division In wfT.rct M.iy 2i. V.m. Sunh'try !ini'' oi J r, lion A oi t.rrove j (.( it, if K M 4 j: .7 K r. .. iht l 4 t .HI Mi-lwr 4J 4 20 , .Mol.llehtlrg 111 4 !) I! Urnlrr l 4 07 51 Heaverfciwn 3 7 i lifaver -pMni s al JVj Oi ienha Mills 11) 3 4 ' y-i lurf Wscrr-r 7 7 .-li.i.dl-P:ntrvill U Maitla'id 7 3 Jj 1 Iwllown 7B "s Irwt.town ( V sti 11 Mreel. ' 711 9 "3 1 15 lycwintown Junction. 7 jO ?'1q THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. I Lwsaoa a thr latrraat Inaal Srr! fur otrmlipr H, 11K:i HarlU'a Oriel Dtrr Abaaloni. thk f.nrroN text. C Sam. :S:r4 M.) II And David sat bettrtrn Ih two rts; and th watchman nil up to the rof ovtr th Batf unto tht .-.:. ar.d :i't l p his ty-.. ai:d looktd. at. i h. hoid a ti. 1.1 rur.n;nK a;onc. And the watchman rrli 1, ar.d told th klr.if. And the king said. If he be aioir there U t:dlnir In his rr.nuth. Ar.d he tame nj ai-, and drmw near. 31. And th wati r.tnan s:iw anoth'rmar. runnlnn; anj the watrhman ca'.'.-J unto the jiorter. and s.iM. H1T.0M nr.ot t-r man rtir.ninir a Ar. 1 the kins sa.d. He a j brlt t-.-th :l i:t. (,-. iT. And 'h'- wuM.sr.an raM. M !. k' ". the runn'.mr of the !' f m ,t Is o'..- ti. runnlt.it "f Ahirr.mz the son of Zulok And tfc.. k r s-i!d. Il !s a k'"1 n.-.n, ar.. corr.. tt. with t. .i ,... Ar. i the kif.t- r, -h - r" nr 1 .-.:.;. ! t ::!. I t; l.'t'.l ; W ; 1, Ar .n A ' i nr.d Ar.d he . t . for- I. -: 1 . r. i n.. : 1 ' : A; ! I,. -.; ; ,. - ... t ' r- ' . At 1 : 1 . - ..' o.-.'.i ' - - II A'. r. . J A ' r . r . ; r. : : ! t r . v . lnr, I " u '. .I.,- j(.-irs . A r ! :..'.- a -. - r. j h r. ' - t :. I ' . : r o ; r 1. . 1 . 1 ' A HJf) 3o 4 Vi a 4 .1 T.M 7 IS 3 i. lews Sdnbury 5 30 r m, ir-ve-i at SuliDi'rove 5 45 p m sSfliiis'rovefi:00p. m., arrives S;inbury r:t-j p. m. - leave Lewistown JaDCtion : l.'o II m, 1 10 p m.13 p m 4 lAp m. 7 ttj tn, u a a m ror Aiiuuoa, rnuosr auo ilti'ii-re sni' Wshinton fl 05 am 17. I I 1- 10 t m Fr Hhlladeliihi" anil New hij i. zi ssn. i in itu i o i in ua iiii H ir;-' ur 10 p m ada!phia & Erie R R Division AMI M. .'IN CKNTKH. KAIT.WAY W!rVAKD. ' -4 H'.fgrove Jmcnon .,'.'.j Tor .:.. x. v - r ip.--s is-J.iv 9 : .1 1;.. . :ry d:llv ex'--.", t :. r- o .1:1 i Ii. ! r ' iirte avl ''in- ! ty K-! ir.-! i'i-Ji.U:."i.i ' (!!!. TvTi'l- .V. ! Ii" V- . u : r K'jn u '. 1.! la tvr H;;e: at :. :i:i 1 t'l- :ir ! lil: l - h'-tl in l l-'.imrii - .il .:.i ult ." 'ilr Imffilo vi En rT' im, ; r t! 5 1J i 'uj ! r r-.o jr. I 'Ar.,ia i il w tor V. ; ' -l. --i U'fcn ant mr-r.'r. at T'l-.: 1 v. :. T - . - I- it: ! ! r : ! ' t-.. - - i- ton 'I.,S '"' V IB, 5 ii p 31 ' r "-'LU w I ' iMl-i K v.-T W.VKD. . e i or,H( ti.i-.-1. .-j '. ' : v .irr v.n-.- ,i- vh.ii.l ' .'. - , ; iu B..ti-a- r i .! :a .. . ..T .- 1. 1 ir T'o! i .',, 'o A Ul, 1U.UU.O . 1- ' I - - 5 ) ' ! '. A-nyiit at ";r '; HI -'Mi ;n. Ha'ti::iore : - 1 :t ; : . u: - i.-o .sM'9 S t';- - v:-j it P'-lU !..! ' l i i : i '. mln sr.. c , o-.i.!y. 10 :s a u v : .1.1 a ui, !! ,;s . m l- it. t.. v 1 - ""'-l"'! A 111. UttUI I'. ' ;tn 1 1 p in. ' i - I . i i : tr v i ;'t. N ' ' ; V li. l'V.LO " li ;.j i ! in i-riv::u n P :' n'eii h: ( in, i:.ioui.uo 1 .'ii'ii a Ol ' i r ("i l t '"loiilu 7 t; p in :.. i: :. u .!- 7 jj v ui, WA..U- . . mus ry t 1 a ai na S HI r H irn ur. I'diladoluUm ud ' U Wl ul', (iwu I KM .V;;!Iil I(V via I MAU44ir. -t-.. uTT't "Ci't, w,c J iw... U-i.-t-.', V" A 1 ,'V- i :y N ' '-. ;' '-i ; 's s4.K v- - -n :V- -.ir- .'.r- ..'.!-.: vrr ri of tf 'rt ,,e ; -..-.. r v,i Vr Tir-. ,.,..io ''ii K.i e. r , .,,.-;. .,1 i-ii i rrtzh"ysm svs. "-r v,.r it- Vt,' n . 's '. rT7 i!"T .... i v, i ,.. :. ,.,i - A REE u "no i )sic!c f -vh v-ii'Ivy of Ooffee v'TW.t jinx's. i . il . : a. v ' " i . . , . i S t . - . . 1- , ' ' I ' ' ' . fVo. 1 v- t'- M 1 'V,v .,.'. , . . i , y f- T'l e;..t ( f T' -' ' 'ofl : r-f I : : r- !''.' :' -V'. .J v l'f . ti'-nj inatca--s an 0n t,, T- unhealthy condi- , ... J-Ation of .he kid- of ,h J 5 Vrn unnealthy condi-W-W'.yrtion of the kid- v I 1 r nejr3; ,f " lins hzi y'-r ,ine:, 11 ls Thousand Have Eldncy Trouble 1 ,e,cctlon tl1 frownlnf of a pop j t- i4 verT ceremonious affair, and an and Don t Lnow it. event that concern, the Catholic church How To Find Oat, throughout the world. From the tno- Flil a bottle or common glass with your orient a pope difa until his f irc'sttor U rater and let it stand rwenty-faur hours; a crownl the vatlran may tald to be scaimrnt or si- , a ,t4fe of fervil, n (.Rt tlinf lndica--s an n ,h , , v j,v cardinal rarr.trlin'o to formally asrertaln that fact. !! does so by knmktiir thrl at the dr.r r of theiioiif 's i i I evidence cf k!J- bedchan;br. frrlni; r.o ar.fi w r. he i-n- ney trouble: too trs. ar.rt 'atis fhrire wiih a sllwrmal- y.lf ,re(?uem o-reto t oa the dead rr.a's f..rehni. ai.d CCfiJy pais It cr pain in thrice calls him by name. Nor.i-r.w convincire proof that the k'.dr.eys an 1 bud- ron,lnK- ,h ,am, r:!r-r' cl-larea to the der are out of order. wor1'1 ttiat ,t' r'''!"1 Is r:"ar'- What to Do. bri'iy Is then mbalrn'-rl. and af'er There In o.rr.f-,rt In the V; -.!,!,- so nas ha? been said over I' Ir. the pr'-s- often ttyc'.i. Vyt Dr. K.'.r.r'; Z 4T.p. enc rf fbr- rrr'lirals If I-; r' rr.oveil to r.j ... i,r-:a. . ;iey t'nei; tj. !....-, tvery wish in c;:r:r.jr rhourr.atum. si. a in ih tack. kiar.fs. I.v-r. t.a ii-ra 1 every part cf 'hi ..-ir.ary piart. It corrects ir.ihiii'y to Y. J.I an 1 r.-iVJ : n r.-. ;.-.:-..r.? It, or t-5 .:' ..-.-s - .. I ". 1 1 ' e -3- Ui)--. '-r-rt. I Georgia baa taken forward step la (he solution of the vexed question of marmurr u vagrancy. The Idle tramps that pere J '''. Kr1l4Ate wtthln her J horders utider a recftt law are compelled to work for tbe state. There may be ' times of urei.t iniu rial Cepresslon when th laborer stands Idle In the market 1'.W" with r.o one to give him employ-tm-r.t, Imt r, tbtse prosperous times. wb-n '.r.rk iu ail ao aMur.s Is at a t r-nii-in.. fhr It no ex'-uso for Id'.er.ess. Ir. 0-or;-!a at! rrown persons who esn ro: -ho- that V-.ty ) :.: tr. oiut '. arr ..? d ar.d "t.-M.red to ti - cars. .T,.,;,i'1 on 'he pnt.:ic bih I' Is r t . i i . . -,';t, wirt-cr beer, m '.vc---. . -, 'ry -'ei-.-.r.t r-- tvef !.':-' ' - --:J r-, r tf-.n (i:r : t:--: nr.d': ;;:t - ' '..I r, : '. ; . , ': .. . , ! .. ; - r-i- -.ry t:;-.t rf Sw.im-i-kor.t i-. :. in re.; t : f l ". I : ' - ,,1 ... e ;.. ( c-... : . y. r..- . V..': Tr: (e,t :!.:i. i : .... i j j ; s -i i:ii. rM iKh on i. trjef I., ,, 1 1 1 her. I'rm . 17:-'".. '; i.i n i ; .'r' .- i..; i . x-.i: .- i-;. . n i' ' i' ,t : , :. .. : .j V: ': ,--.-i . ..: a: ,i,r.- z r : r ti.- . - ... it, in. : -i :-; .N j.;. A.'.i'm i.JUIi.NTS (2 S.!:it.. l.:-!7, tj.t Iiavi.J ir.;??.? b'.-.i; a", n.ptf d to d. ft-r.d J-ri..-ai n. a'tii.st Aiwiuora, but a ur.pr ,-ir- d. a:,d ur.si; c s:-f;l re.-intar.rr. wonid bae rnf-ant the Karkir.K of tbo city ar.d the borrofa ir.At jj. variably a.-compai.y a sai.i;. Xu'io; t:.n, itiioi.t. the aifoi.r.t that David a.i thciurhtf il for r.tb'Tj. No part of thf.- history throws more iifcht on bis real character than do-s this .str.ry of hi3 flight, ar.d at. r.o time was bhs heart more kir.e!y ar.d his fplrit mor admir able than Ir. thi tirrie r,f his extremity. Note fl) hit Jho'mht for Jnisai'm n.",:iii; (1) i.!, -'!.-r.i- ? tr'attr-er. cf It.rai, rap'ain of a '. tar '..mr.t oi !.: .'.1 mou3 foreign bodyciard f 13: 19-22 1; (:tt the sending back nf the ark (15:2.", 2'i; contrasting David's rea.or.ab!e view cf the Eituatlon with the superstitious ida3 cf formsr pT.eratlons; f 4 1 the ling's treatment of Shlmrl (1(1:9-15: 13:10-23). Though David was now an elderly man, and had, of late retired more and more from active public Ih'c, hia old enemy and diplomatic skill re turned to him at thl3 time. He himself plannM every dr-ta!1. cf the racr. rn;;n. fCh. !t1-2r.. H f-.r--Tf.e-rfci ;;; v' t. tie was fought". A! -nicvr r'-'r.i'-! tf r-1' i;. i i FT. .... r. hi- ! orir.h. r. .' -l . !.:'- -b : n- !'. r i i. tore An. rica n. -. r. fair ti r :l t. from t.- '.v. '-. the a, t wer r r:.R-.rr.l. ' I'.; a: ,: y. To .. 1 1 fe r I. '. Ar.J I' I -i 'ion ..f .t '' i ' . - ., . ''-' ' - rot .1 " . a ': ... . '.r r ' - ' .. . . ;.',i-.-d of 'M r . ,r..i. - ; , ..,-r ;. ..-. ' e h.ir h ! 1 . : f -iii T' '-, ,.- .. 4'.. , -.r .. .r"- r t h va-;, an ; .. .re.! fr- .. r - ' ' !:.::::: fr -.. " . .- - v r.d by "Were yon lor.-. r.: ih. I ivn in . .v . , ,. ,r... . , , . the co-in-ry. J .i.ri?- ar.V ,'r,,.r'ire Ka. 'i ca-hr.a! ha.s .Not vrj- i was so ii isy rv:ni rh'cUs that I d-ii.-.'t hav- tix. to lor.-; orr.e." Cbb-a-'o A nirican. a epara'n roor;.. v'-.h-h u t vn by V.th the-.r -f. ;ii.- r.. . '--r ab.it 2 '"' sot:'. Ai! 'he,;e rr..-n .if- "v -.rr. to T.Vh:'e ty.,0 c.ather4.,? !a:'.- h-.y hen. Tt.. Kill.. serrocy It's iari to hav- a ;ot of debti -at " for' 1'n al!JR''"r''"' ycu .;dply can't pay.- ' "'"''" .v,. t r-., .... 5a ff" ir. corr.rr.cn i- a lot that you ,;r..-y h.ve to pay."- r' fr" ;",.v';h' l-hiiadeiphia I,ir. ?r" "'f,f-' ,0 count .-.e ha. T. ear.rms r-eiiy df!r. thre '..-..'..4 cf Ther won't Look l'la..t. e'-Von ly !r -pt"a".or.. hv cc.n;:-ro-"The ro"v'e w!h "-a pho,pr""" " m!se and by bal'.ot. E'.ectior. iy ;r. r:nTKcd .'r.'i ohe-vr of everi't -,a1 ri'ra'ion takes plac whn "ail 'he cur-.!..-ys. "-.ecr.n o b--- 'ha' he ok- : ro- ilr.als. as if by ?h ln:;p: rat ,c.n of ;- Yonkers ;'a"c- Holy Gh'"t, prociaim ou .-a.-.d-.u-f .' x A they r.ever do 'hia. t he pope l.-i .i.'vays chcn h-ai'ot or vote. .iiTn iih'ritfii, The ballots, when open, are about four "I wotldr:l if his e!o.;iK;n.e wxs in- ' heritnd." """ : "Certainly. His mother was a worn of eours." N. T. Herald. lVJiJW4,i wr'-ener kr.OW, p. Dniarnlk. .T-ee Mr r. era.- of irritation axUinij frora thf em ranee ,,,t to rt, orm..r Int. her Kltch.'ri, n( Hare thllity. on ;rr..5 ya .i-;- 1-. . .-. - t. - ' , - T-.v a Wail I ii ' ' ' r mn ii ir . ( ''. f.-r .: f ;.! v . " ;. . nr. b.-- '...'.t.o! i v i b. i' 'I-,.- -it ,r I..'" !o 4 -. i -. ".-tm.s r.-..".rn'.a ?.r .f .r.fanc" an -vpial h c : m ''bib- i, - '. 1 -.' ' I ?.. ; -::n n.n 'a.' a fb'.i 31 iver th! la,lon;e Cnrt'm w ".ir." 'l-.at 'he pea.. ma of i-lri' 'ir 'bb- ri' v'.-.o -rtn.'. ti--,-ova by hiini. v -r- cniy.e . jut m v-'.rk .i:r.:. . ,r. rr:it; ' pi.-- t,:o a-rl nun. JHRRY B. SULLIVAN. netpfnloeas T'aat Dneis'l Helj). if.--. a ?" ; ' -a.b v. :r.- -r or O". 'a- -. it. e I t ": .'. ?"r b .A 'he -ma.'--r ;''.-b.n t men :j lif'ljhr 1'a.n,- i.-. ! b- '... , .' a;vl v';n 1; v il 4. -.t -. :i;a -vi nricti S". ":. .-,r a: -a -raiost (r .,b .1 -v-jert. aa.f f v:.;i'M 1; ;;it '.n ').-r.,;,-. for rn.itrr'.n.. Th.tn. '-.ides (ee-ir.ir'h nof ov-r 'lie!- 'a.'.ndii. made "he-ii ibie o make their daily menls .in ;:otat.i.eg. r.nsei'd oil, hrad ind coffee, and n; times, aaear on Sundays. It might no", say i-.'ie St. Louia Tfinea-CeuiOi ,ai, and nnriueati'inably does not. very often di'creas" I'lirs'mas -'hwr dull "h" t"li:"-' :tri.- ies ,r v.-:i..r. Thru' -::; 1 -' a " 1.:. , -.!..-.. - b- v 0- ro At" yu.i. hr, an 1 ;:; ; .: :. . say i the y .i.-h'a C ::. a". :. w- bld-i..- t-"l; r i a "..:: 1 " be made, tl.o r ; t '. ' the ,h.:.es bj !. "A '. r. .'. ' : tho p-a.1 to be s a 1 t . pil.3 of r.i-.-tt : ; -bi. - ,c loii-.r? of ::: aft rr.oi.ti and t. evtn.n.i. Ho in the tvl. , ( throry arbd .f the th-ir-.li 'It-i ti "I 3b; y r- . y do," 1 i -". .r .::.;.rt .ry : ;!::; 1 n r' orb A fr -h . s.lv tl.o d.:ll j-:!: y. tn. A ch..M t ' y;. A:; -o.l 1 ; :-. :. v : ..- . ::: t. i-Xlflt.. . . 1. .'..-. iTrftl w' rr by. c . -..1 i.. j.a. '..'. -j rf t-t r-3 ,r..; 1.. . LOt .1 ., -e y-.ir- 1 A .1 f - '.b' b. b. Ui -a'-'i V". 1" Ti r $r lli hu" c .r .x a ssaa eetf -' ' 5- ir a i j Ik- : FTtr-3i r e ea;r Tt ""7 cl w" T-e usocl: i-Tulasrj Laat waiU U "i - 3Jjr.:ri iu wor'a - fsserilly sre h?:p?-: czi frr the cTor s evi-'i rv; e th-.' ho ia-wle as-l the vrrld b.tv a citicson ar..;v -r: -i .. . b - '. - ; y :'. ' i't " : . - - s. a : n-r of ' .. bl - . : ' b : r d- of the a '". Ii. M- - : m ttit i.a.rr;,id ir. 1 : ' '.- h . - '. :z ' " "'l't.iiv i-'--. A. V. v . , v . ttf: .'. Jjv. .' Wi. 1- '-r . ..y.vTp,b 'iV , ry;A , '.;: . . . .'..'. . I SM..'..,.j. " :v - . 1 ,- V f-S Hon. j . : :.:.;v v x. tb; ::b.o: .:' I .i .:aor of b'.l 1. .a .1 tt. .r.'.. ec '::'. j -t: r- y.'c t . a.: i o-j ; .' a .- . l tj t - ;-. v ::. i :t v. 04 c '.'t.'.i t"t -yr.11 out 'hat i:;t-T..! : mov- o I'.-s Moinct. -.iys t!;:; -s r: it tbe c t.-e. a:tiby; " ': ;.; ! . : 'bt yrop.r'y ' a- S blb.a i i a;: crvnr of at:y a ! ability ar.d he :ty he inf. n !i o n:al-t' o r it- i- a.sivo eattiy:!. ."-. 'It: t'a'b i:":;:ir" ::.; : ,y" rmaMni; : -r :'."! : : ' ' '- 1' was 1 a irb'noiini'.-d i.vcr :i:c- 1 . Tlii- t..it-t Hm-ii-ly fn.l. Some of tb" so i-" r1'!.! are s:t!."ii 1 i '". by h:; ' ; ' ..:'?( n-it'i v "I'll as r :' ..:.:'.' ' b. 1., .". I- t ., i". :bc b '.v 1. ..1 .: .. : ". --i-y t':; ,, , fc ) 1 . . w J,l-4 .i rT"-j S?A sail." What cuiM. lar'i'uute is ef r:e::t"canr.i-: ' cf ;i!:icated t In it. f r'hil.iM 1 tr.- :oi r ovits, of "'Ju.:-;-'. Iios:a i.btra "0'' C.-tictaut Ms'. : EwluUivttt 1.01U ilo "b 1 ;::a.v-3 a :a tlia. r ..:.." : . 1 . . . in r : -r ' " : '' ' b b - . ' - ' . .' 1:- V'.:-'. .'. " '. 0 .. . . .. 'V . b' i - . : . . i .. ' cf "be b 'v .a.. .: - .;' ,. .:. :.. hi". - ar.d tTb'i" . ;-,; 'n ; .: - In :-.- -:.:,-;. of b.i;: i f - A b;.b 'V irs... i No.-tll ''.:' ...j. i... . i.viri ir 'I'.e '; - . i ' : A t:t.- :. . . . b" " " 1 I;'1:. L '". .a.:" ' : t :' ' bio 1 to lli. Cu4 Lf lae ir.. h. ja :br a to iv.t.-i ii i' : - ..- fit his yorii-tial .-"rv i Th "b ib '.vb ': -r: e-.t v' I : ' .. .;.. t w -t t' b r " thi t : i : ... ... .. r ...1 isvoati ::.'.'. '. : , : a a :...f.bth'.y nu'tin: ;t . . . .' ' .11" !b. " b ' . "V. 1 ..-:.': . " "''.i 'v ii .j b.- ." - . J alvotied. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY m Backache ICURE All disesses of lf:dn7t D.auier urinir; or?a -'. RDMjr.j'.Km 'h Heertrl, Irony. Fetuaic Trouble Don t hseotne 4Iseonrctl Tv.- 5s a tursforyou. If e-- ,r . r.l" ,- enr.er II- lenient, i I t.i t r,r;, ; ,l,rS. A.I I-.. -:,;' il...ll4 fj-i-.J, F r -. - -.r I I , ! r. i.'it i f o ; v ; I I- nn- r - K . . ' r-.l (. V .. , f..,, . . v.- . rUITJS'OANCE iiMi.s.- : . . A t i ir.z i. id ,t. . i-nr . ill . .r iff, it .. i in -I. I'.' I. .nut Uii;in .ii .ir i.'lui . -t. :'f : . .vl ,.t.-.--l v ;i .. ;. ; ; . . . '. ;iMsr yut. full jimii.in i;n-n. i ci f it iti)i conii i tmni w 1 1 ' nuulc kixiwit o; AMANDA 'A".i. S .VlMnirti-ir v tti- III H.; ti ,11" ... - -.. - .... V. v"::': : Mb H. '!". i 1 :t. r I . ajter "SiJr .-1 ; kj. i ay- srvvw- t . . r. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers