THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. OLD WAYS MUST GO. Com Grip Leeaoa in the latrraattnaal Serlea ffc, Fareaer Wfco Dora Nat Adopt the tor (tilnkrr II, ItttUI 4;ot'a Vnirnaal tviih llailii. I Advance Methoda at the Day la Sare tax Fall. 4. Ail'! , the woiJ of ay'.nB. G till il. cl tt .1 Til!: LESSON TEXT. - Samu.-: 7:1 K t it... I.'jiw cutiT Nathan, peeled to keep up and advance with the Davd Thu i 8ricultural progress ol the world. Ho The man who is engaged in agricul- lural p rjuiu al the pit. sent day iscx- my acrvupt tilth the l..r.i. stall tlmu bul.l rr.e an hius f .- n.- :u dtei. In 7 t Win run 1 havt- r. jt C.-It In any house a.i.ct ti e lime that 1 luiiiiKht up the chil dren ui I .i i.i uut of Kg) pi, even to thU ta. but Lave ualkvJ in a ten: and In a t.lhi-rr.a i- . In h.; the plans whiTi-in 1 -.:iviwa'.k-il WUh a., u. i- il. i, ill. n uf l.-raei up. ike 1 u ord v i; :. .1 y t,i tlie tr!l" s of lra-1. 1 curr.rrvu U J to IkJ ii Im.ii-I, l.y bui.J jt nit ! mi h. ju.- Ci- .-.i I" '' v Now u . ' sn Ml..i:t thii i s iv until change nust dispense with the old methods i nnd aopt the new and later invention:!. ! We (.annul raise and led our slock as i our torciathers did a hundred years ago 1 because we are advancing and land is more closely taken up; consequently we ; must work more on the order of the in tensive system. We know it is hard for some tanners, who have ueen taught To Cure a Cold in One Day . a? r Take .uaxauve oromo Quinine Tablets, js mjb Seven MDBoa host sold In past 13 months. - This fiisiutlire. 0 SK'jGyr on every CONVENIENT HARROW. MIGRATION OF NEGROES. One Horae t'aa Do blaht Weeding with It al Small Coat ol Money and Labor. I Tbouaanda Leave the Country Ever ' tear to Kind Kinitlo went i In the Lame C I I lea. , r and ra:.sed to do a thing a certain way, 1 i Sly liufctS. 1 M trum fu..oM . Siy p. i -, j. Ai;a i tl.OU l I l.t. -I In II. K s u u , i. ; ii.. M i. tl u v '1. lhm sinl; tin- l.i. M uf i thff In n; tl .-hi t I'Cote, ; let- .-h- ip, to lie ruitfuVtr r iMin .. u:h :!.i ii whl'l.trs h-vit a:.. I av cut i.ff a.; thine .--Kill. ui;i! n.aiii! ;.k,- i . i. ti.i II 111. t ol I. .it .iiv in ti i .ill 1 w: to the better methods. It eems to them that it is wrony, and oft- en tin y cannot be blamed for feeling so. liut we must gradually free ourselves from these ideas. Ail the other tlepart- i incuts ut the business world are advanc ing, and why should not agriculture au- ' valu e with it? The whole race of hu- On every farm where small fruits and vegetables are grown a one-horse har row is a great convenience. Ivy its use Ihe lighter weeding is done -anC the furface of the soil kept loose at imall rxpense of labor. If one has n lever harrow two of the beams may le us-cd fur this one-horse harrow or the In tuns may be readily made with, lunih-i r cC Fropcr length, using long wire for .1- for I., that r.i-tt ti. chii- II. UI I , t I i "'.J i.. l-:.i.-.. an. I "in a.. ti.m ' tl; li ci that hll.,;.:. ... Ill M and I w.: ...'in lnr i :i I l. Slj .,n I..ISH U i.i ' 1 .ill. ti.' I it. , - .. r I? : ii ;: .:, ami : Lit!.- If. 1 l.l . h.i-h f l.a.i -ro-1 i ;. t:ab.ish 'if for My mime, hi ia.v of his k.iia- v. ami I..- h. itinti;t . 1 '. l nu n, aiiU with : ' n nf im n ; ,i nut ikiari away : i j tu Saui, hum 1 .ii.l I.- Ihy hil.K lulil : . vit in f.ii ihct; ih.iMhi'il lor i v. r. KT. "I'll ihriint itlmll i'il ! im i-r. 2 in . Tilil. K Si'llll'Ti KK WKi.'TluN. Il.ii. 'I a 1 ti. S.i in . I.-. I hi i 1 1 uni 1 ? Jitit a. . ai: I n : tha.; ti. till. Ha- I.OI.IH'N I hf fsla I, , i m ii ' L'i l-.Nl. i "UVlli l'.HIIS I Kol a's lllll... L'uviii'n I'l.ijii' Kt-ad .i.-j thv iiiti'iii.i t'hron., 17, aisi, 1 ;i . in ot praiyir I:; tin. Mime strain. XU'i'KS AND 'US1MKNT5. Daviil i'lans to Huild a Temple. Ia furtherance of his desire lor a thorough and lastitiK revival of religion in the Jewish nation David had it in his heart to build to God a magnificent temple. He had conquered all of Israel's enemies, now was the time to lay the cornerstone of peace and prosperity. He expressed this desire to Nathan, the prophet, who is now mentioned for the first time. "Go," said Nathan, "do all that is in thine hpart; for the Lord is with thee." God Pnrblds Him. -Hut the first im pressions of even tin- best of men can be errotii ous; so Nathan discovered thai very nli?lit. Praiseworthy as the task might seem, it was not for David to per form. Now It is to be noted that God does not here give the reasons why Davlh should-not build the templp, but merely frtys: "I have tint dwelt In any ct- tlie that I brnttrfllt 041 ttia 'i llirec of Israel out of Hpy", f vm to thin flay, but have walked in a tint ard in a tabernacle." A r atiou, Ivnwryr. I Klver. ii-. 1 f'hrnn. 22: S 'o 'he eff It was no; i r. r i r I v frM;-. t liu t a :, inanity is dependiir: ttpim agriculture) tor a living and the trade should not be thought any the U'..s ot by anyone. The J man who is engaged in other pursuiis ol lite should honor the farmer, as he1 must understand that whatever he cats' coiiics lrom him. If the fanning clam ' does not advance with the, rest of the ' world il will be to its own loss. It is mt natural that we should be satislicd ' , to work in the same road we did years j ago, or even one year ago. We should strive to !o belter this year and make j an aibfnncement wherever possible. I 1.; be 1 1"''e easiest and most practical way ' will to advance ourselves is given in one sen- ! tence, namely, "Head plenty of agrlcul- j tural literature and apply the facts' gained to actual experience." The farm- j ing world would be far behind where it ' is now if it were not for the help that has been given us by farm literature. Every farmer should try to make some im provement and advancement every dav. 1 Never let your business get the best of i Villi lull nut k l. 1. 1 Booker T. Washington recently gave . two reasons for the general migration ' of the colored population from the country into the cities the superior educational facilities for colored chil dren and the better police protection afforded by the cities. The increase In the negro population of the United States between 1S'J) and Ui'hi was l.uoti.uiiO, or at the rate of about IS per cent., the white popula tion In the same period increasing 21 Iter cent. Hut this gain in the colored population is not evenly distributed, if m::-.m. hi; iiai:i;o tiif teeth. The beams are fastenrd to getli. r lu a V shape, as shown in the rui, iiiui a wc.oden frame is construct) d, as i-hown, to support the handle. If a lilai Usniith is conveniently i.iar the support for the handle may be two iron rods running from the corners of the harrow to the handle. A board may bo placed over the frame and heavy stones si t upon It to weigh down the tool If Its is found too light for certain soils. This tool will he found especially useful In corn cultivation durlngthV early growth of the plants. Indianapolis News. PLANT LIFE ELEMENTS. '.'.'.iVu'iii..';;i-i! ! '"- lmt R't the best of It, and you can ""count in 1 j best do this by advancing with the rest which la u limn 1 nfl,,.r., . ... . "w.iu. ii. 0. mcrairipe, 111 ripji- omis'. AN IRRIGATION HINT. Hott a Ntaten Inland Hardener Sop lili'iiinita the Itnlnfnll with tiood KflTrut. The dry season has enabled me defi nitely to prove the practicability of an exceedingly simple method of supple menting the rainfall, which is so cheap as to he within the reach of garden ers, while It does not have the objec tions of i':!i:"ing and washing away the food 1 ' ihe ground, nor endan gering it ): ,-ase of a heavy rainfall Immediate' :.fter the watering, as is 1 the soil Is flooded by i. I elevate the water ot high, and for a plot Mtroiicn la Ihe VI out Importnnt and Mmm ll i:nol In a Vurlety of V a . . -X-1.- s. ... .11 lf; v . ii.. i' HL .... B iiMj the case wh the eld n to a tanl: war, and "!'" stain nf Hum the (.1,1! v. 1 11 I'.O-r . shiniii: tin i til It may Iiro.ii 1' wori. v. he it is h yr 1 if whii li death. v.-.T- lint Thiv f :; t, hinted a' i Will ie"u ' thn( to lii ItlK the ti 11 the i"ron-is i Im tl.:i - htit 11.. , ".for.: !;! red !i! ii'.lii'U' '1 i. ff i.i was lal tnth 1 'M-.i.l. 'i t!ie pf V." the :t will '1, hands was t i: r 1 -;iM a ti 111 pic to n ti one cf pence, 'ime for this i-".-; . : -viiiN. !: t..: ' f Israel 1 nt he !;,-id not n that linn basis i ;:fter Lis own kit:-, hut he '. 1 f '.rvanization. ia'ti-r ri ason is 1 l" God that He of David, and i.etiisk uriitiild 1 r. I. i t Inn enmes "Thy throi;p shall A. I 1 ' i:i:i:i:ai ii;iui;ath in. 1 lje est r.' lh-.vii.' (rat it ud it was brnut-ht Uaisul t 1- coti'iuiiii nntmn. Sur' small tiling In itselt'. tlirore Fht.-.M he e.-rab wor '- faib d to dp ,ii;ii. tilde lie f, 't. No Wor.'! claim-'d: 'V.' T O Lord Goi! ; I'or there relth'T i 1 it coriilnu tr a our ( a- ." N it nlnr.e f. blcssitii- ,'ii' T avid e:i ; "Tl,n-.i l.a;r cniilin:)!-.'. pi r, I '?.- 10 forevrr." rurreti' in' rpr tu if r. Prof. Willis F. Ileecln r. rr; littsies the tl-.onvl.t .--ui. st:i Ii build the nip hitr-' 'f l pr . Ii i I . i ' 1 ' of ! C feet s'tiare run a half-inch pipe to the center, as shown In iln dia gram, making a cross in the pipe at the cen'er and placing live one-fourth-inch stands, as shown by the dots. These stands are eight to Hit feet high, and have two atomizers upon the top of each one, which will discharge 2n to 2"i gallons of water In the form of a heavy mist each per hour, and o he king of a, give a total of 2,ouu to 2..riiiu gallons ly this was no each ten hours. The water is turned R'lt that hisui only at night, or, If the weather is very warm nt six p. ni., and turned off at seven a. m. thrown out so fine, the water is buoyed up by the air, and ! drifts more as a heavy dew than as rain. The number of atomizers may be doubled If desired, or only used il that we have heard with each other night. I have found 2.00i! to Davi 1 fon-v - Prr.yi r- Th! N a prayer of How Ir.iir.My David asks if s;r.".';l thine "that tliuu hast Or pttiiUi": 1 ;:;c hitherto." rr.n a sin i-hid forever to the rratj t David rx hnu ar" gri at, lone like Thee, 1 ar.y God ! siiieTher . ar- r the prrsonal 'gallons a night ample for thp finest u'.'.ks. but that j plant growth. S. S. Hoyee, In Rural 'i Thyself Thy, New Yorker. o;i into The.. I hit 1;. wrltpu Cnnurprrlnl l-'ertlllxera, romnii rclal fertilizers are not vcrv that David's which David r't:-i building. And crtniiily this 'licight "ad the greatest iiuportance '1, Pnvld. liut this is not vncre tiie nc-ount Itself places the emphasis. It devotes one .-lanse f v. 1.1a) to the btiililltiB of the temple by David's seed, and a down clauses (1.1 b-16, 19. 24-29) to thp perpetuity and eternal dominion of David's seed, and the rela tions between this eteri,a!!y operative promise to David find God's earlier promise to Israel. It makes the lattpr bo much more important than the build ing of the temple that David doe not even mention the temple when he goes In before the Lord (vs 1S-2P). Ilam'a Horn Itlnala. Morning prayer sms a picket for the day. Living with Christ makes the Chris tian. K The waste of time sows the weeds of eterttlty. Truth may be eclipsed but it never cense to shine. 'Patience and earnestness are pass nnjrfls to Bucces You casnot sing a long-mettr profes sion to a short-meter practice. Whatever gives man the greatest hap Iiineis tes Ood the most Joy. t S. S. Times, j extensively used in the middle west. The lack of interest is due largely to the extravagant claims made for them years ago by chemists and dealers. Now they are better understood. Very fre quently they can be profitably used for special crops, and in connection with barnyard and green manures. As the natural fertility of our virgin soils de creases they will become more and more Important. Inform yourself con cerning them and see if some of your crops cannot be increased by the use of lime, potash salts, phophate or other compounds. Qrange Judd Farmer. Pome Aaarora Coat Advlee. Angoras are at their best when three years old and should then be sent to the butcher unless it Is desirable to keep them longer for their fleeces. After this age thpy begin to grow coarse, both in fleece and fiber. No -wether should be kept In the flock after it has passed Its prime and done its best. Where a num ber of old wethers are kept In the shear ing flock the average fineness of the clip of mohair is materially lowered, and the longer they are run In tha field, the lower goes the standard ot the hair Texas Stock' Journal. Each element used by plant life helps in the building of certain parts of the plant, and likewise, doubtless, each has some one or more special functions. What some of these are, says a late Vermont station bulletin, is not well un derstood, but some are known. Nitro gen is known to Bhow its effects on plant life in three ways. It promotes stem and leaf growth, and, if in excess, delays seed and fruit formation. It deepens the green coloration of the leaves. Its abundance may Increase and its defi ciency may lessen the relative amount of nitrogen in the plant. This means a variation In food value. If nitrogen is freely applied In fertilizers, or is pres ent In plentiful quantities in the soil, Its effect Is generally shown unless its effect be negatived by phosphoric acid by a vigorous, dark-green leaf growth, and by a somewhat retarded flower and seed formation. If available nltrosn ia relatlrely lacking, either In theaoUorta the ml6d fertilizer, a somwtrfcat more scanty foliage than occurs undue bot t conditions one of a rather lighter green Is grown. The peed, moreover. Is apt to mature rather earlier than usual. The farmer may, by careful observation, jml;" somi what as to the crop nerds In this manner. It should be renunibi red In this connection that nitrogen isrssin titil to plant cmwth, that available rito ircn i i't -tf.a'I quantity and ;im1v is h.vistnl ffi in .-oils, and that cnripequi ht it is and ii'iwavs has been the most co.-' ly form of plant food. GARDEN AND ORCHARD. j C : a out ti..' strawberry bed, unless j you are going to plow It under. Cultivate ot'eti in the gardi n and or- : chard, weeds or no weeds, and thus l.erp I the turf ace i:i condition to receive the rainfall or to fi tain soil moisture. An old sow with a lltur of vigorous pips will root recognition out of the garden In about 15 minutes. Pigs and a garden cannot be raised on the same lot. When the lettuce are too old to use on the table clear the garden of tin m tinUss you have some little chicks that wiil relish them: in this case let them remain as chicken feed. The value of good stock was shown at New York recently when strawberries were Felling a',1 the way from two to ten cents per box. Thrre were only about "n.nno crates received on 'that particular day. SiieeeNnf ul AVnr on Anla. Large numbers of ants can be de stroyed by a liberal use of boiling water, kerosene emulsion or strong soap suds poured over the nests at night when the insects are all nt home, but the more effective is a substance known as carbon bisulphide, which may be used in the following manner: Make some holes some inches apart and several Inches deep with a broomstick or bar in the nests, and pour lu each about a teaspoonful of carbon bisulphide, and cover the nests with a wet blanket, and after a few minutes ex plode the fumes collected underneath with a match or other light on the end of a short stick. This treatment. If re peated one or two times, should de stroy all the occupants of a nest. Coun try Gentleman. HOOKER T. WASHINGTON. (Ca'.ltd by Some the ".Messiah" of Our Colored Population.) the cities generally gaining at the ex pense of the country districts. In Charleston, S. C, the colored population Increased in ten years from 35,000 to CO.noi); in Jefferson county. Ky.. which includes Louisville, the colored population increased from 33, 000 to 43,000 in ten years; in Shelby county, Tenn., which includes Mem phis, from Gl.OOO to 85,000; in Fulton county, Ga., which includes Atlanta, from 35.000 to 4u,000; in Baltimore from 67,000 to 7,000; in Washington from 1GD,000 to 230,000; in Duval coun ty, Fla., which includes Jacksonville, from 14,000 to 22,000; in Warren coun ty. Miss., which Includes Vicksburg, from 35,000 to 45,000; in St. Louis from 2t!,000 to 35.000, and in Galveston from 7,000 to 8,700. Indications of the migration of col ored residents to the large cities may be toaiU i aba Bawtk as weU m aa aonaaV la tfae MM PiaiMliils die inoruase la OM colored popUtiee in ten years was 49,000. Gf this S7.t00 was in Philadelphia and Pittsburg alone. In New York the Increase in the colored population in ten years was 29,000, but of this total H5,00t was in New York county, 7,000 in Brooklyn, and 2.01111 in Richmond and Queens, and l,iiu in the whole rest of the state. Another reason for the increase in the colored population of the city, not given by Mr. Wn.-kington, is the bet ter wages paid to lol.ired people in the cities nnd tiu iv I vger opportunities lor material ndvtitt'agp. QUEEN 7aIT3 PLAY. A good ratioa for farm horses Is ten pounds of hay, eight pounds of com, and eren pounds of bran per day. Hood Memra for Shipper. The supreme court of Minnesota has decided that the Wisconsin Central rail road must pay for apples frozen in tran sit. A lot was sent from New Hampshire to St. Paul, and arrived frozen. The owner refused the apples, brought suit against the railroad, and a Jury gave verdict of $262.26. The road appealed, with above mentioned result. As the Produce News says, it is the duty of rail roads to haul the fralt and deliver it In good order. They always claim not to be responsible, but whenever the owner of the fruit has the nerve to go to the courts, he usually gets justice. This ver dict will be good news for a number of shippers. ('ii rnii'ii I t; the I'uM.i of O -,i N i tilfi.nve nnd '.a rr i f- ut I al in. 1. "C -.titi. ti K;.!v:." I'jttecn K'..'aboth of Rmiinaniai ha.- '.";! occupying her time receii.l..' r' uiu a play founded up on even:;- in t'.c '.y of Roumania. The Nt w Y' V .: !; mis that the story is wo 1 ti lii-or.ii.i the adventures ofu l.r.ig' K'.;uu;uniau prince. He is r Ui " yPEEN OFROUSIAXIA. (Better Known by Her I'en Name, "Car men Sylva.") wounded In battle and taken to the home of a simple countryman, whose only daughter nurses him. The prince and the countryman's daughter fall in love and the prince gets her father's consent to educate her to occupy the position of a princess. She is placed in a convent, and while studying there she realizes the distance between her and the prince. So she takes the veil and becomes a nun. In despair the priace follows her ex ample and becomes a monk. The royal moral Is plain. It is that marriages between peasants and princes are to all right-minded persons against nature. Left II I m la Doabt. He was In doubt. He didn't know whether he should be angry or pi rased, and a great deal depended upon it. They were sitting on the sofa togeth er, and once, when the conversation seemed to drag a little, he had sug gested: "Don't you think It rather close to night?" "It might be closer," she replied. It was a terrible predicament in which to place a man who was anxious to make the best of his opportunities. Should he take advantage of what si i nied to be an invitation to grt a little nearer to her, or should he be angry at being termed an "it?" N. Y. Herald. Ht-iil l .ilninlty. Tw o lit!', il im p',1 s w it; cut to lock l".ir sniic itf.ii- pitie s in hide. Thiv -.hiaiul i thai tit r.ier cou! 1 find a tr.ok. Tli! ikif Miisny Api.'ia :li2)' apltd! Tic 11 iinw n 1 hi : iv.i I.itti.' I'.imi ! s :i. v Tili each was imii;. I in a cheek, Aral 1 r i in s tl.iy'vi; trii j Hut tl-.i y car.iu t I I I.-. Kir whin M:r:tv hnhs out they perk! "hlciiK j Chronicle. i:i i i; ii 1: iiM:vr thkuhent. Doctor Tell your mamma I have been so busy that I was unable to call last week. Little Girl Oh, mamma just sent me to tell you she began to get better just as soon as you stopped calling, and she's all right now! N. Y. Times. ; Spring Opening, : At the XKW STOKK Sm,l.,..i, i ' 1 a. Larger Muck .uul jinn,, tli'in ui-. 11 4 In,, lit...... t.. lit 'ooininj. with new things tor bjuinjr ) ya t aae. imcmis, iirt'imuiiics, o,. r)n IioimIs. Nik Waists. Dress Ki :.. v 'IIIS JV.iiitit'nl line of .Ki ill's, Sj.rj,, Jackets. Wmtmi'i s. Muslins 1 e . ' 1 1 aiiim tiiiiurii:ims mid Into Spreai We will Ikivo :i siuwiI-iI ...i 1 -'He 111 Ladies Musclin Under 4 A a a wear, iuay isi 10 iMe 16 w.. .. ;n i ,t .1 . iii ii, im- iin- iiinsi lltailtilu line ni ii in i rvi in i' i'v J -I" 'Mil in Nmliiiry. 20 yds. muslin SI. IK). 33 yds. muslin $1.00. (iiiiRham 5c and 7c. Calico 5c and 7c. $1.00 White Snread .s-v $1.00 Table Linen 20c to 23c. Come in mill see. tin ti',,i,l.l , i i si l()V. H. F. Clemmor 4 Ui Market S?t., SUNIIL'KY, l'A 'I'l.i.. I f 11,., AI...1. . ii A llll ll'i'll- I.II.--1 111 IIIC .Tllll Hi! Jlnllw. V . Z P II nillTSI IHL" r i rllHiJI i IIKr f m W a Wlatal Tin vim nmiil nnv riirnlturu'i k ? ifc .!,..,' ..:! i t I A store ami get our lii iees. t We can suit vnu In - . v i from the cheap 1 est to the better grade. - r - MratlArd. When I bahold the statesman' ways I Ions to look behind the scenes. j I plainly henr Jim what he says; j And yet 1 wonder what he meapy. . Washington Star. ' Nat Their Faalt. - "Not one coot for foreign nli!a,,' aaaei-ted the maa of tJtuim. "War don't yoa look, after the heathen at home?" "We have a mission class," was the quiet reply, "but we never could get you to go to it." Chicago Post. oimrnt uiu) iona. Salesman, recommending blue neitk Ue with largo pink spots But wouldn't you like one like that? I'm selling a lot of them this year. Sarcastic Customer Indeed! Very clever of you, I'm sure. Harvard Lampoon. I'rei-lae. "Lady," said Meandering Mike, "I haven't had a square meal in two days." "Why, it was onl; last night that I gave you a piece of pie." "Dat wasn't a square meal, lady. Dat was triangular." Washington Star. A l-'rnnk C'nn feaNlon. Doctor Do I think I ran cure your ca tarrh? Why, I'm sure of it. Patient Ko you're very familiar with the disease? Doctor I should say so! I've had it myself all my life. Judge. .Iniio'a Kali mate. Mistress Jane, Jane! Y'ou must bo more careful. Each of those tumblers you've broken cost a dollar apiece. Jane Law, mum! now I should 'ave thought they wouldn't cost more'n 20 cents apiece. Judge. A ery 4'lionp Ten. Housekeeper Are you sure that this tea Isn't half copperas? Dealer (convincingly) We couldn't afford to scM copperas at the extremely low price we charge for this tea, ma'am. N. V. Weekly. Hard wood, gcMcti tmk linisli Only $12.50 Mattresses - $1.90 Bedsprings - $1.25 G-ood W laito Ennmol I3ods 4- SBO.OO I 'liAii-R, Itoi-kor. Coiii'lie.-, SiiV A Iioui-iIh, Fancy mill cheap ii- t. tt'linioli Tiililrtl, Uaby l aritiui'i h 4 1111J lio-ciirlH. J M. IIAUTMAN Fl'liMTtiiliCO. j .Miliiiiiliuru-, Tit. .j. j. 1 .-s j 4, f i ; .;. . .;. . .;. . j Schroyer 8- Smyser, FIRE INSURANCK AGENTS. Jeirestnt only lirst'-class Stuck I'mir ii.'iiiies Lightint: Clause nnd Sti-am I'liresliing permit graiiteil. We tire eoniiiiissioiied by our imnien to issue jiolieieH nnd U'minic! liilsiness nt our otlice siinie us al li'W ollice. All litisinesi eiitrusteil lo our will lie nroiniitlv ntteuileil to by mai or otherwise. office cHestNT street. In fVl. oyer's P.uildiiig, near IM"'1 SIvLIXSdUOVK, Snyder County. I'l'-NNj Time for Thirty Yrara. "Are you one of the striking min ers?" asked the woman at the door. "Yes, mum," he replied. "I'm what they call a pioneer. I struck 30 years ago, and I've never give In yet." Tit-Bits. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, urinary organs. A 1 Bll,.II.IM tl,.W mm,, a..m ache, Hean-tDUease. Gravel, Dropsy, Female Troubles. CURE ! of the "i"" iin i 111 Mil F"-' . t'i" ri'iiiyi" . i -iniiilly-i-uiiil' nt r iniirkiil'i; TOLR TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Accou Meeting National Bankers' Asso elation. On account of the nici'tc Bnnkera' AiwOciiitloii in h cirwo, I'uh, Uctolicr 2i to . Kailronil Cniniany olTer. .1 ed timr to the l'aclllc Count rutt. , Tills tour tHie will leiivi- V Yuri;, 1 delplila, llnltmore, Wiml. u"' o . i"1'1 "J lAinta nn H.iiiihvIvu illlilrmlil elva n l'lttihiirit, WeilncHilay, ()i tier 11, by i tmln of the lltKliest Khule I'ulliiiiiii equii'W1 A oulck run we.otwaril to sail Kriim" will be made, via CliieiiKo, Umulio, ClieJ" and Oifrten. . Kivedays will be devoted to Sun Krani'W; 1 i 1 ....., ult till III' const renorta. HetUrninii, utopa "ill he ma' Salt bake City, t'oloroilo ttprings. l'e"1.". , St. Louta. The party will nutU .:wor'" tne evening ol eictobcr ill. Kound-trip rate, covering all i,i'n"'" eluhteen -lava, except ilvo dnya "Pent In Frauciaco, f HHI. !... ...m PULUh ...111 l.a '.! ti'Mk For lull information apply to Ticket . tr or ueo. w. iioyn, uenn hi i iiiise.Kei Brood Street Station, Philadelphia, CHICHESTEfi 3 ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS, Don't become dlseouraf ed. Thr Is a euxe for you. If necewtary write Dr. Fenner. He baa spent a lite time curing Just such vasea aa yours. All consulUUens free bt had severe ease of kidney disease and rheumatism, discharging bloody matter. Suffered Intense pain. My wife waaserlously affected with female troubles. Dr. Fenner Kidney and Packache Cure cured us both. Druggist. B0cM tl. Ask for Cook Book Frte. ST.YITUS'DANCEKrFuli . .Ml afr. Alivaya reliable. I.idlva.k nwlTVi CH ICII SfiMTKK M KM.i.lMlf In .nual M nwulllo boxes, aeuled with blu b other. Kefaae1aaceroaa''2 aaaaal laaltaUaaa. Huyof tou"'"2 id 4e. In aumpa for Partlealar '5, at aaad nwi.ii ion aaeiiei wor - -.u hT I.I..H M.ll '-'- a. UDfUfirlsuv . vaiuaiarii ouaioau UHlailMaHaar, rHIl "1 .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers