ote THcabs have a job lot of note on nana, mcj 6 The price will do it. lies and prices for the asV- Ve furnish them printed ks man you Lt printing. Vagenscller, Fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to Newt, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Riles: One Dollir I'tr Anuum, in Adianct Jt xxxx. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., ( T HJKli 1, lOO.'i. Tllltl ely Little Liners. tie and the Hustle of the Lnty Seat, Told In Urief Paragraphs. .More or Ecss Prominent. .......... .., ri.-nt nf In. B(J I'opUIUll"" that Satisfy Curiosity unJ App. tlie Thirst It News. h i b i est Monday. inn people attended the show ufteninoii. W. F. Feeseand fitinily spent Sunday with her parents F. K. Freyman and wife. Men-hunt 11. A. Ebrl-ht of Aline was in l'liil. ami liultiiii'in li i 11 tut t Dr. ( 'harlcs Marksof I,. wistown has iii-i-ii spending several days in town with his pa: tits. John Witli-nnivcr ami w if.-of M illlhe Tlie water company began dinging up the streets Monday morning for the purpose of laying pipe in the borough. "Napoh-on I'.onapartt" is tin- title last week ' of n leeture to lie ih-liveieil in the ISalam Lutlicrtn and Uet'ormed church on Sunday evening (,-t. ith by the pastor SWINEFORD. Dillli'l t. iiT Iv'iiit.li. !.j si ...in I ', 1 1 ir b irg, visited M Iss A li i inula Wit ten in - j 1 . ... . . . I Ills -vara t ioii with his inu nt. er i i I- lanUhn Sunday, i ! I he masons started work on tlie fust M.s. has. M. Smith of Adan.sburg .j,,,,.,, llaIlk M()l,,!iy. paid n visit to M rs. Al. Cle'im on her i , , return from New Merlin. JilI,.,w !'l,,M,k a,Ml W,r-M,r "ve.. n ,,, i i .i ; wrc III town Satlllday. AM persons di siring work mi the J water wanks ran ml a joh. I' im.J Steiniiigcr litos. shipped several ear Mcluts Half Tails. SELINSGROVE. w.u;i iii:itl:iii.i. , M!s.- l'lorence WageiM-lIt r took )nr ipiiet little town was anm-ed in tlie show in your town Saturday. shamhach of Sunhtiry , soon . you can. Many more mrik inlay at home. lessie Smith has returned from to I.a I'urke, l'n. teed of Pen n township was n ut visitor Thursday. Wugeiiseller of Selinsgrove, ii- Cniinty Seat Friday. A. Sehock was a business Elizabeth vllle, Tuesday. to wear hats and tinting hats variety. Ii. Dunkelberger. ilk-r and wile cf Selinsgrove lay with A. W. Bowcrsox. and Duck of Selinsgrove spent with Mrs. Thomas Hosier- i ura Oeinberling of Selins- nt Sunday with the Misses Lrnmn of Mt. Pleasant Mills a visit to her son, W. I. hit- wife. 11 ward M. Greene and soii Is her father, W. W. Witteh- daughters. Eitetler apent last Thursday l.is'erpwl, where he btiilt a st Bunnner. If. Smith, Editor of the Eliza- "Echo" spent Sunday in Kids mother: koligand wife of Tnfleld, Idaywlth Banks V. Yoder Mrs. Hottenstein. Mabel and Dilla Grimm n- litlay from a visit to relatives liuig and I'nion County. I). I Hegel and family of Win Ld relatives in this place Stin. mk in tlie show Saturday. t . Kessler ol Salem, one o tnown men in j'enn town lit Sunday at the County tanici i Some of the fellows who got too I II II cl i i chcii- .i unmade Saturday slept in the I alleys all night and w-ilked home Sim-j da, 1 1 ii -I ii 1 1 1 . , Anion ( I. l;.ihoar and family left for i llnir.t v h m-eat Millershlllg Tues day. 'I e I'o.vr j,ies them asueeess fill and , 'easaiil lullll'e. Meivlnu tJanies V., Ma gee, postmast er of Kriiui r, and one of the direi-lors of the new liaiik, was at the County seat on husii.eas 'l'h;:ithiy. J. W. Suier ni.d M. k-1 Maneval of Mt. Plensent M ill.-i in d Mrs. Amanda Wanner of Stroiipto.ni were at Hit Court House Monday. The latter took out letters in lu i husband's estate. LOST. In Mid.iletiurg or vicinity a Fraternity IJadg-- -el ilb opa's let ters E. A. E. Engraved , lilt owiiti's Initials (i. S. S. l!H)l. lh-waid iTtt tun -tQOeo. S, Schovk Seliu.sgiove, Pa., .ronatlian U. Snyder of r.i. hfield is su Ili-rlng untold agony on uteonnt of an ininieilHesore on his fuee. '1 n,- nose, upper lip and the face is eat-.-i, ti.tay that a two inch cube can he plae. d in the Cavity. This ease is lint ed u d y plorahle one. hands ; '"Hits oi mining lies last weeU. Fon Sale. Ahouseandlothiluategjfronia visit to her brothei, P. M iti Paxtonvillo is offered at pi K-ale sale.ihwli in X Y.v city. ' - ' The buildings are in good condition. The home is supplied with llrst-elass water, fruits, etc. Write or call on Mover, wifrf and children,, trove spent Sunday with N. and family. Mrs. Moyer and i-s are sisters. hsli and wife of Freehurg Sun-, 1 lln ir son, Charles Jlotisli ami Fiank S. Kieei and wife keir daughter. Wagner of Milllinbuig, who bployed in the "Times" Prlnt- "pent Sunday with hlsgrnnd- unryll. Tobias. pirantl the leading milliner of Slot) tin j morning went to kuia to make fitirehaso of her Kvinter Mlllinety Ooods. ebold and wife t)i BunUiry le County SeatSatui'tiayw Mr. doing an Immense business K organs and sewing lim it services in the Lutheran I Cdobe Mills will take place Jrimotiof Oct. IStU In the angtiage. Itev. H. t. Sna- May Mrs. Lizzie Eyster re lbr honiB iu Akron, Onio, nf- Injr several months In her pa- Pie. She was accompanied by UMoatz, who expects to at- Yi this winter, iu Akron. Ubbof pnnsereek and John JKwlneford were callers at this Vrlday of last week. The fleredan administrator's iit- Mied which will 1 found in IV Post. kNatloual Bank of Mlddle- ies the needs of IU customers f'lereare of them whelner news be large or small aud the V'lth all ita patrons are abao- Infldentlal. r'-NA Brala workers, such f Alerohanta. Bookkeeueni. Mlnlateni. Clerks, etc. whose kraln of work gives a depres- fg, Mred .over-worked brain, Prves, nervousness, sleepless- iuicKiy restore health by use- 11WA. Mf not benefited funded. xAll druggists, j SAKAII liilWKlt.SOX, J'axtouville, Pa. FOR SAI.E.-lii Miildichurg, Pa., a good finme house, 7 rooms, and lot of laud. Al.-o a g I livery stable on the same Int. lVr terms and partietilais l j apply to !'. F. Walter, 1 mile west of . Mi'ldle'niirg on inad leading to 1 leaver- town, tf. Communion services will I e held on Saturday evening at iu the Pax- touville Ev. 'hiiivli Sunday luoriiing at UbMa. in. iu tlie Middlebttrg Evan gelical church, and on Sunday even ing at TMii iu tlie Kreanier Evangelical Church. .Misses Jessie Alllg and Am v Mitch ell visited W A. Suntli's last week. Lewis Amig and wife of S.-linsgrove spent Sunday with the I'oi nier's lirotlr er, Philip Amig. A huge crowd of people attended Walter L. Main's show. John Shannon, who is working at Milllin, spei.t Sunday w ith his fain- iiy- Miss Dora Lilihy, who is working at Sunliuiy, spent lust week with her parents. . Ott and wife and Mis Lottie Noll of Selinsgrove spent Siiud'.iy w ith Mrs. C. A. Kotlifon. Miss Minnie llmitrsox of Pe.iver town spent Saturday in our town. Olive Wet .el of Sunhiiry spent Suu,-. day with her parents, I. (i. Smilli, who is opcialiug lii-iif ' 'eton, is liome on a visit. Minnie ilowelsox spent Sunday un der the parental roof. E. W. (.'lister of Suiilniry was in town Friday. Middlchurg Leuthei Co. leccivd it lo: of hides last week. Miss Hose Sell - eh returned last w eek Mr. J. F. Kaufrinan of Mt. Carmel bought Allen l.udd's teums and is hauling timber from liotteiger's tract in llicster Yullev. A new add iu nnotlu-r column of the First National Hunk shows them to la paying interest on time deposits at the rate of three per cent, per htintini. This Hank lias tlie largest Capital and Sur plus of any Hank in Snyder county. It is strong, careful, safe and a successful institution. Call on A. E. Soles la his new shav ing and hair cutting parlor f i youj bead cleaned with a rtfreshin - i-ham-poo and a clean towel to -neh patron on the north side of Market mt are -o Hsite Central Hotel. Satisfaction tinr- antt-ed. tf. VJN'-TK-XA, a specific for Wood lJiea-e., for Sluggish Tired Feeling, Scrofula, Chronic Catarrh, Pimples, or any form of Skin Disease. Take Y1N-TE-NA it acts like magic in restoring New lllood to the system. If not bene fited your money refunded. All drug gists. WANTED A trustworthy gentle man or lady iu each county to manage business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight bona fide weekly salary of 18.00 paid by check each Monday with all ex penses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Enclose ad dressed envelope. Manager, 200 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 10-1-M Emanuel S. Bowersox, who has ueeu spending tlie past eight months iu Snyder County, left luesday for his home iu Lindsey, Ohio. When he came East he had expected tostay only a short while, but ho liked Suyder Co. so well that he prolonged his stay. He will stop at New Castle, Pa., aud Cleveland, Ohio, oc his way home. He b nightly pleased with the kind treatment of friends here and thinks he may return within a year. Mr. Bower sox is a widower and his children are all married, so lt is very lonely in Lind sey for him, so he may return East both I for busluess and domestic felicity. A Lame Order. ProhaMy the largest order ever iriveii for paint iu the Stateof North arolina was received bv the Udell Hardware Co., of ( iretiislioio, N. C, from V, A. Irwin, J-'.sip, of Durham. The order was for ."),ijoo gallons of Di Voe lead-alid-ziuc paint, to be used on (he large Irwin MilUaud their cottages now being luiilt iu J lartnett ( "ounty. Many of the leading paint manufac turers were eager to secuie this order, aud it speaks volumes Unit the prefer ence was given to Devnc lead-and-.iiie which is undoubtedly the foremost paint in this country to-day. tirteiis- boro (N. C.) "Record." from its similiter when the ueddiin.' Ie!s began ringing for Jacob Wanlund Kathryn Ilerrold, the fnnncm contrac tor and liveryman of Millcistou ii and tlie lattiT one of our esteeuied ladies nf our pretty little town. This wa- li ipliet Innnc wcibling yet ipiite a nuni-b'-r of friends were pie-cnt. Tlie bride' sister played tin-wed lint; niai- li after which tin- bride and bride l-ioihh were met in (be center of the loom by the liev. E. E. Ilanev, who perfi lined the wedding ceremony. After the ceremony and cmic,rat illa tions the gucts tin in I, ci jug ;;o ncirclnd in the Half Kails llnu.c and partook of an elegant supper w he li deservis. spec ial mention due to the pains taken by the honorable Host Jumbo Kcr-tct'er and wife. The occasion was enlivened by a string baud from far and near which added enjoyment to the occasion. Tlie bride and bridegroom were pn sented w itli many costly and useful presents by tln-ir friends. The follow ing were tlie guests present : Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of Millers town, Edward Beecher, Mi-s (iordon. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Uciclienbin-h, M Kees Falls, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. B. F. lleale, M. D., Mr. and Mrs. Win. Buhner, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Herrold, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ward. Mr a ml Mr-. J. Reicheubacii, Misses Mabel ru-ichenbac!., Susie H.-i-rold, Laura Herrold, Edna Beicheu h.tcli, ftllof M.'Kees Half Falls. Itev. E. E. Iltiuey, Port Trcvortou. Milton's i:ii I air. Nineteenth Annual Meeting will be Held October 7th, Mb, and '.Uh. The annual fails of the Milton Association have always attracted the people, lo calise there is always a good show there. There are pleully of exhibits and tine sloch, wiiicti .. Ways intefetiU i'ne larf it er atiti stock-raiser; there is always a magnificent line of fancy work -the culinary department and domestic pro duct. that always plea-e and interest the ladies, .,!! ii,,. iniere-tim: race- and eiitertaiiiiug al'ractioiis ilr,t pl.a-cs everybody. Every feature that !. : ii ' - to the -ucee-s of well managed - ui.ty fair is found at Milton, not i en excepting the gau-ly fakir and the mid way shows. Then- i.-iui ctitiie ai -i.i i i'f gainbling and gambling devii -cs aid the best of order is al wa maintained. This year's fair promises to eclip..- them a. I. Among tin- atlra-'tioi's will be the celebrated Mytri- Peak co-ubin-i; i -n, t he most daring t-ipiesti ian exhibitions ever given. Ev-ryhody is going to the Milt in fair-join the prx-cs.-ion. hen- wciv a niinilier of our i itien- I HI; I III Ul, K. !..!.n. tliere. II. M. 'riionijisoii. who ia Keen out of tow ii lor ijiiili- a u liile, is lion ii a vi-it. Mi's. Lewis I'.iwlinn vi-it ii lies -on lit Lcwi-llUt;:. Mrs, ,J.S. Warner, wlio - Im-cii a vi-itor in I'liilailcljihia, returne.l home last week. ' i ii i .lis. t .M iVe.", who visit to In-r parents .In,,. Cmiiiim lit cuts L.ist j ! Hcfo If. the I'.. dia.l The I to rcadei - id u- evelit-. No eo publish t be public 1 1 1 1 ... , t:,,. Ti i.-in', , ..(.! County l-aira W i l i -1 1 , , - eran .- im ,. town. to f I n CHAPMAN. . William II. Attitigcr wlio was employed at Snyilertown iiiidl- home last week, nursing u sore loot. Jacob Noll auoltl citizen, and lor link a long time otic of our Tovvn- whiji'u iMuju-rs was htitictl Wetlnes day ol last week. JlarryKrcitzt-r and brother (Jims. and Jolin M. Garman returned liome thtf two lbrnier from Akron, Ohio. The latter l'rotn Netlraska, all their friends arc glad to fes them home iu ynytkr Co., again. Abel l.cichenbach, who had been einployctl at Milton, is home listed with the sick. Tlie wedding bells were twice in our community last week. Miss Jennie Snyder who was mentioned iu last week's issue is able to be up and about again which speaks well for the young Dr. Miss Ellie Sutk-1 and gentleman it-ieud from Willianisix.rt visited the former jmreuts, Wm. Suftcl and wife over Sunday. Our young people feel at a great loss since 'uVuLe and festivals are not ou the urogram bny more. Mrs. AVilliam Heintzelmaa and Mrs. Ililey Strawser are listed with the sick, aud at this writing are in a critical couuttion. Mr. Ellis Bergey and lady friend Miss liogenriet . took a drive ' to Paradise church to attend prayer meeting Sunday evening. COI HT HOLSE CHIPS. PetJs Petorded. Caroline Drce-o aid Hanks Dtee-c to Aaron Moyer, house and lot iu Spring township, for $i). Letters Granted. Iii the estateof Jolin (irubb, late of Centre township, to VYiliiuui llrubh, of Pciins Creek. In the estate of C. W. Wagner late of West Perry township, to Amanda Wagner of Strouptown. Marriage Licenses. ( C. II. Ziegler, Milton. (.Mary E. Jlouseworth, Selinsgrove. Carlisle Imlians-Buckncll Football.' On accou i of the football game bo tweeu the t arlisle Indians and Buck nell College, iu be played at Williams port on Saturday, October 3( the Penn sylvania Railroad Compauy will sell excursion tickets to Williamsport, good going ou October .'!, and returning un til October 5, inclusive, from Belle fotite, Itenevo, Elmira, East Blooms- burg, Ml Carmel, Lykeus, Harrisburg Mlddleburg, Coburu, aud iutermediate stations, at rate of a single fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 2-5 cts.) A Watch Saves a Life Friday Solomon Brubaker of Produce with rille in hand, was watching for a chicken hawk. The rifle was; acci dentally discharged and the ball struck his brother, who was standiug a short distance away. , Fortunately the ball hit his watch and glanced off prevent ing a serious, if not a fatal wound. Engine For Sale A twelve horse power portable Frick Engine is oflered at private sale. It I can be seen at Btroptown. Inquire of V a Cb-nnnu was on a 1 1 iwi ro and wilt! was railed to her hone- on ai cjiunt of tin- sii kiu oi lier lnis Utuil. We learn that the family nf K. ( icmls-i lino- of l'hilinlelphia who have been so sorely iilllicteil with typhoid fever, an- slow ly but -urely recovci ing. Then: were live down along time, mother ami lour -on-. We learn that Miss Mary A lie man has gone to X. Y., to continue her .studies of art. We are gradually gutting Auto mobile's? iu town Win, Xippie and M. I. linker having each cliircha.sed one. Mrs. Xettie Snyder is on a visit to her parents lr. and Mr. . Y. Wagoiist-ller. We notice by tin-dailv papers that Wtu. M. (.'urn- of Mt. 'arnn-l bad died. He was formerly ;i citi-.-n of town and was a tm-iubi-r of Co. V. Ell.-t U-ot. Agent Smith and f'amilv visihd town "cvertil uav. lie i u master of tjieart of catcLing li-h. Trinity I. nth. S. School held Icalley Day, Sunday. The exer cises were very interesting. " Mrs. Hamilton ot Shamokin' was a visitor to town last week. Miss Martha Pimm is visiting in the city of I'.rotln rlv Lofe. Mi-.- Mary ll--ii-ewirth wa-iuar- ricdto.Mr. .ii 'ier, an i-tn-ratM!- t Milb.n. Krucr I in i !,i art t' A !!";:.. uv i-, vi-itin l.i- 'i :i:i l-iiior!:ef and -i t- r. ; Mi-. Mil.ln.i I-'- ht I- ft M :!-!., . ' tuo.-ii'uig I"f ! cr -In i.l at l',rv:i Ma r. Senator i 1 uniin 1 an 1 wit I.t-t week took their i!au'liti r. Xet.it a ladic.-' .-c-lii in I i-i ( I. rmatitown. Mr. Miller and wife ,f Klkart Iini. tire visitir.j their uncle aud Tint, (i. K. Ib.ndnck-and wife. K. I'. ILohliiuh and witc arc en tertaining theit son-in-law and dau ghter, the Ucv. Stauiler who is prctiching in York Co. Frank Wagenscllcr, son of (Jeo. C. Wagcnsellcr, took his prelimi nary cxatniiiitioti in law tit Wil liamsport last week. Win. Mattis and sou, Pavid, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. I I l: I ' 1 . an t Ii ,1 M.I . llle irk ut M- t Im.-. s u i i:i. . i . .. i , .... w ,:: i , bed by II ,-.: .. , . ;,,.,i . Sunday S.-,,.,i- ,- . w.-t of tol . S. it i:,A', . ,- : i i-,. Vi,t..(vil... ui-faet f,.r i .. I., -s hoil-e and I am .n. . J . .. tract of 1 1 a r.--. MU IIIMV, ( let. enn pay our ta.-- titleil to a Vote ti,i- ONIiAV, Oct. .1, K. t ollrl opens. TTKSIi.W , Oct. I,, the K. I.. C. K. ,,f Middleburg. will nive a i Ui.-k.-n and limn r in Dunk:.-', HaH, -tore, under ti..- au-Mees of in la: r- lit I't.-n.ey- " .li --i; - and a a-t day y. i. r-i.-r to be ,-n- iruiar Term rf Watlb over his the Evangelical imri h. Tl'K-l'AY, Oct. ti. 7. s ,t, Fair. I I rIA Y, t let. (., Fair at Ile.lefoij;.- SAT1RHAV. f)c. n. ,., liepublican Stnidini n.eets In Middl.-I.urir. Tl'KSI. ay, (-. 1', to ',.. t Fair at liliM.iu-l.ti r r. I'a. Milt. ' --UM-- t'otnitS lik' of the 1 ollllJiittee ,1.11.1 I ',, How'., This'. , goffer on"e 'TTre,!" lollars reward 'r any cpe id" Catarrh that cannot be . iV.iv..' i,v Ha!!'. Catarvl. 'life. I-'. .1. I I jk: A II 1 liell'V W,-:. I'. !. i . - .ave i - W. - A 1 i:o..r '!-.!,(. 1 1 i : . ru.iii'. r, - Holmes. The v progressing rapidly. The work of laving the sewer is Charles V. Wagner. A promising young man of Buck wheat Valley died Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, age :2 years, 4 mouths, 23 days. Iu 1.!M, he married Amauda Portz- line. The widow and live children survive. Funeral Tuesday at Arbo gast's church, Rev. E. E. Gilbert officiating. Deceased was a hard working man having hauled lumber to Middleburg all last winter. It is believed by his neighbors overwork killed him. A Great Opportunity to make a Fortune I am forming a small syndicate to purchase high grade gold property. Tests show fortune ahead for those get ting in now and developing property. Owner of land non-resident and ignor. ant of mining values. Two parties now working same field clearing over $200. per day. Address, Houtherx Minerals, 10-l-2t Washington, D. C. HARRIED. At Saleni, Sept 20th, by Rev. H. O. Snable, Oscar D. Ilomig and Anna i .r'i-; Hall's j.,.. . f t : a;: .im ik': . A ii-w-paper ina-i i-! ,:. . .1 with lot that he can't help, - ;,-h as ti-in partiality in meti;i.n:tn: vi-iti,rs. uiv- ing news about some !.- -it,,! iirnor- inc the eomim; and :4"it of other-, etc. llcshn !y j tint- tin- ne,- he can tind. Siime people inform him about such tliimrs while others do t;..t. An editor should not be expccte-l to know the names of all your uncles and aunts even if he does see them. a-,y man, wo man or child can be an associate editor. Broke Into His House S. I,c (Juixiu of C.ivi'tidi-h, Yt., was rubln-d of his customary health bv invasion of Chronic Constiatioii. Vlieti Pr. King'- Xew Lite rills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured, 25o at Middleburg Drug Co., (iraybill ami (iarinan, Uichticld anil Pr. J. W. Sampsell lYnns Creek. Couimittco Meeting. The liepublican Standiug Commit tee will meet in the Court House, Sat urday. Oct. 10, UK).;, at 12:.W p. m. A full attendance is requested. By order of B. V. Yoder, H. C. Hendricks, Chairmaht Secretary. t-f Strouptown, Pa, Bolig both of Selinsgrove. Sheep Ranch. WANTED: Lady of retluement and means, uuder 35 to join gentleman in Sheep Itanch, Eaest Tenny. double yearly. Address, William Augustus Giuonly 0-17-6t. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers