MIDD-LiSBURG POST. mkl UVPEHMG8' ECU HEABB ILLAEEft OF 8MB Uv'-iV-U PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR THE POST BY ITS CORPS OP CORRESPONDENTS jVU !'t'.'.'g'S'li'ii'll'g'8'l'i'!?''i;'!'l'K'g'K't't'.iii. . T-r.'j 'aurauu'!!''ll8''8'8't'i,y!;'!:'1'3lg'l'a'l'giM'il'g:vN'f -BK1 IX. I'lWUIIMIA WOT II MJ vi - a i if r rif r V ill Vomi Bflen' M. M -rs-vvo1 Mrs Ail Ready ! ami 0 i Wi- have ever produced. It is a wonderful sh :i : !!eal -to-Wear Clothing. Our Keasonahle lnr. si; mj ,are dealing have always attraeted the bright and pti; ikniu' piuvhaser to OUU store. Io appreciate these I'.u ..- v.. i .should eouie and examine for yourself mir great tnH'ir. of Suits and Overcoats for Fall and Wii ic, i : i I we will pay your fare to Sunbary if your pureh im i inio;;iit to ten dollars or mo'.e. Irosius Coming to Aline, Pa. A cieater sight than Walter L. Main's Show was to Middlelnirir, will be the New Cioods that is eoni inir to the Aline Store, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept '2 and 2! and will be on exhibition all week Come and sec Admission Frse. I li the largos and best variety of )ry Goods otios. Hats and Caps, Shoes ' iubber goods to bo fuutid in a ewuntry store. A .s a choice line Men's Glotiiing, M ;t Up-to-date Coals l-Y.r ''.dlars,' Heady Made Suits, Skins, Shirt W -t and a beautiful line of Dress (loods at I i : .is L.iw as the Lowest. K in- . - 'c- I a! .i pay the highest price for produce. n il italic i is extended to all, thanking :: my pitions tiir past lavois and soliciting a '" . '. '! i'f t!ic same, I remain Vour ..'. '. H. A. EBRIGHT. Special Attractions ! Millinery Opening. V i . fi. i-i V.r.!er K.!!;n;r.- Optr.lng. si Sl: 0 oi 2 It j - ! r-av i :.g !xe ;f Lki 1 "it;. rsts- tr.:' Hats and Caps. Trimmings, Etc. ' i r.a.r made a :pe::ai effort to g- latsst style and best oual a: .- ri::nac.e pr.:e;. Ve have a big selection and can ' sell Hat; a: ain-.;;t any price you feel like paying, -v:: ycu t; ::rr.i and see this line Dry Goods, Carpets, &c. Ve nave our full :f Fall and Vir.ter Goods ln.cn account :f rr.any goods ad.ar.c.-.g in price, we have bought early and can :r- at :'.d prices and some for even less money. 1 'r Hav a Sp'.er.d:: cf Dress Good;. Dress Trimming, Vaist- "r.rs. r'.ar.r.ei:. Outings, Blankets, Etc. H: ,.e cleaning tirr.e is coming or. and we have laid in a good !:r.e :'. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Ask to see Our 85 Cent Linoleum, it is a Bargain. And don't forget o'r FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Ve have almost anything you may var.t in the Line cf Furni ture, and at Rock Eottom Prices. PRODUCE ACCEPTED IN EXCHANGE. J. E. MAGEE, Kreamer, Pa. mm umiuiuui We arc now slinwinj; tin most complcti and best line of suits Bro. s Sunbury, Pa. 3. 9 and 10th - s Trixmed and Untrirr.med HUMMCL'S WHARF. Lev. Womeldort of Middleburg preached an interesting sciuion here Saturday veiling. Mrs. Ainanda Noll mailt' a trip to Shaniokiu Dam Salunlay. Miss May S-hoch is taking a commercial course at Sustpi. liauna I'niversitv. Piter Haihy and wife wire visit ors a i 1-Yce!ui'g over JSiiud.ty. Mrs. J )ci win Troutniau i t' mar port paid a visit to Ifrr patents Inliu N liOv-li and witi1. Miss l'Milli I'rown ot l-'rccluirg spent a week vit!i hci sister, Mi. Hi'iaii Teats. Allni t Loll, and will1 and David 1 tiller, wife and grand-daughter of Now 1 t.i' lilt wore l lie quests i.i Siiii iii l 'fruit and family .Sunday. Mrs (.'lias. Miller and children of Si TmsiriMve sncnt Sundav with jlur parents, Titer Klinglcr and I wit e. Is tLe New and Better Breakfast Food, bo different from all others that it pleases everybody. Get a package to-day at your grocers. TBI GiMsii Pi'm Food Co., Li Rot, X. X. PREEBURG. We have a general dehato miI jirt : The Xew J'ridge. (iuito a mimhi1. of unr young men attended the dance last Thurs dav night at Fred Haines' near Ver dilla. Our laundry man, II. liar man made a business trip to Lewis town and Altooua. II. O. Mover is suffering from a severe attack of asthma. Quite a number of citizens attend ed the Alleutowii fair last week. The following from this plaic vere there: .1. C. W. Ua-sler and wife, W. II. -f i i i ii in and w ife and Lewis Ki-lu r and wife. Win. .Mover and son delivered a line iiioiiu.iient at Kat Salem, Iiiniata o., Wednesday. Four c f oi;r voiiMir men. 1 Ian v Mover. A 1 vi ii Cila-s, llarrv liar m.in, t!.'..rge (Ilass went fM.ing i'..ieday morning. J'hev .-pelit lioin '.i o i:loek in the nioriiiiig till ! p. in. caj.tunug 1 little sun li. Hoys that is not laziness. .lolin l. oodling, the veteran show man has again appeared in .... l I our vicinity wun ins merry-go- rouinl. We all anticipate a good tune. Jerry Charles left for n week's fishing along the hlue Juniata. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sigaaturu of MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Jolin Aueker of Steelton was vis iting in town. Many jieople of this place attend ed the Walter L. Main Show at Middleburg Saturday. II. II. Ferry, who was at Harris- burg, returni.il home Sunday. Chas. Brosius is visiting frieuds at Iewisburg. Ilfiswell J. Itothroek left for Philadelphia, where he will con tinue hi- studies in medicine. MlDDUBURGH MARKET. Butter 18 Egg 22 Onions 50 Lard 12 Tallo A Chickens.... 10 8ide 12 Shoulder 12 Wheat 75,76 Rye 55 Corn 00 OaU 30 Potatoes 40 Bran perlOO. 1.10 Middlings" 1 20 Chop 1.20 PORT 1REVORTON. I KREAMER. Dr. 1'aelor and wife of Shamokin j Keumer Aumiller who is work passed through tow n last wwk. ing at Iiewi-town was at liome mcr James Hoover and w ife of South Sunday, lietldeliem spent List week very ! A. C Smith and family went to pleasantly among relatives and Lewisburg Sunday, friends in town. j Mrs. I.ora Smith we it to Lowi-- K. V. Shatter of Sunlniry trans- J luirg. aeieil laisincss in town iluring the past week. i ... . n i ii jut. v . i'. imgar was caneo Home last week on aecount ot tu' -oious illness ol lier lather, .Nor man Fisher, of (he Lie of line. Dr. Hotter was a county seat vis itor one day this week. Mr. Try and Mrs. Annie Stine ot' Sunlniry were the guests of her brother, .(!. llice and family Sun day. Sheets Kelly and wife of Sunlniry visited his mother, F.llen Kelly Sat urday. Jno. (). Neitz and familv and Mrs. II. K Charles spent Su.iday at Ilerdou the guests of Mrs. Neitz's brother, Henry Hoover and fam ily. Hubert Hoihmcl sold his home on the Corner of Market and old. Sts. to Fmanuel Aueker of Ver- dilla for 1MH). Mrs. Kd w in Klock was tendered a surprise party by the ladies of the IT. Lv. church ut her home Satur day. Tlia evening was very pleas antly spent and all the delicacies of the season were served. K. I. IJingainan resigned his po sition as reel carrier for the lVnna. H. It. Co. Win. Brubakcr, S. S. and Milton Herrold are employed at Treverton. Wesley Flanders and wife of Chapman were callers at the Xat tonal Sunday morning. S. V. Steflen returued home Sun duy. "Simmy" had iuteuded mov ing to Halifax in the near future but has again changed his mind. Chos. Wolf and mother of Selins grove passed through tow n Sunday enroute for Chapman. Mrs. Annie Lenig and children spent Sunday in the county. Miss Sanipsell of Xorthunibe.' land made a pleasant call at the home of II. F. Charles Sunday, .(to. Lino and wife were the wel come guests of his father, John S. Hine at McKec- Halt Falls hist week. We arc please. j to n..te that Mts. Carvell, who had been seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leach, at Independence for the past few month's has improved some what and was I. fought homo again Sunday. A. W. Aueker liiid wile spent Sunday at Fremont the guests of Dr. Longacre and wife. C. W. Stroh spent Sun.v fu d Monday at home. Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer's Pills. Veectabler gently laxative. inz? Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I firrt rn. orim-muro on n p. mu m. nr,. n. THE RESOURCES Leans snd Investments, . $338,965.45 Due from Banks, . . . 6,764.12 Cash and Reserve. . . . 71,933.94 Jr.s. Herman and family spent I 'Sunday at her parent.-.. ... ... . . . ; . . Uoii-li is oaintoi'' in new , home. Mist H. ilha HickliMind tiiend of i Freebuig weie isiiing h'-r sister, jMrs. II. A. Waller. Many pie attended the show. , W. V. Housh and wife Sunday were out ol town. Communion services will be held in the Hvangelical Church Sunday Oct. 4. The sick we are glad to say arc improving. Jno. Hover has shipped a car of peaches from this place, nearly j every day last week. I II. C. Smith ad wife returned I from their trip to Hullalo last Wed- nesday. JN. C. liutelius made a canopy top for the spring wagon of Jacob Cross of West Heaver. (! rover Smith and his liest girl took in the sights of the Slate Cupi tal during the week. Daniel Snyder is the proud father of a second son. Jno. Smith put up a new porch in front of his home. The Dinius Hrothers got a car load of Western cattle Thursday. A MUnpprehepnlnn. Doctor You say you can't bear the Bmell of gasolene? Why don't you stop automoblling, then? Patient But, doctor, my business Is cleaning gloves! N. Y. Herald. A Qneatlon. of Meaanrvmenti. Black Bowler Is. drinking yerj hard. White Dying by inches, I "suppose. Black No, by quarts. N. Y.. Times. Wlirre. the Trouble IJea. "Fortune knocks once at the door ol every man." "Yes; but she's generally very clev erly disguised." Chicago Post. Her Only Chnnce. Voiinc Striker Do you believe in unions, Miss OUlone? Miss OUlone This Is so sudden. N. Y. Herald. VIN-TE-NA THE WORLDS uUMtm TONIC. A Tonic for the Tired, Sick and Weak of all Classes. VIX-TK-NA produce a won derful exhilarating result and leaves no i'l effects. .A-s a Pleasant Medi cal Tonic to Strengthen' and Tone Up the Nerves, Purify tihe IJlood, Invigorate Urain, Ubdy and Mus cles, llegulate the SystcnV. Guar anteed by all Druggists. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL OF MIDDLEBURG, PA. At the close of Business, Sept. 9, ISf&J. 5417.663.S1 Interest will be allowed on time deposits at the rate t Three per cent per annum. JAS. C. THOMPSON, Caswer. Ayers Impure tlood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. Ifthe nerves, then neuralgia, nerv. ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia biliousness, loss of appetite! Your doctor knows the remedy,"used for CO years. ' Iletnrnln K from tlio r.ilian 1t rk. Sir IiIoihI ytm ! J! on. llutaiHw l...tti...i IipaIOi vm R"ti. rrwt wrcl SrsapArllU cuinpletrly ruif-l ntr II. C IhiEIII.Kit, .-r $ 09 a hottle. All ilnieirl.l.. Impure Blood m.u ino gursapuiniii oy Keepino IhJ A Love Letter. ii i i Vt oil lit not interest ymi it vuu'rl looking for a guaranteed Stive f Sjres, Hums or Files ( );tu I ),!,! , Ponder' Mo. writes: "I Micri with an ugly sore for a ye:r, Imt i i t . i i - i oox oi jucKieii s Arnica aivt'tunl me,- It s the best salve on eaiili. i at Middleburg Drug Co., ( Iravlii and Carman, Lichfield a i:. 1 pr. Vr. Sanipsell, Peuns Creek Dn Store. RICHFIELD. Many id our people wi re at V L. Main's show on Sat unlay. W A !.. r-l. ii' i;:; j. j. vjui iiiuii, v-iiiis. , Hup and Ji.. J'j. bnyilcr atti iuhd the rJ opening .services in the IVihltU Church near Diminsville uii Sue day. V. 15. 'iney and wife of Swine ford visited the latters liilhtt n Suuday. Peter Graybill is imder lh$u tor's care at present. Percy Deckard left for the Ml co Chirurgical College mi SiturJai He will graduate from the srnJ next Spring. He is a -tuilimis aa refined young man and we l.t pt: for 1 1 i til deserved sueee-- in then' iiiir which he has chosen, I Ml I l'uvid virayuiu an ;i.r" i ' West Perry towiishio v.,'- -t rick- with paralysis on Saturday ci'Oli: and is now in a serious nnlitioc. Mrs. Merrill Woiinr an liertie visited friends in NimI and Shaniokin last weeL Our farmers have eoiniiKinvh ting corn. Saves Two From IK-ath Our little daughter Imd an alls fatal attact of whoppir;; ion bronchitis," writes Mrs. V.'. K.Ik land, of Arnionk, N. V; "ln.l.M all other remedies failed, we m her life with Dr. King-' New E eovery. Our niece, who li;ul t sumption it an advanced slag",ii used this wonderful ineuiriuew to day she is perfectly well. H peraie tnroat and iung(iiseaseii to Dr. King s rsew Discovery u no other medicine on earth. M ble for Couglrs an.l ' .Ids. 50c i Si.UU bottles guar-'-'i iy am burg Drug Co., (J.'ynll anilCa man of llichheW i'T.l Sampsell of Fenm Creek, bottle free. If V III; BANK amnn. p. " nil IUI i,. . LIABILITIES Capital $5C C00.0C; Surplus and Net Profits, . 56.691.22' Circulation, 33:000.00 Deposits, ... . . 275,972.29 10 tw i lb: $417,663.51 Wei Ham 15 iFIourperbbl 4.00 Luck wheat, 50. 1
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