- Mil ..ifiBUKU POST. NewGoods LD.IAI PRICES. EVERYTHING KEl'T IX A KIltST-CLAs-S GENERAL STORE. Better Than Honey For Less Money A5fO is a food nn.1 table delicacy com bined. It makes you eat. Contains nil the nutritive, strength ening properties of corn in a pre-digcstetl form, r-idy to use by the Mool immediately upon entering the stomach. A fine food for feeble folks, as well as well folks. Children love it ami thrive upon its pure, wholesome goodness. It is a remarkable energy and strength producer. Kxcellent for all home uses from griddle cakes to candy. It ria.nn.-ible cost appeals to the prudent housewife. A better syrup th.iu you ever bought. Uhe Great Spread for 'Daily Bread. Hold In nlrticht. friction-top tins which lire excellent for various IioiikcIiiiIiI niriHon vlicn emptv, Sold .v all itroeiTH In three slr.es, Mo, '!" ami .'iOc. CORN PRODUCTS CO., New York and Chicago. 1 MMhtU vfTHiro UNDOREfSTORE STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Stock Consists of Clean New Uoods, Such as Is Found in an I p-to-l)ate Country Store. Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs, Groceries, Chinaware, Best Shoes. Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supples. OUR MOTTO : More Goods for Same floney ! Same Goods for Less Money ! Come and see our wares. Market prices paid for Country Produce. A. S. Sechrist, Verdila, Pa. I WANAMAKER WINS SUiT Among tha other unusual occupy dander Cac For $25,000 Da mac es De- Hons that a world's fair bring Into be dded by Jury. Mpl Wla ,ng ,s aMt ot am Bearer. Pa, Sept. 22. The slander pllng the wine ex- sult brought against John Wanamsker Ka,," . . . .. h 1 er SUte Printer RoblnsoB tot there are likely to be 30.000 or 40.000. fo th rZT ', ; VM!!Ct K 18 not customary In this operaUonto tor the defendant. The sealed verdict ... . . , . ' was read In court and found for the peUK th,e W,ne t8ter ,0 slp from ' defendant. acn bottle and pronounce his Judg- . Before the verdict was read Judge J. ment untU h'8 mind begins to wander Sharpe Wilson called the Jurors and and nls toue thicken, then be laid j said that Inasmuch as one of their way in a cool place to await next numner nad been sick and there were morning's resurrection. He does not only eleven, he would have to have, ' swallow the wine at all. This an- befort the verdict was read, a signed nouncement is made at once to stem wp-Th T L at,,"rneJ'8 ,,hat the the possible tide of applicants. It is rr:.: , ir11' Thl: tastei- was given, and the verdict was opened , . and read. e or x samI'es have been examined Judge Wilson made a correction in llle jllmrs 'm rest a few nln,'!es-' its wording. It had read that the Jury tlicn e:;t a ult of cheese and biscuit, finds Mr. Wanamaker not guilty and aftfT which they rinse their mouths the Judge changed this to read: "The wll, niinornl wat r and proceed as be jury' finds for the defendant."' to con- fore. This is kepi up from mno lu the form with the legal requirement. Tho morning until noun. Persons who can Jury of 11 men was then dismissed lhus r..fraln from real indulgence in and court s-ttled down to 1, .. :,i i,usi- ,,. u , ,,. ,,., , mm for Infants and Children. Cast or la Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Parr jrorio. Drops niul Soothing Syrups. It in IMoasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) mr otlu-r Nareotlc 8iibstauo. It destroys v;rms ami nllavH IVvcrislmcss. It euros liarrliau hikI '.V-ul ( olio. It relieve Teetii. injr Troubles and etir v .tnstipatioit. It regulates the Stoinaeh and 1 towels, vinir bealtliv an. I natural hleen. The Children's Panuoea-Tho Jhtt Iter's Trientl. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I1PSS. Kx-State Printer Thomas l:.! iivon will iippenl from the verdict. Or.o of his lawyers. W. S. Jioori', of lli' place. adn;l;tc(! t!ict Ih.y would f'V i::'.!;y m:,!;. t:m : . ; : i . i i lor a n w trial Lj fore .Ii: V,"iN . c--:,mue:.ccs s:.v.tc Cam- lohn for speech i:it o.i I'UirK- John Clnrte Winlics to Cisri:ss palrn Issues Vv'itli Hin N'orv.iil!.. c, Sept. 1:1.- 11, in. H. Cl.irKo, Iii-moi mi ie e:i:i !i.i;ii i mien vein's fiennior, in a here lc ruiiilly cliiillcnge-l H;;i!;!: to n.ei i lihn in joint d the issues i r tiio camiiaigu. Mr said in part : "I have lieen aUed so frcju. :t!y d:irinc the past two wees if thero would lie n joint discussion nf t!:. issues of this e:ilip:tlgn hetweeii Se;. ator Hanna and inysidf, that I de-i:-. lo say piihiirly liere tliat it v.-o:ih'. Ii pxlrcmely ngreeahle to ine to i:;vi t Senator Hamm, if ids health will per mit in joint discussion of the iss;i(.s which we repnuellt. Permit ine to add, gentlemen, that I am perl'i.tly willing that the senator shall iiani'i the time and places for such meetings, subject to hut one condition, namely, that they ho held In tho close legisla tive districts of the state." iti lhus tread near tlie dar.,e; e;i bach from the brin!;. Will: a nose in the cii;i that in-bn.'.-s generally a goner, ll is as good '! d v. hi-ii lie g-;s so far a to hands upoa tie wiclier d ior. !:ilarati:ig e!'lM of s:ii':ering a i of some "mi or I'M different of wine to pass between one's v n if refus: d idiaii;aii. e at li e portal, must tie t on-iderahle; ome andSee Our New Stock. Iliglit'st rriws.l'aiil For Country I'roducc. " tlllll t I' , I , 1 1 BRITISH CABINET FORMED King Said to Have Approved Mew Ap pointments. London. Sept. 22. The St. .Janms (Jazette announces that King Kdward has approved the appointment of the following men to posts in the cabinet, made vacant by resignations: Austen Chamberlain, chancellor of exchequer. Lord Selborno, colonial secretary. Arnold Forster, secretary for war. W. St. John llrodrick, secretary for India. The Gazette adds that It has also good reason to believe that Lord Stan- J ley will be mnde postmaster genern! to succeed Austen cnamDeriain. Trooper Davis Won Cavalry Race. Xewhurgh, X. Y., Sept. 22. Trooper Davis, of the Eighth United States Cavalry, has reached West Point, be ing the fir-' of n detachment of 12 lidug manner are examples of ubstl nenee which ought to inspire admira lion f ir the race, h is not everyone (,!isi rv- s the Si. Louis Ciiobe-Ileniocr.l who , r.tnl s he is iia " l-y 1. The stn Kinds lips, l inner and a layer of cheese, a layer of leis citlt. a. id a layer of mineral water con tinued for three hours, It would s- em. would be it distressing ordeal. A Tier the "bouquet" of the cheese, what be comes of the "bouquet'' of the wine? There are cheeses that make one quite oblivious of every other thing si t on tho table before one. We should have no conlidence at all in the Judgment of a jury after the sixteenth round of cluese. On the whole, our respect for these wine jurors will reach about the same plane that some other Jurors have been held in cases where they have decided guilt or innocence by shaking dice. In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr rr"THn cc-wrN tt MpRtv -. mri r A . , r ,,v 1 T. T ; liberal- Aduoln:ents- i:vi3-TS.f-.-s-rr;Ti.t. .... rlVJcWiEEK- HRRVEY schoch, GENERAL :NSf :ANCc i Lt H n:v t,v ()! Fin . JU1. 1 1 4 , A ct idt'til - . cs, l'li:! trio; I'M' (11V pra ; iigi . rad i adv TV 1 Sill i or. pi. n vile'.i . -in.; I! froiii (iMnhoma ;t ride o 2eii i ! to c-.t 1. reh-Vi very :; i being tn shorte-t beiiu the d bis com- the of a t Were alll'V !.ey ule-l-pro ided e! tiie rid in tin Davis purl v. Incorporate Under Arizona Laws. Most liberal corporation law in the United States. Xo Franchise tax or exhorbitant fees. Private property ex empt from all corporate debts. Par of stock made any amount. Xo limit on capitalization. Stock is non-as- sable for any purpose. No amount of stock required subscribed. Xo tate cttntrol ; no State examination of books. Legislature can't repeal our cnarter. Keenoflice and do business anvwhere. Wo, attend to nil 'iisinoss and pay all fees, and charge you but a few dollars in any case. Agents wanted in every city in the I J. S. Li!x.ral com missions. Send three stamps ior booklet of codified an notated corporation laws and other information. Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee Company. Monilian Building, PHfTJNIX, ARIZONA. .0 Q wm vw fti 'Sr r f Ulk mM i nn Pn. LRuriattunt. Gocalno and all Drun Habits fjitJinly -jred, without pain or detention from business, ltaving no craving ' l. S Cr OtVtfr f irrinlnnte IVa roctnra fba nantniio or rl r Vitrei ro 1 evBUma fr pa-..-! ly an emnrtt Physician. hi kr.hGtfsin Therapeutic Association l io oroaaway, nw itm iny s at ti start, and thus had intake ol getting tho pieli mounts at the relay stations. Th best I'fevious ncor l for tha distance wns 4.i davs. The family was examining with great appreciation Tom's first attimpts at Thr Ar. of lor- l'1-tography. The exhibit comprised r-et F.P..I.K. th(1 uslml agS()rt, ment of amateur's blunders, including nu especially large display of varied ef fects in tho fine art of focusing. Finally, relates tho Youth's Companion, one of his cousins picked up a print which ap parently represented a stretch of stony field upon which a heavy fog was shut ting down. "What in the world is this, Tom?" she demanded. "That?'' Tom retorted with dignity. "I should thinli ', anybody could recognize that! It's the beech avenue at an eight-foot focus! Those rocks in the extremely interest ing foreground are merely pi hides to the common eye. As for the beeches, like nil beauty, tiny demand iinneimi tioii in the beholder before they will re veal themselves." The cousin iool.ed up saucily. "Tom," she said, soli mr.'.y, "it's the very fun st photograph of Mrs. Kphraim l'embi rtot.'s viiw of life that I ever saw!" Who dors not, tit the phrase, recognize Mrs. Kphraim Pi m berlon? Sometimes she is mrvousand worried; sometimes she Is voluble and important; sometimes she is wholly self ish, sometimes she is instinctively gen erous, but always, whatever her tent : perament, the small duties, interests, ' l perplexities of her dally life are fo mag- Tim Aetna r'oud'tl . Homo 1 " AincricMt) " The Standard Wv The Ncn' Vork 1 " The fidelity Mul i Your Fatrocac' . JHOST LIBERAL OFFER 'OF I THE YEAR. 1S1!) 1S33 IS 10 Ko Premii:: n.' ASSI'I.N v. Ilisui-iii.ec C; liisurfiiice Co. iMc AsH:eiat!on elicited. I. The Kew-York Tribune Farmer is n national it n. I their fimiilii - -tiatnl iigiieiilttu.- t wtekly for t:ir:in'. ', ami .stands U i,,.,,,! ,i cultural .rcs. It is a i,raetienl v,n , , fr pnieth al f.iniiers helping tlii-m to secure the largest sible jnolit In in tin farm through iiraetienl metlioils. ' It is entertaining, Instructive am! pnii-t i.-allv useful to the fanner's w ife, sons anil ilauglii. is, Jw liese ii.!e e-ts tt covers in an attractive inatiiu r. The ieguliirjiriee iHtl.OOj.eryfar, but for a limited time no nil) ve. ivt ,vit- euhju.ij.iioii ni Tlir. itJ YORK TKIISUNE l-ARMEK and i.Iho for yourow.i f:,vorite local nevsp!iier, Tlie Post, M ii'ilM tni;. P:i. Hi Papers One Yearforonly 11.50 Send your order and iimiie' to Your inline tiiiil nililri ,-s i n a M .('lK ik'ii:tM:;i ai : i r. b il g i i:;in e si in) le'ee v, 1 us til Ni w i a rd ik Till: Immigration Officers Detain Filipinos. San Francisco. Sent. 21. The Fill. pines who arrived here last Thursday nified that they fill all her field of vision. en the transport Sherman, on thilr way to bt. Ixmls, where they were to bf employed in the construction of the Philippine houses and other buildings at the exposition, are detained on and shut out the whole world of beauty and inspiration, of sorrow and struggle ! and happiness, that lies beyond them. Even her joys are cheated of half their : power of blessing because they are the .1 . . i... .l- , ! " .u . iraiimii uy me nnmigra- onlv joy8 that she ever really sees, the "wii oiiiuuuiifo ut-cauHe iney me appa rently liable to become public charges. Although armed with lettors of identi fication from Manila, the 31 Filipinos are all In poor financial straits and ap pear poorly equipped to continue on their juiirncy to St. Louis. gladness of other people being merely j a part of the vague background of her ' own momentous affairs. In the great WIND0R JIOUSK W. II. Ill I l.l.lt. -ojirletor 418 Market Si., Harrishurx Pa., ((iiinite 1. Ii. I:. Iicpiii Kiitrnm-r; l ulled lnr All I ruins':. Rooms, 25 and 50c. (iood MealA, 25c tilillll lli'l'iiliili ol:ilinlK. 0 IT PAYS to advertise in a live and up to date newspaper. Fur results try The POST. C. RUTTER, M. D., mama t- naz iii lb ill ill ill ill ill PalentsU (i tint an teed I'niltr $20,000 BONi) rrit m Hi Ik 111 Ik HI III Ik III Ik I 1k Ik ik ik' ik Ik l Bishop Coleman's Annual Trip. Wilmington. Del., Sept. 19. Right Rev. Lelghton Coleman, D. D bishop art of life as In the lesser one of photog raphy, the mastery of focusing lies at ' the foundation of success. The eight- Physician and .'SuriCeOn, foot focus Is necessary at times; but to 1'ort I revorton,Pa. Offers his Professional Services to live always at the narrow range of "bread and butter and buttonholes," as one housewife characterized It, Is to of Delaware, left this morning for his J nake nlgh achievement an linpossibil annum iruinp oi iwu weens, ne naa not decided in which direction he will travel, but he will go afoot, as hereto- Ity. the Public. All Calls Promptly At-1 tended. fore, and will travel Incognito. Fishing Steamer Reported Safe. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 22. An uncon firmed rumor from Wachaprague stales that the fishing steamer Beatrice, sup posed to have been lost In the hurri cane, has arrived off Delaware Break water with two men lost from her crew cf 35. A St. Louis couple who quarreled a short time after their marriage and were divorced have been remarried. It is a good idea to live together at least a week or two before being convinced that you ncv-er. nev-er can be happy. Ball Player Dies From Lockjaw. Marion, Ind., Sept. 22. John Stoe bel, a furmer player on the Evansvillo base ball team, in tho Central league, died here from lockjaw. He broke a finger while playing two weeks ago, and tetanus followed. Quite rieaaed with It. Customer You remember you sold me this coat yesterday? Y'ou said you would return the money If it wasn't sat isfactory, i Clothier But, my dear sir, It vos quite satisfactory; I nefer had better money dan dot In all my life. Tit-Bits. Tiro Little Dlmplea. I nebber minds de trusts dey make Dat pile up In de billions-; But what dls darkey'd hate would be A trust In watahmlllloni. .- Juigt. Dally more marriages "contrary to the wishes of the girl's parents." But there's nothing strange about that. That's what the novels and "short stories" have preached these 150 years. WANTKIl :-SKVKHAI. IMU S1 Hlol s I'Klt gun ill lat-h Mute totrnvt-1 fur Iigiimr i-inlillili-eil eleven yriir unit n illi ft Ihtki- i-iipitiil, tn cull upon iiierc-Iuiotn anil HKi-nti lnr kliiii'"fu) ami prolltulile line. Pi-riiiunriit riiKiiixt-irifi.t Week ly rath naliiry of fin ami nil Ir.ivellhu rxpciiM-s aril lintel billi ntlvain-i-il in lush rui h tvi-ck. hxl'iTii-m-o not t-HM-ntiiil. .Mention it-tcp-noo ami pm-losc m-ll aililreniee i-nvelnpi'. THK NATIONAL. 3J4 .DcarbornSt. ClikaK- VM'.I TMR KEYSTONE LAW AM) PATENT CO., 107 Bctz P.uild inj;, Philadelphia, which Is the only l.oi, di i Patent Agency in the world, oiler to make a (iuar- anteed Search of the Patent Of- fice Records not merely their I opinion Free of charge In lead- J er of this Jnntx.M, w,, wj w send a sketeii, inmlel or ic,'i ji- tion of their invention. Tliey w ill also give :i eeriilie;itn of lUltentiibility w lii. li will be of $ jrreiit nssistanec to in inventor in raising capital. Valiil Patents with the hn :ul- est (dliillis see.iireil on easy w-k- ly payments. Write to-day. Hi S S. S. WILLIAMSON,' S lb ' No. nn T.IK. President. Cne institution in evr York has furnished 34,000 infants for distribu tion ia the west. There isn't any- Till: ni'Kl.l.NcmiN mine, iii the Kuniniw lllaek IlilN. is vciy rieli in lnr nuliiiii; ore. Wr uuiiianti-c 1 iini it miiii.-tui.ini'iit i,imI .ni,-lr LaxativeBromo-QuInlne Tablets cure retnrn. sii.ek im inunow. niroi, wi,,.m ...... p.... n .. ,,, in. , r, frill ll. ll'IItr. C liavo what you want. A Ku;imiit - it n,m,k. f lion. Make ninnry hoiie-t-- :unl i-a.ily hy I Ine inir Ihi" ti k. You bo in with fi lenil. oit I whom you run n ly. We have nmile lots ,,f nioni-i for oIImt- iiimI iltil"-o f,.r ou. ilr-.1 - runn i'liin per Ion. ! i l' .II IlIM'S., l-im-.l An!.., (s -T-') Ailel, l.iu. Miom hi i aiiKtt Mad Hark oil ! I elil a cold in a nay. No cuie.iio nnv. Pr co 5 cents. i thing that New Y'ork hesitates in uu-'0'1 loading on the rest of the country. TO IIKI. A !.! I mini: 1)V. Take Lnxntive I'.n i'io-(jiiinimTiilili-(s All druggists refund the moiiev i' it People who off er excuses for their hab its do not do so because they are sorry, but because they are afraid of the con sequences. Stop making excuses and turn over a new leaf. A San Francisco firm cornered tha bean crop of that state and then made the discovery that no one wanted to buy the beans. Tha firm la now among tha "has beena." to cure. 1. 'each box. (ilove's sigl'in Ladies Sol ni Uold Taney K six opaU in circle v ellieratil in renlre. iiilleeut Itinjr goad ciioiikIi for Hie -anil within the Ii-aeh of the poor. K-n hy mail Kist paid. Kenienilu-r this hit icolil II -! or KOlfl pliilrn, hut nuality Molld )oll. Wo handle K-erj Jewelry, also Watelies, Diamolids, 1 . and HiUer-ware, l'lanosand Organs, i aatisfaetinn Riiaranteed, or money refi irncHls arc returned promplly. Our r' the lowest, therefore we Invite coni Write ut for quntationt on what you in inquiries promptly answered. Addrcs- d. ii. wai.ti;r'a;sox. Sox 110,'arinrl, Va. wan i i:ii-sKvi:ii w. i'i;j:iiis if ciiak- aetrr mid koimI r -p 1 1 li.l 1 1 1 1 u, -;i, ( !,,(,. ((m,', this rimmy reiiiiri-il) lo represent ami nilvr-il-i- ohl estiililishnt wealttiy liiiini-i hniine -olid tiiiaiicijil -tiinilinj; r-u:ury $JI. -n Wivklii with eipensi-s nililitlounl. all piynl li- in ,.,, direet every Wi-diiesilav from end oni.w llni.i- and uirriace furni-lied when neoes ar Peferi-ni-es. Cm np If a'liln-ssi-il iit.l.J (. oloiiinl, a;ia llturlwrn St.. Cliieimo. m-w-tct.) 'l'K. olio 2.KI, not hot , K In oliile . Trustworthy lady :r Rentleman to mannr ' i d If in l"s ountyanil ailjoinlnir ti-rritarr are 'orwc,ln" tvorabl known lloum of o(v9 tinn. 1 fln,,c,,u "'nd,n- -"0.l0strB'Kht eash Mlarr , . and i-cioms, paid each Monday bv cheek A- i net from heailoiiartera, i.iut-nso ninne ranced : imsition permanent. Aililn-s MANAGER WANTED. Manaffer, 610 rionon Bldj., Chlcs, 9 3 lift
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers