flote Weafcs fcThTve a job lot of note Ids on hand. They must go , The price wm uj u. Dles and prices for the ask- ye turnisn wow pi.mcu i, than you can buy them Lut printing. WaRta"'. MIw nd Praprletar. A Family Journil, Devoted U Kewa, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. . Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, In Advance oi. xxxx. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., OCTOIJKlt 8, 1903. NUMBER .!. Wone m. the jvely Little Liners. Hustle anu lnc usl, County Seat, Told In Brief Paragraphs. ,pe .More or bw 'plotting Population and nwnt. of In tli.it Satisfy Curio.ity and Appt the Thirst lor New. Kieft'er Wolfe of Hartleton was a Snyder (.'utility visitor Thursday of last week. Little Miriam Aueker of Verdilla Is visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. ('. II. Dtiuklchergcr Mrs. 1 lottcusteiu iiml daughter Klla ami Miss Mninl Unnklo visited ('. I). Boligand family at Winlield mill took in the Lcwislmrg fair Rev. Joshua Shamhach and wife of Bloom-burg were in town la.-t week, the former on business in tile settle meiit of liis father's estate. W. A. Meiser it' Mciscrville Icnvcu r''r'''''' ; this week for Toronto, Canada, where ,uelF. Maurer and wife of Free- l,e uiil pursue a course in veterinary were oallors at this office last The Posr goes with liini. (i. A. Sclmcli wasiiMiMiuburg wife of New jtf) Mi-, n. i. rMilWvery Opening win 7L P hcl!y of the Lewlstown "He- L ft,l Sentinel" was in town Sunday. Kesslerand daughter ofXorth- L'rlaiid and lady of S :mb..ry were iru Sunday. l.riL'ht H'H'h and i Mid a visit. Lis Sunday. r White Oct. 20. :io Dunkellierger, h Diinklelieriier. who is a store- Uand guager in Bedford county, Sunday at home. reliant J. W. Swarta of Swineford itingliist son, Wm. Swart, and in East Pittsburg. La Bertha Osinun of Shamokln, on eturu troin a vn-it to East Pitts- la visiting in Frankbfl. fine line of outhaud ready-tu- HaU, received to-tHHy Ltffmnkelberger. L report conies from Seliusgrove, Mr. Uuu.burgerand wire are le- lugon the arrival of triplets. B.Ramer, the merchant of Pro- t u a caller at this office last week jtajbd some stationery jrlu ted. H. Harter and wife of Bellefonte isillngJ. M. Btelningerand wife. is enjoying a season of fishing. t Maud Houtz, who had been all Summer, returned home and t'HRi'd in the millinery business Mis I.ibbie Dunklebuiger. iiire J. ('. Kreltzer, of t'liapnian -hip, who had a stroke of paraly riti'iiilicr Kl, is now nidi to sit it liis left side is enthvly hcl- (!. llornberger of Aline was at the ty Seat Saturdity. Mr. Hornber- kiifiitly hiiil a stroke of apoplexy wmc glad to note he Is out v. A. I). iramley of Beavertown lied inth- Evangelical Chapel, ay nioriiiicr anil assisted the pas- Uev. Wom.-.dorf to administer the 's Supper. K. Hasshiger of Laniotiii, Pa., I u Miildlchurg visitor, last week. inl is making his mark in his new (if labor and the Post' extends ratiiUtiims. mnty ('oininissionersMoy.'r, Eeich- duudDerk and J. N. Brosius, and A. F. Uilbert, Attorney, t J the State Conuention of County missioners at Pittsburg hist week. Mnur post office robbers, captured e Cent re county Sherill'and posse f Seven mountains, will be tried the United States district and lit court at Scranton on Monday, ilierlil. e First National Bank of Middle- studies the needs of its customers g proper rare of them whether bus'tnens be large or small and the fug with all Its patrons are abso- fy confidential. VN'TF.D A trustworthy gentle I or lady in each county to mauage- pifss for an old established house of I financial sUndg.jAA straight i fide weekly silar oltjf 18.&). paiil wk each Mondajt witfi all ex- pdireet from ueadi'Vacrere. Money P for expenses. Enclose1 ad envelope. MaiiaJfr, 200 Caxton I. Chicago. 10-l-10t r"ik Zellers was delivering goods flidilleburg Saturday, when the roc wasrtrlvlnst became frlirhten- f"l Frank took hold of the bridle, thrown against an Iron fence rrii a short distance, but was pt before doing further damage ureaklnit a counle of dlahea. A Nail sewed tin tha inuhM. .nd Pk came here for day or two and tieui to work again. Mlfflii "Times." A, (J "onilierer of Allue desires to b iv a .-voti-h Collie female pup, prefer ably tan -olo Any one desiring to sell sui'ii mii Hiiini.il should address Mr 1 loi' iii. rn-i . Mi- Uuth Houceworth of Selins urove li is been appointed by (lovernor l'liinypo ker to a scholarship in the lYiiiisyiv.uiia ,i iisi'tpii and srhool of Industrie Art nl I'liila. LOST. 1 1 1 Middle!) irg-or, vicinity a Kraternii Hadi- etbruij oals let ters i'.. a. r. !MnirHe-t itiyowner s initials (i. S. S. 1(MH. itewapfT if return to (leo. S. Seli;ck S-iince-ffive, Pa., Luther A. Moatz returned from a trip to the pruh-ifN In South Dakota, wnere ne was iieiiKimg i- tttle In com pany with Wm. H. Sliiodtl, who Is now visiting in Onto and expects soon to return to Middlebiirg. Kon Sai.k. A lions-and 'fit situ ited in Paxtouville is -dlert'd at private s.ilt-. The buildings iu irXgooiL condition. The home is suiplied wy( llr-t-clas water, fruita, etc. WrVior cali . n Sakaii oIkksx, Puxtonville. Ph Misses Mabel O rim in and Miiit-i.i Stetler were elected delegate, to Hi .. .i . , . . . nuyuer vuuuiy v. -Cj. coil veillloll. jviro 1 0,.Y..JHahsinger and Ma.ie Beaver) are the alternates from'' the 'Lutheran Society, FOK SALE. In Mlddleburg, Pa., a good frame house, 7 rooms, and lot of land. Also a good livury stable on the same lot. her terms nuid particulars apply to I-'. I-'. Walter, nnile west of Middlebiirg on road leading to Beaver town. tf. Prof. Thomas ('. llotitz, of Sii.-iuc-Imiinii I'liivetsity, prcaclied for Uev. Iiiehl at llassitmet's in the morning and in town in the evuning. The ser mon win greatly enjoyed by the large audience. Call on A. K. Soles in his new shav ing and hair emting parlor f.u youi head cleaned with a refresh in - sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market sutiare op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guur antecn. tf. During the nbsence of the Editor last week an item slipped into the Post re tlecling on the millinery business of Miss Libbie Duiikleberger. In jus tice to her we wish to say that she is one of the best milliners in Central Pennsylvania. A new add in another column of the First National B shows them to be paying intertyfTiiiim deposits at the rate of three perMtyft-r Milium. This Bank has the lurjjjjri Capital and Sur plus of any BaiJOn Snyder county. It Is strong, careful, safe and a successful institution. Just in, our Winter Supply'of rubber boots, shoes best grade o Boston and Bal Do you know system ? ( new andm, wey L-rwotVit'll Kin Mffia)i(lnt abotVfek income inly have W4i makes, lowest price. ur trading card and lean it. . K. Ski mkist. VenMlla, Pa. Anion L. Spanglerand Dr. Martyu of Elizabeth ville were In town Monday. Mr. Spangler was besieged by robbers last week one night. A shot was rl red in the hall outside of his room, but they were frightened off. They obtain ed no booty. Cashier (ieo. L. Hussel and wife of Lewlstown, Cashier J. N. Thompson of Wilkes Uarre, Mrs. Robert Mc Meen of Milllintowii unl Miss Cora Thomp son of Mexico Sunday were the guests of Cashier Jas. Q. Thompson at the Washington House. VIX-TE-NA Cures Loss of appetite, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Bllliousness, Constipation, Dizzl ness, Jaundice, Torpid Liver, .Heart Burn, Foul Breath, etc. Try a bottle aud lie convinced. If It fails to benefit you your money will be refunded. All druggists. da me Law. Doves, unlimited number can be killed at any time. Elk, Deer or Fawn, two in one year, during Nov. only. English, Mongolian ort'liincsc Pheas ants, unlimited, Oct. to to Dec. 1"'th, inclusive. (rouse (Untied), commonly called pheasant, ten in one day, Oct loth to Dee. 1"), Inclusive. llireor iiabbit, unlimiti d, not to be taken with ferret, Nov. 1 to Dccenilier I"), Inclusive. (Juail or Virginia Partridge, fifteen in one nay, Oct. 15 to December loth, inclusive. Uail aud Uccd J'.irds, unlimited, Sep. Oct. and Nov. Weli-Footed W I'd Fowl, unlimited September 1st to May 1. Wild Turkey, two in one day, Oct. lo to Dec. 15, inclusive. Woodcock, ten in one day, O.-tobir 15 to Di'c. 15, and dm tug July. Squirrel, ray, Black and Fox, un limited, Oct. 15 to Dee. 15, inclusive. Plover, unlimited, July 15th to Jan. 1st. All game can be bought and sold in Dcasoii in this State except elk, deer or fawn, wild turkey, rutl'cd grouse, com monly called pheasant, ijuail or Vir ginia partridge and woodcock, which have been "killed in this Common wealth," these can not be sold at any time. No game of any kind can le legally transported out of the State. The English sparrow, king-rlsher, row, Coopers hawk, sharp shinned ii-iwk, duck hawk, and pigeon hawk ; great horned owl and barred owl. Tue grwen herrou and the night lierron, the red squirrel, the jooii, the possum, the bear, the wood chuck, or ground hog, the skunk, are not protected, and may be killed at any time. . T. Dnudure Nathan Tobias Duudore, Merchant and Postmaster of Dundore; this Coun ty died Monday morning at '4:30." He was born In Berks County Apr. 2ti,lS40 was married to Marht II., a daughter of Daniel Winner. She was born July - ls4:i and survives her litisnaud. They had no children. Mr. Dundore is a son of Samuel k. Dimdoreand his wife, Catherine To bias. Only two of his iirothers survive, viz: A ron T. of Myerstown and Cornel. ins T. of Santiago. One of his brothers, Samuel T. now descascd, is the father of S. C. Dundore one of the merchants of Penuscreck. He was postmaster of Duudore for up wards of 20 years. Funeral takes place Thursday at ten a. m. cennony hy Uev Searle. Aged tii! yeai.-, 5 mouths aud 2d days. Xoitiiaii I. Fisher Norman Fisher of the Isle of (jut was born April :f(), lSls married Lydia Forry, who was born Sept. l'.i, ls-1'i, and he died Oct. 2, liKi.lat ! P. M. aged 55 years and (i mouths. He was the only sou of Samuel Fisher and his wife whose maiden name was Harriet Fish er. His father died May 17, 1SS5 at the age of 72 years. There were two sisters Sallieaud Amanda married toll. E. Miller, who preceded the deceased. Norman and Lydia Fisher are the pa rents of ten children (one dead) I dau ghters and 5 sons living. The funeral was held Tuesday morning at nine o' clock at the house. Rev. Yut.y, Focht auddensler officiated. Deceased is an uncle of the Editor of the Post. Mr. Fisher was well aud fajorablv kown among a large circle of friend where he will be much missed. Charlie Spaiil Commits Suicide. Charlie Spuid of New Berlin aged HO years suicided Wednesday evening of last week. He was the son of the late Robert Spaid, who died about four weeks ago. He is a brother of Mrs. Alfred Clelau of this place. He was alone at home on Wednes day afternoon or evening aud, going into the yard he called to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Tanner Brainerd S. Schock, saying "Tell mother I have gone away". He then drew a revolver and fired a shot Into his head which killed him instantly. He was unmar ried and lived with his mother, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W 8mith at BeaverSprings. Engine For Sale A twelve horse power portable Frlck Englueis offered at private sale. It can be seen at Stroptown. Inquire of Ki. O. DTKOUl", t-f Strouptown, Pa. COURT HOLSE CHIPS. Dee Js Recorded. Charles Secht and wife to II. W. Matteru, house and lot m Beaver Springs for j:!iH). Oliver C. (ieniberling and vile to Eyer Walter house and lot in Selius- gtove for $I(M). M. A. (iriinni it. al. to Albert Drecse 15 acres in Beaver township for $1,- Edward Bassler aud wife and Emma J. Wicst to John Walter, t acres in Washington twp., for $'io. Marriage License. Amnion A. Strouli, Washington twp. Nettie V. Nagle. Custer Sax tun. Edgar W, Custer of Swineford, now employed in Sunhiiry was married Wednesday of last week to Miss Bertha Sax ton of Lewlstown. The ceremoney was performed by Uev. M. S. Creshiiian D. D. pastor of the Lutheran church. After a reception and dinner Mr. and Mrs. Custer left for a tour of Eastern cit ies, after which they will live in Sun- bury. Convention of Synod. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod nf Central Pa., met in fiftieth regular con veiftion, iu the Lutheran Church of Beavertown, Uev. I. P. Zimmerman, pastor ; Weituesday evening, Sept. 'M, 11)0.1. The Pres., Rev. J. I.I. Rarick, rjien ed Us sessions with a sermon from Matt. 2S:2(), after which the Holy Com munioii was administered to members of Synod. The President's report, giving a gen eral view of the "Activities of the L'hurch," was decidedly encouraging. Two new. churches were dedicated and considerable Improvement iu church property iu the way of paisoiuigcx, etc. was reported. The -vent iixwrj'jprMhJp of Synod Is 9i).'4 j ho contributed for benevolence flOCM.dO, and for all objects, a grand total of $75,000. In accomplishing this result, the Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies, were important fac tors. The general work of the Church, Missionary and Educational, was most interestingly and forcibly presented by representatives sent by the Hoards and Institutions. Special attention was called to the fundamental work of Ivhi cal ion, for the support of which the I ieiieial Synod, at Baltimore, decided to raise a fund of 1, , , within the next the years. The '1 re.-sler Orphans' Home at l.oysville is in splendid condition and caring well for the Orphans of the ( 'hiirch. It was decided that, at the next con vention, the Scmi-Centennial of the Synod he celebrated by appropriate ex ercises. Uev. C. L. MeCoiuiel, was ap pointed historian orator, for the occa sion. Synod was informed that it's indebt edness on account of the Theological Seminary, at (iettysbiirg, was cancel led, because the necessary money has been secured from other sotircss. The Woman's II. it F. M. Society, through its President, Mrs. W. 11. Schocli, rendered a most gratifying re pott. This society, with a membership of S00, contributed for missions, $1550. Synod earnestly urges the remaining 4000 women of the Synod to enlist in this noble w-i k, and add their prayers and gifU i -r the advancement of Christ's Kim: loin on earth. At the impressive Sunday evening service, four young men were licensed to preach the gospel for one year, and J. B. Langham of Marysville, was or dained to the office of the Holy Min istry, by the laying on of liajids. After re-electing the old officers, Pres. Rev. J. M. Rarick, Secretary Rev. W. D. E. Scott, Treasurer, J. a! Price, Statistician, Rev. T. C. Houtz, Synod adjourned to meet in Belleville, Pa., Sept. 1004. The Convention was marked by har mony and charity. Its sessions were well attended and theservices through out were most enjoyable and inspiring. The Synod will long aud gratefully cheririh the memory of the cordial and open-hearted hospitality of the people of Beavettown. W. K. D. A Mb. Hingsto, Photoqbai'u In MiddlalKfrg His oneDollar did. Now is yot lent photographs Thk New York over Runkle's store dolngblg business. togrophs aresplen- ance to get excel- Dq uot miss it. A SHOUT COURT. Proceedings in Full. Y rouble villi the liny Wheel. j Court opened Monday, Oct. 5, at 11 a. in., Hon. I. M. McClure, President Judge, i Ion. .. T. liemberling ami Hon P. F. liigel, Associates in the cnair. The Constables were sworn and the returns were tiled. H. F.Mohn, .1. E. Urccd, Wm. C. Snyder and Aaron (iuudriini were pointed tip staves. Commonwealth vs. Charles Ally and tieorge Side, aud same vs. Milo J. Stctler. Nolle prosecution was enter ed. Ucturns to orders of sales were con firmed in the estates of Polly Noll, Adam B. Walter, James S Troup, William Hettrii'k, Walla, e 1). Lauden slager. Henry Mengel, Susan Hen dricks. Petitions for orders of sale were granted ill theestatesof Horace Haines Catherine Wagner, C. W. Wagner, Elizabeth Smith, Hemy A. Ott, Abram M. Freed. Auditor's report iu estate of Joel Bilger was continued ni. si. David O. Buck was appointed guar dian of Frank D. Kline, minor child of Josiah Kline. J. C Si'hooh was appointed guardian of John II. and Sarah E. Wagner, minor grand children of Catherine and Isaac Wagner. J. A. Fisher was appointed guardian for Sarah E., DenniH K. and Hany P. Ott, minor children of H. A. Ott. Commonwealth vs. David ('. Kess lcr. Surety ot the Peace. Sentence susieiided. Defendant is allowed to go home with his father. County to pay cost of Prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Charles (Soy, lar ceny and receiving stolen goods. De fendant plead guilty to second count. Sentence $1 line, pay costs of prose cution and restore or pay for stolen goods. Petition of Tobias E. Reitz vs. Surah Reltn, for divorce was presented. A Writ of partition was granted iu the cstateof Edward U. Waguei. Ueports of Uoad and Bridge views Mere presented irom Adams, West Perry, Middlccrcck ami West Ilia ver. Harry Weis of Selin-gio e was ad milted to practice law. l in: .it KY mi ini t:. Tuesday morning when the case i f Mr. Seifrcd vs. the P. U. U. Co., cam. up, testimony was presented to show that the jury wheel was not tilled in cording to law. The law specifies that the Jury Commissioners shall each drop one name in at a time alternately This was not done. 1 he mint post poned the i ase for next term and or. tiered the Jury Commissioners to refill the wheel and place iu KM) names. Court then adjourned until Thurs day at 1:.'10 p. m. Yo the Christian Endeavorm of Simla County, IYiiiki. The Eighth Animal Convention of the Snyder County C. E. I'liiou will convene in the Trinity Luth. Church, Scllnsgrove, Pit,, Oct. 22 and 2:id, I'.O.!. Let the various C. E. Societies of cur roii'ity see to it that delegates are selected at once. Blink reports will be sent to each Cor. Sec, which are to lw filled out and brought by a dele. gate to the convention or sent by mail to the Sec. No ellbrts have been spared to make this convention a success." Our State Secretary, Maxwell I). Lath rope will lecture for us Friday evening. Come and enjoy this convention. A. R. (iilbert, Pres. Estellu Romig, Sec. A Great Opportunity to make a Fortune I am forming a small syndicate to purchase high grade ijoltfy property. Tests sluwivtuue ahead fiw thse get- tiiitfffr no afW developing? utoerly. Owner of lirnd imt.uieiit afiid ignor ant of mining val)V Twoatties now working Bame Belli cleang oVcr $200, per day. Address. Sol'TIIKKX MINEKAI-S, 10-l-2t Washington, D. C. Broke Into His House S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt. was robbed of his customary health by invasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his tronble was arrested and now he's entirely fiinvl 25f nt Middlelmrcr Drutr Co.. o o ; Graybill and Carman, Richfield and Dr. J. W. Sampsell Tenns Creek. THE Fl'YUKIv KEVK.UKP. Coining Events Cast Yheir Shadows Heroic. The readers of thclWrurc reoiiest- ed to send lis announcements of nil events. No charge w ill l.e made to publish the same when the event is of public importance. Tl Ksn.w, Oct. ti, 7, S and Milton Fair. Tli:si..v, Oct. i; too, ( Vntic County Fair at Bellefonte. SATI Itl.AV, Oct. 10, Meeting of the Uepublicau Standing Committee meets in Middlebiirg. Spm.av, Oct. 11, The Lutheran Con gregation of Middlebiirg will cele. brute the Lord's Supper. Sati-isdav, Oct. 17, atone o'clock on Blue Hill, the Executors of the late Uobert Lesber will sell one mare and colt, a month old, six cows, a sleigh, a buggy and other articles too num erous to mention. Tt i:snAV, Oct. 1: to lii, Columbia Co. Fair at Blooiushurg, Pa. Tm list. a v, Oct. 22 aud 2.1, the Snyder County C. E. Cnion w ill convene iu the Lutheran Church of Selins grove. TtKsiiAy, Nov..'!, The (ieiieral Elec tion. Tiu ksdav, Nov. 5, Full Moon. Till ksdav, Nov. 2(1, Annual Thanks giving Day. The Banks will be clos ed. Monday, Nov. Ill), The 4Hth annual Teachers' Institute of Snyder County will convene in the Court house at Middlehiirgh at eleven a. m. Our President. Our President a limn is he, To weaker frames he power instills ; When others tremble like a tree, Hestamleth firm as Albion's hill, lie suiiidi for light to rich aud poor, To vl thought1 he gives no p.'ace ; When villain would to wrong allure, He shows them soon n Lincoln's face. The bribers with a smile declare, " The rest have yielded he will too", Hut ere the end t hey are a w are, That they have met tlo ii Waterloo. He s br.tve in battle lor the tight, He -bowed this down on Cuba's -holes ; If you have any doubt, - i nrrlit, lu-t go and u-k the second Moors. "He served II- well" .-:i - I u VSalii, "ilc did his duty e cry day ; So help him boys, help all 1 1 can, When to the poll- you make voiir a". M . I!. I '. I : i p. k Kit. . Hlooiiisliiii'g, Pa., 1'iii. On account of the Fair to be held at I'.looin-buig, Pa., October 1 .1, II, 15, and bi, the Pennsylvania llailroad Company will sell excursion tickets from Newberry, I larrishurg, Lykeiis, Lewi-town, Mt. ( 'armel, ( 'obui n, Tom hickeii, Wilkcsharre, ami intermediate station-, to Ea.-t Bloomsburg and re turn, on October l:i, 11,15, and 1(1, at reduced rates (minimum rate, i'5 cents). Tickets will be good to return until Octob'T 17, iuclusives. 21. Mifllin County Fair. For the NI i 111 in County Fair, to be held at Lcwislown, Pa., October 1:1, 1 1, 15, and l'i the Pennsylvania Uailrond Company will sell on (hose dates ex cursion tickets from Milroy, Sunbury, and intermediate stations at reduced rates ( no rate less than 25 cents ). Tick ets will be good to return until Ictobcr 17, inclusive. Sheep Ranch. WANTED: Lady of refinement and means, under :5 to join gentleman iu Sheep Uanch, Eaest Tenny. double yearly. Address, William Aiul'sti's (Jhionly 9-17-M. Chattanooga, Tenn. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Hums or Tiles Otto Dodd, of Ponder' Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of liucklcn's Arnica t'alve cured me, It's the best salve on earth. 25e at Middlebiirg Drug Co., Graybill and Carman, Richfield and Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Penns Creek Drug Store is t it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers