M1DDLEBUKG POST. A WEEK'S CONDENSED. Wednesday, March 11. An American ccupany purchased the Slan&ell copper D?ltls in Norway. Toe consideration was i.CO". The firelin" o t'- court which quittcu l-l' iv-min Ci!"rtrr Well o' a'.t rceniTrillii'; 'v l'r the loss t.f ti.o tus ! : ".vc !cn ap;.rovoi 1 y the navv (!'i '" r.t. 1 i; I't'l i (1IV Iition if the 111 tin.-: lit ti s ii.islriii No. 2. rnitetl Viii" Worki rs of Ann'rica, oiwneil ut Al toonn. l'a.. Teste r.h.y, villi over iiuO d?l-::n" rrrKtnt. The r.nnir.l cor.'.vntlon of the Wood men of III'1 World U r the district com prislnc Oh!. Pennsylvania. New York an l New j-vtpy wp held yesterday and todav nt Corry. l'a. Thursday. March 12. Cornell sndents who left Ithara. N. Y O'l account of t -e typhoid epidemic, are r frninc in lnrjre numberH. Mrs. Maty Pollard Kspy, aged 101 yea:s. d i nt I larrlshurK. l'a-, yester day .-lie a native of Virginia. Aft" r sever0! mr'-rences among high ofl'n U;'..', Austria has decided not to par tlcipMte In the St. Louis Exposition. J. II. lit own, a private dct"ctive, was 6hot and killed near Wynne, Ark., yes terday by a negro he attempted to ar rest. The general committee of the O. A. R. has invited President Roosevelt to attend the annual convention in Sun Francisco next August. Friday, March 13. Professor Charles W. Shields, of the rlmir f harmony of science nnd re vealed rdiclon of Princeton I'nlver sity. !ms rclned. Kieluir.l P. Stoll. one of the wealth iest whiskey manufacturers in the south, dropped dead at his home nt L'-xitiKtoi'. Ky., frun apoplexy. John I). K:ieUefet;cr will (jive Arcadia Colle j. . Halifax, N. S.. one dollar for ench dollnr rnis. il by the college up -o $ln..,i .n I.' fore January 1, P.teS. Work v.a-; i oiumencpil yesterday near S Mwl-in. Pa., to sink a 1 ,''. foot sliaft for the Killing Coal nnd Iron Cotuir ny. which when completed nill employ ."on men and hovs. Saturday, March 14. lannehini; of the battleship Col buililini; at Cramps' ship yanK lelphia. has bet n postiHinod until ELMER COLLINS ON TRIAL Delaware Farmer, Charged With Wife Murder, Facea Hia Fate. Georgetown. Del., March 17 Earner Collins, a young farmer of Bethel. as p' ed on trial here yesterday for the I der of his wife. Alda. last ril. CY.i.f Justice Lore and Associate Judges Cru'-jb and Peunewell were on the l-ntdi. It was after C oVloik when the w ork of selecting a Jury was completed. J,n:t before adjournment Philip H. Lnjtop, one of the Jurors, remarked that if he should be compelled to sit for a longer time th-.ii two hours at ny of the sessions he would be Inca pacitated. Counsel for the State and the defendant will select a substitute. The panel of thirty Jurors was ex hausted and sixteen talesmen were se lected from the spectators. When Chief Justice I-ore Instructed Sheriff Steele to iall the names of the spectators there was a rush for the door, but two Lailiffs prevented any person from leaving the room. Sixty-five talesmen wc-iv called and 34 were excused on 'th' ground of conscientious scruples. Collins entered a plea of "Not guilty. On the morning of April 12 last Col lins left bis house accompanied by his two children to go to work in the field. His wife was to follow them later. After about two hours had elapsed and his wife had net Joined him. Collins Faid, he returned to the house and Mrs. Collins was missing. After a search, Iu said, he found her body in the barn Her throat had been cut. The police investigation resulted in the arrest of Collins. PITTSBURG RECORDER DEAD Our Einter MJB xt-iir AprjK, 2 M y Tlr. oradc Vhila April Wi Willi. i.i:ii Cotiaell, aut'd pi years, of j iitoi:. I !.. r.' ci len'ally shot J and lil!"l hims'df v ttcrduy while iilnyliin wit! a loaded revolver. I Yest'-rilay near Odenton, M . Clar-j nic Cnrrii k went to the 1. use of, William Conway, called hi:., to 11k. , door an I shot him to death. 1 lie mo .ie it.T. the act is not known. The )i "an Sti-amsliip company sign ts! co.uraots yesterday with the Dela ware Liver company, of Chester, Ta., for tv o 4'iOO-ton steamships to cost tl.OCO.OOO. I Mondav, March 1fi. ". -rrtui '.ciit Kooacvelt nominated Er-D'-sH Ly.jii. en' Valtirnore. M.I., to bo oi:ku1 nt Monrovia, Liberia. Ita-Iy has tlecided to officially i ir tlcipaio in the St. Louis ICxp" i ! iiul ".vol appropriate $PHP,ftmt : ; ' i i..irp-ise. T - j.,,. . cv v: rail i- 'I'ie Tl.on. phia. hr." : J. O. Drown Succumbs to Nervous Col Inpse, Superinduced by Politics. Pittsburg, Pa., March 10. Kecorder J. O. Lrown, eif this city, who te ndered his resignation tn (lovenior Penny packer on Kriday last, tiled suddenly nt his home here late yesterday niter noon. The immediate cause of He cor.ler P.rown's death was nervous col lapse, puperinduceil, it Is believed, by the unusually perturbed condition of politics in the county. Mr. Hii v.n was always tlclicnte phy- ri .')'; ;l!h1 had to make frequent, trips i:vay from home for his health, but his death was entirely unexpected' at tiiis time. He served continuously' as the In ad of the department of pub lic safety from November. 1S7, until Anaiist. li 1, when he was removed: by Heconler A. M. llrown. In Novem ber, l'.iel, he was appointed recorder l.y Governor W. A. Stone to succeed' A. M. Hrown. His resignation was sent to Coy ri'or nnypaekcr on Inst 1'rid.iy. t t.i e effect today. When the fad . iris resignation was made. known ti : political followers the con--' vrr. i was great, nnd he was na.ie: t!i. .. . get of much reproach by those who i '.Minted much upon his holding c " ;;ntil succeeded by the recorder " . William B. Hays, on the Erst Me: , in April. Oovcn. r Pennypacker today ap- inery OlnlnK will 1 ;nkelbkroer. S::yder County Missionary Union There will l lieltl, a Missionary ('iiivciili.il', kiiti.vn us tlif BiiyeJer Co., MUtiiouery I'libin, in the Lutheran Cliurcli of Mimlleliur, P.i., LciMuiiinc Fr.day H.'tcrntioii, March 27tli, at 3 clock tiiul continuing till' Huiiilay ev'iiiiitf, March I'itth. l'lie object of this gathering is to give definite information on the sub ject of Millions, as the ijuestion faces us to-tluy, ami if possible to awaken a greater interest on the part of each home church in the extension of God's Kingdom on the earth. KKPIIE.SEXTATION. It is the earnest desire of the committee in charge that every conuroKution of Miyder County, of whatever mime h represented by at least two delegates, These del gat,." may le tdiosen dtlier from Missioiicry Society, the Young People's S.ieiety, the Sunday Sclund, or the general congregation. If you have failed to receive n formal oviiHtioi-, kind Iv consider this as in-li anil notify the (lommittee, The public is welcomed to all sessions f the Convention. TIIH SPKAKKIIS. Among the peakers secured tor this gathering are vilss Jessie ltrewer of Intlia, Kev. Ubo lesof Lewistown, ltev. I. II. Me !aii of Lewislmrg, Miss F. M. Sidiuy er of Philadelphia, P.ishop Talbot, i lev. ieiiszler and I)r. Yut.y ol'Selius ,'rove, ami the Mission Hand of Sus tichalina I'niycrsity. All etuiimiiliicutions shouhl be ail 1 rosed to L. H. li ves, Selinsgrove, Pa. Miion liaiitl Susiiit lunula I'niver -tv I., lhinklel uol is not- ii,t - of Millihi to town. TTXood: er li:i- I'etlll'iieil hoiill of tin- finest ever brought WEST BEAVER. The late primary' election passed off quietly here and every person md to be satisfied with the result. Win. lloush. Ian lord at Mc- Clure, sold hi hotel property last week to W in. ray of Dormantown, Mifilin County. The latter will take charge April 1st. Mason Ivnepp made a l)iisiniss trip to l'axtonville and also attend ed II. Shanibuch's 8ale last week. Henry lVter'n i!aiij;liter, Mrs. Bilker, of I"irni:ti)ioA'i Mifilin Co. spent a few days with her pirents at liuntiervillc. David (ioss of I5urnham camt- home Saturday to vote. He ex pects to move from here about the 20th to the ioimcr place. Howard Treaster made a trip to Yeagertown last wek with a load of apples and ri'portH the roads to lie in a bail condition. Some places lie said ho could see nothing of his horse but the ears. Sow cabbage seed on St. P trick's in '.iie morning for Irish cabbage to make sam-kraiit. Ira Peter ami James (Joss of Crossgrove was in Heaver Springs Saturday to consult with Dr. A. M. Smith for a United States regular soldier. Mrs. Steely and Mrs. V. Y. Mc (ilauglilin spent Sunday with Chas, .Mauivr and family in Spring Town ship. A few id' our schools are making preparations for holding exhibitions on the cvcii'uiLr of the last day of tlicit term. Cahin Ulsh and wife of M C'lure spent part n Sunday on this side cd the cm k visiting friends. .John 11. Komig and family, Fiui:k linker and family spent Sun day with some of their Lowcl! friends. r hp A WORD ABOUT r 4 ri 1 UK Time is Coining when you need Paint for ymir Spring Painting i Don't t.nke u mistake by buying I'hiap paints. i cll tie Shirwin William Paint. It is guaranteed to wear with while had nnd oil. A WORD ABOUT wi ttlli ! A Wire is sure to ir atioc ROOSEVELT'S ITINERARY ... .'H V in n on t! '. at l.ym hi !;CX f.T'torv kiilcd and eu-lo wreck . fhecapeak: Va. '.u ' ' pove ra' in Saturday and Ohio a-; P. Were ' rd r:y ; Kb e & : rove, I I.OFS. men ' r yard of ;. nt Phihidel by an ii. i adiary ?75,Oiio. in 13 cbies of hi lKii a were thrown out of wrk by the iloine of factories of the Ameri can Window Glass Coinjjany. Tuesday, March 17. S"t-ri fury of War Hoot, who has tit-i r. "iiiFnt from Washington for over a v.-e-k. resoinied his duties yesterday. Mayer Cirtcr H. Harrison, of Clii caeo, was re nominated for a fourth ter.u l y the Deneicratic city conven tion yesterday. Governor Pf nnypaf l;er. of Pennpyl Tar.ia. yc-tcrday appointed William P. Hais recorder of Pittsburg, vice J. O Prown, deteaed. The safo in the iostofflce at Lin to'.:.' n. X. C, w as blown open early Tc;ftr"'.ay morning by robbers, who ':r"l JT' 1 ir. money and stamps. I., i:. lirfwvr. ol iiarroldsburg, Ky., look an v.ri' tt. r morphine by mis t ir.i. i. a a Tiin r.'rar N'i iv York yes terday, and was rraovi-ij to a bos ti'.r.l Ir. a scpius condition. CENERAL MARKETS 'a!-!i hia. Pa.. March 10. Flour rt-ady; winu-r superfine. $2Tv5i P i.i: y'.iaria ioli-r. tii-ar. r:.lu ' iv Kiii'n. extra. $2 55i3.10. ; . :..Ied William R. Hays as recorder. ..W JERSLY-DELAVVARE DISPUTE Special Commission to Negotiate on Boundry Between the States. Trenton. X. J., March 17. Governor Murphy sent to both bouses of the legislature last niitht a special nies Faue conveying a report of the spe cial commission appointed to confer with a simihr commission from the ftate of Delaware to negotiate on the dNputi d boundry between the two states. The message states that the commission agreed upon the fisheries question, but left the question of boundry an open one. A bill to carry Into effect the rer-i V-;st Virginia's Queer Character Must Arrangement For the President's Western Trip Concluded. YashiniUon, March IV. President Roosevelt's itinerary on bis Western trip. boKiurdnx April 1. has been arranged. The party will reach Ills march, N. 1).. April 7. Thou will fol low a two werk;' May in Yellowstone Park, leaving which the President will btrlke into Nebraska, reaching Grand Island on April 27. After brief stops at Hastings, Lincoln and Fremont, the train will proceed to Omaha. Severn! stops will be made in Iowa in Colonel Hepburn's district. On April 30 the party will be. in St. LouU. where the President will partici pate in the dedication of the exposi tion. On May C the President will be in California nnd will visit Hed Lands, Han Francisco, I.os Angeles and the Yo.seinitn, Del Monte, San Jose and San Pram Isco. The pi i sideaiial party will spend the 2ith a!: ) at Seattle, and on the 2.".th will eise lor a trip through Central arid Kastcin Washington, stopping at W.vili Walla and Spokane, and possibly oilu r points. He will return to Wash ington JUIie 5. CLENN TO BE TRIED AGAIN Ky Larre four was iiun-t. at $3.1:a3.20 P'-r Whist wii firm; No. 2 penn- lyivanla. red. r.'-w, 'irtiti . Com was Ij:;:i; No. 2 veiiow, lo"kl. 49'-ir. Oat.-; were r,-,t; No. 2 Whit", clippe., 4 i'v : lower grades, i'.'.r. Hy was ;y: No. 1 tiirotby. JU for large bn',' ' P.ei f was su ady; beef hams, $: hJ. Pork wia f.rm; family, J2".r,(i. Lio pou'try. 1 ; . for hens, and lee. for old roo-ters. 1 r.'ss-d poultry, at j',r '".o;.. f-,.-!. and p-. for old n-t-u-r. ii o'er was so-ady: creamery. . .- p'j' cd. Y.-a were steady; New Y t V i .! Pi .risy'v:in:a K.'-i1 per i'j7.- : l''Htot-s s'l-aijy; cho: e. tifi Tf(. pi r !. : !;';. ommendations of the commission was introduced into the house by Mr. Boyd. It provides for joint fisheries' rights and a common Jurisdiction on the part of both states over the Delaware river from shure to shore. Vandalism at Princeton. Princeton, N. J., March 16. One of the big bronze lions which guard the' entrance of historic Nassau Hall was so badly disfigured Saturday night by j a crowd of young alumni and upper classmen that it cannot be satisfac torily repaired. The contingent of Btudents and graduates gatbt red to gether on the steps at a late hour to sing their class songs and eneage in a little celebration. During the jollifi cation one of the big lions was be headed and otherwise mutilated, the fragments being gathered up by the university proctor yesterday morning. The lions were presented to the university by the (lass of 1673, of ' which President Wilson is a member. Live Stcck East nv.r.-a.:'). n. y. ritj.i V.a Markets. Ma'i h K Cattle -.. !2 "Si i ):,: hulls, i (....r j.'.T'fj ;;.:;"; . I " '. per head. r; tops. V.r,0&:i 2fj; riV.'(ikI!. Hogs t:K'a: mixed, r-. 7 T.'j'fi 7 V; I'igs wr re i-Tong- I'-irns p native IhiiiIik Yi.'Hti A. V "r'i 7;u; wi i-tern ye-i-lings. I','i 75; 1op r.ixed fheey. f S.KC s were t. ;g.'ji tor;. rj. on to good .-re L .-lei I..-; 7fl7V.. Yo: t. tT )ri '."i :-!.o" were h.i-'.er: u 75 ; t rlli" to eA tailj'.h. f" ''"57 " h T.'tU. i-j!!b to v...yj tan i.:!ierty. l'a . :.iar n i,. -i.attie wfr s'eady; t hoii e Tj 15? 5.30; prime, liiil lO; gwd. $i ' 4 HoK were lour. pr:irie havy. J7 K; mediums, t7Vi'5 7r,: heavy urk-'is. t7.70r 7 V); lit'lil Yorker , I7.7'.ifi7.70, pi;, I7.70J! 1 75; rourhs, 'i.'i:'ij."V). Shep were higher: iest wehers. tWK; cu!U tnd comrjion. 12 254.50; ' hope: latnbs, $;.00;7.7;; vaJ calves, 7.5JS;is.Z5. Despondent Actress a Suicide. Washington, March 17. May ICsch er. a variety actress, aged 22 years, toriiiiii'ti.d suicide here last night by swallowing carbolic acid. She was d'.FiiondeEt from sickness and lack of tmpioyrr.ent. and had said that her mother would not let her come home. A 1' ttt-r addressed to her mother, Mrs. A. M. Kscher, 6;7 McKean str t, Phil-ad'-lphia. said In part: "I lay myself down to rest. I have lost the love of you and also of the man I love. I died with a broken heart." Was Lincoln's Indian Commissioner. Indianapolis, March 14. Robert G. Hedrick, commission' r of Indian af fairs under President Lincoln and brother In law of Caleb K. Smith, Lin coln's secretary of the Interior, was burled here yesterday. He died In poverty. He was born In lialtlmore In 1S21. Stand Second Trial. Washington, Mach 17 The case of Kills Glenn, the famous man-woman of West Ylrgiula, received the atten tion of the Supreme Court of the L" nited States yesterday, and as a re sult of the decision, handed down by Chief Justice Fuller, Kills Glenn must stand trial for a second time on the charge of forgery. The woman for years masqueraded as a man under the name of Ellis Glenn. She was tried for forgery in Wood county. NY. Va., at the May term of court, l'jul, and the jury disagreed She claimed at that time that she was the sister of "Ellis Glenn." At the fall term of court, when she came up for re-trial, she claimed that she twice was being placed in jeopardy for the same offense, and sued out a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Jackson. The writ w-as granted, whereupon Hunter H. Moss, Jr., prosecuting at torney, appealed from Judge Jack- ' son s decision, and the court today sustained the appeal. PAXTONVILLE. YV. F. Howell, who is employed as type writer lor the 1. II. l. Co. at Lewisitiwn spent a few days with his grandmother Howell and hi many friends. Kciihcii Wcinch, Thomas Kath I'oii anil wives attended the funeral of James SwiucforJ ut Ccntrcvillc Tuesday of last week. tor are sending gome time with their many friends. Lester E. Derr made a trip to Heaver Springs and vicinity Satur- lay. Once more the Death Angel has entered our community and taken the infant child of II. J. Erue-t ami wile. We sympathize with the parents in this severe liereaveineiit. The New I'astor assigned to the Middlehurg circuit will preach his first sermon here next bunday even ing. Every one is cordially in vited. Miss Dessie Kncpp spent some time at Howard Schainl;ich's Sunday. Keubeii and Win. Wagner and we iHiught sever:: I tons at the old price ami will c,iw our customers the licncfit of same while this lot lasts. Come early and take advant age of this oiler, as it will go very rapidly. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. oppnc That Succeed ' - ''l;e Seed H'Huoof I). I.Hmlri'Ui & Sum. theoUl rliHi lm li.iil 1 10 venn' pTii.-rlpiu-p witli SeotN. nml t Me ruB'Ilm nf I liis nre iriitvil X Ui tit f;irnieoijei'l giirilciifri i n a Mncly illutm'ct t'atitliiKlle, imiiieU KKKK. N'ii.(irni lirofeieaiomtl nr iiniitte'ir. ran tttlunl In Oe wiiimut 111c tuniuniu iniormiii un comiraa e'tcaletju Suiul fur it. AMERICA'S BED FOR 1G03. i hi i,i,ii, tn ti mnke tlila uttr.n tive nnd sliowy lie'lnr'! worth from SiT'i tn l'0,i to size, but vim i-iin have tlie Mi-eds loirroiv theim free of eliurif'!, liy eni'l'ising thil M intMit with your rml nnler, attinunUiiK tn f I . On or more. N-e larKO llliHtratioit mid lu ti.in in Laiulretlm' l ataloniie. rile tu ilny for the Catalogue. BIG retOrN oN A 25 CENT INVESTMENT- ENoUcH seed ( CnO Heads of CalilutKC I II DO MiulM of IMilinh TO PRODUCE IS I I lno Koo'sof BeelH. IQi'O KrupH of t'ueiimlier . .(HKI lleadn Of Lettuce . . .VO KniitH ol Watermelon . .V-0 Hiillm of Onion IjtndrOtlis' Karly S-: Ijincre'ln' wlnie 1 Searlel Teiiniikill Ijtiiilretlm' I'irrt Virifitiiu Solid Hiate Arkanmn Traveler Hloommliili- IVnrl Talked Himself Out of a Job. Washington, March 14. United Stau-B C'onnul John L. Uittinger, at Montreal, has been Invited to rcslKn. lie will he succeeded by Major A. W. Edwards, a North Dakota newspaper man. Consul Iiittiuger while on leave of absence at his home in St. IxjiiIs talked very freely of the relations be tween the United States and Canada. This was ill received In Canada and has led to the present action. Gift of Shamrock For Pretident Wasdlngton, March 16. President Roosev-lt received Saturday from John Redmond, Irish member of par liament, of Dublin, a box of shamrocks. It has been Mr. Redmond's custom .er many years to send shamrocks to the president on the approach of St Patrick's Day. SUB SCRIBE for The Post families were here attending: the sales of Howard SehatnLaeh and Isaiah I'dwersox. Miss Sallie Moyer of Swinefoid spent Thursday at John Keigle's. Sanford Scnainhaeh of Ix.'wis!own spent Wednesday with his parents. J. Y. Nerhood and Ed. Mitchel of J5urnham spent Sunday at home with his parents ami relatives. The Strenuous Life. Every ilny the Hystem needs a cer tain quantity of nutritious matter to supply the deficiencies of the day be fore. The building up process must begin ut the breakfast table. "It", the new cereal, tastes g'ol nnd furnishes tliut material. A breakfast of "Jf fits the entire body for the strenuous trails of the day. "f" is made of best select ed wheat. "" bus a taste to it. One dish inaki-B you want another. You ciui cut "It" ut any meal. At grocers everywhery. Ira ('. .Swart, Thursday ordered and paid fur the I'osT to lie sent to bis new home ut Ktuuntoii, Ktaunton County Neb. Tragedy Averted. "Just in th" n;ck of tim on r lit. t!o Ik'V was naved" writes Mrs. Wat kms of pleasant City, Obio. 'Tneu tnotiia had played ud havoc with him und a torribla couch Hot in ho- hides. Doctors ttcated him, hut he (jrtw worse fvry any. At length we tried Dr. Knur's New Discovery for Consumption, and our durling was saved, lie's now Round, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guar anteed by Middleburg Drug Co., Oraybill & Garmftn, Richfield, l'a., Dr. J. W. HaniPHell Pennncreek. l'a. l'rice &)c. and $U. Trial bottles free, but l-lants of Tuinato l-andreUm' Earliest Which collection of Seeds for t Acnty flve (45) cents enclosed With the Order wiS uo'-tj-atd. 1 should like to mail each ot my out ciiitolliern anil frlenilmi I'ntaloKite, as 1 am pri'iutreil lo All orders prumptly and satin- iieiorny. JAMES VICK, FORME LY OF CCHESTf R, N Y. Mamgcr Mail Ordir Departhert, D. LANDRETII &$ 1217 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA ONE PACKAGE FREE Have you got Dyspepsia, Indigestion, or anv kind ot ailments? You can be Cured; I will send you F'REK a l'8' my stDinuch tublets which U the Itest remedy for the Ktumach lint PVf r lit-pii lirtMinrod. linvo luul iniirn tlinii "0 veurs' l'X"t1 nerfeetinir a reined v that wi 1 cure nil forms of stoiiuu-li t roiilde. w as dyspepsia, inilicstitni, gas on the stomach, heurt-bui l':lltJ .... They of the heart, and ptsr digestion. My Stomach Tablete Assist the stomach to digest fiod. That is their mist-i THIS by stating tilings right in the stomach. Create energy by strengthening the stomach. Any Form of Stomach Trouble Cnn be cured if the right remedy is used. My Stomach Tablets iij Kemedy. I Have seen liuniiretls or very bail eases cured nj ic'" HfiHnWITH AKGTWO Amonir Itankin. III.. MfyM.1 Many Testimonials. Strawn, Tex., Feb. 10, ll(m Mr. John Morrow, S.rhigllelil,). Dear riir Please nnd fil!..'iU for wliich imiil me three boxes of the Kton inch Tabletsthese I order lor friendn. I hive taken about two boxes and llicy cured me of sto mach trouble. Many of my friends have tried them ami say they are the best they huve over tried. I could not sleep on my left side for many years, but I can He down now and sleep any way I imptcii to He down. Yours truly, K. J. JU.MHKY, Mr. John Morrow : lv-A lr.MX.lir.Hl l.n if .lllllll's fct"11! Tnlili.fy niirl tool: thelll S1""' to directions iliiym and H llu I... Ill liiLrlltrt. wuir'H 1 hud not done f-r over . and 1 was bin --ry ever;1 and enjoyed i . '"If- i . . 1 ".. I nollla ' lust year, soon i - iu .......I.i r.J.i ..... t . .Miwh D1 1 i i , ... I am ut'glll m niii i" . to send part of mi IXl i... .Ii i .f t hW I I r.wl .nra f. v 1 1. 11 send you anottu . uidvf. Mv oflur to let vou trv them THEE is bused on my fttitn ib perlence with myfiibleis In eiirlno tlyspepsla. u .... . . n i . iic will D Write me at once anil tuu ikuij ikial, i-AViAut. 1t.uU by return mall, and soon you will be cured. ' ' : ' JOHN MORROW, Chcmlt, 96 Forest Ave., SPRINOFlEi)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers