10 lotc THeabs rjve a Job lot of note on hand. They rnust go The price will do It. tjj jr.d prices for the aik- Vs Ornish tnem priniea a than you can buy thent f ajjfiicl1cr, Fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to Sewn, Science. Art, Political Economy and Carrent Literature. Rates: One I)!ar Per Annan, in Advance xxxx. MIDDLEBTJRGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., MAKC1I 20, 1903. -NUMBKU VI. The Central Hotel. in 1 li. I - e cmuing l iNHiimuuiK, ell to tUl ut the lenirai ,1try thyMarks' Itranu or s SV KYE WHISKKY, JTrt'iclc of headache in i H,. 1y is well stocked , , V VVmes Tl..- house , J yWui ':"!. The able j ll.e I mar ;U would lie pleased to p . .n i rm .41 iro ,rl. , Mill .Hl niv, Ki iin, Proprietor, Cent nil Hotel, Middleburg, Pa. .listril utioii. The cist l3?i..10 llietlC"TSOl I oilljiuiij i . vim ,v calling on M- Vw'gen- . 1 1 . 1. 4 vlinrove. k w nopeo mm Lkt 'f Hit' company and re- want one or more copies. iu nti'Jtrininiiiiirs, Lnoos, ijynl'U'iitw and Gimps. irrfiifiiiyKliPsniKl Mis ililrtn's vyfs ami other va- newg""'-5- , , 1 I l...l..l,wl 111 T joll Is lll'lllgl 'lira"" ' '" il-..! l.t ..I hvillg !l 1 llljilll n-l ill"iir iielHti!ion 1.. ni!,' signed ty all live recurved our Aew liiipiniikKn (try goons, snocs, hanlwaiKfUeeusware, nats, Ail lliescigouuo nio limiii selling. I ;t. veraiiia, ra. in receipt of an order from fctaja, Vienna, Austria, for a JTheory and Practice1 of Ad- H The bunk is beginning trl a part or io. fjiwusr 7.r.' ? ; land Misses new style sailor ltiuiig as Kw as zo eta. jr L. Dl'NKELBEROKR. locort given on last Thursday In the Court House, under of the Ladies' Mite Society retijoyable alTuir. The chorus I of the members of the Lut h klr and several others. The if the society was read by He v. ibis society has raised from nurses in iil)outl2yeftrs almost ED: - iffexi)erleni'ed in house world must be a good nkI wages. AUuress, .ilrsVJfAUb, 1213farket St., tfarrisburg, Pa Kroner will assume charge of kKlmiring Mills at Meiaer . for rmul will move there in a few kweiity-uelcent lo W. 8. Essex JlmtfTion, Vt., for a hke of GeiWrie Vt. Maple " (it.) Woiueliliirf, the new Evan mister, preached a very Inter- Non in the Chapel Sunday He will move here this f Rev. Shnnibaeh will go to Kirg. P A. E. Solt In his new buiv- "air cutting parlor for vour M with a refreHhinir sham. a clean towel to enoli tmt.rnn Prth side of Market witlare op- uirainoici. isausractl'iii guar- tf. WebergerjnA returned home MiowiiiLJTe of the HueBt IliUinery ( foofls ever brought k'sMiillinburg "Telegraph" F. T. itnnck of WlllianiB- Jlr. James Ayers of Middle- !ls"ing Mr. H. H. LeitzePa aw. u-itel is a daughter of cra. as is also Mrs. Rim pit Wir Iireselll-P tiuro nn lou .1 UM, ening-tije anulvenuirv nf 'wl'" liinh "'l ber by about eighteen r"'t iiilimate nml i,..viv. :ils who after wiohiug Jur '"gmtuluiionH, served refresh Wdauit itud very choice, wd verv imii.i i - i "iniuuiu u mi j y to the entire ffntlmriiur " was a most pleasing so t. worthy the bralu and In- TllOllW.hn rfthem all. "med to their homo t., Iteait J. L. Marks' double column advertisement on another page. K. V. Wnlti-r bus dipoM-d of his livery otillil mid will iimvc to the farm again. Mice's MiiliiD'ry yr'wiinriit Kream er will take place April 1 in, and llth. They have employed :rTir-clrtss city milliner. AH are invitr 'Simitv J:tmeg MiddUswarth if Trox elville was at the County i-Vat last Saturday. The 'Kipiiie is a popular gentleman in Adams township, and is a trustworthy and efllcicnt survey or. About ::M ptiexU wer present at the celcliratiou of the L'Mh anniversary of the marriage of A. V. Potter and wife at St'liusgi'ove, Tlnirsdav night. Music recilations, luiiclieon and dancing pro vided pleasant eiiteitainmeiit for every one. "Progressive Monthly" of Indiana polis for March, n vs : '-The Theory mid Practice of Advertising by (ieo, W. Wagenselli r, MidiUeburg, Penna., is an interesting and novel text liook on advertising subjects. It is a bound volume of fifty complete lessons in ad vertising and sella for seventy-live cts. It is wortli much more to any man who constructs his own ads." Hruce. II. ('rouse returned Saturday from Kast Pittsburg, for a short vaca tion for tlio benefit of his health, lie says that John L. Howersox arrived there Home time ago, and after having worked three days was called Into the ofllceand made the Immh of over loo workmen and liis pay increased. It's wages will soon imvancc to month. Mr. lSowei son's iiptin- ;:. his familiarity with hardware enubit l him to display a degree of usefulness that Immediately won the admiration and confidence of his employers. fieorge W. Heaver is n iin : a i. ,v roof on a portion of l;i Simon Hackcnbti -.: of p. inn r' r!:, was at tlio County .SmI l ii.Iny .J. II. Arlmgast innveil It f Sugar street to West Market street. Mrs. Samuel Allcumu spent Sunday 'n town with Dr. Shiudel and wife. Charles Ueigel and w ife of Freiburg dined with I'". S. Kiegelalnt wife Sun day. ( ieorge Liviiigstiu and Joe I.uilwi of Seliiisgrovesent a day in town last week. I. Frank Piilgerof (ireeiisburv, Pa , formerly of New Herlin, was in (n u last week. Mrs. Julia Deiuinger is visiting Iin THE FUTURE REVEALED. Before. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us announcements of all events. No charge will be made to publish the same when the event Is of public importance. Friday, Mar. 27, to 120, the Snyder Co. Missionary Union will hold a con vention in Middleburg. Saturday, March 2H, AnuualKclip.se of the Sun. Invisible in the U. S, Wkdnksday, Apr. 1, Spring term of Susquehanna University opens. Friday, April 3, First Arbor Day. Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday. Sunday, April 6, Holy Communion In Evan. Lutheran Church, Reaver town. Monday, April 6th, Spring term of Freeburg Academy opens. Friday, Colt Novelty Co., In Selins- grove. Friday, April 10, Good Filday. Sunday, April 12, Easter. Thursday, April 16, day set for ad journment of the State Legislature. Friday, April 17, Secotui Arbor Day. Monday, April 27, Gen. U. K. Grant's birthday. Third WKKK in May, District Minis terial Convention of the United Ev angelical Church in Beavertown. Wednesday, May 27, Republican State Convention at Jlarrit.buag. Mr. Wagcnsellcr's Hook. Mr. Geo. V. Wagetisoller, who con ducts a correspondence school at Mid dlcburgh, Pa., Las favored '-The Ad vertising World" with a copy of his book, "Theory and Practice'tif Adver tising." It contains r0 lessons in pre paring advertising copy, each lesson being followed by a "problem" which the student Is expected to solve. The work is extremely practical, and it Is doubtful if any ad-student will he able toexeud 75 cenU to better advantage than In tlio purchase of this look. "Advertising World." Starting Right. In every great race much depends upon the start. "Getting away" with the whole system tingling w ithcontl donce In the strength to win, U half the battle. In thu racu of life the start each day Is at the breakfast table. A dish of "It", the new cereal, served with milk, Invigorate the body and refreshes the brain. make the skirt right. Jf" is cooked and ready to eat Young and old like "t". You can eat at any time. At grocers everywhere. Midblchurg I'. 15. i hurch, arranged to give them a good pounding when they returned, mid on Saturday evening, liotwitI.st:;i. ding the heavy shower of rain, th.y ra:nc to the parsonage, and execiileil their purjHise. ,. Spitler , made a 1 :'.. ; address stating the object '"f'hei: "ii. The whole affair was i 1'iite'u k "r -i; Therefore it created j i-onsidi-mble . xcitement, but the pastor ud fa:i:iiv i i lured the pounding re iii.irl;:i' '. '1. "All tilings work . Hicl : .: to I'.elll that loV' til' I. .-1 : i I - testify that this pom. pig is woiking giioil. Many thanks to all. ( 'oliie : i i-;i i 1 1 X. A. K. . Do You Kcalixe a const-tut war is carried on between -t'.iimcb iiiid your taste? What :ii. .i- s one in.iy not suit the other. I'l'- iiiestion is w hat to eat. "It", !i. ci le;il llmt tastes good, forever setn at peace the jailing, human factions. many friends in Center county for sev-j "r" is attain pi.Mbict with all the era! weeks. health giving nutriment retain. si. P. V.. Uai-kclibui-c, ha- ; . ,. "f't'llil ls up Hie InnIv; adds to (hi (5 lobe Mills Ci'catucrv mm ', . : . I to operate it. The Shii t Factory began operations Monday. We hope it will continue permanently. Arthur W. Aiiraud lias rented the Walter Liyery Stableaud is now using It for his livery. Miss Bessie MeCokcy of I ... ' Haven spent several days with M.I. Potter and wife. J. C. Smith of Williamsport was in town the latter part of Inst week to re new old acquaintances. Attorney C. P. l lrich and sou, of Selinsgrove, were at the County Scut Wednesday of iast week. John S. Mt-lser and wife of Globe Mills, spent Sunday w ith James II. Diemer and wife in Franklin. Miss Margaret Bolcndcr attended the I ticngth; ke. ps the brain active ate leaf. "It" is cooked and leady In Grocers s ' ' ' -' Thursday night of last week. District Attorney, M. I. Potter and wife attended the silver wedding anni versary of A. W. Potter and wife. Henneville Smith is clerking for F. P. Custer at Kant.. lien is a jovi al fellow and a good business man. Samuel P. Herman of Kratzerville, was ut the County Scut last Thursday and advanced his subscription to 1H01. W. II. Spaii!ler left Tuesday morn ing for a short trip to Center county. Mr. Ke;derof Paxtonville is his substi tute. Mrs. Theodore Walter of Akron, (). is paying a visit to her parents at the Central Hotel, and will aUt in the moving. Edward M. Greene mid wif- of Lewistown, spent several days with her father, W. W. Wittenniyer and family. Irwin E. Huck, of Sunbiiry. former ly of this pluce, has gone to Tamaqua where lie is engaged on the Heading Railroad. Tuesday K. S. St roup of Franklin moved back again to the familiar scenes at Strouptown, where he will resume the store business. Perry W. Treaster of Lewistown, spent a day last week with friends at thid place He formerly resided in W. Ilciver township, this county. A. H. Ulsh spent Sunday at Millers burg, with his sou, Ira E. Ulsh and wife. It issatd that Mrs. I. E. Ulsh contemplates a trip to Arizona for the benefit of her health. Samuel W. Trutt of Hummers Wharf was at the County Seat last Thursday. Mr. Trutt is one of the most reliable gentlemen we ever knew. His daughter Kathryn, lias just accepted a Ksitiot) in the Xorristown hospital. Emanuel S. F.owersox of Limlsey, O, who is visiting his sister, Min. James Shumaii and his brother. J C. Hower sox, made a pleasant call ut this oillc vs ilh miik or eieam. SCHNEE. (iuite u niimlH'r of out- farmer Ix'an to jilow last week. Lawytr 1'iatik (Jlassof I'l-ci'lnne; ir ele u. lew culls in town on Inisi-in-ns lii'-'t week. Hiram Sclinec til' Stinlmry .spent Saturday utnl Sumlay in our local ity. Mcrcliant Peter ( iarinat) w;i. .-ecu on our streets Suiidav. Katii; Troup ami Irietnl of I'allas a.s.si tlirongli town Friday. J. C' liower-jox of C'cntcrville was in town on Imsiiic-s one day lat week. .a1nrltv J'.iji!fj.lCli;!cr c.-x-t-. in?ji tiv ily attended the sale of Merchant L, S. (telnet Friday. N. C. Kerstetter of Trevort n, was to the Western States to buy a t-itr load of liiirses and hronglit 19 lie-ad here Thursday evening-, and left for McKirs, Friday, where lie expects to Sell them tit illl!;c -:'.!. Saturday at the hotel. Lew is Mini, un is iinjirnvitig; his farm. Itst Saturday two of our auc tioneers started from town to have public sales. Col. Isaac Itnaere of Dundore had the sale of Abe Mitterling's at liichfield. F. J. Kerstetter of town had the sale of Alte l'ortzliue at Meiserville. The entertaiunient of the Fre mont school was well attended ; the scholars renderetl some very iuter-e.-tinjr pieces on the (Mvu.sioii Satur day evening". Hen ton Kreigbumn sold a horse last week to Henry Freed for $1'J3. Communion Sunday A. M. im mediately after confirmation exer cises. The sale of Edward Newman was attended by a small crowd on account of the rain we had Mon day. PORT TREVORTON. Miss Edythe Shatler of Sunburr is visiting relatives iu town. John Hepner, formerly cue of our boys is being hospitably enter tained bv friends. Hatha vav Kellev and family of Sunbtit v were the welcome guests tif his tathcr-in-law U, S. Fotlz and w ife Sunday. Mrs. John IJeher and daughter Miss Keta, of Shomokin enj"oytl a visit to the former's daughter Mrs. Edwin Katnbo over Sunday. 1 1. C. Faust, wife aud sou of COl UT HOL'SE CHIPS. IeeJ Pecordeit. J . Ilackenbiiry to John I!. Miller, '.Vt acres in Perry township, tl'.. Henry A. Panel: and wife to (.. 1 Hare, li -tun,, lot in M i.Mlcl.urg, hi. Flsworth Aurand and wife t" .1. P. Coryill lot in Monroe township, J"oo. Cathaiine Coryell to.Iacol. It. i ;hcl- nian lot in Monroe township. $."10 C'.'. K roitM- t . N . ! '. 'r.i'i-i . a, t..s and I 1 p.-:-, !.. - - il. W. D. P.ilger and ui, ; , I .i,,.a'..o .Mill.-r, I'M acrcr. in p. n v Township, $7.-.. Ann Wcyant to .!. - Km 1. 1, ncr.-s 4'i perches, in W. P..-a-. er towiiT-hip, jlnoo. J. II. Wis et hi ttii-ti.s I . ti. X. N ci.i .-el, o j,i ii lt , in 1'uioii town ship, l. Jacob i ;-h. lu ioi to J. P. ( 'orycil, 1 1 acre, i, I p.:icle-, in Momik- toui. siiip, ? loo. A. I'. Uilhert to Mrs. May I'. lUuch, ' , 1 i'. i' lic-, iii I- raiiklin towu- P- i : a:l wile , p.:,!,.. . J. in -. Huiii-M,.i.r..t Rev. S . Kahler. Tle following it.-ms have I,. , lq,--ed from the ;ei,,rnn.i hi.n , u-i.rd New P.. r!in i'.i. i . i, i.,v, Mat. Pev. . M.Jie . K..i,i, - ,,, hed hi, tareel! serin, ,u a: V w r rlin iiiel MidclleUn-g e.nir.-':. is. i,-. I.ar-e au diences .reeti-.l him nt the iio'tiug ser vice,. At Middleburg a '-baptismal font was UM-d for the tit -t tine-. m. Henry Soles iin, the liii i l.icl l.ap ti.'.d. The New p.erlin baii;.- regret to -ee their !ator leave. I he baptismal above iianc d w a lo.. ptceiit .if Mr-. Jam. - r-U'iman. j -- l.ditor I'..--.. l'ilie i iiu e. !'a. i ,, Ma--!: I", KeV. S. Sidney Kohler llinvci into the Pii(. 'irovecharu'e. m Thursday evening a l.i lice iiiiioU r of Hi.- m.-mbe.- tender ed h,.n and hi- family it . c i ti-.n. The members gieeUd the pasbu at the par sonage, and alter placing numerous article- mii t In- ipnuig room tai.Ie, they eqlese. him ... ,;n aU tiM lll t th. ' -bur. !.. u 1.. :. , ; j, f rvice was, .i.d.irte.l. c.,!.j'mg f devotional ex-eiei- - and a brief add re-s. A jd.-a-unt evening Ms -pent -...-ialiy. and after wards a;l went home g:;,, Hiat they ajain iia a ! guiar pa-t..r i.i ., a. its., !.. township, j l:iuo. Jaaies II Peters and w ifc to V. S. l'jters, Inacnst, .12 .eiclu s in V, Hea ver township, 1 1 ' ' Win. Palth and ' .,. ;,. .1 b Man ned;, .i acres, 1' j : I., -, li, We.'. i;.-a-. i I. iv-. I. -Lip, I ii. Levi Treaster and u if... to Lmma J. I'leaster, .1 acres, perches, in West Heaver lowhship, ?l:;i).iij. Clyde A. Fes-Ur to Sarah E. Fessl-.-r 4 tracts in Centre township, o acres, (il perches, $.!). John H. Aucker and wife lo Daniel Maueval 151 acres and in) torches in W. Perry township, $17.10. V... ; ... . - o .'-..0'rt-w tn,.-v rvrouse, v.t acres, it iiercuea, in 1'tnn township, $1. G. Alfred Schuch and wife to A. Pawliug Ml acres, 4-i percli.-s, in Mid dlecreek township, t-1"-. Geo. Uigel and wife to Peter Strou-e au l John I laker, lun acres, '.' per. h.T, in Heaver township, $7i)u. (i.-o. E. Deppen admr. of Mary K O'Xeil, to Angelihe HoUseworth b..u. aud lot in Port Trevorton, til.', Henry K-itricli and wire to s Lai ley aud Co., 2 tracts in Washington town ship, 02 acres and 1 perchiT. jt.OI. John M. Moyer and wife to Ji.o. II. Moyer three iructs ot Land iu Frank lin township, 3.'! ai-res and lit perches. $11. i. ti. X. WeiiUel and wife to the Trus tees of Winner's Evangelical church. 4-1 iK-rches of laud iu I'niou township. II. I tin. K. Faguly and wife A Kret--g r, o tracts of land in Mildl.creii township, 3!' acres, I.J4 irvh.. for $s,mi. A. M. Smith et. tix. et al. to Com. mouwealth of Peuua., two tracu of land iu Spring towu-h;p .J'.'t acres. II' peielies, $724.'.. Peter Strause aud wife ti A . -c Lehr aud Auu Weyand, two tr.i - in i West Heaver tow nship acrts j lurches, $bO. Emma V Nipple and Albert Schu.t exec, of Jacob Subnet lo EU.abetli Mi. ler, y acres, 154 jiereb.es, in l'errytwp. $41. Marriage Licenotn. i::r!.- I-:. Paige r:eebur. !"ii M ,;. . r, -'feeiurg. I' . Kcc li. a-b:i.g'..ii tw p. A. .Nagle. a.-bu.gbiii tw o. I.. A. M.-ngle, Mt Plea-ant Mill-. ! I I.I l e:i). I.lb'le i .Mary I-., -'.rai.i., I Charl.-. W. Kell.-r. I Ji'usje Fry, i Dai.: ,. :. I . I Elieii '. .-haw, i Simon H.iHdt. . I Mary E. Keiiniiig. r. ' Harvey A. Hi-iutA-Iliiaii (Catherine Aucker, Frwburg. 'lit'-g-o VP. J E. E. Keiiiiinger, t Kate M. Kline, John F. Herman, i iK-ila M. Paige, Pallas. Verdilla. Sw iueford. diddletiurg. 4.i!ot; Mills. Fremont. MARKUP. March 12. by Rev. H. H. Stahn, Simon H. Gldt of West Leaver town ship, to Mary E. Henuin-er ofMiddle btirg. March 12. by li.v. 1. p. Ziu1minua& I an i. l W. F. Farkey of Lewistown t Mr-. Ellrti .-i.aw .,f l-avrr.,w n. M an I. P i y H. A. H e! ;. I' J din i'.H-:.-r H-.r:i. -'i--.be y '.'., a: i I -.'.ii Ma.- 1'i.v ' 1 : ::.. -.'. I uk this tr.ea... -' -..i-.i-r.z n.y friends, win -ut-.r'.-.! 't-i P.-publi.-ati Primary. Mi. 14. '''.. Yours re--ivtf"lly. L. F. i.iKJiatKi.ix ; Ja.'..a ro't'Usiiif . The' members of th, F.vaa,wiica ci.urvh -Ti'- -1 1 r tivn Tulay evr i:ig to the f.ew j.ajC. r Kc' . J. W.-ni-rl-drf aud faa.'.-v. wb ai-v frJlL M-.tHiutowa t... lira ! e. A party was gtve-i I'asday f-"0ji a; the home of i ens-able W r rv-lr fo: Xacaii S::y,'cr. ! ; r-i-' 'b U. 1!. church. Letter to n. i. Kcnatner. UkldMnnj. t'r. Pear Sir: We xr yn.i're d..inic a good, business, aud -.v kcw aJ re.idv, without y. ur tei;;-i tti5 vou use pa;: t a-d d- wrk. We've sr, t a lu i-usiacs too xeu at it 14..' y.ar ;i:a:i;:: gK-l p-dut. Lest pji-Jt Lviv Lead and Zirc. the rci-. n takes fewer sfillou.' of Pev Frldav. He is in business in the Puck- uut)ury are visaing .nrs. rausi s eye State and Is taking a vacation of parents, Wm. lkyer and wife, several nunths for the tn'tietU of his; A. W. Stroll is having a new- health. W. W. Smith of Paxton, who Is track walker aud station agent at Liverpool Station, was In town last foundation put under his house. Mrs. l'oser and daughter Miss Minute Hobb id Villiamsiort at tended the fitueral of the formers Wills I'luhjicd. The last will and testament of lUiud Sassatuau, late of Jackson tow nship. Snvder eountv. Pa., decM., was prv- late.l aud letters testamentary thereto j "Fewer grauted to Iauiel Jr., and Harry J I er" thai' Sassauian, w ho are namevl xs executors tht wi.litw hm.1 1-hiUlrt.ri mis. ilimiinI 4 1x1x3. j and Ziue thaa of un--d Leiten I'rantcJ. ! cover a house, ana ir. In ti e estate of Jas. S. Troup tate of , tbau lead aud o'l Perry township, wrre grantel to Johu T. siictieriy In ihccslaie oi F. P. Kev-k, late of Wasb tu-tcii tewuship, were grauted to Henry A. Keek. :! t.ic i "a: or at' Lead bl ;.'ji.w. week jmylng a visit to his uncle, John father, Iwis WiHKUing. P.Sinith. Mr. Smith Is a uatlve of, m; .!..:., l!r,,l,iL..p r..t.inusl this place and still cherishw a warm!, ut. -r 1111v,si w H.t In his bosom for Middleburg. If, . . ' . Ut- , liHitcasler. he could find profitable employment here, he aaya he would prefer to live here, Itev, N. A. Klrawfe and family peut last week at New lterlin. and while they were aWut the member of the lVieuds at Suubury Mrs. Klleu Kellev and daughter, Miss, Ettio returueAl home alter having 8ieut the wiuter with Cbjuc of IVstoilice. Subscribers to to Post' w ho couteui- putut. Smith -V. W'uLi-, . C:i- ':rip: Springs, Fa., write : Otltf - .lur llrtlilUlls -v LVin Wli.' Vsl IMUnt fur ft (NiiUiwr iw srh. .1 . u tllu ,ol, .v tl tartiH-r 4.1U vvi-. rtltr lllifcU AJI.V iHiOll bu IIVQt 'IMS). Here's the eperteee evet v .vuv plate chautftug their postorticvadddis, vith it. The dealer who sei's this spring, should notify thisotce of v te thtf hulk lhtf bj. thesaoxte atou ttiatthe r w -ill - The 1..11: ter who arrive without luterruptiou. In giving v the uauie ot the uw oittc do uot for-; paiuls IVv.hj gels the paiatiuc; ot get to sivy the old nJJm us well as.h;s towu. ours Truly, the new, aud uiuch trouble will bei n...,..! . t- avoided thereby uew aldre. Givw old as well ast 2t New 'oclu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers