'teWeabs ri jcb lot of note yd prices fcr the asu- , rn'sh them printed Unyou csn buy them .ing. L,i:r, Tditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to Xews, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Kates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Adance NUMBER 1. MIDDLEBURGJJ, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., MARCH 1l 1003. jpnrlLlACOXIC8la S simnibach will ireai'h rmn in the Chapel Sun-" o'clock. , u.t week of suspense fur L,li.l.it. s for positions on an ticket, y STKD'-Aj are Ik N. I. Hi mmki., Krenmer, P;i. , . ,,f tin people of town ','.,., In." to I. II. Howtr ',, ,av dust on tlif side ,t on tlif Flats. t r Competent pill to do nndiy work, Oond zj.romptly, .1. B. Biim-Ki.i., South Bend, I ml. ,,i.i:ivo Urn completed r.,-k.l for a trolley lino :llii to Scliiisgrnvo. Pitts .,t tin- head of the pro- t . . 1 1 nno JCll Ilioiiaio, ' South ol (J lobe . i.v.. j.rffs A. Dick, Middleburg, Pa. I,!ir!i.. licinieville Smiili ..... ll... ttT, li'-sie, auoinicii i Mr-. I-.!t:i- Swart, at l roxei- lav. Strain 'I'lirfshiiii; ut- x . . ... l,,tNli (fooii condition. "I .11. IJol.T.AI'Pl.K, Kant., Pa. lii; (if Moiint-Mscii, formerly i 1 hive was severely injured bv & red not piece, or iron iimugh "il through the ufhi leg. I. hTftint in 'i it Vwfes' til with a refrelhg shani- c win towel to eueii patron Ith siilo i if Marker, hi mare 011- lal Hotel. Satisfaction guar- Wrrul trimmings, Laces, broideries and Oimps. Ktli-iil.ot Lidies and Mis- ililrtl&vests and other va- ItW (Tunis. K. C. Al it.vxii. al Che-tutltt is closing out k of l-Vit Wear, including jjfiew- Spring stock, !tSc. uuglirtll.l Work Shoes, 2.s, rmle RiilbW Boots. 3!)C. for $i.!9f(ijjmest $1.50 and $1. "5 ('hiWrcii'seiiually cheap. wall Flowejv Kutertuin tyciiirfrieiMTS with nu ex- Hyiiiyti?Tiii. We teach how s . ralvTluS: nobooks, the udtlrny cotfree in Hypno. Mlie iiUfHo to-day. Iiessou rof. Pelton, 2 Brushton burg, l'u. 4 r THE Fl'TlRE REVEALED. Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us announcements of all evehU. No charge will he made to publish the same when the event is of public importance. Tiit iisD.vv, Mar. 12, Oeo. P. liibie will give an entertainment in Selius grove. Saitrpay, March 1 1, Itc publican Pri mary election to Nominate Candi dates for Prothonotary, Register and Heeordcr, Associate Judge, District Attorney and Jury Commissioner and elect a State Deligate. Tih'Kspay, evening, Match 1!, Con cert in the Court I louse for the bcnellt of the Ladies' Mite Society. Tim hsday, Mar. lit, King's entertain ers in Sclinsgiove. Saithdav, March 21, Spring Com mences. Fkihay, Mar. 27, to 2't, the Snyder Co. Missionary I'nioti will hold ; con vention in Middleburg. Sati khay, March 2s, Annual Eclipse of the Sun. Invisible in llie C S. Wkuxksuay. Apr. 1, Spring term of Susjuehann:i I'niversity oicus. Fltll.AY, April .'!, First Arbor Day. Sr.NDAY, April."), Palm Sunday. Mox'kay, April tith, Spring term of Freeburg Academy opens. Fiukav, Coit Novelty Co., in Selins- grove. FitiD.vv, April 10, (lood Fiiday. i xhav, April li, Kastcr. I'lii nsDAY, April Iti, day set for ad journment of the State Legislature. Fuiday, April 17, Second Arbor Day. Monday, April 27, (Jen. I. S. (Jrant's birthday. Wkdnksday, May 27, Kcpublican Stjite Convention at Jlarrisbuag. Farm for Sale. hhumU'rland Water Co. will frm iu , Point Township, tbeViuikirk farm, contain- aeits, house, baru and lingsj uft the jiremises. wak.1 fruM Price $1800. i wirfi mortgage at 5 f the bnlance. Possession lilbt. U7x Ai.kx. President. Northumbeilaud, Pa. "1 One-Half Pound Baby. one day the smallest child " this county was born tx quid and wife (Boliir) of rnsuil weighiiiK only two llfK)uii(ls. The entire face forehead can be covered with . Tli,.ibild is said to be '"I has good prospects of liv- MARKIF.lt. H-miau-On the 1st inst. ' 1,a Jonas C. Kratzer J Heriu,in, both of Penus hv Kev. I.;. k r :iii,t i-a. V""VW All.,,, Cll n,,, I, - iiiujin ill. i, i ll.i. i Uo., II r nil' W. Hipka ami Jennie wlQ orMiddleburg. bJ Allen u H..i..i t i, and Katheriae Flan- '"rtTreverton. 1 J McKinlcvM Cullliulil THREE BIG WRECKS. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Each Records a Big Wreck. Tuesday morning ubout 7 o'clock as one double header west was pulling out of Heaver Springs depot another going in the same direction pulled in. lie fore the first train got out, however, the second train ran into the Cabin ol the llrst train with such violence that the smash up of cars struck a pair of engines and several ears on the siding A car of hogs and a car of cattle were upset over the bank. Five hogs were killed but the cattle escaped. ltrakemau Wheeler was in the cabiu before the collision, but afterward he and the stove were on lop of the en gine and the blaze struck up all around him. lie was severely burnt about the legs and feet, his shoes having been burnt to a crisp. Strange as it may seem there were no fractures. Tills Is said to be the most expensive wreck that has ever occurred on this division. Three engines were com pletely disabled, to say nothing of the cars, the track and other wreckage. A special passenger train was run from Sunbury to transfer the passen gers East. Monday morning an East bound freight was wrecked at lieu fcr. A coupling was broken, the cars were seperated and jammed together again, piling up and smashing together nine cars, 200 feet of the side track and 300 feet of the main track, was torn up. The passengers on the morning train were transferred and by the afternoon the trains passed through. Sunday morning one mile West of Beaver Springs a lreight was wrecked, two cars were smashed iiiul u brake- uiun, Karl Haas, a son of Rev. Haas, at Selinsgrove, was thrown in under the pile of wrecked cam. lloth hands were hurt, but not seriously, ilaas and Arthur ltoush, who was killed two weeks ago at Lewistown, started In as brakemen two mouths ago. It is re ported that Haas will piil his job. Keeping House for the Brain. The brain is au exacting tenant. Its house must be kept clean and fresh or there will be trouble with the landlord. The brain needs a constant supply of g(xd, wholesome food. "If, the new cereal, tastes good anil supplies the nourishment needed, because "If Is made from braiu strengthening grains, Invigorates the tired iiysteiu ' and kindles activities. You will like kf" at any nital. Grocers sell "Jf To the Snyder County Republicans. In presenting my claims to my' fellow citizens of yimlcr county f.ir their sullrages at the ensuing Pri mary Election to lie liekl on Satur-, lay, March lltli Ik'Uvcch the' hours of one ami seven o'clock j. I in., for the ollicc of Associate .Iiiljro' for which ollicc I most respectfully solicit your support, 1 present the following for your most favorable consiilcratioii. To aspire- to the sullrages of oiieV fellow citizens is a commendable ambition, one that any American citizen may proudly en tertain and exercise, lender our form of (loveriinient anv man may aspire to fill the ollict-s of trust an l profit to which he may desire to be elected. Kutertaiiiiiig his sound American principle, I all the more freely address myself to my fellow citizens at this time. In asking your support 1 have but one pledge to make and that is if nominated and elected, 1 will dis charge the duties of the oil'iiv faith fully iind impartially to the Lot ol my ability. I believe, that the only objection ui ged again.-t my candidacy is my age, in answer to I hy I ipioie llie Mluwing cxtractn address de livered l.v tlLVMmcnted illiam students ol 1 Ith, I'M HI, tlyand Ibrci voiing nun :' Hiis Vo uiify re- ts a farfil re spoiiii,ilii4rf UiyfJ yft1ii(.t only be called upon t't,7yl tfic hat lies of our Country, luA unfijjheir should ers will devolve ib-e tflPiirs of State, may they profiLKjWxTcnYe of the long lineymVricans who were so valliant urriuhe field of battle and so eminiLt 'in the councils of the Xutioti as to make our country the-Voritlerh'iI 1 ridmrratibh'bf 'the whole world, and above nil to seek counsel and guidance from Him who is the source of all true wisdom and knowledge, so that our happy and t;tvoied land mav fill the high des tiny, which under (Jod I believe we are called upon to fill among the Nations of Earth." 1'here cannot be any oiicstioii but that at the age of thirty-four vears, a man has reached the period of sound vigorous discretion and ju Ig- u lent. Asa lepresentative of the young and active ltcpublicans of the county, 1 most respectfully soli cit the support and intluciiee of my fellow citizens fur theoilieeot Asso ciate Judge. I would like to meet every voter in the county and present my claims in person, but I Iind this is impossi ble and so I take this wav ol reach ing my fellow citizens. If you elect me 1 shall labor to serve you so tnat you will never regret it. I have the honor to be Yours Very Trulv, J. FRANK KELLEU. i v- PERTINENT PERSONALS Mb S7i .i ill ljfyyrfirfM blv saM : VTmi the r a s Jacob I'as'iUH. of New York City is in town this week. Fdu in Charles was a Suubury visi tor Saturday morning. . Allen Foltz, of New P.crlin, was u Middleburg visitor last week. Mi-s Sue Beaver spent several day s in Alio.iuu visiting her hi.ster, Ila. Christian Knoiise of Aline dropped in to pay his subscription Thursday of last week. W. W. WitleiimyiT and daughter, Miibel are in Philadelphia and Canide'i this week. M. A. Slmiiihaeh of Franklin town ship, paid bis resjiei ts t,, the printer last Fiiday. I'M ward K. K iiuing. r i I' l' iai.U!in, who Iind lk. away lor seveial monih-i has lelunied home. Mis. Simon lloycr and Mr. Si.wlcr ui' Maeppa paid a vi.-it ;i-i u,,:; t., .Mis. K. ('. .urand ol this pl.iee. Mrs. .(.ones P. Siiiilh and uru.d ilaiightcr, Mildred, mv vi-ikiuy; the for nier's children al Fliabcthvillc. W. ll.tirove, who is moving from Freeburg to Millliniiiug ihi- Sprin, slopped ill to subscribe fur the 1'oM' last week. Wilson Mitteiling of Kml. wa- a Mid.ilehurg visitor ln-i L'hursday. lie dropped in to pay Henry A. Krdiey' subscription. 'a-hier James ( i. Thoinpsnn and At torney Jay (, Weis-r oflhis pl.e e an. I Jerome N. Thoiiipsnii ( Willie,baiie, spent San lay ah I M m lay in Wash ington, D. C. John T. Shetterly of Aline, has been appointed administrator of the estate of James Troup, lie called at this olliee Thursday and ordered the publication of the notice. j I William W. Bipka, I Jennie N. Tobias, Marriage Licenses. , Middleburg, Middleburg. f Amnion Uamer, Port Treverton, Ktaherine Flanders Port Trevertnn. Died. I n Jackson townsnip, Feb. ?:, l!Xt.n., Henry Buyer. Aged (is yrs., S mo., 12 days. In Centre township, Mar. 4, l'.HM, Peter Smith. Aged H3 years. Lcwishiirg Elopement. Miss Elizabeth Cornelius, daughter of Mrs. J. Wesley Cornelius and E. F, Leinbach, of Heading, a student at Buckuell, eloped Thursday. They took thellyerat Milton and went to 1-21- mira, where they were murrietl, after which they went to the groom's home Reading. The bride Is about eighteen years of age, and her mother was op posed to her marrying Leinbach. Christy Matthcwsou Married. At Lewisburg, at noon Thursday, Christopher Matthcwsou and Miss June Stoughtou, daughter of Frank Stougbton, superintendent ot L. & T. railroad between Lewisburg and Kelle foiite, were married at the home of the bride's parents. F'lfty guests witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. V. Thomas, of the Pres byterian church. Cnnil n(lTrits!iiK 1m ll:i- nautir-t liiili ilills Irmle. Ymi iii. iv liave ju: t ;is eod values us llie other fellow, bill if he toils Uie public about his ability to heller for them than any ei.e i 1m- and .'.oil do not he w ill uet Cue Hade. Tell i" op:, uliy li H i.i '.h'-lr :. I, ,:r. !... lo U..-U- Willi ... T il Ui- "i i I'tivm.-iiit;!)- aii.t li.... . I. ;iiin,' tin in. t'liie.ljoi 1 -y ( ;oils Leporti r. Tlie lriMiln:r iimvpr ot' r.n e.il. ti kiiiiui'iI l Its I'lrenlii limi. If uu tant In re. :rli llie peoiilt. HA, this nii'r. 'ssr.';i.Ks llii"e I'liniliKr W i: cAi'i: Wi.IKm! I i .iin WlvMMlW i;s- F t on t n! the of ivijlha lUUlOS- W. W. Hipka, railway mail agent and Miss Jennie Tobias were married last Wednesday. The groom has been in the mail service for several years and the bride is a young lady well- known iu this piace. They will make their future home in Harrisburg. Saturday evening the young couph had a trying experience in catching the 4:13 train for the State Capitol. The groom made arrangements with ( iuteliils' hack to convey the bride to the depot, but on account of the rain, the hack was tilled with passengers before the bride could enter and the driver made a trip to the depot expect ing to make a second trip, which he lid, but the hack wo blow in arriving at the depot. The train arrived on time and the groom was there, but the bride was not. 1 le was compelled to go nu that train or lie would miss his aniioint- nient to care for Uncle Sam's letters. Here came the trying ordeal. It seemed lie had to choose between deserting his bride or his appointment. The decision had to be made ipjickly and the spec tators were anxiously awaiting the re sult of the choice. The passengers were all on board, the baggage was loaded and the conductor's hand was on the bell rope to signal the train to start At this moment the hack up peared in sight and the compassion of the conductor subdued his feeling of duty town i d the company and held lie train'a nuoute or two, until the bride and groom were re-united, and the train pull. -I out and all went as happy as a marriage lx-11. It was a narrow escape, but it turned out all right. The True Church. What is thy church, O man '.' Think now, Because (lod calls thee to the plow. Have you Christ's way or man's 'Or how. Dues Christ not say, "choose ye this day. Whom ye will serve (iod or man's way, Hear ye not Christ, himself this say. What's Christ's is mine, and should be thine, Oh Christ what's thine, let thou be mine ! For where thou art Is peace divine. Then let them quake who rules would make, That cau nut stand the test, but leach Them to obey, those thou dids't make. J. Hkum Acstin, CRAXCE NEWS. Wiiiun by ;i Member of the Older. The Master of the Stale ( J range hopes that oOiki tuoie farmers in I'enn'a w ill this year see the m ed for standing to trether and will join with theii follow farmers in the Orange in united dibi t lo advance the interests of the farmers throughout the Slate. i February ."..!, I'.hi:;, was the tbiiteeuth anniversary of Ninth Mlk lluu Orange No. Tioga county. Many vi-itors were present, among Ihem the Ma-tcr ol W elsoorn ( irane, who gavea good address. After an inteii stim; program was render, d supper wis served and thus a pleasant and piolitable evening was enjoved bv all. rn i: of i i;: i:i: t it ,. uirui; 1 1 : The lAeeiitivo ( niiiliiil lee late Olalige have so pel fee ted liade arrangements that mei iliei llie ( i range ean have all v of I heir the the of "I -the plii s sell! 1 1 i 1 1 i t lo 1 1 it ui , it I. out Illlel'Velllioli of middle ,on. l'.oisof Seed-, Marin . Hardware, SIck -. etc: are now m ii! to a ,:iaiige Upon ll'jlli s. T. llll lllbel lo the loeet ill!.', examine the g Is and select w hateVi r they want. Whin members are 1 1 1 li- able lo save ei iiisid. cable of money tin v also learn Hie methods by w li ii'li biis'mi pact ii" the e I ll'.iie:e. I ii i: ri i . i I la. a i:i: a w in - IS done, ln at ional and v L.e l!iis if I ml- oi i m: :i i:sst n in i i: I'l.ui'i i:. ttnlv for the careful watciii'iilni I be engineer on passenger train No. I, known as Fast Line, prevented w hat surely wouh. have pi ivcii a disastrous railroad accident Thursday evening Injury to many passengers and jmjssI bly a loss of life. Willie the train was running between McClellan and Millersbiirg coming to ward Sunbury, the engineer noticed a huge boulder rolling down over the hill toward the track and realizing that the train would soon be at the point where the mass of stone and ground would strike the railroad, he applied the air and came ton sudden stop just as the pilot of (he engine came in contact with the boulder. The sudden stopping of the train threw many of the passengers from their seats causing considerable alarm and soon a head appeared at every w indow iiux ously iiupiiring to learn w bat was the matter. When the cause of the trouble was learned a nuifiU-r of passengers alight ed from the train and about twelve representatives returning from Harris burg, including Culton and Fisher, re presentatives from North'd Co. assisted by other iissengers helped roll the boulder from the track. As it could not be rolled back toward the hill it was moved over on the other truck to ward the river, and shoved down over the bank to the waters edge ju.-t as the I tu Halo express went speeding by to ward Harrisburg, the track being cleaved just in the nick of tluie to avoid another accident. Tho only damage occurmg was a broken pilot, but all the passengers re alized their very narrow escape. To Republican Voters. Middleburgh, Mar. It, I'm::. To the Hcpublican Yoiers of Snyder Co.: Owing to the shrtiicss of time before the Prjinary F.btion, it will be impos sible for me tosee all whom I desired to sec persyaHy I sincerely hope you will not rgr(l hV'1 11 wilful neglect on on in when you come ticast your votes, next Saturday. Thaking you heartily for past favors, Jw.ich have givm nu small start iinife. I remain yours very truly, J. 1 1. Wi 1. 1. is. .'ill not rgr(l ''w 11 vv 'lful neglect on u my Mart, Vut a iflrcumstances have lade it, and VeepVuc in remembrance The Point That Tells is not what you say about a thing but what the thing is itself, "f" the ee real that tastes good, does it's own taling. f" is made from nutritous, strength-giving, brain helping grains. Mf""lTers a satisfying argument to people who want a palatable, invigor ating, tissue making food. "Jtv gives them what they desire. One dish makes you want another. Eat "It" at anytime. Grocer sells "f" Alnio-t all of the f I e.ci- ;mn and much of the law ma',. I ia! ii-ol ill ma liufai'lni ies as well as the lini-bed products of llie nulls must tians porteil. iii pail, al least, ovi . the coun try roads. Inasmuch as everybody uses llie r iiids, every bod y should help ti pay ' for them. The farmers have built and thus fur maintained the, ruih.w'! wow 1. . "tw:,. j .r v.v. a .. ... .,... f - l'tute iii Peiina. Is now Jiaymg an ng gregate of sixtirn mills tax while other classes of property are paying only.'! mills. The demand for better roads is uni- . t .. ... . . : .. . I . .. . ..II Vcl'sil ami llie proposii'jon uiai an isscs of property should bo taxed to build ihem is rapidly growing in favor. As to a method of rais'ng money the Orange advocates as its ijrst choice the ollccl ing ol a tax from personal nod corporate property to produce n special road fund. Our second choice is a Slate appropriation. However the money may be raised we have only one choice as to its dis tribution and that is that it be given to the several townships in proportion lo the liuiubcrof miles of road in each. By any other method of distribution favored individuals and favored locali ties will get the lion's share. - . C. Swinutioid KIIUuL lames C. Swim-ford of IVnusi.Tcck, this county, was killed ncav Lewis town Junction, Suturday nig.lit on the railroad truck. Just when he was killed is not known, but h1. mangled body was found on the track Sunday morning at 3::'U. He was in Lewis town Saturday night and iie was prob ably struck by a train on his way home. Both his legs, an arm and his head were cut oil". His face was mangled beyond recognition, la- had no hair and his nose was pusneu rirouuo n where the ear sh :uld have been. His identity was revealed by a paper iu his pocket. His mutilated body was brought to this place Monday evening and taken to Cenlei ville for burial. 1 le is survived by a wife and several dependent children. Mr. Swineford is a native of this place and resided here until several years ago, when he moved to Center ville. He was a painter and l'rciUenlly worked in the vicinity of Lew i.-iown. Lamp Explosion. Last week one day a lamp over the cook stove at the Eagle Hotel explcded and the oil and lamp dropped mi Uitt stove and a fierce blaze struck up all around the stove and on the lloor. For a time the building was threaten ed with destruction, but by timely as sistance and p.'ompt action the tiro was extinguished. Concert in the Court House. A Chorus of trained voices will give n delightfull concert in the Court House, Thursday evening, March 1!', for the beneilt of tho Ladies' Mite 1 Society. Arjjnission 10 and 15 cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers