J u liULJa Tell me your ambition end advise ue m . to ronr ability, you hrainiest man in the world, but unless vou have the omtor- t0 prove it your brains are valules.. I aid. you to secure the Vtunity. The Keystone Law and Tateut Co., of which I am pre0i (will secure you a vaiM atent at the !o vest posille cost and w4ili LaJt-t claim", and thereafter assist you in Ncuring a market or i for your invention, by placing it before the public ma ihmou 'li uiatic and business line uiauner, uua wuuoiii 10 you unm . me jt has been sold. Thus tor the one object fur which all invontoi Ijji,,, namely, the conversion of their ulvus into cash I make ii.V without expeuse to you. Success in me depends upon doiug everytiiinjr well. . Success has come to us from careful attention to our client) iu 5, Our success liasxlrawn to us thousands who are exacting in requirements and to these satisfied clients we refer you. . This is the strongest possible endor3U:neut that can be asked. Wie to nie personally, S. 8. WILLIAMSON, President, t,me Law and Patent Co., 2012-2021 lietz Building, Philadelphia. 1 SENT ON APPROVAL TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE Laugtilin Fountain Pen IS THE PEER OF ALL PENS AND HAS NO EQUAL ANYWHERE FISEST GRADE 14K. GOLD PES. Your Choice of these Two Popular Styles For Only t i Postpaid to any address. BY REGISTERED II 80 EXTRA SUPERIOR TO OTHER. MAKES AT S3 You may try the pen fur a week. If you like I, remit; if not return It. Ever read or hear oc anything fairer T The Laughlln Fountain Pen Holder la made of finest quality hard rubber, la fitted with highest grade, large aire, Hk gold pen, of any deaired flexibility; and hna the only perfect feeding device known. Hither atyle, richly gold mounted, for presentation purposes, f 1 00 extra. Why not order a doaen of them pens for Chrintma Present for your friemla T Surely you will not he able to aeeure anything at three i times the piloe that will give auch coutiiilloua Vpleaiure and service. Everybody appreciates a food Fountain Pen. Safety pocket pen holder aint fiee of rharge witu each pen. - llluatratlou on left is full siae of ladlea' etyl" in right, gentlemen's style. Liar ifata Manrlar do wa nad Write now i . . ' - - - i( rwi li. A'j I'.w. S.M if T 1 4 ;l :K-JT TOHLIN MFG. CO. oOCRISWOLD sr. oir .n t m ic irrvf.mi! anj lu. nrv'r, 1 1 m v e j.ji a'i.u'.i;i.a:iarui:i(:niTn i t HE At OLD IMONEDAT. t native Bromo-Quinine Tablets eisU rpfiuiil ti.a ..,.. it a. Nre. E. W. Grove's siguature "w 4 .vHM. BO YEARS' T X EXPERIENCE j Tradc Marks .yO DeaioN ffff COPYRIGHTS Ac. nwui. filling m mltatmtt mwiA iln.m Ini In., ana. qulnkly aaoerUin oar opinion free whelJior an Invention Is probably pntentuble. Comaaurira tiouaatrletlyonnadentiiil. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aaenoy for securing luteins. Patents taken through Munn St Co. reoelvs tprclal not lea, without eliame, in the Scientific American. A handsomely nimrtrated weekly. Tjiiweat eh eulatlon of any icJentlHo tournal. Teraia, M a ynnr: four Biontha. f 1. Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Ca'. New York Branch Office. 034 F 8t WashlOKton. C C. Thft Amprican Newspaper Directory I Iceland t ' f an , a a. . m s v?. 18 t,,e 80urce of information on NewBnaiier Statistics JaiWStotea and Canada. 11 '' the Government rely upoa tta atntementa as the reosgnlaed authority. mum o j 1 ; . NiVhed. oL-wripuon oi eacii place in wriicli newspapers I ii.. . .1 miw.uB.riOT, name ana wca'Nuoi county, etc I ClVtH thn nn..,na -II XT I ,i t ! " u - ..u,ra ui uu ncwspniiers and omer x eriouicais. irivii thn ri Vi r, ' '"u a uiiiius. iuiirrinn. t ;i:ibh rvntiiiti'inrir , gives the Frequency of Issue. a'vi me tutor's name, gives the rublislier'a name. ' Kves the Size of the Paper. ' 'Vts tlie Sub.soriiiti.in Pi-i.-n Sjvca the Date of Establislunent. U'vca the arculntinn "If anal I. I" trwi . J ivi a evi tiT3 V lima ir!,. J ' " dvor,l' o detormlne the probable future. k us a separate list of all papers rated in tlie body of the ' U a circulation of over one thousand. 1 ' Mves a separate list of all newspapers having a Sunday Isdiic. K've8 a list; nf oil -l..o J: r. i: .. . a J Trad i b ",,v" uum:iiuii8 iu.-iiiuii, nriuuuurai, tiiiifn?.". Eor,,,'fn 'Jngiiitesi etc) and a complete index to each elaaa. maps of euch Slate, sliowing towns in which there P mon llu '.OO0 circulation. . ..u...Uiua omer vaniHUle tabulations and classifications. I if nf 0,0 AMERICAN NEWSPAPAR DIRECTORY la Five "ci caan, ail transportation charges prepaid. otT:0? auppUM by a mercantile agency llhe ri1lS'I. .annc,',,Tn,,' 1,eP'" ahout whom Informa lon in will he nl ... . . nfc"1Me' Itenorally considered the point upon which 1 '' . ' to ,h The greatest puaible care is taken .rm..i--??IPV'l"rU oorreet Kverr oubllsher Is annl ad lo av.tM..tlli ftt la maTuJ..". . " wl,,oh ,olu'M, n definite statements j while "'iwrta to ?..pr V,0"", Pu,,l'" agaiuat auch aa would rosort to diain i ' mi gam an unfair advantage. Jttowou CB.Uo., Publishers W a. I lb Lost IdrrakdoiuT. for Infants and Children. Caxtorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Poxo - roric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is rieasttnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms nnd nllays FeverishueNS. It euros IHarrhu'tt nnd AYind Colic. It relieves Teeth injr Troubles nnd cures Constipntion. It rcpuliitcs tho Htonmeh nnd Uowels, U'vinyr licnlthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bears the Signature of NEW YEAR" SIN THE SOUTH wn FIFTY YEARS AGO lj WILLIAM R03SEE COBBE. HE first day of January at the South SO year a an presented scenes that would be atlinge indtd if enacted in this gea- v OtSf To the negro ilaves at well to the many white peopl it was known only aa "hiring day." At every, county seat in every slave slate it wat the yearly cuntom for people of all degree to gather, some as Mutators, others aa actors in the events of tte day. By far the greater number collected protnptel eolely by Kile curiosity. Upon" every corner and at every point tvaUuble in the court housw sq'-re sat negro wamen with great baskets of "apple-jacks" (a sort of fried apple pie), gin gerbread and persimmon beer which they clfered for sale. Durimr the day men engnscd in teste of agility and strength, which ended not in- ' rv&dT vr1' eMt-3- "-.ill"3' 'I';p? ' i-VW r- " 1 ft" Anntg Selling Apple-Jacks. frequently in a free for all ftglit in which ta only were used and afur which ne arrests were made. In those iiew Year daya .the "rumahopa," as they were called, did a Innd ollice business. . Whisky waa plentQal and cheap, and the prejudice against drunkenness was by na means o general then as now. The local point of interest, however, was the hiring out of negroes for tbe en suing year. Now and then negroes were offered iur public sale, but that practice vi as not so common then as iu the curlier part of "the century. Hunters neither hired out their slaves, nor did they employ those of other peo ple. But those belonging to minor chil uvn aud widows, as well as many who were "chattel" of residents of the tewns and villages wero commonly "hired out," especially if they had been taught trades, or were good cooks or houo servants, lluny town residents possessed slaves be yond their home needs, and t'uee were "hired out" to others who might requiie their services. The contract laid for the calendar rear only. It must be renewed annually, If desired by the contracting parties. Much misconception obtains as to the dingrecablenea and shamo of this prac tice. -Masters had a direct pecuniary in terest in their slaves, and it was to their interest to see to it that these secured humane employers. At far aa it waa pos sible, each slave was permitted to choose the person for whom he would work. Some there mere wbo remained with the lint employer year by year for many years. ' Those that were good servants had no difficulty in choosing desirable employer. Very frequently the master left this mat ter entirely in "the hand of the slave. After all, though, there were those who Were unknown and many more who were practically worthless, and these were ''hired out" at auction to the highest bid- der. This, also, was commonly the prac tice as to "cornfield niggers" and un skilled laborers generally, of both sexe. There were pathetic scene now and then when ncgroe were aold at public auc tion on New lears day. Very rarely it chanced that at such times members of the same family were cold to master widely separated. It should appeal to the common senae of any man that slave being valuable holdings, their owner would neither treat them cruelly nor permit them to be abuwd by others. Owner of valuable horses uni formly arc kind to them, and horse are not human. In this .Southern New Year' day, too, men met to settle long due debts, to pay note and to rent farm lands. Taken al together, it waa a bury, busy day, full of it comedies a well a it dramas, and, sometime, tragedies. At such time the slave of the planta tion enjoyed their annual two week' vacation and there crowded the village to buy all manner of gimcracks cheap jewelry, ribbon and lares, and, having tweet tooth, cheap candiea aa well. Any wall-ordered slave could make "overtime" monoy, aml.it waa a very sorry cut, in deed, who bad not a few dollar at the New Year, to throw away in folly upon a wife or a sweetheart. The "white trash" gathered then solely with a view to looking on and to picking up what they could. A they were de spised t- both the well-to-do whites and the negroes of all decree, t'nev usually kept 1e themselves. They neither hired nor were hired, but in some manner con triver! to secure their lull share of whisky. Like the old "fcneral mutrr' day of the antebellum clays, t'".e atV tie wall' JCew Year has Mwd away with all it (ceoos, and hiftinn yet the memory of it remain with the older resident as re minder that one day at least, and that the initial one, of the Southland, was one of potential energy and signally characteris tic in it incidents of the age and tiaoes. Had lh Same Effect. "I hear that Jack' fiancee ha made him give a Hew Year's promise to stop smoking," "That so? Well, mine has not aid a word about giving up the weed, bnt our engagement has jut tbe same effect." "How soT" "Every time I call all the cigar in my est pocket manage to get crushed, and, of course, I don t smoke them! Balti snore Uerald. flana (or a he New Year. Now man resolve to strive anew And In the coming; year win more Of that which misers faaten to Than ha ha ever trained before. Ills wife ftppWiudi hlmanctslfs (town Considering how she will show A few new didoes to the town If hubby irets his scheme to go. Chicago Record-Herald. In Use For Over 30 Years. TWf CTWTIUW COW flTllE) DUMDORirSTflROilf I invite oil to my store ami cull your tittenti u to my line of, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries Drugs, Hardware, Tinware, dueensw are. Glassware, B!ats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A M SDicial xtraorflinary Valnes. Hot 8-day Clock in n r ' ' my price, $2.00. Faucy Dark Outings, . . ;. I5est seamless Grain 15 - Ue. Buggy Whips, loc, 2; ., - ic, 3oc, 50c. Kilt Window Sludes, ! ' Standard Table Oil C). '.5c. Watch Hy Markets for Butter nnd Kjgs, L and Poultry. I always pay n ore tlian my competitu N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Pv.-ra5u aHMaMaBaaaaaaaaaaM WSUEKUKKEUfKLTFTfrtlf'!' REIvlEiV.BER H. HRRVEY SCHQCH. GENERAL INSTANCE AGENCY Only the Oldest, Strongest Otli Compiinies, Fire, Lite, Accident nnd Tornado. Ho Assessments No Premium Hotes. Tho Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1S19 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 " Home " ' " JS53 " 9,S3,G28.4 " American " " " 1810 " 2,40,81.3 mm to uu REsounoj. The Standard Accident Insurance Co The Ncv York MIc Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association ' Tour Fatrocace is solicited If Vou are a Farmer And Have One Oent r : . ' i sv i na- The Little Fellow Strike me if yer want ter. I've reanluted never ter lift me band in anger agia' anoder agin'. Kconoanr of Labor. "He i one of the most resourceful lazy wen I ever knew." ."Why do you y that!" "Because, instead of writing ' out hi good resolution, he cut the page for Jan uary 1, 1903, from hi old diary and pasted it iu under 11W3." Chicago Pott. Buy a postal enrcjanrtj send Jto the New YorkJ Tribune Farmer, New-York City, for a free Hpecimnn eojiy. The Triliunc Farmer it a National Illus trated Agricultural Weekly for Farmers (Hid their families, and tct:indi lit the hend of the tiKrieultimil prewt. Tho jirice in $1.00 per year, hut if you like It you can eeeurcj li with -yoiir own favorite local newopaper, The I'ocT, JliiUllehurpr, lit a baitfiiiii. lloth paperH one year only f 1.50. Hend your ordc- and money to, l'osr, Midelebtirg, l'a ainmntle lllander. "Sir. llenpcecjue, let lue Introduce ou to the Count l)e Dippee." "Ah, cct ee, zo honor to meet a iiiit licinn. 1 hear, gar, znt you un' your family play ze iniibic." "Why, I don't know the first t'. ing about mubic." "Why, I hear eet nil .around znt you 'play econd fiddle, to your wife!" Baltimore Herald. . Heward 6t Merit. Boss I understand you ore very economical. Bookkeeper Yea, sir. Since I have been with you I have managed to tavo $5,000. Bos Umpht As I alynya try to pay my clerk according to their m t ds. I'll have tocut down your salary. 1. Y. XfJUtor'.y Conrlealca. Mrs. Dobbs Mrs. Hobbs has pot oTir cook; sho met her nnd offered her a dollar more a week than vm pay. Mrs. Dibbs How horrid in her! j Mrs. Dobbs Yes, but sho was Yery tilco nnd ladylike about It; sho sent' her old cook over to see if we wanted . her. Puck. Sot the First. I "No," said the brido-to-be, "I didn't' accept Jack the first time lie pr' posed." 1 "How could you?" replied JIij WryvelL " I "Why not?" "Your weren't there." rhibdeg-' phia Tress. ...w i. j '. 'i i I i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers