TURNING A NEW LEAF A NEW YEAR'S STORY By MAN DA L. CROCKER. at tbe adroitness of their "feint' and iU UCCftt. Tht expectant "firttt" were ell tgof for a few dart, looking for invitation; 1 1 t . . ... ... . in ,n , i . UUh, lUIUKr w J , BVI VIIW V .ITCH. after all, for every one in the , . t.nia- with RS. MARCIA BERR1E had been mistress of the Shelly Karma for only a few ahort month; but long enough, neighborhood to have an opin ion of John Berrie'e aecond wife. She dressed finer than hi firt wife fri most econd wivea do ahe apeut more loan at the piano, and teemed teveral aVfreea more aristoeratit than the firat Mn Berric. It waa an honored custom, reaching tack to the stouter branches of the eu aratral tre, for the owner of the Farms ta give a New Year's dinner to the coun tryside; and each guest was invited to eoine and "turn a new leaf for yearly Turk." Of cour. it was the "firsts," and not the "second" or third," as the ship pert say, who enjoyed these annual feasts and, usually, they began several weeks before to plan "what to wear." This year it teemed a necMtMiy to be a little more particular about the cut of gown and width of trimmings for the new Mr. Bern was a lady of nieans in her own ssjht, and dressed elaborately. "We must make an impression," aaid jfrv Wjlton, decisively, "and ahe must fcel that eur presence is an honor to the Xarms. I intend to have a new silk; a jynlar dinner party dre." And so the "firsts'' planned to sur as ail former efforts for the sake of profound impression; therefore, by the taiddie of l)eccmler a score of lovely new gowns were the pride of aa many arubi oni feminine owner. The mistress of Shelly Farms was af ble and gracious to all, and the tony "irtU" were just dying to display their sieh cotutncs in her honor. Hut for note unaccountable reason the invitations were tardy. Could it be possible that the second wife a one of those new women, who would, t one fell swoop, eliminate the annual dinner? Ami would John Bcrrie atand tfcat? In ahecr desperation of uspen.-e. Mrs. the Item coat-of-ermt in the corner. and things were once more fast assum ing tht mysterious. but everything was made exceedingly plain, finally, by; the buxom Mr. Meigs washer-woman for a trio of the immacu late set. "And it's me ami mine who are goin 'o have a 'fiat dinner on New dear's day!" I T. V -- 3 I ,'. ii iwi" . A1 srV mm- i . xs: ..v j mm AW: SSr-. t The Tw Crier. "This town is to antique," re marked the drummer, "perhaps you have town crier. "Oh, yea," chuckled the oldest in habitant, "we have ft town crier. It is Mrs. Buster's new baby." Chicago Daily News. . - Ma.kle.sj Rlsaawlf I'atherataed. Indignant Artist (to friendly crit ic) You say it's ft bad picture. What csn you know about pictures? You . never try to paint them! Friendly Critic My dear fellow, know ft bad egg. but I never try to lay them. Tit-Bits. Two Resolution's ThztFdkd toy ELISA ARMST10H0 BEKG0U81L s-UllLjyuULili.,..;- Ht aa AJmlrer. Bh waa a maiden fair to see. At on the chair tht tat; But that cut no tct with me She was ttttlna; on my bat. -Chicago Daily News. r jir Gonsompii) Soldwaite was dtlepsted to call at the I al once cf tie benevolent president to be Salt pork is a famous old fashioncd remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100' years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs r.vjft. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod- ! cm method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too 'rousrh for sensitive stomachs. she boasted to Mrs. Wilton on the next Scott's EmulsiOIl is the niOSt Monday morning, aa she ran her broad e r 11 lard through the steaming suds. rehned or lats, especially " -,'c one going ta send you a nice c . j- . ta.aeir" quiered Mrs. WUton, thinking prcparea IUf easy OlgCbtlUn. OU were going to give your husband a lovely surprise for New Year'; do tell me how it turned out!" said the bride's friend. "Did you carry out your inten tion V "I did, and I can safely ay that I will never givs him another surprise at long at 1 live, xou tee, ne Lad resolved not to lose hit temper or complain about anything about the house for the entire year. I wat to pleated that 1 wanted to do something awfully nice io return. Finally, I decided to become a model housekeeper, and, by way of li.owiiig the depth of mY resolve, I decid ed to cook hi New Year's dinner my self." "H'm, perhaps it was as well that he . . . i i . Cid resolve io seep nis temper tor an I f oil are in seed of Furniture, Carpet, Mattings, Hugs, Oilcloth, LinoIeumLace Curtain, Vindtw Shades, Pictures, and Picture frames, give us a call. We Btiit you in cau D " Kaw, Yer Awau Off I " Janus, ostensibly to speak of a phiiaa thropie movement, but reaily to scent the 'rw Year festivities and overdue cards. Mrs. Iterrie received her visitor very onuneoiisly and pleasantly, and supported the philanthropic idea enthusiastically, even graciously accept itig tiie presidency mi tue s.H.:e;y wueu ility should organize. But .er. the convers ation dr f'.cl into holiday news the caller could ni't, by any tart, !raw out the bride's plans concern ing New Years day. Exasperated, Mrt. 6oldvvu;te suddenly let po skirmishing and tbLcd her, point blank, "if the Farm would give annual dinner this year?" "O. certainly," answered the new wife, iCT face lighting up with pleasure, "hus Vand and 1 1 ave been planning for that swme t:mc. The invitations are late, but SLJ'e.ne could not help me until to-day, 1 ,. . I auisot well enoti? i ' 'iw'tH K - -tyi " Hall sn d tbem this week, howcvrr, and N'aw! ver away off!" laughed the woman of labor. "We've as invitation to whirh i often the onlv the New YearVdinner at Shelly Farm.; ay.WIllCn lb Olien inc Only got it in a fine cver with the Berrie army yav. is half the battle, but I've Eesolved Nol to Loss, Ha Temper.' Feedinrr him fat in this Vf - - ' , v. r i OJUir year, ruage tna angers ioou ui uot very rilling for a hungry man." "Judge and angel's food the idea! I coat biased onto the corner of it." ' ' , , . , ' decided on a menu of six courses, ana "Why Mrs. Malinda Meigs!" exclaimed bCOtt S H,mUlS10n dOCS more s;nt ten daye in looking up the recipes the astonished Mrs. Wilton, "you are not i i i-p.i for it and studying them. Unfortunately, jUing nit" tfian that. 1 Here IS SOme- tu, exertion made roe to tired that I be- "Xo, ma'am, I'm not," giving the handle tUncr aKoilt the romhination CJnie mBtalI' uPf 1 and a" pt .t? con' of the wringer an emphatic yank; 'it's lnlng aDOUl Uie COmDinailOn fuae t redpe fof halian cream with one the Bible truth. And 1 was to tickled at of Cod liver Oil flnd hvDOohoS- fr creamed lobster, and they art very, d, , . . . very ditfen what she "Tit onto the gold aiged card, sue sent n . that?" asked Mrs. Wilton, e awfulnest of a philan .v;ai.t" gripping her heart- "What v desrxTusely tiirojiic "i. .. strii gs. "Way, basd wo tti.s time dine wi. twBBIaWlar- m ' " " v ' . . . Br" v -T--w sJt-Tr-Mti-.v (, imtm i. tr - -it that 'she and her hus- the new leaf themselves . invite the worthy poor to cm on New Y'ear't day.' J ir":dT I-"' VUICI3 SU 0 w I ant interrogative, "where be yon t -.u' to dine, New Year', ma'am?" "1 hardly know yet," answered Mr. Wilton, truthfully; then she fled to the closet and studied the fine, new dinner dress, with conflicting thoughts. For s yoisig chit from college to come lording it into their midst snd make cu,.h unkeard of snubbing plana in her en deavor to appear peculiar, wat simply cutrageous! The Shelly Farms' new leaf was perfectly abominable! Something would have to be done to offset this dis gusting philanthropy. F.y four o'clock that afternoon 'Mrs. I Wilton had made the rounds of the insult - i -i . i ,n. . : . .. j . ' i w.pn V1nivvAr whon New phlteS in ScOtt S Emulsion Year's day really came aud Harry said :i i-f .L. that he must spend the greater part of it that puts new lite into the at tJl orace g0ig over hi accouut 1 Mt weak parts and has a special .Tha you a good cook? action On the diseased lungS. And Midn't you let her help and advise A cimnb ;il lv 1 te wantea to, Dut 1 ioiq ner mat sue a sample tta uc nd mwt uke u while sent lrrenpoD retiiipcr. ;, ( rt . SUlS (ien c.nfawrf Be sore tliat this plclare In 1 she didn't want to go out because her J th (or cf a label is on the fceau wag coming to see her and would be , SZ.1EZ dei w" 0UJ- ' Vo1 h" thS Cr's'iTT" JC 'made no difference; that what you did VJ 1 1 CC on New Y'ear't day you did the year round ' BOWNE. an1 if ,l,e did not wor,t on that day ,he rHPMICTC I would doubtless be married to a million X Lf , v 'a' and Uving a life of luxurious idleness 409 Pearl St., N. Y. ;within ,ix montht." Style and in Prices....... Our Block is new and up-to-date. It is do trouble to bIiow goods and quote prices. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Lewistovn Furniture Co,, No. 1 2-1 4 Valley St. Felix Block TsBtlk Parlthloatrt. ) Deacon Blunt So yonr congT-egw-tion gave you no vacation this year? Dominy Dull Not a week; not a Say. Deacon lllunt Well! wall! They are the hnrdent people to tire out I ever heard of. N. Y. Weekly. Aa laeurnlile Case. ' "AYhert a innn'a unconscious he doesn't know it iiv thing. tli:eg he, pop?" "So, my son,", "Well, pop, are yon unconscious? I heard ma tny yon !ld'iit know any thing.' Yonkers Stntesmun. i Then nn oit. Once, long ago, 'twas her delight. To drew up lr. a liardnnme gown; But now, when he's out late at night PUe llko to tlrer htrhubby down.,,' Chicago Bully New. ' DIED 1XSOLVEST. Notice Special CoatS: At the NEW STORE We liave decided to mate i i ii r i auction on au Ladies louts M the hoi iila yp, so as to give . Ixxly a chance to buy a brand co'tt l oforo Christmas at a re price. This sale will go iutoi to-day. We will surprise owi customers when tluy lean prices. llememlx;r, every coat a new and the styles are beautiK Special btirirnins in 15cd Bk1' Comfortables, Underwear, td uootls. Come in and t, trouble to show goals. A specially grand lot nf ii make selcciious from. j H, F. Clemn: ' 446 Market St., EOXBUBlJ Three doors east of the Market! 50c. and $1; all druggists. Strictly lumui, "It she a business woman?" "Yes, indeed. She refers to her engagements as options." Town Topics. 1 - flow About Your Annual Dinner? " 1 s:ia!l enj y the 'tew leaf turning' with say neignburs exceedingly." T.iu luformatiun was what Mrs. Ciold vaite Lad talked piUianthropy tor two full su; for, aud slie look her leave, feeling fca K-'e wa a heroine of the first water, fiut Mr, lit me a-ompanted her calier t-.e front gat in her eagerness to talk saore about the "movement." "It it to aievaie the toilers, 1 understand," she aaui. "and to get 111 touch with our poorer neighbor?" "Y-e-t," SMwertd Mr. Goldwaite, hesi jt:ns to break up her luxurious New Year's dream by bumping againit the in trusive fact that wasnwomen aud ditch ligger occupied the aiue planet together wua the "iirf.s." "Ye," he repeated, "ai.d when we or tSJize you will accept tae presideuey?" acd got up an interested louk, almost g tod at toe genuine. "Certainly," a the reti.y. "I thauk joe for the fconor," and Mrs. Jo'-in lieme fMd the caCer' hand ferveutiy. Tae delfgate w uot very favorably in &ueaxl ith the oung wile's enthu&uum ver U.e q jettion, and the preteure of her iau.d c;iiUed, latiitx than tuiuled, her feevrre heart. .Cut oue conaoliiig thought ran through at ali: they berer would "organize." It waa tt!y a subterfuge to note out tome tetrig iuore ubrantil. Hi. Ooidwaitt tripped along to the traug, where the aev Mr. Wilton, who acaued in her ponies to ak breathieatly: -Ud you nnd out?" To be sure; it takes me to Cod out," tad she totted her head in triumph. They will have the dinner a usual. But Jktr. err, not being acquainted, could sot writ the in v it t tun aione; and Mr. MctT could not help her until to-day." -O, je!" cried Mr. Wilton, "that tc tmu for it alL Well, we are ready and seS be delighted to help turn the new fetl thit year, becue of tut awaet jsufas." "liut was wonderfully elated, though, am the phihuitaropM woi k," and Mrs. Cstiuaaiue ioId up bar eyes in inock astfibuiuck. iioth lsdiet giigied and tWvd thtir hands, immeni amused dinner-party had been arranged for, at Mra. Goldwaite', for three solid reasons. First, to air their new toilette; second, to soothe one another in their common grievance, and third, the Goldwaite cot tage wat so situated that they could eat ity see the coarse tide of tat "teconds" and possibly the "third" flow to the farms. Punctually at tke appointed time the outraged upper current gathered at the appointed place to tee the outrageout un der current set toward the philanthrope president. By three o'clock all the indigent but re spectable people of tht neighborhood had gone by iu their Sunday best. "Unions and sauerkraut!" drawled Mr. Wihon, at a German family passed on foot. I "Our white necktie brigade," comment ed another "first," at the pastor of a poor church, a mile away, aad the superinten dent of it Sunday school, together with a dozen scholars, went by m a double sleigh. And the "firsts" rustled their lilk and smiled in aristocratic contempt. Before the Goldwaite party broke up, however, a messenger from the Farms bowed himself into their midst and out again, leaving the hottest) looking sus piciously at a message in her hand, with "the army coat biased onto the corner," a Mrs. Meigs would have said. She g.anced timidly around the expectant circle aad finally drew forth a dairfHly perfuuitd note aad read: "A very bappjs' New Tear to all! It hat occurred to u, dear people, that you may not have comprehended our motive iu bidding our guettt for the day we all are interested in philanthropic werk, we will be understood when we 1 say, the new leaf we turned it very tiuie-i ly and beautiful, and has made nianyj htart happy. Husband aad I turned the leaf tupneirted by Luke, the beloved physi cian. We knew you were all well able to return the compliment, and so we Lade tioe who couhi nol recompense u. j "We extend greeting and desire that you all rejoice with u. Mr. and Mra.! John lierrie, Shelly Farma," The "lir.t" looked soberly at each o'.her; the spirit of the note touched the FOR FlTlRE CO.XSl MPTIOS. a 1 1 7 Vi I "Jedge, I wsnt to swear off to-day. Vhat'U you charge for a pledge?" "Twenty-five cents." "Can't you make it five for a dollar!? A Geaalmt Plenle. Johnny Jones Did you have fun watch. kg the old year out and tke new year in? Waiie Iioerum Did 1? Bay! I watched my sister and her t-eau watch the old . year out and the new year in! Breoklya tlV. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY-Backache All diseases of Kidneys, good in theui snd the new dinner dreaees m'Kck were, for tht time, forgoUn achs.EeartDUeate.Oravtl, CURE "Yes." ther aaid. "the whole neighbor Dropsy. ttudm Troubles, Lood kas enioved a Haoov Kaw Year to-1 day. Surely it it a pleaaaat new leaf!"! Den's seoomt alsooura. . 7"" " bat soeat a lite time curing Juts such V...t ).. rt,!.-0rnnm k... b..-, we low yon. u ,wi7 w riw, w . ; ' . , , . - lie naa spent a me nine curuig jus been organised, aHhoufa the nrospective casts as yours. Ail consultations free, president it ready and waiting. "Humph. Did the go then? "She did. Then I tet to woik, and, ! oh, how I did work, but tomehew nothing j was well, quite like the pictures in the household magazines. The odor of things j burning, too, became so strong that the ! man from next door a perfect stranger came over to see if the house wat on fire and if be could be of any use." "Well, luckily, you could air the whole plane thoroughly before Harry came home." "I did. By noon I bad conked enough to feed a regiment dinner was to be at three but somehow it did no! neem very appetising, to I decided to have only four courses; that was a more economical din ner for a young couple anyhow. Wkea Harry arrived, promptly at three, I wat all ready and trying to 'look ae if I felt cool and hide the two burned and one cut finger. I had decided that three course were enough for anybody save a giutton, by that time. Well, 1 am ture that everything wat very nice. "It well, it was not quite perfect; I had forgotten to stuff the chic ken t snd I bad put salt in the cranberries instead of sugar, but that wat mere detail, for the table looked lovely with all my best linen, embroideries, til ver, glass aad china on it. At I wanted to surprise him thoroughly, I did not tell him that I had cooked it myself I meant to tell him that at the very last." ' "At a tort of pottscript to the dessert. How nice!" M'hro. Well, though he bad said he wat wildly hungry, be did not eat just played with things. He kept starting to speak, too, and then shutting bis mouth tight without saying s word. Something wat wrong with the coffee, though I bad put in twice ae much at tbe cook book Mid. At he tet down bit cup, well, rather more forcefully than wat quite necewary, be said: Well, dear, it is fiew Years day, and I bare resolved not to lose my temper for an entire year, but I must say one thing: the girl who cooked that dinner must be dimiased before to-mor row's tun it up. A woman who would give a hungry man underdone thicken, overdone potatoes and asbestos pie, would be capable of murdering us in our beds! "Ob, well, you need never tell him that you cooked that dimier. "I didn't tell him, but he undertook to discharge the cook, and the did!" Ae the OH Tear Faslea. No, you needn't call me early, needn't call me. mouiar dear. I'll know without your waking me that 'tis the clad New Year, For every whistle la the town will blow from 11 to s. And boys with deoVdlnted boms, mother, wm toot a rw tor ate. CUcatTO Tribune. "Tour Kidney and Backache Core has .. ' cured two very bad cases among our coaw- It !. mere tbe past year whom the doctors had -Prevention is Letter than cow." He. P- J- ULL CO. Woodland, la. "Sot li yon live a nice young pby, Druggist. 80c IL Ask for Cook Book-free. Bfaklatr These Cesafevtahle. Cora Ob, papa, why hare yoa moved (he sofa out iato the middle of the room? Papa I thought you would want there, tiaee roe ha? e banc the mistletoe on the chaMesJey,HTwV Topi, "Have you heard Frau von Specht Is dead. "Indeed? It's hard to believe It! Why, she owed me a call." Unsere Gesellschaft. True Philosophers. The true philosophers are those Who treat all men as brothers, And while they smile at their own woes Believe the woes of otbert. -Philadelphia Pre. ' Earaed, It. "How did he ever get the title of Hon.r " "He declined a nomination for al derman once." Chicago Tribune. Aad Alimony. Mrs. Dearborn And what has ahe got to show for her marriage? Mrs. Wabash A divorce. Yonkers Statesman. The garprlsed Slatesmaa. A mighty tpaech he paused to frame, j And staloutly displayed It; , And yet tht world went on the tame Ae If he'd never made it Washington Star. Bis Resaarkable Fewer. "Jingle has the most complete confi dence in the power of mind over mat ter." "Indeed!" "Yep. I've known him myself to go home loaded and compel the keyhole to remain stationary until he got nil key In." Baltimore News. . j A Freqaeat Iarltatloa. 1 "A minister must'find it rather hard to keep temperate," I "I don't see why." "Well, you know, there are so many couples coming around and ' saying, Will you join us?' " Philadelphia Bulletin. Dlseachaaled. "How did you enjoy your visit to the Bermudas, Uncle Jed?" "I was a good deal disappointed. The onions didn't come up to my expecta tions. Why, gosh, I've eat better Ber muda onions right here!" Chicago Tribune. For til at Io Say. "Bridget," inquired the mistress of tbe house, "were you entertaining a policeman in tbe kitchen last night?" "Sure, mum," replied tbe cook lady, j " 'n It s fer him t say how entertainln' Oi was. 01 was doln me bist." Phila delphia Bulletin. 1 The FaeeMoat Oae, "I notice," remarked the facetious ona to tbe man whose face bora evi dences of a poor barber's work, "that you've had a close shave recently," The victim glared. "Not as close as youra," be finally remarked; "you're tbe tenth man who's fired the same ok at me, and tbe rest are in tbe loepiuL". Cincinnati CommercU) Tribune. Do you need any fnrnl If so, don't full to come I11 store and get our prices. We can suit youl style and prlc from the chear est to the bat grade. is I Hard wood,, golden oak fin I Only $i2.5( Mattresses - Si f 1 Bedsprlngs - Sij uooa wjm 2 namol 13 ed witlaSiorinr I.C ( hkln. Backers. Couch. tension Tablet, Baby Una, and Go-carts. I M. H ARTMAN FURNfTI Rf( niminktn , Partial n i(hraeli Old King Colewa merry And a merry oie ul W His alrl threw hit;-. iT iou re a epoont- jj And I don't like t Jit cwl. & Princeton Tiger. .VERY U lJ Hiram Hayseed-All tbe this here line ore limit1 Drummerlimited T , Hiram Hysd-Y,ir sight mile an boor.-I itr-v'samc, .. ..
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