1HDDLHBXJRQ POST. jrew Kratitr is coo Sued U lei bCIbiiub nirumauMii. Reinningt-r'. f Lewis siieiit a few with hi M. L. Walter, E. Keiunnijjcr left for Oamer Qcanti to wcrk n a w-mill. Dirk t'n Iwra,'e ouTliutsda, Venjovcd 'john Itauicr nuJ Amos Boer Vhave t'w contract to do the haul f ju jas. S!itiman8 wwda located .M south of Beavertown. h-viaSlaM of "ear Kissinimrf 1 1 : . o in -tui 1 1 ft Mrs 'Pint VIM I"" 1 . w. . jth's woods one mile west ol Charles Arnold ken. wlunl.iv ve, Miss rJmtna Haines were Lied by A. S. Sechrist. The M'uldlcburg Leather Co., uh haJ been running 00 hides n m a 1 . rare now running iO a way. t,v intend to double the amount First of April. . v frthe rj.-pcctive land owners ol nL!in township would sell. their b tt h reasonable price, more than Wu houses would be erected in near future. I king to the scarcity of coal our Icrs are unable to; fcupply their ktoreers with coal. v . Miss Cora Enterline of Riverside isitinj: friends in this place. Jovd l?oltiger and Harry ' Men cif Fremont spent Sunday at try Mengle's. hi. II. Patterson 6peut a few 8 last week among friends at kont and lliehtield. . HOW'S Til 1ST feoffer One Hundred dollars Re m for any case of Catarrh that mot be cured by Hull s (Jatarrn r . : F.J. CHI'iNEl&U)., Toledo, U. o. the undersigned, nave known .Cheney for the last 10 years, believe Li in perfectly honorable til husiuess transactions and icihIIv able to carry out any Jgations made by their firm. ki&TBUAx, n holesale Druggists, tdo. 0. Waldino. Kinnas & kvix. Wholesale Druggists, To fc,U. tjCuta.-! Li Cure is taken. inter iy, actio iiiectly upon the blood mucoin -' "faces ot the system. kirnonial snt free. Price 75o. bottle. Scld by all Drue-gists. yil's Family lulls are the tost. , Dcss your head ache? Pein fcici of your eyes? B?.d tests ia your moath? It's Eour liver! . Aycfs Fills zm ver pills. They curs consti pation, headache, dyspepsia." 25c A!l drasgiit. ,. Want jour monttorho or Ixvrd bcauUiul' brawn or rich black? Tlin na EUCKINGHAM'S DYEMS WitlsSheriff, SampscU, our new hhoratthe County JaiL , kdiier, i : . 1 hompson and At ley, Ju Veiser, spent Sun jay ;3cr tlionipsoil at Wilkes- CHNEE. . s Olvia btepp of Sunbury was Itim' ia-r friend, r. Arthur tdiiig. X. Kalriter of Fremont una on our streets Saturday. p'lilliam II. Wendt, our miik-r, living to I'reniont in house owe j T. (. Arbogast. I. J. Kerstetter. our hotl L-rpr. B-ected a new ice house, lie funeral of Mrs. JohnSeifred, ' died on Thursday morning at loek, was held on Saturday : I). I. Sheaffer and H: If. m officiating. She was aged ears and 20 days, and had been a ! . . iiierer ior several davs. j , lev. LamWt filled the' pulpit ior jiev. v. u. Miller at ilaee. Mr. Lambert, a young t, preached a very interesting ltev. Miller wna Allan- to8Mmd ChristmaB. .11. Wendt and wife spent Year's with his father at rville. "i r Troup of town bought tlio '"is oi it. o. Meiser of grove Tuesday. Mr. Troup I tk mill to (J. A.. WoekW ()(). a year. ( 'lie Teats of i'allas was visiting t Troup's Sundiiy. . . ' Pk IlolTman and David linn. glided the public salo of Mrs. "in near btrnuptown Salur- noticed tlio fullowinff on hur h over tlm holidays : E. E. WlilTn .r'P T . -aw ''), I.yd JIaekcnburg . of V U. U. l orry of Tyrone, F.C. ' lapletdii, R, J, Rothroek "'"'il.hia, Edward Bnvder of P' a mimber of our people are ' way ice. TK1F.D TO f OM'KAI. IT. It' the old story of "muiOer ouf nly .in ILih cuse theies n. criui". A woiuuti fctls run doD, hat hitCkaeut' . dv.-pepeia and think li's uuthinir wud tries to bid it uutill hbe hnully Ireaks d wn. dun t deoeive yourgblf. lake Klect rio iiitto-8 nt once. It ban a repu tation or curing Stomach. Liver 'id Kidner troubles and will revivl fy jour whola )teiu. The wcrt Jorim i f those mditdies will quickly yield to the cnrntlve power ot E'.ooi. rio litte;i. Only 60r. mid gu trun ted ty Middltburg Drug Co., Gray hill & Garicac. HicLtield, Ta , Ur. i. W. Snmp8oll, l oenscreek, Ta. Death of an Aged Citizen. The baud of death claimed another of Snyder county's most aged citizens, Sunday, Deo. 21. While be and bi agjd companion were taking dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Henry 8. Qelnett, near Aline, on the above date, he suddenly fell back In his chair, and in a few minutes life was extinct. For many years, . Father Seller bad lived near the St. Thomas United Brethren Uburcn, being a well Known aim re spected cltlzeu, and his sudden depar ture was a great shock to his many friends. He had reach. d the advanced age ol 80 years, 5 months aud 18 days. He had been a faithful member of the United Brethren Church. Thefunen l which was a large one, was held from his late residence on Christmas Day. The services were held In the St, Thomas U. B. Church, and were eon ducted by Rev. O. O. Komlg, of Val ley View. Schuylkill county, Pa., his former pastor, and Rev. II. S. Sell hamer of Port Trevorton, the present pastor. He was twice married, the first time in 1841, to Elizabeth Keil. His second wife was Catherine Dobhs. who is left to mourn her loss. He was the father of 13 children. He also leaves 70 grand children, 37 great grand children and a large circle of friends ana acquaintances. ,0. O. R. DOMESTIC TROUBLE1! It is exceptional to find a family ures occasionally, but these cm be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life -Pills Hround. Muoh trouble 'Ley save iy their great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not Only relieve you, but cure, 2"v t Middleburc; Di uu Store, Grayb ll & Carman, Richfield, Pa-, and Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Po. . Monday we rtceived an order for 100 copies of "Theory and Practice of Advertising" from the North-Western Business College, Madi ion, Wis. This book is destined to bo popular. It is J .st such a book as should be In the hands of every business man and every tmbitlous young man and woman. ASTOR I A f ' Infant, M4CU13MB. v " hit fc-i C::;'J Hair Falls "I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One half a bottle cured me." . J. C. Baxter, Braldwood, 111. Aycr's Hair Vior is j certalnlv the most" eco-1 nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. $1.M a Mtb. All f-nnbts. If your drncnrlst cannot supply yon, annd us one ilcilur and we will expre&i you a bottle, lie sure and elve the name or your noarest express office. Address, J. C. A VEU CO., Lowell, Muss. ra th rs Private Sale of Desirable , Real instate' The nnriersiirned, will sell at private ante, hie lloiiuaiid Lot, (Homo) situate in the HoroURU of Mlddloburu. Snydrr County, i'a. Bounded on tlio Huiilli y Market t.. :iwt by alot ol A. K. lllt, l jl., Wc l.y a lot of O. W. Wni;eii. srller, , and North by LnnK Alley oonluln liiK W ft an iM re, more or Iih, with the appur tai.niiccih U lure on Is em.'ted a lurito two story brink houxe, two story law ollloe attashd 16sl , a suitable business Und. as it Is In the heart of tlis town and only a few doors West ol tho Court Huue. LarifH stable, grnnery, corn crib, amoke liuoso, clilrkeu Iioiiw aud uowMiary out bull linK", all in fair condition. Also his farm situatH in Frniiklln Township County and atnte aforrsnid, boundod by lands of Mlltn Krai tor. James Duiker, S. K. ICocken. beru, lion, (. A. Hbbm-li. Ir. J. W. Orwig and I'liares rilianibach, eontalliinK one hundred and sevcitty-tlveauroa more or lws; with the appur- tenuncmi. Where on la erecieu a inrRe, uanic bnru, pix pen. SHioke liouw, and corn crib to. This furiii Is in a hiiih slate of cultivation. I especially adapted fnr fnilt cultivation and has ,..., irMkMrinir nu.tn It a fills VOIinir Mlle Of- chaiif of nbuut luo troes, a orach orcburd of about IJiKt trees, strawberry and raspberry niti'liosln a tlirivinir oonuiiion aim oi m. choicest dulls it la loeutcd about one ball mile North ot Middleburir and therefore Is oloe u SIMIOOI, iRUreu, Warsaw, mui anvi n. w ststlnn. He prompt as we Item! to tall And will do so at the first opportunity. Ttrina will be aaada known on application. Jaxks Cuoisa, ' - ;v ' MWdleburg, Pa. ' MrpJ. C. Bowcrsox. Mr. Sarah I'-oersox, (e) Y.i.nr , Wtt8born April ISth, A. D, lsu, a Uuiclitfr of John Wwiig. She wi buptleed in infam y by the Rev. Ei h- riam Keifor, Slit- rectl the ligtit of eo ifirin.ttirtii nod was ad'ullti'il li to fie tnt-nibervhip f the .Bernriiied Church at Ot.lrcvi'.le on the 29. h ! y of March A. IK 1872 by the Rev. T. J. Selple. bh - was joined In Holy Wed lock with Jertniiuh C. Dowtreox rn ihe 12th d .y iT Feb. A. D , 18S0. ; This Union wus bletwtHl ltl 7 cliiiil ren. 5 sous and 2 duu.'htern of which 1 ton and 1 daughter littve prrevdisl her to me fur:t wunu, tuie wivh'k a t tieifc bushaud, 4 son and 1 dauhlt-r to wa nes her decease. t'Uo was aa exem plary chrlst Ian mother always giving ood and saered eoutifct'l to her eliilu teu ; an uffeotlonute wife having a smile aud a word of cheer foreveiy one with whom she BMw-eUit itl. S!ie olwajs dreiuled even the thought of having r making an enemy. She cherished a very benevolent dis position also, never refusing to sup port any honorable cause. Kind heart ed aud true on no a on h tt s'te tie tved refrcbhinent ..u toe hungry or re fused hospitality for tlio poor, hhe denied herself many a comfort and rest iu order that she mhthtglveenjoyment aud pleasure to others. Her a 111 lot Ion was of a eUronlo nature, but at uo time considered very serious by her family oi neighbors. She Llt the effects moie keenly however for she at frequent times played her Heavenly Father, be seeching him to relieve her from her pain aud suilcrlngduring her last houia she beckoued Jesus to come aud take her homo. But a very short time befcrd she x pired while her mind was yet rutioLa' she called her fumily to her bed side aud told them that she was going to leave them now and admonished (hem t j be good aud klud to each other that they might meet her again la Hetven and there be together again. She was very warmly attached to her family, caring aud providing for their needs very carefully. Her death was due to kidney trouble for a period of from 4 to 5 years, which terminated Into ureuic poisonlug of her system. She died Jan. 2nd 10311, at about 13 minutes after 3 o'clock in the morning aged 40 years, 8 mouths and 14 days. Funeral by Rev. 'a W. II. Schoch of the Lutheran and J. Shambacb of the U. Ev. Church. GIETY MOIE! As Well as the Housewife and Professional Vomen Endorse Pe-ru-na as a Specific for Winter Diseases. It is too early to cast your eye about for suitable township and botough officers. fell on the side walk Monday evening and severely sprained nis ankle and considerably bruised his body. " MISS BLANCHE MTERS. A SOCIETY LADY'S LETTER. Miss Blanche Myers, 8120 Penn street, Kansas City, Mo., a prominent ennj society woman of that place, has the followlngto lay of Pcrunai "During each ot the past four seasons I have caught a severe void, when suddenly chilled after an evening party, and catarrh for teveral weeks would be the result. One bottle of Peruna cured me, and I shall not dread colds any more as I did. " BLANCHE M YERS. HflMF TRFATMFWT FRFF discharge from the none, snoezlni?, ind nuiviL inmiwmi rnLL. palrilfltaoeyegBndforeheudweaU;,.ni taarrti ture3 by Thousands enTZr Dr. Hartman's Free Treatment. I Unlesa aomethlns la done to prwnt Catarrh of the nose and head produce ' the catarrh will follow the mucood m- brane into the lungs where it will bo followed hy cough, jiight aweata, rapid lrwaof flesh, and tho otlier drund synip toma of consumption. To all such peoplo Dr. LTartman'a treatment comes as a great boon. It U only neccnury to aend name and addrxe to lr. llartmnn, C'olumlnu, On aud com pleto diriellona for tho first Liontb'a treatment will be pent free. Not only la it nioro miecesrful In our In.? catarrh than tho treatment of ca tarrh Hpuehillrita, but It U in tho reach of every person In this land. A niixlleino which 1 tlic principal part of Pr. Ilarimau'a trcut incut, known m Peruna, cmi Imj iKmght at any drug store, and is a renwdy without ci'ial for eatarrh In all forms, coughs, cold.i, irnt chltl.., cotiHumption, andall climatic Ula eases cf winter. Kach bottlo U acconv punled with complete dlroctions fi-r use. Address Tho Peruna Mediclno Co., of Columbufl.Ohln, for a copy of thnir httoat cntarrh lxMk, Instructively tlhi.-itruti-d, and contains (VI pni;ea of tho latest In formation on catarrhal diieatiLH. Hcnt f reo to auy add : eba. A Hou.cwlfo Who Ktirrered 21 Year. Mrs. Alia SchwnmU, Sanlwrn, Minn, wrltest "I havo licon tn-ubled with catarrh for twenty-flvo yen . Could not sleep day ornlglit. After 1. .vlngusi.'d I'erun I can alcep and mt Linjc bothers m now." Mm. Alia Seliv. nilt. Mrs. Jcnnio Cable, . ; )kuno, Wash, writes: " Ator suffering for tv 'lty-one yeara with noural(la, caused 1 catarrh of head, I tried all doctors an : nil kind.4 ot modlctno, receiving no U lit. I be came discouraged and worn r it at hist. My mother wrote mo to take It. I.'art man'a medicine, to I did, hut My case, was a chronic one, and I wo a!.. in tlii chano of life. Through thou- uf IV runa and Manalin 1 am now eu.ireiy well. " When I bop-in taking your medlein 1 1 only weighed r,I pounda; now I weih 110. I have not 'aUenadropof medieine foraeven mon .s, and would advido all sufferers to co 'ult Dr. Ilartman. Tha neuralgia aff. ed my head and eyM, and for the la year seemed to bo In my breaet and hetv n my shoulder blades.' Mrs. Jennie ( able. If ynn do not derive prompt and sat !sf;n U.ry rsults from the two of Peruna, wriw at cn.'o to Dr. Hartman, jrivlng a fall '-utrment of yortt cate and he will i I panned to give j t i " ,' jii ad- A:ld I1- Ilartman, Preaident ol Th. Ilartniaa. ganitavium, Columboa, oac: oc 30C Great Reductions in the Shoe Department. Tl i, mi !? i- tJIlTerciit IV in t':e n-- .-a ..!. .IS. f, 1 The (ircitcut tconomical oi'Dorlunny ttiat has rxently prescnttti ltseit to li:o imvcr--. la - ducetl values usually offered by siluoe stores. TMs Cut Price Offering is me ea If STILES, Wo-Date SHOES, test makes. Kinds where quality means the right kind of wear beware of the trashy kinds bought to si ll cheap by some dealers. They wont wear. These high grade shoes of ours were lought iu the early winter when we bought too many, you now get the profit and in Borne coses port of the cot toi. We guarantee satisfaction with every pair. ,.' ..1 ' r - ' ',- -' - 1 ",'"" ""''' rLnlstons Health Shoes $4 00 sor men and women. Dry on Wet Days Hand some Always. The sole is built up of leather, cork, leather, rubber, leather : the upper Is waterproofed. In dressi ness, fitworkmanship, equals any $ j shoe on the market. COMFORT WITH STYLE Agents everywhere, or we can fit you by mail. Write for our new handsome catalogue of latest styles, untiled free. Tlao norriols. Olxoo The honest Shoe for . Women, Maker to wearer 1 2.50, $3,00, $3.50. 15 Pairs Men's $3.60 shoes- $2.4!). flenu'.ne llox fitlf, leather lined, hnnd sewed, double sole, C. and li. with all sizes. 10 Pairs Lndies ?3.50 shoes 92.25. Fine Patent Kid superior to Patent leather hand sewed; tip of same, la uimiuIhIi last, 1j wtutu. 24 prs. Ladles $2.00 shoes $1.50, wide tops, large ankles E E width. 7 pair Ladies $2.50 shoes 2.00 en amel, soft velvet leather top, luce, heavy extension sole, one of the most dressy shoes in the mannish last. Lot $1.50 ladies Shoes $1.2-5. Fine Dongoht Kid, heavy extension sole. Mannish hmt. Another grado of same kind w re $1.25 for !8c. Lot Ladies Shoes for 50i! a pnir, fine hand sewed mid turned soles, but snuill sizes, were mostly $2.00 aud $2.50 kinds. C'hlldrensund Misses $1.25 mid $1.50 shoes nt t. Oil nod $1.25, line kid and box. calf iu Jnco or button, plain or patent tip, elegant school ull sizes 8's to 2's. 23 puir men's $3.50 -dices, $2 OS en amel box cu If, bund sewed, double sole, bfucherand straight luce sty Us made at same factory as Kalston Health shoes D. and E. widths. 15 pair men's $ 3.00 shoes $2.2 box en If welted sole straight lust double I solo, E. wide. Bongolu Kid in button tip of same J Children's $1.2-5 and $1.00 shoes 75c. Grocery Uoipt. Are you buying your groceries from us'.' if not roiiiimre tlieso prices Willi w hut you are payii g when you want to save money, will be pleased to K'o you at our c u liters. ( Irniiulutt d sugar still 5c. Lion and A r buckles tollce 10 cts. a His. Heucock's Buckwheat Flour C5e for 25 lbs. Yellow com meal 12 lis. 25c. Heintz Sweet Pickles yery large 10c (loz. Fancy evaporated reaches, Apri cots, white nectarines lOe lb. Loose Out Flake 0 lbs. 25c. Home mado Egg Noodles and egg uiucarino, elbow aud long 10c phg. 5c Prunes are nice, sweet and meaty. Extra, large one 10a lb. OimhI Canned Peus, 1 leans. Corn, Tomatoes 10c can. Extra line 2 for 25o. Still selling Shredded Wheat 3 bnxes for lile. Force 2 boxes for 25c. TPxxxra Roduocd. Several months yt't to wear them nnd yet wenre slushing the price nil the more important to you. There is a good nssort incut now but it won't be long nt the prices mude. Not no tild stock held over from Inst year, but on new goods just purchased and you don't get a cheap second quality given here represented to be Hist quality ns do some dealers. Hen's first quality Rubier' Boots regularly $3.00 for $2.50. Men's good (Sum Boots thnt wire $2.75 cut to $2.25. Boy's tirst quality Gum Boots sizes 1 toO were $2.25 now $1.75. ' Youth's (itim Boots, best quality sizes 11 to 13 regularly pi ice $1.75 reduced to $1.35. Children's .11111 Boots, best g rude sizes 0 to 101 were $1.00 now Me. Men's felt boots with good quality rubber slioes regulurlv priced $2.2-5 cut to $1.85. Youth's regularly priced $1.25 cut to $1.11). Men's Heavy Wool Lumliermans Stockings were 75o and $1.00 now 60c and K5e a pair. Snag proof overs to fit $1.25 and $1.50 were regularly $1..':0 aud $1.75. Oloni'iixg; Scilo of Onrpots A Clearance price all the profit cut oil because carpet Mills drop ped out me patterns, we are at their mercy impossible to get more when they iiit making them must then close them out at cost. Carpets from 75c up to it $1.0.1 n yard. Photo Frames Regular 2"e kind at 15c each 0x11 Inch, gla.-s covered, for cabinet pho togriiplis, strong Inline mat with opening for picture. ITocluotiony. KtiH more of those In rife blankets it !':. !'. :i; ii L wni.s ?c,,ii,,:, ".'. u and we vt ill have to pay more when llie.-c are gone. Stripes and plaids, square cut size, "Ux.SO inches part wool, $2 00 kinds at the regular prleo reduced to $l.-lti. 00 kinds now are uSc. h:io for regular 1.10 out s. Candies Do you know our candies ore the freshest uood.s in town every day people tell us so, and pricts usual 20e kinds are 10c here, and so on. SeJtirejer,; on w ) Fropt Street. ccrx Mil 5C DC DOC 2 Eln;. Street. "Q l :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers