jdS, V-RgPARap axpRgssuv yon ths poaTyj - tf ILUUnltti PIT. ttMYL.i 1 1 J 1 v BY ITS CORPS OP CORRJC3PONDgN'fS' J&y kl'QISIO'AllilEjf!flIDIOiaiGllCli?Mll1ln:nTAiliiriaifliiiiirnin.K...- WEST BEAVtR. lifsoliu'iiiH that were niale by some on tin lirtt lav .f 19tW mod a little U'Hi"i:;. AiniiMii U.iwcr(Snx's Inv Im cepted a 'l. r'.; chio wi lt :f. I S -l-enlKTjjer at l'a:;iurvi!Ir, Va. Jnilnr l.i i I t Ijowc'I as le called of Into would uppnciute ii visit to tlui l ii't in of Brother Charley of near Croriovi, for a similar cawe of Mrknes, :i A'iv more such cases and Brother I'.ill viM lie perfect aii'l Toujours IVet. Daniel Seal and Mrs. Sarah Treaster are 1kiLI on the sick list, with very little hopes of their re- co pi y. Joseph M. Wagner has given our old Veteran. L. B Treaster n home for this winter at $8.00 per month. Mrs. furah Steely of Lowell fipent a few dnvs last week at Vint, Milllia County, as a guest of lu r daughter, Mrs. llnofuatrlel John II. Komi; on 1 Wm. Peter took the contract to di liver Ch n-les Wagner's staves to McCure. David (Joss, clerk at J. 13. Shell cnlierger's store left this Mon lay niorninj; for Burnham, M'Giu Co,, to try hia skill at diffe cnt emp'oy iiient. Dr. A. M. b'mith and Judjre Reigle were seen on our streets last Saturday lxth as jolly as in their boyhood days. Mrs. M (l!i Iliinfmiile an I Sister, Viola spe.it Xuias with their moth er, Mr- Steely at Lowell. P. 'V. Treaster of Lev ist i n niad; :t '"i-uness eall here on Xtnas for a f.'w li uirs. Wmren A. MeGlaughlin tind Wm. Si hmidt of veasccrtowu Pa. were gue.Ui f the former's parent3 over Christmas. Samuel Wagner of Miillin county Fpcnt part of last week with Howard Treaster and family. T3ie cnl.i y we had last week finishing plowing for their res' tif.M'ii'n i in crop. BEAVERTOWN. 1'rof. G. W. Walborn visited bur schools Friday. Christmas visitors were too num erous to mention at this late date. The fantastic display on New Ytur'n day surpassed all previous records. . . J. Patch Walker has been en gaged by the Spring twp., scho)l board to teach J. W. Eagle's sc.'iool while the latter is eon fined to his bed with typhoid fever. Mrs. Frank He iver attended tin fuueral of her uncle, Harry Ki-en-Tviitor here ou Christmas. hower, at Lewisburg Friday. Mrs. Sadie Derr visited Watu town friends over Sunday. Harry Frantz ot Paxtonville, paid his sister, Mrs. 11. M. Kline, a visit Saturday. Geo. Feese and ' Juo. Dreese, of Burnham came, down to spend Sun day with their friend. Camp OS, P. O. S. of A. elected the fidlowirg officers : P.P., I. J. Freed ; Pres., G. H. Freed; V. P., P. II. Ueiehenbach ; Sec., J. A. Wetzel ; M. of F., J. J. Beaver ; Con., P. J. Ilerbster ; Ins., C. F. Bingmaii ; O. G., E. E. Freed ; Treasunr., J. A. Aigler. Geo. W. Ilerbster, foreman on ti e S. tt L. II. II., received the bonus for keeping his division in good repair at the least expense, and generously shared his preseDt with his hands. The Lutheran congregation? llev. I. P. Zimmerman, pastor, will cele brate the Holy Communion at ten o'clock on the 11th inst. Prepara tory serviees Saturday evening. B. S. lline and wife, are spending ten days in New York City, as the guests of i .ir son-in-law, Frank Wi i.- r. Mrs.A.M ''wcr ox aud two chil- (lieu are f- .nig a weeit in Mid dle! urg. The Luueran S. S. elected the f ing persons asoflicersfor 1903 J. fj. S'i'loloa-.ropth j A-rf. J. w. . Miss Ilattie Aigler, who has been suffering severely from rheumatism and heart troublu for more than a mouth, is still a very sick lady. VEKU1LLA. Maiy W.A Slahl and daughter, Esther spent part of last ween ut Sliaiuokin. . Murry Slahl of Alyerstowu sut Christmas with fricudd here. Chat les aud Osour Stuhl of Lew isburg speut last week with.' llieir in .uy fi tends liere. luiiibcu lirown of Steeitou was a DUNDORE. The yu.r lOOo is thus far vcr miK-li dke its ridirc- r, cloudy, unisliiiK', rain, miow, .ilt, cold mild, v.i;ii u mixture! and .tihop td tint it will be en. wnt d with ingii-. and prosperity. '.-ij in. Srhrist is on a fair way 1' i i o Uie knots fir all our voung h' p i , und the one on New Year lial!i lures the admiration of all the pa- tii s concerned. . I IT 1ll 1 i ic latitasties el erclilia maue our streets lively on New Year, and what they lacked in quantity they made up iu quality. Jacob Kerstetter, Elias Wolf, and John II. Wise are hauling lime for the benefit ot their land Potato buyers are persistent and paying oO cts. J. D. Keigle has a horse that is on the tick list. Henry Hoot has a fnsh caw fur rale. The Susquehanna Ctal lireaker lias more orders for coal than they are able to fill. J. M. Kambo h id a cool oiler for his rtal estate but prefers to let good enough alone. The Hoovers intend to eslablii a rope ferry below the acqueduct. P. A. Sliafer aud wife have mov ed to Jersev Shore where 1m has steady employment at good wages J at uesi wisnes oi their many friends lollow them. V. . Sliolly and L. Strawser of Verdilla were in town looking at the political situation. A Grocery Store at Sunbury is jetting our Merchant's potatoes. Our Calathumpian band is of die highest order, and on account of their tflL-iency have gained a national reputiti u, and expect a Gill from abroad. The Candidate for township offices are numerous aud it is hoped that our heavy tax payers will keep the township in their control. There are a numler of farms to rent in our township. The Kabbit season is past tut the rabUU are plentiful yet. , oecy.. npt., II. F. liinart lassingir; Ireas, W. M.Keller; jibrarian, Miss Blanche lline; asst. Librarian, Miss Florence Aigler ; Organist, Miss Carrie Bowersox ; Assistant Organist, Mi8 Ilattie Aigler. A. C. Winev, C. E. Freed, P. J. Keichcnbach, J. F. Bingman, J. A. Wetzel, Wm. Dreese, John J. Bea ver and E lg.ir Ilerbster, are this week going to Poweltown, Clear field Co., where they have securiKl employment, and Harry Freed goes to Berwick for employment. Mrs. Dessie Ilerbster received word Saturday of the serious illness of one of her little bovs at the Or phans' Home in Loysville. Three weeks ago George Bing- mau came home from Lewistown, and has since been confined to his bed with an attack of typhoid fever. He is on the mend. Since then his sister Miss Libbie has taken the disease and is quite sick. Wm. Engle has also been housed up for three weeks with the same disease. Miss Amelia Kinney is also num bered with the ick. We hope these people may speedily be restored to health. ev. and Mrs. Gramley are cnter tainiug Mrs. Gramley's brother G. Miels, of Mt. Holly SpriDgs. Mrs. Edward Freed has been con nueu l or several months ot nervous prostration aud is no better. Mrs. John S. Smith, died Decem ber 25, aged 78 years, 7 months and 7 days. Deceased was a highly re spected Christian lady, and a life long member of the Lutheran ch urch. She is survived by her husband, 4 sons and 2 daughters. Her child ren are lion. A; M. and Geo. M. of Beaver Springs, Ner W. of Em poria, Kansas, and John D. of New ton, Kan., Mrs. A. II. Bowersox of this place, and Mrs. Geo. M. Tho maiof Lewistown, two daughters Having preceded her to the spirit world. One brother, A. K. Mid dlesworth of McClure, and one sis ter, Mrs. Peter Kiegle, of near Mid dle Creek, are now the ocly surviv ing children of the Hon. Ncr Mid dles worth, dee'd. The funeral took place on the 29th and was largely attended. Her pastor Rev. L P. Zimmerman conducted the services. Waldo Stuck, employed at AI tooiia, was home over Christmas.' Ft auk Scholl came home after wot king a few mouths near New port. John Gangler came back from N. Dakota last Saturday. He went west lust Spring. He informs us that he would rather freeze here than so far away from hoaie. Mrs. Annie Longacre and Mrs. J. S. Stahl. were iailiny- anions friends at Xew Berlin. De Kails dos rum wora Nei Yor ane sliesa fou Duudore noch Verdilla seta wisa whou der besht cider wore, dale hun ganniink grick da fou. SELINSGROVE. Itev. G. A. Livingston and wife spent several days here last week. Prof. Chas. Albert of Blooms- burg was the guest of his father oue day last week. - i Dr. Wm. Ulsh and wife expect to locite in Philadelphia. Ihey expeet to leave this week. Harry McCarty of the Klondike regions is at present with his par ents, lie says they struck a rich mine recently. ' Ujv. S. E. Bateuian aud wife speut a few days iu town lust week. 1 lie Kev. looks well. Mrs. Mary Gearhart of Blooms- burg is reported as having had a sUott -f of Apoplexy. She is a bis ter of Dr. B. F. Wageuseller. Mrs. Metzger, sister of Mrs. Meek, left for a trip to the west. She expects to be gone for several months. Miss Marie Snyder returned home to resume her studies at the University. Mr. iioisiiue ot AiCOlure was in towu inakiug arrangements for two young men from there to attend the Univeisity. The prospects for an increased attendance is very good. Mrs. Lizzie Keighard of near CU Comfort frm Doctm. ? Doctors say neuralgia la not danger-1 geroua. This in poor consolation to a I 8uurer who feel aa If his face were pierced with hot needles aud torn with a thousand ialra of pincers. A word or ad vie to Lira : 6tay Indoor aud use Perry Davis Pain killer. The bles sed freedom from pain which follows this treatment cannot lie told. There UbutonePaiukiller, Perry Davis'. By Bribing the Serves. with opium a cough may be stopped temporarily, but the inflammation of whieh the cough la a aymptoiu goes from bad to worse. Do not waste time aud money on delusive "cough mix tures." Remember that Allen's Lung Balsam does not merely put the nerves to sleep. It gets right down to the root of the trouble and co cures eveu deep-seated affections of the throat and luDga. . His Tools. Good tools, good workman. But what of the nian dojnaws only the tools his dhitlii used ? Dcvoe lead and zinc id the paint ; but some . painters don't know it yet. ... ..... Many State Chemists. Have analyzed Dcvoe and found lead, zinc, colot) Jintd oil, and turpentine drpuJthinb else. The maker offers $100 rewarS for find ing anything else. . , '' The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St. Louis, 111., want a man with a rig to introduce Poultry Mixture iu this county. Theyjtuapulce $3.50 a day to a good wfkAumd tley furniah bank reference oiMhelr relVbility. Bend stamp for full particulars. Eureka Mfg. Co., Box M, East St. Louis, 111. 1-8-tf. Manager Wanted. Trustworthy, F-ITHSR SX, BY Wholesale Merchandise Company of solid financial stauding, to manage t Lrla pom Ms . Yip0)(sr8Uraer8 40 peil ccnUaved fc VBUSIN UUl! ' but Ul L SELLING: at COS!; ' n e are oCering our entire stock of cost, namely, men'g, boys' and children's goodg, Clothing, Overcoat Ladies. Mis es' and Children's Coats and Caiy Beady made suits, all of them up to date, r kinds of Dress Goods, Velvels and Silks, bed bW et-, Horse blankets and Plash Bobes. Freed Bros. BEST HADE SHOE! ; Fine Shoes, Kubber Boots, Felt Boots. Lnm J C a rp Eta Linoleums, wvku, vuii'ui uuuiu. niuuun euAUCB, lato (Br -,. f 1. ...... i tains, mnsuns, suirtings, linings, underwear Hosiery, fine flannels, outing cloth, tt-t " EWELRY. W ATCHF ... ' . , y , --v FULL LINE OF HARDWARE. Our beautiful stock of iri: i.'.. l' : . i . .... xiunuaj' guuun, irjuiiucu uuu uuirimnieu aniiiinen laces, ribbons, flowers, birds, feathers, pi nines, j Come and secure bargains. - Propuce taken as esc "ML. DyCllne3?, ''., . - - . . . j : KANT2 MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. Butter 24 Wheat . 72 Eggs.. 20 llye 56 Onious 60 Corn.....;.... 56 Lard 12 Oats 32 Talloff...... 3J Potatoes 45 Chickens.... 8 Bran per UK). 1.20 Side.......... 10 Middlings il 20 Shoulder ....12 X'liop. .t 1.25 Ham . 15 Flour per hTd 4.00 First National i of . Aiddlcburg,. Pa. Williamsport spent several weeks with Mrs." VauBoskirk, his sister. The Fantastics or Masquera Jcrs were out in full force on Thursday. Triuity Lutheran Church held Communion Sunday morning. The attendance was large. II. J. Duck, who spent Christ mas Holidays with his family, re turned to his duties Monday last. r oar customers. No experiment but a proven success. Salary $18.00 a week, expenses advanced. - Experi ence unnecessary. Address,- D. B. CLARKSON, Mnnager, 1-S-7L 334 Dearborn St, Cauago, IU - A MARVELOUH 1JSVEXTIOX. - Wonders never cease. A maohtne has been invented that will cut, paste and haog wall paper. The field of inventions and dicooveries seems to be unlimited. Notable mong (Treat discoveries is Dr. KinR's New Dis covery for Consumption, it has done a world of Rood for weak luDgs and saved many a life. Thousands have uBod it and conquered Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Their general verdict is: ''It's the best and mcst reliable medicine for throat and lunir trou bles. Every 60o and $1.00 bottle is guaranteed by Middlebunr Drug Co., Graybill A Oarman. Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Pa, Capital, ' - fiO.OOO. Surplus, - v4,0C Jas ,s. G. Thomrsot, ( id V 18. VkeR '.ishicr. D1RECTOIIS- G. Alfred Schoch. W.C.U W. W. Wittenmyer, A. Kj J. N. Thompson, M.1K Jas. G. Thompson. Accounts' of Individuals, Em Corporations Solicited Jonathan Thomas and wife of mer. spent Sunday wita ou townsman, Henry Biekhart of this place. mi j l Suitg and Ocoats WOXDERFIL HEBVE. Is displayed by many a man en during pains of accidental Cuts. Wounds. Brutsea, Burnx. Scalds. Sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for piles, too. 2rc, at Middleburg Drug store, liraynm & Uarman, Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. SampBell, renn8Creeic, ra. GLOBE MILL8. A. W. 8nydcr of Sclinsgrove was doing business at this place last week. William Ranch of Spokane and Naltie llauch of Seattle, Washing ton, visited grandpa XJIrich and other relatives at this place. John Houtz of Freeburg was do ing business at this place Monday. - Hazel Stetler and Clara Libby of Middleburg spent Sunday with Verna Stuck. Samuel Zeiber f pent Friday in Lewistown. Dr. Tool and Jerry Charles of rreeburg made a pleasant tall at this place Tuesday. Mrs. Sallie Walter of Sunbury visited her parents, El. Hummel and family. Absolom Coleman of Salem was 'seen on our streets Monday, ; SUITS. We have an excellent line of fall 'and winter suits which we o8er at the follow ing low prices: Men's all wool suits $6.50 to $12.00 Youths' suits, age 12 to 20 years, for $2.75 to $7.50. Boys' two-piece suite, all new and the latest styles, strictly all wool, $2.50 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly shelf worn will sell at a sacrifice. ; OYEJRGOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete aud up-to-date than is generally fou ml in Btnall towns. Mens' all wool, latest styles, nuilium length overcoatf at $6.50 to $12.0t'. - Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 v-nrs, good quality all new stock and priivs that are right. -Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to $5. Hunting coats from $1 to $2. We have received a lot of WOOL HATS for fall and winter, all the latest blocks. Now is the time to buy your LINOLEUM wo have the latest patterns and a good quality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. 0-TJ3SrS. GhTJZSTS. A. BTIOE1 OTDLinOTIOIr. .The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. A good Single Barrel at $4.75. Tli Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Belgum, laminated steel, $1 -'. . ' Don't forget the place Opposite the First National Bank. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEDURO, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers