BAR EtlSBDRfi LETTER. M!isur.s That Occupy tht Atten tion of the Lawmakers. MEW RAILROAD BILLS SIGNED. -asijreB Which Were Put Through wtn a Week Are Now Liwe The New Tapltol Appropriation Reduce te 4,000.000. "Barrlsburs. Juno 5 The Focht and Smry rapid traaatt WHs passed sec- -nd. reading In the home yesterday and well to get water in some manner she rem fim eont back to the corpora slipped and plunged headlong down POl'UHT HARD FOR LIFE Young Clrl'i Sirufc l at the Bottom ef WHL Clinging hcroii alb- to the ah p, pro jecting cia'- of t he rujigb stone lining of a 45-font well, with 10 feet of water at the bottom, 11-year old Mary fcjuo I'Viry of ShuinoUiii, wan rescued from lealh b.v drowning Tuesday tlinxigh t lie timely atManfe uftd presence hf of Henry ManioVtU"-. lie heard her fruuziud cried for help and curing a rope, lie lowered it to the almost exhausted girl, and pulled her up to the top. The Sunberry girl had gone to the i lions committee for amendment. The bill revoking warrants for coal inda under the bods of navigable atroams, Issued under the act of 1841, failod on Anal passage. The senate yesterday confirmed the nomination t WUHatn T. Solly to ha judge of 4hf orphans' court of Mont gomery county, which was created by .he present legislature. The senate decided to Insist on Its jneiilmnts to the bouse bill taxing )tnpany store orders, and a confer nee committee was appointed to carry iut the senate's Instructions. Harrlsburg, June 6. The Emery and Ptocht rapid transit bills passed final ty In the house yesterday by a vote of to 31. They wero taken up by the. lowing most the well landing in 10 feet of wate Arising to the surface she grasped a projecting stone pausing for a moment she attempted to climb up the rough side of her prison. It was a fearful task, for the sharp stones tore her delicate hands, and live times she was forced to release her hold and drop.lwk into the icy water. With each Attempt she grew weaker and weaker. Mood was (lowing from her lacerated hands ami her teeth were chattering from the cold. that to tax her strength by aH p9 A Bad Breath A bid breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Averts Pills are liver pills, they cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 3Sc Ai aVaggists. fnl "I BUCKINGHAM'S DYEUhiekV ihti.ii wm, aj i yjagaLJU SCHWEFFEI.HRENNER. I'tntiM Ivnnia Dcitsch. Maut'h (htink Ilttuwrit. ohltfUtown, Mo.- der 80, 1061. Mistkk Dbookeb: Der olt Bensmlller waseos nr iiimmy long laiva eon. Ar is 'n widmon lot 's BtpabBcu Standi as Committer Atlanta C. F. Nnaman, J. D. Sinai. . BMTnr- CbsrlM linr, Kltnsr WatMl. Bar W. -Thu HertMler. .lackaon Maker. entra--W. A. N'ri. K H. mln. bMDBn - I'rti r Sltaffer, C. I(. Updagrova . rrithkllrt .Inlui lfackenburir, Oro T. Sutler. lerksun J. Harvey Mover, U. A. HrntiM . MIiaiburK-K. W. Spei-hl. Krsok Helta Mlildlrcreek -l K. Kow, (Mp.c mock. ! Monroe W. I.. Yountc, 1 P. Kttter Pmn Harry t tasJe, Gee M. vtitmar. ; IVrry F. K. Korer. Alien Valentine. . IVrr W. .l.mmh Winer, 0. S. Sprtft-gle. SallnBSTOTO--J. A.,.1. V. Keller. Spring I linn. K Kltwe, IK II. HnoiHi. I'nlon Jwnb SMil. A. J. Hlron. t ffashllntlin Myron Moyer, W. V. lUown j I'rrsB Torso, nhsftnaan, Ki.m Kit K. vVmivk:,, S.-crWary, J. Keak Itwtrz, 1'reikHtirer A Vol I ! ill : " .iiv wltH4tP lllltl again attempting to climb out would dritta mohl, no ar shield sieh fie os ' retail Btodta by tm.-rttiic vnur wiirke- rtttwof . . , , iL . , ... .. from tin- ilHtill.-rv. rtec Tlie llnym-r Dlnitl litis prove mini, sue ciung to ine stones, ai- wann ar aw cooniu ur tier onner ssae oo. announcement it thi ii-r, whti-it explain f her weight to rest lii ft,,,, weltlich Iniva os si wetreff all drei 0iTi5I3,,-CB!Sl TS2STara5. Knat Inst night for (concurrence is j tlt, NVIl(.r- Xhen she screamed for help, uf 'm lookout sin for ecu, un sell i wax 'l'l'ey goaMhtee pure Kbodaauil full niure . he amendments inserted by mo nous, jkm-cries were heard by Marquette and een abordich troovel. corporations committee, were prompt-; rpw ,,1V(.,.t(.j I gtoj.owell, we wars, htisM ftich w Ijr paaaed, 31 to 6, and sent to the gor- ' - n'or. The. record for quick action oa goot leteh nauch on .!e ,.u' , k.. h.n broken on those . . , , frolic?" Joe " ell, nay, leh bob net " "' . . i J ar in A. l r turn is mailing very , . .. . i anytjow my iraw un kmc ryiujum """"" !" " mk chd we ch bame eooma Uu un i I.. .. .) ( .,,.- i.-..t ,. 1 o sell prooM oh loh (ins place, by putting new min m Middtecieek and an addlUomU wheel n.Lt.. i 1.1 1 Ill mm I . imti ,,r iltnt BIB IB tUC UIM UllU WV HUUn " i v i . . ti : 1 w mini 1 1 1 1 J I 1M IM Illl M'llll I ill V A 1 1 1 1 1 i ) ll T Phenomenal Prices in CLOTHING at Brosious Bros.' f Extraordinary valnes in Suits, Hats arwl Shirts, with the store chuck fall of the nobhictt kinds o Clothing, etc. ' Prices An Now At The Verj Lowest Possible Mark. has been broken on those measures they having passed noth i uses In exactly hU legislaUve days gaiter their Introduction. The anthracite coal miners, who have been urging the passage of a number of bills In their interost lii iugh the legislature, yesterday B I le a final effort to set the BSnate ommlttee on mines and mining to re ;irt to th senate the three mining - .! that are still In that committee, I bis effort was made in the shape of s ott-T to each senator asking th:il the nmtnittee be discharged from further nslderatlon of the bills, lu order u nake th ir position stronger tbo legts laflve committee of the miners have a gted the members of the housi representatives from the anthracitt sl counties to continue to withhold tbqh Bupport of the Fox capltol bill ratll favorable action is taken on thoii jiliti. governor svw yesterday signed tbi senate bill providing for a submission to a vote of the people at the next cm eca) ejection of a proposed amendment to the constitution to substitute votlnj machines fOT'the present ?ystem. Harris bUTg, .June 7. The senate mei t i 30 o'( loch yesterday moraint; and rwmalned In session only 20 minutes aftiT WtltCll adjournment was taUei 'SBttil mstt Monday night. Hie Vbi capitol bill passed SeeOOi nsvaing yesterday In the house after H jtiad been amended so as to approprl ate A,M0,00b instead of " DOO.OdO tc auuDicte the building. The bill as II passed the senate appropriates $5,000, 000 and creati s a commission of five one of whom Bhall be a Democrat, to b appointed by flovernor Stone. Th house nemocrat are opposed to minor n j representation on the commission r..t an motion of Mr. llmig. of Schuyl jlA . the clause providing for the ap txfrntment of a Democrat was strickei ut. Harrlsburg, June 8. A lars;e nura ncr of appropriaUon bills were report ..fl i:. the bouse yesterday, mainly foi hospitals, By advlcs of the speaker the btUS tilspensed with the consideration r.r ap prurirtatlon bills requiring a two-thlrdi ami toon up for Imal passage suci ures as require only a majorujl rote The following ii"s passea nnai 1y: Appropriating 1260,000 to the stat. normal schools; directing the ttat treasurer to pay the trustees of th toim Mann trust $u:.r..33. erroneouslj . paid the commonwealth! providlni ur the acceptance by the com .oronwealth of the Lackawanna bos pltal, of Scranton, to be used as a stat' hospital and appropriating $90,000 foi rejialrlng and Improving the building Harrlsburg, .lime 11; A number o 'jills were Intro lu ed In the senate las nlj tit the first two Scott and Pocht ,Uhj being reported favorably fronr It toe a few minutes alter the I iced. hi I II Introduced by Mr. Scott, ot Philadelphia, provides that hereaftei mo letters patent shall be Issued oi eftatl any corporation be otherwise rented tor the construction of an ele rated or underground railway except the same .-hall be located upon, over under across, through or along . . . I - l.i..l lv street roaa or nignway iu .populated locality where the surface . !est 'I. nor unless and un tjj . ,., sity for the construction mr) operation of said railway shall have bi en passed on and approved by -t board consisting of the governor, the secretary r tne commonweaim uu (Lhe attorney general. The bill of Mr. Pocht, of Union, sup plements his act signed by the gover or last week so that any company Chartered to build either an elevated ...r an underground railway shall have i .power to build either an elevated or an underground railway, or both, over the coute described In their charter, hav ing nrst obtained the consent of local authorities. In the house Mr. Cooper, of Dcla- tutiro 'introduced a ioint resolution Tirclnr congre.-m to make adequate ap propriatlon to carry out the provialons f the act of congress estaonsning t-ue depth of water In the Delaware rfyer i sell uroofu os ich sobel war" Aecosding tzum Potni Mbhler mau ebts nil mis we unairtton an messi n !h bynfrI! i lias two streams of water feeding se' parator powers. The water from the, strongest stream i Mlddlecreek had not been used for many years on account of the dam being torn away, and the mill bad gone almost to total ruin, but aev eral year-:iii;o John H. Kaufftpan, the fruardian of the owners of the property, put iu the roller un ssand it proved such a success thai since Martin, oneof the heirs, took charge of it, he found it necessary to use all the power to ao comtlKKlate bis trade, ami it lias be come n very valuable projierty now. Y. 11. Uijiku suierinteods tbo work. elopement, Mnrder and Suicide. Chicago, tune tl-ule by sole, eacn wi,h a bullet wound in the tetnplo, the dead bodies of L. Hartman ami lib; wife were found In their bed at th Great Northern hotel last evening. Thi room showed no evidences of a strug gle, both lifeless forms were composed the covering of the bed well tuwkei about them, but the revolver clutched In the right hand of the husband told the story of the double tragedy. U U supposed that the case ts one of a ran awny marriage, with death aw ch result of despondency over the oh duracy of nn unforj,! vine fnther. It lias yusbt ba kaird eb ar sbtarbd, don i ar all rechl tor 'n front resarider sita mi ' Hhnmel. We long con 'union ha una lufl in de lungshnowfti?" Aceordingteu la-r; sbrifi, drl dawg un drl naucht war der Vohtie im wolfish si iiia-!(a, un we devj lish ecu ufsdrooka lond gakutod huS warder Vohne widdero. k. Do arrlcksltt menshllcb curiosity In der United Shtates is 'n mon in der i JaTsey, sex m slwataich yohr olt os In jallseim laiva ueamohls mUii hut. j Awer de Bevvy oontend oettelly Bhtory i nix sunslit is c 'n boomeriwl she leeg. Der naigsht subject for de8hllflel- towner debating society is de froke eb ! denienBhaobsbtommafuD le monkeys ; odereb de nonjwya b shtomma fun! tie melisba '.' Aeoording taufder law fusudernodoer sin tie j'rossa is storka t:teliKi'a bom ivver de kutina tin sLwavhu, un so is 's in tier patty polities. For com mon sin tie shliiMjrieha party grosetnei ler oh de baiglit olll-sa tllla tn nawma fun ler jrty de q-raiHlita tiw-n, os de Iienitentiary ivvcr tin ivuer fertleenetl ben, I'ii so gaibMe long os rn majority fun ioot mnihhHha and alrlieWileit in siata os se g'halmiriet t.u ram Ibhd, (EH m IPURE WHISKEY 5 fcl Vl Four Full Quarts Express Prepaid. Surcs riealen' Profifi.' Prevrn Adulte rations-.. OU OFFER: We Hill wnd four fuS quart hertln olnatner' 7-TMr-OM Doublp ( opprrl Distilled Rnt for S3.20, rprrs prepaid, shipped ' in plain petkaae. marks t indHnte con-l tent. if not teUetoctervl when re)ed, return its at our eiamae; e nmi return our Sach WMtUnmrtbthad elsewhere erhts lijn tS IlKrtfni-rf-tTq- T'Mr Nut'l ritnh.nRTton: Htntc Nat'l U.wjV, St. booisi or any t tke Ki. Cu'8.1 Tilt: HAYNER DISTILlINO CO., HAYNEfiS Bl LS-vflN 3tu ll ua a jt K t y . . . m T t. i Men's I ilnc . 2 ml lilnt-k Cheviot Suits, also Fancy Plaidl ami Stripes, re gular 4$7.0? values liere now at All kinds of Hats fur Men, Hoys and ohildren, rizes from t! to her now tit Sliirts tor Mei sud Hovs with and without collars, regular 75c values here now at $41 4& i BROSIOUS BROS. SUNBURY , PA. MlDBLEBURGH MARKET. 22( BB3O0 Butter.... Efcgs ( luioDs... Lard Tallow... Chickens. Furkevs. Shoulder .... 12 14 00 10 4 8 :o 12. AVluat 72 Rye Corn Oats Potatoes Bran per L00. Middlings " 1. 48 4.S 32 50 W 00 Chop 1.10 Flour per bbl 1 00 -Z32 W hst r lit M St., uiyitm, umo, -311 So. 8vert h St. , St. Lo u i h , Mo. WtuaranUrt aboTlrm will do mK are.-ED been learneti that the ileiul woman wai awer ytisht' tzU dot party ;t niisa 's Rose Le Sebre, a variety actress. The iputiy ticket shtisjima anyhoer. Ho long father of the dead man is saiti to be I TOieo)asadw,'h uf 'a majority wealthy tobacco dealer ia business fundeormn mr,r la,.uiw tlxvm ken New York .uty j M) ,ong ( j,s)ltn(.ri,i tonA by tie Railway Ordinances In Philadelphia, bead boasa, Philadelphia, June 11. Fourteen or Awer 's blelbi net inuner . Es con dlnances wen- Introduced in couocflilninuny long niii. !s 'n majority fun Irip l ri.-j;s weakness, exh.-uj.tir.n, nervoue r JUtratioiu: Dr. Miles' Ncrvira cures them. WANTED TBUSTWOHTHi MKN men to travel ami utlvertiw for old c-lalilislietl boaee ol aolid linaniial (tandtna. Sla:-y fiMn jrear ami expenses, n inyniie i eseh. No n i seeing rtileerl t.ive retataneee maeejeloaa irtf-addreenrr' mi JtSSff Doonoement in UUe iaati Manaeer. SIB CnatOU liMlT. I IllcaKO, -.-1S-1U. I TMLIMINARV EXAMINATION Fttl 1 PA7TNTJ GUARANTK.KP V J 1 kaToR MtlNK.y REPUNDEOI I HHE3TADVICt.,PK!)MPI,lA1Inrui I'.VKlf , i,rf irr rrtD nnnv n,i -nira v,iu I L i u i . u u u i t t i i : .. - tm a i n whim in i mil l-ll IUU 1 a . I HP II 1 IV 1 1 lUAjbtLI. I flLIB mm m mmm M t l mm mi m a- ni ii .up Rf iVarATCGISTEREU AHUIBJ t-use avKs-HCLi H LADE LPHIAJ Tliirty ll v yoars' Kputetlon ii bt Ilayner ! m-h ! ii u - Co.'m Seven Wn This whiskey is funiuu Ibe worWot hiKh OWalMfi WbUTi four f ill h6M line old (TikmIh. Set- particular Our Great Sacrifice Sale of t ol e mei yesterday, 13 of which asked frail chlses for rarlous street railway cara panics, the reruajnlng one provklint for the revoking of all privileges unuit ed to companies which have not taker advantage oi those privileges withlt th" time lix' il by previous ordinance The franchises wen- for five elevated roads, fteveij BUrface and a subway. A telegram from Albert I., .lohnson., ol QtevelamU was read, in which be snl1 he would in a short time submit or dlnances providing for three tnut fares, witii free transftwav Lowell, Mass., June 10. The head less and decomposed body of a younf airticha commcoa leit uf ' weoka un shtbnina ols Indepsodenta un frete AmerieawAisba menaer tor 'n iny wexel, uaidfuf inslstejos de pen itentiary der reeJtt pjots is br degrossa boss deeb, embssslen un hesobler. De vetzieta rule is ue- yusht 6 klaina un orma petty deeb in de Jaw ijHiie, awer de grossa os dausendaj uf amohl sbwindln Itenna sin for caflsmon o. U. 1 for de besbttt ufHssa un i-witsit. In der kaerrlch. VlV SOH WKKH WJaBRNNEK. The ItKklebcirv Swtleek. CLOTHE ll GENTS' Fill null This Sulo will begin on Saturday, May 25, will continue for 3if days. It is the biggest Bargain Salo you hav9 ever heard t. We have a large slock on hand which has no! been selling as fast as ve would like to have it Therefore we will keep on cutting and Blashingtil most vf the stock is sold. The stock is reduced from ?.o to 10 per cent. The Following are a lew ot tne many bargains woman was found under a heap, o I, n n patch of woodland Ii 1 All signs point to a lis crop this sa- f: i:i i 'day afternoon. Mur- on, the bet lies are plciittfht enough to der had b n committed in a horrible Mtisfy the constantly tecrealngmatitel fashion, for the head had been sepa for o,em andat the fawae time will Be rated Irtuu lh" trunk by a series SUIT To 15 YBS. slashes with a iiull weapon, meager clothing affords uo clew Identitj of the unfortunate. ol The to Vhl o o o o o Phlln wlnt r roll. r. 02. AS. GENERAL. MARKET'S. telphln, Jnnr 1ft. Klonr stndy: euporflnn, (3.100125; Pennsylvania Hear, B8.25;,clty milts', extra, Rye dull ui $2.75.90 it barrel. Wheat quiet: Xi. a rea, epot, launio, Com firm! No. 2 mixed, Hxt. Mt47e.; No. 2 vtilow. for local traoei 4'";- uate quiet and steady; No, 2 white, clipped, ! MUc; low trades, S0O34C. Hay dun; wo. i timothy, $W.M for large bales ueei teady; beef hams. ttt.fjO Porta strong family, I11CW.M. Lard tinn: vrvMfm teamed. Js' kWe poultry quoted ' i,ti .-. for hens. To. tor ejd roosters, BC ,r.rt for uprini chickens welghlnc 3 to 4 lt)s to the pair nml l.VuL'iic. for sprlim chickens welhln 1H to IU lb lo the rmlr I ross, poultry (fresh killed! at 10c. 1 ' ..... fc oo for ChOnTS fowls, te-jf. tor iu in'm' '", fi3n,:. for neurhy t.reiiers nun uv.uc i"r froien ehlOktmS! llutter nrm: creanear. 15ffl9t-.: factory. Uf14- ry. laWI'i'ae the nu an of brlngjlng hundreds of dollars to iho pickers and dealers on ail sides a.acres of lew green bushes, are thick with blooms, showlnc the larae croa that Istw follow. f'tiles-.i stiller pniee are matntained thSe year over these of for er years pJokersoi of Hie 1 times will be fewer tlsui eveo before. Iti'si.ltis nt-arlv- evervooilv will DC workapg ilurinjj-i'he berry Bsason and will .iil time i-iily to pick ftC'diiiUkbtie onhtawniptahp. Our $ 5.068uita reduced"to $3.45 Our Our ( ur JSuits feduoed to flUI.IHM'.N Our $1.25 Suits reduced to '."( Our 2.00 Suits red need to $1. !; 00 Suits reducedto 2.00 11 ii t 8.50 Suits reduced to 7.60j!Suit8 reduced to 2.25 4.96, loo Imllallon treani New York dairy, laVSM. fancy Pennsylvania prints Jotihlnn at 2.1c do. extra, me. Kkks quiet; New York and Pennsylvania, Utte.; western. or.i...l U'ul2'ie.; western, candled, it.n lMiUVic. t'otutoes quiet; York. BMfnaatMei Bermuda, prime un e-New Cabbages steady; Norfolk, per crate. W Me East Llbertjr, Pa., June W.-Cattte aaar ket steady; extra, I8.90; prime. KUO0 180' good, Is.404t5.60. Hogs acUve; prime heavy .10.12m heat mediums and good Yorkere.; Hght do.. S.06; Pigs, J6.0BI&6.10; aklpe, M.50OS W; rough, I4CS M Sheep dull and lowee: be weth- common to good, t0-); veal aatte. m 12a. S A GOOD THINS.. German Ryrtip is the special pre striptionof Dr. A, Boschee, a onle le it'etl German nhvsioian, and is ac ktiovvhnlged to he one of the most fort nsie disco-vflrit-H in Medicine. It ouiekly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lunfr troubles of the severest na ture, removing, aa it does, the cajse of the f ffeetion and leaving the parts in a string and healthy condition. It is not ar experimental medicine, but has stood the test. of years, giv ing Bafcisfsci f n m every case, which its rapidly iteaaing sale every sea son confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bosohee's German Byrup war introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civi lieed world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary congh. Price 75 ota. Get Green's Priae Almanae. MKN S I'ANTS- Ourtl.OOPauta reducedto Our 1.60 Panta raltim! to $1.00 Our 2,50 Pants reduced to )ur 8.50 rants reduoed to 1.76 2.50 42c ,750 Our 75c Umbrellas at OnL25 Umbrellas nt Our 2.00 Umbrellas at $1.50 Our Hats are reduced ! 60 per cent. YOI THS SI lis. Our 3,5I Suits red i M, Our 5.00 Suits redo ilto Our 7.00 Suits retlucc"0 ii' Our fiOcOvonills rctluci Our not; Overalls redoa yur otic ormng sj" Our 50o Drass Slmt- Our $1.00 Silk Bosom Shirjj flnr Kflo FineTit'S rCUUC ritir 9:w- ltittwt stvle O Knee Pants reduoed, 5 peffl Our latest i-iara are n '"" 50 per cent. u It will be to your interest to come to this sale, so one and all and be convinced. J'j'J aoJRUio'; ban m. i f. r.: Unfii , - ' " Mi) all but. bb5 ai.'siA 'r:r, Li.jb' Hd t. J'. tinu i , - " !,. :...,r. orir V0inlo3 - eas e . . KM e MWOieuuift - Katz i P.S. We will par half your car fare bv buying 10.00 wprth of goo- eat 30 tut at mean low water. . m i i "tirl miooi r s1H natrt noli a atiJl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers