PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. gmibury A Lewistown Division. In eneci rcarcu io, i. STATION. I4" 10 w It 10 10 MM 10 10 10 .n 10W ,10 47 10 u i II M 11 IS II M mi) hi: Huobury Sellnaarove Junction Mllnaarova Pawling Kreetnar Mr Middlebure; Banter Baevertown Adamsbara Reubs Mill M it' lure Wagrsr Hlnndlf Paialervllle Maitland 11 7 Lawlstown (Main Street. am r m so OS- M 04 S saal 4 as 8 40, 4SI 14 4 31 41 4 B 884 4I lit) 407 sts 4 m I 118 8 89 807 844 T 57 8 80 784 8SS I 141 880 T4S 814 75 8 18 781 111 7 810 i no, ar rive-. Hi WlliWlTnT 0 4on in ..iii..TiVH tirOOn in - arrivr-H at Sun bury b:io p in. : i..,.v.. i,fwlr.fowii lunation s u, . io 13 m. 1 10 P'ip m 3 i m. i mp "'. .. ah,..,. Pltubum nn,1 the Wen. .n. I Waal..niM,ill HIM a 111 Ml 1 V , . . . . Philadelphia A Erie R R Division tmnniRBN I'lNTRAI. RAILWAY WIBTWARD, . Inr.n Inn .1 , I : ffnr .i . . w , - . m m. it r i - - ... i.. stipi'iiry mm '"i" gawp.- ,, L'.l. ..n.I I mtiimlu Knlia ' r. f i.,rtk n.ivcn. Tyrone withe vi-i. lor Kenitvo umt Klmira v m n m inr nuiT'tiu ir buiuurtuiii, hi . .... . .. .. ' u tw ... .... 0 .-1, II, .van nn.l ... I I I,, ill llll oi n i" i - i - lu'l , KAHTWAKD. rrrtm" leAVC Seltniiiive Junction . in .1 ii i 1 v iirriviinc itt IMtil uiiInhl:i an jhwu ' ;ril'1iS ,IIM) ! o m; . . DT.aklfiarfAn u 'lit ., ... KT..,v . .. nn ... 11- .... 1- .1 i. - in 'IU u m Siiih 'i v . tn i.m rUTiv iirnvinir M rDlWOeipoia iwi . - ..i. a a.i ... in'lUWiiiiiliru It .In. . .''W i iii i it. ii, wwtBwwua 1 1 ii iii . Bit k tivn arnvitiu nt Ktil l.i ! ii prim ii m. n b i urn v ou i m, bwihii ' i iVinirliin T 111 ti ill pm ii Ulv, arrivtnff p&UaitelpWa 7 89 p m 1 'irK It': p III. I IHUHUI J i 1 hi, anu- llll DD, ir il irrihi-urn, Ih 1 linl el ph i k unl llnmrn I. R, WOOD, C.-n'l HnH Atccut liirrrlllNSitN (on'l .Mauiiirer. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LNua tm tk laliraalluaal Srrlra Ju 141, 104)1 Jnui Appran to Jaha. THK LESSON TEXT. (RavtUtloa 1:8-30.) I. I John, who alao am your brother, and companion In tribulation, and In the kingdom and patience of Jeaua Christ . waa In the tale that la called Patmoa. for the word of Ood, and far th aeatlmoagr of Jeaua Chrlat. 10. 1 waa In the Spirit on tb Lord'a day. and heard behind me a (real voice, aa of trumpet. II. Marina;, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the laat; and. What thou aeaat, write la a book, and aend It unto the seven churohea which are la Aata; uate Epheaue. and unto Smyrna, and unto Pernamoa, and unto Thyatlra. and unto Sardla. and unto Philadelphia, and onto Laodlcaa. 12. And I turned to ae the voice that tpuke with me. And being; turned, I saw sewn golden cantlleetlckit; 11. And la the midst of the, seven oandle rtU ka one like unto the Son of Man, clothed With a ifarment down to th foot, and girt uhout the paps with a golden girdle. 14. Ilia head and Ills halrl were white : like wool, aa whlto as snow, and Ills eyes I were aa a tlame of fire; 16. And His feet like unto fine brass, as If tiny burned In u furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters. 16. And He had In ills rlRht hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a h.irp ewo edged eword: and His countenance was as the sun shlneth In his strength. 17. And when 1 saw 111m. 1 fell at His feet as dead. And He laid llis right hand upon mo, saying unto me, Pear not; lam the ilrsl and the last; 18. 1 am He that llveth, and was dead; and. behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the ke) s of hi ll and of death. l. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which an, .n.d the thlngi which shall be hereafter; 20. The mystery of the seven stars w hich thou sawest In My rlnht. hand, and the seven golden ear.,!!, - ticks. The sev, n stars are the angels ol the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks whleh thou aa weal are the seven churches. QOLDBN TBXTi Jeaaa Chrlat the nine yrt-rdny, to-dny, and forever. Hell. I .lis. NOTES AND i ( i.m M ENTS. The loaaon can boat bo atudied iu three parts, us follows: CDBAS AMENOM! To the Piatt Amendment Rejected by the Cabinet. NOT "SUBSTANTIAL" COMPLIANCE C0MBINA1ION WITH THE POST l ., ,fir,, l.,.l,.ir emu i i 1 I 1 1 . 1 I M i r i o o i '.i . rn i i ( ii ii ri i : n 1 v 1 v nivv. mi x -v i m a t r i rn liieiSew lork iri-ceKiv in- .1 HI II I I t' 1 Kill 11111 Fir IS' 1 uciu in nu y uufJCa imi it i u, I h rn - n k v im niiltliHlittil AI itiifmv UulhuM, luit a, ..I I P;,U .al,a.U lsaVU .,rrT-,r . J enlka.rh.H .... ,lnt. ..I Dp-todatr laily family newspaper for blMv oeiinle. Iii' i'W iii'L ii iL- v I ii i:i'w the Midilli'lmro P:jt. one vflr. Il Hi -ii v i, sitilar VI V r The Wefkly Tribune la published on fhurMlay, and ffives all Important news I t un find wiir n ttm anAut r Muhln if New York T ri- Weekly World the Midrlleburg POST, one year, in advance, only 11.65. The Tri-Weekly World comes three llBf. B H.1 la ,'.11. ..I ...1,1. ' - j ,ii ,s (,:,, t,i, i, Iin I :....i I? - ai,t,iii,u i .i 1 1 1 it i , uiH year j tile Mi, I. lie I II I I'll- I 1 aBfll ollll tTfaflM 1 "HI) ' ' I H J y I in advance, 91.60. Both of above papers and the Practical ner iear Hook and Agrifii!- a 1 n-. l I ........ ,,,, 1 1.1 11 1 111 nce, only l.(i5. me 1 ruetual I'.irnier i one nf the Ih.hI 11.111 y,.ur !.., .. i, i, ,.tim e"K'-- ill wuion t i. . .. U i. fi.,.,1 ,.f ,. irmatipn i h o , i..i ... .1... . QPneeofthli boob alone 18" cents. neii.0 fear iik oroDT aj V men are otten careful to acold I Mtpenditurea of mouey. A well Wu PWladelphlajl, who is reported morp than a millionaire, walked the news stand in Broad street ion anil asked for a certain Boston m "How much la it?" he inquired. Meiita," whs the reply. The rich I Jingleil some coins in his trousers m "l really don't want to read plained. "i just want to e at the financial column." lie M the pu,.r to the desired pafie, P e3 quickly up and down the ns. and a smile of satisfaction W over his rugged features. Then '0,1 it up again and handed it I laJnig down a copper coin in f for his look. 0an has consulted a Kansas awyer about getting a divorce g husband because in his cob "oa with her he confines himself ' raonosyiiabie, "yea," or "no or S 8o. The attorney, gay, the rW iv loM t0 know Aether the suit, if he bring;, it at all, ground of cruelty. IndlgniUe. i0 provide. Aa certain m of talk is indlgpenaably neces I V man, n) thlnkfJ tho oe brought on the last-named o..n,e;er:"thftmanrtould at o k, 1 this to M the I aiCbUlarjr' B0 diTOro John Tells the Clrcumstanci Vision John Descrlbei the .Man ot 3-12 SI, ill Thi J Man hn ... of thu Vision 1 of the Vs. Ills VI- Vs. li-10 Ri assures Vs. 17-20 9, "John:" Called the Beloved. Author of the fourth Gospel. Broth er of .lames anil son of Zebedee, He nod James were called Boanerges sons of thunder, For years he lived at Ephesua, a stalwart defender of the Chriatlan faith against errors manifold. In the fourth Uospel he does not mention his own name. It is different in the book of Revela tion, as shown by this verse. "Com panion:" He had his share in that which belonged to Jesus Christ and to llis disciples, whether thtil he grfid or ill, glory or suffering, hope ile ferred or patient endurance. He was the brother of other disciples, and. by the grace of the Lord, of Jesus Christ Hlmaelf. "Was:" Perhaps during the IS'eronian persecution, but we have not certain knowledge on this point. "Patinos:" In being sent to rocky Patinos, perhaps to labor in the marble quarries, he was treated more leniently than many Christians of that nge, who sealed their faith with their blood. "For the word of God:" God is in all his thoughts and not Jesus only. He realizes that he has been God's prophet, speaking forth this Divine word. "For the testimony of Jesus:" He was true to the Saviour's com mission. "Jesus Christ:" He thinks nf the Lord naturally as Jesus Christ, the Messiah, in. "In the Spirit:" He was in a state of spiritual exalta tion. "Lord's day:" Elsewhere in the Xew Testament called the first day of the week. "A great voice:" .V voice loud, clear, trumpet-like, was heard. 11. "Alpha and Omega:" Omitted from the revised version. "Write in a book:" No doubt John was grieved because his preaching had been silenced. "Seven churches:" These churches were especially upon his heart. "Kphosus:" (Jiead Acts id.) "Thyatlra:" is of special Inter est as the home of Lydla, the purple seller, whom Paul found nt Philippl (Acts 16:14). 12. "Turned:" This de scription shows that the voice was an objective reality, and not imagin ary. "Candlestick:" The meaning of the Qreek word is lampstand, (Comp. Matt. 5:15.) 13. "In the midst:" Interest in them, "bike unto the Son of Man:" It. V "Like unto a son of man." "Garment . . . k'irt:" The gar ment and girdle are described lie cause they impressed John, They impressed him because they suggest ed the dignity and eminence of this Being. 14, 15: Purity, splendor, majesty are suggested by the meta phors employed by John (Ezek. t:!:2). 16, "In llis right hand seven stars:" lie was lending a message to seven churchM. He was standing in the midst of seven candlesticks. "Out of llis month . . . sword:" He who stood there was the Word, of whom John writes in the. first, verse of his Gospel, "Countenance:" Xo marks of weariness there now. 17. "Fell as dead:" Manifestation of divinity terrified him. "Fear not:" Jesus calmed his fears: as He had done on the stormy Galilean sea many years before. 18. "Alive for evermore:" He has the eternal life of which in His preaching He spoke. Wheat and Chaff. Too much pleasure turns to pain. A good resolution is a good thing tint il it is broken. The man who is afraid of his skin will never save his soul. The best proof of a man's character la taken in the press of life. Every church ought to hate a corral for the kleker to air his heels. A man's Interest in religion will be according to the amount of principle he haa in It. Usually a woman might as well go to hell to save the devil as to marry a man to reform hlo Bam 'a Horn. The Cubana Have Been So Advised In Unqualified Terms The Cabinet Un able to Reach a Conclusion en the Philippine Tariff Question. Washington, June 1. The president and the cabinet at their meeting yes terday decided that the action of the Cuban constitutional convention was BOt a "substantial" compliance with the terma of the Piatt amendment The secretary of war will convey this fact to the convention. The cabinet held that the amend meats and Interpretations and the wealth of whereases placed by the Cu ban constitutional convention upon the Cuban amendment amount mi to a prac tlcal modification of the Piatt amend ment such as beyond the power of this government to accept. The message of rejection sent to Geu. Wood advises tho Cubans in unqualified language that there is DO power resting, n the United States government to change the terms of the Piatt amendment, and that this government Insists on Its ac ceptance without amendment or quali fication. The Cuban convention is still in session ami the message of rejec tion was delivered to It Immediately. The administration Is confident that the Cubans will understand the exact attitude of this government and make a satisfactory acceptance within u reasonable period. The three main points in which the action of the Cuban constitutional con vention Is regarded ns unsatisfactory relate, It Is said, to coaling stations, sanitation and Intervention. The Cu ban convention took from the coaling stations paragraph of the Piatt amend ment its obligatory character and merely authorized the Cuban govern ment. In its Judgment, to allow the Uni ted States to possess coaling or naval stations. The United States will In sist on an absolute agreement to giant us these coaling stations. With re spec! to sanitation the Cubans do not agree to cany out plans already de vised, and In accepting the Plat! amend mi nt modify its provisions ho as to change them considerably. In the matter of Intervention our objection Is that the Cubans have so changed this vitally Important part of the IMatt amendment as to make our right to intervene an ambigioiis and doubtful matter, whereas we Insist on a straight, unequivocal acknowledgment of our right to Intervene when In our judgment intervention Is necesBary to assure Cuban Independence or a stable government. The cabinet was unable to reach any conclusions as to the Philippine tariff situation, as affected by the recent In sular decisions of the supreme court. Attorney General Knox will make a careful examination of the language of the decisions at once and ascertain their exact bearing on the tariff be tween this country and the Philippines. Ho then will state to the president and his advisers the powers now vested In the government in dealing with this subject. There was little discussion of this matter owing to the general lack of dear understanding as to t In real effect of the decisions. Mr. Knox iiiaj, ii-poiL urn cuiiciiihioiiii on ino sun Ject at tho next cabinet meeting and; probably also will discuss the results I of his examination of the opinions of the court with the president Individu ally. Meanwhile discussion of the i I of an extra session Is deferred, as conoid (ration of that question was regarded as premature nt this time. BOILS CARBUNCLES These unwelcome visitors usually appear in the spring or summer, when the blood ia making an extra aafort to free) i t , v. 1 - . v. . . i. , . . . . , i .. w iu..,, luipuiuici mil nave a. i uuiiuairu miring me winter maul as Carbuncles, whttji arc more painful and dangerous, come moat frequently on the back of the neck, eating great Boies ia the fleeh. exhaust the strength and often prove fatal. Boils are regarded by some people aa blessings, and they patiently and uncomplainingly endure the pain and inconvenience under the mistakes idea that their health is being benefitted, that their blood ia too thick anyway, and this ia. Nature's plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or tao thick , hut ia diseased ia full of poison aad unless relieved the entire system will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious interna troubles, which are only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develoa. liaay aa old sore running ulcer - i uuivci, is i iic muu ui a uvgieciea Don. Rn&Wgji KrcP the blood pure, and it will keep the e4W .fcjjj cjemr aH tj,e iting impurities that aaValfa cause these painful, diahguring diseases. mmOIBS S. S. S. cures bulla and carbuncles easily and permanently bv reinforcinp. nurifviai? and building up the blood aud ridding the system of all accumulated waste mattor. S. S. S. is made of roots and herbs which act directly oh the blood, and all poivins, no matter how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this power! ul purely vegetable taediciaa. a. o. t. is not a new, untried remedy, but for fifty years has been curing all kinds of blood and skin diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. It is a pleasant tome as well as blood purifier im proves the appetite and digestion, builds up vour general health and keeps your blood iu order. Our physicians have made blood und skin dis eases a life study write them fullv about vour case. and any information or advice wanted will be cheerfully giveu. We make no charge whatever for tins service. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. Addraas, Tho Swiff Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. Dangerous Carbunoles Mr. R. M Pratt. CaTe.g.C. writes: "For twruty years 1 was sorely afflicted ith boils and carbtaaalea caused bv impure b aod. It is isapSnv sible to describe my suffering; part of t lie time beiug unable to work, or sleep. Several doctors treated me. and 1 tried all the so-called blood remedies, but mHhiug seemed to do me any good. luritiK the summer of ilM I wss per sitatieiT to try S. S. s . and after taking several boltfes wm entirely cured, ann have had no return of these galaful pests up to the preieut time." SSS Not Ilia to Inuelre. "Uncle," said the dusty pi 1:: rim, "how far la it to Bagetown?" " 'ltotit a mils and a half," replied the farmer, "Can 1 ride vv it Ii you?" "Sartin. Climb In." At the end of three-quarters of tin hour the dusty pilgrim began to be un uy. "Uncle," he asked, "how fur are we from Bagetown now ?" " 'Bout four mil.' and a half." "Great grief! Why didn't you tell me we were going away from Sage town V" "Why diilnt you tell me you wanted logo thai'.'" -Chicago Tribune. The riiruiilleu 1'urt. Aunt Hetty W hat iu creation is tin use of these new-fangled individual forks and spoons? City .Niece (a follower of fads) Don't you think It's rat her nice to have things which 110 one else uses'.' Forks and spoons go into people's mouths, you know'.' Aunt Hetty -Yes; but, land Bakes, they all go into the same dishwater. N. Y. Weekly. No Need Io Worry. The mother was in a stulu of mind over her first born. When the father arrived, he having ret urned from hK daily labor, be found the mother in tears. "Oh, William," she wailed. "Willie Bays he wants to be a pirate!" "Don't let that worry you," was the consoling reply. "When I was his age my ambition was to be a policeman." Indianapolis Press. Then Mil- Departed. For two hours a fashionable lady kept the draper exhibiting his goods, and at the end of that period she sweet ly asked: "Are yon sure yow have sJiown me everything you have?" "No, madam," said the draper; "I have ye( an old account in my ledger I'll gladly show j ou." He did not need to show any more. Tit-Uits. Ocean steamer Endangered. Atlantic City, June 4, The steamer Reynald is in a dangerous condition, anchored two miles off this city. She was v isited yesterday afternoon bv i Capt. T. A. Parker, of the Atlantic City life saving station, who found her. as the result of the shifting of her cargo, listed at an angle of over 45 degrees. The crew had their effects on dock and the lifebots In the water. The first mate refused Capt. Parker permission to go on board and declared that the ship had not set signals of distress, As the captain partly got aboard a bulldog was set at him, In his Judgment the vessel is half filled with water. If help arrive:?, however, the steamer may be saved. Jealous Actor Killed Sweetheart. Chicago, June 4. Edward Forshay, of Kansas City, an actor and assistant manager of theatrical companies, la3t night shot and killed Miss Edna Stokes, an actress, whose home Is at Sedalia, Mo., with whom he was deep ly in love. The couple had engaged in a desperate quarrel a few days ago and Forshay is said to have beaten the actress badly, cutting her head In two places. When arrested Forshay said that he intended to kill himself, as he could not live without Miss Stokes' love, but that his nerve failed at the last minute. Two Killed, Twenty Injured. Wheeling, W. Va June 4. Two men were killed and about 20 injured, two fatally, in a rear end collision between two sections of a work train yesterday on the Pittsburg, Ohio Valley and Cin cinnati railroad, near Powhattan. The dead are Amelia Chan and John Met ing, white. Tony Werine and Barney Metzlnskl are fatally Injured. There were 28 Italians on the first section of the work train when the second sec tion crashed Into It i in- oft Answer, Ethellnda (who has been singing her new songs without a sign of ap proval from Felix) You aro so tire some, b'elixj you have no ear for music. Felix (artfully) Never mind, dar ling: 1 have an eye for beauty. ( Vnd ICthelindn was soothed.) Chi cago Inter Ocean. 4'linrui- IHniirnv eil. Benson Look here, that boy of yours threw tv stone at me just now, and barely missed me! Proud Father You say he missed you? l:, n , ui (angrily) You heard what I said, didn't you? Proud father Then it couldn't have been my boy. Tit-Bits, Forever Too l.nte. "How much did your baby weigh?" "Oh, dear! l),i you know, I'm so provoked! They forgot all about weighing the dear little thing; until it was nearly two hours old, so we'll never know."-rChioago Kecord-licr-nld. Method with Her. Jaggles Pva noticed that when your wife serves tea she always brings in the dishes herself. Waggles Yes. She is afraid of the servant making a bad break In com pany. Town Topics. Short Memory. Patience Do you know, when Will went to put the engagement ring' on my finger, he didn't roally know which finger it should go on. Tatrice Well, he must haon a very poor memory. Yonkers Statenmun. Ilaek from the War. Old Friend How did the camp en joy going to battle? Was everyone satis fied? Returned Soldier FaHh, no, sor! Phoy aven th' guns kicked. Chicago Daily News. Notwltk-ataadlaa-. "And when he proposed did you tell him to see me?" inquired her mother. "I did, and he aald he had seen you several times, but that tie loved me notwithstanding." Philadelphia Times. Not a Bad Argnaenant. "If a wife is a good thing to have," remarked the Observer of Events and Things, "why not get one weighing 300 pounds? You know one ean't have too much of a good thing." Yonkers Statesman. . RIDER AGENTS WANTED one in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE $10 TO $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1901 Models $10 to $16 '00 & '99 Models $7 to $12 500 Second Hand Wheelsco n en taken in trade by our Chicago retail Mores, afaJJ 1" PV uianv uikmI nu new We ship any bicycle ON APPROVAL to anyone without a rent dtpOStl in aat'UHCC and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. BUZ mi risk In ordering from us, as you do not need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. flft flT DIIV wheel until you loo,- written for our UU tlUI DUI PACTWV PRICES and mil Ikim OFFlll. This liberal offci tins never been equaled and Is a guarantee ol the quality of our wheels. WANT n reliable nersoii in each town to distribute cntnlngnea for US iu eiehauee for u bicycle. Wiite today for fi ix catalogue and our I pel ial offer. MEAD CYCLE CO., D?, 131) J Chicago. Bam tw we V llinlngraplird from nr.. IV f HiO ja rSta. the v.flaLVA 1 ' REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man 4 Ul VIC PRENOU XUB3VXmiD"V proclares the above results ln'30 da ye. It arti powerfully aud quickly. Cures when all others fall Itnasjasafl will ItSSta ttieir lost manhood, and old men will rorovor their youthful vigor by using REVIVO, It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, ImpotoDcy. Nightly Emissions, Lostrowsr, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and til effects of self abuse or cicossand indiscretion eblcta uaOta one. for study, business or marriage. SI Dot only enrea by starting at tho seat of dlseaae. but Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring lug back the pink Klow to pale cheeks and re storing the Ore of youth. It wards off fusaultj and (Consumption. Insist on having KM VIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. Dy mall 1.00 per package, or six for S3S.OO. with a post live written guarantee to cure or refund (fan money. Circular tree. Address Royal Medicine Co., JJS. For sole in Middl eburqh, Pa., t MIDDLEBl UGH JHWU Co. K now Ii-iIki the tsw, know the law, may bo right WANTED. Capable, reliable person In ev ery county I,, represent large company of solid (limn,- al reputation. ItWfl salary per year, pay ui, in weekly; f-i per day absolutely -one anil all gpenses: stratifl'. bona-ftde, definite salary. ,, commission; salary paid each Saturday and pense money advanced each week, STAND nu HO US K, a i:i Dearborn St-. Chicago. P O.BOX 594 HARRISBURG.PA Cubes all Doin n ano Douc Addictions NtWl 1 RlRNISHED NfW M AN Apt Mi Nt DR. HAYNE'S, (The Ureal Oerman8cieniit) improved Double Extract f Sarso parillu and Celery Compound Red Glover, Bnef and 12 Vegetables-, Runts mioI Hrbn. (no Minerals) contains DOUBLE tin Curativi h o! anv one dollar Medicine iu tlm mar ket ami lasts TWIG an long The greatest Rcmedv of the Age, killing all GEKMS, destroyed all MICRO BEH ami a sine and certain cure for KDNKY ami LIVER .lisas, s. Rheumatism, Nervousness Dyspe psia. Malaria, Constipation, Sick Headache ami all complaints aris iiiK from impure blood. Regular price SI -00 per bottle Itt or.., bu( in oi ili r to get it introduced in this sec tion we will stdl at 50 cents per but tle or I bottles lor 1.50 until furth er notice. I'd iiut wait, order now il you :ue ailing. The above medicine in used in EV- ' ERV HOSPITAL ami by "11 the LEADING PHYSICIANS in tin world to day, and highly endorsed Ly all. Address, AONAWK KEAE-DY CO. April 18-241. U4.tli:. V Y. RUPTURE Write to the MOHAWK REMEDY CO.. Koine, N. Y , nnil they will tell foe how you can cure your Itfl'Tl KK or II MINI A and the ONLY WAY thev can possibly be UDRBD. 1'ree l ehitrare- It will cost you but one rent. Don't wait, you will never regret it. April IS-Mt, WANTKI). Capable, reliable person In every county to represent large eoiniMiuy of solid financial reputation; 8U3A salary per year, pay able weekly; $H per day absolutely sure and all expenses- straight, bona-flde. definite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday nnd expense money advanced each week. STAND AUD HOUSIS 834 Dearborn St., Cb'-ego. 3-7-18 We, the ieoiile of ihc I'nited States, ore remarkable in our knowledge, tin- . dcr a Jiremitiipl ion of law. The law presumes that we and, though Mr. Humble n sa lug I hat the law ia an a.sH in its presumptions, its pro. sumptions control , is just the same. It is never an excuse to plead ignorance of (he law, for the magistrate who does not know the law, judges who give opposing views of the law and eourta that cannot agree on what the law is, will tell you that you do know (he law, because the law says that you do. 1"li is is very complimentary to tho layman. Just think, says the New York Herald, what we know under thi.s legal presumption. Besides the un written law that we have Inherited from the ages, we know millions of enactments; those of iti congresses, of our annual slate legislature be sides 50 Ot her slates and territories, if wo happen to be in them down toand including the volumes of enactments of our board of aldermen and our health department regulation-. You may go into the law library in the fed eral building, wave your bands over the tens of thousands of volumes and say: "I know- all this," and can then prove your statement by the author! ties themselves. Mr. P, s. Wakefield, tally ch rk of the house of represent atives, has prepared a list of a little we know that emanated from tho I-'if-ty-sith congress. Aceoriling to lii.s figures the house passed L'.L'nl bills and resolutions. If Ihut is an average, think what it means when multiplied by Si',. Then add to il the volumes of law s that have found birth in our leg islature, and the Intermittent stream ever llovving from that source, with which are mingled municipal laws and regulations. Each individual who has reached' the age of discretion is fold by the law that he knows tin in oil. At Wilkcsbarrc, Pa., a black art doe tor, locally denominated n Ilex, was lately called in to treat the sick cow of a local fanner, and immediately suggested that the animal would re cover provided a naked voman walked about it nine time and stepped ovel it, four times. These difficult condi tions were complied with by tho farm er's wife at her husband's earnest so licitation, the latter being probably less anxious as to his spouse's con tracting pneumonia than at the idea of losing a cow. Despite all this, re marks the Philadelphia Times, tho cow, unreasonably, continued togrow worse, aud actually died. There isn't much moral Io the Btory, but what there is would indicate that cows cost money in Wilkeslmrre, while w ives aro to be hud for the asking. Apprehension. "Did you say you foresaw- great dan ger in this new trust?" "I did," answered Senator Sorghum. "I was afraid for a little whie that I would aot be able to buy any stock in it." fashington Star. nonsrluht Hard Work. "I may as well tell you, doctor, thai I am engaged, and I have been sitting up late nights." "That ought not to affect you. It'i pleasure, isn't It?" "No, air; business." Town Topics.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers