TEE SUNDAY SCHOOL. UHOI In the Inlcrintlnn.l Srrlrj fol February 17, 10O1 The I.ord'a Sapper. for Infants and Children. Tin- K hid You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of ('has. II. Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over ;JO years. Allow no one to deeeive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jost-M-gOod" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S9 In Use For Over 30 Years. THI ItMtjlll COMMWV, TT MUSWAY ITWHT, WCW VOW CITY. : : -rwrsHitlfl WW f W TTf if If If ?II?f51?I?2f? ;?-. m ... it.- - . SB ill & r 1 A .En?-".: ... cir.-E . -, 1 j! A sfoB-Iy constntctcd brtph. n " ', nc wi.h ilmplt mcthoiv- I i .. i.ti n.fU . . I... Am im i.,Liinu - . . , -. . . ;; rr'. t, at a low price, I MACHINES. -W iMUZtranmi I . ,-t, I tm ., M a - , mm mm . . . . The pleasure of a Grttpbopbone U largely in ...! .1 rep your own records NVefurnUh this r..... u j. (ru ,htiiuui of vt y deiwrtptton, litis 01 .-' . COLUMBIA PHONOGRA PH CO rr. - .o aUHIIH H;:, i (a a ns5-1150jBroadway,N. Y. City IB , 500 REWARD We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill Xhey are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5 boxes contain 15 Pills Beware of substitutions and imitations, Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Cornet Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by Seld by MIDDLEBl RGH DRUG CO., HIDDLEBUROH, PA. Dyspepsia mmtltStimS wmm i v mm a lAat- Mm. m 1 WWW The Ideal trench Tnnh FOR BODY AND GRAIN Since 1863, Endorsed by Medlral Facul'.y immediate lasting efficacious agreeable An Am fin Uoealp, "Do you know, Tommy, I think mamma is an awful gossip," said Hib 1 "Why, Bob, you oughtn't to say, ueli a thing BR that about mamma." j "ltut it is true, for every aingts thing I 'in thai ain't good she goes r;L''it o(T Bnd t -: ; s pana." Philadel, tjlilu Times. Knoii inlicp Came Too Late, 'Tie come to tell you, nr. that the photographs you took of us the other clay lire not at all satisfactory. Why, my husband looks 'ike an apel" "Well, madam, you should have thought of that before you had him tiki a."- Tit-Bits. 1 iii Inaeernt'a Hint. "Did you knock when uu cam to-night V asked she. With a blUlh, th" s!y little thlriR. did. but why do you iisk?" said he. "nil. I thought you came with rlUK " -Plck-Me-Up. 1 1 ub nnjn'T mind. Hon to Care the .ri. Remiiin quit tly at bouin autl 1 ik Cliuiiilteilniu's Uough hVuiedy as iliieeted unl a quick recuvei v is sun in follow. Thai remedy com turactt. in tendency ol ilu- grip to result 11 litiouuionia, which is really the oaly seiiou" danger. Aimoi the 4ns dl 1 iiousi n l v. bn inn u ud if f.i giiii 1 ol one. case has ever b en n ported V,' '' ' ecover. For sale ul the Muidli burn I (rug Store. Buchanan, Mich , May 22 Gy iee lure Food Co., Le Roy, Wfi.NTLEMEN My mamma has " Kreat coffee drinker and has found it verj injurious. Havi ig !' iu1 i v- v''"'1 iwkiiires "I vein t.R VI N o. the drink that takes the place of coffee, she found t mucli oeuer 1 or herself ami for uschildrei lo driuk. She has sriyen ' n coffee itriDKing entirely. We use a pack age every w V, I am ten vetrs old. Itespect fully yours, Fanme Williams. Him' qui kiy Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is culled La UHppe" says F. !.'-.HVNV,u- ? Prominent druagist of Umliehl, III. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamber lam s Couuh Remedy. It broke up the col, 1 .,!ul itoppsd the couiihitit; ike maun', aud I have never since been troubled with Grippe-" Cbam berlain Cough Remedy can always ue unpennaa upon tc break up a se vere cold and ward off any 1 hreaten etl nttaek of pneumonia. It is pleas ant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these "'merits. For sale at Middleburg D ug Store. THE I.ES8ON TEXT. (Matthew 26:17-30.) 17. Now the tlmt day of the faat of un leavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto Him. Where wilt thou that we prepare for Thee to eat the passover? 18. And He said. Oo Into the city to tuch a man. and say unto him. Th Master selth. My time Is at hand; I will keep th paaiover at thy house with my disciples. 19. And the disciples did as Jesus h.nd appointed them; and they made ready the passover 20. Now when the even was come. He sat down with the twelve. 21. And as they did eat. He said. Verily. 1 ay unto you, that one of you shall be tray me. 22. And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unt j Him. Lord. Is It I? 'ii. And he answered and said. He that dlppi th his hand w ith me In the dish, the same shall betray me. It The Son of Man goeth as It Is written of Him: hut woe unto the mar. by whom the Son of Man Is betrayed I It had been good for that man If he had not been born. 25. Then Judas, which betrayed Him, an swered and SHld. Master. Is It 1? He said unto him, Thou hast said. 26. And as they were eating. Jesus took bread, and blessed It, and brake It, and gave It to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this Is my body. 27. And He took the cup, nnd gave thanks, and gave It to them, saying, Drink ye all of It; 28. For this Is my blood of the New Tes tament, which ll shed for many for the re mission of sins. 19. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when 1 drink It new with you In my Father's kingdom. 30. And when they had sung an hymn, they went out Into the Mount of Olives. OOtVDBN TK. XT. This do In remem brance at me. I.nke '22: lit. NOT1CS AND COMMENTS. On Wednesday of the crucifixion week Jesus was in retirement. Thurs day evening the passover supper was partaken of by Jesus and His disciples In an upper room in Jerusalem. It is supposed by some that this upperroom was in the home of Mary, the mother of Mark. It was in "an upper room" of this house where the Holy Spirit was mured out on l'entevost. The les son covers the following points: 1. Preparation for the Passover. Ver. 17-19. 2. The Approaching Defrayal. Ver. 20-25. 3. Institution ol the Lord's Supper. Ver. 2C-30. After Jesus had ended His t:Ik with His disciples on the Mount of Olives they went on to Bethany and remained there quietly on Wednesday and part of Thursday. Meanwhile Judas went to the chief priests and elders and planned with them to betray Jesus into their hands. On Thursday evening was the feast of the Passover, for which a great multitude of Jews had come to Jerusa lem from all parts of the world. It was held in the spring of each year, about the middle of our April, in mem ory of that night 1.500 years before, when (iod had delivered their fore fathers from slavery in Egypt, Read in Bxod, ' of the Lord's command to kill a lamb and sprinkle the blood on the door, and how the destroying angel passed over the homes of all who obeyed that command. So they were saved through the blood of the lamb. The PaSSOVer supper w;w not only in memory of the p-st. but to remind them of the future, of the time when one should come who would deliver them from a greater danger eternal death. Head in Mark MilM-lO of the strange manner in which two of the d-sciples found a room where they n ade the supper ready. Our lesson tells us how Jesus showed Judns thut He knew what he had done; and John 13:30 says that the traitor went out Into the dark night, leaving Jesus and the 11 faithful ones alone. Hundreds of thousands of iambs hnd In n slain that the Passover supper n'lfht be kept. Now Jesus. Himself the true Lamb of fiod, was to die the very next morning, that thus (iod for Mis wike might pass over our sins, There would then be no more need for the Passover supper, for its meaning would be fulfilled. But people forget so easily that, strange ns it may seem something was needed to keep in mem orv that wonderful event the Land) slain f ir us. So Jesus appointed a new memory supper to take the place of the old. This is what we call the ordi nance of the Lord's Supper. The death, the burial, and the resur rection by which We pass from the old life to the new. is pictured in baptism. This is the great confession of faith, by which we enter His church. Then the great truths of salvation through Ihe death of Christ nnd the new life are set forth In the communion. liiiml Fortune of III Fortune. Ii is idle to try to enjoy trouble, but it is rational to withhold judgment as to w hether trouble lie really the design of an experience that seems grievous. It has happened a thousand times that some apparent misfortune has given birth to a vast blessing, thus in the issue proving itself actual good for tune. Paul, for instance, tells in the Phlllppiana that the apparent calam ity of his imprisonment hns resulted in immense success und joy "So that ray bonds became manifest in Christ throughout the whole praetorian guard, and to all the rest." Full trust in the divine in the face of buffetings is warranted by many an experience, no less than by the wholly merciful quality of God's fatherhood. S. S. Times. May You may call on me, but papa always turns out :' e gas at Hi 30 o'clock. Dasher Thatfca.l right. I'll be sure not to come before that time. Chicago Chronicle. PARKER'S 1 nwmi vnn is m jim Out. kIp dmM a h.lT hi i ii r i iiT Sai it. tirnpra from minim. It is best to kill serpents in the egff. Dignity depends not on the task, but on the master. Moral diseases breed in the swamp of the impure heart. A man shows his character most often by what he laughs at. Love never worries about future re wards; it has its reward in loving. Job was willing to serve Qod for naught but God would not let him. No man has the right to say: "I have got to live:" he must live to say: l have trot to do rijrht." Ram's Horn Paki in Stomach Flatulency, sourness, xd taste, loss of appetite, a sense of weig A or fullness after eating, together with uneasiness, impa tience, irritability of temper, nervousness, anxiety, lost energy, depression of spirits, sick headache, bad dreams and sleepless ness, coma from weak and debilitated nerves. That kind of nerve have to be braced up, strengthened, invigorated and helped if you would have a sound stomach, a keen appetite and a cheerful mind. 'Every little noise would startle me and set my nerves to trembling from head to foot I got very little sleep at night and I could scarcely eat the lightest food with out having awful pains in my stomach. I took no end of medicine, but nothing helped me, and when I began with Dr. Miles' Nervine I had no faith in it. It helped me right away, and when I had taken seven bottles I was cured." Mrs. A. K. Johnson, Northfield, Vt. Dr. Miles' Nervine Brings back appetite, stimulates digestion, gives refreshing sleep to the tired brain, health ful vitality to Ihe nerve centers, and tones up the whole system. Sold by all druggists on a guarantee Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkiiart, Ind. POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES LEGAL ADVERTISING. hits for nearly sixty yean hcn ri'i'ggnlzed as tht Ptoptft'g Na tional Family N'wnpuptr, fur farmers ami villagers. Its bplendlil Agricultural Depart ment, its rrl.able market re ports, recognized authority throughout the country; itn fashion notes, its BolenCV and Mechanics DtpAft merit, 1 t s faxclnat ing short stories, ale. wsi rtndor it Indlspenanhro In every family. Ueuuhn Hll per year. In connection with Th Tribune we isbm Illustrated weeklies and agricultural j THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE tiuLllsheri on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Is a complste up to djte daily newspaper, three day in the week, with all Important news of the other four davit. Profusely illus trated, and. filled witu interest NEW YORK TRI- keep In c!ok touch with news TDIDIIllC of "! nation nn4 wirM. i L.IDwrlC It - k u lur aaltacritiou lirive, tfl -." -r jenr. ihi-w? who ilrcire i Mcura ihe b.-si nuiiiazincs. inirn, tba CoUoflrtSg inlaadld tndnoaguatsi With Rmtsr With -WteKly TM-Wnklr Prlca One Vtar. :..M( I. no I no I no I .no it.OO t no I .n l.OO I.OO 1.IM .'.OO .-..IH I. no it .BO ::.in 1.00 i .1.0 1.00 s.00 SO .-.no 1.7T, M t.oo I no .(M .no .!( .'t .T.O .no ..-,0 Trtbuse One TTtur. U.-..H l.oo I. no 1. m 1 no :i.m 1 ..-to t.'2r. 1 .98 1.10 IJM 5.00 .vnn 100 2. HO . iiJMI 1 .an 1 :it. Trl4iuiii Cue Year. S.v.-.o l.r.o Worth Amrrlrnn Ilevlew, Xev Toi-fc Cttjr... llarppr'a Muicaalutr, mv Vork CbSJI liurprr'a llainr, New lork L'lll... Iluriirr'a Weakly. York t u Century Mraliir, York City St. Mchnlaa ln kh i nr. New Vovk It) .Mrt'liirr'a Mas-axlnc, York Itx- ..... Frank l.t-allr'a Monthly. Kew k orl. (ity... luu.f)', Mnicazliic. Ni v kork Cliy ..urrraa, York if. I.i-ilarr Monthly, Sen York ' i I i'urk, Kew York t'llj Juuur. NtVI York t ity l.t-Hllt-'n Yt,-rkly, . ork City... Hrvlen of !-vlrva, NOW Vortt t.:i Srrlhnrr'a Mumiin.-. N,mv YorU i( Amrrlrnn ABrlcultnrlit, vi York Klty.. Hum 1 Tdrker. Sev York city onuiopoiitiui Mau iihir. Iitvluvton, . . Ciuntry Chtsnlcmaii. Aluans. ,N. Y....... I 11 rui Jonrnnt, efctladMpDlc. I'rtin l.liilnrottM Miiituziiic. I'hlladelniita, L'cnn Y'outh'a Compnnlon. ItONfon. Mann I'.'irui mill llouir. Bprtna;fipd, ViiNa Sew Kniclnnd liiimi'Ntrnd. SprlUKOald, Mass t.iiiul Ilonarkr-iliii:, Snrliiulli'lil. Him,,,, I'nrm, I I1I1I iiikI I insiilf. t hlcastf. III.... Oriinur .luild Purmrr, I hliaito. Ill Mm F.oltonilMt. InillfiniiiioIlM, Iml ,50 umo runner, i iveinnii. i)hl Mlehlicnn Fnnner. Iletrolt. Mieli Furm 11 ml Firexlile. Blirlncflrld. Ohio... Furin evn. Siiriiiuflehl, Ohio.... Hume unit FArm. LoiilMvllle, Ky The runner. St. I'mil. Minn Trlhnne Almanne. 1901 Plaua send cash with i.riU-r. ThOM wIshliiB t.i ub!icrl!.- fic m ire tl an une ,,f iho ahorc publlestloni In connectlun with The Trtbuuu ms Kinll xl uLUalicr' regular rnres. AddEaSS THE THIUi Ntn-Vark Clfy. -no I .no B.tMl . . I no 1 .'27. I .no I no 1.2T, I. no I .oo I .no I . no I .no I no I .no l.lO 4..il I ."ill 4JtQ it.no I ,8 I. 83 II. 00 l.rr. ilso r...-o I..-.0 B. i r :i.im) l.sr, 1 .7.1 i.iut 1 BO ....-.ii it. DO 1 Wl l .sr. l .OB 1.68 l.H.-, 1.80 l.il.l r.os l.BO i .no lJ w Courl Proclarriatian, W'HEKKAS the Hen. ttSrOld H. Md'lure " Praddtnt JudRt o; the Judlolsl DistriM, -iiii--.i f th eountlap ol Bnvdar. jh.i I'Dlon ami Pstsf V. Rkeale and Z. T. liem Mrllng.EM)i.. Atpuolata JiiAgm In and inrSnj--dtr oOUStV. hsvs Isf USd ihelr piteaiit, hvarliia ilate thiriotli dS ii l)er A. 0., IMS), hi me dlrMtad Hir ihe Imlilina man i Irphsnf1 I'ourt. a iMiurt ol Sotsmon Ptaas, i-aart ol Ujrtr sad Ter Ullnsf anil ileneral Court Mu r' r Sjalfloni ol ihel'iMi-e. at Mi Idleliuntb, lor the aount "I Saydor. on tin fourth aonoajr, flMlng ihe Mth day ol Pib. ami t continue out wstk, Notion li tin-i. lore berth twu la he Uoron tr, Juitlott of tne Peace sno) UonMsblei n ami lorthe eoantt ul Snvihr, In appear In th, ir proper ptiaun with their row, reourda, Inqalal-iion-, ssssitostloni nun n?her retneuiDranoei Ul do tbun tblnK winc h ol limlr nlOoa ami in their liehnll par tain to he done ti.d srilnamaa and paiaonaproseeutiiiKln sehsll ol the L'oui nweslth awninil mi perasaoritrainara ri'. ijiilrod tu lie then and rhora atteiidtu Slid ile purlins witlouii leava ai then nail . .futtleei are reuula. to he punctual In il,n alte alanoa it the apNiliiled time aaret hl m notice. til veu under ui.i hand iiw Sfnlat the HherlfPi nfllee In Mld lleiurtth, the .Tith dsv olJon A. UnOiie tllonssud nine huadrwl i no. ii. w ROW. shiTiit. rrflDOWS' Ad'PltAISBMKNTB -Nolioe I " by given thai the ftnwwtng wi.i.r The New-York Tribune Tbe LEADING N VTIONAL REPUBICAN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly ipto ilate, suit always, a tt00h siivucate ami supporter of Ropublican ptin iplet, will ctititHin the tuosl toliable news of IHE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. nrlurlinc tliscussintis, correspondem-n and spi'pohes of tln it1 lost potiHoa eaders, brilliant editorials, reports from aU sections of iho land sbowine irogress of the work, etc, etc. sod will commend itself to the careful leiutiul ol every iboufrhtiut, iutellii nt vottrs who hit the true interests f his country at heai t. 1 is Uere- nws' An. pruuteuieuM unaeriunssra law, nave heen ti -,t with the t'lera ol ilieorinns' fJouri of Snyder count) for con nrmnt ion IVb.stb, hoi. I, Appraiaement of Sarah. E. Steely, widow of. I .1 .-tealy. late of Weal Besver lowimhlp, Snyder Ceunty, in., deceaaed, elected to in taken in dee the tit Oe eraptlon law. -' Appraisement of Unrbara r. Oensler, i liloiv of Samuel V, Ueugler, late of Chapman iwnahlp, Snyder Co Ps , looted to be taken J dor ihi' 30 exemption law. Prothonntiir.t n AeNnStli Tht full awing accounts ill he preaentcd foi conflrmatlon, Monday, Ptbttiary 38, lUOl. 1. Pirat and tinal account of the Sunbur) Truatand -afe llepoait Ooiupany of unbury, in guardian ami truatee of Ca iherina ut, widow of Henry I ti deceaaad, .'. I'ir-t ami Dual eaaount of 8. J, Paoker one of the trustee of Jsmea K Davis, 'r. ii. M. SKINDBI,, Clerk Middleburg, Pa., Jan, 118, 1SU. lew Tort 'riliaiie Publlthd Moiitlay, Wttdtifxt tiny And Wldeiy in m ptalUva Unt. trash, rvrry-itSlicr-ilay I'niiy, rjtvlng tl latt-M newi on dnyi c f ifuMjvt nd covering nBWj of thr other tbrM It contains all iniDortiint ffin-iirn war and ther cable nawi which appcan In THE DAILY rRlBUNEof mmt date, ai-o Uomcatia and 'on'imi Cortoapondenou Short 8torls Blegtanl lalftonc Uliastrationa, Uumoroui Itama. In in-trial nforntatton, Paahlon Nti", grlcul ural Matter andCoroprehcntlTe and Raltable Financial and Market hvh Kegular smhecripUon price, lltAO pet year. V furnlih it with the Pom for HU8 per yt-ar. ! New fort . TriSuue ' newt of tmi TOltig ti pit' Publlebedi on Tbuiwdajf and known for nearly a sty rears) In every ,.uri f the LTnlted tftatei an a NatlonsM Parnlly Bfewipaper of tin1 ii'ui't si clase if farnMrn a tnl viDui.or-. It Contain! all t h e uiM-i Importssnt genentl DAILY TIUBUNE up to hoar of i, 1 1. 1 - cnt'irtaiiuiiK rfiulintr for eveiy meinberof the family, old ami younff, Market Heporta whlohamaoceptod aeauthorliy ly ! ,i nit -; - a ml i ountrv merOssBatai and i Qfean. up to date. interettiiiK una tnntructive. I'-!nr h ubseri tion priee. 1 1 M mt year. We fu.iiittti it with the POIf for f t 1 - p r year Send all orders to the 'Tost ', Middleburgh- Pa. liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments - ""' Remember H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY EINCiKOYK, FA. Only the Oldest, strongest Cash Companies, Eire, Life, Accident ami Tornado, Jo Assessments NoPremiumNotes. The Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1810' Assets $11,055,513.88 H(nie M " 3853 " 0,853,628.54 " American M u " 1810 M 2.400,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. am i ISTBM'a si ITICES.- -Hotloe is hereby u iv en thai the following named persona liavt n fd their Adunulatrators, Quradtan, and k -irutors' soooants In the Register's office of Sny der Oounty, and the laais win he presented for c inllnimtlon and allowance at the tVnirl Douae In Middlrburgh, Monday, Ifcb. 1Mb, iul. 1. The llnal account oife. II. and II. (' Hoar, er, executors of I'has. Hoover, late of Pann township, deceased, 2. First and final awoiint of AmbroeS B. IN-ter, ailminiHtrator of Henry J Pstar, lute of West Heaver lownsltlp, ilevvaseil. 3. Fir-t ami final ac.iunt of Charlea-Fry, eseeutor ol the last will ami testumeut .if Hsn. ii. iii Dial us, Ists of Jsoltssn township, deceased. i. Final account of J. O. Uornbirger, ex ecutor of the estates of susan am! Micliael Qeur hart, at. of iiit PerrrVtownsblp, deceaaad. 5. Ptrstand partial socoant of amnion V. Purevaan, admlulatratar of Bllaa Pure man, late of Adams township, ilaevascil S. Account of m, f lloweli. Guardian of Minnie, William D , Urie A. ami faille i raw ford, minor childremal Lewla Crawfi.nl. lute of West Beaver township, deceased, he Llsxie L Uewell, edtn'i of, Wm. F. Howell 7. Aeeount of Wm-F. Howell, truatee of Wm. II. HaiiioKanlnur, lUed hy Liaale I.. II .well, ail mlaastratrls of tia suui Wm, F. Uowell, now lot eased h. Plrttand flnaasccount of T.lssis L. Uow ell.adm'x of rt iiw F iiuwc-ll, lati of liVeal Ilea vsi towuship, daeeassd, 19. First ami Rsjal aosotint of Wm A. Pither fiiunlian of Cai n i- A. lhiyer, la'.' Carrie A woodruff, one of the children ami heirs ol I Henry VVooilriUf, lata of I'enn lowssibip, dee' I J. II. II. LIS, KeBister. Jan. M, 1(01, Notice o' Application fot Charter of Corporation. Notice la aartLy given that an applicai i i vili benaada to the (ton.it. U. MeOlure, Prosl deni Judgsr ol the Court of Common IMeas ul Snyder County, on the ilSth ' ay of Pobruary 1901 loraehsrter ol a corporation lobe called tin- Reformed Uburch, Hiddleburgh, l a , of i he l 'lilted .states of the i teneral Syno.l ; the Qtiart er sndobjact si which are tbs worship ol al mlghtyOod looordlngtothiefslth and discip line of the llenural .synod iutlte ITttlted Statti of Ametlaa. Jacoh UILBi BT, J.iu as, luoi. .'it. Solhritor. For HOLIDAY PRESENTS For EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits l ne lamp mat ttoesn t nare up or smoKe or caitse vou to use bad laiifruage ; tlio lamp that loolta giaal wliea you cet It and stars good ; the lamp that you never will UUflv imrt with, once you have it : that's the ew Rochester Other lamps may be offered you as "Just aa (rood " they may be, In some reapecta, but for all around good ness, there's only one. fAe Xew KochriCer. To make sure the lamp offered you is renulne, look for the numa on it ; every lamp has it. (300 Varieties.) Old Lampsi HXticle New. We can fill every lamp want. No matter whether you want a new lamp or sfoot, an old one repaired or refh Lined, a vase mnuntedor other make of lamp transform ed Into a New Rochester we can do It. Let us send you literature on the aiihleet. We are SPECIALISTS in the treatment of diseases Lam ts. Consultation FUbB. THE ROCHESTER LAMP OB., 38 Park Plae A M Barelsy StJ. lew Vork. V3 ADM lNlSTKATOU'S NOTICE Ut ters ot Aduiiolstration in t"r Batata of Wm, Leach, luic of Chaaman twp . Btljrttol eonoty, I'a., dee'd, having been gvautl 1 to the ttudarsianadi 11,1 psrsoas'kraswlng them selves Indal led to. said estate are reiiit'alvl In mske Immediate payiuant, while those having calms will present Ihsiu duly authaiiliiatiil to the undersigned. Hi I. PO I' i Kit, aRORQI LBACH, Attorney. Admin iitrator. MiddlchurKh, I'a., .lan. St, I'JOl. Atlmiuistnitor's Sale of Valuable IlEAL, ESTATE By virtue of as order ot sale Issued out of tVu Orphans' Courl af Snyder County, the nndsr igned, admml.t'Btor of the attata of WllltsSl Leach, late 0(1 hapmaii Township, Snyder Co , I'a., deceased, will, on Monday, February 18, 1901 at ahoiit oxa mile eaat of lioffer on IW road leadinic fruai lioffer to 1 ort Treverlou, iu huiil tow-nship ef chapman, offer the folloSinK de serlbed real estate at public sale : TRACT NO. 1. A tract oft acres and 8 per. chos situate in sain township of Cbaimi'm ad joining lands of Levi A. Shaffer, tieorite A Shaffer, l'cter K Sights, Benjamin Moyer and others. TRACT Nt. 2. A tract of 8acres aad 110 per ches situate in said township of Chapman, ad- Saoi nK lands of Fliilip Mover s estate, Stephen . Arnold, Benjamin Moyer, Catharine Arnold. Levi A . Shaffer and othera. Both these tracts are in a good state of cul tivation and are desirably located. Rale to begin at 10 o'clock A, M. of said day when term, and conditions will be mode known by OEORQB I.KACII, I. B. LONOACRE, Administrator. Auctioneer. TJIOR SALE A firsts lees 28 barrel roller mill -K with good water power, at a bareain.r or particulars inquire ofP. H. RAUCH BjBa, J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers