y. St)eldor) 11 HI ..ll...- I till,. r Mil lr,.n.;..lAr VOL. XXXV JUJtfS - S Si I Yin' ' ; : rr-,7 n LUCIU LKKM UtWHItj Eg J . . .i.l . rl, ,t Pvn. aLi..j.it. m i u' IH'Xt term oi tniiii i-oiuhiit i i t i i ....... i . lie nieiiim-is "i i i.. i .1 I,, I Ihe l.n'i s -UlUicr MIIUl.'lV imh ti Win. Rnvder ami wife of ....1.....1 it fiirtiiio'lv 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i - nlncc. ii iirnici . I,., tn-oimti nun saw ins snmum , ami i means, according to the adage, more weeks of cold weather, , ' SI I I.I .-. . uwecs inim ii , ...I Win II. Wine. Dimdore. inn. .." - - - i ANTED. 1 nree grown ginsiu worn ILIIIIK mum. ' I'll .n ...... ... Main Shoe Co., Limited. nit Sale, 26 acres of frond farming .1 EVa, ...n't Innlaeo moiiifc nt Mi 'i. i ' i " E. Arnold, 106 Kensington Sir,et, Cleveland, I . L f -..1 1 1. Mrs. Braytox, 1. I ..It lt..M ,. I'.. i.i v.,tii,-,l.n w?is Snvili'r ('nimlv The Republican Standing Com u " , , . 4 .. i. 1 r.. . i . I'l II ' I I St 1 I'' I 1 1 IV I I ' I ' I IMNN I I I I III I Hill 1 im-SCS. party of young folks Includlng'the 1 11 1 !.... , 1. .. ride to Adamsburg Friday nighl bannueted al Btahlnecker's hotel. in' .'unmors n'pnn in rcccipis ami i n es 1 1 .ii i iir i i ii 1 1 1 1 c 111' I I IS I I II I Ii Ml III ' I I I 1 , II luged, and Misses' and children's ,miii"-, nun mis :n 1 1 in n ii iiit'i 1 1 r- Drices. tf. lis Brother's Keeper," by Rov. don begins next week. Ho not tlw opening chapters. Vou en- . whv mil tell vour neiirhhnni nlinn! xmlng story and lei them enjoy to A. E. Soles for ii smooth easy e or up-to-date hair cut and head -i ll will, .1 HafMalitnn nUi .... ruff removed with his tonic, a n i'"" " towei to c:n'U patron, farior m building, one door east of Post- Satisfaction guaranteed, if. Bargain! at Garman'i til- frflPman Ml Plnapanl s is offering a new line of ladies i".tl millinery goods. Men's 'J.i cents ,'iiwl Oiiaanauram nt i piece. l -Ti-.)m Select Your Date. ' "ii" iiiimisc in native sine uuuug spring snouia select their ..j .... injoDiutl .inn mill n in 1 In the Post's sale register. The Ls cm- i- .... .. ..... ! 1 .1 1 l :. :.. will lie inserted free in our sale r If the bills are printed at this ai DaiiuaKrove. Alexander McLaughlin, of ' i ossisieu i i.v HOY, jollll in i . . i ' i i i, . ... i v mis. i . .HCI.at L' I III. UUMMMa O ' ' ' lluriiec's Farm Annual. yt'ar book for 1IHI1 of W. At lee iV l u i rt i wvv vjiiinns. i iniiiiii'i- """i I'll OC.HK. 11 lu until ... II... "I'll 1 I'll I Mill 1,1 Ii. .-..Ii ..I K . r ii ... ivnui in yfi ii i in ri 'i ici 1 1 1 'i l success growth and sale ot nil kinds of .v iiunci seens. 1 lie OOOK us 220 pages, each of which is j em icn will! (leUillciI n- - "...enuiijr lIu.ir UUHIIICHS V..M...... II. . ... .... "I me duaniy oi lueir - int engraving or sucn order that one imagines he can te the luscious veireUbles n - me iiHiHiratiotiH ana so er valuable information that In 1 1 "ot even in a general way give the largest divisions. The be seen to be appreciated, for the asking. Ir)tcresbii)6 Storv, Hi Brother's Kppper 1 yn v SNYDER COUNTY'S CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE. The signature above is a r. -production of his hand writing and puts to (light ths fats? statemint that hi can nM write, TURKEY SUPPER. Ten of Miss Jennie Charles' must in timate friends of Port Treverton held a supper in her honor on tf. Market St., in Port Treverton, Monday evening, .Jan. l'si ), The slipper which was served al lOiUti consisted of many of I lie delicacies of I e season. After supper, tin- evening w as spent in playing numerous Inter esting names, rendering recitations and solos. The guests returned home al a hit hour having pronounced it the fete i if the seasoni Those present were Misses Mann- Arnold, Maud Charles, Carrie and Lot tie Keicheubach, Messrs. Harry ami Edwin Neltz, Win, Keidle. Eraiik 1 ouer ami .lames Neltz. MILITARY ENTERTAINMENT COURT HOUSE, MIDULEBI RC Thursday ami Friday, February n ami 22, An Interesting military entertain ment will he given Under the auspices of dipt. ;. w. Ryan Post, ;. a. r. No. 804, for the benefll of the .st charity Eund. Home of the interesting features are : Short Lecture, Prof. F. C. Bowersox, on Washington. Three Interesting Drills by the Lady Cadets of Mlddleburg. A Drill by the Veterans of the Civil Wat. A Drill by the Soldiers of ti e Spanish War. Drill by German Recruits by .1 Pi Smith. Banjo Farce by 2 Cork-colored Gentle men of Mlddleburg. Entertainment will be Interspersed with Instrumental and vocal music under the supervision of Prof. Itill- hardt Admission, reserved seats, cents. General admission, 25 cents; Children under 12 yean, 10 cents. Doors opett! " P. M. Performance, 7:80. i. C. GuTKLIUS, J. C. St'liocn, J. N, Bo was, Committee. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RVHBKHS Fkrmer'i Felt Boot 87o Man'H Rubber Hooto t.75 Men' Rubber Shoe 2tcup Women'! Rubber shoe 28c up Child' Rubbor 8hoea gOe up LEATHER Men' Hhooa S8c up Boy' Shoe. aicup Ladle' Shoei Hi up BOONOMCIAL 8HOB BMP , Sunbury, Pa A Famil) Journal, IVvnteil to Xewn, Science, Art, Political Economy anil Cut rem Literature. MIDDLKIU I ft ; 1 1 SNYDKK COXJUtar PENXA. YKIWIV A SIIA.MOKIN DAM. J. ( K l',i Ijji r an 1 wif, of Salem, were seen in our vicinitv SuiulaV. S II l i nil I i nil',. .. Snnliiirv, were visitun in our iliic!. in. Snyder uml will- were visi torsut liliumsnorl over Siiiuluy. 1 1 a it) ( 'oryell, a stutlciil id' Uuck- llcll, litis luili oil the s'i'l list. Mis. Sutliu Kenn, .i, ho hud Imm 11 visiting fri otitis ami relatives for a few weeks til Williumsnort, return ed llolin last week. Mrs. Fruiik 1". slu r is mi the sick list. .Inim Michaels, of Sunbury, was seen in our viciuih Stindav. TEACHEIW' INS1ITUTE. Sutiirduy morning session optned at now Ma Teachers Kncourage Euch oth.r'.' I,v Hurry I. Fisher. The discussion occupied the en tire morning session ami was ably handled. Sutiirduy uiternoon session opened at 1:30. The Development ofun Idea, by S. M. Smvser. The Value oi Local History and Geography, by lia M. Sanders. Toe Kinds ofKducation and I low to .Attain them, by Prof. Win. N'oot- ling. Saturday eveoiug session opened at 7::i). Recitation by Algie Lamberson. instrumental Music by Harry Corv- cll, Minnie iind Annie Fiss. Next was the discussing of the topic, "The Demands of the New Century," by Prof. Win. Nm-Uing. instrumental Music by Minnie and Annie Fiss. The borough Democrats, nominated the following ticket : Judge of election, Harry K. Specht; InsKctor, Joseph Clelan; Justice of the Peace, A. Francis Gilbert; School Director, W. I. Gar man; Town Council 3 years, Aaron J. Crosgrove; 2 years, Amos C. Rauch; 1 year, David Stahlnecker; Overseer of the Poor, N. P. Hare; Assessor, W. C. Snyder; Auditor, Boyd H. Stetler; High Constable, F. M. Specht PERTINENT PERSONALS RJi -"A.-.h-i' 'i'- l- ! Mis Mn.ie Heaver Is visiting W. 1 Dagie'sat Heavertow 11. Bdjman T. Cawley, of Kaulz, a among our visitms Saturday Miss Mabel ( irimiii, of Sunluiry, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. QoX. V Waller and S. S. Walter made a business call Saturday aflei- II (Hill. Rev. D. K. MeLaiii is eonducting services every 11 ight in (he Lutheran chuixh. Misses Man and lt. -ii- Dauhernmn, of NfW Berlin, are (he L'uests nf I. II. BowarSox's family. Prank P. Pine, of l.ewisbiirg, U have aseed potato sale al Selillsgrove. See Sale Register. David BicUhart and Mr. Shatl'cr, of Pallia, Balled at Ihisollice last week to order sale lull- I'm' I In- l-t '. II. .1. Helser ai d -hi, Arthur, of Shadetj were anions our callers Sutur lay. Harry i- still a lull llledged Deiu icral. Mn II l Viii-iiiiI in,, I Mis I .i.vl I Levi Auraild of K reamer hroiiuht the it's daughter, llerlha, In town day. Li. Li. JHOWersoN, ot MlainoKin, ami Ellen Weirieh, of l,e Man, Iowa, rah led by letter, Monday al'iernonn with iviuitlaticos. Thanks. Phares Troup, of Pallas, and A. W. Row, of, Salem, and W. C. llilhish, of Kreeburg, each dropped a dollar in the slot for the Pc sr Saturday. Hon Samuel H, Grwig, of Lewis burg, e;vi of the candidate for Presi dent J idge in Cnion county, was at the OOUDty seat Saturday. 1''. A. Portline, of Melservtlle, was in town Monday to orrer sale bills for his personal property. lie proposes to movctoOtla, Newaygo County, Mich. We wish him and his family abund ant prosperity in their new home. Aaron Hummel, of Kranklin town ship, came last week ami again enroll ed his name as a subscriber to the Post. Mr. Hummel found thai life was rather lonesome wit hunt tin- Post to Ive him 1 he news every eek, c. M. Showers and Dr. .1. P. Kami well, of Pen nse reek, Win. E. Daglcund P. E. S ht, of Heavertow n, Dr. C. G. Smithatid Win. E. Stahlnecker, ( Adamsburg, John S. Meiser, of Globe MilN, and N. P. Iluiimiel.nl' K reamer, were in town Saturtla nigh) attend ing .Masonic Lodge, Emanuel Yergerof Sliauiokiu Dam, who has been in the employ of elem ent's ferry for many years, was ai the county seat Mondayi Heis mi a len days' vacation visiting his relatives throughout the county, lie renewed the Post while here ami showed his appreciation for a good paper. TREXI.ER'S ST0UE 31ft Market Street, Sunhury, I'enna, Low prices on Muslins, Ginghams, Shirtings, Tiokings, Prints, iess Goods, Blankets, Comforts. "1 Dales Cnbleached Muslins, II, .1, (JJc. 3 Cases 44 Unbleached Muslin, 5c, Oc, 7c, 8c. 2 Cases Lancaster Gingham, 5c per yd. "iIiiki Yards Men's Stripped Shirtings, He, 10c per yd. ,'toOO Yards Dress (iinghams, oe per yd. 250 Pairs (Jrcy Blankets, 40c pair 50 Pieces Outing Flannel Shirtings, 5c K;r yd. 75 Pieces Indigo Blue Prints, 5c yd. 12.") Comforts, 75c, S1.00, (1.25. 50 Pairs Horse Blankets, 80c, 75e, fl.00 1 Ton Carpet Chain. 10c, 18c, 22c. 10 Box Cotton Batts, 5c, 8c' 10c root. Spool Cotton, 2c spool. ;t5 Pieces Wtsil DreHH (Joo In, 18c yd. 50 Pieces New Spring Dress Ginghams, 5c, 8c, 10c. 50 Pieces Brussels Carpet, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c. 2.5 Pieces Velvet Brussels Carpet, 75, Dtk 50 Pieces Roy Carjiet, 25c, 86c, 40c, 50c. 50 Pieces China Matting, Oc, 10c, 12c up 40 Pieces Floor Oil Cloth, 25c, 85c, 50c. 100 Pieces Table Oil Cloth, 16c, 18c, 20c Arbuckle and Lion Coffee, 12c. Granulated Sugar, 5Jc, Pure Sugar Syrup, 8c, 10c. Ladies' Suits, $2.75, $3.50, $5.00 up. Ladies' Furs, price. Ladles' Coats marked down . Watch this bulletin for low prices. Trexler's Store, l-SMt' Sunbury, Pa. will te6in V T UK); LETTER FROM JOHN R. KREECER. Joint Institute Prnnrnmnie. Rosw.ll, N. M., Jan.2l, 1001. Th" ''istltuteof Mi.ldlecreek, ;. W. W uiK.NSKi.i.Elt, VVashlnglou districts ill he Miiiin.Kiirito P. belli ul Ereeburg Kriduji evening, Eeb. Fkikndoho. : ' Saturday furei 1, I 1.. loth, Your h i ter of Jan. 20tll re- KVKXIXO l eived. I have been out of town the "'"""N Orchestra, lasttwowwks takinu in the El Paso Organisation. Tex. Carnival, and just returned, The Lk'Votloual Exercises, Rev. 1:. Mil Carnival, while considered II ureal at '''' . . . . .... . ... A .1.1. r 1 1 lair I.v these .-. , -1 1 III 1 11 -1 1 1 1 1 1 - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - . i amount to much to inc. Nevertheless I eiij ivisi my i rip ti he Creat hit. stale, and saw many new and strnniri thinu's, for instance, Hie Rio (iiiiud river without a droii of water, a bull light when tiny kill horses ,H -Miuiess, ! 1 1 lower a-a haetorin Eil- as though they were so many rats, and ncation, Prof. E. C.llnwersox, a iMping contest w her wlstys lasso Music, lustiluie, Texas stw-rs in 40 seconds, No wild Aildrusa, Prof. G. w. Wallsiru, West show as Mm see thriHIgll tile east, I SA 1 1 KDA EORI ,,. hnl tin- real thing. When I gel hack Should Geology H uillghl in our Pub- cast, If ever I do, I will kIiow mmi some Ik'Hcl Is'.' . W. Sniilh. pictures of the Ugh I and will try and Why should the Child lie bettered explain more nbotil it. ucated than its parent '.' . i ', Ittow n, The climate in 1 1 1 i- section of the "ow '',n 'be (iovcruuienl of the stales is line, ami I am ciTtnlnl v enlov-1 Schools In- improved V 1 1. I ;,,.i. lug it, but do not think for a uionieut all things are a- nice ami pleasant here as ihe climate, Wi stern life and p, , - pic arc more or I, r less rough, and no il nib! if l remain in ihe wesl long euuiuli, I will In co ue like them We have diil'.-ii nt kinds of nle icre, -Mexicans, Indians, Cowboys and Allicrlcalis. The plniH is well -im plied w Ith saloons ami gambliuM dens, all of w hich are w nle open SlllldllV as well as any other day, Sunday and Sat urday being bin '!" - I n give you an idea of how plcasanl the weal her is, I can s,-,- Uiya anil men iu their shirt sleeves siuiue; around same as we do in Jane hack east. The air Is dry and pure. The other side ol the pii luie is not so ,ine The soil Is very dry and consequently the country Is a most barren desert and presents a forlorn appearance Indeed, The only way of producing vegetation Is by Iriga tion. We have artesian will- here, which -iipplv plenty of witter. Every thing is high in price, and an Eastern er seems to be the part who pays tlx high prices, 1 am not an exception. M rtsim and hoard hill runs $45 per nth. washing, etc., extra. I have a good hotel, however, now, hill was not so fortunate when I llrsl landed, Well, l ienrge, I mils) cut nil' and go In feed. With in si wisheMtiud regards in tin-Mr-. W., I renin in your friend. .1. P. KlIEEtll it, i Annmiiici'iiicnls. Revival meetings al Daniel's church are still continuing. A special sermon on "Feel Washing" will In- delivered iu lie- Daniel's church on Sunday ruing, Eeb. 10, a! lOo'eloek by the pastor, A hearty Invitation. .1. I.. Bin i it, Pastor. M PRISE IV STORE. An Idea Which Is Ccrtnin i" Sel Ever) bod) Talking. The most unique idea in journalism ever conceived will he introduced iu Hie great "Philadelphia Sunday Press" for February 10, I he plan is so inter- esting and ihe result so remarkable thai this edition will doubtless In- tin most notable of the new century. Ex. Iictly what Ihe plan is has not yet I n announced, hut thai it w ill he a novel ty is certain and there will he a great demand foi ii. So in order thai you may he sure to gel it you should order to-lliorrow's "Sunday Pu ss" of your newsdealer to-day. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deedi Entered fr Record. Geo. C, Wagensellerand wife to Dr. Perclval Herman, 3 acres in Penn twp. for1050. C II. M. Rauch and wife to Kate Stuck, Pi acres in Perry twp., for $225. S. W. Shrader and wife to R. W. Shrawder, undivided interest in 100 acres of the real estate of Solomon Shrawder, deceased, for $50. Marriage UcenntH. f Arthur W. Brown, Shamokln Dam, '( Daisy M. Wet.el, Snnbtiry. I Edward Mitterllng, Ereeburg, Mary A. Hoover, Port Treverton, ( Adam W. Musselman, Selmsgrove, I Annie H. Covert, " (John Eeehrer, Sellnsgrove, (Kate E. Ulrich, (Elmer W. Naugle, Kant., (Ida G. Stohl, Venlilla. (Cbas. P. MacGaughlin, Chicago, (Annie rumps, Sellnsgrove. February 14 Kates: One Dollai Per Annum, in Advance NUMBER ti "' "Vieome. .1. - I'.lsell OWe-. ., ,wl soi W m A. Erdlev ii Mary llilhish. Prof, (;, ... E. Eisher. M. In -Ira. Prank Bolhr. Vddn 'M'' ,m"' Would it he a lii-n. 'ii In He- commun ity in Increase Ihe teacher's wages? M. P, Herman, s vrruD. n i 1 1; 1 1. 1 " lmt M ""' ' n'per Education for i he rs' Children V (.. V. Klmller. n ... , ii """ ,m" "'' unpi.ne ,,, u,,- 1 , i ,1 j. - I low shall we m 1 1 Schools Pleasures of T, a, him I ' M. Conn, i. E. ENen- how er. How to U,-. p the little- ,,,-, employed '.' Mary Weaver. CA'I IIEItlNE iloi-K, Mh II mi. llANKY, C. A. GkaiuIAUT, 'ommittoe, Vngfjuamt, Teachers' district Institute compris ing the districts ,,f Eranklln, Centre, and Mlddleburg borough will he held in ihe borough of Mlddlchurjj Erlday Dvonlng, Eeb. I), ami Saturdav, Ei b. 10 11)01. IUIIHN KVE.NI.Nll, Address of welcome, A. R, Gilbert. "'"I c, Win, E. Howell. Becital Loiilaa .. Walter. Address, Prof. E, r. Rowersox. Recitation, Lottie Iroiise. Would ii I.,- a hem tit loth nimiinllv in Increase i In- teachei s w agi -'.' I :. E. Shambiich Recitation, Eva Rolhrock. Should (ieology lie taught iu the I'uh- Hc Scl Is .' Jerome Erdley. HATl'KIl w . Religion in ihe hchool II Kathn n Miller. Literature iu tin- Public Selusds, I., c. Bachman. Nature Siuilies, Charles lleimhiich. How to teach Phonetics, -;,. t liarles. Drawing in the Public School-, W in. R. Zimmerman, I he necessity of teaching ieiieral llis- tory, A. R. ( lilbcrt. .- - PAXTON II. 1. 1. I lavitl II tinier is on ihe sick list. lOniery Knn-t spenl a few days in Sunbury last tvvi l . Several slcigliiug parties tronsist ing oi some ol ihe young folks ul' town visited some of our neie-h bor ing towns last week. I rvin iraybill is spcudiiiir a few days with his fumilv. He came home from Harrisburg, NVctliicstluy. Miss Mollie liolen ler ami Miss Aunie Hackcnbcig of Middleburg, were visitors in town Thursday evening. Miss Effie Sliemory h it forSlm mokin w here she intends to spend some time with her sister. ('has. Wesley Zimmerman, whose name was mentioned iu the Post last week, died iu the memorial Hospital, at Johnstown from the effects of his burns received ill the tire. His remains were sent home Tuesday evening, and wen; interred in the Hassi tiger's cemetery Thurs day. Rev. K. 10. Sieger officiated, he hud selected lor his text. Acts 'J 1: 14. The deceased was Isim March 9, 1SS2, died .Ian. 28, 1901. The par ents have the sympathy of the en tire community. Jell, the New Desert. pleases all the family. Four Flavors Lemon, orange.rasDberry and straw berry At your grocer's. 10 cents. i Try it to-day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers