WT!!!!!"'0 BXPRES8LY FOR THE POST j DY ITS CORPS OF CORRKSrON DENTS jV a) EuiNHGROVE. Prof II. X. Couaor of Sanbury, was MTii an our streets Saturday. Grant Shuck and wife entertained Miss Marks of Sunbury last week. Mrs. F. J, Schoch is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fullmer, at Hunt ingdon. Hiram Slgfreid and wife, left Friday for Reading to pay his moth er a visit. Mrs. Qortner is at Maple Hill visiting friends in that section of the country. Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Jae. Smith took a trip to Hickory Cor- ners i nursaay i ri.i 1 onsiilt Dr. hiner- ick. Dr. B. F. Wagenstiller, who has been housed up for over a week with Sciatic Rheumatism, Is able to lie out again. N. S. Gangier and wile returned in their home at Elisabethville Tues day having spent some weeks among friends. L. (i. Walker and wife ol York, wi re at Freeburg last week attend ing the funeral of Mrs. Walker's mother. Judge Hueh'jrand wife, Dr. Hook and wife and several others were en tertained by II. D. Sehnure and wife one day last week. They came by .sled. UNION TOWNSHIP. Jockey Aneker spent nith a friend at Pallas. Jerry Vendor transactet Snndi business at the county seat Thursday. Judge McOIure of Lewisburg, spent a few days of last week in this place. Benj. Bennerand wife ufShamo kin visited among friends here over Sundae . The young people had a nuiet siM'ial party with the family of Levi Stahl Friday evening. J. S. Quaker intends to move his steam bow mill this week into El uiel A ticker's woods. V. W. Sholly and A. S. Secbrtst attended court at Mifflintown last week, they were royally entertained by Henry Pontius and family. Mr. L'ontitis was a former resident of Snyder county, un kon nuch deitsh rada. It seems that the wavs and means committee at the IJ. S. Capitol in cutting down the war tax must lie )t the same stripe as the element it ; favors namely the Peer Trust and ! Tobacco trust since more than half "I the entire reduction is taken from these two alone, including of course'' lour million dollars on cigarettes I which is one of the best anti-life remedies on earth. David Citv, Neb., April 1. I9n0 Geii(see l'ure Food Co, Le Roy. (!eiitleinen: I urist say in regard to GRAIN 0 that there is nothinp better or healthier. We have used it for years. My brother was a grout coffee drinker. Ho was taken sick and the doctor said coftee was the eauae of it, and told us to use GRAIN O. We got a' package but aid not like it at first, but now would not be without it. My broth er has been well ever since he start eu to use it. Yours truly, LlLLlE SOCUOK. WESTBEAVEU. w. II. Kncpp expects to quit blacksmithing and go to fanning. David Renninger of Flint Valley, passed through our town, Sunday. Mrs, L. R. Treaster, who had been the sick list last week, is improv ing. Partial who own rigs and those lio can Inirrow are taking advan tage of the good fdeighing. Enoch Raker mid villi- HMimt. a W weeks visiting friends in Big ValleV. Mltllm ennnrv nrwl rnirrl lllev, Mifflin cnnnr.v nnd rniuirl having a good time. Spencer llomig of Adanisburg, M seen at this end last week look jng Up cattle suitable for bis trade, Mttehering. 1'lmres Baker purchasal a full Jled short horn cow last week of Uavid Wagner. He says if be can 10t Ret good stock he wants none. idea for all farmers. l'AXTON VII.I.K ( lharles Hen- of Lewisburg visited his parents a few days last week. .John Sterner and son ofSunbury, are visiting Mrs. Sterner's parents. Miss Elda Graybill of C. P. C. New Herlin, visited her parents over Bundav A. V. Potter of Seliusgrove, was in town Friday huuting up his polit ieal friends. V. D.Gifl and wife of Middle burg visited Grant Yodei their daughter, Mrs. Sun lav. M. C. I lamer of New Berlin, and 10. F. 1 lamer of A line came home to visit their father who is very ill. Miss Effie Hornberarer of Aline, and Miss Ada Howell of Beavortown were visitors in town over Sunday. Grant Heimbach ol Beavertown and his sister Mrs. Kate Sechrist of Centre Co., visited Austin (lift's, Sunday. Last week Albert Renninger of near New Berlin moved his family on the Absolom Snyder farm west of Paxtonville. Monday evening a party consist ing of twenty four of our young and middle-aged people enjoyed a very pleasant trip to Aline, the quests of Miss Kate Arnold. The kind lady has the many thanks of the party lor her kindness shown them while there. SCI INK K John Stuck ami (ami! were vis- iting his brother, Sunday. JfHenry Lessnuin built a new ic Ii' Use last week. J. P. Wendt of Aline was in town Friday. A. F. Srhnce and family visited John Sell nee's, Sunday. Last Saturday evening a merry party of Fremont and Schnee were to Mi iserville. . A. Harding was to (let eorg.- town last Saturday evening CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought UbOBE MILLS i no. winner anu sun oi caiem were .seen on our streets Friday. Mrs. Thomas Leonard of Lewis burg vi-ited her father, Benjamin 1 ummel. John Marks and wifeof Northum berland visited Andrew Hutnmel. Annie Stetler returned from her visit at Winficld. Francis Miller and wife and Cor- i. r i i a tn t i neiius ijaiKiensiaer oi rairuaK spent Thursday witii B. F. Walter ( 'lavton K rat .er took a load o viiiing tolas to Deavertown, cne guests of Miss Pearl Smith. A very good time reported. Mrs. Charles Herman of Chilles qunqua and Mrs. Rue hen II ummel of K reamer spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Stuck. A. W. Snyder and wife, Rueben Ulriob anl wife, Forest Docbler and wife, Prof. Frank Long and wife, Miss Izora Ulrich and the Misses Breimier of Selinsgrove, and Henry I ''rich of Kansas, all took a lied ride and spent Monday evening with Antes Ulrich and family. Miss Annie Erdley is on the sick list. i Miss Annie Rolig of Selinsgrove is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Susan Erdley. t .1 A. A. Ulrich, J. A. Smith and Allen Keigle have gone to Clearfield -r s ii i c, i Aa i Mrs. Charles Stuck spent Sunday with Lnwil Hummel and family. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXJOO ki om its Parmer'n Fell Boots 37c Men's Kuliber Boola $1.7.1 Men's KuhberSliowi 2tcup. Women's Kublier Shoes 28c up . enini 8 ituDDer onoes xuc up LEATHER . Men's Shoes .19c up , Boys' Shoes. 8.1c up 1 Indies' Shoes B9c up . MAinuiuv.iAu niior. nur , ounoury, i a POUT IREVEBrON. Prof. Aneker was in town Sun- day. Stewart spent II .11 of Mckccs Sunday itli his Mr. Bittle am wile.. 1 Mis VVeiser, of lwisburg passed through to.vn Sunday enrouti to Mahautongo, the hitter's home. Frank Reif and wifi ast pent I week w ith relatives at New port. John Wise and wife ol Dundore, -pent Saturday with their daughter' , Mis. Wm. Arnold and Mrs. Perry Rothermel. Aaron Zerbey and sisters, of Chap man were visitors in town Sunday. Mi-s Lizzie Schrey and friend of i verd ilia, enjoyed adrive to our town j Sunday. Hathaway Kelly and family of sunoury, visited ins pa renin last week. II. F hai les and daughter, Jen nie, made a Hying trip to Middle burg Monday evening of last week. Jacob Shaffer and sister-in-law, Mr-. E. C. Shaffer of Suubury, are visiting the former's parents. Clarence K lock ol Sunbury, ar rived in town at a late hour Satur day night. Three sleighing parties the first consisting chiefly of Bogais, the second of Neitaes and the third of Snyders enjoyed the hospitality of Norman Fisher and family oi the Isle ,( Que, Benton Stroub and fam ily of Pallas, and Daniel Snyder and family of Selinsgrove, respectively one night last week. m. ondling, our noted fisher man, sold 4500 lish Saturday. Mi-s Fisenharf of ndeiiendei , was in town Sunday afternoon. vinos nioyei I'old, two (if ( ami I unman lomas icr- i w 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 bright and active teai through town Saturday i Iters nas-eil i bile on a business lour. Jerry Snyder and family Matbias Schnee ami family Visited f Mali- antongo Sunday. .lack Sechrist of Hhamokin sM-iit a few days with friends last week. Edwin Mock, o. (i. Bioe, Rich ard Foltz, H. F. and .1. I. ( lharles, II. M., C. S. and i. I. Neitz and Joe Gets! enioved a slci'di ride to ibury Saturduv. ii i . . . i ne .ii-iii( iianna is now entirely frozen o er al this place. John Snyder and Sheds Kelly transacted business at Sunbury Sat urday. Adam Reif and wife spent Sun day at Liverpool, the guests of the lailer's sister and family. ('has. Mullrer in company with two ladies ofSunbury, spent Satur day evening with friends. Postmaster Flanders and his better-half enjoyed a long sleigh ride Sunday, 1'. D. Swilieford, who was a wit ness in the Goodling-Barner murder case at Milllin, returned home. BWINEPORD. .Mi- Uattie Howell of Heaver town is the gaicst of Mrs. James Dietrich. RenoSpitler spent several days with his sister at Sunbury. ' Ira Hendricks and KstcIIa Wood lin of Freeburg visited among friends here Sunday. Hanna Newbury, who was stay ing with her aunt, Mrs. J. Lt. Marks, returned to her home in Lewistown. Bert Bowe and wife of Millers burg are visiting A. Kreeger's. Mrs. Dr. Barber and children of Danville are visiting Miss Amanda VVittcniuyer. A party of twenty enjoyed a sled ride to New Berlin Tuesday evening where they took an oyster supper at the home of Mr. Erdley's. Mrs. Latter VV etcel is visiting her parents near V rcmont. Miss Lillian Dunkleberger is spending some time at Hickory Cor ners. A. G. Hush our and wife spent a few days with bis mother at McAlis terville. Ed w. Kinney and wife who had been visiting their parents at Mo Clure for some time returned home. UUNDORE Isaac Scilor. of Selinsirrove. and were eal- ('apt. Keise. of Philadelphia, in town representing groceries. Ed. Shrawdcr. of Shaniokin. led on our merchant for whom he used to clerk. Rev. Fortner, of Selinwrrove, nar- I took of a turkey dinner with N. T. Dundore and family, Nathan Haokenburg, of Krateer v i I If, was in town. The fiiet that the grand jury of Northumberland recommends the building nf a bridge at Herndon has provoked much applause. ( ieo. W olf it tut- mug outu millin er of good ties. Minnie F. Ever and her daughter, Sara, had some fine ice cream with Maria W. Dundore and music fol lowed. Candidates for office arc getting to work in real earnest. Sleighing parties are numerous and their joys arc unbounded, The poor tax of our township is enormous. Is there no remedy V ... , . . . . i ( fur public school is in a nourish- nig condition. N . T. I lundore and wife w ere on the sick tor a few day s. Drs. Krebs and Bogar are liusv looking after their patients. .1. V. W agner has a valuable mare for sale. The Susquehanna had an icy ap pearance for the last two weeks. Our heavy taxpayers want a town ship poor house. Man's fortunes are according to his pains. Maria Baumberger spent several weeks w ith each of her sons, ( '. D. Dundore of Shamokiu and S. '. I londore of Pennscreek and is stay ing a lew (lavs w ith N . T. Dundore and family. TROXELViLLE. Every Inn V complains of having ' the grip. Most of out I .'III iple have their nouses mien. A. II. Swartz was to Union o. Chas. I'. Erb ami brother, Joshua have secured a job mi the Pardee tract with Harry W altz. Ii. Emma Fetterolf of York, Pa. is al home visiting relatives and friends. Isaac llackenburg was taken In. me from lliestoteoii account ol a sudden attack ol grip. George Ewig and Mary Krebs were married Sunday. May they enjoy much happiness A. W. Cill is agent for the Bo chester Spray Rump Co. SALEM. Mis. H VV. Fisher in Pftila. D. K uster and Mi arc spending some s. T. time W. H. Phillips and wife, of Aaronsburg, visited the hitter's sis ter, Mrs. (ieo. M. Witmer, last week. Thursday evening Mrs. Mary Luck and fainilvcntertained a sleigh- ing party from TroxeK ille. Miss Mabel Kustcr was to Sun bury Thursday. Henry Laudenslager is loading prop timber at Cliff ;rd. Walter HayborgeY, of Erie, is vis it'iig at the home of Mrs. Mary Moyer. The young people ofSalem enjoy ed two sleighing parties la;t week. Miss Mamie Kessler spent a week with her sister, Mrs. ('. Teats at Sunbury. Wm. H. Mertz and family, ol Northumberland, visited Ceo. M. Witmer's over Sunday. Josiab Maurer and wife, of K rea mer, attended C. E. at this place Sunday evening. (I. A. Snyder and will' nre happy liecause of tbe arrival of a littlt daughter. Jollo, the Hew Desert. pleases all the family. Four Flavors Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry At your grocer's. 10 cents. Try it to-day. I by loenl .. , kitii"! r- ell lt.i 'i Thei i- Onlv nil III Km, m i iii i re in de f ii Baiii'il ii ii ii ihi i Mm ui i iif ear, ay tn cm da - d oihihii uiiimiil h- K ' I I -f. liV a i 1 1 b . n I it m l i n rub . Win n :l in. i i ti luive . inn ui r in i till- Mine ruiul l i t' S' in il oi imp. i lei l i.ciniin; iiinl ft ben u i- pMimb el - I, 1 1. Denn i- i. . .li, (ml ii I. - - in., in flauimatltili inn b U en ii iii I II ih t III. I- It bttlHll lo 111. . Mi ll COIldl tton, bi .no l' ill be d. -tr.'v.l for avr, Mile , :i-e8 u' ol ten no culls ed bv I' 'ii , wb e I- n tiling but an ii ll mind o mditiou of the mucous sill lacs. We ill fiv,. (),,. HundiO 1 l.. hll s foi on eas.. of ltafllMS (eailM cd by cut, ii i Ii i ill it cannot lie cure. I OJ Midi c Cut HI I h C'Un . S, ciil.it free. P. J. CHENEY CC., l .l ud en do, I ?.Olll liV I l lli.'L'1-l I, Hall's Family 1MU e i est. to A. Testitnonj ui Man) La urn .i- Y. I'oiter's Fin Abilities llmi. ). W. Woods, bewistown, Pa ' He Is one of the leading memtieni of the liar in Hnyder and Mitllln coun ties, and a v-r' skillful lawyer. I have trlcif cases oh hiiiiniidiifriilnsl him." Kx-Judu W. McK. WICiaiiMiii, of Huntintpion "I was on il ptosite side of loin, with Judtfc Dalle) . iiml he lical ii- I mi 1 1 iii ii ease we ouirlil to have wiiii: ami I found from thai Potter w.i- a I. rich! lawyer." Hon. r. M. Lytic, of lliu now surveyor of the Port al p'lia. "Mr. Potter i- (lie ill Mr. l I'll I trial i--i i- IIIIIL Pill lest ver Inwyor with w bom I i ciiited." ilmi. a. a. Lelser, Lewisburu;,--"Mr. Potter is an able and skillful law yer. I wa- always employed against l ... i ' 11,1,1 nave a very e i reason in know his ability " Hon. Alfred Have-, I .ewislmrir would regard him as tlio leaditiK er, iml only in lliis county, bill in I portion of the Slate." E. M. Iteale, Esq., bewlsburg, Pa., "1 consider him a first class lawyer." Hon. .1. Merrill l.mn, few Isliurg, -"He is a first rate lawyer, lie was a bright, intelligent young one w hen lie commenced, and he has been progress ing." Horace Allemau, Esq., Selinsgrove, Pa.' "Helsa lawyer of marked ability." Harvey K. Miller. Esq , Selinsgrove, - "lie i- tbe leiidinu attorney "i I ho Snyder ( 'ounty liar." .lay ;. Weiser, Eh ., Midilleliuig, I'm. "I reuanl him a- ui Hie b'tulllig ami brlgiltwl lawyer- al llii- liar." Jacoli Olllic.t, i:-,., Middleburg, l a. "I regard Mr. Potter a- the leading lawyer of the 'ounty." ('has. 1'. Ulrich, Esq., Selinsgrove, -"I am ali-liei thai he i- odds tlie leading lawyer in tlds county, Iwth as to his ability ami to tile volume of business." lo THE ABOV Wi: AUK . i LOW' tONO, WHO AKK Nor r.AWl I CK. Prof. r.C. Uowersox, ( 'ouii i Super intendent, Middleburg, Pa., '.. e. i ( common people, claim Mr. nt icr tots the best trial lawyer in tliisl nunty." F. J. ScIkh'Ii, Kscp, Kelbisrovi , Pa, "I consider him a cry u nwyer, ami always had him em' Ah You have used all ;orts of cough reme ! dies but it docs not ! yield ; it is too deep I j seated. It may wear j itself out in time, but ; it is. more liable to ! produce la grippe,' ! pneumonia or a scri-! i ous throat affection. j You need something j f that will give youj strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION I will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt i ..a -j I. i udoui ii. ii nourisnes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. w. nd ll.oo, ill druggllti. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chmim, Ntw York. p,.-, HI ,, , ! mot cough i oi. n DUE A PARTY lo ILLElIAL i. I ii'ii'imiiu'iilil. V grant cry of alarm la being rn i by eertal tfuw in the county an i U- Ing the Standing Couunittee for ii iig Febi lary Sid for the primary noiui ia tlu .. This attack i a shamef il, un warranted ami deceptive metlKsl of ami-e intended Indirectly to Injure Mr. Potter in I is canvass lor Judge, Ii further alms to malign the otUcial ac tion of the Standing Committee for ii refusal in -wallow Union County Judi cal KOI. The sting of that defeat, administered by the Committee, riMts iq Judge McCluro. Ami it lodges UHn Ins shoulders justly ami exactly where it belongH, Mr. Potter and his in. in i- nriii i -: .ill IIIHUllll -nil In anything beyoud regular in in i tarty n;n nee, ii eulllil Kiev i any act ...in... ,,,n vniKUUHUI I It ill I I 1 1 1 1 1 1- lug iii Snyder county, w hen all other ne,-. an legal requisites existel. Now what a- the attitude of the Mel 'lure wiiii;'.' Simply this, To li March inr the primary nomination. liat then ? Abolish county lines ami have the nomination in both eountieslnstaii- Uuieoiisly, Thai proposition, advi I, projwted ami bueked by the t ' n county Interests wa-clearly unlaw fut novel iii is nature, designed in thwart Snyder county, ami Its bold execution would have been reversed by the L'ourts, Under she pariy pructici . the Potter plan wa- regular, lawful an7 customary: the McCluro Bclieine was illegal, adroit ami snmckeil of intrigue! No such thing could have been done -even by, the Standing Commlttei u" der pieseut rule-, under any eir- cuilistll wilh. mi the I NAMMiH S CONSENT of tho Committee and in such consent every candidate would have been obliged in yield hi- ac Ule? eellee. Otlicrwisc il WOllid have hecll UNLAWFUL. Judge M'Pherson now a Federal .bulge iii Philadelphia) sitting in the Dauphin county Courts, Oct. T. ism held in Savage's Nomination & Cald well' Nomination that " A iioniiuutioii Invalid which i- made liy a body not constituted according to the establish" ed custom which therefore goverueo! nominations in the district" declaring that "a custom i- LHplivideiil In a fornf al ruled the parly." SeeCoUllty 'mirt liepnll- Vol. I i, Nn. 10, pp, ihij), 1,1 thai case Judge M'Pherson, admittedly one nl' the an,, -i Juilges nn the i , ,,. ra Ueneh, ui ii 1 1 1 :i i ,i . ! thai Ihc Invalidity of the nominations sprang from a de parture no m pariy practice. Vet the .ei 'luivitcH diil their vi ry In -i Ui have party usages -u-pemlei ami an en ; ,ivly new pin. cdure iiisiiluieit i.. i ne mitier in making this uomimitiou for itidge, Ii is suited on authority wldub ilUIIUot he COIltl'O I tei i i, iq die Issue, thai alter this matter was .ally l.i i I before Judge Mi i lure in Miil lleburjj iln uighi before the Standing lommitti e nn i, he, perceiving bis error ii ih -law, desisted in In-plan after I o lug warned thai ii was contrary to party usage, uutenubleund illegal. I.... .. I I i : . .. i ne principle nf law was by Judge M'Pherson in onuui luted tbe Haviure- i 'uldwcll contested nominations i- nii- plicsbletoa case where regular party practice Is suspended and a new feature adopted lor nominating candidates im ollice, The same spirit ami the sume principle would have been lolatiM bad the Standing ( oininittee, exi i liy i ...M I Mil s VOTE, Miughi to d'o mhi I'M l-e ami I hi n evi II it is pn lilt in- ucui w m im i m.i i, uctii n wi mil Ut! ti I, illtlSIIIUl II a- I lie I oi ivl'.ir.l I :y Hysti in has lonu bti n in i , m Snyder county a- well a- in In inn tliat it i- ih uliCul In i In i , ; , ,', nl ii stuiidinu ci innilttie' could n voki a- aiiiiiil iliai prueticc. I heeoiifi rence auc in i ll i ur si i al mill Judieli w ' have 1 1 1 ii a sy-ti in ha- 1 1 . ii in Htniitorial, t'onnres I Districts, of hi h 1 ai l, Inr nn re I hull .'s. 1 1 may hi UlIIi'JY VKAIIH. In w in Unii.it (i u ii t v 1 1 si in -ii- i ml (hit for i i ii i -1 ur vi II i! ft i ,i and lime-l iiiiortit rm i Ii e, 1 1 i- NO'j in ("iiydi r count j . It miglii i I. VW i ar I i plUCIi nl In iln I nil n ui nt v i i I t.'l u ... HAR. im ih-Mond- a w I I l. HI .till mill In r . i ! I , e. ,1 . I i 1 1 ii ii-. I he fsnjdi rt i untj : ii v i i ii imiii i (lid i el lake 1 1 nl in (lie situation. Mr. p0tt frit iii's Were lilil nn the law pro i kitlon Mi iii r county's ii il his Ol' (his it inn in nis iniivnsH tnimot he attacktd in m a ccal oint of ii w. Hnvder CoiiiiIv'r t JnInisto the in nilnntli n ore just, fair I i il timely.! 'I hey n st uiii n a well de- finedPARTY PPACTICE. l'on the LAW GOVERNING PAR l V NOMINATIONS, according lo tbe 'rawford ( 'ounty Bysti m, I on the In nn ly mid forcihle prin ciple .i' JUSTICE to a county that ever stoodiTKUE to the PARI V, ft) i on the principle of ROTATION j In OFFICE, which after a lapse of THIRTY YEARS, entitles us to this NOMINATION, Upon the recognised ABILITY, EXPERIENCE and MERIT of the candidate which Snyder county ire sents. sndjaitly Upon the principle of FAIR PLAY j and JUST TREATMENT which Sny. I der county ever recognised in dealing with her sister counties, iimler tlie I Conferee System. t , Jubtiuk. ! SPINAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers