1 , vo W. WAOEWSELLEB, Editor ana f LOCAL NEWS. ht m nuhAfl ii n in Week S news -r Small Quantities-Visitors in Town During the Past Week Other News of Interest. rhe Frceburg Musical College (iiipin ,1 Monday "f this week. Mrs. John A. Bnyciei reiurawi last week from a visit to friends. W V Seohrist bought the huck- . . .. , . i tprinff outfit of Reno Walter. Miss Eva Seebold of8unbury is 4-;.i mill relatives m town. Irwin Guyer of the Central Hotel, Dnknn ma in town Oaluniav evening. Rnrrv II. Harter and family spent last week in Hartleton, the guests of i .i 111- iauier. Fairbanks Scales weighs ." ton . I J. 1... li..v (! Middleburgh, Pa. 7-12-4t ill .-aic uucnin , There were Doserviees intheLuth- ., . II lllt'C l It V ' I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ti i i o 1 1 .... aid Inn J. C. Nipple of Mifflintown has I l II L11C JI'i' ...... - i i . ... w.... ,.t t i.it ninrn 1 ,) . . 1 Mllllll. r i: t i. i ..!.!.. ... r Uitllinhurtr spent several (lavs . I 4 w ! I. I it I 1 .11111 v . 1 . . ....... I , ......lii.... tin. ciiliilllIT Willi .. . c . .. llnj ikMmn -mil vvltl Thomas Jordan anil his bull ami . :. I..,. Tlw.v l . LJ :.. UH uinnll rhere will he preparatory services . .1 I L. . 4 W l me l.iuneraii uiiuruu ucv - V MVWII1IIIF I I I 11 1 I 111 II 1 1 ii a i .. . . w . ! 1 .. ...... . ...I. .ii aatitriraM mil'iv- iilnrlltnir. In the list of old people publish- in the POST last week, we regret ... I 1... ......... ..4' Lmnfl A v.ira ii i, was inaaverianuy unmieu. . .1 ... 1 Miss Libbie Dunkelberger gavea rtv Inut wppb to her manv friends honor of Mrs. Mahnicy and ... . . , i xr iiiir iti.r r n .it MIDI Cll. . .1. D I i I ..L.. .....!.... f.... I....- I .....ii W U1U3 Uil BAvCUBIVC m on-i Ql l M ... 1 .".-.. 1 iii township during the past wtek. Innotnhla Matter with a force ot . . I ..! ll The Selinsgrove base hall team ame up Saturday ami piayea a Blue ill llllr- Ill ill I llll nil. iivini ..i i .1... i , . I It .1 1 I . ... I' in,, nt V i tn 1 1 The hot weather we have been otting the past few days is a rc- ni orcaKer. i ne inennomcun una . mi a I l ii i nn .i . i... en rimiiniir 1111 in i . nun DPI 100 to 106 Monday and no Mtement Tuesday. We thank our friends for the i . . i i ii i uy Kind expressions in oenau ui rOfTffl airirressivenes-' in getting ' ' 1 FT, 1 i 1 1 -J . f ill "suv, . i- I i W (' S i I'll- r 111 . . I ll : r t,. , ., , , . , . , i The !-I etc IHI r. . .1 If 1 .tJ n-i.i. .- Xiiil I I'imtitiill shut !1 1 i- 1 t T LPftnairo ; kaae innir. ne wbb K ' r it r-i t e- in nil IT. 1 1 I Ii U"1U ."I I IT 1 1 run I I'll i I' I i I . . r . XI lllir..l clrinmul tlia Ell'lL-n fl 111, . - 1 .1 I J II liiobun luilt Iri.ii till. uLrlll fio to A . E. Soles for a smooth U lllillil i. iHiin.1 vtlttl fl n.lri's llllir I ' tonic. eli'Mii tnwnl in pnch natron n i ii ii i i ... ri iifirn n n mi i h'i ii i uririi t - i tank building one door east of - b Last week's Lewisburg Chronicle : ir. i nos. iiower. son oi r reu e Cj. Bower, ISM., has accepted a .. .. . ..t.... ...t "V on J iipmlnv laar ilonnrtpn tor kins, West Va., to assume his neB. oucoess to you, Tom. M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., Read S. Weis' Special Cfler. Big Reduction Sale Saturday. Luther Neffof Gordon spent Sun day with A. S. Heaver and wife. Miss Claire CJravbill of this place visited 15. S. Mine's at Beavertown. John Ellenbereer of Harrisburg is visiting his family at A. W.Bow ersox's. Mrs. Dr. .T. C. Amis of Lewis- town last week was visiting her par ents in Swineford, Ida Mover was visiting W. K. Suhlneeker's at the Merchants' Hotel, Adamsburg. Wilmer Ocker and friend of Sha mokin were here .Sunday having made the trip on their wheels. Representative A. M. Smith, of Adamsburg, was at the county seat Monday morning between trains. George Roush, who is spending the summer with his grandparents at rreeburg, is visiting in this placi Quite n number of business men and court house officials had a fish- inaf nartv alontr Middlecreek last o i o week one day. The Arndf family, or the lricb- laver's uuititctte, rendered some very acceptable music in the 1'. B. church Sunday evening. The fire alarm was sounded at noon last Thursday caused by fire in James Knterline'sstable in Sw ine ford. The fire wasextinguisned he fore much damage was done. The Democratic election of North umberland county will be held Sat urday, July 28. II. W. Kline, of Shamokin, has announced himself a candidate for State Senator. The Philadeldhia Imjulirr Mon thly published a stood likeness of Editor Ltimbard, of the Selin's Grove Iribune. in the bxlitonal (iallerv series. WASTED : One young man lroin Snyder county, Pa., to prepare for the coming Railway Mail Ser vice Examination. We furnish ev erything, including books and maps. Address, enclosing stamp, Inter state Correspondence Institute, ( ed ar Rapids, Lowa. , -lit-It. The following are the officers of Camp lis, 1'. t). S. of A. at Reaver- town : P. Ties., J. A. Wetzel; rres., George A. Shivery; Vice Pres., C. E. Shirk; M.of P., I. J. Keller; Guard, George Feese; Trustee, W. E. Herbster; Delegate to State Camp, Isaac Winters; Alternate, J. 1 . Ihimamau. We must again remind our cor respondents that we can not use any correspondence Wednesday morn ing. We received two letters last Wednesday morning and a preach er's announcement Thursday morn ing. When possible send news to reach us Monday, but by all tneans it must not reach us later than Tues- lay morning. W. II. Eidem, optician and jew- k.r It I 'III 4 ' eler ot .New uernn, Will Deal VI. v. Gutelius store room Wednesday of each week for the purpose ot testing eves and repairing all kinds ot jew elry. Mr. Eidem is a graduate ot the Philadelphia Optical College and all work entrusted to him will receive his most careful attention. 5-30-2m. Last week's Selinsgrove Tribune says : Tuesday noon considerable excitement was created in this place bv the non-aniiearanceof Miss Mary Snyder. She had retired on the previous afternoon rather mdisjwsed, and as she did not make her aj- pearauce in the forenoon, the neigh Iiors liecame alarmed, and placing a ladder at the window, Miss Maggie Phillips entered her room and found her lying on the floor. She was at once placed in lied and medical aid summoned. She probably had a slight stroke. A short session of adjourned court was held Monday. W. H. Hartman aid R. H. Wal ter, of 1 ennscreek, were at the county seat Monday. Hon. Harold M. M' lure was re cently elected one of the vice presi dents ol the State Bar Association. Win. II. Hampton, foreman of the Middleburg shoe factory, and family have just returned from atwo weeks' vacation at Catawissa. Prof. W. F. Magee and family, of South Bethlehem, and Milton Orwig, ol Houtzdale, were guests ot Dr. J. . Orwig and wife last week. Edward M. Greene of Sal t i 1 L ami his sister, Ida, of LewistoWll together with I.. W. ( ioldv and w ife of Camden .were the guests of W . W. Wittentnyer and family ovei Sunday. J. Ii. Meiser and family of Ori ental spent Sunday with Georgi Dielll in Franklin township. Mr. Meiser dropped in to see us Monday to order the Pohl and Practical ! Farmer. E, S. Wolf, of Dundore, one of the students of the county Normal hooped in Tuesday to become ; new cash-iii-advance subscriber to the Post. Luther Landis of Goldslioro while visiting his brother-in-law, Frank Good, at Selinsgrove, at tenanted suicide by hanging Wed nesday. He was discovered in time and his life was saved. The following are the officers ot Washington Camp. No. 515, I. U S. ot A., for the next six month-: Pat President, W. F. Feese; Presi dent, Edwiu Charles; Vice Presi dent, A. J. Crossgrove; Master i Forms, If. R. Riegle; Recording Sec ret nr v. .1. A. Snvder: Financial Sec retary, II. S. Renninger; Treasurer .1. W. Swart; ( lotlductor, M. I. Putter; Inspector, A. W. Atlratld; Guard, L. G. Stetler; I rustee, M I. Potter; Delegate to Sate Conven tion, John F. Stetler; Alternate, L G. Setetler. Snyder County's Big Peach Crop. John F. Boyer, the leading sci entific fanner of Snyder County, Btatesithat he expects the largest crop in many years. He has 17,000 trees and expects to gather 8000 baskets of mountain fruit from his orchards, lie estimates the yield ill the county at 100,000. Snyder County Choir Con vention. The Thirteenth Annual Snyder County C 'hoir Convention will be held on the old grounds near Free burg, Pa., Saturday, August is, 1900. The "Choir Leader," con taining the choruses for the (lav, can be had at six cents a copy. Ad dress, Wm. MoYEB, Pres. MAKKIHD. July -S, by Rev. II. (i. Suable, at Salem, J. Foster Dock and Mar garet B. Yeariek. July 2, by S. H. Graybill, J. P., Cloyd I. Iienner, ot West Perry township, to Jennie E. Zaring of Liverpool. July 15, by Rev. H. H. Spalm, at Adamsburg, Charles E. Fore man and Marv E. Wolfe, both of Troxelville. Julv 8. 11KX). at Middleburg. by J. Shambach, Mr. E. Hoyt Walter, of Centreville, and Miss BUl J. Bingaman, of Beavertowu, this Co. July 15, at the U. B. parsonage in Swineford by Rev. W. H. Boyer, Mr. Harry E. Dauberman and Miss Edith Brunner, both oi New Berlin, Pa. PA.. THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. Friends of "The Post" Rot r. or Honor The following rmrnnna Iulvh imiil their nuhnnrinl ion i . . to the Post to the dates opposite their aames. Dnouia any misiaaes occur in these credits or on your pa per lueiise notify us : John P. Wetzel, Mnr. 1, 1901 June 1, 1001 do do do M. H. Wagner, Isaac Sprenkle, (i. I . ( loodling, (i. W. Page, Henry R. Fisher, Michael A. Mengle, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dl. do do do do do do do do do do do - do do do do do do do do J. E. Newman, Henrv Scholl, Finanufl Rambo, A. F. Solomon, Wm. Smith, W. W. Romig, John A . Mover, Samuel S. Riegel, Jonn D. Lenig, M. R. Miller, E. Longacre C. A. Bingaman, (ieo, D. Manevali Herbert Shambach, John L. Freisl, W. A. Snook, Mrs. Fannie Berger, Miss Maggie Kerr, ('. A. Kerr, A. A. Bingaman, N. P. Jarrett, George Campbell, II. II. Shaffer, E. C Graybill, James Mengle, John R. Wise, J. M. Maurer, . John F. Long, A. C. Renninger, G. S. Romig, Mrs. Mary Herrold, W. H. Holsapple, Hiram Stabl, Lester E. Wetzel, John Kepler, ( ;. '. ( larman, H. G. I lornlierger, Peter Riegel, ( 'arlion Seebold, John II. Willi-, Wm. L. SniMik, Daniel Bolender, Mar. 1, 1901 Oct. '20, 1000 May 15, 1900 Apr. 1, P. toil Julv I, 1901 June 1 S, 1901 A mil 1. I '.'i mi ( Carles Christeson, June 19, 1901 I Mrs. Nettie Smith, Aug. I, 1901 Fohn K. Mover, lolm D. Bogar, Feb. 22, 1!oi on. 1, 1901. June 18, 1901 Jan. I. 1902 G. P. Mover, Reuben Snook, II. II. Hackenburg, June 18, 1901 June I, 1903 Nov. I, 1900 Nov. 1, 1901 June IS, 1001 July 1, 1900 Aug I, 1900 June -1-1. 1901 Aug. 1, 1898 Jan. 1, 1901 June '';, 1901 Oct. 12, r.'i n S . nhearv. M. II. Kulp, R, II. Walter, Elias Brunner, Rev. Jacob Yutzy, J. o. Berge, Wm. Boyer; Geo. M. Winter, II. E. Walter, ('has. N. Brosius, Miss Ida Reaver, Herbert ( Joss, J. ('. Shrader, Edward Bailey, Rev. H. C. Berger, Isaac Spotts, L. O. Smith, L. M. Moat, B. W. Yoder, ( alvin Stetler, W. H. Ripka, R. W. Hare, II. E Specht, J. L. Meiser, Howard Bowersox, F.S. Wolf, July 20, P. MM) Ap nil I, 1900 Julv 1, 1901 July I, 1901 Dec. I, 1900 July 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1DII2 May 1, 1901 do Aug. 1, 1901 Julv 1, 1900 Julv' VI, 1901 June 1, 1901 June 1, 1901 June 1, 1901 Announcement. Preachingat the following appoint ments over next Saturday and Sun day, July 21-22, by the undersign ed pastor. Hoover's, Saturday ev ening at 8 p. m.; Witmer's, Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Port Trever ton, Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. Children's Day services at the latter place. All are cordially invited. J. L. Boyer, Pastor. The county commissioners held a meeting Monday. COLONEL L1SCUM. It was true Yankee blood that was spilled when Eincrsoil II. Li-- cum, colonel ot the Ninth Infantry, tell before the gates of Tien I'-in last Friday, tor Liscutn was a Ver mont boy of the stock that liht for the sheer lust of combat. He has been a soldier since he w as 20 years old, and saw service in the rebellion, the Spanish war, tin Philippine war, and, lust ol all, in China. Hi- country was not negli gent ol lii- worth and, when he died so gloriously the other day, it was preparing to honor him by promot ing him to the rank ol brigadier general in recognition id' his bravery at San Juan. Liscum was born on Julv 16, 1841, and began his military career May, 1861, when he entered the volunteer army, us a coporal in the First Vermont Infantry. He Was mustered out the following August and immediately entered the regular army as a private in the Twelfth I ufautry. Pennsy to Bridge Susque hanna. An engineer corps ot the I enu svlvauia Railroad have completed the survey tor a railroad bridgi across the Stistiiiclianiia at Danville, and are running a line for a bratul which will intersect with the S. II & W. Railroad 'in tin- opposite sidi ot the river, and pass through lan ville, Bloonisburg and Berwick where it will again be earned acrosi l.lie Siisniiehaillia to intersect with the main line. Between I anvilh and Berwick the tow path ot tin Pennsylvania canal, now practical!) uband d, will hi' llltlized as a r mi I bed. Reformed Reunion at Sunbury The Reformed churches in Cen tral Pennsylvania will hold their fourth annual reunion at Clement's Park, Sunbury, on Thursday, Julv 26th. Dr. fC.C. Schaffer, state su perintendent of public schools, and Rev. G. W. Richards, a professor of the Theological Seminary, will de liver addresses. Single fare rates for the round trip have been secured on all the railroads leading to Sunbury. This will he a delightful outing, and the event promises to be largely attend ed. Everybody is welcome to spend the day at the reunion. Special Sale of Dress Goods and Linings at Weis'. Saturday, July -1st, as has been our custom tor several years, we w ill allow a discount ol 20 per cent. on our entire stock of Dress (mods and Linings. This discount will be allowed only to Spot oath buyers. This sale will include all our black a n d colored Henriettas, Serges, Crepons, Cashmeres, Cloths, Suitings, Poplins, Novelties, Silks, Satins, Dress tmighams, Lawns, White goods, Picpies, Organdies, etc. Remember 20 percent, off on all of the aliove mentioned goods, Sat urday, Julv 21. S. Weis. 7-12-2L VOL. 37. NO. 28- Ella B. Weidinan. Miss Ella B. Weidinan, of Ad amiblirg, Pa., sweetly fell asleep in Jesus alter an illness ot a little more than a week on Monday after noon, July 16, 1900. Although somewhat of an invalid for manv years, yet up to within a week ot her death she attended to her bus iness as usual and on July s taught her class in Sunday school and was present at the communion table. She was surrounded during her illness and death by a host of friends and neighbors, among whom she was so deservedly popular, who did all they could to make her comfort able, and by the aid of the attend ing physician to bring her relief, hut to no avail ; death claimed her as another victim. She was a faithful member id the General Synod Lutheran church, Sunday school, V. P, s. '. E. So ciety and Woman's Home and For eign Missionary Society, Her Lord and His work were always tipper most in her mind. She has gone to her reward. Peace to her ahes. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Hettie Smith, who keenly feels her loss. May the lot! ol all coiniort con-oie and iinliold In r in i Iter sore liereavemeiit. The funeral service will take place on Thursday, Julv 19, at 11 i. m. at house, the pastor. Rev. I. P. Zimmerman, officiating. - O. H. Lycom , (tcnrire Henrv Lycom died near Nekoda, Perry Co., Julv 11, 1900, aged 23 years anil 20 days, He was horn in Fayette township, Ju niata Co., Pa., June 21, 1S77. Last tail he injured his toot, which re mained sore till hi- death. In con nection with this he had consump tion which terminated his life on the above date, lie Buffered long and intensely, hut liore it all pa tiently and uncomplainingly, resign ing himself to the w ill ot lod. He was married lust August to Miss Clara Shaffer, of Washington township, who with ;i mother, broth er, sister and a sympathizing com munity deeply mourn his departure, His remains were laid to rest in the burial plot ol Ebein r church to await the summons of the resur rection morn. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Itrrd EntrrMt lor Record. .lame- Hughes ami wife to Frank Ewillg, tract 1.1 land in West Hea ver I wp., lor SI ()0. N. T. Dundore anil wile to John C. Arnold Post, No. I7 A. Li., lot iii Port Treverton, I r $100. .Hnrrlaii- I.Ii'ihihm. f Charles F. Foreman, fro-Mclville, Mary E. Wolf, Northumberland Democrati Candidates. Shamokin, July 16 (Special) County Chairman Lesher to-day closed the li-t with the following registered candidates to be voted tor at the ensuing Democratic pri maries of Northumberland county: Congress, Henry E. Davis, Sun bury ; Rufus K. Folk, Danville; State Senator, II. W. Kline, Sha mokin ; J. B.' Kauffmau, Mt. Car mel : S. P. Wolverton, Sunbury ; Assembly, John T. Fisher, Shamo kin; P.' J. Criste, Milton; S. S. Krebs. Herndon; M. T. Dougherty, Shamokin ; W. J. Weldoii, Locust (iap; Register and Recorder, F. M. Van Decvetider. Northumberland ; S. D. Artinan, Milton ; A. M. Reese, Siiainokin ; Jury Commissioner, Charles O'Conner, Trevorton ; (ieo. K. GeSBDer, Coal Township; Rich ard Miller, Cbillfaqnique Town ship ; Emanuel Drtiinheller, Lower Augusta Township.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers