MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1900. Editor and Proprietor. VOL 37. NO. 21 LOCAL NEWS. Week's News Dished up in .. si AiUfi Vlci4sff-c in Town During the Past Week-Other News of Interest. ri. n,.sie Smith had beeu visit- frieuda at Sunbury last week. r:..T.Lia Grimm is visiting her . Bamh (Jriiiim. at Al I til I II- C. Renninger of New Berlin l i :.. .. ... n4 one uav inc. 1 1 , ,i .r I - i.i nutinp III U1I2 11-iK.UL'l in ,i,...- nations witli dates will be found his issue. m 1 II 1. kMIMaltllt I I I 1 I. il I 1 ll I I i, li I lM rli V 1 1 In Vlll 1 I ' inev 111 r"J ii it!. ...:...- ir I r Dl.Ln mm Timul'iv u t ilt til I - i I - I . 'nriun n resume worn ui , millriirht tl Qi! A I .iMoaAII H II nilllH (II 1 t'llll D uauiooo 1 - .1 lllltlll tv seat visitor 'K wars a . ,.... r I t l.at uraalf airnaiiKs oui bale cheap. Address Box , ., inrir I I'll. CI--11. L - ... . . I mI Fourth at Sunbury, the guests . a 1 i i . neenoia uuu who. .... i u yI it. ir . HI. .Allium, vi I 11 1.... lqat U.Ub . Burns ennui, oi ii .. n.- V'.l" y-"Trr...J;. n lour flnva in JU. id n 1 ! ...,.t Liin - 'Vlll- 11. HUVlUg ttlMWI A.AV"- . He Dtiyaer vjuuuv tmuwia . I CJI I ,..1 in tin. i 1 1 1 i i i i ' 111(11 h R IIVFW1 WWVt'WW I building t tins uorougn i,. ... - w " " "6 "" 1 oh and Mrs. Joseph Walter in place. loses Jennie Keller ol Aaams- aiid Jennie Charles oi Port erton visited Prof. Edwin rles and family last week. nring the past week we erecieu W..I.. t..,. flnanltna Knirini' tl) the press ami other machinery lis office. Adviaor, published in New Bays under "Peculiar Names": . Duck is a local advertiser in llalitirorh. Pa. R" T 1 1' Mil, a student ot Susquehan- Divereity, is visiting Wm. H. We will lie a festival at (ill- school house on Saturday, If), 1900, tor the benefit of i i i ....v.,, ,7i.llWI KfitniDg struck in the barn of iam Herrold of Chapman town- ast Thursday night and the uig was entirely destroyed Dy large piece ot dynamite was (ii in ti'i.nt mi tl... fx.iirr iiii.i I'Vl'Ilinir nt .1 n v 4th. ITI lk- b v. v , lute a utmt inanv window D Suudav evmimr. Julv 15. r w ' rilllt ltrw it-III f-inr in ll... T Urctl. I hn nacitir u tlinnin will IIP rnwpr nt Sonir " A stwv- vitation is extended to all. hnr T. Ql U Tl II v. UIIUUIVIII" .'MM. Frederick Kline of Shamo- J'y 4th Irom the effect of he died. Brown is arrested urder and is lodged in the ry jail. Ir WITH Iho 4 . 1 .r a .. .1 - . 9 j ivwu MUUJUI D Ul VlOT lllw Sum.. : A. ? I -v ue juai, reoeivea is onm the product of the best brains lnn.1 1.1 L 1 .1 "w wieniea auwors. John Howell and wife were at Sunbur) last week. Mrs. H. was at the hospital for treatment. Isaac Snlts, one of our ex -county commissioners, ol Meiservil.'e, was at the county scat Thursday ol last week. Quite a great many fishing parties went out from this place on the Fourth to various places along Middled! ck. Mrs. II. II. llartcr and son, Brier, and the editor of the Post and wife spent the Fourth with the editor's mother at Selinsgrove. A. 1 . Kramer, the wideawake and progressive tanner and phos phate agent of K reamer, was in town Friday of hist week. I). A. Keru of t Wis place sold his plamug null property atiove Bea vertowu to Jacob Middleswarth of Beavertowu for fG00. Mrs. Rev. 1. E. McLain and LIU .1 i I . o II cniiurcii sueni lasi ween ai oeiuis- grove the guests of her parents, J, A. Lumbard and wife. Ex-County Treasurer v'm. 11. Riegleaud wife of Adamsburg were in this place Sunday a week calling on some of their many friends. Mrs. H. R. Bickhart,Mrs. II. II. Grimm and daughter, Mabel, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Adamsburg and Bannerville. John Bhipton, a student of the Scotland Orphans' School, is in this place to spend his summer vacation with his guardian, Calvin Stetler, and relatives. Mrs. Paul Billhardt returned Sat urday from an extended visit to her brother, C'has. Frain, and wife at Akron, Ohio. Ib r brother accom panied her to this place, his former home. The school hoard of this borough last Tuesday evening elected the fol lowing named teachers for the bor ough schools : High School, A. 11. Gilbert; Intermediate, Ed. Charles; Primary, Miss Lottie ("rouse. II. H. darter, who has been resid ing in Lincoln, Neb., tor the past year and nine months, came in from his western home to spend some time with his eastern friends and re latives. He likes the West and may return to Lincoln again. J)r. J. W. Orwig and wife of thin place and Merchant James E. Magce . , . i ' ;.. I T 1 an, wile ol l reamer were in union County last week and joined a lot ol relatives and friends in a (idling pari v about ten miles west of Forest Hill'. Miss Maine Billmyer of VVash ingtonville has been spending some time very pleasantly in this place as the guest of Miss Lillian Stetler on the French Flats. The latter gave a party in honor of the former dur ing the visit. Go to A. E. Soles for a smooth easy shave or up-to-date hair cut ,, .I i -.i i i and head cicaiieu wun a reircsning shampoo or dandruf removed with his tonic, clean towel to each patron in hank building one door east of Post Ollice; satisfaction guaranteed. Hon. (!. Alfred Sohoch, Presi dent of the First National Bunk and of the Managers of the Main Shoe Co. of this place is now enjoying a trip through the wist. He will visit Chicago, Pierre, South Dakota; Kansas City, Mo., and other places in the great West. Notice. The valuable farm and mill pro perty of Mary W. and Geo. G. Mc Cullochat McCulloch's Mills, Pa., will be sold at administrator's pub lic sale on Wednesday, August 1, 1900. For particulars, call or ad dress C. C. McCulloch, McCulloch's Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. A Chance Acquaintance. LMI ON BORROWED TIE The most beautiful niece of color which Maud Humphrey has at- tempted has been secured lv the T, , , great "Philadelphia Sunday Press," I be leople 10 OGVEPal Districts Of ana copies will lie given tree to1 every reader ol I lie issue of next Sunday, July 15. Fur delicacy of shading and hcnitty in every particu lar this picture, uhieh i entitled "A Chance Aeuiiaiutauce," is with out ail equal annul!' water colors, There is certain to lie a tor it; hence Votl had Snyder Gounty Who are 70 Years of Age or Older. The older people of Teat demand marksaudii is interest '. . 1 .1. . . ii- i i. netter order : 1111 same n e iiiiiiii- yotir copy of next Sunday's "Press" in advance. A Sad Doath. On Suudav evening, July 1 st .1 i iii i tin- niiiy fin iii, the seven-year-oil I daughter ol James II. Diemer and wile took sick and died Ttiesd.iv morning at seven o'clock after a sick ness of unlv 3(1 hours. The sickness u hich claimed lilt le lain' as a victim was pronounced scarlet lever and the authorities requested a private burial and quarantined the family. The little one was buried in me hi uuiieoiirg cemetery ui nve o'clock Wednesday morning, July Itli, The Post extends its sym pathy in this sad Imur to theberenv" ml family . J, II. Seilerof MeKtes brought the mail to town Wednesday instead of P. A. Troup. Mrs. Malonev and daughter, Eva, of Camden, N J., are visiting Mis Librae Disnkelberger. Card ot Thanks. I desire to most heartilv thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and assistance shown us during our recent sad nffliction in the loss id our only child. .I.s. II. DlRMKR. Special Sale of Dress Goods and Linings at Weis'. pu lieeu able to secure th i i t - T Saturday, July 21st, as has been our custom tor several years, we will allow a discount of 20 per cent, on our entire stock ol Dress Goods and Linings. This discount will be allowed only to upot caxh buyers. This sale will include all our black and colored Henriettas, Serges, Crepons, Cashmeres, Cloths, Suitings, Poplius, Novelties, Silks, Satins, Dress Ginghams, Lawns, White goods, Piques, Organdies, etc. Remember 20 percent, ofl on all of the above mentioned goods, Sat urday, Julv 21. s. Wew. 7-12-2t. Festiyal and Picnic. There will be held on Saturday and Saturday evening, Julv 1 I, HUM), in Pace's Grove, near Holler, a grand pio-nic and festival under the auspices of the United Brethrea church of Susquehanna circuit. Sev eral good speakers will be present, from whom good speeches are ex pected, A band will also be on the ground to furnish music. Refreshments of all kinds will be served. Proceeds of the festival to be need tosrard digging a well and painting the parsonage. Come one and all. By order of CoMMITTKK. A OA M IP-ported by A, ll Swart. V.mr j Daniel Nerhood, Susan Fuhrman, Jacob 1 ). Sehrader, Maiilda Shrefller, Leah Musfcr, Levi Musser, Su.-an Hendricks, William ( . Smith, M. ( 'hristina Swart, Thomas Thomas, John 1 leudriuks, Rttchuel Smith, Eve Lepley, Daniel W. Fiss, suae Biugaman, Lovinn Lo.-i', Wght Bi:.VKn llnpiifted bj In o WlddleiwartD, Mrs. Geo. Kline, A. K. Middleswarth, Mrs. A. hi. Middleswarth, Mrs. Amos. Nerhood. illiiilietli J. Plumsant, Mi. Geo. Stuck, Beujamiu Peters, Mrs. Jaeob Miller, Jacob J. Matteru, Mrs. John Kriek. Mrs. Isaac Baker, Adam Waguer, Llialietli Ivriek, Mrs. Adam Waguer, Mrs. C W. Fisher, Mrs. Pi ter ( Joss, M rs. Henry Jos-, M rs, Solomon Krebbs, Reillien Maker, Mrs, Joseph Peters, Geo. P. Goss, Isaac I laities, Iaac Baker, C. V. Fisher, Joseph F. Goss, Mrs, I Iciiry Treaster, William Kriek, 1 lenry Baumgardner, Solomon Maiin r, Levi Treaster, Mrs, Henry Felker, M i s. Joseph F, ( io-s, Samuel B. Kline, Mrs. Isaac Peters, MlOIlLGIII i(cinri -ii by w. c. Bnyder. Samuel Witteumyer, John P. Smith, Harriet Bachman, Absalom Snyder, Maria Stahlnecker, I lannah Smith, Joseph Bowersox, ( atherine Witteumyer, Elizabeth Smith, Anna B. Bilger, Sabilla Bowersox, Susanna Schoch, RachaelKcrn, Anna M. Bowes, Mary Long, John S. Stetler, Sarah Dorn, tnunity are historicul lam examine authentic lists o ol such as far as we havi s'lll', ( 1() i- r ninh. Air Fell. 21, 181(1, '.Ml Mar. II, I NI 7, n.; July 31, 1819, SI Aug. 2(, 1821, T'.i Jan. ti, ls:;, 77 July 2f, isj:;, 77 Aug. 7, 182.'), 77 Mar. 5, 1825, 75 Mar. 21, 1825, 75 Oct. 2H, 1825, 7-". May 7, 1820, 7 I Feb. 24, 1828, 7 J June :;t, 1829, 7 1 Sept, 28, 1829, 711 Jan. 4, 1830, 7i Jan. 1 7, 1830, 70 XHliii, I ) 1814, 86 Jan. 22, 1815, 85 Mar. 9, LSI 7, 83 Apjil 'M, 18J9, g, Miv 29, 1820, 80 Nov. Hi, 1822, 78 Nov. U), 1823, 77 Jan. 31, 1824, 7'i Feb. 9, 1824, 70 Feb. 13, is-r., 75 Mai. 4, 1825, 7-". Mar. 5, 1 825, 7-". Mar. 20, 1825, 7-" June 'J.i, 825, 7.". Nov. 30, 1825, 7" 1825, 7"i 1825, 75 1825, 7--. 1825, 7--- June 30, I vJ''., 7 Sept. 25, 1820, 7 1 Nov. 19, 1820, 7 1 Dec. 23, 1820, 7 I Mar. 15, I iJ7, 7:'. 1N27, 7:: Aug. 17, 1828, 72 Mar. 20, 1829, 71 June 1 "J, 1 S29, 7 I June 5, 1830, 711 July 12, 1 830, 711 Sept. J7, 1830, 711 1830, 711 April 7. 1831, 051 April 'Jii, 1831 09 noit,(l7) Dee. 13, 1808, i'L' Dec. 13,1814, 80 Jan. 10, 1815, 85 Dec. 'Jl', In 7, 83 June 10, 1819, 81 Feh. 17, 1820, 8( 1 ( )ct. Hi, 1 820, mi April 25, 1821, 7'.' Jan. 28, 1822, 78 Mar. 24, 1822, 78 Oct. 22, 1823, 77 Julv 24, InlM, 70 Aug. 21, 1824, 7; Oct. 20, 1826, 74 Feh. 2--.; 1N27, 7o June -I, 1N27, 7:; Sept. 25, 1827, 7:; "What is the price ot Dobbins Electric Soap?" "Five cents a bar, full size, just reduced from ten and your choice of 217 25-cent books sent free, for each 3 wrappers and 5 cents for iwstage. Hasn't been less than ten cents for 33 years. "Why that's Uic price of common brown soap. I can't afford to buy any other soap than thus Send me a lxix of Dobbins' Electric." Report) by s. b.iimumd. Sarah Keen, Christian Kessler, Samuel Getuberliug, Samuel Bower, Robert Leslier, Peter Fisher, Amelia Fisher, Jacob Bay, John Zimmerman, Samuel Bitter, Sallie Trutt, Mary CJeist, John Derk, Matilda iaugler, ( 'atherine Bailey, William Slear, Mrs. Leah Bitter, Joel llolleiilmi'li, Musi - ( Jeist, Sophia Lull::, I (aniel Sassiiman, Sr., John ( '. I lakeless, I larriet Bower, I Ian v Jarivtt, Mrs. Mary Derk, .1. M. Kessler, Asaph Fide r, Jonas Trexler,, Andrew Trutt, Mary M. Kessler, Spring u 'ported by 11. .1 . tiplt-y. Elisabetli Stuck, Catherine Leplev, William 1 teoker, Polly M. Uomig, Andrew Ulsh, Anna Manlii'ek, ( 'atherine Shiirv. Samuel Bachman, Mrs. Paul Benfer, Sophia Arlxigust, Paul Benfer, Levi Smith, I ievi Swauger, Pettr Ki.gel, Mary F. Bingamau, Daniel Pricv. Isaac Auralid, Augustus Biulniaii, J Eliala'tli 1 ' niiiiis, j Isaac I hum, I Mrs. Daniel, Price, i Isaac Ulsh, Barbara Ivnepp, Mrs. Peter Riegil, Mary Shannon, I fxio.N Tu Reportod by 1 Innle K Aucker. Kate lClllg, Abraui ( iaugler, Eve Houser, Mary Aim I link le, William A. Shnflcr, Israel !harles, Mary Herrold, Sarah Shah r, II. A. Bolieh, John Wolfe William Stall I, Samuel Witiner, ( leorge ( 'anipliell, Mrs. Christ Fox, Klizalxjth Witmcr, Li'vi ( iiMxlling, Mr-. Wm. Staid, Mr-. Jacob Riegel, Christ Fox, ( 'atherine Sholly, Kavhael Wentxel, ( 'atherine Seclirist, Jac. Shotsberger, Emanuel Bordner, Jeremiah Bogar, Sr., Jacob Riegel, Town ramp, (30) DMtl III III rill Agr. 8ept. II, 1805, ", Ajir. Hi, 1813, 87 Feb. n, 1816, 84 Sept. in, 810, 84 Oct. I'd, 1817, 83 July n, 1818, 82 Dec. 20, 1819, 81 Oct. s, 1822, 7,x Sept. 14, 1822, 78 Sept. 18, 1822, 7s Nov. Hi, 822, 78 Mar. IN, IVJ::, 77 July 1 I, 1823, 77 Oct' 7, 1823, 77 dan. 1, 1824, 71 i Oct. 1824, 71; Oct. -v., 1824 7;i Aug. 7, 1825, 7.-, Sept. 23, 1S25, Dir. -j:,, 1825, 7:. Mar. 12, 1820, 7; Aug. 1820, 71 Nov. 14, 1820, 71 dan. !, :,N27, 73 Nov. 15, 1827, 7d Feh. I, ls'.s, 70 Nov. I 1, 1829, 71 Nov. 18, 1820, 71 I'ce. 21, 1829, 71 Jan. 28, 1830, 711 sill I', (2.-., Jan 28, 1808, 92 Aug. 8, 181 1, Mi Sept. Hi, mi,t n- Oct. in, 1816, 84 1818, 82 Jan. 21, 1819, ,N Jan. I, 1820, Mi Jan. 1, 1820, Nil Jan. 7, 1820, Nil 1 821 , M 1 Sept. I, 1821, 7'd 1821' 7! 1822, 7h 1824, 7.. Nov. 2::, 1825, 7,-, 1 825, 7A 1820, 71 -.'. 30, 1820, 71 Sept. 21. 1827, 7:: duly I 2, I S28, 72 I v2 72 An-. In. 1828, 71 S: 1. l::. 1828, 71 1820, 71 Aug. 27, 1830, 711 Willi', (20) Sept. 8, 1819, n2 Jan. I, 1819, 8 Feb. 13, 1810, 81 May 12, 1819, 81 Mar. 25, 1821, 79 June 8, 1822, 7! Sept. 18, 1822, 78 Nov. 2, 1823, 76 Dec t i, 1824, 70 Dee. p.), I 825, 76 Jan. ::, 1 825, 7"i May 10, 1825, 7.". May 23, 1825, 7.. Apr. 2, 1826, 71 Feb. 1827, 73 Apr. 4, 1827, 7:; Apr. 30, 1827, 7:i May 1K27, 7:: May 2, 1828, 72 May 17. 1828, 72 June 13, 1 828, 72 Am:. 4, 1828, 72 Aug. 1828, 72 Sept. 15, 1829, 71 Dei'. Hi, 1829, 71 ( ' (. 1 I, 1830, 7i Quite a few of our young people spent the Foiuth at Sunbiirv. In the organ contest Ebeoeser chinch of Washington township lead in the first and second counts and the United Evangelical church of Pennscreek has led iu the other three. The contest at present ap pears to be between these two, with no chance of foretelling the result as there are a great many premium coupons out that may lie voted at any time during the contest. Miss Netta Gemberling ol Penn township is visiting Miss Dora Bick liart in this place, W. H. Bideni, optician and jew eler of New Berlin, will be at G. C. QntelfaMr store room Wednesday of each week for the purpose ot testing eyes and repairing all kinds of jew elry. Mr. Eidem is a graduate ot the Philadelphia Optical College and all work entrusted to him will receive his most careful attention. 5-30-2m. The citizens of Selinsgrove have issued a protest against the removal of Susquehanna University from that place. It is is.sinil in pamphlet form. Prof. F. C. Bowersox, County Superintendent ( has. Miller, H. B. Mover ami Dr. K. W. Took of Freeburg ami Prof. Win. Noetling and Miss Jennie Miller of Selins grove were at Williamsxrt attend ing the meeting of the State Teach er's Association, last week.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers