Hi'liW J- Ja Iff jtock. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. t.eeann In Hit Inlernntfonal Series far Mnri'h IS. IIMio Jraui t I Nutlllw'l llouae. DOORS IN PIGGERIES Plan w 1 1 h Thai llus llren tarried Oul HopIi Success nt Ihe ticrlph 11 a perl men t Slnllon. Convenience In the plgger) should be ronaiili'rrtl in buliiliiif,' iu quarter. Tbe plun outlined herewith In much liked hi i he Ontario experlmeni htrmsi tiui'lph In ilif upper figure, a represents doon t o pern (bli), The if- 1 a rjri -V A 1 A.j a! A' I S CZ L 12 t t t I t Prc-parcl hy HrCIOr C. Iyenlngton.j THB LG8BON TEXT. (Murk 2:13-22.) 13 And Ha WSSI fonh upaln hy the sm r.lde: and nil the multitude resorted uum Him. und H taught them. ifi And aa He passed hy. He saw Ltel the s. n of AlpheuH Kitting at the ra-1 celpi of euitom, and said lintj him: Fol low me Ami ho am.-e and followed Him. I M And It C&me lo puss, that, as JMUI Ml ui mi ut In his house, many publicum I and alnnata i.it alau together with Jesui in. I Ills Uleclplea; for there were many, and thejr followed Him 16 And IV hen the scribes nml 1'harlsref lan Him with publlcana and alnnera, the) said unto Ills dlaclplSSi How Is It thai Hi eateth and drinketh with publican) and sinners? 17 When Jesus heard It, He salth untt them: They thai are whoio have no ueea of the physician, hut Ihiy I hat are sick : I came not to cull the rlghieoua, hut alnntfi to repeniance. II And the disciples of John and of th rharlfeei uaed to fast; and they come and say unto Him: Why do .ho dlaclplta el .1 ihn and of the Pharisees fast, hut thj dlaelptea fast not? 18 And ,1'sus sail unto Ihem: Can th children of tha brldechambet fast, wbiii the bridegroom Is with them? as long at they have the bridegroom with them, the) cannot fast. CO Bui '.he days will come, when thi bridegroom ahull he taken away front i1' i.i, and then aha 1 1 they fust in these dooms foi: a piggery. ra:ij;t'tncnt SliOWl of a fet ,;!:;; Irougl. in front between uoor and wall, saves pace of one door, thereby allimiuu; of a more narrow pen, ami piga can be banged readily from one pen to thi" next. In another piggery, without the V-shnped door arrangement, the nuns ire square, us shown in the lower fig ure. Besides, a door (a), which swings iheo eaeb pen, a door (1)) is also hinged fo the nisles ma be closed or penned. This arrangement allows of extra emergency pens, for the letting out of a sow for service, or for changing an imals from one pen to another. Farm and Home. LIPTING WEAK HORSES. Many a Valuable Animal's Lire I n lie Sin eel by Pursuing tbe I'laa Here Outlined. It often happens in every community. If not on every furm, tbut througlu dis ease or nccident, a borse becomes un- bble to get on its feet when down, or ptand for any time when lifted or helped up. For animals in this condi tion, convalescence is alwaya slow. peven when the animal recovers at ull. bluny bad sprains or even a break that lias ruined a borse might have been leured if this or some other method of relieving the limb of the weight of tbe body had been uaed. Take a number of thicknesses of bur lap or gunny sacking, aa it ia often Balled, folded so that it will be about to 18 inches wide and about five feet VH)g. Aa thla is to bear tbe weight of he horse, there should be enough to nsure strength to bear all the strain But upon it. Knot each end to a strong lope. If it is in a stall, fasten a pulley block to a beam above, through wbicH run the rope, after having placed the burlap tinder the horse. Just back of llu's front legs. Spread the burlap to its treme width, so that tha weight will distributed over a Inrger surface. 1 I '.1 No man also sewetll n piece of new I loth on an old garment! else the new pleci i ii titled it up taketh away from the old and the rent la made worse. 13 And i o man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the io w wine doth hurst th bottles, and the wine Is spilled, und thi bottlea will be marred; hut new wino must be pul lino new bottles. GOLDEN TEXT, Ha said unto him. Follow me. I.uke j:2i. NOTES AND COMMENTS, The lesson deals with two events, the call of Matthew and the feast at Matthew's house. 'The lirst occurred In May or June of A. 1). 28, The sec end inoy have occurred at the same tunc, though many think it was some months later in the autumn. Parallel I Recounts of tbe lesson will be found in Matthew DiO-17 and Luke 5:27-j9. The three passages are very similar. In considering the lesson we might note the following points: Matthew Called vs. 1S-H Matthew's Feast y. II Bating with Sinners vs. Regarding Fasting vs. 18-21. A 1'arable vs. Jl-23 Matthew's Call. Matthew, or Levi as he is called, had his home in Caper naum. He was a publican or tax col lector. It is not probable thut his con version was a sudden one. It might have been, but the fact that both he and Jesus lived in Capernaum makes it plausible that they had talked to gether before. . Matthew's Feast. Not long after he became a diaciple Matthew gave a feast. The writers point out that it vas apparently given with the idea of giving to the people with whom he had been associated an opportunity of meeting Jesus. In this company were many publicans and sinners. Pub licans were not popular. As a class they were extortioners who had bought tbe privilege of collecting the taxes. They turned over the purchase price of this privilege, anil their own income was fixed only by the amount they could collect over and above that reoiiired bv the Koiiian iniYem tin'tit or "You will find enclosed thirty -one one-cent Stamps for one of lr. Pierce's Medical Advisers, clolh bound," writes James E. Crampton, Esq.! of Sharps burg, Washington Co., Md. " This book is tor a friend of mine who is using your '(".olden Medical Discovery,' and I cannot praise your medicine too highly, I was in business in Baltimore ana had rheumatism for three months; couldn't walk at all. I tried the best doctors I coulj get, but they did me no good. I took three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it cured me sound. I came home to Sharpsburg, and there were three cases of different diseases, 1 advised the patients to use Dr. Pierce's medicines, which they did, and all were cured." "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, cocaine, nor other narcotic. Frte, Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, IOoS pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the Ixxik bound in paper, or 31 Stamps for cloth binding, to Dr. K, V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. i'i 1 'In 1 in to Sympathy, "Bones are such sagacious crea tures, uren't thty?" said the young woman, "Yes, indeed!" answered Col. Stil well. "I have heard that n racehorse sometimes shows unmistakable signs of grief and humiliation after he has list." "I don't see why ho should take it so much to heart. He can sleep out there at the track. He doesn't have to walk home." Washington Star. Clab Wisdom. "Bromley, here's an account of a woman who lived 48 days on water." "Thnt's nothing, Bnrringer. My fa ther has been living on water for the last ten years." "Do you expect me to believe that, eh? Why don't you add that he grew fat on it?" "Well, he did. He's a sen captain." Tit-Bits. wo men can now handle the horse 1 the one from whom thev bad boilffht easily. Jf the borse is unable to stand, 1 the privilege. It was natural, then Pift. Mm just high enoUffb so that, his I that the mtblleani would Rnrl their s ieei may rest nrnily on the ground, anil 1 sociati s among "sinners," the w ord those whom tin- strict Jews St the same time he can rest by letting 11s weight be borne bv a swing. He Irill soon learn to let himself rest In his way, so there will be no danger if overtaxing weak muscles. We saved valuable nnininl in this way after it Hal been "on the lift" for two months. B J. L. Irwin, in Ohio Farmer. Wnrmlng Food for Stork. Most of the advantages of cooking ood, and especially of food containing uch water, come from feeding it warm. If grain of any kind is fed it will do more good if ground and fed d ry nan if cooked. Heat expands all suli- itancea that contain starch. If fed dry H animal eats more than it supposes t Is eating. The expansion occurs in tie stomach, and the animal, if a rura- nant, lies down to ehew its cud and in- ulge in the long sleep that insures ;ood health and good digestion. If rsea are fed too much it often euusea die. The Slse of Asfors Goat. The Oregon Agriculturist says: "It Appears quite certain that the size of Ingora goats has increased in the Jnlted States and Soutb Africa, and hat as a result of crosn-brecdinir thev now larger in Turkey than thev ere half a century ago. Mr. Henry O. Blnna, who was in the gont district of urkey as a buyer of gouts and mohair. M well aa a breeder of goats, wrote to "r. Schreiner that a pure Angora rcim Et the original type was, in his prime, hout tbe size of a five-monlhs-old Cape aa." Bow to Feed Corn Fodder. The old way of feeding corn fodder Ihould give way to the new as fast M men can afford to invest in fodder pittera and ahreddera. By the old y, waste waa encouraged. The large nas of tbe stalks were uneaten and pad to be oast out as rubbish. Tlwv ere not even fit to be uaed for bed- F'ng. Where shredding ia possible bese same atalks are not only ren- P'red fit for the. cowa to eat. but if. h fhsnce, anything- be left, it is suitable or bedding. Farmers' Review. Do Not Feed Froaen Rtn. The feeding of frozen awill and other air-frozen articles Is the cause of much digestion, and Isek of thrift with' our 1ne during the winter months. Thii ould never be done. It chills the P-omach and tbe whole animal system, usea a temporary atandstill in as- lation and growth, and requires necessary expenditure of food and to bring tbe animal back to bis I working order. Fsrm Journal, principles. imply in, thought unlit to associate with. Sin ners included the outcasts of society joaiiuew iiiinseir was a .lew, ami so more thoroughly despised by the .lews as being the instrument of their op pressors. Eating with Sinners. The scribes mid pharisees. representing the strict .lews, were quick to note the visit of Jesus to the house of Matthew at th time he had this party of publicans and sinners. The Idea they had was n good one. Itad company makes bad men, and a man can usually be known by the company he keeps, (iod had culled the Israelites to be a peculiar people, and forbidden them to inter marry with idolatrous peoples about them. But the scribes had not antici pated Jesus' ready reply. A physician to live up to his calling must come into contact with the sick that he may heal disease. The physician of the soul must come into contact with sinners that He muy save them. Regarding Fasting. Among the re ligious observances of that day was that of fasting. Jesus and His disciples did not fast, and this feast gave a splendid opportunity for iuquiring about it, especially as it is inferred from the revised version that this feast occurred on one of the Jewish fast days. It seems from Matthew's nc count that it was the disciples of John who really propounded the question, both for themselves and the pharisees. He pointed out the incongruity of fasting as a mere form. After He was gone then would they sorrow and fast. A Parable. Jesus illustrated His meaning by a parable. He said, in ef fect, thnt the imposing on His dit eiples at this time of the ancient Jew ish custom of fasting would be like sewing a piece of new or unshrunken goods onto an old garment or the put ting of new wine into old bottles. Of course the fermenting juice would burst the old skins. AFTERTHOUGHTS. Keeping bad company is aa danger ons ns contact with infectious disease. Men in sin need the helping hand and kindly sympathy of their Chris tian fellows. Bo not attempt to test new doc trines by old forma. Religious foTms have their place, but their observance Is no real test of char acter. Jesus in all His discussions went to tbe very heart of the matter. He avoided disputes, but enunciated great A Sorry Bictptlos. Most plant life thrives the best, they say, When hy the sun caressed. Yet wllil oats do not love the day. Hut thrive by lamplight beBt. Kllloit's Magazine. w 11, mm; to kf.f.f it dark. Miss Giddie It's awfully aweet of you, .Mr. (Junius (coquettish pause) Impey, to usk me to marry you. Of course, 1 know you love me; but I liopo that people won't say that you married me for my money! Mr. Impey (Junius (in a state of ut ter collapse after an elaborately forced proposal) My dear, Mlaa Gid die er Flossie, I assure you that I shall never mention it! Punch's Al manack. Father to me? The Snitor form. Puck. Fair Nollee. So my daughter referred you -Yes; just as a matter ef Domestic Tragedy. Mrs. Grimes How in the world do you get rid of your stole bread? J have to throw lots of mine away. Mrs. Bmarte I here's no need for you to do that Why not do aa I do? I just hide it away from the children. Mrs, Grimes Hide it away from the children? What then? Mrs. Bmarte Then the children find it. and eat up every morsel of it. 'Tit-Hits. A CaaSe of Action. "Uxory has sued Soaksem, the fur rier, for alienating bis wife's affec tions." "You don't mean it! Why, I didn't suppose Mrs. Uxory ever knew him." "She doesn't. Hut he exhibited tbe finest sealskin ever In this town in his window, and she won't spenk (o Ux ory because he won't buy it for her." -.. V. World. sir. Nome of in niialneaa. began young Tiinkins, na he the presence of the dear girl's '1 want to marry your dnugh- sntered father, ter " "Oh. don't bother me with your troubles," interrupted the old gentle man. "She told me some time ago that she intended to marry you, so you'll have to settle it between yourselves." Tit-Hits. Trust Conference. He tried to stand o(T the grocery Kor some sugar and ham and a pound of tea, rtut the, grocer said "Nit, No trust not a bit, I'm nn anti-trust advocate seeT" Ilaltlnioro American. Experts Baffled Real Diamonds are no better for all purposes than the O33T10S J 100 We Stat." 1 till'" Gennl nitru Ullhilt are the sole streets In the United for these inurvtuloua semi precious . will h are the nenresl approach to ie Diamonds over discovered. For the - nr Introducing thi'lll quickly to the will forward nth. t (IMG. PIN. STUD. EARRINGS ihrriiWa ur to : E Drops), al 1 LIS CJ4-A:: 'I heau stones are guarantee 1 n. re tain their luatrs torevor; the mount. Inir are heavy rolled plate, and are warranted tor flvo vcars. r- : uarrinus i.ru S-'HCIAL CAUTION nmintn I Per , 1. 1 . po ti-it confound ntoi 'l with '" all V .. or other intil v. oat lite n nun niny 1 imtne Barrios IVv Khineston . v." .;. stoiiea, tv .: irdl i 1. lieiiubiM Burr'' 1 lamuuil have uu artiflelal imcidug. are e. ;e.: W re ll ill ttnull'1 I .1 !'i llH.1.1 Itlld . I i and will out (floss. Thloffar will lust wily i !-'..iit lima ton nr, and Is subject to w . .1 ui itwal without notice. MAIL ORDERS. a Detutlfnl. iiri:!' mi. rjonnlun Barrloi Diamond, ntounteil In a heavy rlmt, pin ur staii. Mid be wot to any audit on receipt ur i iic hollar, in ordering give fail dlreo Uoiis nml state whether siua.i. m- n or lio . si-.'ir i-i defined. (TAN illK tEVH.4n!, the Prims Donna of the Walter Dnniroaeli Ojiera Co.. wri Ban in plat luntts are luitrona and full if Mre Tney ,.i" Blaguilleeiil subtititra i -seaulno diutnonds for t ' nurpost i MMit.T,si mcYOAtin Money omplly rornmle! If b;mmI sre lint hm rfprcMenlrd. IdBowaro of Imitatora.pl Addiess Mail Ordsta lo The Pomona M'f 'g Co., 131 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Mention Middlcliurg Post. senckjs owe DOLLAR 4 ut llils ad. out hstd t ad In aa Mim I.OH, lad sr will send you tale M.H IZI'ttOVrU PAULOK (iKX llltbO, bj frrlklit (. 0. U., suhjerl IsfiiBlif i. t. ) uu ratn r lamtiar It atl your mmh mun acpsit, anti 11 jnu Sajd i- u ll mm nmremtnlvA, i Rrvatnt saloe job rtrr taw mm4 far t r Ifaan nr-f aas adertlsd It altiera al more aaoar , pay lh f'tlght ni CUR PRICE 535. SO. wm mm mummmtfmmM 9T H hi.'-irr'.. THi- PARLOR CEM lo of la ant Ml HARIJt iMi slid inf Tti.NMt in-inim. ui- rr ur'.'. Kionittie ililli tratidii b' n, which In fQftmlmd dirt-ft frum a photograph you can form itloaor Ut ncailtiMl t. ,i , ,n:idc iruinaaiid quarter l ouW or walnut aadrailrrd, erforair4 ky slip, fall MM bod, braaltful Marqaielry daalfni paafFe and mm oilirr baii'baie dernratlms aad so. Unit ll tfaa TKRT LaTKNT HI i ' I' V f: Mil! .KM UAfet't Mk'h, it inrhn lonjf, S3 UTsM aoaml WriM uo puuiiua. t'ftntalnH 5 oclavea, U atcpi, i'H'wa : uuiiasun, rriuciuait P ' .i. Mrlft'lia, t'lrstr, Itf.aiM, llastt n'rr, TrrMe (.juipr-r, Dlanaaia v-'erta aad Vol llaataaai S Orta Coiipora, I Tjaa Mwrll. t.rrjid Uryaa Hfll, H. is of Urchealral Ijnrd Ke.uaai.ir) r-tce O v Rr, Ja. 1 Hrtnf SI I'urf Nnrrt Meltxlla IUrd, lH -tnfdT t i r in iut 1 1 Kntllaatl tltaU arda. 1 hel vt H Uirh B Um laMflfe p.ni too Kitds, I Bel mt rirasmp aeinti ions rrinrir-ti THE PARLOR OEM action punibtaor tl.o i r-. tirateii Nrwell Kerds, whlcli ar unly UN in the hirn est ! lntruments: tlttod with l(4oiond t i Tax Husjisi, also beat POIM felt. leathrn, etc., Iwllow I of the U't rubbercloth, iply bellow rti-ck ! iltifst Ifutherln valvrH. THE PARLOR CEM i i . . i it ii a l'Hif irftveie! plat r renrn mtrrr, ni -Kri Jur i iif.i.il riiiineg, and avrry in';JT'i luiprovi'merH.. e fun.l-h fra a baadeaaw arfaa Itaol and Ih brat uefaa ia,:r . - Horn boot paaitaaew. GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. ',7?oPJ inaue a arittan blnJintf ear truaraiiU1. by tbo tormaand ronrlltfnni of which If any .irt tW oul ae repair ft fre af taarv Try it one month and we will refund your inooey lr yon are not ucricvtiy . . t buQ of thee urtrani will bv aold at 535.50. OUDKK AT MICK MjFt DKLAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED !f J'"'1 - - n hsr ael aF ' fHH LvvL? JBvaaapvlBW dealt with uaaak your uclRhbor about ui, anta the publlaher of thin paper or Mrtro toll tan National Hank, or Corn Nat. Ban k of In . . or (.terman Excbanira Bank, New York ; or k y rallmad or eprea eomnany In (.'hleaeo. Wa aaa a rapiUl af aver 9700,OtNI.O(f. occupy entire on of the latireat bu-ir.rra blocks In ( hioairo, and employ nearly t.090 paxnle In our owti bull. Li ar WK KILL OR;i! IT M? aaa aa. nau, Rii.wa aaa apt aiao evenrui in mu- 'raj inntrnmenw at low-eat wholesale pHcaa. Writ for ftvvmpenu orwan, plaao and maaioal inatrueoant catalogue. Addivaa, vaa ---T - T ailr riMili Itlir j KAR3. ROEBUCK 4 CO. (Inc.), Fulton. OMpUiftM tJa. aVayM 81., CHICAGO, ILL. BIGGLS BO 0 apajpay r a 11 A Farm Library of unctjitalicJ value Practical. vpda4atei Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely I'rinwj ana BeautUttlljr Ulttstrated. By jacou bigolb No. I BIOOLB MORSE BOOK AUaboul llorsea-a Common SrawTreatiae,irilhoet 74 Uluttratlotu ; a itatiOard work, 'rtct wCxatt No. 2-BIUUI.n BERRY BOOK All iliont urowiiw Smi.ll PrulU- t-n,l nml Irtrn bow rontnitia 13 colored lile-likc reproductiotwoUllli lOlotr trarktMaaod loootliri illitatrationi Price wOcata ' No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK Aimm.iu i Mulliv; tilt- lH'-t r, iiltn li,,l. I-..,. rythioa : wlthaj Soli retl lib llkn i i.ri.ilin 1 11 il Lin. in. uiih ivjolbci ifluabiitioiia. tells of .ill the nrin. i 1'rUe. v Cents. No. 4 BIOOLB COW BOOK All ulnuit Cows and the Dairy Ilif-irrss hnvinRncre i aaie: containa IcoloteO life-like reproduction? on u breed, with ijaouia lltnatrstiona, Itice juCeala No. 6 BIOOLB SWINIZ BOOK juHoui. All ,itnit IIOK DreedtaB Trn1 eiy, in rti.-s, eic, Cunlnlns over ! l iuuea uuu otner entrruvitis ii...' r,,i'..i. The BIOOLB BOOKS are unique .orlKlnnl.Uftcfiil you never aawanytblng lUieUiem ot ractlcul.noiu nuible 'i hi v nic uuvinK 11 1 :i.n I..U-; sale En-1 Went. North m il ' one win. ncepa 11 11. ., cow. . t i..s small I riilti, jt 1. if BIOOLB UOuks. 'inir. Iluli h inliiul liull- ttlh. 'llu- it t Hon of : etui right FARM "av al JOURNA tr r our on:' !-, t it is fir en a 1 null an 1 1 u.have ie world -the I i ol Atnei lea bavinj for you .tt.l hoi .n ml ilOWM. till flu aidot, farm .m, ti, t n per 1 1 Its fire i-i fit. II is jjyi-nrs allni'thc head, i 1 hold pal t in t 'it- t'nitrii Rtnlea m 1 in 'ii nnd a-balrregulat readcra. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL .1 19 j) will be w nt hy mail riblne BIOOLB HOOKS rm t'A5..1I 1 . B vcAKft (remaiiulor 1 1 1 ;. to any inlilrrss I01 A Dill I 4 K Bli 1 Sample of PARA1 joi UNALu- Ich 'ulnrd WILMI R ATKINSON CIIAS. I IKNKINa Addr JOlllNAl. rim.ADi.Li y 1 . i . , I 1 . '!". "Will f- JS2 :ia AlOO t a Ml t k?eirW L" mi I t Si- - The Talleil Mercantile Buildinf in the World, M Owned and Occupied Eiclunvi ly Dy Us. to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or exprcssage anil we'll semi you one. It has iic ; . 17,000 illustrations and quotes pnet's on near that yuit cat am constantly rlcs emoted y 70,000 tnings USC and wc;;r. trrv in stock all rcOMERY WARD &. CO. ' In uii IVsaV ataVilMM '(., CkloncOt laaaaaaaaa -B'S -oaa- o a aaaaata a a o This Dictionary CONTAINING 50,000 Words 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. mmm ml rkH site sts laehaa FARM AND HOME, ik df - 1 ' 1 . :i r y Inti-n-M t :ol i I.-ismh of r ptople. Inquaiiiy It U iiueiceHfdeTiib) the ttrtmt itatiflti Ul in na). in qusnui 11 iniiny every umii in i in;iin iisrKi ;ml fully anwerft thr puiHiBe ofal lfMl three oul tit ever fom iieople. worceiter Dlctluuv) lias in.s.oo wnti-,ri nini zaxw Ami Staii'lanl XK),flOO, Tliee rout fi flu In fHO eiirh. Onr vltl) 50000 ward tuy now bebaduirun terum lieretufitrn imlifard-nf. a new duvlue rIhiwh tin- 1 i -1 . i iiMinN.it an u. itoiiitft Another KIni nnt IhiuI 6000 enjierhill) iliitlmlt woiclat hut the Bteatett of all ftrlileveiiientu In i lerti dlriloimr) initJaliiu is inn aHillllnii if 'iVWI' W'lh lo ll"l- llt t .11 In ll.t Uli (if U Millie i'Up'i ( illicit tin- ' ui nn. iii. in Word-Builders" Re1tfei the Dlctlotisi it aii rontf tnfl twelve department!!, iu fnllnws l. Aliliravln IIihih; " I'tiiiiniiiiriiiu I 'it t lmar : :i I'rpprr Nunieai 4 Qnietteer f I lie orla ; ' Lnrstj vii Usn ; 6. Pfjrllunieritary RuImi 1 Bualnew liiatriictor ; s Hocla I Ktlqui'ttei fetter Writer j lu. Uac ol aptteJi ; II. Punctual lout IX I'oNini Ouloes it cuutalui iv: pageii handsomely IkhhuI lit iiuitatinn leather coven. T Intrmluefl Fftrmanil Honneionr nation al M'lni iimiithiv luhwii alreaily baa a nlrvulay- tion tif 8HO.OOO). Into thotuands of homeit where (t imt m.w taken, we make the follow ln Remarkable Often Tberetidar price of Farm iimi Dome i- Weenie a year, i't we will tend " to thote mention Ina llili paper, hi monthi on trial for only XB rente iin illver or Rtamnt). and without further charge ntnd Tlie Cnmprehenalve wenater Dletlonayry' an above deerrllied, bi mall, Matnald. Ail aeeeptlna i in- offer will receive oui iniiKnii leently lllimt rntcd l(-ii:iui' in i-iiiiuiti llht. confalnlns ovei nueful artlelen and mme of the mom remarkable offere ever made. If yon? luhtcrtptlon is lent Immediately we will ait includi a Poi kei Atlaa of the World, containing mans In colore which would coal at Iran ?i if purchared neparately, Agente mmti'il ever w tier. Liberal commlailon fr sood work. Addrc-s nrdere tn Box D, Springfield, MaS3-,or Chicapo, Ills. DEPARTMENTS. GIVEN AWAY. "kirk if iris -kit is if k k is is is is k 1 SAWS .T;' m. m: m W I TIN TP a A8S on nnuer niio "Star" tin tatjs (sbowincr stnnll i :.-r irioi of tag), u Horse Shoe," "J, T.." "GoodLuok, Cro a Bow," sm! " Dratnmond " Natural ' Tin i are I laal value ia Hi'ptirin presents mentioned Liolow, :; :il t..j be ' Every man, woman and child r.au Eud ..... I j on tbe list that they would liko t have, and ci n have mm i, . ..'I II a, lei ! Enti trli l.i i2:.:i-. baal , -iit. OaJandaTi Tbartsoni Daroiaa'ar aM, MatlMr, i i r, ii. umii .Vi.r : mIIIkw. ... T."i .';-t. ii.. i pisyttainga, t n. i.'iu S3 Bove IVtliT tl;l.l.. ' donMa aotl in, al Ol A tV k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkkkkkiskkkkkkir 1 Mtrli Boi 2 Kipfe. ooa blada, roci . 5 H-iH..ni,lv IlirlKW 4 Ohlld'ii Het, Knits, fork ni. 6 Suit litllt lVpT Bvt.llll i' i TUpIc il.li' nn Willi,, ii 'Til f Frn. Ii linar v,..,il !'. 7 Itz r. Imll .w ,-ri.itiii1. Hlml 8 Butter Kulfp qunlilv a Banar sin'll t-n ) l"n, nnal 10 stamp Boa, -'riiiiK niivar 11 K 111 Ih, "KSfB Kil'ter." w . b). . IS Botcher Kclla, "Koan K-n In bld ... 13 Shears. "Kein Ktlttrr." S-incli.. ... ii U Nut st. t'ickpr mij Picas, i-ilr.T t'Uted .. ..i U BSm Halt, "Association" betl uiiaj In M Alarm Clock, nickal 1 six Gpiiuiiie tt..irers' Taaapootis, baal ffmtti inodi lifl l Watott, nlekal, item wud and set aan laCsrti'rs, hm sloel, huiklinrn halllllcii SOU a sii Oaaulaa Eoeata' TttUI Spoofis, lies pla'e-i ffnoebt il Six mi ll. KaiTMaaid Furks, boot horn hamllos SAO Si Bit MOD, OsonltM BeSStn' Knives and Furk". usst plstad it 'ods tw la T. ii- se: dabosntM poicciala, frry bsntiaocna aaa Rsmn .ii I ile Ho. 4, Sioraical, ass ' mi ... . arliat "liver. li.il j. wel. 1 ms) Dn Suit Hum, laathar, bMMtaoaw i ..i tlixffabta imhi 11 Rowing Machine, Ats thuii, wi.h .ill sttaitiiairra . .... icimi II Bariilrsr, Oolt'a, ;-,ainw. blued i el I.VtO n ttiSe, Colt's, lamaiii, ni- .n . . wm n 0'iltM (Waabbuni), rxsoeood, in Mid JytM 3s Mandolin, rary imu.i.uine somi 13 Winchester Bapsatiag Shut tinn, u aanse 2ujo 37 Banilnirloo, donbll barrel. Ham irierhuiit tinn. lnor ISgaragS ...2oiW R Jth Ti'lo. MSS Ur.l iuii!;i', ladle, ur State ttiw fjj Bhot Gun, Bamtagtoa, duiible bar rel, lia:utnerle.. ,3MK) M r. .i'ii Kasta u..i, liH Inch Duj- Iiixiu THE A lOVC 0!TR EXPIRES ftflSMSli $22L 190n Riiprinl Nnticn I Psaa "fa" Tta Ian (JaJa. Star tin tan. wiihm small Z ' etnreprlnle.nn under hI.Is of taei. are not (t-ssl rr prevn.fr, . . , - I'ut sill l. p.n 1 f. r in CAiii ,,nlhebai3 of '.wcutycealsuur hundred. If re-eiv.-.l liy u.i.ii .-r tf .r.- '! 1--I1 lt. ih.ni. ' ""',""J'X Ct7-nKAK IN Vtl thnt a dime's north or STAR PLUG TOBACCO Trill last louncr and niroril more pleasure than a iliiac'n .rortll of a other b.and. MAKE THE TESTI Send las U 4 'O X T I ' E T A L TOB ACCO CO., St Louis, Mo. i i i HI 1
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