- ' " i ! ROYftL Baking Powder The strongest, purest, most efficient and 'wholesome of feavening agents. Not lowest in price, yet the most economical ; indispens able to all who appreciate the best and most healthful food. V Our country is enjoying prosperity almost unsurpassed in its history. For every one there is money enough to buy that to eat which is pure, sound, good, wholesome. Why should we use cheap, impure, un healthful articles of food? There is no economy in them ; they endanger the health, they may cost life. There are reported almost dailv cases of sickness caused by eat ing cake, puddings or biscuit made with the cheap, alum baking powders. In all articles for food buy and use only the best. The good health of the family is of first consideration. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., UNION TWP Charles W. Krel s lefi I r Phila delphia last week to taken h nrse i;; a barber college. ..Hev. J. (i. Martin preached Sunday ul New Columbia. This is a new field of labor and he will move there in the near future Merchant . V. Auekei' ul BoliiuMj transacted business ni So- KllSgroVe one day last week . . . . . .1 . 1 lernmn and NV. 1.. Spanglef made a business triptoSunbiiry last Monday... Jock y Aucker will work on' the U.S. Aucker stock farm the coming summer . . .John L. Ulrich is eo.ilini f to his U'd on account of sickness Rev. V. K. Brillhnrdt returned f rom conference and will rM'h another year I ir his people here. . .. The members of the Dun- 'dore night school have our heartfelt sympathy siuce one ol their number is away from home, but better days will come again. . . .Thieves entered the smoke house belonging to dailies RatHfon one night of last week and carried .sway three shoulders and one ham, This i- nothing new for the iippi rend, but here liefbre they only stole chickens, etc. At tlii rate they an look for n u'1 " I spring trade unless they will have a night trial without a jury. Trusting the old boils will heal up lietore the dog days come, if not, go to Sunbury for itreatme nt. CENTREVILLE. Jacob Stalilnecker ol Middleburg ,t:i- in town on Sunday. . . .Taylor Kle kner ot Lewisburtr was in town last .('.). i lander of Selinsgrove was in town one day last week looking up business inter ests. . . .Sani'l VVittenmyer, Jr., of Middleburg was a visitor in town Sat urdav evi ni ult Beaumont Hartman and Tom Bowersox of Middleburg visited friends here over Sunday. . . .Sol. Steininger ol Mid dleereek spent several days in town last week .... Misa Lillie Spatd of Middleburg was the guest ol P. Harttnan's over Sunday. . . .Q. W. Sheary accompanied by Master AI berf Llyd ot LewUtownwas home over Sandaj . . II. V. Smith, teacher of the grammar school, was at home at Troxelville over Sunday Quite a number of our people are on the sick list Dr. (J. CMolin of Lanrelton, nominee torthe Eegia tnrc. visited bis parents last Satur day 'Squire Shinkel and John I. llartman transacted business at the county seat one day last week . . Horn to Jas. Koons and wife a daughter; to John Shrader and wife a son; to Clay Sangler anil wife a a daughter. Alum is used in many baking powders because it makes them cheap. It costs less than two cents a pound. Alum is a corrosive poison. 1 lunk of feeding it to chil dren! Y t the manufacturers of well-known alum powders are actually denying that their goods contain it. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. WEST BEAT BR. The n purl is that the Lowell store will change hands in the near future. . . .S :me parties here are very much dissatistield with the way their ties were taken up by railroad inspector. . . ,U. F. Hcrb ster and familv spent Sunday with W. V. McGaughlin. John H. Herbster was also a guest The ! way to increase your trade is simple I enough, advertise voiir business in I the Middleburg "Post" and beoblig ingtoyour customers, no matter bow small he or she may be. ..The mock court held tit Bannerville last . Friday evening surprised the spec tators by the way it was ended. It it had not been that one of the pri soners had a tooth pulled that night, the whole court would have been , found guilty of helping to eat the ! chickens thai wi re supposed to have been stolen, ft was reported there I were chicken bones found in the i coal piM'ket- ot three judges, and I each jude bad a dog that enjoyed a fat chicken bone. . . .'Squire Steely j is now prepared to do all kinds of farming lor bis neighbors at a very little cost. The 'squire's motto al i ways is to do unto others as they have done unto him, and psrhaps a little better. . . .'Squire Howell is ! reported to he improving very slowly from his late sickness James Steely has been offered a job at painting by a contractor in Milllin and Juniata counties tor the coming summer. . . Weaderand Peters have Kuished their contract for sawing the lumber lord. M. Warner's barn. KBEAMEK. There are quite a number of sales in this vicinity this spring t Harry Pontius' sale last Saturday things brought a good price... Quite a number of people from this place attended the funeral of Captain Lewis Miller at Globe Mills Mon day Quite a number of people are ick in town. . . .Chas. Landis has been unable to attend to his duties as clerk in A. 0. Smith's store on account of sickness The auditors audited the accounts of Supervisors and overseers of the oor Monday .... Miss I zyra Walter visited friends in Middleburg sev eral days last week Rev. Sham bach attended a meeting of his con gregation at t his place on Monday evening, to determine upon a plan and location to erect the new church ...MissErma Magee visited friends in Lewisburg several days last week ...John Mitchell of Renova visited his parents at this place last week. FKEEBURO. ( loo late for hut tftu.) A iiuinlier of our eitizensare pre- paring to move . . .1. t. Heixlrieks i it i i i i i.i i .. . '. . I H.-Ul a UBY 1U mciiniltl Willi HIS I imiu iu uic ucur j brother.. Harvey Moyer and family future, where he has secured em ntovetlto Liverpool Tuesday ..." i ployment with the Shaniokiu Hard 1 The horse sa!e held last Friday was ware Company as traveling sale j well attended, horses sold lor lair, " P. A. Sttiek was dented I nrices. The l'.ttiili sale will le held Friday, March 9, at the same stables!00 BundtjlMt in place of J. L ...Allen Brown, son of Hon. Varner who resigned J. A Henry lirown, died Sunday nuofl after an illness of two weeks, aged 17 years and 3 months. The fun eral was held Wednesday at 1 1'. M., and attended by a large number ot friends. His pastor, Rev. W. A. Haas, officiated. Young and old mourn the loss of one so young. The members of the High Si-hool of which he li:il been a member have shown marked respect bv dranins his desk in mourning and adopted suitable badge to lie worn by each ! are ou meaiOK Ustat present writing member until the close of the term, j The Fremont grammar and They also purchased a beautiful primary schools will give an enter floral design. Flowers w ere also tainment on Saturday evening, Mar. purchased by the Sunday School and l,n The auditors of 1'ei ry tw p. Cat chetieal Class ol which he had ,net at tlu' !! 1 house ot J. . been a member at the time of his Yerge' Monday, March 12th, to dentil. His unassuming, gentle dis- udit the finances ot the township j osition won I'm him maiiv friends. The remains were interred in Fair View Cemetery, THIS WEEK'S NEWS. Edward Mover and family moved to Liverpool Tuesday Miss Lottie B. Hi I blah left for Reading where she will scnd some time. . . . Sunday morning services were con ducted in thbR. and L, church by Rev. 1). (1. Druekenmiller, Pastor i Miss Rose Dunkelberger has j been spending some time among friends in 'Sunbury. . . .Mrs. Henry I Brown and daughter, Miss .Julia, lofCocolatnua were visiting among friends and telatives during the past wick. . . . F. S. (ilass, Esq., and Miss ' Hive II. Heaver spent Thursday in Kratzerville. . . .The horse sale on Friday was well attended average $104. Geo. F. Miller and wife attended the funeral of his brother. Uapt. Lewis Miller, Monday. . I'rot. F. ('. Bowersox visited the scltoo's of the township during the week... I'lie teachers of Washington town- hip held their regularsemi-mouthly meeting Hint alley 1- rtday eve. I heir next meeting is to he held at Red Rank school. .Memorial exercises will be held Sundav afh rnoon bv the schoo our aged citizens, Hon. Geo. C. ! Mover, passed through our town. The Fudge bad been an invalid fot -evera I 1 1 1 1 till lis s 1 1 1 1 1 id 1 1 1 r If..,, i ..', . i . . . i i . ...ni. dropsy which, owmg to his age, his piMsieian was nm ante 10 relieve, II te oiueiiv nas.-eii away Tuesday aged S I years, i i a evening at 10:30. ' i i i i ne decease! was an esteemed citi-1 zen, his advice being sought in many affairs. At the time of his death I he was a member of the board ol directors of the First Xati il Hank ! of Selinsgrove, which position he had held for manv years. Iut esoeciallv will he be missed in his church, he being a member of the Reformed congregation and a faithful trustee of the same up to his death. And through bis special efforts has the It, and L. church been handsomely remodeled. The funeral took place Saturday morning and was largely attended. The services were con ducted by Rev. v. A. Haas and Rev. Druekenmiller, the interment being made in Fairview Cemetery. P. L. Hains directed the obsequies. . Harris Rower, Esq., of Middleburg spent Monday even n j in this place, gladdening the heart of one of our maidens. SALEM. Samuel Miller ot I'nion county visited friends around Salem .... Geo. M. Witmer and family attend ed the funeral of - the grandfather, Judge Moyer of Freeburg, Saturday . . . .Miss Jiillie now is visiting her sister and friends at Frackville Chas. Shultz, wife and daughter, Ethel, of Quitman are circling among friends aud relatives ... .An oyster supper and ice cream party was served at R. C. Coleman's this week . . Win. Gemberling and sons shot 5 wild ducks one day last week Born to John Rover and wife a little baby girl The sale of Samuel Engle was well attended last Saturdy Jennie Bateman of Se linsgrove was seen with her friend Sunday Jacob Row clerked for G. M. Witmer Saturday. Sunday school immediately after I from Jvremont to MeKeea J Falls their regular hour ol meeting, inland expect to have the line in opera honor of the memory ol its member,! don before long lames Fisher, Allen M. Rrown, dectased. . . .At (the baker of Selinsgrove baa sold out an early hour, Wednesday morning, and w ill move to Fremont this week the sad news of the death of one ot....Bcn. Rrosius had public sale i MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Moving will soon be on the pro gram J. L. Varuer is closing I .... l: ..L. r I ' I ... j w ummmm 01 nam ware aim will in,, i, , Oi.i in, ,1. 1 ... i... ....... Oiwt. ot St. John's Sunday choo Selinee visited at Kich field over Sun day ... Charles Yerger, who w as on the sick list several weeks, is out again. . . .Juicy Yerger is working tor B. G. Stefleu's H. (j. Stencil moved to Franklin two. to-day (Thursday) on J). K. Haas' farm, and Frank Walter ot near Middle burgh moved on the farm vacated by Mr. Steflen Ben). Broaiua will move to (Jratz in sniing. . . . a H- C. Haas and Irvin Hottiger ,or ine tne yea' lw W. Beiclieiibucli wears a smile, because a little girl baby arrived to stay... Absalom Schuee left Tuesday of last I week for New Berlin where he has secured employment as bartender. SmiN0! Orataoi Remember that name when you wan: a delioinus, appetising, noarftil)- iii' food drink to tnke the pluee of oofTe, Sold by all Krooers and liked by all who have uad it. Grain O is aiade ,f para grains, if aiils digeftion aud streogthaus the nerves. It is not astiiuuUni but a health builder and the uliililren as well as the adults can driuh it Witil trrenf liHiintH. Costs ib nit oneofourfh as luuob as coffee I 'll-. aul .'")( per package, Ask your Krooer for Orain-O. SUA DHL. The sale at H. (i. I lornbergcrs' Friday was well attended and the articles goldbrouflrht fair nriccs. . The o I ... new merchant at Meiserville is doing a good business I. L. Vainer is selling out his hardware it cost at Fremont He intends to ; move to Sliamokin in the near future I Alice Reichenbach of Sclins- , grove visited her parents over Sun- day . .The Tuscarora Valley tele- phone tompany arc staking oil a line Tuesday of this week and will move ' to ( Iratz Tuesday where he has pur- chased a bouse and lot Last ' h ni it II... bm,aU I ...I :.... i I'll,, tin- mil, ik. I t I - I : I I ill' house of Miss Emma Botta were consumed oy tire ami all the meat was burned. Mo-es Rotts bad his face and hands badly burned bv trying to extineuish the flames. A. R. J)e Fluent, editor of the Journal, Doyleatown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheuma jie tism in his rirht shoulder aud side. says : "My right arm at times ' wan entirely useless, i tried UuaUl berlain's Pain Balm, and was sur prised to receive relief almost imnie diately. The Fain Balm has been ii constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by till Druggists. ....... a: I . - 1 T . m PORT TREVERrON. Transferring of goods will be the business of the town in a few weeks B. F. Arnold and E. F. Neita spent Sunday at G. A. Royei 's at Freeburg Reuben Waldo of flerndon was in town Sundav ... Rev. Brillhart is appointed to this place for another year and commenc ed his revival meeting last Sunday vieo. Rinc, Carrie Keller, Clara Bingamanand H. M. Neita made a pleasure trip to Northumberland Sunday The auditors met in the fore part of the week and had a hard time. . . .J. C. Hoover is repairing the company house. . . .O. K. Xeitz and family came to town last Sat urday. His two children who are staying with his wife's sisters arc sick H. S. Shaffer is preparing to move L.F.Charles. our noted engineer, is pushing a wheel bar row for the Penna. Canal Co J, C. Shaffer, wife and son sjicnt Sunday in Sunbury Rev. Davis is spending a few days with friends at this place... Miss Jennie Charles was a teacher in A. No. 1 room on Monday. MARRIED. March 11, by Rev. H. H. Spahn. Banks F. Wiend of Beavertown and Ida Kanawell of Adamsburg. yooooooooopoooooooooouuocoooooooocooooooooajoooaa Jl NOW 1 KNOWS I 8 -&rJmM? I I 8 rr5-.vSSaL I 8 V2i Reed Rockers, Couches, - - . Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and Up. WM. A. SHIPiUAN, 439 MARKET ST., SUNBURY, PA OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO Frank S. Riegle, DEALER IN Inquire for . . Prices and Terms. TIT ITHiH iruius, j ! . nDnaic A UllDAllt) p uuiuau iuuuiiiiiiJU Jil Cl'' ) Middlehitnr. P.i. M'" Dyspepsial i" i ini Since 1863, immediate lasting S.KLINSGROVE. Mr. Jonesand wife of Lewisburg . 1 .. . ....... , I I ... a. The horse sale was well attend- led and the horst brought good prices. It was the quickest sale on record in this section. In just two 1 hours from the time the Rale began the carload was sold, the average being $136 H. L. Phillips and wife were in Philadelphia last week, I Mr. Flumps laving in a stock ol new goods for spring trade Win I Inupt and wile of Milton spent a ; week with his mother, Mrs. Edward Haupt Thomas Lohr ofColuni- i X bin county spent several days with i J his sister, Mrs. Sines. . . .The (Jlec T and Mandolin Clubs of the Univer- sit y gave a concert at Milton Satur day evening to a large audience, and their music was very highly spoken ol by the audience. . . .Mrs. E. P. Ivohbacli gave a f o'clock tea to sev eral ot her lady friends Saturday... Mrs. Ella Wagner has returned from her visit to New Rloomfield, Harrisburg and Wrightsville. . . . M. O. Snyder Saturday received word that his sister, Mrs. Park Hol man ol Liverpool, had died. She was buried Tuesday of this week... A number ot our citizens attended the funeral of Hon. Geo. Mover of Freeburg on Saturday Miss Carrie Hendricks returned home from her visit South very much benefitted in health. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's (Jough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever a ly of my family or my self begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a re sult we never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy never fails to cure. It is cer tainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D.S. Mkarklb, Oeneral Mer chant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. Foa sale by all Drug gists. T Care LaOrlppa tm Two Days Take Laxative Baoao Qcinihk Tablets. AO druggist reluDd the money If It faUt to cure E. w.OaoTi'i signature on ererjr box. Oc, 10-31 That he never did know st bow to buy furniture until he found himself in our store. And you will regret the bar gains lost if you have not in serted our Hue of furniture, which is the most complete in the city. We name you few of our bargains: $1.25 and up. $4.50 and up. CKXXXXXXOOCXXK)OCCCK.co TV' !Kf' '-.' .1.-! sjati TRY The Ideal trench Tonic TAD DAHV Aim DDAJ41 vn uou ruw vtvwi Endorsed by Medical Faculty efficacious agreeable M"H"I 1 1 I r'M-M-M-M-l"I"H"M I f Special Announcement I T Glassware. 7. I I have just received a fine 3; assortment of glassware, coii- 4 f sisting of Cake Dishes, Fruit ? t Stands, Celery Trays, Butter $ 1 uisnes, ntcners, spoon Hold ers, A-c, tVrc. at prices ranging y. from 5 to 15 cents. Am, ' 'eerjess J.akmir 1'oWi er. one pound cans, 8c. Axle Grease, 15c. cans at 10c, '2")c. buckets at loc. $ Fine Gloves and heavy Men's 7. Mitts. S. B. SIMONTON. Mil 1 1 1 1 "li HUH I "I H H fl H Public. Sales Notices of sales will be latWM free undertlil" hoarilnir when tlie bills are prlnled at Ibis office When the bills are not printed at this offices" cents will be cliarifed. Persons expecting- I" I have sule should select a date and have It insert; I t-ti in i inij column. FHIOAY, March IR, WOO, one anil one-half mile, north of Orientul uiul 2 miles west of Hci serville, John IlilliLTt will -HI 9 mules, i heart of cattle Bad furnvng implements. ZKUBSDATi March IS, 1000, Lewis KWier will sell home-, cows ami farming Implement., I near aictvees naif Fall. BATl'KDAV. March 17. IPO", three miles north east of Miiirtlcbura, Edward Hummel' i sell 4 horses, 2 cows, 5 head young cattltl aim larming implements. SATURDAY, March 17. lUOn. at Hotel ImlcDend ence. (.'hapman P. O., rinyder county, will sell horses, buggies and household furni ture. MONDAY, March 19th, Wm. Bitter will sell 1 1 bones, IS head of cattle and farming implc I menu, 1 nine east ol Kratzerville. TUESDAY, March 20, near Pallas, John Shaffer win sen stock and forming Implement. THURSDAY, March 22, at Strouptown. in We-il Perry township. E. 8 Stroup will sell boiw, I cows, farming Implement, etc. SATURDAY, March 24, 1900, one and one-hall I mues wesi ot cnopman. wm. u. sunel win I ell 1 bone, 1 cow and fannlnlng iruple I menu. WEDNESDAY, March 2S, 100. Bob Rothermdl of Port Treverton will sell Hotel Fixture I and rarmlng Implement. Dr. Fennel's Golden Relief. INFLAMMATIONS a xaoa apacino ia ill Ol Son. Woaods, Rkgmauaw. asaialerlaj . I tor an phi iMiii ar art. By doKn. WjtT oiieiaJ! swells, T i-r.-i- fenrfan
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers