RAISING MUSKRATS. Ifbe Crop Is Large ia the Marshes of Maryland. utilizi::: rocs. Problem to Which ( nllfnrale iSftNllMtKtl Art IM I IW to Adilrri Thcia a1 MB. A T: ,rLY WARNING. Hi u t-tubef or Urn. Ml lea staB I .,, I III siutn ia rda la .' ri I H-. I,,,,,, ,mil 01 Jicrn ir-r wr..,-u miSi'Ij '" """ rarnuny; of tin- Aul iuuIk for Tlirlr For How 1 lii'j Are Cautfhl. Herbert Bariaellfff, of Santa Bar bara, Cal.. hai ooa nraiitcttrd to the weather bureau, through the chamber ' of ooaungreff of Li.;. Al .'i ll's. 11 siitrgos tion reiii'.ive lo fcg that should rail fm-th all i he ir.vt : l,iv geaituot Atr.er lea. ilr. ttrtseillr "Ic CaiUcraia ....-re art vaai areas of valuable uutd wlt the water aup- i ; is Inacillctent. : ii.uro baaeodeav .red to correct Ihtstty vending In heavy 1 !.nr laden with itteVture, and It only j refflalna f.;r the in .- r.ultv of man to utilize tJtl. Tlic.i : ri generally cornel in from the oof an at niyht dt ring the dry sur.itv.it i uri!;. moti need vd. botaredit4ruil ii rlv In the morn ing by the tun. Htid l an pic moiature I brought to our vcri, dcora ir we could lm discover s;ir.e simple aud ; radical ! method of eondetirlug or precipitating it on a large teale." It certainly 1 t. adzing to il ink of this Itntnente (pun iltj of raoUture preaeal and vlaibic but unavailable. I neither tviettcf m r art at preaeul can tuggoal any fiusi' t method of earning this fr;,- todearcud lo refreabing drops of rain. On the other hand, the green vegetation at the summits of many mountain! ha Often been observed to be due eaaentlallv to cloud or fog and not to rain; it may, there Tl.ii, be hoped j that along the eoait of California aome i di -ice will t,oon be in trod need that shall cateb I lie fog part ices as iliey lloat along and force them to trickle down in gentiestreams of water so as to moisten the earth. We do not propose to con dense or precipitate the atmospheric moiature in the ordinary sense of those words, but simply to catch it as the leaves of the trees do. We recall the so called drip from every rock and twig on the summit of Table mountain at Cape Town, and (Specially on the sum mit of Green mountain, in the island of Ascension, nnd the dampness of the rocks on Tike's I'eak, and we cannot doubt but that In many spots through out tlie (-lobe Vegetation is kept alive by the Stnsll amount of moisture that is caught on the leaves, and, dripping thence to the ground, ia soaked up by the roots of the plant. In fact, there are several plants whote leaves and branches are so arranged as to facili tate drip and the collection of moisture by this procesa. I What Is needed by the agriculturist on the California coast Is some simple In the vast marshes of the county of Iporoliester. stretching from Fishing Iks. "'ar ' t.nespeaKe on hh w est. Dfvested Maryland's great muskrat I - . V. ..,! m ii ii wlail -DO.utin rats, ana ibis year, juaging tram ,,, start already made, the crop will (Keveii larger. The banting season be- CafeJanuarJ t and closes March BL . u - r I v .. Tbe gren l uavva awiauv m Water county ooruers mujuiy on iuv Igiackwuter. Transquakin and Chiua- M rivers, in Uie election districts known as Lake, Drawbridge and Uuck towti. where for miles the country is a monotonous level, the high grass shut ting out from view the inky waters of tot rivers, which, though extremely narrow, are navigable., A few years ifo much of the land was looked upon ii u irredeemable waste, and it re mained inrt of the public domain, be ing the property of tOC state. I ann- i il l en i ucir aios upon iuiihn and there was no thought that other ate niiirlit be found for these tracts. The increase in the demand for mush- rat skins as well ns for the fur of the Liter and mink changed all this, mid within U) Inst few years me narj mno lltid office has issued patents to thou sand!, of acres taken up solely with a view lo muskrat farming. There are still thousands of acres of these marsh lira's In t lie possession of the state, more than even the land commissioners can trace, and all to be had merely for IDC asking. Should tiermany nnd Itus- , l L. I j wnicn now iiiuuncbi iuiui a muu- rets for the akins of the American Uttlkrat, continue to take all that we ship, there is no doubt that all these waste lands will soon have own ers, in t nese- mnrsnes orieranu iiiiuks Kvre almost, as plentiful as muskrats. hut in recent years the latter have had almost undisturbed possession anu have been protected by legislation. The typical muskrat hunter la as pe- tulinr a product of this region as is the muskrat. Though he lives in a section that is fairly reeking with malaria, the ,,t .Viillc f .i vr ami ninie and mosquitoes, he is a picture of rugged niecnanicai arrangement oy wn.cn nr ! n no n til v rf f,tr nai rt to uc in m Inrap. health, and is hardy and long lived. fv - v- - The people of these marshes are plain "P"0 alD'3 F J, F 1 ... . il.m otwl uh all Ka fnvnari rn Ham r v and simple and very hospitable. TSelr i' -""'. " i TaiT homes are small and rude built, usually . " downward into the ground at the one story in, height and containing but the plant. Any fan-shaped ar iwo or three rooms. The chaldren ore rangement of sticks or slate that in i. bardv as their parents, though in "" ,he area, Posed tou tbe 1o? this country a stranger can no more. ...c .,uOU.. 1 - m LmIal 4 v, v non , ti ut uiuiaiuir. tainru uun u iv the Cnba durine the rainy season. The muskrat builds his house in the shape ' of a mound nnd aims to make it high enough to be safe from the Jnghest tide, but in the spring and fall tidal waves sometimes flood the little struc tures, drowning the young, nnd then follows a shortage In the muskratcrop. flie houses arc built of grass, woven ' :zto u sort of cloth. i There are several methods of catch- i itgthe little animals, the most common Wing by the use of the ordinary steel trap and gigging. The traps are set in the paths made by the rats in their travels through the marshes, liigging furnishes the most interesting nnd ex citing sport. The g'.g is n weapon ibout three feet long, having five or tix sharp steel prongs, each S'a feet IS length and several inches apart. This weapon is made just long enough for a man to easily thrust it through the grassy home of the muskrat. The hunt er must approach these little houses igainst the wind, and a windy day is much the best for successful work. The animal's sense of smell is acute, aid on detecting the approach of a hu man being all the rats scamper from the upper chamber of the house to the root. Mechanical devices, the ex plosion of dynamite, refrigerating ap paratus nnd other analogous devices are likely to be too expensive in com parison with the return they make. .Monthly Weather Reivew, TOO MUCH FURNITURE. Xotlilnu; I 'lore I'niitmrnrtable Than to Ilnv i- he Itoom Crowded. There are many girls who, by the wav. are exceedingly happy, whose married life is one long study of the science of economy, with its various branches of "ways and means" and "how to make two ends meet" nnd "the possiblity of $1 doing the duty of $5." There is not, however, the study of econ omy in money matters alone, butthere are also the economy of labor, the econ omy of time and the economy of health to be considered. When we start housekeeping and be gin, to buy the necessary furniture for our future, dwelling places, we women, one and all, have the same intense de sire to make our homes as beautiful and pleasant to look upon as it lies In lower ones, where they ere outof reach j our power to do of the gig. When the hunter ap proaches a muskrat house properly it ii not unusual for him to catch a rat on each prong of the gig. But no mat ter how many there may be in the kouse, the first throw of the gig is the hunter's only auccessful one. lor thuae le fails to catch then make their es cape. The day's hunt over, the trapper re turns to Ms home and prepares both the fur and the flesh of the animal 'or market. With remarkable rapid ity the skin is removed. An expert can skin a muskrat in less than half minute. After the skin is removed It is stretched over a shingle to dry or cure. This process requires about four days. The outside of a rat trap per's cabin Is always hung with bunches I Unless one can afford to keep plenty of domestics itia well to avoid furniture that has much carving upon it. Simple decorative designs have a better "bred" air about them and, what is more im portant, are much easier to make clean and keep so. Nothing looks worse thou little gray heapa of dust accumulated In difficult corners of an elaborately or namented piece of woodwork, especial ly if it belongs to thecheapand common order of things. It does not follow by any means that furnituro must be costly to be beau tiful, but it is well when purchasing to remember that it is noronly theamount of money paid that constitutes "sav ing." Therefore one must exercise the greatest discretion. Crowding rooms with furniture is of skins, and on the inside they are fre- ' noi oniy a sign or oau tame, uu., ic is (neatly hiung from the rafters. The : potitively unhealthy. All the space meat of the rats is washed and pre- i ken up by chattels means so much pared for buyers who visit the marshes lean air for breathing purposes.-X. Y. almost daily. nnd they find a ready mar- Press. ket for the meat in nearby towns and in New York and other cities. The muskrat lives principally on roots. These he gathcTs from the mariJiesand mounting o ttissiek washes them m cleau as bleached celery. The musk fats will eat ducks or any fowl they can capture nnd kill, but nothing they and dead. The skin of the muskrat now brings ibout 15 centc. Last year the market Price was 24 cents for blacks and 12 cents for reds. The black is a richer td more desirable color, but the black rats are not so plentiful as the red. Onion. A learned doctor says that onions are really sweeteners of the breath in the long run. They rectify disorders of the stomach, carry off the poison accu mulating in the system, act as a vermi fuge, nnd, if eaten raw, will often check a violent influenza. To eat a small onion every night at bedtime is n good way to cure sleeplessness, as well as certain head troubles. It soothes the nerves without the evil effects of a drug. The torment of earache Is often relieved by the application of n roasted" v i -i. ...i.;. mtb, iL onion heart, and onion sirup for a cough ow and then a white inusltrat is .. caught. Buyers from New York and ,s ,u" uccu ",u' Baltimore are now visiting the marshes. I ntion.-Housewife. I but the hunters are holding off for high- j Mr prices, at present disposing of only , I enough la trade with merchants to She Wnm Innocent. Mrs. Gotrox Bridget, scene of my -vug "'"U4", "I jewelry is missing. Mtthelr immediate want A jrood; BrltWelIi Kdon.t come to me Vise- generally makes about Wr.i abontft mum! rm no kleptomaniac! Capt Whitney, of ihe stuff of lien Mllea, wu mm! ibe military recon naiaattlici uf I'urlu Uioo. and furnished tin nnittl hi upon which the plan of Call pd ".is board, owes his life to ii yt .. wt.Pliin attendant In a photo graph itnilvry at lonce Whitney had spent i uiautb in Porto Rlcu in various disguise, principally aa sailor from s Brit ian m n tittutinan, and w ire a shab by neamnfi's dream He kepi his nrtet ami iiier.i iraiiilu carefully sewed under Ibe collar on the I nek of l:ia shirt. Our day a he was Banking preparations tc leave for the Unit! d States be went itilc a phologruph gallery at Sim Jtinu tc buy such view s ns he con Id II nd of the harbor and fortifications and various places ulong the COSSt. niching hoi opportunity. young Porto Rican girl who was employed in the place, whis pered to h'm that the Rptiiiiarda were looking for an American spy who was disguised as a sailor, and hinted that he belter not lie seen on the si red. Whit ney banked her for her information but assured her that they could not be looking f r him because be was is it ttngliahman lie uuulc good use of the warning, however, and concealed bun self until dark, when he rowed oul to an English ship in the harbor and per suaded the sailors to stow him away. The Hrsl thing Capt. Whitney did when he returned to l'orlo Uioo with Qen, Mio s was to call upon his un known friend in the photograph gal lery. She did not recognie him at lirst with a shaven face and a gilt-edged unl form, bill recalled the Incident us soon as it was mentioned, nnd said that she was confident he was the man Ihe au thorities were looking fur. nnd had given him the warning because her sympa thies were with the Americans. A 1'iinr Man. l.'iwycr You say deceased was a poor t.iun? Wilcess Yes, sir; very poor, faswycr Had you ever been inside of Us bouse;? Wilms? No, sir; but I knew that he Kept seven dogs. Harl.'in Life. Tha P:ira;ini!ih-r' Dab. '!.a funny I cun't trust you with baby ford short half hour without your doing something ridiculi us. What on i ;.i i.i did you carry h'm up in the att'c for?" '.lust for a high bawl, mj love." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Bxsla natlona. "It must be hard for pt.blic nu n whose turn has come to explain how they came to get defeated." "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, pensively; "but not ns hard as it is for some of 'cm to explain bow they come to get sleeted.'1 Washington star. Ilia AdTanlBKC. "I have never acted contrary to the dicta of my conscience," ssid the rich man. proudly. "liut mine of us," replied the pool man, regretfully, "nre not bleared with such easy-going consciences." Chi cago Post, 1 C I'V X Ay mre, "Are you sure you love her?" asked his close friend. "Absolutely," answered the young man. "I've been her partner at whist when she forgot w.hnt. trumps were, ami didn't lose my tempt r." Washington Shaft HOW -YANKEE" GROWS. Oven Bunth Ann-rleana Art So-I ailed Whru They Oo to Bnropeaa i'ounlrlra. "I wa really amused," said a New Orleana citizen who bus lately made a I visit abroad! according to the New Or- loans Times-Democrat, "to notice how the term 'Yankee' widens In application r.s one gels further and further uway lrom the hobilut of the reul thing. In New York a Yankee la commonly sup posed to be a native of Connecticut, Ver mont or Massachusetts, and I notice that the name is applied to iiiruu skin J!int rather than to the people in gen eral. In St. Louis a Yankee is under stood loosely to be anyone from the ex treme northeast. Ilere in New Orleans the term includes pretty nearly every body above Mason and Dixon's line In short, 'northerner nnd 'Yankee' are more or less synonymous. Now comes Ihe real absurd part of It, although quite in line with what I have just re marked. While I was in London 1 found myself continually referred tons u 'Yankee' by natives, who hail learned 1 was frcm New Orleana, 'I think yon Yankees are very charming people,1 said a big wholesaler, who wanted te be extra pleasant. 'I know several from your state.' 1 tried to explain at first, but I soon got tired of that. 1 WM sure 10 be greeted by a sture of amazement. 'But 1 thought all Americans were Yan kees, donohcrknow,' would be the usual protest. Later on I met n very intelli gent hotel keeper, ut Heme, in Switzer land, and in the course of conversation he remarked that he. had un extrenHy agreeable countryman of mine staying at his house the previous season. 'As you ure both Yankees, he said, 'you may, by chanoe, know him,' 'Where does he live?' 1 asked. 'in Huenos Ayrcs,' replied the hotel keeper.' IMMUNE FROM MUSIC. The Odd Verdlet of a Sorely Tried Teacher Who Waa Dlaapuulnted la a Pupil. i ln. In llbrtorlc. "James, in what way can you justify the use of the expression, 'an ileh for notoriety ?' " "Well, when a man gets an itch for notoriety he begins to scratch around for it." - Chicago Tribune. i Ilia Polite llrwllng. Maud Edith The count did not make any attempts to find out the amount of your wealth, did he? Ethel Alice He said nothing tome, of course. He is too well bred to talk shop. Indianapolis Journal. Hllll In I'naaeaalon. "Why do you think they are on their wedding journey t "Didn't you notice that he had the pocketbuok when they bought those oranges from the trHin boy?" Chicago Daily News, Only Three. Friend The gossips luive formulated a regular indictment ngninst yourcbar acter. They say you were a terrible, flirt while abroad. Doyoni plead guilty '.' American (lirl Y-e-s; to threo counts. N. Y. Weekly. Common sense teaches us ttto.t & debilitated system cannot be Dutit up Dy continued purciin which reciucc5 inc strtntn or A Ka1ij ."lr"-A-4w A b tSvS Y cr.ed by disease. Most 4 3 so -co.! led blood builders vkr ,crc purd&vtivcs. or. Ytmtivmv PinH Pills for P-lc People do not act on the bowels. They build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. The same clood sense that leads you to rive Dr. William' Pi'nk Pills for Pale People &. tha.1 wHI prompt you to re fuse any substitute an unscrupulous dealer offers. A drupist who -oyi he has "iomethmo just as dood",or "the same cxccpi in name" is dishonest &nd does not deserve yourtra.de . Aldsenan Lontl W. Camp, Of our rlty, rnys : ii i whh broken down lu beallh unit mierly inlaerabla, 1 was nnabls In work much of ihs linn and no hadl iitlttctial v. un ii form ol stomach troni'te thai HIS 'es ii i i-triii uigbtmnre, I tneit vnrtouN riuuautiv, lui fii f ; ii"1 six months a' my sick, nasi 1 obtained no relief, l had always I uen arobuat, health mun mid sicknesN hore beavlly upon ma. " About io mini an ii 1 vi as advised to try I'r. Williams' Pink 1 ' 1 1 1 a f ir Pals Paopla. I puri'imsfl one box and received so much tiom-nt i bat I iibifil n va m i.i a and waaaat trei eursd. paiatd lu. tytuo pntiadj ia jire u i rkt. Dr. Williams' I'luk ruin rastorsd Ins to bealUi aud 1 iiii.hi heartily NOOmHMnd tbem." L. w. Camp un urn ii s.n-i that tha fhrtaolnn statement ih triro. W. W. alKLOAN, Notary Public rVom lit' BvSiander, Uaemal, III. Sold by all drufi ijists or sent post paid by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Schenectady, N V, on recciot of orice. r 1 . rv .iTii ,1. i.i.. tui-aarrrT 'nr-viM-nriiiVt tirty tenxs per uo. v , unai kxw hoxes 2 S0 V0ft& WVaT t'vVft tMnt TC Liberal Adjustments Prompt Pr vment8. BARRELS OF SAMPLES. One of Chicago' music teachers, a frenchman, went to Cuba as bugler in an Illinois company. Since his return he has hud some difficulty in building up a profitable elnss, and for that rea son he lias been compelled to accept a number of unpromising pupils, says the Inter Ocean. The patience of the teacher became exhausted in the case of one pupil, the daughter of a North side board of trade man. In a moment of recklessness the Frenchman summoned all the English at his command nnd wrote the follow ing note to the futlier of the girl who was not making advancement in her piano studies: "Dear Sir: It regrets me, indeed, to make announcement to you that your daughter is what may lie called n music immune. As n man ol honor, I give you my word that, even should she be ex posed repeatedly to infection at grand operas und concerts, not n single gerir. of music would lodge in her mind, her soul, her constitution in general. Again, with apologies most humble 1 to you declare that my pupil is a music Immune, and so I hereby miilef her out of my class, with regrets most sad " Turin ou Skulla. A Swiss anthropologist, on his return from Vatagonia. brought home with him a complete collection of Pntagonian skulls, nnd when the custom house pro posed to tax them on the basis of onJ injls' bones imported as manure hepro l sted that this was nn insult to hu manity. To hia surprise his objection was listened to, and he received a re ceipt for the duty charged upon n high er scale, with the skulls entered lis "re I urned emigrants' worn eff ects." Tke Qieca'i Footmen. Queen Victoria'a footmen wear wigs, w hlch have eight rows of curia, whereaa those of the prince of Walea are allowed seven rows, and those of the lord mayor f London are given shx rowav Over Two Hundred Tho.isand Tr al Bot tles Sent Free by Mad. Hy apmlitl iuTMiini'ii'"iii with the uittiiufncturer of that juatly fauiolla KidtlPa Medicine. Dr. PmviiI Kenoe dy'a FAVorlte Rawdy, tb render of tin. I 'i 1st nre enabled to obtain h trial bottle and piiiiiliU i of vwluable Hied loal ml vice absolutely tr. by eetid. iiiL' their full inline iimi ndilrn-s to the DR. DAVID KKNNi-DY 00RPO. KA1 !()', RoudoUt, N . Y. mid ineii- tiou tblaj papor. Of course this involve!. etiorninUH expeDM to the inanufaoturer.butthev buve received o many grateful I t- ters fror.l those who have been Ix-ne fitted ami cnre.l of tbe vnrloas iH eases of th Kidney. Liver Bladder nnd Blood, Rbeutnattsin, Dyspepslu nnd Obroolo Ootisti.atlon, nod all weaknesses peculiar to women, tlmt they willingly semi Iriiil ImttleH to all sulTerers. I'pim Investigation it was found that ill per cent of those who had used the trial liottle had received riiieli benefit from it that they pur chased large sited bottles of their drtJKgiatf. It matters not how hick you are or how many physicians have failed to help you. send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it . oosts you but a postal Card, and benefit and cure will most certainly be tbe result. I'ut mine urine in a i:li.m tuuibler and let. it stand 24 hours; if it lias a sediment or if it ix pule or discolored. milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Milliliter nre in a nail eon dition. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy speedily cures such dan- ireroiin symptoms as pain in t lie back inability to hold urine, u burning scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, the staining of linen by your urine and all the unpleaser.t and dangerous effect ou the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or lieer, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is sold at all drug stores at $1.00 for a large bottle ; six bottles for 19,00. REMEMBER- H. HWRVEY BCHDCHj GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, S E 3 , 1 N S G B O V E , PA Only tin- ltlit, :tri.M :cst t 'tisli Companies, Kin-. I, ilr, Arvident mnl Tornado. 8s As&rarnts No Preniiiim Notes. Tlie Aetnn Ftmnded A. l., 1810 Assctn $11,066,513.88 w Home " " " JH53 " 9,853,628.64 " rVmeiicini IS10 " 2,400,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Cc. The New York Life Insurance Co, The Fidelity Mutual I Ifc Assoc! ition. Your Patronage S tli Jited CaSfiSS aUriiTiii a4Viaiir j IT l Ihe only perlrct onr II throws "li UM liX" -straight aln'ail lrom jihi to jim isci, IT looks lii ' a liKiimutlve hcadliKln. IT aives a clear walls I'lcht. IT GuniA karossas iCoal oiu SPECIAL OFFER. It will not blow nor jar out CIT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT and Mild It t us and wa wi'l lend or lamp, ami will :Kr,e " sr,,t' youone wnnle Umpor bonk (lescnl)inf! a ait al out wholesale jiticc (very much less than ihe retail pric R. 12. Dll-TZ COMPANY, fto Ijiight St., New York. BvfaVLMnto IM0. mm l mil r a.- i a. i t rr - T ' t All Kinds. All Qualities. Afil Prices. The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpeta, Ktigs Art Sqaares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain I'oles, Mussx-k, Iiij; Fringe, Flour, Stair and Table il ('lnili-. iV. &c., CARPETS ! MATTINGS ! We can show ynt tlx largest and l'st selection ever shown in Lewis town. id. ive go ds liniMsi ll Carpet s low as 50c, and up All Wool Carpet " " -riv. " " Half W.kiI i'iiri" 95c. " " I!:i t !arpel :is low :is "Jin?, ami up Cotton Carpet " " 22c. " " Velvet Carpet " 75e. " " -Ohinaand Japan Matting 100 Rolls to8eleci Ehromat SJLJJLJ TH338E GOODi-l! Compare quality and prices, you will find thai our store is tin place to buy at. The floods ore first-class, prices are the low cut, our rooms arc clean anil no (roulilc lo show jjihmIs. W. H. FELIX. j,wist.,iv. v.v I Elkhart Normal School and Business ln-stiute. The Elkhart Normnl Shool and Business Institue oflers thorouRh courses, methods, and instructions in Pedagogy Book-keeninR, Steno graphy, Penmanship, Darwinpr, El ocution and Oratory, and Physical Culture, and a. the lowest rates for tuition and board. Student! can enter at any time. Circular, blotter, aud a copy Educational News for for an application, nddrens, Dr. H. A. Mumaw, Sec'.v, ElWiart. Ind. 3-23 2m. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. in I lie Kstnte of 1 In tbo orphan's Court Natliiui Arbogast, deed. I 01 Snyder Co., Pa. Not Ice In hereby given that tlio undersigned Auditor appointed By saio Court to make distri bution of l lie balance appearing In the account Hied to and among the parties legally entitled, will sit for that purpose at the Washington Ho tel at Mlddleburg, Pa., on Tuesday, April 18, IMM at 11 o'clock A. M where all parties In ln ir.'i are requested to present their claims le- SUly authemlcated and In consonance with tho i ules of Court, or be forever debarred from par ticipating In said fund. I ncipaia W. E. HOUSKWOltTH. March , 1W, Auditor. fieKber Tbe m 0 SKLINSGKOYE MARBLE-YARD WANTED ! A Reliable man for Uanager of Branch Office which I wish to onan in this vicinity, If your record is O. K. here is a pood opening, Kindly mention tbe fosr wnen writing A. T. MORRI3. t-'iv, inn-ATI. o. Illustrated eataloKUe i eis. pus, age. iaat M. L. MILLER, PropV I keep ooiistitiitly on '.landau'! uniu Hfacture to onler all kiiula of Marble and Q.-an: e If Old Stooes Cleaned and Bepaired. LOW PRCE ! LOW PRI0K8 have one of the beat Marble Cbt tera in the State anil couaeqiiently turn out good work. a9Couie and see my work it-prices. Thankful for past favors I moat re spectfully aak a continuance of Mine, Mi L, MILLESR MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN, FREE : j NO UCMBY. Ml nmv rr?tul artfulifW W-MK .!!. Hi; iMt -vt V .iklP-na itllt ilidf ruliHrm mtt i J:im from lhcrrm, Kfrr m i . n Hitter wlu.t hi MMipatMa or frMitlon in It ft. wlllflnd thU Wrtfli nnlik miythinu nfnr pvll. KM. ): It-oil iMtl In tarsal ;ii!iHiii:iriii-tiornn': rtaAj t ilit liiil:i unA tronitor to the m i a.nf t.irl'ii-'i'o. u tub- i ii el it inn Itu4 1 wil- wm4 (tmivV tctl lit n plain rrapf, r f0 firpBlft, in ift 1 1 nan wbo uritva for it itn mi mo i liaitaO i d iL:-' iorirfnu m copi r.:aH ..r.Min.tlj. AJJm- K. M.noM.M.D.. ' .M'I 0panrrant D. 1. 1 t'lr.ik St.; K. K QMk jUatltOt. ?ltfti HHflHaV a4 tksa in. tae spring tana; Mil n ii - - -T" - r ' WMMlHIMMafll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers