!Y. I of I cr Hum le rc nl he own illeet tat m. I H ol. laptati in i W. WAGFNSELLER. Interesting Items. Told in Brief Paragraphs tor Our Readers. ... .1 oltilrro In I.im-iiI tml MM or lima rrmniiuMti. Mi-- Dora Bickhart was ii Mif- nburg visitor sinceour last issue. Miss Miiu-rva Sutler lias Ik-cm ... (.,! tin. itwt ymkL i ir ten fames B. Enterlino is in Montour L . . Ll- i. i ... I.: U. ...... II l IIIIS lienY 1 1 l I. ill ..... ........ Li .. ....... Cashier J. N. Thompson spoilt u t - . .1 Iim4 .......I.' ill I I 'ifri-.l illl'ir nin'ii "i .-. ...... ... i ni.:i...l..l..l.:.. I III. 1.1. Ill Mrs. Dr. J. V. Deokard and son, n 4 I? w.l.fiolii imuto rtnlinliV so-il .11 . W liH llll IMl .x. X X- John F. Stctler, Middlebnrgh's ihitect and contractor, went to ilcrsburg on Tuesday. Mis- Sallie Roush of Freeburg is .11 ir 1HI M MLHI . .i . I lilllK i . i .. . ( . It I. t; lisses Bertha and Mabel Witten- . t . I XT X- 1- III .-III III lOO, II 1. V l ill .. . v ii .'i i v mill inner maces. Mrs. S. H. Kirkpartriok is stay t fl.r t In- Mi-csi'iit with her brother. .... r -- r m i i . o. luun, ui. i . i. tin. Irs. June Hassinger spent last k at tfie lionic of her daughter, rx Austin Oh. in l4 rank Hi) 1 vn. fill lit II"' I VI I I ' II Ml IN II U'f. M S r" i ' - I i I I X" i 1 land. Elmer W. Suyder, one 1 Suluis- L i -i - at I? at the comity seat the latter part la.-t weoU. It is now reported from K reamer . .i i ... .ii- ii 1 1 in- win i in. assume control 01 iiie at ! reamer. A petition lias been circulated at l n I .1 I 1 1 I I I I 'I I I H 1 1 I I P I I I 1 .11 ' I I'll 1 III- "V i i IV III 1)111 il It lltl)l 111 TIC 1 i :tl 1 1'( A 1 II 'II - I'll!1 p. E, Corkins Monday moved his . ..... ti....,, W,,., 1 ,v I - ,..Tiil -t i i v n U iin i I lAVfl t - J 1 1 111 SI' . 1)1111' J. J,. The Middleburj; Band lias been L I II I A A 1 RBDlBCQa e nope io see mis known ortranization ni-ram a riJi nr.v ns t vi n tlinir P rKv llliu ciii'imr IflAII Ii I Hi .t I t title promptly, ffiTinfftbeir old as I o J 1 MS their ni'ii :k i In tf ai. i ii ii t .. i t : i i ii x V .X7Xt lll"l Kill ij ll'l m J I a WWJ ei lin 'iv 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r tii- ! ' I intra- Rev, has been apjointed. o i x vi 1 1 in u' ti i1 . ii rt It IT J 1 j .1 . .. I . . ...I ... .1. w getting along very nicely. tlii I n li I 1 . .1 ,t Mnmmui I , iJ.r.i leased the large room in the IVIMIV Will 1'IU. llllli f milding lor their use and will .1 I.. -i .i m c ir i(i cnir r wur tnriu uta x, mv w oun tii. it j'!!! if'Tt.-i) q pin m,i .. I ,j . - . ii M I .mri , llltii Vlt.V'IVIVtl X. U-irin butchering in this iblace. c wt k n vi- in nun liiTnnrvi ' ' "HH. Hll III I 111 l' Uj IIU.' Ie t n....un : :.. J i ivu. i - iiiini. i v i v i i ' in 1 1 1 i ih ,,. rj mm x u I,,,, pinu nun i ' i. ii wi n .11117 hlivincr in nor anniur nr nl v ti Roods. See her announcement -v i v. JU IIIIO JOOxIxJ. and JNew York attending j .- n - customers" as business proa- lm lw,lrinni Kirhf T will nna 1 - UllKll. A. n ... III! IAr n lMMMAH i i.. IL.- n .tugci ll Due umu cyu. L. Dl'NKELBEBOEB. MIDDLEBUltG Rev. Henry R. Fortner la the now pastor of the Methodist elnireh of Selinsgrove. The swial wunmittee of the Re formed church iinnounwthat asocial will lie held at the Reformed church Thursday evening, March 23rd. Everybody is invited. Refreshments will he served. Increases of pension were granted on March :'. to Jeremiah Lnkrutv, Selinsgrove, from $8 to $10; Daniel Reaver, New Berlin, lront$6to ItOj Lieorge tiaulcr, Miamokm Lmm, from !$sto SI '1. The Selinsgrove Band will hold an entertainment in that place before long for the benefit of that organiza tion. The object is a worthy one and should receive the hearty sup port of everybody. When April Fool comes, don't think that yon arc too smart to lie fooled, for you may Ik- mistaken and may he smeared all over willi "toomfoolery" by a iierson von al ways regarded as a greeny. X. Barber Simonton intends buying out the store of ('. V. Gray bill in Franklin and will carry on the busi- l ness. Harrier is a tirst-clasa tellow, and we hope he inav succeed even beyond his most sanguine anticipa tions. We are in receipt of the alumni number of tb&Siuqueharma, publish ed in the Interest of Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, It is re plete with timely articles on the re lations of its graduates to the iusti- 1 tutioh. Rev. A. N.Warner, the financial agent ot Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, and I!ev. I E. McLuin were callers at this office Mondav, Rev. Warner had been seriously ill during the winter, ami we are glad to see him out again. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shon, in Wlttenmyer's building, opposite I'ost office. Go to Soles to buy new razor or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. EX SoLES. II. I). Stahlnecker and A. W. Aurand have purchased a clipping machine to clip horses. They offer to clip horses at $1.50 each. Any one desiring to have their horses clipped will do wel! to have these gentlemen do it for them. tt. The County Sunday School Con vention will meet at Selinsgrove, May 8th and 9th. An interesting progtani has been prepared. Rev. Chas. 1). Rhodes, I). 1)., SlateSeo'y, and Mrs. J. W. Barnes, State Prim ary Worker, have promised to lie with us during the entire convention. FOB SALE. 1 offer for sale fifteen acres of farm land, twenty acres of partly cleared land and twenty four acres of timber land, all situat ed at New Berlin in Limestone town ship, Union Co. If so desired, it will be sold in lots. For partioulars Inquire of A. T. Tavlor, Kishaco qmllas, Pa. 3-23-3mo. A. F. Soles, the tonsorial artist, and W. H. Spangler have rented from the First National Bank the room formerly occupied by fJunz burger's Clothing Store. The room will be partitioned of! and the en trance to the barber shop will be through a door to be cut adjoining the entrance to the second story. Rev. Jesse Shamhach ot Mazeppa on Tuesday moved to Middleburg in L. C. Bachman's house. We are pleased to have the reverend gentle man become a citizen of this place. Among those who accompanied the moving were Willis Shamhach of Cowan, formerly of this county, and Levi Beaver also of Cowan with whom the writer boarded while teaching a term of school in Union county some years ago. H, SNYDER CO., The young son of Mrs. W. A. Lutz of Shippenabnrg, nee Carrie Bachman of this place, her friends here will he sorry to hear, has died at the age of only one month. The Central Hotel at this place ! will he sold at the sheriffs sale on J Monday, April third. We regret j to heat that Mr. Smith has been so I unfortunate as he made a good care ful landlord. II. R. Tobias moved in the new I house of ( it Smith mi Sugai Street ;aud Frank S. Rietrle, the Bewios machine dud piano agent, moved into John Mover's house recent I v vacated i by .lames Fisher, What do you think of the New ' York Tribune? a copy of which was sent to each of our subscribers last week. The subscription rate is $1 per year, but all those who send us $1.25 before April 1st will get both the Tribune and the l'osr one year. Old subscribers in arrears must pay arrearages to become entitled t. this oiler. :',t. ".l-ewh pwnere in t ins ihsuc we nno- . I i lish the borough ordinance nf the Spring Telephone Company. It is composed ot gentlemen of business tact and ability. They expect to extend their lines this spring to Mid dleburg and Centreville and tliev will he glad to have as many sub scribers as possible. Their rates are $1.00 per in, nilh. We ure pleased to note that lr. 1. A. Rover of Selinsgrove has been appointed by Governor Stone to -. lie position of membership on the State Board of Health. This position has long been held by Dr. G. 'I. Groff of Lewisbttrg, who WIIS compelled to resign by reason of his duties in i ..,-.. tv ,. i.. i.. r- 1 mill lit iw. iiitii'IIi.iiiii.oi I'l. Buyer on his appointment. During the history of the ixswis town Division of the I'. !:. !!., freight traffic has not been so heavy as during the week just past, not only the regular crews were kept busy that the freight could lie hand led, hut in order to do so it was ne cessary for the regular local freight crew to make several extra trips at night, beside.-- their daily trips. Sun dav the entire list of freight men were revised, a new crew organized and promotions made accordingly. The dailies of Tuesday give an ac count ol a man at Hutchinson, Kan., by the name of John Moore, who left his live children perish in 'lames, because lie was toomuoh excited to go to their rescue. This reminds us of a man at Selinsgrove during the flood of 1893 when a stable took lire from lime stored therein. One of the citizens became excited and rushed to a pump and got a bucket of water and wuded waist deep through the rushing stream to put out the fire while now Sheriff Rittcr and others were going there in a boat and saved several buildings. Deeds Must be Rerorded. It does not appear to lie generally known that a law was enacted by the Legislature a year or two ago by which the bolder of an unrecorded deed is liable to lose it 'br want of record. The law requires that all deeds and conveyances must lie ac knowledged and recorded iu theoflice of the recorder of deeds within nine ty days after execution of said deed, and that every deed that is not prov ed and recorded may lie adjudged fraudulent and void. Two Couples Coupled. Miss Sarah Catharman, of Selins grove, and Howard McCreary, of Milton, were tied Saturday afternoon by Justice Shipman. Miss Sara Brouse and George Gottshall, both of Selinsgrove, were united in holy wedlock Saturday by 'Squire Kclley. Sunfwry Ittm. PA., THURSDAY, COURT HOUSE CHIPS Entered l.r mrorrt. Norton Glover to R. L. Sebroyer, I acre and 1 "4 per. in the Borough of Selinsgrove, for $,'V2.r. I Henry W. Snyder heirs to Rich jard I Schrovcr, lot in S'linsgrovo, for, $300. l.ii-.n.....i T w. ...... i ... r.....,ii R"" ' "I I'-V I, HI 'MMIUIIIHII Wetzel, 92 acres in Middleoreek tp., for $1. Lizzie T. and C. M. Aurand to Mrs. Rebecca Rearick, 21 acres in Spring twp., for S2(! I. Ann Maria Ligan to.!. C. liogan, house and lot at Shainokiu Dam, for 8250. Samuel T. Hilhish, Kxeentor, to Margaret E. Lechucr, lot on Isle ol tine, for $425. KateBachman, Administratrix, to Theo-tora Erdlev, 21 acres in Mid dleburg and Franklin Township, tor $172. Henry Maurer and wife to .las. Leply, 3 tracts in Spring Tw p., lor $700, John S. Wolf and wile to Sylves ter Flundcrj 3 trai l- in I nion tw p., for JsMSaO, .1. W. Eidenhanei t Caiherim l'jsenhauer,wo aeiv in Twp., for f)0. John Kirftzaud wile, Jacob W. rShuer, "i acre- I I'errv Twf .hw S.Vmi. Matilda iaugh r and others to I Mnicl till' Jjr, release need l I ai-i-es in Pehn 1 wp. (dati-d 1 - ; -. ' Daniel F. Upiinger and wile to AbsoloM Upbnger, 11 aeresuiWestj I'errv Twp., for $160. fioirs ot Daniel Gaugler, deceas ed, tq Anna Maria Logan, :; tracts I greatest bulwarks ol of land in Monroe Twp., for $500.Mhjy prosperity ( leorge 1 loffman and wife to Till man Hoffman, 121 aire- in Perry Tw p., for $2500. niupriMa i.ii'.'Hi'H. I John ). 1 lollapple, Kant. I Florence E Hoffman, Viekshurg, To Publish the Laws. Mr. Kreps. ol Franklin comity, has introduced a hill in the -late legislature providing that the laws enacted by the legislature be publish ed in two papers in counties ot 26, 000 or less population; in three pa peri i& counties over 25,000 and less than 50,000; in four papers in counties of over 50,000 and less than 75)090j in five papers in coun ties of over 75,000 and less than 100,000; in .six papers in counties of over 100,000 and less than 500, 000; in leO papers in counties of over 500,000. The papers shall be of general circulation and printed in the English language. The rate for publishing shal l be ten cents for each folio of 100 words. The papers shall Ik- selected annually by the commissioners ot the several counties! and shall represent the minority as well as the majority political parties. Millinery Goods, Etc. 1 have just received a new supply of the latest style of spring goods consisting of hats, flowers, ribbons, silk, fancy trimmings, etc. Also gentlemen's furnishing goods such as shirts, 90cj collars, 2 for 26c, cufls, 25c per pair. Latest style pull ties, 50c, string ties, 25c and other ties, 25c. Don't fail to see my stock liefore purchasing else where. Ellen C. Aurand, tf. Middleburg, Pa. Blacksmith Shop. I will again begin blacksniithing April 1st with a new set of tools at the old stand. A wagon shop will be placed alongside of my shop. 1 will be prepared to do all kinds of work. Amandus Shambach. 3-2-6t. Sm wan f na IBS vMtrw, aut. MA RCH 23. 1899. Don t Give up the Ship. The Main Shoe Factory Company of Catawissa w ith whom the citizens of this place have been nesotiatinff to locate at this place, have decided not to move as the people of Cata wissa have raised some money and they have decided to remain. If must be slid, however, that the Main Shoe Factory had not agreed to any speci fic contract to come here and hence they were not breaking anv contract in deciding to remain. The refusal of this company to locate here is no reason for giving up the idea ot getting up some industry for our own. A stock company can he raised here, two or threeskilled men brought in and an industry started that will employ from 50 to 100 hands and it should he done. Card of Honor. Pursuant toeonsoience's dictation, 1 lu g leave to submit the following card ol honor and congratulations to the svholars and patrons oj Fisher's school, Monroe District, Snvder Co. The scholars have inv sincere tl iuuks and congratulations tor ex pedience in deportment, crood recita- Franklin tions and ri"guhirity el' attendance. (l wish them (Jod-speed in all their Mary, to undertakings, in West! The natrons also have inv regards I fur Of. ntitvii vnri i ( tr v tv uj 11 ihihiI our tvii h me in making the term one ot suc cess and advancement. Many thanks. The directors of the district and worthv oimtv SujrCrintendenl have my sincere thanks for aid anil ns-J-(-tmce during the term ol 181)8-9. The public school i- one ol tin our nat ion -Education susUuns the same relation to our Re public as does the heart to the lnvl . It is thi' source nt life and the main spring of iu existence. Man or woman, destitute l education and culture, is incompetent and incapable of successfully meeting life's duties and obligations. "Self-reliance, in dustry and integrity are the masters ol the world. I am yours in school work, jACOIl P. SciIAEKFEH. A Good Counterfeit. A remarkably good counterfeit of the half dollar of 1898 is being ex tensively circulated. The coin was slightly lighter than the genuine, hut it rings clear and pure. It can't he detected, however, from the fact that in the figures of the date the open work part ot the figures which are depressed iii the genuine are elevated in the spurious coin, ow ing to improper cutting of the die. An Oil Test At a public teat in Youngsville, Warren Co., Pa., as to the differ ence of the two kinds of oil, nameh the Standard oil and Levi Smith's oil, tin; latter was victorious. First test, full lamps, Kith lighted the same time, the Smith oil lasted one hour and nine minutes longer than tlieother; second test, one-third lamp full, Smith oil lasted thirty minutes the longer. Both tests made under the direction of the agent of the Standard Oil Co., H. Park. All those wishing the best oil will buy the Levi Smith oil. For side by A. W. Aurand, agent for Levi Smith Oil, Middleburg, Pa. tf. SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN. One fare for the round trip, Na tional Baptist Anniversaries, May 26-30, 1809, tickets on sale May 14, 15, 10 and 18, good to return until July 15th. For full particiitars call on or address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul R,y, 480 William St., Williamsport, Pa., or 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3-23-3t. oau firm; No. 2 whlt. goes over to ... M VOL 36. NO. 12 SKLINSGROVK. James Norman and family six-n Sunday with Grandpa Jarrett Jno. B. Foekler had a severe attach of gestive chills on Thursday. hut is improving memorial strvioewas held in the collegeuburcl last Sunday morning in memory oi Rev. Dr. Day. It is proposed t. endow a professorship in Susque hanna University to he called tie Day Professorship, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Day who spent overtwent years as missionaries on the wesi coast of Africa. . . . Milton Jarre: and several others of our bridg builders are at home for a lew day I'he Sunday School District Convention which was held in tin Reformed church on Thursday was well attended by the workers and great interest was manifested ill th various topics under discussion Miles Potter and son Joe spent Sun day with friends in town Mr- Yates, (sister ol Rev. Barb), has re turned to her home in Richmond Ind .... Rev. A. N. Warner, Fin ancial Scc'y ofStisquehanua Univer sity, attended tin Day memorial ser vice Miss Minnie Gortner is on a visit to hi r cousin, Mrs. I crk of Philadelphia Mc-s. Derr, Fish- er, Haas and I Icrinan, (students), held meetings at Adamsburg he. Saturday evening aud Sunday under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. of the University... Dr. !'. Born wetil to Philadelphia on Monday.. .Mrs. Jno. Houtz of Freeburg passed through town on Monday morning i M. Mi liner took a business trip to Shamokin iu the early part of the j week .....Mr. and Mrs. Dreesc of ! Beavertown -pent Siindnv. SHAMOKIN DAM. 1 1 - a good idea to lie on the saf side and always have security lido: you advance an opinion .... Mrs. I ! . 1 1. I lal'i y and her I wo dllllglltei . Misses Jennie and Kate ol North umberlund were yisitors at Conrad Dutry's Sunday. . . .Daniel Adam . who is employed by M. II. Ivulp i i the woods near Lewishurg, vi home i n a visit on Siltldav l! i strange that a girl always knows In beau's intentions when he keeps her in the dark !.('.( latlgler ii: tends to move to .Noithunilierland where he will have tl charge of: hotel Those who attended the funeral of 1 1, i I. I ofley w ho wa drowned lost week iu the canal n Watsontown were Conrad Dutrv, wife and daughter, Edith, Jonas Aurand and wife.... If you have any money, lor the sake ot' your county, subscribe for the "Post"... Many a woman apparently think that to marry is the easiest way to makes living... Sheriff P. S. Hitter was a visitor in our place one day last week The M. F. Sunday school of this place will hold a ban ana social in A urand'.-hall Saturday evening, March 25. Two Entertainments. YeThamardCluboi Susquehanna University, will appear at the Se linsgrove Opera House Friday ev- nmg, March 24th, 1899, in two en tertaining Dramas " A Proposal un der Difficulties and A Mid-summer Madness." These Dramas are hieli (dass, rich in sentiment, striking in situation and full of rollicking fun. Great care has been given to the pre paration and setting, ( omeand en joy a rare treat. Laugh and lx happy. Admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Doors open at 7:30. Trouble be gins at 8:00. i lei - Cutting Wires. Last Friday the Bell telephone company cut the wires of tlx; new commercial telephone company at a point where they crossid the wires ot the Bell company, in Belletunte. Perhaps the courts will hi calleil ujhhi to decide. w iu. WIIUMf. i UO CliM the next term of the court i Un its- , w!i ii.'.t 3'.' 0 uui wtta ineir miners, tn reaching an agreement nrlrna fnr tlita v.. ir tue noti on i BttBI YIoTatl l I MHtttC.: I for ralrtal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers