O W. WAUSnDUiiiSO, Editor ana r roprietor. JUDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899. VOL. 36. NO. 14. Interesting Items. T. I.J . D I D....4nt., AP Our Readers. -l itelntora In Ijxiil 1ml i n- If mm 'nnrrulnir I'ponle More or rromliirni. Garden digging will soon In- the Lv , ,(' tlic (lav. Immense lint' of Embroideries at Nam! Suilifiairnivn lit The bicycles an- already begin- ii. ... wg to move on we wrwna. Wear Silks in all the leading ..... .., V i.-ic' Ri1lnuwwn :!t Dr. L. EL Wolfe f Beavertowu as in Middleburg last Saturday. Prof. Paul Blllhardt is instruct k a olaaa in muaio at Adamsburg. Mice line oi spring t apes, in bur olotlij at Wkis', Sclinsgrove. at. Miss Bertha Erhart of Lewistown ... i.v. ...... ;,, ,.,.. .. ;! t,,. fll L I . i I I 1 I "l I'M. il .ti... ii.. H uuai L. Dunkelberger lias a splendid ,i-of Ladies' and Children 8 Sau i ut 25 wnts. George Erhart and wife of Lewis- lace last week. Joseph Runkie of Bellefonte spent it,.r vt'irii liw imr C . :m ir-. Ik 1111 Ic of this pl&oe Dr. K. M.Miller of PeaveHow as at the oouutv seat on Thursday E T 1 l. ' C7 John Stahlneckcr, who is staying ..I i .. . C. 1 I .ii in I lj. BUeui OUWU1 nun I parents at tin place. John P. Btetler sold the old stable i his lot to H. F. Walter and in- i W. W. Mover of ('animal, Lv- .... - rt i.. I.- 1 4... ii r v oiii v. i as i lived 10 uiif 1 ... I ... k!o . t Harry Bibighaus, the activehard- i ii i ii i i . i 1 1 i ii i hi i ii i - business men ill this vill i"e . 0 .1- I l I I K John F, Zechman oi Troxelville, . . 1 1 1 A 11 ' 11 Mil' III 1 I If 1 I .11 II 111 III I I - II II i ill! 1 111. .I' ll minuienunr iooki Lr on iiu irieuuB D O I --i. 1- K. Byron Hartman ofPenns Creek, i . i ., i . .1 in (i mn i ii t ( it linn i r. i r i1- i ru i . t&iness in this place on Saturday n Mr?. K. I'. Leonard came in from Lincoln, Nebraska, last week and win spend tne summer wmi relatives in Pennsylvania. summer OperjjMj of Ladies', Mis sis and Children s 1 rimmed Hats, April 2li, 27 and 28. L. Dl XKKI.IIKKCiEU. Examine the Roll of Honor in this issue. If any errors occur in the roll ot honor or on vour paper, please notify us at once. M. Millner oi Kant is spending this week in Philadelphia and New York buying a full line oi the latest Knrinir im.l Summer Ciutds. I Ii H. B. Smith oi New Kensington. Pa., came in to upend Easter with his aunt, Mrs. Jane Hassinger, and also took in some business interests. L. Dunkelbcrger's Millinery real elegance of style and material are so good that they are kept tor future use after the hat has lieen east aside. The fences will lie removed at the tank lot and also the one between the hank lot and the court house yard, which will add very much to the appearance of the surroundings. The Ccutral Hotel at this place was put up at public sale on Mon day and was offered subject to a mortgage of 15300.00 and the only bid received waa $25.00. Another sale will he held. Pretty line of Fancy Skirts at W 1081 Sclinsgrove. 3t. A full lineof Mandolin and String instrument-; ut Oppeuhcimer's. Sc linsgrove. 3t. COURT HOUSE CHIPS M ItroU i:m ri-il lor IL.'or.l. L. Miller and wife to Marv Immense line of Fancy Silks for Waists at Wkis', Sclinsgrove. 3t. Oliver Fisher of Isle of Que and r . ii ii i csL i r .nr. iicrroui oi onainoiiin i mm ,., ia,... ,r nnaa Bmi .lt ,, us. j 1 a. J. a mi i - - "w" P wcrcai inecoi.niy sem on i nursnay s . i-,,...,!. nfffaliiMorrowo. ... . . U... 1 ..... . " W. C. Hilliish and Fred Hilbish . ' "l" J " I for 1800 of Freeburg were seen on our streets I The County Chairman has called John S. Kern and wife to John on Monday. ia meeting of the Republican Btandi Wagner, 107 acres in Beaver twp., . The Lutheran congregation of this l"8 Commitiee lor nextSaturday inHor$1800. pkoeoelebrated the Lord's Supper wevun aouae m ina mace iw. Estate of Elisabeth Lambert, de- on Kaster morning. the purpose ui transacting important ' - i : I UUBlllVBBi W. K. stahlnecker, proprietor oi the Adamsburg Hotel, was at the L. J. Albua .t Catawissa came county seat on Monday. over to MiUdieburg last inursuay ' .. . . ,, to interview our businessmen rela- 1 lie Peiinsv vania Kailroad ( oni- . . i I1l-n 1 i i i 1 1 i 1 1 i ' i 1 1 i .'iiliilrlMV the Rail- , , " " .. . , 1 . ; lor the purpose ut manutacturutg dace. pany has put a 'phone in i -i I'll 1 t-iliiin ut fiii iiliii' ' I shoes in tin Miss Bertha Ripka returned from ! Sclinsgrove last Saturday and will Spend some time with her parents here. We have now in stock the largest o" snrine kooos evei own S. Wr.is, Selins- :;t. stoc in this town, grove. Mrs. Jane Hassinger has gone to New Kensington to spend several months with her sister, Mrs. Har riet Smith. More and mora women are com ing to think the same way that Dunkelberger's always have the cor rect styles. Dr. J. C. Amig and wifeoi Lew is town spent Saturday and .Sunday at the home oi Mrs. Amig's parents in Swioefbrd. A very interesting Faster service was held in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening rendered by the Sabbath school. Newt. S. Bachman is putting up some new buildings tor Josaphat Walter in place of the ones destroy ed by fire recently. Peter S. Albert and wife of Sc linsgrove were at this place on Wed nesday of last week and dined with Fx-Commissioner James Erdley. Jx'l J?cnfcr of near New Berlin was a Middleburg visitor last Thurs day and while in town, made a pleas ant call at this office. 15. T. Reichenbaoh of Aline last Thursday dropped in to town to transact some business. We are al ways glad to see him. Subscribers changing their P. O address thb spring should notify this office promptly, giving their old as well as their new address. tf. Rev. John Yoder, a student oi the Theological department of Pennsyl vania College, Gettysburg, spent Faster with his mother's family in this place. Lost. An Astrican Fur Cape. between the Lutheran church and Dienier's corner Swineiord. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at this office, John FoRT of Freeburg, who litis been employed at Steclton for seine time, while on a vacation last week, came to Middleburg last Thursday to see some of his friends. Charles Marks of Dickinson Col lege, Carlisle, William Shindel, ( Jeorgc and Luther Moat, of Sus quehanna University, Sclinsgrove, were at home spending their Faster vacations. H. I. Stahlnecker and A. W. Auraiid have purchased a clipping machine to clip horses. They ofler to clip horses at $1.00 each. Any one desiring to have their horses clipped will do wel! to have these gentlemen do it for them. tf. It is not always that readers ot a pa per ea n make money out oi an adver tisements in a Mipcr, but the readers of the Post can. If they cut out the advertisement of the Economical Shoe Co., Sunbury, and present it at the store, it will be accepted in lieu ot 5 cents in cash for any purchase you make. ! tveaders of the Post residing away from Middleburg may sup pose there are no general stores in this place, We have them but the proprietors have not yet learned the value of an advertisement. The Democratic Standing Com mittee of Snyder County met in Middleburg on Saturday. William Kuhn ofShamokin Ham was elected chairman and J. C. Shambaoh ot Adamsburg was elected delegate to the State ( '(invention. rvin Bowersox, w ho had been Spending some time at State College for his health, returned bomeon I'Yi- ay of last week considerably im- , t a, Y.I proved, we are pieasea to learn that the climate of Centre county agrees with Mr. Bowersox. Persons in need of Carpets will rjo well to examine our stock before purchasing as we have B large line of Brussels, Ingrain and IJjig Car pets at prices to suit all. Brussels Carpets from 45c. upw ards. :!t. S. Wkis, Selinsgrove. Eli Portaline of Meiserville will be a candidate at the Republican primary for the nomination of Coun ty Auditor He held this position once before and he -bowed by his careful attention to details that he will look after the best interests of the taxpayers oi Snyder County. R. A. Kant, of Washington, D. C, who holds a position as head clerk in one of the Departments of the War Department at the National Capitol, was at the county scat last Thursday. Mr. Kant, is a Snyder County hoy and his friends here are glad to note the advancement be has made among the powers. A Smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained :it Sdes' Barber Shop, in Wittemnver's building, opposite Post office. (Jo to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. K. BoLKB. Mrs. F. C. Aurand has just re ceived from New York and Phila. the latest ityleaof Goods and extendi an Invitation tooall and see her cheap bargains lor cash. Hats, Tain ()' Shanters, Caps, Baby Cloaks, Reef ers, Jackets. Capes in silks and cloths irom 7"e. up. Also Shirt Waits. Cheap Muslin I 'underwear. Guaas Vesta, 6o to 60c.; Wrappers, 49a to $1.40. The latest in La dies' and Men' Ties, Collars, Cutis, etc. Also Mackintoshes. The attention of our readers is railed to the advertisement of the Economical Shoe Company, Sun burv, under the management otJobn (. Chestnut. They are offering some rare bargains, in our last week's issue through tlu failure oi receiv ing a letter some glaring errors were made in the prices quoted. This wiH-k, however, the prices are all right and our renders can rest as sured that Mr.Chestir.it is a reliable gentleman and will do exactly as he says in his advertisement. On Sat urday was their oftcning day and t bey were unable to supply all the pe. ple who called. ceased, to Wm. H. and Solomon . Lambert, deed of assignment oi two tracts in Spring twp., for $1.00, etc. David Brown and will1 to Kate A. Lambert, lot in Adamsburg, for $825. J. R, Heintzelman and wife t Erauklin Row, lot in Smith Grove, for $600. Chas. H. Allien and wife to Mary C. Albert, lot iii the borough of Se linsgrove, for $75. Qeo. A. Rover and wife to Philip T. Moyer, Lot No. 2", Front St., Freeburg, for S bi). Heirs of Simon P. Koillcr, deed., to C. A. Miller, trai t in Jackson twp., for $1510. Cyrus and Solomon 8. Graybill, Assignees of Christian S. Grnvbiilto Mary E. Graybill, 89 acres in Wcsl Parry twp., lor $0000. J. C. W. Bossier and wifetoJobn R. Romig, 1 acre and 11 perches in Penn twp., for !?12-". Geo. B. Straub and wife to m. F. Roush, Lot No. 17 in Spring man's addition, Freeburg, tor 5rH'l. Win. Buyer and wife to (Jeo. C. Spangler, house and lot in Centre ville, for $400. (1855.) Philip Roush and wife to Ceo. A. Gordon, house and lot in Kreamcr, for $1 ")(. W. F. ami ( '. M. I lunimel aud wives to F. M. Hummel, lot in Se linsgrove, for SiivJ. JohnS. Rine and wife to George W. Newman, 49 acres in Chapman twn.. tor 1600. i Anna and J. Newman, Sr. to Geo. W. Newman, 23 acres and 1 1 I per ches in Chapman twp., for $500. Peter Herman ami wife to Anion Kubns, lot in Centre tw p., for S. Jacob L. Snyder and wife to Am nion Kubns, 1 acres and 85 perches in Centre twp., for $165. W. F. and C. M. Hummel and wive- to Laura E. R. Scho Isle oi Que, for ?:!S."i. I., ii, in l.ramrd. Letters of Administration in the estate ot' Hiram Singer issued to Hi ram Jarrett were surrendered and Chas. Hower substituted. Letters were also granted to Eve (iill in the estate of Laac Gill, late of Franklin twp. WHIM PnlMML The last will and testament oi Charles Botts, One thousand dol lars was Uipicathcd to his son, Mo ses Botts and five hundred and seventy-two dollars to his daughter, Fmnialine and residue to legal heirs, His son, Moses Botts, is named as the Executor, Nnrrlnur UmM (Chas. C. Yerger, Jackaootwp., ) Lizie S. Knouse, Centre twp, Geo. C. Anmiller, Bhamokin Dam, (Harriets. Auval, Penn twp. Mieo. F. Fertig, Kratervillc, ( Maggie R. Kline, I Clyde D. Rolig, ( Dora A. Yoder, Friends of "The Post" Roix of Honou. The following persona have paid their subscript inn to the Post to the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes occur in these credits or on your pa per please notify us Enoch Kubns, Jan. 1, 1900 W. C Feelirer, Feb. 15, '5J5 Mrs. J. B. Reichley, Jan. I, 1900 Jacob ( i. Walter, G. A. Brosius, Henry S. Beaver, J, B. Shannon, J. ( I. Kessler, ( icorge Attruud, 1. F. Ran, D. E. Kreiner, H. J. Heiaer, Jerome ErtlleV, Levi 1 !. Treaster, lr. A. M. Smith, Henry R. Ri gle, J. W. Teals, Clms. Fry, 1 Ir. R. S. I angler, state Library, A. W. Sholly, James Ayer-. A. S. Sechrist, Samuel Ikilig, John W. Walter, Ainu- Bowersox, P.ter Nacc, I!. .1. iarnian, Peter iarnian, Levi S. ( leliiett, A. I . Kreamer, Murray Dretse, John ( '. Stuck, Theodore lOnllev, Mar. .1 une .l.ni. I. Mar. Jan. I, Jan. 1. Jan. 1 Jan. I 1 , '99 1. '97 1900 I. '9SJ I i It ii i I'.H HI (I, '99 1900 Perry ( ). Bowersox, W ilaon Stroup, J. Calvin Hrbster, I. Ii. Dimm, I Ieiiry I.e. man, Alfred Specht, 'has. Speelit. Mrs. Joseph Walter, N. P. Hummel, John M. Mover, ! F. K. liowersox, W. A. Lutz, i lohu ( i. Renninger, Jere Charles, Emanuel Yerger, Andrew Krutzer, I A. M. Krataer. Fa Ri- Mar. 1. '99 April 1 i. Jah. 1, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 I9( M I 190(1 1900 i, '99 1900 I '.MID 1900 1,95 1900 1900 Jan. pril Jan. J ul .lan. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. I. .Viv. Jan. I, Feb. 1. Feb. Feb. Fe'n. 1. '99 Feb. 1, 1900 Feb. 1, RMH l Jan. I, 1900 Feb. !, 1900 Feb. t, '09 N i '99 M. rria Erdley, John ( '. Rcnuiiigi r, John Romig, Jacob Row, C.C. Seebold, (i. ItHendricks, ( P. Rockefeller;. ReuU'ii ' iriek, W. W. Mover, Geo. S. Sehaffcr, Serutus Norman, J. H. Brnliaker, Mrs. C M. Slear, 'aniline 1 'i ten-, Jam.- H. 'lover, F. Feltv. Harrison Breininger, April I, 1900 Gen. I. II. Hastings, Jan. I, 1900 Keuoen i in i e, W. II. Hackenburg, A. B. Mark Lev, Henry I , Ti.ouias, Win. . Bilger, J. C. Bakcless, S. H. Brubaker, Elias Rearick, Wilmer ' eker, M. S. ( iampbell, I leury I Meyers, Jesse Rolie-, Herbert N. Goes, ( leu. 1. Kline, .1.11. Shatter, L. A.Mertz, John W. Wagner, Geo. W. Erhart, W. H. Butler, .1. F. Bingaman. i, lot on I Samuel F. Maurer, i John K. Mover, W. C. Hilbish, J. P. Kearas, (i. W. Bordman, J. W. Eisenhauer, F. P. Walter, A. H. Klose, W. H. Mussulman, I Iriah Bailey, W. H. Ranch, N. ( . Row, Frank Bowersox, Curtin Bowersox, Mrs. A Itl Steininger, John Mohn, II . F. Mohn, Henry Wittes, DillaS. Biekhart, Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. I, 99 Jan. I, 1900 April 1, '99 Jan. 1, P. Aug I, '97 Jan. 1. 1900 Dec. 1, 'mm May I. 900 Jan. 1, 1900 R. Middleswarth, Lewi- Mengle, Walter Stamm, Asaph Bowersox, W. N. Engle, Dr. A. .1. Herman, im .Vjiiiin.,1 ! i. , C. A. Miller, N . ! I. Spangli r, Mrs. W. ii. Romig, ( . M. Showers, Wilson Arbognst, A. '. Smith, David Seiler, A. C Field, Samuel Bilger, I. I '. Heiutzelman, Lizzie Shrev, John Romer, Jan. 1, 1900 1 Shrailer, Jan. 1, 1900 Mrs. A. T. Taylor, Jan. 20, '99 j ' " ler, Jan. 1, I900d. F. Kerstetter, Jan. 1, 1900 A. S. Hassinger, Auril 1 I. ''.".': Wm. Martin. I Wm. F. Stahlneckei W. B. 1 1, rtnan, Dr. H. A. Mumaw. Amon J. Kline, Sinn m Benfor, M. Shambaeh, Ian. 1, 1900 1 S. Spnggle, Oct. 1. Mr-. David Reed, May 1. '98 1 Milton Hackenburg, Mar. 1, 1900 1 Adam Shemorry, Mar. 1 . L900 John Mover. Jan. 1. 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Oct. 1, April 1, '99 Jan. s, 19(H) Feb. 20, 1900 Mar. 1. 'I''.' April 1, 1900 April 1, 1U00 Feb. 28, 1 Jan. 1. 1900 Jan. 1. 190 Feb. t. I'.hhi Mar. I, 1900 Mar. 1. '99 Mar. 1, '99 April 1. '99 Mar. 1,1900 LixxieK.KeichenbaRlt.Mar. 1. l'.'tH Wintield. Pa. Middleburg. Summer School. I will town a two months' term t dimmer school in the public scliool building on Monday, May 8th, 1889. Terms, $1.00 per month. All the branches will be taught. 3-904it Enwix Ciiaui.ix Mis Annie Beaver will ohu a select school in the Franklin sohool house, Monday, April 21th, ti in tiauesix wreks. Rates 50 and 7 cents. 2t. Samuel Rickhart, Wm. II. Boyer, Edward Bickhart, D. Witmer, John ti. Shaffer, H. Laudenslager, J. W. Rjegel, (i. C. Maurer, Wm. Good, Chas. Roush, Wm. H. Kerstetter, Daniel Snyder, D. F. snip, Frank Beaver, J. W. Stiever, Irwin I 'iia lens lager, Samuel Rollu-.r. W. F. Dugte, W. H. Kaeppi Dr. P. W. Houser, (. C. Oarman, John W. WagiHr, P.S, lVmter,' Mar. 1. 1900 Apii ;. 1900 April U99 Mar. 1. 1900 Mar. 1, 1900 April 1, R00 Jan. I. 1900 April 1. "!i May l. 1900 Mar. 1. Mar. 1,'PM April I, Mr. 1, RKH April 1. '? Mar. 1. 1900 Mar. 1, P.HH. Mar. 1. RHo April 1. R.X April 1. Julv I, V'. Mar. 1. UXH Jau. I'lt00 Feb. 1. I90tj H. II. Faust, P.. F. Row, John ( i. Rciiuipgr. John F. Baker, A. W.GUL ( 'or.' A. I fenm ay, F. W. Young, Senora Wagner, F. R. Musser, R. S. 1 1 intzi laian, G. J. Roush, .1. Harry Kreitai r. L H. liei.uUuh. o. V. McAftt) Win. Sander-. Henry Dietrich, ' R. T. Reiehel. . I . J. Fred, speoht, R. R. Brwtai, Sunut'l F.rv, R. F. Si,v. ' 1. 11. Boyer, Isaac SHtts, Minnie SEaebSMB, Levi A. Musser, C F. Lloyd, W. W. Rice, Jobs Walter. Chas. Miller, Irwin lioyer, H L Rums, Reuben Banler, ,1. IV ArUunst, ti. A. SaUeh, Btroa Hartman, Jan. I, 1900 May 1,'99 April 1, ".".i Jan. R !,!!( July , ".Hi May 1, 1900 Mai-. 1 1900 April 1, ISM1 April 1, '99 Mar. 1, ".' April I, I90 April 8, 19W) April 1,'WI Jan. 1, 190) Mar. 13,1900 July 1, Mar. 15, 1900 April 1. '! 9 Julv 1, ".o M;ir. 16, I!"'" Jan. 1. 1900 Mar. 10, 19( 0 July 1, Nov. 1, '98 Aug. 1 , ' '. ' Mar. I, ". 9 Mar. 1, '99 Feb. 1 5, 'OS April 1, '97 Mar. 15, Mar. 22, 1900 Jan. 1, 19) 9 Jan. 1, ". ".i May , '99' Mar. 1, 1900 Jan. !, 1900 Mar. 15, '99 Feb. !. 1900 Jut.,!,"...' July J, ': 8 June I, '! April 1, !'. April l.'; 9 Feb. ".,S April 1, 1900 Dec. 15, '! 7 April 1. 194 0 Sept 1"., u' Mar. 1... RM II April 1, 19f (i Jan. 10, ': April i, 1900 Jim I, '!(! ( ct. 1 , June ''. '99 April 1. I'. April 1.191H1 June 15, ,99 Dec. 1". '9S . Mar. 1, '99 Nov. 1. ';i7 June 22, '99 Feb. 1, ''.iT Nov. 1, ':''.i Jan. 1. 1900 May 1, '97 April 1, 1900 May 1,17 I une 1. '9" April 1. '".I April 15, April 1. 1900 April 1, "'.". t. I . '08 Mav 1. 'mi; May 1. '. -A ri II. R'H Ap.il 1, W June 1. ":C Auril 1, ' ' Nov. 1. '90 Mav 1. Aug. I, '94 May 1, f4 April 1, 1 tn.i April 1. lHi April 1, li" June 1. 99 Bept 1. 99 Jan. 1. R.hi Nov. 1, '5H Mar. 1. l"" Dae. I. 'V. Mav 1. 9S Mev 1. ',". Mar. 1. "i'7 Mar. I. 1900 Julv 1. '"I April 1, 98 S-pi. I, ' S June 1. HH April 1. If 00 Mar. 1,1 m Jan. I. i 00 June t. H VaUa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers