Crippled by Rheumatism. IhOM who have Rheumatiarr find them t-!-ps growing steadily worse all th while. One reason of tins in thut tli' r "edlos prescribed by that doctors Contain r.jercury and tHitrtsh, which ul timately Intensify thru -mi by catm in;; the Joints to swell and utitTcit. 8 rod' iQg asevero sehinRof the Ixmes. . S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for t nty yearn even the worst oases wfiv i-fined almost incurable. 'Jap! (). Hupliet, the populir railroad wui t, nf Utiiumbla, B. U., hsd BS axperl. cues with ttheuntstlMa which oouvinced hint I U a l Si I IS only one r- - J r ill it uiln'ul tils ehv I iys: "I wes a great i ifferer trass stos tu zr .inistlsm tor t-.vo j ear . 1 could Ret a peri v n e ii t relief . medietas pre- ami!- ay :;ir physician. 1 toot OUl a'lnzen bnt- II . t X. 8, S..and ntt m e. . tire eure rci' i i nt it to ann auftei ng ' ura any blood disease." Etci loily knowi that Rheumatism U a t! sensed s-t :rt o of the blood, and only . i lood remedy is the only proper U t, but a rented; containing p..;.-. i una mercury only aggravate! the trouble. 30d bei.i the i rely Vegetable, goes direct to i luaeol the disease and ft per mat il cure always results, It is the only I l'uxl remedy guaranteed to con tain n i potash, mercury or other flan gnoas minerals', Books mailed free by Swift Ppecifk Company, Atlanta, Georgia. PENNSYLVANIA KAILRTAO. Soiih try Si Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov. 20, 1898. asTwasu ots. btatiow, kabtwabi- 1 ..:ajadtciT.. f.jJr-,-. 7 .d i Would t 'V"'- villi) ' J p hi hi . ti s iii n in rj LewtstowaJ, r.:m a . 1 1.' 41 1 I U'lln Siroot ;.::! tH I I.ewlitn-tn T.SJI 3. le m it..1 o Kaltlaad : 4-i s.w 4. (11 II. IS " t'Aintor T.4J .a; :i II 10 11 SLIn.lle 7.W tJI 5. M H.'M H Wanner 7.'. I JUS r. K Mnolura S 08 I.4JS -.ex I i i 311 K.iul,'a .Winn I.1S 8.SI :ni II i : .XiliiMi-liurn MS 8.M 1 :l as H.avertowD B.iU 4.iM in i io Dealer s.M i.u (41 i i It M i lilleliUrRh s.i'i Bin . ii it -ioisr 46 an it Rraamar 8 49 i.w 2.S2 ... 11 Hswllci! IN !l MR i 13 rttltasitrova mi'i 41 IT, I "..11 IS ;ci!nfixr.uo .1 U.Oi 4 Is 12 Id SuTuirv S.W SO Praia leaves Suubur.v 5 25 d ui, ar- . ut S ilinsgrove 5 4" i in renin leave LewlirtQwu Jutiotioa : 4 M i a, i" 18 a m, l in p m.r. j; ii m.7 in u Hp nt for A! us, I'ltt'imr and tin Wast. Vat uuimureaod Wmiiiiiuton . i" itt. 1st 4W. iniirn Por Hhllalelihla sn,l Ne rork in w tn. 1 04 1 as 4 3ud iittpw t'oi Marrii inj I W a m and I W p w Pin ade p!ii;t A Eric R R Division. AMI WO ritBRN ' BMTKAbKA LWAV Trains 1 1 i Hanbnry tlsily esooiil Sanilay : i 'ji a m i ':rie and 1 lananUatfii in ni in it illslnnia Krii sml fianandaltrna 944 a iu io Loos Haran, Tyrone sn'i the Wesi. 1 to i . ii. itallafiintaKaneA (7annr.dolitus IStpm 'I. kaoovosod Blutlrn ess ... ni villiimsfxirt Sin.1 S in ii m for Krla ami t'snmiilitlirus Sasaiii lor I.t.ek Haven anil egst'in lot Wl Hit in ...ri it hi . , : -, , ,i 2 00 ii ml r 1 1 i in WllkeA ber mi l rtaselton 7iin in u) a ni, 'i npiUi 5 41 p tn tor Uharao ktu il'iunt 'armel Sit . '.i S3 ;i in lor Wllke-1'.ir e rralnn leave S lui) i ,.i ....U il.ty-Jl- .ii - - YnrK .'i Wa-hiui h . t in n ui elln-'ixl"" o .loneilon nrrlt inu ui t'Uil itolpbl i "3 i in U ill iiiiurn B II i in sr. i Lilly irrlvinaai Phlladalphia ,09ti in iw VorS ill a m, Hahimore OtSpnt W.i-i'l II t ill .'iS III- 14il mi wees dan arriving at Phlladalphia 4 i . ii f iri T1J a m i'ru'us lino leave Suntiuryt I -:r. illy arrltrinn at Phllartelnhla ii :'i a in Hal lin isl :i m Washl ki.hi 745 am Ne York w i UTaakdaya, 10 tH n n Sunday. 7 :..i a tn week daya amvln? si Phltooolphin ii i . i M'w Vork t IS i in, Baltlm re us. a tn, Washington i 00 p in. Is.1 pm.waak daya urrivinu nt Phlladalphia tup in, ieir York e SO p m, Battimora t Ov p nt Washl i.nii 7 18 ji m Trill n ilno leave Sonbury al 950 ant and BSD mid r. , .ii. 1 1 r Harrlabunri Philadelphia and Hall I mure i . It W' Oen'l Paaa ageal 4 It U0TCII1N8ON UnnM StaiLiuer (IB RJT.B RVHIlYff V1. i.'JJJl ,i ;ii IS W , LaJ . ' ' 41' If 11 ?m 'A ilGIIS A'oTimOVT litRITATIONS vJ PACKAGES. v,' C?7fi:w York City. I-.: V'ltRfc Ail t! St (i,ls ITS fl'io I'ourb. tiirua TSBlUB Oooa. Cm t orasa r ., 1 !'. J u "i i' . k.j i ni -. ;eftv. z: i rrK-vwniHaBBsal LrJ in Living m the Country, lo the December Ladiet' Home Jour tial Kdword I'.ok. with much satisfac tion. notes the strong tendency to coun try living, and believe that "it ia one of the beat signa of the time. Nothing In the world can keep a man or woman i-o younj,' and fresh as to be able to U. tn touch each day with the perpetual freshness and youth of nature. Su burban life means (jore out-of-door living, and i hut is what we Americana all need We want more exercise, and Suburban living mukes that easier. We wunt our interest in things Uept freah. tnd that nature doe for us as nothing else can. The more our busy men see of nai ure's restful ways the more rest ful will they become. The closer we keep our children to the soil, the healthier will they be physically and the stronger will t hey develop men tal ly. The more our girls breathe in the I ure air which (iod intended for al! but which man In the cities pollutes the better women we shall have; the fewer worried mothers we shall aee. '1 ho more our young men see of out-of door sports the more clearly will they realise Ibe greatness of splendid physical hearth. The more ibe tired bouse wifeseesof flowers and plants ami '.rees the closer will become her inter est In all tilings natural and simple; and as she sees, the simplicity with which nature works, unconsciously will Ibe lesson be forced upon her and en terlnto her own methods. Wcall agree that there ia no teacher like Nature herself. Let us all. then, get as close to her as possible. Whatever she teaches) is wholesome to the mind ami uplifting to the soul and strengthening to the body. In the very act. of study ing her wonderful ways there is health." Where Are the Patriots? The following Instance, rt ported h :i New York paper, is well calculated tti create the impression that the spirit of patriotism is sadly lacking in thai city. The report s.;iys: Wasted by I i s case contracted in the trenches befon Santiago, bis shabby clothing hidden by a worn and faded army overcoat, with only ten cents remaining of money he bad wrung from a pawnshop. Prl vote William II. Hugban, company M Seventy-first regiment, was found deo-l .-lie morning lately in nn arcaway of the Hotel Marlborough. Those who found him Know hi:u by n Ietl4 r from bis mother in Scotland. They found ii lightly buttoned in the breaBi ol hia t'.in coat. She wrote: "I urn Kind to aee you have been in such cotufortabl quarters, and to well cared for during jour illness. 1 am glad Ihal you now have pood, comfprtable olOtbea. I'cii pie are far kinder in America than here." heading Ibe mother's words ui her son. the police resolved thai l'ri vnie Hughan, who charged up San Juan hill, should not lie in the morgue. In stead, ibey took his body lothe police siation until it should be taken for sol dier burial by his comrades in battle. VVuslilngtun physician bus started n in v. fud, lie vos consulted by i f,'; n i Ionian with n disordered ii' r. 'IiiU;' .in i book" was Ibe physician's ut! inc. The patient, being a man of mod erate n cans, could not u fiord a horse "Well, you can get exactly Ibe aatne motion you get on a borse by wn Iking downstairs," uid the physician. "Oo over to the Washington monutneul eiery morning for a week, lake the i levator up, and then Walk down." The reutleman did so. At the end of the week be reported an appreciable im provement. He is keeping up the treat nu-nt. Moreover, others w ith a similar affection have been induced to join h.m iii his daily ascensions to the top ( f the monument by Way of theelnvntoi and his descents by way of the stairs One group in the sinking Monetan. wrecked on the Knglish coast, was a family gathered about the father, who exhorted them to keep cool. A sur vivor saw and heard. The example ol calm courage is not lost. .None of tin family eacaped the sudden and awful death, but the parent, literally dying at his post lis head of tin1 household, will not be forgotten. Beery instiinei of aelf-forgetfulnesa in peril that oth ers may be cheered and saved is an Imperishable portion of the world's highest wealth. The new south lias its King Cotton, but there arc other crop kings. A syn dicate of sovereigns is Letter for the south than the tele sovereign of tht past. Of one of the Georgia cou ii ties the Atlanta Constitution picturesquely remarks: "There the corn grows full eared, and the bulging bolls of cotton bid defiance even to four and one-eighth cents per pound. This, however, is because there is wheat to the right of it, potatoes to the left of it, and fa t ten ing cattle and rolling hogs before it." A most remarkable cremation will lake place when Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the Sierras." dies. He has built a great funeral pyre on his prop erty at Oakland, Cel., In the form of a cube, nearly ten feet each way, made of bowlders set in cement. On the top of this his body will be placed and burned, and the ashes will then be flung to r II points of the compass, i f the provisions of his will are carried out. A report from Kentucky cays Ihe state board of health has refused to sanction the practice of oseopatl)y in ihat ststa. A LITTLE WHILE. A few more years 'tie but a little whlle Our work all dune, our weary feet al rest. Tho' full-orbed moon and rising sun atlll smile On lowest plana and highest mountalr crest, They call us not to Joys that come with stght: Earth's brightest scenes are wrapped lr shades of night. A little while! We change aa oil thing! must. These mortal frames should crumble Inn dust! Whste'cr our work, that work will end al last The Joy, tna grief, the pleasure and th putn The end will come! Where'er our lines an cast, All helps shall fall, all tarihly prop; prove vain. The friends of youth who joined us in out plays, Our school-day frler.ds. and friends of Late: days All, one by one, have K')ne. or won will ko From Ufa to death, ihere Is a constant lluw Hut, O what Joy! When Death hath clalmec Its own. The morning breaks of Ufa's unendlnt day! Whan earthly scenes and earthly Joys havi flown. Our spirits, freed, enraptured, fly away No sickness there, no pain, no stliU-i breath No sighs, no tears, no crushing griefs, i.c death! O Joy of Joys! of God's free Spirit born I We Kludly hall the Kesurrectlon morn. Jolin St. .Morse, la N. Y. uuservr. TO EVERY SEASON ITS CHARM. It 'lakes Spring. Summer, Anlnma and Winter to Make u Hounded Year So with Life. Every season baa Itl own attraction.-, its peculiar charms. Theireshness and hope of the spring, the wartnili and bloom of the summer, the maturity auu ripeness of the autumn, the frosts and snows of the winter, combine to makt the beauties of round id year. Without any one of these the others would be imperfect. It were easy in each sea.son to think, as it draws to its close, that no joys can be like these which are passing away. It were wiser 4o feel that these j-oys have had their lime, and that those of another mid more fitting lenson are approach ing. The true soul thanks Ood fori he freshness and hope of childhood. In the springtime of life; for the warmth nnd bloom of y outh nnd young Manhood, Ic life's slimmer; for the maturity and ripeness of more fully deve loped lieing ns life comes toward its srason of de clining years; for even the frosts m l snows of lis winter in old atje. Kne'i season has Its beauties which WOUld not have been beauties before, 'ill which now are appropriate and fine ly. There are possibilities of brillian cy nnd tforgeouaneas In the forest foliage of October which arc never tu be seen in the month of dune. The-.' possibilities arc In the spheres of bot nature nnd grace. He who is grow je" old, with n proper scrst- of Ms place and privileges, can don wnrk with ..! id for other that heeould not btveedcTie before, but which others will now recognise and rejoice in. V,u' a man cannot do this unless he i ready . thank Ood that he has lived through the f.fher seasons of life's yenr. nnd thai what he is now doing he must do it one who is in Ihe autumn of life. winter approaching Rapidly. S. 8. Times. A LIFE WORTH LIVING. It Is .Vol the Self-roulenteil Life, Dal One After (he Pattern o( Christ's, A cyoloal acquaintance -e-marked tbat nothing was more !i".-tl-011s to the penee ami happiness of a p-r-soti than to oome into close relation.-. vlth miother erson. "You never know what yon are imolving jxmraeif in," he said; "you are certain to get en tangled in his concerns, and you will have, no end of bother and trouble." Marriage was his bete noir. In his opinion it was literally giving a hostage to fortune. To marry was to open 11 gate through which a troop of troubles would Mint upon you. You might find happiness, but at the constant peril of greater unhappiness. That is the quin tessence of selflshnsss and diabolical philosophy. It condemnation is that h is against nature and against Ood. Helpful and sympathetic relations with our fellow human beings are the very wine of life. Suppose that one does es cape Rome trouble and e.ntioyucce iy living a purely selfish life, how much he misses! Getting entangled with Ihe concerns of others! Why, that ia the very charm of a full nnd rich experi ence, That is the way to be happy; 1hat is the way to do good and get good ; that is the way to live like a man or woman. He fought his battles; he had a thousand relations with Lis fel'ow men: he was helpful and generous, and a rock in n wenry land to those who were in perplexity nnd trouble; he loved to make the cares of others nis own. Is not that the ideal of a lite wortli liting? Tloston Yv'atchman. Tlic Mornl 'tnslrr. BeoanSS .lesus Christ is moral ntn ter of the world, by the lietter senti ments which lie inspires in the heart of humanity. He shall drive out of the holy temple of freedom nnd civilization nil tyranny, oppresslod and wrong. Iter. Dr. I'.ristoi. .Moat Work In ItssVS U" If we Mould have our plans estab lished by the Lord, we must form them find work them according to His will. Our daily life is in the Lord. United Presbyterian. Aa laalnuatloa Iteaealra. "Hiil I uuderatand you to say that there wns n poantfhfUty of our using ir regular methods in that county?" In ijuir.d Senator Sorghum. "I may have said something of the kind." answered the voter. "Well, it's downright libel. I'd have you lo understand, sir. that we're so sure of thet county that we don't have to use irregular methods." Washing ton Star. A Dlplomnt. "Young man," said the lady with the beautiful diamonds, "do you sell aiphe rbetaf "Yes, madam," replied the polite salesman of the book department. "Well, I want one in words ol one syllable so I can learn it to my child." "Yes. madam. How were things in Itostou when you left?" he asked, for he was. indeed, mi Inveterate flatterer. Philadelphia Record. I'emlulne Irony. Gerald What would you say if I were to kiss you? Geraldine- don't know; but I can prepare a speech if you think it worth i 1 while to wait. Town 1 optcs. Their Identity. Jack I saw a couple very close to gether last night and kissed them both. Tom What ! Did you know them? JackWell er yes, slightly. They were Molly's lips N. Y. World. Among Old ( hums. Mrs. Newcd Wns I nervous, dear, liiirinir t!ie ceremony'.' Her Friend Wcll.a trifle at first, dar ling, but not after William had said "ves." Tit-Hits. An Bsfaert Dlasnsosls, Customer 1 think there's a hair tangled in the w heels. Woman Watchmaker (examining por trait In the case) Yes; I'm sure it should be blond. Jewelers' Weekly. Truthfully Speaking Miss Young- What did you say when Charley Jngson threatened to kiss i very girl in the room? Miss Olds I said I would just like to see him try 111 M. Y. Journal. 5 . mam mm i " t ' rmm - vjl Blend most softly and h play most ciicctivciy over IIII311 festive scene when thrown by waxen candles. The light that heightens beauty's charm, that gives the inn .lied touch to the drawing room or dining room, is the mellow glow of mm WAX CANDLES Sold In all colors and shades to harmonise with any interior hangings or decorations. Manufactured by V. QTANnARfj OIL CO - Kor SSh everywhere ipi3 r;Ti tf Huiiis aril PIsUitthAv gonttotboiM in1torMtlM ctitv lOtlattt fbl" blUf I r'iuury.iin'l lo Otttbt'atfl Iba Both vmr 111 Imslut's ui have . i ! OoMm Vc4dl041 odiUotl uf Vick3s Cardon and Floral Guide Wklok i iiirk ol art. 24 MUJBB llthosTSphed In colors, I .iii, mmirpnir. nearly 1U i iiiii-h UHi-i! 11.1I1 liainlaome hslMoBa liluairstlona of Flowers, Vitsblea, Plaota, Fruiw, .okantlv ImhuiiI m h hili nml unlit. A mar ral In . im...". inakinn : an aatlioritji on nil auti.iii-ti L.TUInlnii lo l he HHTiirn. Willi CSIS for III.' vninp. wtnl a Im-rlptlvr caMosua of all thai Udnirablt. II Mo sxpBiiBlva to glTa away lodlacrltninatalj I id wa wunt i-veryoni IwtartBlad In a nod garden to hsta a mcy, Irn-rrforr w-. will Band tlir Uslds nml n i fur in h nil., lor IMe worth ot assd I IS cts. It ullt bow crcillt It (1td for Tall Amount of pari bait to bey .. . Is Vick'a Little Cem Cat.ilOG'je.. . A perfwrt llttla ?em of a prtcr list It la linplr tho Oulda aondtnra. fiiiily Mluslrstrd ami in handy BOSp. maStna Itaanvtiilanl foi rtfcftuoa, KKKE Vlcks lllustratad Monthly Magazine Enlaissd. Iwpmv d nni it" loitfltf on ulT iiii.-ta ,,. i.,... ., t . . tn " i'Iuiis. ate. aScmtti ni. rapeelxl I -': .' t. tlncniuo onaruir. any the llitliiii if 13 Dsn la. ;ir & p!as of !-.' . '.'.ii. i.'.i pWet yon mora fjr yi.:r nsnaf Uu afJd aoH 12 Axarlcs. :s Sons. . .... i . . .Wir-mORgUBir r5jlJHln" . '""''"I , U cucany - - - - tirim WsEARfv5lCE.Al,r . ";?tNY 01 nt.i-1 MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN. FREE SSNO NO SIOBtSV. Mr now roriaed aciantlflt work treating onvry nsasaaaa and itiaaaae to cullar to man lo Jaat from tha raa. l!v -ry man, no mattai what hlaoocapaticn or poalllon in life, will find thia work unltkaiinjthiniiaTir pnblithad. It ioof vital iutoreac lothamarriador nnmarried: to tha haallhi and alront or to tba weak anil brnkan down. Whila tba edition Isat I will aend a copy eeeurol BSSSbS In a plain wrapper, eeet aoa prepaid, la eiery man wbn writaa for it. I hie enitloti i. Iimiteil end tboe deairins n mint write prnmptlr. Addreaa H. M Boae, M L,, Pab lleklM Dap.rintaei D. 17. Clerk Hi., N li. Cor. Monroe, Cbicuje. llltaoie. I E i I I ft SI VssBSsS est- I a - m.t TT 11 J ocene in vac v ouey uc , Mcadiz, Portugal. 49rap ml Girl Carrrtna; Baskets Vail ( UrspM t laery lo be Craalted ada IsM Wine, Walsrht ao The Speer Wine Company, Passaic N. J., have their vineyards stocked of the same prape, the only vineyard of the kind in this country, the vines Were imported and planted here over forty years ago. The Speer Port wine and Burgundy arc now regarded tho finest in the world, their rich, full body and high character is unexcelled. In valids, weakly persons, especially females, and the aped are made strong and vigorous by its use, as a medicinal wine it has no equal; as a family wine it has no super ior. First class physicians all over the country, here and in Europe, who have .tried them recommend them as the best. A close study by physicians on the effect of different brands of wines on the system convinces them of the superiority of the Speer Passaic wines for their patients. Sold by Druggists and Grocers , SPECIAL NOTICES ill 11 1? inf.iH i"t -1 sr.- it" id lotion. IV I, rinlMOr itnti . Ln-i iirFoinitl or Hn-r no. Im stiis rletl uriiler l its tisn I far onn.hslf ceitl 1 mirrt loroni Inwrtioii siidoiit.ftMirlitcsni (i v M 11. 11 rnj.- (jneui In-wiUun Notlttsg lie let ted in less i finn Wn tsaiiis Vir.M'l'i -S! VKHA, y .l -TWOIiTltv " nPrsetis in tliis slnte to i.'iin ie our lniHi-in- 1 . iltir'iv.!i .nil ii urt.v contitica It Is ni 1: iily ofllce work colidnti ail st home. H.ilury ittmisfil W0n a y ur and PSnaa dsflnlls. boiiaflU . tin Mim e in- Iqss mi Iii 1 y tiontllly I.'efi-r ui'i'K I nelfMe -i stlfmildrcasod utauifiil anvolopu. Hi 1 In rt K. tlcss 1 n' . Dept. M Chk-SKo, '.'-).' I i.t. l ure fur KarvttIM Heiiitiielien. l-'.ii' eljlil ve.ns I siirr.'reil ir.nn onttlottlldll and -evere bUttdsatlS. 1 till ii" nl ipltu 11-iMil'V lsllna in--ii..y nt 11 111. 11'. Henddcufi powilvrs rellfy. t mr teuiporartiy, bm Isit loo I'uri ao fflrei. ti I l-e i'i tnkiii .' I:- li'iy Kl'uf I H.i v.- ureal Is mprnvsd in Hniltn, cel.Miu ir neier iiars lipsd ifhP, Mure ..riiiieii in Osslt, and ial tleolilstlir veil - Mie-i. K. s llATCO, T'lltple, V. II. t'elerj liui'! t ir i n' N 'mi.- Ltw lino Klilni y- K pnln lt wc. ssd MM psekiKrsH tt w. 11. naruiaB, TrnxHviiir; utddieswnrth a rish, Met lute; 11. v. Btulghl. Aline. romrndas, Aattetitlaa, erv itrnm cs'ii 1.1, utiii 'ni " in'ificd in 1 11 Dm. I" 'in Bill 1 1 ni !! V. r,SH. I 1.1. e ItiV I iillil'Iirle. hi. .,1V tlut i .1 lie- Sir ii. Ih lnn lav nlfj j lie (lliviTd ii. ei i e . leu! Tin I id i . ' III C 'Ii . Kins tts I iiui.i nitii in ii.i i.- - ntnii ha ifrtpbi -,t. . in- . - lid i.- 1 Cell n tCitirr bs irefrvtte.M . I sift ones iiiorrt erViytiis hic ' bank HsrtitKH 'i '. M il' (Co r ItlhM J V l.l C-'Irry IvUitrfur ihe Reives, Mvemud mi Kid a. ii In mi,., ii i niej paekaitss v : H, llerntHii, Trei -leiiii ; MhlrTipssanh .ti .- b. Me :lurei ;:. .'.. Ht.rlUt, .Mine. ANTED- HRVERAL THTSTWOBTHY noratina in tills Bin's to mnnsas nuv bttsla " am tltoii nw nnd nearby ootintles. It ia ml iily iiili.-e work eotuliii ted ni home Salary I'rn'shl f 1 n ;i yonr nnd expnnses.lefjiille, ! natldi. no more, no b -as siilary. Montlil 47t. tlelpreiioas. I nelose aell-ntldrraacil steMnpetl rnvelnpo, rterberl K. II a. Crest.. Ihjpl M, 'hienan D IfUfll A DMINISTHATOR'H NOTICE Let ters of Adtnlnlslrallon in ibe issnteol AfnonOifi, Intaof Pranklln township. 9uyder onunly. Pa., tlec'd, liarlntt nsensrantsd to the iindsraiai sil, all persona snowtns tlietn eel ves Indsl led tn aaid eslssa nre requested Is msks immediate) piiyment, ivhilethoss baslnR - alms will praaent tbetn duly nutlientientcil lo in- undersigned. Dee 1.V1K9N DAVID II. GIFT. I ienli Gilbert, Atf; . Adm'r. DMINISTHATOR'8 NOTICE. Lot i tern of A.dtuliiistratlon in llisss- le of win. Hollenbsoh, Isle of Perry tovrn--vflp. Snyder Co., Pa., ded'd.. bsvtng been irriiiit n ui the underslirned, nil persona knowing IlifanselreB Indebted tusnl l rstale :ire requested iiinke linmctlkile payment. whiletLn-e linvieu' i jinis Hiii preseni them dnly sutJteaUosted tn torjaoderslfrned, BAKUKL HOLLICNUACII, Aiair. DATCNTQ OBTAINED. r n 1 Ml I U TERMS EieSY. Consult or etiniinunlcnte with the Editor of litis p-ipcr, who 111 give all needed Infor mation. ciRPiit.c3flMn7AnpinpT5i MlfcJ Basil sss niisf fWWIssf sssITi P M Insurance. kt SNYDEW'S old, and reliable oen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA Succi'Ksor io the late William H. Snyder. Tint Par-Excellence of llelinbld Insurance is lvpresented ir. the follow as lint t'f Standard CoiapiHiies, from which to mnk a nelectiou. None Better the World over. MAM It, I.UfJATIOlli, ASSKTX. PIBE Boy, Liverpool, Enp. (includins foreiffii tiMbt ts) 843,(KK),(tnO.0O Hartford, of Hurtford, Conn., (oldeHt Americttn Co.) 8,645,7;.w Phcetiix, Hartford, Coun. ..W8,0oci.0T Coutiuentiil, New York, i,764 Geriutiu Aiuericat), New York, .'.l.OiW.HS LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, 'J(4,03.S,983.W ACCIDENT Employers' Liability AsBurancrCorpoiutu-n, Accident Iuh. C. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.l Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted aHhe lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict n ard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly s"1 satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMEB W. SNYDEB, Agt., Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts, Selinsnrove, r Look! Look! T . 1. .. I . I Utli .-II .1 I ll)M ,1 VJl li . lit lt;. si.'. I, I .,.., I. ... . i. t .1.1. ' ' pimilM 111 i-ii 11 111 1 . i si ;, 1 , 1 nn 01 rim .. 1.11 nit.. 11.. i- r sniisnuiii uooui-, vuuerwest Cape. Call lo sec iuy stock. n . r !' ,r, i , n. , , t, .i-. mi vrn STKBtnnr, - - t knn. I '111 1 his el. rul ictnrn In v-. miikm I In - 1, . . .....U VERMONT rARMJOURNAI. 1 YEAB NKW YORK WBKKLY THIBUKB 1 VEAS AM Kltlt'AN rol'l.TitY .HIT l: AI 1 vii.i' 'I'll 1.' t ' L-X 11 L" tl'l I VI s V s v . MAKIOM BABLARDtl COOK BOOK TEN MOHTS IN A BAB ROOM, Ail for 11.111). vmm ns n 111 n ,h , n ,-t n 1 . . c Thin rnmlittintlim tH'u n rmnlli' . nw. . papi'ra iur iu men rut "it n'l. '.vninuh " lllfltl MffasW Ifirtllt l:n I V V U'.i.iLI.. n.!.. iur an mnoii iwimkii uooi u ik wtt ud tbfl book, 1 Too Nlgbti in a Bar Roott,1 wui bimuu urinins muuipi;h hi ).n t. mil oiUDbtDff list. Si WM L PCKAR at SSI HaMMt., wiiiumi ,1 nifflinburg t A -p, r h I o ' r r i ia. ri- urLjPj MAHU ARB UIUi liKAKI iipuls, mem kv i ir.j.i ' 11 1:: '. 11 111 'i 'i i' 1 i;i: ' n n l T, W SX. tVJ J.4 Enclosures. Old Sin cs Cleaned and Repairei n .-i .1 . 1 SA br-AU 1UI1 UUAKAM 1 BB J. A. JENKINS, Ag'tJ a Vl'llSDIilM'l r , 111 iirini-N wi-:iiviii-ss. i-xiiii .1 ill. iii-rv : 1 : 1 1 . - . i prostration; Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them. 5ocd LflR i r- -i m - NF;ji . -' 'r . WiSS- . iff. i m m i v'':.- v A Jl rr.n ;;.lc ?V All ! nnT CLASS CICAP. tr.' ' : I Trtsa nlamiio nf nn T.a fsrinn. The destroyer of LaGrippe Miles' NerriM -maw i. . w. . . "jL-it . SM rsassssssssssWrsassasa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers