5WP ? v AKO. W. WAQENBELLER. v Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA. THURSDAY, FEB. ), 1899. VOL. 3(i. NO. G. 1 bkmbjv r-. naaiH mm w m. wr ' i i Hi 'w iimi i m. nHwu.fvi. Interesting Items. Told in Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers. News KPMtnHl HQlnrt in Local M. -rrnl 'nrcrnlir P-pl or l.eH ProBlnrnl. Charles Metoer,tbe baker, has a aevere ewe of grip. Middleburg now lias a milk wagon coming in to town every morning. Miss Bertha Erhart ofLewiatown wis a Middleburg visitor on Mon- .l:iy. J. F. Smith intends moving into the Wittenmyer house in the near future. Hon. G. A. Schoch had the mis fortune of sustaimuga severe tall on Sunday morning. Carbon Seebold and William E. gtahlnecker aud wives were to Ad imsburg on Tuesday afternoon. Wasted. A girl to lo general house work. Address, Box 46, Swineford, Snyder Co., Pa. tf. Miss Delia Bricker Lewistown U spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. 1'. Warner in Swine ford. Philip Amig will make -ale this spring and move into the house 'in Franklin vacated by the Houts family. Oli ves! Oli yea!! any one mak ing sale csin do well by calling on .lames Bowersox, auctioneer, Middle burg, Pa. l-io-tst. ( '. W. ir.i vliiH h-: !. W t'ls 1 newly painted huckster wagon eni it. Mr. UrayoUl Knows now to put up a wagon. Charles Rousli and John Stahl necker took a sled load of ladies over to Freoburg on Tuesday. They report having bad a pleasant time. John W. Farnsworth, 1. I. i. M. of the Free Masons, a resident of Danville, and Geo. A. Haines of Se linsgrove were Sunday visitors in tins place. On Thursday of this week, Sam uel 'Wittenmyer, Jr., will go with the Cornell Glee ( !lub to the Waldorf-Astoria, N. V. City to the Alu mini dinner. J, E. Thomas of Millmont was in town on Saturday looking for a place to open B cobhler shop. John's tools were all burned at the Mill mont fire last week. Jere Shrader, the mail carrier 1k tween Mifflinburg and this place, had the misfortune of losing three wagons last week valued at $100 in the Mifflinburg (ire. William Dunkelberger,the jnilite and obliging clerk of the Glole store, the most active business insti tution in Sunhurv, sjH-ut Sunday with his parents in Franklin. A Missouri merchant displays conspicuously in bis store the follow ing New Year's bint, "A Mistake! All men are not made of dust. Dust always settles. Some men never set tle." William Ooker, the popularclerk of Sbaniokin, spent Sunday with bis parents and his lest girl at this place. Rillv is beginning to believe that it is not good for man to be alone. At the sheriff's sale on Friday, the Gunzburger bouse and lot in this lxrough was soid for $855 to Morris Lang, the Jacob Kline tract to Derk and Kratzer for700, i m terest of Mariab Metzgar to Eli Portzline tor $10. In the election returns of the Re publican primary of Franklin twp. published last week, we omitted the name of Anion H. Walter as super visor. In the borough returns we failed to give the name of H. R. Tolias as Judge of Election. Mrs. Em Ronah and Cora Row of White Top were the guests of II. It. Riekhart's this week. The members of the United Breth ren church of New Berlin on Tues .1 : tU 1 1 D ,.,, . ' , . i x- , i . ,.: I nt this it ace tor revivel service ami later gave u donation to their pastor Rev. Rover A large sled load of people con sisting ot county officials, attorneys and business men and their wives took a sleigh rideto Beavertown on Tuesday evening and took supper at Faust's Hotel. The Hughesville correspondent of the Williamsport Or it says that Rev. Barb, pastor of the Lutheran ohuroh ot Selinsgrove, elected pastor of the lias Dec 11 1 jutheran church ofHughesviileand Itus signi fied his willingness to accept. On Tuesday evening while W. V. Witrenmver was unloadilia a barrel of oil. the end of the barrel caught the first three fingers of his right hand. The lingers were so I II i!l.l.J ll 1.... I . .. I ... kuiiv muuiaicu uiai uitn uuu hi uo amputated at the BTCl Joint. , E, P, I( ard (d Lincoln, Neb., has been in this place solicit- log stock for the huge coliseum to I... antntnA in Chimmt. The build- 1 ing will be larger than Madison sell the rig, and, it not successful, Square Garden in New York and be leaves it behind and hires an promises to be a better investment. Other to goto another town. He is Faum fob Sale. About 80 acres of land two miles west ofCeil trevillc is offered at private sale. A house, snia'1 barn and good fruit .i' t "l Licres cleared, bo in Inquire of Chas Frv, New Berlin, L-26-3t. ... A Binooth, easy shave, genteel hair out, or other tousorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Witteiiinyer's building, opposite Post office. ( lo to Soles to buy new razors on xuhung; tor old ones. Raxorshoncd and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A i-'. Sol. On Sunday morning while Chus. CorklliS was making ins rounds to extinguish the Btreet lamps his lad der slipped while he was upon it, mi 1 Mr. Coi kin-fell across the Ultl- aer trauturins Beverai noe. e trust our faithful lamp lighter may soon recover. We acknowledge with thanks the seed catalogue of F. R. Mills, Rose Hill, N. Y. A careful examination I . ll . A. reveals a most excellent assortment (if seeds, plants, sweet potatoes, etc. Write to them for a catalogue and don't forget to tell him you saw his advertisement In the Post. The post office department pro poses that jHistniastere .diall open all letters on which no postage h is been placed to discover the name of the writer. Parties w ho do not care to have the secret of their corres pondence thus violated can obviate this by using envelopes with their address or business card printed thereon. Last week's Mifflinburg lelegraph says: "On Thursday of last week the following from this county were over to Middlehuig, in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Wal ter, wife of Mr. Josephat Walter: Jonas Sanders ami wife, Henry Wal ter and wife, LongentM Walter and wife, J. J. Steininger and daughter, Mrs. Shem Knauae, Dr. I). R. Roth rock, David Steininger, Mr. Rolig and family." , Five students, who are members of the Student's Volunteer Move ment ot Susquehanna University, will hold four meetings in Middle burg, as follows: Saturday evening, Feb. 1 1th in the Lutheran church; Sunday morning and afternoon in the Reformed church, and Sunday evening in the Lutheran church. Let everybody who can lie present at the first meeting, Saturday evening. The New Berlin correspondent ot the Lewisburg Journal says : F. 11. Maurer, one of our leading mer chants, is improving his store room, by enlarging the some, having add ed ten feet to it lv taking out tin partition and throwing the hail into I the store room. Mr. Maurer l al- wavs iu for improvements. The Open Court Publishing Com pany have now in press the Princi ples of Bacteriology, by Prof. Ferd inand Hnppe, of the University oi Prague, translated by Prof. E. O. .Ionian, of the Universityoi Chicago. This volume is the most scientific and rigorous manual of bacteriology that has yet been written. It treats its subjects as a connected science rather than as a collection of loose data; it explodes many popular and professional prejudices on the sub ject, and is especially strong on its uhilosoohieal side. (Pd.475. Price, 11.75. ii X 1 . -1 l 1 -lll.l I'll lll'IM plates. Chicago flie pen ( 'oiirt Publishing Co.) Liverymen are warnei against , ,. ,r ...., ... .. ,..., luring who gives ,is ng q y Mackintosh, his home as Pittsburg and his nation as a seller of fertiliaer oeeil . He obtains a horse and buggy to another town, where ht tn drive tries tu wanted in uiiainspnTi, wncre ne hired n te:mi and drove to Lock Haven, hU'cd another and came to Tyrone. Both teams were recover ed, but Mackintosh escaped the offij (wiv. Tbu nun Is iK'Wribod ' "' ing.") !( 6 inches tall tall, weigh ing 185 pounds, wearing a Hghl overcoat. He had a black mustache, hieli may have been shaved on. We acknowledge recent remit tancesfr M. Millner, SimonDeck- er, Simon Werne, Enoch ICuhns, II. C. Sclinee, W. C. Feehrer, Mrs. J. B. Keichley, Jacob G. Walter.G. A. Brosius, J. F. Shannon, J. G. Kcsslcr, George Aurand, D. E.Kro mer, II. J. Heiser, Jerome Erd ley, Levi 15. Treasterj Dr. A. M. Smith. J. G. Crotise; Henry S. Reaver, J, W. T ats, Henry R. Biegel, Chas, Fry, State Library, Dr. Ii. S. Gailg ler.Peter Nace, Dr. J. R. Dhnm, A. W. Sholly, Samuel Bolig, John W. Walter, Peter Nace. Winfield, Levi S. Gelnett, A. D. Kreamer, C. B. Haines, B. H. Bacon, James Ay res, John C.Stuck, Harrison Breininger, Gen. D. H. Hastings, G. W. Board man. RciiIkii Dreese, A. B. Mark lev, II. H. Thomas, Win. I. Bilger, J.'C. Rakelcss, W. S. Kilmer, The odore Erdley, Mrs. Fred. Leitel, Ellas Rearick, S. H. Bruboker and David (iitt. Danger in Calcium Carbide. Superintendent Murray of the Bu reau of Combustibles, has made reg ulations governing the transportation, storage and sale of calcium carbide, which the firemen declare to Ix- a source of danger in burning build ings, Ixisiiise when water reaches it acety lene gas is given off. A niiin beroi stores keep it for use Ul bicycle lamps. Hereafter, in transit or on storage, it must lie enclosed jn her metically sealed iron receptacles marked "Dangerous if notkeptdry. ' No package may contain more than 100 pounda It must be stored iu isolated buildings that are fire jiroof and waterproof. No artificial heat or light will lc K!rniitted in the building where it is stored. Not more then twentv pounds, iu bulk or in cartridges, may be kept in any store or factory, abovcthe street grade and it must be kept six inches ulnive the flwr. The manufacture, transportation storage, sale or use of liquified acety lene is absolutely prohibited within the limits of this city. N. Y. Sun. Program of Business Men's Jubiloe. Opening march iu which 100 took part. Introduction of (.uocii, Mrs. Geo. W. Wagenseller,by Her ald, Master Joe I'otter. Queen's speech. FIIIST division. I 1. W. H. Beaver, General Store, Mrs.CJeo. Hassinger; National Bank, Mrs. S. P. Warner. '2. C. H. Steininger, Farmer, J. J. Rolender; Calvin Stetler, Fire Insur-i anee, Minerva Stetler. Ii. Irwin Rowerso.x. Restaurant, Lloyd Bowcrsox; Jus. Botteiger, Merchant Tailor, Lillie Amig, I. Jacob Gilbert, Lawyer, Fran eis (JillHTt; Mrs. K.C. Aurand.Mil linery, ei- Lillian Spade, C. A. Meifter, Baker, Mover; Grant Ymler, Miller Voder. ti. Steininger I'm-., Con chants. Vincent Wetzclj Weiser. Lawver. Berths Erd A. (I. Dora Mer lay ti. el . 7. Dr. A. J. Herman, Physician, R. F. Smith, G. Hassiuge'r, Post j Ollice, Lamlo lobias. 8. F. E. Bower, Attorney, II. I Tarris Bower; Libbiol mnkelberger, Milliner, Libbie Dunkelbergcr. 9. Runkle & Walter, Dry Goods, iaura B,unkle; 7. S. Iticglc, Organs V Pianos, Lillian Stetler. 10. James F.ntcrliuc, Carpenter, Cora Enter I iie . Dr. J. W. Orwig, Dentist, Marion Seboeh. 11. Nevin Fugle, Photographer, M.. -l.,wiUWd Wetzel, I.v Goods,yLva Wetzel. 12. i. F. Stetler, Planing Mill, Bertha Stetler; Central Hotel, Dining-room, Lizzie ( irinim. 13. J. F. Sutler, Architect, I, en y Stetler: Ella Stetler, Dressmaker, I )illa Stetler. 1 I. W. . Garman, SI Store, Bertha Crousej W. H. Itiegle, Brick layer, i.iie tviegie. 15. Clarence Gruybill, Livery, Earl Winey; A. G. I'm -hoar. Flour Mill, Mamc Hertz. Hi. Ceo. W. Wagenseller, Editor Post, Claire (iravbiil; Frank Uicglc, Sewing Machine, Bertha Seebohl. 17. A. W. Bowersox V Son, (,'ur nenturs, Harry Rowcrsox; Poster liicffle, Blacksmith, Sallie Snyder. 18. Howord Foulk, Confectionery, Maude Itunkle; P. H. Cunter, Gen sabella Snyder; Joseph Clclan, eral Store, Maude Custer. Stone mason, Ralph Clclan. j .-,. Steininger Bros.. Grain Mer- 19. Milton Moats, Tax Collector, Maude Moat.; Adam Showers, Shoe maker, Maude Showers. 20. Mai.e Reaver, Dressmaker, Ruth Bowersox; W. Ii. Winev, Coal Merchant, Harrison Winey. 2ND division. 1. Middleburg 50 years ago, Mrs. M( Lain. 2. Prof. Paul Billhardt, Music Teacher, Lulu Smith. Piano Solo. :. Pantomime, Court House Scenes, Comm. Clerk, J. W. Swartz, Frank Herman; Rig. & Kec., John Willis, Reau Hartnian; Protbonotary, G. M. Shindel, Thomas Rowcrsox. 4. A. E. Soles, Barber, George Spade. 5. C. A. Mciscr, Raker in Pan tomime, A. II. Mover andSammie Back ntan. 6. A bnrlesque school, Blanche Swartz. teacher; scholars, eina Snaid, Ralph Walter, Amanda Row- es and Carl Runkle. 7. Pantomime, a bachelor's ex tremity, Vincent Wetzel, Miriam Smith and Maize Rrunner. 8. H. E. Walter, Furniture; Claire Bowersox and Verna Enter line. 9. Mrs. John Renninger, Sr., Farmer's wife, Mrs. John Moyer. 10. James Runkle, Cream Scparn- tor, Nevin Engle. 11. I). K. Haas, Eagle Hotel, Porter, Harry Grimm; W. H. Smith, Central Hotel, Porter, W. A. Swart.. r A. J. Herman. Driur Store. VL F. Smith, E. K. Musser and Ceo. Bower to Hughlin ( . Rower of Mit H. Steininger. flinburg 1 erebes of laud inMon- 13. Chas. Rnimh. Riifeher. Jmirn ; roe twP' f?1- Kou-h. H.Henry Dietrich, Saw Mill George Wendl and Harry C 'rouse. 15. Pantonii , Dr. Orwig, Hen tist, Murion Sclioeh and Elsie Riegle Hi. Steillinircr BroH.. Dealers ii Prop Timber, J. M. Steininger and lricr Iieiintnirer and iroat. 17. H. I ). Stahluecker, Black- ' smith, t ii'o. Beaver. 3rd division. 1. P. . 8. ol A. Camp, M. i. ! I'otter, Sel.oeli .V Stiihliieckcr, Till ! Simp, Mollie Holeiider, i "J. Rnukle & Walter, Jewelry, j Malx'l Griinm;,J. F. licit, Fann ing luiplements, W. I'. Shel!y. j Harrison Mover, Butcher, llruce Crnuse; P. S, Hitter, Sheriff, A, Swart. , p. A.Kern, Jack-of-all-tnides, John Stall liKK'ker, A.J. Crossgrove, Painter & Pi up, II: igcr, I lizzie uipKa, 5. J. A. Snyder, Alitor Newi Item, BeuoHpiUer, J, (i. ('rouse Lawve'-, I .oitic 'rouse. II. S. P. Warner, Agent P. !!.. F.dgar Custer; H. H. Grimm, At torney, Dilla Grimm, 7. W. ii. Hoots, Miller. Charlie Stetler; F, C, liowersox, Co, Supt,, Vuvin iSiurtD . S. David Wetzel, Grocery Store, Sallie Mover; Y. P. S. C. E., Bes sie Moyer, 9. W illiam Snyder, Livery, Geo. Clclan; Mrs. Kate IJae.liman, Car im I Weaver. Miriam Rachman. 10. Wilson Winev, Grain Mer chant, Lee Winev; Mrs. John Mov er. Milk Wagon,' Mabel Mover. I I. M. L Puth r, Luwyer, Kdwin ( 'liarltw; W. W. Wittenmyer, ien eral Store, Bessie Smith. 12. John Renninger, Blacksmith, I Phoebe lieuniiiger; Dr. Herman's Drug Store, l .va ItothriK'k. 13, Daniel Mi llhoiise, Shoemaker, 1 ! ...I... I I I, .1 I. imxoiu ijeuver, .lames ionoroiv. Plasterer, Mary llotlirock. I 1. Mrs. Ku Aurand, Milliner, chants, Eva Steininger; M. Z. Stein inger, Saddler, Ma.ie Bruniier. lti. ( ieo. E. Specht, 'nrjipnter, Naomi Snyder; Junior liristian End. Society, Maude Stetler. 17. Lillian Spade, Dressmaker, Maude Bowersox; X. A. Bowes, Tailor, Dallas Marks. LS. Dr. .1. Y. Shindel, "The Chil dren's Doctor," Ella Hottenstein; Irwin Bowersox, Con fee ti oner y, Ruth Rowcrsox. To Make Your Coal Last. To make half a ton of coal go us tar as fifteen hundred weight, an ex change reoommeods that a quantity of chalk be placed in the grates. Once heated this is practically inex haustible from inuombustion and gives out great heat. Place the chalk at the back o I' each of your fires in nearly equal proportion with the coal. Full satisfaction will be felt both as to the cheer fill noss and as to the warmth of the tire, and the savins throiitrhout the winter w illle at the rate of twenty five per cent. NEW MUSIC. Bud. Knauer's March "Manila," Two-Stcn is said to lie one ot the liest inarches ever written. Over 1,000 orchestras throughout the country are now nluvini; it. It is published for piano and organ bv Popular Music Co., Indianapolis, I Ind. COURT HOUSE CHIPS U. . .1. Diitrrril lor llcrttrd. Henry II. Rower and wife, Chas. '"wer and wife and John L. Jerome Garman and wife to L I W . Ihiiish one acre in Washington , tw o. tor !?."it. I James 1 1. (ira vbill ami wife to Samuel (Jraybill, II acres in Perrv twp. for $410. Charles A. Soliroyer and Susan uMiennecxwrover tu iiounseurover. ill HIT and lot in 'lin strove, J300. Albert Arbogasl t iJohn Schroyer, iiiit claim deed on the above, for .:!( 10. Isaac '. Smith to H P. Decker, I0S iteies in Springtwp., for 95300. Sarah Monk I o Joseph Hiissinger, 101 acres in Beaver township, li:r $t).a. , , i i , . i.. i , v . , . ami a . . . un lor, ex- cent---, in ( 'hns. W. Bossier, in Freeburg each eontaiiiing ! ! lots acre, for !?(.int). Leah 1 art ley to Jane E. Hartley, lot No. 75 in Centreville, for $'2I). Martha Haines and IuimIniikI to Dr. J. . Warner, i tracts in West I! saver twp. (171 lien's), for 81600. aimon iiu in ico. Hitler, i i!) acre.-ami M;i'ehes and 7 acres and l'7 perches in Reaver twp., Hll iou county, lor 1 1 sti.'JO Geo. Miller to Henry Kilter, '21 perches in Beaver twp., for 910. Jacob Hitter and wife to Georvre Ritter, 7 aerw In Wt -i Oeavertwp., toi s-'."iii. l."ii, r Umnlrtl. i w ill and d st anient of The In ihn M. Pine Itc l liaiiinan IW wi am mid iirolintou on I' ri( lav. I he .1 . and the child ren are thcheirs the Executors lor Penna. arc John S., Geo. S. and lleiijamiu Mine aud for Miclii" in, Iowa and Indiana i- 1 b ury Bine. Last will and testament of Amelia Bilgur, late of Jackson twp., Snyder Countv, Pa., deetaseil, children and gramlehildren arc named as thcheirs and William D. Bilger, a son, isthe sole executor. Mlirrilix' l.l.'i'lli'H. I A. I. W. Murkley, Centreville. Matilda Breon, ' " " Jacob Law ver, Pallas, Pa., Kate L. I .eiiig, t'oiniiiKNi.iii.'rN oin.- . . The bids for repairing the tw jury rooms were opened on Saturday and th intrucl was awarded to Aaron Crossgrove for $49.90. ( thcr bidders were James Rowcrsox, Jos. Clclan, Alfred Clclan and Charles Keller. The Commissioners received the Penitentiary bill n Saturdry. The costs of its inmates are as follows: Grier Shell, ?17.0(; Martin Law less, $40.20; John Xapp. Grier Shell and Howard Jones, each $ 10.40. Martin Lawless is a cigar maker ami lias earned 922.90 which has been deducted from the above bill. U B. Quarterly Conference. The second quarterly conference f Freeburg Circuit, United Brethren in Christ, will be held over the coming Sabbath in theU. B. church. Rev. A. !. Nye of Rerryshurg will lie present to conduct the service.; w hich will be as follows: Quarterly conference business meeting on Sat- 1 ..i ll i e I uruav ai i . .i.; bngusn nretic i- ing at 7 P. M.; Sunday School n Sunday mornins at 9i Ensliah preaohing, followed hythe commun ion services at 10 A.M.; communion services at Bbeiteaer at 2 P. M., and English preaching at Freeburg at 7 P. M. All are invited to these services. O. (i. Ron n., Pasto:-. prices fbr this year.
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