ftl'MffiST MlUDJLiiliJJUKbUl, SJN I jUriK UU JrA., TMUKSDAI. JbUK 23. 1899. VOL. 3(. NO. 8. net - - Interesting Items. Told m Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers. .-i cw i " ' . I Im.hI or i.- Jama Avers ami Mrs. A. S. Bea ver are confined to their Ix'ds with illness. Mrs. Catherine Bower is visiting friends at Thompson town. Miss Lottie ('rouse lias gone to New Berlin with her uncle, Mr. i W. K. Stahlneckcr, the obliging Demus. I clerk of the Washington House at I.I I ril l x, tins place, spent I uesuay Criseinger's Confession. COURT HOUSE CHIPS I, Ed. (Vissinger, do voluntarily burv. mi Court next week. V. P. Kreamerof K;eam rdropp- in to see us Monday. 1,", photographs for 13c at llos- Gallery, Sunbury. or. The horse side brought a lot of i i. ..... ntl MiiIiiImV. Kill 1 I I II "I. J- M!m Claire (Iravhill wasnumber- with (he sick during the week. .1. F. Biogaman of Troxelville It a Middleburg visitor Monday. Editor Lesher of Selinsgrove was Middleburg visitor Inst Thursday. Mrs, Barbara Bilger moved into i ... ...I.. .it., i iv narrv .-iiieeiu. W lllllini . . mw j . I Mrs. Gross ol Mew Benin spem .t Friday at Htpn. G. A. Schooh's. Baker was at The Masonic Iiodtre ofSelinsgrove 1 will have its monthly meeting on Thursdav evenimr of this week. i Fob Rent. A small family can Mm. Vr,wt,.ri..L- iw..r is . ,t . I '' :l desirable house near the I joying the best of health at present. I '",r" "fUma b lP'Y'g llt " He is not confined to his Ix'!, but is !"""''' verv weak. ! I). K. Haas and 1. K. Knorrare mt ot the estate of in Illinois and Iowa buying auothi Distrtct Attorney house on Tuesday lietween soon. U" Ini Hendricks and John Boleuder I- 1 nnllnMB ntl S-rt Ml'. :i V railing. A. W. Potter and son. Robert, of . . . . .,.,r.-,,vi. were ill 1 lie coon 11011.-0 niHUV. . , i m .. 1 1 : 1 Samuel v maurerim mr. - I I 1 noatl im!Iiiw .-li iii crasuuiic ncis .... .. ......... .i i ... William Frevinan and wile ot i:.l.ll..l nUbin r..-i 1 1 1 1 1' WI'I.' 1 1I1I111III11 11 l-il.i S;iturday. Mrs. Benjamin Bachmnn isvuut- her daughter, Mrs. Lilts, at ipensburg. Charles Metier was common m house OH account ot sickness Charles Riegle of Freeburg was' . r i.: . i .1 V i;;,,l. this ii ace on Sunday. Henry L. Phillips, the Selinsgrove lor, was in Middleburg lietween iin Monday afternoon. Inline a long trial list is on inc i e . . - ( "...ii-f III II I I I I I l Al .....v ay last most of the week. William sliindol. ol Susauehanna : ' i w.... Diversity, aeunsirrovc, simiu .-mn- v with hifl parents here. WANTED. A girl to do general ..... -l. illiwi it,,v 4it .li. 1 1 1 1 I . . .'I'll' i J ' 1 1 tl 1 'I IV- ll' mo ii. ciwuer uhi i j , The snow had a severe attack on ondav and 1 uesdav. 1 he warm .i . i . i :A Owing to the blizzard last week, l in our roiiiiiiiiini -unon.- .m nut rn op in time to get in our last lie. Dli veal Oh ves!! auv one mak- ' j lue can do well ly calling on I' I .i ilVl'li lv T I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 II f I . .11 li lt . . n ft. r. in. i -1 ,i-i ii. o' Mrs. Wmriier of Mifflinbunr has it i ii r mi 1ml n. t n-ii'LiiU rt I. Inlllim viili. .it ihw ,.1'H'i. ilnrinir Mw week. Sti'ti!iin Howi'll. who had rentinl .. 7 to Kansas on his mother's farm, Newum. . W. Ripka, one of Snyder My s .successful teachers, sjwut may aim auuamj wmi lua pui- at this pluee. he Farm Journal wiil be sent rs free to every subscriber i i u: who j l ,,,D micw- aud one year in advance during next week. XT U . 1 1 iv .iovi.r m p ri'iiiirL wan er at this ofhee Monday. He in to sn wrihe tor the l'()KT So he, too, will know as much as her readers of the Post. The annraisenn ...... Samuel Hollenbaoh was held on the carload ot iiores ami will bring premises laat Friday and the amount them in to Franklin t.. offer at a placed at $ Kit 0. ' public rale. No doubt they will , ,r . . I make an excellent selection as they Stephen Menseli and Wife Ol near I ,. , ... I ,. . . j are good nidges of horse tlesh. Mifninburg, 1 nion county, were the guests of Dr. J. W. Or wig and wife I The luneral of Maggie Hetmbach, the early part ot this week. daughter ot ( liarlcsand Jane ( I lack- Remsi..r A Recor.ler Willis on enlierg) Heimbaoh took place Friday, b -- .....i..-..:.... i: :. Mill Mil' 111 111-!., I I 1 1 1 1 1 lilt' I CA1I II III I lot Daniel Hackenberg. Services j were held in St. l'etcr'sehiirch. tn I terment in the adjoining cemetery. Rev. S. B. Boughter officiated. A smooth, casv shave, genteel hair j cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, iii t ittenniver s outiutni Post office. to to new razors or exchange for old ones. Uazors honed and guaranteed to givt satisfaction. A lv SOLES. W.'.iU Kntrrnl Up Rrrord. make this, my statement and oonfefl-l rtna Haines and Isaac Haines sion, and have not been aromised any F Showers, lot ot ground in it Sun-! favors, having made the same volun- wew oatvet township, containing tarily, as my connection with the oout one ore tor 91. murder of Daisy Smith on the 10th ! Oliver P. and ('has. II. I erbster, day of October. 1898. As I came ( Mary Jane I'lsh and Siirah .1. Mill hack from the store, as I told Dr. I er, 121 acres in West Beaver town Shindel, also Miles Dougherty and ' ship, for $4000. j. Lu farrimm, about lUorlloolook w , ,., . . .r , . i. ill Same to .Sjinie, I , it acres A. M., 1 got niv gun and two load- i i ,.. . t ii i -Beaver township, fur 81000 ii nMlfl tin. ll I vi-.itil in Inn u-iuuk i I had my dog with me ; he was hunt ing for rabbits. Then I got on Hen. Smith's ground and sat down at the corner of the woods. Then 1 shot to cull mv dog : then Daisy Smith West Fuesdav went to Adanisburii on business. 1 1 reported on'' sister town iii a flourishing condition. Those ot our subscribers who have a ham to dispose of may be able to make urraogeuients to turn it in on subscription account if brought iii Miss Martha Eisenharf ofShamo kin had a stroke of paralysis. She is a sister of Mrs. G. M. Should of this place and visits here quite fre quently. (ieo. W. Erhart, wife and daugh ter, Georgia, of Lewistown, spent Saturday in town. Whileherc,Mr. Erhart called and paid Itissubscrip- tion to the POST. If von do not want to pay for car fare to Sunbliry, send your photo graph and get t8 photographs lor 15 cents at Roshon's Gallery. Add '2 cents for postage. ot. Mr. Diehl, the hustling insurance agent of Nbrtfiumberlnud, was a Middleburg visitor last week. lie was a pleasant caller at this office on Wednesday evening. Hotel MltlUIUlf II h, ,.rr.. ... Soles to buv Lost. Bel wi en the Cent n and the station, a lady S purse con taining a ten-dollar bill, and small change. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this office. Arthur Aurand returned from a several months' visit to his friends in Michigan. His grandmother ac companid hlUl. She will spend sonic time with her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Aurand. A Sunbury merchant is advertis ing a lot of Norman App's fine prime butler for sale. This is cer tainly a compliment io Mrs. App who has won the distinction above noted. I.. G. Smith has been offered a position on the A. V. and S. F. R. li. in the state of Kansas at $60 per month, but on account of his mother's ill health, he will not ac cept the position. Quite a large party from this place enjoyed a sleigh ride up to ('urtin Bowemcx's residence on Mon day evening of this week. They en joyed a pleasant evening an:1, a fill of oysters and ice cream. A hill has been introduced in the Ijegisture to have the laws enacted published in the representative pa jiers of each county so that thC people will have a chance to know what is law and what is not law. The Central Pennsylvania Con ference of the United Evangelical church will lie held in Lewisburg, beginning March 2, and continue in session a week. The usual attendance of ministers and delegates is from 180 to 200, liesides visitors. Rev. E. E. Gilbert has resigned as pa.-tor of Evangelical church at Pillow, Northumberland county and has accepted the pastorate of the Richfield Evangelical Lutheran charge. He has moved to Mt. Pleasant Mills where he make his future home. Last week we begun the publica tion of a letter written from Ha vana, Cuba, which is very interest ing. The second installment ap pears in (his isur and it w ill be con cluded in next week's issue. It is written by a friend ot the iilitor and will be found interesting reading. The ninth annual convention of city and borough school superintend ents wil! meet in Harrishurg in the High School building on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 28th and March 1st. The annual meeting ot the State School Directors' Associa tion will be held on March 1st in the same building. ! Mrs. Frnney Goodhue, widow of John Goodling, died on Monday night at her home near Oriental, Funeral took place on Thursday. The body was interred at Sf. Paul's church near Mahnntongo. Rev. Jos. Aucker, formerly of Oriental, died al his home near McAlisterville on Sunday. Liverpool Sun. The Mann Edge Tool Company, at Lewistown, on Friday, posted notices of'a 10 per cent, cut in wages in their wheel and forging shops, affecting nearly 200 men. The for gers returned to work, hut the pol ishers and grinders are still holding out for the old scale. A compromise is expected by Monday. The W.C. T. II. has won a big victory in their fight to have the army canteen abolished. This will prevent the sale of liquors under the sanction of the military organi zation, and lie a stejin the rightdi- rection. The work was accomplish ed quietly, but effectively, for all, and grtat credit must Ik; given to the ladies for the result. On Monday evening of this week J. C. Beck and lady of Selinsgrove came to the county seat with a crowd of young people consisting of John A. S. Sobooh, Claude ( J. Burns, Geo. Lumbard, Charles ii. Bolig, George S. Sohooh, George Scharf, Ira S. Heider, George Heider, Harry S. Coldrcn, Eyer Lutz, Robert Potter and Harry K. Scharf. Rev. W. EL HUbish of MeC'lure was a visitor to the county seat on Monday, and while here he was a caller at this office. The parson, when quite a young man in Shamo kin, learned the printing trade, and while at school at Susquehanna Un iversity, was a classmate of the edi tor. He has served the people of the west end of the county almost five years. Wlltl1 m Miss DAISY smith. came there Shi! told me I would get arrested for hunting rabbits there, I said I .was not hunting rabbits. I went rigid up to w here she was and told her I was not hunting tbr rab bits. The1' I got quarreling with her, ami she slapped me; then I just held up my gun and shot her, being away about thirty yards. She hol lered then I killed her : I cut her throat, she wabbled around a couple steps ami fell over. Then I went home. 'I he above is a true and cor rect statement given to J, L. Grimm and Miles Daugherty at the coutitv jail office, Tuesday evening at 7:1 "i, being the eleventh day of October, 1898. Signed, F.DWA Bp ( lltlHSlNUElt. Death of David Heiuibach. David Hehubuch, an old and re spected citizen of Freeburg, peace fully passedaway February8th. He was born April 13, 1827,thusreach ing the ripe age of 71 years, :! mos. and 'J" days. As a young boy he came to this town aud remained here until he answered the final summons, lie was a saddler by trade, and work ed for David Botdorf, being as a member of the family. He was a .son of Henry Heimhach and and wife Polly. He was never married. He was respecter by all who knew him, being kind, obliging and unassum ing, and his demise falls especially heavy on Mrs. Botdorf, widow of David Botdorf. He was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran church, be ing confirmed by Rev. C. D. Erlen meyer. He was buried February 1 1 , in Evergreen Cemetery. P. L. Hains directed the funeral. Pall bearers were Peter S. Reigle, Elias Shotz- berger, George 3 tiller and J. S. Hen dricks. Funeral services were con ducted by llev.G. I). Driickenmillcr at the house of Mrs. Eliza Botdorf. ( barter. W ill. I'rolintPil. The last will and testament of Col. Philip Hilbish was probated last Thursday. The widow and the chil dren are the heirs. S. Thompson Hilbish is named as Executor. Nnrrlnsc Mdmmdii. SKLINSGKOVE. ...Mrs. Benson k visiting hw brother at Suubury. ...Druggist ('. W. Christ of. Milton is visiting his family. ...Mrs. Schnure and Sfiss Marinda Covert were at Snubwyou Monday. ...Geo. C. Wagenseiler made a business trip to Shamokin on Mon day. ...Miss Kate Erhart is on a trip to Philadelphia and New York to visit relatives. ...Mrs. Nunnernakeruf Finmitts Imrg, M.I.. i Iteing entertained by Mrs. II. I. Schnure. . . The sleiirh I 'harles V. Frocl I Maud M. Bobb. f Win. I .lane Ira Sei L. Bov Middleereek, I lowell. New llerlin, Mklillebiinr. Court Week. Next week being eourl a great many of our subscriliers will likely come to Middleburg, Many of our subscribers have paid up in advance, lull there are still mauv others w ho should give their suliscriptiuu ac count the attention it deserves, We now have a special offer on th" Farm Journal which is expluined in anoth er column. This is worth more now than at any other time and we hope to sec many others take advantage of it. Middleburg Horse Sale. ii Monday attended rices mill I, The horse sale i thi place was wel the lUi of buyers inn as follows : .lames I (reese, Adaiushiii Freil Smith, Middleburg, I 1 larvey J. Shainbach, I , Geo. B. Frederick, Milllin burg, I , W. H. Beaver and J. ( '. Schoeh, Middleburg, team I Icnry alter, Mifliinbiirg, Fiuaiiuel Haekcnbtirg, C'eu- treville, Hyde FesHler, 'cntreville, !.' F. Stahlnecker, Middle burg, Geo. Smith, Middleburg, team 2, ( 'harles M. Mover, New Berlin, II. R. Uiegle, Middleburir. Isaac Hommel, Middleereek, !. J. W. Teats, Meiserville, ' I, The total was $1264 and tin erage price was each, i ii Hid SS.i UM1 I'i.oO giniig is verv pi Mir owincr mi ne war.-: weather which has vailed tor several pre- lav.- ;l p 't Shamokin is visit- ic home of Rev. A. K. casant St. 1, is;, 7 i, km; I, 71 ...Mi ing :il Ziintiierninn on 1 he shoe factory is running nights us well as day time in order to catch up with their orders. ...Mr. mid Mrs. Wiseof Shamokin were called to town owing to the serious illness ..t Mrs. Wise's inoth r, Mrs. D. W. Diinlmugli. . The sons nf J, ivantxnf New lurk and Washington were respec tively called home liv the serious illees of their lather, who Ii iwever wenreglad .. Btntc issumewlu.1 im proving, . Several sled loads of people went to Freeburg tor a sleigh ride Mon day evening. The baud also started tor Middleburg-, but found the sleigh ing too poor so they returned. There was a party nlso a! Shamokin Dam. A petition i- being circulated an g people to the I'. It. I,'. authorities asking that a new depot lie built ai Selinsgrove Junction l.r Ibe iKconiniodation of the Iraveliug politic us the present one is entirely inadeipiate for the needs of the pu trons of'the roiul, titer injustice i- Ibe fare acroFS the I nil hoped that, that will hi long. re li is ii li.-.l Ix lo" ADAMSBUKH. is seriHiih Must Attend Institute Schotd Ixiards have the right to pass regulations compelling their teachers to organize institutes and then attend them regularly. Judge Slagle, of Common Pleas Court No. 1, Pittsburg, so decided in a ease at issue. T. C. Jones, a teacher, was dismiased by a Board of Directors for not attending the Saturday In stitute and he entered suit for $150 which he claimed as salary due him for the balance of the term. But the Court ruled against the plaintiff. Borough Election Result. The borough election on Tuesday resulted as follows: Town Council, Dr. J. W. Orwig,94;D.T.Rhoads, 82; Daniel Boleuder, 7'; John Maatz, 53; Judge of Flection, II. i. Tobias, 78j Amos Ranch, 48j nopectors, II. II. Hassinger, 66; James Runkle, oS; J. E. Stahlneck er, 20; School Directors, Carbon Secbold, 88; W. W. Wittenmyer, 01, (tie); Jacob Gilbert, 61, (tie); Overseer of the Poor, (2 years), C. E. Steininger, 77; Harvey Stahl necker, 89j (1 year), Geo. W. Wag enseiler, 04; Fred Smith, oi); Con stable, Henry R. Uiegle, 69; George Specht, .r,); High Constable, Wm, A. Swartz, 85; Joseph Clelan, 44; Auditor, Calvin Stetler. 62; Paul Billhardt, 50. .. .Mrs. Annas ( fross ill at this writing, ...John lluines i suflcring lioni an at tack of a-t lima. ...Mrs. R. Middleswarth and son spent Sunday in Sunbury. ...Mrs. II oward Mitchell jell and dislocated her ana last week. ....las. Spanglcris attending to im portant business in Philadelphia. ...Miss Jennie Klose of Paxton ville is visitine friends at tliiatdace. .j i ...Quite a number of our folks are attending protracted meeting at Bea vertown. ...Geo. Erhart and wife, of Lewis town, are the guests of Mrs. J, I . Hamilton. ...II. I. Romig and S. F. Aurand made a business trip to Middleburg mi I uesdav. ...Miss Delia Brichiard, of Lewis town, was the guest of Miss Alber- tena Smith on Friday. ...Messrs. Zimmerman, Izeman, Woodruff and Gemberling of Sus quehanna University, were in town over Sunday. .. .Ezra Steininger and wife, Mrs. S. Steininger and several others of Mid dleereek were the guests of J. W. Snook's on Sunday. f'URNITUEE. P. D. Burrelle Dead. P. 1). Burrelle, aged about sixtv- five years, died Sunday afternoon at his home at McKccs Half Falls, of dropsy. Funeral was held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Inter ment at Georgetown. The deceased leaves a widow and six children. While attending court next week, you are invited to contain and see my stock, ami if you need anything in my line, you will Ik convinced that you can buy cheaper than you have ever heard of lief ore. II. E. Waltek, Middleburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers