i, it-iiiif Vow. "Overwork and less of necessary sleep made me very nervous and it was with the greatest ditliculty that I could execute my solos. A friend advij 'd me to rive Dr. Miles' Nervine a tri 1, which I did and received im medi tte benefit In a few days I was entiri ly relieved. I recommend it to all musicians who suiTer from over work. and disci tiered nerves." Otto H. Ghemmer, 2310 Stale St., Milwaukee, Wit. Dr. Miles' Nervine h soM by all dragwistl on guarantee, lirst bottle tienclils or nuiiiev back. L'ook on heart and nerves sent free. Dr- l.Mcs Medical Company. Elkhart, Ind. HEHCH & DROMGOLD'S tffbl ImpfOTencnt In Frirllnn Freda an aek. Iku'k iniiiiii:ioli'arri.n'':i tlmeeii Ik her In tbe uMrkH PHftleavlatrn Feed. ell tla feed (eerltllt lii atarnl PUll wink hi..- -eat am lrm In pawci- nnl wear. ' '.a ,n! priit-a irw. A 10 Sprilia- lliirrpva, arora, l orn I'lniiirra, KMlwnh etc. loror I '.ill' this pat er, 111 II & ItUII.HUOI.n. jlfra York. I'm SEND US ONE DOLLAR aUtfttaWg WW lt Mian alfe-n4a aetBBTOII COIL 1D WOOB gajie,j7 rr.ig nt U.O.U, aabjaet to eaamtaaUun roar freight IKklWHT AeiaTaar raciiL mm. SI3.00 theeiooaaw aw WRITK FOR oru BIO FREE tui'l freltrht ch&rfren. Thin stoTe Is lis Vo. I, OTen Is lS .ilttill. ton tottsJt mtl from beot plf Iron, eitrs larffs flues, heTv coTen, hrvy lininir oid (rstfn, Urkf oven iibelf. be? tin-lined oven door, hsndnome nlekel plated orneunentstltmji and trimmings, eitr Unre deep, trenuine Mshli ssrselsla Used rssinilr, hand pome Ist-ire ornsiiif ntd baite. Bent sssj Nmssbjsbm, and wet fumiph FRBB an extra wood (irate, maklns; It a v r feet oi twiasr. Wl IHAl'l A BMDlRH&UABaNTEl with wery stove and (rnarantes safe delivery to your rail road station. Your local dnaltr would charirsymi 00 for surh a store, the freight Is only about 91.00 for s-ach .'" miles, aave jmm al least BIO.OO. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 'INC.) CHICAGO, ILL tsars, BsrefcsaaefjCa, era tasreataly rsUaesa. Ukm. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MLT . . trade marks Designs Copyrights Ac. nvnne sending a sketch and description may etilckly aacertnin our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Comtnunlea. tiiiiMStilctlyeonndentlal. Ilundbnok.-n Patents scut fr.e. Oldest ntfenrv for sccurnia- osteins. Patents taken through Munn St Co. receive tprcial notUe, without charge. In the Scientific American. handsomely Illustrated weeklr. Largest cir culation of any aclentiee journal. Terms, 83 a year: four montha, IL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3e,B,M" New York branch Office. IIS K y;.. Washington. D. C. NTED 8KYF.RAL TRUSTWORTHY v nersons in this stale to manage our busi ness m iheir cwn and nearby cottnllaa. It is nialiil- office work cou'l'icicii at home. Salary Sralglll 8IS0 a year and expenses-definite, bomiiicc, no more no less aalary. Mon'bly $7-5. I..-crcnccs. Enclose sc I f-add reaped atamp. d en cell pe, Herbert K. Hess. I'rcst., Iknit V ublcngo 9-ls-int.l uklii HEALTH Vever (aila to H.- nev Youthful Color and Lit to Gray ' Hair. Cse lilt. IIAVS II AIR HRAI.TII. Covers BALD spots , Rtopa danirufT. hair , falling, scalp diseases , or llaen. Absolutely (iivej Perfect Satisfaction. . II All! OHOW RIt UHKIS1SG ' Men Women. Children. If your hslr Is ' i .1.1 Mi. FADING 'll'RMMi I A, try at ones Dlt. Lvrtf. HAY'S HAIH Cr.' 50 Cents Par Large Bottle. ..red br I.OMION SI.PPl.Y CO, I . i. coo.) is ii j. . V.. who will send It 1 i on lorethar with a case of 1H, ' i ' s hii.i. iiit. only aare and ii..lant in. . niR. C! HE, on racalp. y .IK. three bott.ra. is I .r.n. T AU. IJiADlNM KRLOaiSTS. r aAUtiT ANY SUBSTITUTE j C: I 1 it A X. V i A Jt' 1 IS M al at t St SI at St kit 1 pNESS & HEAD NOISES CURED Inatantly. Our INVISIBLE TUBS I '- : n, h.ip wher sll else falls, as . Sea arts. SeirnsdJ'iaUns 4 No pain, oesrfl. Send to F. Illacoa Co- (4.13 'ay. N V.. lor Illustrated book pg3fj Sfi' '.'Ml'tUf ENGINE r.UIHl ptTfM-t HKiaMeaM IIbbbbI mr hr.inll PMJSBlfl fEaBBBUZnSSaaBBBBTl ACME Jl I ninn ou t stain akta r.ilasa. Report of RecciptewdtoeBditure. of Snyder County for P1.HULAR STATEMENT kliMrlDR Miionnt f countv and stnt- Uxss w.d I eulMlM "...r.,-,1. riuw..!on. Monortrtioop and abate nr.-iMi. ..Ilow.l mid outtun. Im-', f.-r tliu year 1898. A ! I jt vi' II KtS It 8IH Ml tm n IBM M KB as M HO 7IMW IV.. 14 lar.o M (MO 09 Mil 11', i im 7s iio4 ii MS 77i 17M 51 wst mots Adams :" rlc"- WeM ' cram i t'h.'tiiian i Kraaktn 1 Jr.e 's..n Iciil.l.W'WIM. ' i..s. V i iir?iv.irfii I . .'. 4Ub . II l.'JI 1 IR I. .) -.1 K'Ti- Win U. iali) M .1 COitrttWJ Id CW 't xlM.llel. iign ( " MO Mi'lllltvn'ek ' .1 IC'li H u sonim- T 10m s Lsieinherling xeieon Mangel ; Jtn Paid A J I it oM i Robert smith I j.tou S'alil : M in II Roust PTV Nrry Weal seiitisgrom Spring Vnlm iVaahtngton rABUL&R 8T ATBUBNT ihowloft an. I nutatanding taxei for IWI ami U18TBICTW. Aitums i!iapan KiitiikMn M d,ib'.:rcek Hon roi I'fnn r'rrv Beltaacrore turtng I'nlon AilHinii Hi'avrr riearer went r ol re ihapniaa FYanklln 'ariCHon Mi. Ill elmrijli tlldilli'creek Mull rue I'cnn perry Perry Weet i'l ' iiHgrove Spr'iii; union Waun(rton I 1,1.1." 'Tuns. ,).tt Mlnrtle!,v. Ill w ii Shelley leaiah Bowewoi I'aul lluinliH'l II V llMlllllli'l i, Qetnberllng i a Breelue A .1 ;rosH llenrN (i.iss A W Ani'krr .las Mldtleew'tli Isaac Botnb I) II lla-t-Uik'cr .Insi-pll Kl'IT v h Bbetley m i Courtney Sill. IH Oldt i, M M'niiz .leeob Raw Thoniati lio ' LJO tnlHTlinu Nebjon Mengle .i b a .1 Orow it tlx n smiiii Jacob O stahl W in K Roush RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Protlionotary's Office. a w Waienaeller: blank! 27 10 .1 CHchocb, Keea f..r 1-97 505 65 I i:8choh, certifying juatmenw fur H"r. 10a (fl J A Snyder, blank" .1 A I. milliard, blanks A M Aiirand Idallkn A' P Murpliv A Snn. blanka (i M sbindri. coete Com' wealth ,1 Kver Bntltb ft m Bntndel, ooate Corn'wealtb vn b R KeretatSer O M Rhlndel, coata Com'wsalth ,s Muses Kreedniftil 2 50 10 90 6 50 19 00 5 TS T 28 6 50 1696 T Register tV: Recorder's Office. O M 8binilel,ccrtif initmortBaices for 197 .1 A Lombard, blanks A M Aiirand, blanks ( W UaKenneller. blanks M II Mover, blanks w u Johnston A Co, doekate Commtssionen' SO 50 3 00 I on M 00 1 no It 00 62 .10 Office. ! W Wanensellor, lilanks 5 06 M Aiirand blanks 12 90 A M Aiirand. Herald IW8 1 On I A I.unibaid. Tribune 1898 I 60 J II Leaher, Times 189H 1 'I K HaaetneeTi atanipsand earda 18 87 Ut llollv I'rintiliK Co, Hegistra- tinit Honks, 2 years '7 -0 J M l.ippineott A l!o. stationery 14 T7 W .fobntton !o, aUtionerv 10 80 Marv .1 Hunt, s'ationery 4 60 Wm Dreeea,Md in service aaj Comm al M Bn 27.oo Am llree-e. travel'Keip steS SKI IS Isaao Hpotte, 83 days sor vi. e as Cumin at S3 .VI 287 00 lsaa- Spott. trarel'g eap'e w oo Ml oe ''bares Herman,7ldayi eer- vi. MOomrn nt S3 50 273 00 I'hari". Mri in in. traveling spanaee 50.40-323 48 I W 'wartl, Comm'e clerk salary 500.00 J W Sivartr. traveriteip s 20-76-520 73 If l Potter, Comm'e Alt'y loo.oo-SlTto t4 I ' Sheriffs Office. o w Wagenealler, blanks no I' S Hitter, Ices iii 21 Com cases 80 7 PH Hitter. Court I'roc for 1807-98 12 00 l It Hitler, itili N.iv eleeund proc 30 00 I1 S Hitter, 1 reports to board Ol Public charity i7- I' s Hitter, serving Jury notices " " flllniK wheel and .haw ing jury I S Hitler, delivering 14 prison ers lor trial ami sentence 50 00 S6 40 16 08 ',7 50 l' s bitter. convoying Martin i-aw less tn luislcrn rctiitenttary 43 50 i' s HI ttor, conveying Shell, Nnpp and .tones to Raatarn I'enlt'y 74 50 i' s Bitter, conveying Iroy Ker atetterto House ol Correction I' s Hitler, serving Bench var rant. Bholley 25 00 3 SO- 39(1 45 District Attorney's Office. J M Itaker. Rao , lees rjommonw'th ve i ft HollebaCta latimmonw'tb vs Hen Bholler Common' hveJonae Keleter Common'th vs w llllam Salts Cnmuinn'tli vs Klias Noll 5 (Ml 3 00 3 00 3 no r, no Common'th vs Mariin lawless In no Common'th vs Daniel J llniilz 5 00 Common'th VS Kyer Smith 3 wo ' ommnn'lh vs How-aril -lones In 00 I'ommOii'th vs K. hlcr g Snyder 10 no Common'th vs l. H Keretetter lo 00 Common'th vs Napnand Shell 10 isi Cotn'th vs Annie ilaekenberg 3 CO Com v. Hickel iV iinmcrinan c mmon'lh vs 11 I. bishop Common' (b va I S Kerstet'sr Commontbva Moses Freedmaa I ommon'th va David Marts an 5 00 3 on 6 00 10 Ob- Ins 00 ( 'ourt s. TMUI II48W17 15il2 12 574 ttj 77 47 4 Mj : Pebruary Term Grand Jurors 125 22 Petit Jurors 2"S 06 Constables' Itctilrns M 44 Tipstaves and C. I ryer 47 00 Stenograpcr JO 00- 49 T2 June Term llrnnd Jurors 120 60 Petit Jurors 299 01 Cona'abtes1 Betttras m 56 crver ami Tipstaves 57 00 Stenographer M io Stenographer, tranac'b'g H' tbmek vs Keystone 50 40- 807 81 October 'I Ci 111 Draad Jurors im 84 Petit .liirnis I'd 67 Constables' Ifetlims 42 U6 Tipstaves and fryer 79 50 Stenographer 50 oo Trb'g Hotteneteln va llrireiiatein 45 85 " Trb'g Helfenatein va Halcpenbeeb M 35 " Ranortlng Helfenatein vs Balenenbauh 10 os-sw jt December Term Orand Jurors 221 60 Petit Jurors IM 41 Constables' Returna 42 1 Tipstaves ami fryer 49 0(1 Stenographer 28 02- 486 12-2 483 8a Inquests. M .' Stcininger et al. on bo.lv of Mos s Fry 18 13 B Newt Nipple et al on body of Paul tlrissinger 10 37 20 49 Justices, ( 'oust allies and Witness Fees in Commonwealth Cases. Comman'lth ra J ft Rollenbaeb 21 si Coinmon'lth vs lten snoller 9 45 CDmliloii'lth vs .1,, as Kicstcr 11 '3 OotnrU Ml'Ithvs l!lias Noll 4 55 ComiiMin'lth vs Martin lawless 19 65 ComBSlM'lth raOanlol J Moata 43 85 Cuinniou'ltb vs Lye Smith 23 24 'ommon'ltli ll'iwnril JoSJCg M 20 i 0 'lll'llb - s Kchlcr and Snvder 132 77 Common'lth vs I, R Kcrstrtter 41 7t Uommoo'lth vs Nnpp and Shell M 19 Com'lth Annie Hnckcnherg 3 25 1 Com vs Hickel and innnciman 22 55 ' ''million' It h vs A L Hiallop 7 91 SbmOMB'tth vs I S Ker-tetter 8 30 Comuion'lth vs Moses Frecilman 59 71 Conimoii'ltb vs licorge Punu 2 7S Common'lth vs A L Hisbni 1 12 iCommou'lth vs David Mark's SI 17 810 25 Return BT.nn- :Oom'is- UUtStand. In I 197Bii j 994 I el. oratnsi (loos. 4 H4I I ST 30 U 4 it 167 30 IM V0 208 17 en 29 41 113 8 1017 161 46 IM 76 i:i.T7 M 10 1 172 52 SOU 7S II 45 1 67 2 41, IS 71 M 1 561 70 22S8 rrz: . eollMtloni uuidi. exonoratious allowed previoua yeur.-. Remarks. dice I At.' ted- iunts iTfC!' IT m 81 M SI7 74BH 'II 14) AT i?7 42' ill I'-tll MIA ir 04 09 r.i hi ;7 ix &m h s7 M im n 21 ii HUM 39 in 14! no i'ii ii" :, MM 8.-,? ii 22 us fls x 1 0 4s 41! ho: .17 n n 4.1 -i il is 26 till rN 5' I (luutami'ir i Uulleet- i Esooota-1 yautaad. Year Jan. Menu I rd. I lionf. I ln. IrM MM. t ll IMt M 40 B 41 1R.I6 K M 5 l 2 4i IMS 24 03 20 51 ; 3 52 , 'HM 90 M 69 95 30 44 31 M 9 s-1 1 W . itM 32 m ! 1H9C, ' 4l 31 III 34 6 57 k7 93 ' 61 1ii 30 4K 00 4 30 :k7 137 141 98 47 I 18 (7 r; H 2 M 7 IMT 3 09 1 97 I I II IMT 1 77 137 Ml I 65 I Ml l 78 74 57 '6 21 IK'.? :.H TO Ml 52 6 T7 ! 1H.7 S4 37 3.: 64 TJ lbsT 6H Vt 25 OU 48 It 1SU7 74 OK 57 ' 0 8 84 i 18 24 V7 lfi ST 174 66 It 01 I 1KT 180 1 45 00 ' 6 01 l M 1W7 191 M 1 1- i.j 8 28 84 a )M7 TS M M I S S3 1S-I7 H 13 18 HO, 4 66 1157 1HI7 12 02 08 11 94 1KI7 179 23 09 67 109 66 18U7 IM 13 S67 (W II IS . S2664 76 MOST 29 1128 S3 1468 84 1'risou. W A 8warf c el al removing' aahea H B leclll et al removing ashes 1 SO i oo W B Wincv, coal 116 39 fleo I"leel k I 'o boiler repairs 7 00 James llowpraos. lalwr 8 00 Mrs mtbaritie itirgei, interest on bonds 2 yiars Mrs I atbarine Miegel, Interest on bonds in full Mrs 'iitbarine Itiegel, Ilond No Redeemed (' A lloieuder.lnt on bonds 1 yr C A Holendcr " on bonds in full 80 00 14 7t 508 00 at oo 14 73 (' A Holendcr HondNo I Redm'd 500 00 Wrs Kve Kcnninger, intereat on bond one year Dr U K llaainger. medical at tendance, prisoners Sehooh stablneckcr roof r'pa Aaron Steller, I.tnnhi r W A Swartr. cleaning sewer W II Reaver, mcrchandiae W W Wittenmyer. mer'haadiae 12 50 5 00 5 80 8 61 66 4 60 8 74 I'M Hitter. Sheriff, boarding. prisoners. I'M Hirer sheriff, committing and d scliarglngl7 prisoners 158 06 IT 00 l's Hitter. shariD, Janitor ser vlces for IMS, 40 M Mrs I' S Rittcr, repairing and washing for 1898, 15 00 $1600 73 Court House. Ce K Specbt. 1 day Janitor, J H Lipjiiiicotl A Co stationery, W K Stahlnccker. stove rrpaila, HehiM'll a S'ablneCkcr. stove re nd and I chimney lope, .1 M ami (i H St. Ininger, coal. I 00 8 18 t 46 17 95 M 80 40 00 1 TS 8 00 T9 45 80 00 80 00 " oo 30 00 I 06 21 08 4 42 5 60 II It Tobias, ianTtor, ' " " labor, " 11 " acrubhing court house. Calvin stetl r, insurance, H I' shearv, P Blaawl, K W Snyder, 11 K M'ller .on " II I) stablneckcr. labor, tnrnn S,,.i..r InnihM I II H.iwrao. ,nl and matchea. 4 42 W II Heaver mdse, A J rossgrove repairing blinds and doors, 0 II Walter, oil, W W Wittenmyer, mdse, c BOdrklna repai ri ng dock, 22 85 7 10 2 M 1 75 820 12 Asylum. support ol llerbstel. King and larger. 278 75 Penitentiary. Support of streeter. Coleman and Shell, 131 99 Road and Bridge Viewers' Kces. . Jacob How et al viewers, -106 M Komi Damages. F P Hooker. Spring twp.. to 00 II I) s'ehuur.', Seiiusgrovo and Pcnii twp , Dr K .1 Wagenaeller, Selins- grove and I'cnn twp.. John Keller Penn twp., John How, Peon twp.. I Bridges. First Nat Hank. Middleburg, In terest on bonds is on 93 00 8 00 20 00 $159 00 174 88 First Nat Hank. Middlcburg. bonds redeemed Hover's Schocb'a seii nngrove Iron Voder's Homig Howersox Midd'ebtirg wood Middb'litlrg iron Neitr Kratxerville Smith Paxlonville Oriental Joint Burns Kahlcy'a Drcrse'e Ulah's Kreamer Hrubaker's -foinl Long's Kants Boyer'i 2000 60 37 82 9 25 16 86 1 T8 1 00 132 m 2 70 15 76 18 44 1 00 832 78 2 80 3 73 4 HO 1 5i 3 65 87 OS 60 It 04 75-3,017 00 Assessors. Spring Assessment and attend ing nppeals 514 16 Mav Registration 277 0a May Itegistrat'n schoolchildren 191 00 Dec Hef,istintion and birth and death reports 330 201.312 38 Printing. J A Lombard Pub Co statement 25 00 " Triennial statement 20 00 " Election proclamation 25 00 'Court proclamation 16 85 86 68 M Auranl Pub Co statement 25 00 " Appeal Notice 15 00 " Election proclomatlon 25 00 " Court proclamation 13 82 78 St J ( Leaher Pub Co statement 25 00 " Triennial statement 20 00 " Appeal Notice is 00 " Election proclamation 25 00 " Court proclamation 13 32101 83 II BMoyer Pub Co statement 25 00 " Appeal Notice 15 0" " Flection proclamation 25 00 " Court proclamation 16 65 "Court Calendar 16 09 97 88 J A Snyder Pub Co statement. 25 00 " Appeal Notices U 00 " Court proclamation 1.1 32 " Flection proclamation 25 00 " Court Calendar 4 00 82 M O W Wngcn-el ler Tub Co statement 2 00 " Triennial statement 20 00 " Election proclamation 26 00 " Court proclamation 13 32 " Letting Notice 1 50 84 t2 $4S1 M Elections. February Election 4TS 54 November Election 617 80 J A Lombard printing Feb ballots 23 20 " ftov " MM teflggSSaSSft,- G to Shindi-I, el l ri mi put i us Nov election return in SO W J Kiose, eoogr'el return judge 8 ' Itamsed SiIdiciN Purial ni.d T(llllSt OIK'S. 1211 69 Henry oreon, burial and tomb atone .Uiiui Trosb J II Martin tombstone Alfred Dahooa J II Mail in burial aM tomb stone I oses I ry II it IaiiIi burial and tombstone John Uilbert Abrubam Artidt bulla! Siinnn Strawser J) 00 42 CO 00- JIM 00 BcbIds, W 11 Coleman el ..I scalp certifi cates 12 80- 1162 SO Mhudttnieous. Jacob Utlbati auditing I o offices IS 00 (, ( I tiil.'i iii e x preisrti'e a .0 4I A W Potter professional service ! county ine Union and Snyder 60 00 ( C I' t'lrieb professional service eoiiutv line I'liinti and Snyder 50 00 Irwin laiulensliigcr cle.k to Jur'.- commissioners 10 on ' ff 1. II ' - - 1 ID U .."' I'll I ' IIUIK-I,. JUI, nniMH P. TO . ; 11 I. Ilornbcrger jury comm 60 K5 .1 l BoWateOS county auditor 18 86 (' F Moyor cr.uu'y audlt.ir 1h 73 Absalom Ss lince county awlitor 18 72 Calvin HleSiaf prciariiig eoMBly I statement 25 00 ' Oeo mithet -I toag ic forand haulin.: truck 7 00 W II Klagl I slate tax on county indelitedness 3 P0 I J H Knepp I al Jury comm I H'T 9 90 , Carlton MO bo to loarding jury llower vs l.atnl.y ct al 8 88 Telephone rental 17 87 0 K (iraybill livery hire 4 00 11 K dicbter, surveying county Line. Dnlon and Snyder 15 0u II S Hover, surveying countv Line, Union and Snyder 19 91 James v Iddb'swarth, surveying county line I i ion A Snyd'rr 30 30 J F Laudcnslager ax man county line. Union and Snyder 8 82 JO I'sher fees, county line 2 57 (' II Meininger.freiglit! cartage 3 34 IM' llackenberg Toresl lire wurden 3 93 Michael Haekenl erg " " 18 36 Af tin!' p. chain carrier, in I ine 6 00 John A llro-lus. I x-t'ollector I'o ry Iwp overpaid state Taa 90 Wm G lobnaton a co i'mk- i etc 26 so A II Utah, purcha e money re funtled on trn'-t of land errone ously sold at Treasurer's aale 8 77 A II Swart, chaii carrier co line 11 57 Henry I'eters ct ill maintaining and medical t il to lienr.v Mia fee tramp without r aidence 32 75 Charles Erdley II vi ry hire co line 2 80 Joseph Vt agin r. Sup'r W Heaver ta on unseated lands ref'il 119 48 Henry Maurer, sup'r Spring tp tax on nii-i.it. .1 lands icf'il 52 S3 Moses I rb Overs er Adams tax on unseated lands ref'd 27 39 II .1 I'elers Oversee- W Heav. r tax on unseated landslcfd 33 86 John Hackevberg Sup'r Franklin tax on unsea'cd lands r.'f'd 62 73 J II I.lpienciitt a eo Stationery 24 31 I a Leaher, Printing I 'ol Hecpts 10 00 iarbnn Boa bo Id. b anting jury. Cnmn'th vs Kebler and Snyder 6 00 K 0 Howersox. Ins'itute exp's 87 15 Murray Komlg ha'ilrngilnd cleaning truck 4 00 M I I'otter. Kipenses county line I'nlon and Snyder 6 33 MB Total, 910 div Pursuant to law, we the undersigned Com mlssiuncrs of Snyder County, Pa , publish the roregoing state ent of Receipts ami Kxpendi t n res of said County, 1N9N, and also present herewith a statement or the BSSettS and UaMI itiesoltlie said County on the 3 1st day of De cember, A I), lS9s. Witness our h inds and the seal of said office this ilth day ol January, 1H9B- WILI.IAM DRKESE, ISAAtlSI'OTTS, I'll A K ES II Kli M AN, County Commiaaloners. General Statement, County Fund. Aaeets. Outstanding tax of 1898. i 158 41 Outstanding tax of IM7 and lirevioiiayeara 468 84 F.xc'ss dog fund due ' . unity 345 Oi Kalancciii hundsof Tieita'r 3 294 hi 6 367 08 Liabilities bonded Hebl 2 250.00 Intereat accrued to Jan 1 '98 46 Asset's in exivsa ol Liahil'a 4 07u S3 6 367 08 (ieneral .Statement, Dog Fund. Assets. Outstanding tax ol i Outstanding taa of ISM and previous years Balance in bauds ol Treaa. 151 86 Hi 21 516 02- Liabilities. Rxceas due Onuaty Treaa. Ml 02 Assets In excess ol 1 labilities 430 07 Wm. II. Riegel, Treasurer in Re count with Snyder County tor the year 1898. DR. To ami In band Ion 1, X-im To ami received from dog fund sV7, Kxc as To ami ' t fount! and state tax aaeeasad lor ISM To ami of tax of 1807 and pre- vio'.s ye trs out landing To .im' reecivd from various' persons tax on iius'd lands To ami received from Ner H Mlddleewarth Com of Heli- lab llerLsler To ami ree'd from s a Wetzel Com wm Verger To ami ree'd f r. mi OABos lender st ite lax on bo'ids To amt ree'd Irom Lumber, ink, etc sold To am' ree'd Irom .lunintn co exps repalr'goinl bride To ami re'ed rroni M I Potter 1 yr 0008 re' t to .luly 1. '98 To ami ree'd front M I Potter Coal lor 1897 and !S9s To amt roo'd Ironi cosis refd Harrison Hieininger David Marks Nic Walter R A M II i.ner I) SSholley To atut ree'd from witness fees returned. I' s Hit'er To amt ree'd from witness fees returned, names Row To amt received from hotel license To amt ree'd from state per so mil tax returned To amt ree'd from internal af fairs report fees returned 3 7W) 21 310 73 ir, sot f 91 26 7 00 30 7 5 48 40 15 00 6 38 8 T 8 75 10 00 29 08 15 49 4 00 8 60 2,775 00 1,806 II 40 00-128,838 42 Cr. Bv amt of orders of 189H rf .Ii .'Mini 16,379 99 Hy Treunurer'! cnm'n on same at 2 ' pet cent 409 48 II Ntate personal tax paid state ami Oom'n on same at 1 per OMlt 1,439 47 By 40 hotel licence aU horo's twp'l and com'n on same at b p-i Cent 2,2:0 0$ By Treasurer's com'n on $"i56 hotel license paid county at b ptr cent 27 74 By mill of tai of 189S outstand inu 2,258 41 By amt f t x of I 97 mi t pre vious yeiir" outstanding 468 84 j tty " in 111 ' -t! mi iti 11 1 wru t 1 11 ni l Stl 70 BT4 M By alwtemcnta allowad eollrct- ora By exonerations allowed col lectori By taxei returned on unseated uadi ia is 77 47 Italant?e in hand Win 11 Hie((le. treasurer. In 3,294 81.2fl,835i 42 account vith Hnyder County for the year 1S98, Dog Tax account. Dr. To ba'nnee in Jannnry 1, 1S96 To ami Of tax asses -ed for IS9il To mot ol tux or 1807 anil pre vioue years outstaud.ng Cr. Ily excess ol 1 -'.'7 paid into the coii'itv treasury By comiuiasions allowed col le tors By exonerations allowed col lectors By text's ol lWftoutstanding By taxes ot ls97 and previoua years nutata'.ding Ilulancc in hand 640 rz 303 00 119 99-$l,16S 71 We, the undersigned auditors in and for the County or Snyder. Stole of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that in the diachargeof the duty devolving upon ua by law, we met t the t ourt 2?!' .S bounty of Hnyder, on Hie first Monday of January A. D. 1 898 at being the se cond day of (be month) to audit ssttlc and ad just the accounts Of the several offices of Mr-' said comity, whose account it oar duty to audit, sett. e and adjust. Hint that We And tbc foregoing statement to be correct eiceiit aa slated in note below. J. C. Bowiaaox. -tSe: C. r. .Motkh, C. STCTLER, Ans-auia SCHSS.S. Clerk. County Auditors. No.-Aniong others jvc And one order he lug .No. 467 of law for $221410, the ad iition or the i.ranil Jury bill for iee. Term HUM, upon which the said mder wan iasucil la erroneous I he correct additioa Is $ltl.j iiietead of 1221 i as above. Thealtontioii of Ibo board of Cotn in -s oners as well as tuat of the Treason i was called to this foot, they adm tied the error, and the I reasurer aaked to he charge I wltb SlOu and his com'n on aame of 82.5', atoial of SlU" 5j bringing the balance in hki ban. I- t,, 8S,3'iT..il . r mining asse s pear iiauiniies i,i,.i...i. instead 84.07a K3, in the general atatemenl. appears J. C Bower-ox. Aest : c. p. Mover, C STaTLRS;, All8U.a eV'BNIr, Clerk. County Auditors Liciurt FrncJamatiaD, j 117 n r.Kr.Aa toe Hon. tlsrold M. Met Inn ; ' i renuciu juuge oi the .ludlelal District , i-uuipii-m t iic . ..111 iir. ct sinyder, ami I i im. i, ami Altred Bproni and Z. T. OCR Serilag, HeA, Awa-late Judges In and lorSnr ! der county. Have Issued their piecent. bearing uaie ine inn nay oi uec. A. II., 1888, tome llrecie.t Rii the holding of an i irphans' Court, s , court ul OOBIBIOB Pleas, court ol Dyer and Ter. I miner an i nei.erai :ourl nictuarler BetSIOlM u lln 'Peace, at Mlildlelmrirh tor the atasi. .. iSayder, the 4th Monday, (being tbi gTU ua. oi re. tasBf;, ami to continue one week Notice Is therefore hereby given in 'he Coron . er, i us t ice oi the I ence and Constable, in ami .... ii. e euuoiy oi nnroor, to appeirlti then proper iio'mou witn their rolls, reenrdr, inuulsi lions, exainlnatioDs and other remembrance. HwuaauiHi wnicn ol tiielr ottlee and In I ther bcliiili partaln to be done and witnesses j and persons prosecuting In behalf of the Cooi monwealih against any person or persons a re se. I qatred to he thea and uere atlaodlng aad da. I piinlna without leave at their nerll. .fusils. , are reqiaateil t.. be punctual in their attendance Mppoiuieo nine agree, div tn notice, i tilt en under my hsn.l t..i hshI at the .Sheriff, I onice In Vid ltel urgh, the 27Hi day ol Jan . A. D., one tho.it.uiid -'"lit hundred in nlneai i aibe. p. s. RITTKR. Sherig tX'Ri: A t OI.n IM 4IMK DAT Take Laxative Bromo Viiinlne Tablet, rtnnrgista refiitm monev If It tells W rur.'. The genuine baa L. B. q. on each tabt. All BSwu-?2Ms. mi . . , . . j . ... fc, ...iiuoij " ... is n s D'ed their Admin stn.tnrs,. .' " "v editors' aroounfs In the H-glsfor'son let" "t -sff der Countv. anil the sim So! z2?T?Jfi'i' confirm,,!!..., ., .V.M....1 ' '1 . . Pl' seillcO tor ., iv u . niioiTunce ai tin. tvnirt lloiise In Mlddteburgb, Monday, Pi bruarv27ih. lS First siiri final account of It. II. Hhlndei, pspcu- H inrti. 1 . or .! . HSJ2MS " O, U dPceaseu. ouguw seiinsgrove, Pa mZ.r;L'-Zm" of the last . .. , . una in Mirnuii, late Washington towns'!' i, ra., deceased. .oi .?,VVn'''. M;,rJ' '. Wetiel. Adrolntstra, 42 ' . " "rJ rreizel, deceased ! I! Admi,arr.t i - eivmj uiuost, uue oisprtDi; IWU deoeaoed, i i i c nrii. - . .... w. ?e"'??l.n ? .(ir9' Kiecntorofthe .',, " "owoucoi oi curtHuan oross ol Betver township, decvaed. The first ana nnal account of Oeoroe JJ. Bot, A&J&V&Jk. "inifcr, EcutorTof tad inc. lln.,.o"r.''r '"". - - a'"iiu.i ui Mil mi Administrators of the estate of Lydla iu.??iRIlMflnRl.accoun' of J' 8- Mplser, Admin Istratorot Hie estate of Mary Bearer, deceased. First unti final account of O. A. Hover, Admin- Pa". dejcear. Aruoa," m,c or Perry twp.. Firs' sod nnal account oi Hernv I. Swarf z. Ad n.liilntriilor of Julian Swart, late of Adams towpsblp, deceased. First and final acconnf. or .tuoh aa mlnlstrator ol Hie estate of Rebecca Cramer, da- The secc nd and nnal account of D. J. and J. H liissliiger Administrators of Joseph UasslnW late of Spring iwp., Snyder county; deceased: J. U. WILLIS, Register. 4c. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. Notice Is bere " by given that the following Widows' Ap pralsemenls under the $300 law, huvc tieen nied wit n tin-Clerk of the Organs' Court or Snyder '81 09 '-"""'J on cooiiriuaiiun reoruiiry si, isyy. The uppralacnient ol Adalalde Sampsell, wld i or Henry 0. Sampson, late or Centre township si 09 ; Snyder Co, fa., deeeaacd, elected to be taken uuuer i no ;iuu exemption law. Appraisement or Annie M, Luck, widow of Le vi I. Luck late Of Sprint tarp. Snyder t:o. Pa aeceased. elected to be taken under the $300 ex. endtion law. Appraisement or Klliabetb Qlfl, widow of a. mos Gilt, late of Franklin twp , snvder Co.. Pa ! deceased, rlected to lie taken under the $300 eg. eiitptloti law. 1 Appraisement ot Hannah HnllenbSOb, widow of wiiiiam Hoitenbaob, late or Perry twp,, uny. ' dor 00.. P.i., deceased, elected to be taken under the MM exemption law. J Appralwment of Huehael Kern, widow of Oeo Kern, late of Mlddleburgh. Snvd-'r Co., Pa., de I oeased, eleoted to be taken under the $300 ex ! emptlou law. Liaa, . ., M. SHINDEL, Clerk. Mlddleburcb, Pa Jan. 2s, 1S99. I The following necounts will he presented for 1 combination on Monday, Feb. 27, 1S99 : First and final account of Jeremiah Beavr ! Uxi t utor or Daniel Heaver, doceased. who was 1 OOtnmltteS ol Caroline Sboller. a lunatic. L.aa, . . O. M. SHINDEL. Clerk. I Mlddlebnrgb, Pa., Jan. 28. 1899. Notice in Partition. In Hie estate or William Bonmbssb, late or Parr Township. Snyder Co., Pa., deceased j To ilanuah Uollenbacb.wldow of William Ho!- lenbach.iiec'd, of Ubapmar. twp.. Snyder Co . I Pa.: Mary Spleher (nee Hollenhach) Intermar- ! rieo w;iii ,ioun L. splcker of Liverpool, Pcrrv i Oo., Ph.; Levlna lleckert (nee Holleub.u hi inter. I married with William Ueckert of Chapman! two.. Snyder Co.. Pa., and Samuel Hollenhacli ofl Perry twp., Snyder Co., Pa.; William Portzllne I huHbandofEva Portzllne (nee Holler.cacb) now I deceased; Catherine Shaffer (nee Portzllne) la-J lertn.irrteil with .Imoiou sito.rr...- ii,...r,. o ., . B -.- - ........ .......... i , . .C II I T . J" U I I line, Martha Slroub (nee Portzllne) Intermar ried with Wesley Stroub, (lertte PcrlrJlne und Susaan portzllne, minors above the ago o! 14 years who have for their gtia.-dlr. ihi'!p -;'ter allot perry twp, SnyderOo.. Pa., and WK.:tn B. rortzllne oITreverton.Noith'd o'a ?a. You are hereby notified that by vlrtus3 3f a writ nt inquisition Issued out or tta Orptuis' Court or Snyder Co. and to me directed, an In quest will be held on Tract situate In Perry twp.. Snyoer Co., Pa., bounded and described as loi lOWJk viz : Oo the North by lands ol heirs or William Porlzllne, dee'd. on the East by landsct O. W. Portzllne, on the South by lands or same und ii. urge (basiling mid on the Writ by lands or Samuel Hollenhach, containing about Eighty (Ml Acres, morn or lean, wph the appurtenances ON THl'KSDAY, FEBKL'AHY 18. A. I)., 1899, at in o'clock A. M., to make partition or valua. Hon of the real estate of said deceased, wbsu and where jou may attend If vou think proper. Jan. 1.1899. P. 8. itlTTKK. Sheriff. 4 Al THIN NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that we have nor. chased Irom Wm. F. Howell, the following I named articles which the said Unwell purchas ed at a ( onstoble bale : 'I Wo horses, pro wa gbn, 4 setts of gears, buggy and log wagon. We have left the above property In the hands of 11 M. Homigandall persons arc cautioned not to n-ei Idle with the -ante. 8TKININQKR BROS. Middleburg, Pa., Jan. 14, 1699. AVail Income assured. 23 cts. starts you or cir. free. Points Co, 251 Oak Blk., Boston. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Notlce is hereby given that letters testamentary up 810 72 n the estate at Amelia Bllger, late or Jackson township., Snyder cvnintv. Pennn.. 17 us deceased, haxe been Issued In due lorm of law 14) the undersigned, to whom nil Indebted to 26 96 ' said estate should make Immediate payment 151 86 ""d those having claims agnfnst. It. should pre- I sent them duly authenticated mr settlement. S4 21 I Jacob Gilbert, w. D. liiUiER, MS 02 $l, ics 71 Attorney. Executor. Arc You ss EasilyTi.cd? Just rcmembor that all y0..r I atrsngth must come from yu, - food. Did you ovor think of ! I thatP I Perhtna your musclas pWrj i mors) atrong, b, or yocr 1. . -as. va pci usiB jvusr aiumuon 11 I Wemk snd auaot digavi what I you oat W jro nextd mora atroaith I then tak SCOTT'S j f Cod-LlTer ' Oil with Hypo. pliosphltea. (ES oil ia the mSt easily changed of all foo Is into t strength ; evnd the hypophos. ? phitoa aro the best I tonics far tho nerves. BCOTT'S 11MUL. t SION is trie oasiast and quickest cur for waskthrostt, for ooughs of very kind, and for allcaaeaof da- t bilitv, wank nervo3, and loss of flash. 1 a toe. and gi.oo, l! drugtiits. SCOTT Si DOWNE, Ctiemista, N,w Yore, HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I J Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils A Tumors. ' Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. O Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Bold by druggists , or Beat post-paid on receipt of price scaraasis' as, co. , 1 1 1 a 1 1 s mm sl , i.h. PAY IP YOU'RE PLEASfTD so BAYS AHEU SHIPMENT; IF fOT. BBTT ICS. NO MONEY WANTBS BN ADVANCC. wltaeTerrOrtaXfi KMcbenCsblnet we send, free, a copy of The Every- Day Cook Book,'' eonadalnf 818 pages of ttir most practical re el pea ever cosi. piled, anbetantlally boaad Is cloth. The to of cabinet a II Incbei by 4i taehea: besrlit. 30 inches; has two metal-bottom bins, one boldlng 60 IM.: the other partitioned for cor.i-.neal, graham, sugar, etc. ; anc large drawer; one br. r I board, which slides Into frame. Price, coin.lete, only 85, on board can to Chl tago, with the cook book free. Pay In 88 dayi If yts And the Cabinet the most useful, laborivlQg piece of kitchen furniture you ever saw ; tf not entirely pleased, return at our cipenao. No deposit no guaranty re quired from any re liab'e person. In .ordering be sore to say you're a reader of this paper tbia la very Import ant and that you acc ept our Kitchen Cabinet Otter Su. 8. Order to-dsv ; or, send fur Illustrated circular No. A (tliAME VILLI. IKS. CO.. Zi Kf. bfSM It. flw P. 8. Genuine Qunkrr Vulley furniture la reverftoW thrutifrti retsJltTS -always fnnn fae orr to flrestdu at wbsale prices. Dou't acci tpf a murthieu lmiutva. BUYS k $3,50 SUIT I.UV0 '.KLKUSiTIS..LilTW.UaOCT"4ssSIS swA aaS Ssebla Ism. Bayalae r-.0 Says' 8- riMs ..a-rui eaiMf.isffsi ii.vo. A a SW BCITrBBBforaayoftheMSUlti which don't give satisfactory wear. stow asre af bar and say Tkelber Isrss or email for ua. and wa will jead roa the Sail bv ex Drew. C.O.D.. -lublset Ss Sxassla- atlon. Tou eaa aaaaiiBa tk al voaraxeroas office and tf frond serfeetly saiufattory ana equal so salt, sola is your sows ior 8.66, pay 700T sxprrss ngeel ear sfeasl anar aek-e. Sl.SOcae esasMs absefsa. TBKBa XNIt rA sT BUITa sesaar eejsreeae a l. it r.ais.l sea, aaiaraialsBat ateryakara at 8LM. B.4. wla doable seal kt, lUWtkObOaks earn, floe serge Unlnsr. 1. floe serse unlnsr. Cl.Tksa eau Sln.skavtne ana elkuorclng, silk and Uoea sewtag, 1 isiisr-a.4. kiraartset. a anil aay boy or :r. t nt would lay boy or r stasias ne prose or. roa rata clots aaarm , v nstka (solto, overeoala or u latan 1, for boys 4 TO It T81B8, writo ear taiaale Bask Be. CC aensala. -uJ- lor 9 laws. taaemasaure sad foil lasenetiooj bov to order. Bos'i Bat,, sad Oiaeesal, aas. "j m Jar trie 11-86 SB. Semsles sent free on aypUeatloa. atesias, SEARS, ROEBUCK dVCC. (t.r:.), Asm lit JllHsiaoa. B8BeM8sSjSt?881 Ss tmt mm; m t ; (197 cavPAitn lo Nat ' jt-- Nasser! The Joys and ambllloas cf life can b restored to yon Toe vtrr worst cases of Her7cns DeWll ty are absolut L cored by .... l nsxx j-a.jiiaj.viw ' Vx2tf. . -"xUaMiiUlveiir(imi.t rslleftplnsoiTNia K 'alaaV railing xen'Orr aaY lb; vaite anuumnvi nm iw.ii. ... " red br iodise rations or excesses of early yeare. lapart vigor and potency u ever; fsnetlon nee 'in tho avatem. Ui,e tmm bloom Ul IBS . I. -en and lustre to the TjB1. sres of oong rold. One Mlc box renewsfrwr a vvltai energy; a t oasa at Sfe.Se a com-9aJ 1 I Jsiletc guarao- u: or miinef r-'fiind-lasseSsawed ra an .od In vest pocket. Sold est Docket. Moid uur eierywneiruf liin'li n ..Isle wr ..in .er .10 slJSS raCSltitof prlOO Oy Sl I'BKFBCTO CO.. Caston Bldg.. Chlcago.tl For sale in Middleburgh, Pa., by Middleburg Drug Co., hiMt. Pleas ant Mills by Henry IIarding,and in Ptiiiu's Creek hy J. W. Sampsell. a aaoiuasa.no "'rr east taken over veea "-f.TB close up staler sraas"". , aad yoo totoooat b. sxpraaa,c.aw eats trylt oa at yoar proas offlce sad B foesd -. a ihareoetwoe. derfol valas yea ever eawi faawa or .nAanusi to aavooat roeeaaosy for 84.00. Mru-ssaeesaassrsrasas ,"7. doibl. breasted, tajsrjjjest collar, fancy easM llntag, wstetsseeg guaranteed re VrZrTni Mails to seers! 8sHs . ZJT iti. u aiass. snme im wm IE i $5 I U nskes ktrtchea B Q Wi-. k Easy . S ana ane.-e, laws, lsveeiyia as uiaaaravso, made from a itsaul w.sr rs.atlae. assn- SSI II aassiiisea. aaaA aaediosia sal- Oaytas eatenl lnterUalnf , aad. Mwln mil ana lln.n Mwtaa. Baa M Wa SBB BBS se W.pjySs A CO.j WffAOOs a?".' : a-. ...A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers