1 FuwQSl Absolutely Fur .OVM. WM POVOI CO., M VOMU The Middleburgh Post. Published everv Thursday. Geo. W. Wanensatier. Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. rttlcb mnat be paid in advance wuen aent out. BIUO Ule UUUIIljr.l RATES Of ADV1HTI8INO. Ml transient advert!rmoM4i not otherwise .wntracied tor will be cbiuved at the rate or la n-nta pnr line (nonparlt'l measure) for tlmt tnaer lm and loceuu pr line lor every aubaequent timertlon. 00-Drzlk noHeet publUhtd fret , obituary poenil, tdutM ofmpuct. rfc thrrtcentt a tine. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 'rwernor-Col. W. A. Stone. Lieut Gov.-Ocn. .1. l'.S. tinhin. c. Int. Airalr-Jtin. J. W. Lalta. superior JmlK'e W. W. I'otter. Congress at Larue Hon. 0. A. Orow. ' 8. A. Davenport, roncresa Ilon.T M. Malinn. Assembly Dr. A. M. smith. aoClftte .Tudgv Z. T. Oemborllng. rsuotysurveyor U. A. Uotdorf. Thursday, July 14, 1898. Editorial Excursion. Asprcviously annotincetl in these columns the 20th annual Excursion of the Pennsylvania Editorial Asso ciation was destined for Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The local con tingent was made up of Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife, John Kreegcr, Miss Libbie Pinikleliergcr and tlie Editor of the Post and wife. Mrs. II. II. Hartcr of Northumlierland joined the party at Selinsgrove Junction. Leaving Middlcburg Monday, June 27th at 8:40 our party was safely landfid in Philadelphia at 3 P. M. and domiciled at the Windsor Hotel. The first entertainment took place in the Bourse from 8 to 10 P.M. when and where the Philadelphia business men had provided an excellent en tertainment by a magician andscrv , cda luncheon. ThwlnMiig completed the entire party of over 200 guests were invited to the Pen and Pencil Club on Walnut Street, where they showed the Editors how to sjiend a "Night in Pohemia." The club is made up of the most active newspa per r.i.'ii in Philadelphia. Tuesday was sKiit in a go-as-you-please way many of the party visiting the Philadelphia Museum n South Fourth Street, the IWc Art ( Jallerv at fihnhel's and clsc 'vhere on shnji:ntrcxpcditins. The Pennsylvania Uiilroad Company, at .'!:! 0, had a special train in readi ness at Itroad Street Station to take our party to Atlantic City. This cnterprisinir corporation now has a double track all the way to the sea reducing the probability of accidents to a minimum. The lied of the track has lieen oiled in order to avoid dust horn rising into the car win dows and mar the pleasure of sum mer travel. At Atlantic City the headijuarters of almost the entire party was at the Grand Atlantic Ho tel, tinder the skillful management of Charles E. Cope. The rain pre vented any sight-seeing on Tuesday evening, but Wednesday owned bright and fair. The morning was spent in visiting Young's Pier where among the leading attractions is the young lady diving into the ocean from the elevation of 00 feet, the raising of a seine with 12 to 15 ton offish and the trained lions. The afternoon was devoted to a yacht ride upon the ocean which then was too calm to make it pleasant and having liecn caught in the ebbing tide, we had to get ashore by means of a row boat. In the evening n brilliant ar ray of musical talent entertained our party at the hotel. Thursday was destined for us to lie the most de lightful of the week. The miu was scorching hot in the city but on the beach it was cool. A plang into the surf was next on the pramni, The pleasure of this part of oor trip can only lie attested by the thous ands who every day are afforded the opportunity of having an exhiliating Ixith that drives dull cares away. In the afternoon we took the street cars for Long)ort, then boarded a Steam boat for Ocean City, another resort rising into prominence, returning to the hotel at 6 P. M. The evening was spent on the board walk where thousands parade lek and forth on the busy thoroughfare and upon the stl pier where dancing was the chief pass-tune of the cveuing. We a . . 1 1 "a? were loth to leave sucn luviung breez-es and the thought of returning to Philadelphia where a different temperature existed was not to our liking, but duty prevailed. We re turned to Philadelphia Friday morning and immediately went to the Mlogical garden where all the different specimens of the animal kininlomcan be seen and appreciated, but the extreme heat made sight seeing extremely unpleasant. Dur ing the afternoon our party was D m somewhat scattered, some going shop pine while the writer visited Ger montown, the historic battlefield of the Revolutionary War. lie was shown and invited into the famous Chew Mansion still standing where the hottest part of that famous bat tle was fought. 1 lie bouse at mat time was the headquarters for the British officers and hence was a cov etl citadel and after a loiiir and bitter struggle the colonists obtained ml t II . . I J possession, Hie ouuei marKS ami other evidences of a fierce struggle are still aptiarent. The building has remained in the Chew family ever since and is now occupied by the descendants of the family of co lonial times. The heat of the evening was in tense and the only avenue of escape seemed to be a visit to AVillow Grove Park, the pleasure-mecca of Phila delphia. The ride affo'tled a wel come change in temperature and opened to our gaze the great pleasure resort so much written and talked about The electrical fountain is a phenomen rarely beheld ; the music of the Marine band of Chicago is enchanting ; the frizzing soda foun tain is inviting ; the Shoot the Chutes, the Mystic Maize, the Scenic Rail way and a hundred and other things afford abundant pleasure for the vis itor. Saturday morning at 8:30 we started for home arriving here at 3:07. The association will long remem ber the twenty-sixth annual excur sion to the seaside and Philadelphia. r or courtesies extended in Philadel phia we arc indebted to the propri etors of Hotels Walton and Wind sor, the president and manager of the Bourse, the director and manag ers of the Commercial Museum, the trade cominitte and Hotel Walton for the grand luncheon, and McKel lar, Smith & Jordan, tyN' founders. In Atlantic City we are indebted to Mr. Young, roprietor of the Young's pier ; the proprietors ofthc Atlantic City steel pier, the proprietors of the various hotels, the musical party and others. The editor of the Post thanks the managers of the Penn sylvania Railway for the courtesies extended to him and others of the V''"'iy' - Private Postal Cards. The jMistofliee department at Washington has notified Postmaster Van Cott that on and after July 1 next, private cards learing written or printed messages may lie sent through the mails at a postage rate of 1 cent apiece, payable by a stamp affixed by the sender ; says the New York Evening Sun. The card must not be larger than 3 by J inches, and in quality must 1m; siiIh stantially the same as the govern ment postal cards. In color they may be white cream, light gray or light buff. The cards must liear these words in print, on the address side: "Private mailing card, authorized by act of Congress of May 19, 1898," and up in the upper right hand cornerthere should be an obloug diagram with the words : "Place a 1-cent stamp here." In the lower left hand corner the words, '.This side is exclusively for the address ' should be printed. The address may include the oceu- pation or business of the person to whom the card is sent, and advertise ments, illustrations or other printed matter in black or in other colors may le printed or written upon the message side. The letter rate of Ll. II i Ml 1. jtosuige, - ceniH, win oe required upon private mailing cards to be sent to foreign countries. Snyder Caaaty Choir t'oaveatlaa. PAXT0NTILLE. Daisv Gift. Annie Swemrle Hovt ' Graybill, Ralph Gift and Churl'-. Swengle attended the vlinstuut Endeavor Rally at Sunbury on Monday. . . .Uur people comniencea to liarvest huckleberries last week. The crop U not as large as it was last year alter Uilham and Frank Gilham of bliamokin circulat ed among frieuds in town last week ...... Prof. F. C. Bowcrsox and family visisted his mother on Sunday Miss Hattie Heitnbach of New Berlin visited her grandma, Mrs. Mary Howell Ellen Weirickof Centreville Michigan, came to this place last Eriday to visit her many friends. She came by way of Niagra Falls having spent a few days there. . . .Oliver Howell Frank Miller and Warren Ernest came home from the lumber woods in Lycoming Co., to spend a week with their families John Bruner came down from Shawverville this week to harvest his wheat Kate S. Bowcrsox and her mother Mrs. Sallielkiwersox left for Chicago on Monday noon. Kate will attend summer school at Chicago while Mrs. Bowcrsox will spend most ot ... . her time visitinir lier brother and sister at Hampshire a town 50 miles west ot Chicago. 1 hey expeet . to return sometime in August. K REAMER. Geo. Gordon, who is working in Shamokin was home over Sunday and the fourth The R. R. Co., was engaged in constructing the 11. R. bridire lxilow town on Sunday. They did not make very good head way. They will complete the bridge on Sunday. Quite a number of cycl ists of Midd leburg and surround ing towns were present to witness the construction of the bridge Gideon Gordon was stabbed in the hand with a fork while unloading a load of wheat br Howard Walter Some villian while passing Mrs. Levi Erd ley's beautiful lawn sometime ago made it his business to steal several of the most beautiful and valuable flower plants theculprits would better ask next time if thev wish to be wived future trouble Miss Ida Fields was a Middle burg visitor last Saturday evening Last I riday nisrht Mrs. A. A. Heintzleman gave birth to a baby girl Frank Mitchel attended the Christian Endeavor convention at Packer's Island on Monday the 4th Ihe cillzeiH il Krcanief pi'"- chased a flag tli it is 2S it long I 17 ft wide and raised it on two .'litt last Monday evening. The Kantz Band furnished excellent music and the orators were Prof. F. C. Bowcr sox and Dr. E. W. Tool. I Lever it a chmich deditatioa , Sunday J.J. bchoch and wife attended the funeral of John Leisen ritig at Bear Gap on Tuesday. Mr. Leiennng was an uncle of Mrs. Schoch. . . .Mrs. Rev. Dietrich and family of Whiteiuarsh, Pa., are be ing entertained at her father's, Dr. Dimm and family Rev. F. P. Manhart and family of Baltimore are welcome guests at the home of Mrs. Manhart's father, Dr. Born . . Mrs. Hill of Sunbury and her daughter, Mrs. Gcarhart and child ren of Harrisburg spent Sunday at Geo. Davis' home. . . .Mrs. Dr. Yutzy died on Monday forenoon at her home. Interment will take place on Thursday forenoon from the residence. Mrs. Yutzy has suf fered for some years from the dread disease--consumptiou; The shoe factory is gradually increasing the ! out-put of shoes ; they are making hue work The farmers in this section are quite busy getting in their crops which are quite large. There seemed to be a fly scare, but since the grain is cut, it is found that the fly was nut us bad as was sup posed, especially with the usual magnifying glasses that are usually employed to see things that do not appear. Carpoto 1 Carpeto U )f CarpataTi CARPETS! MATTINGS ! AHKlndo. AH Qualities. ah races. The whole lower floor nf mv Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, JW,t Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac., Ac,, We can show you the largest and best selection of the above .1 ever shown in Lcwistown." K Rag Carpet, as low as 20c, and . Cotton Carpet " 22n u Velvet Carpet 75c. , Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and up AH Wool Carpet " 50c. " " Half Wool Carpet" 35o, -01iina and Japan Mat tine' 100 Holla in 8aW Tt d . V.VV 1UJQ SEE TH3E2S3S3 OOODSI Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low 1 est, our rooms are clean cud no trottble to show irooda. KeSpCCtfn"y' W. ft. FELIX. Wistown, Pe J War 1 . For the short time we hare been iu buainsss, our store and goods have Njcome well and favorably known as to quality, LOW PRICES J Di td ri t rvr-i Jost BetnM The 11th Annual will convene near Frecburg Saturday Aug. 20th 1898. The Church Choir contain ing the Choruses for the day can now be had for rehearsal for 4cts. Address, Wm. Moycr, Pres. Frecburg. Pa. An Inquiry. Will the Editor of the Post please answer in his paper and tell us the numl)cr of stars on a correct U. S. flag, also the names of the remaining territories? IxyuiKKK. 1 There arc now 45 states in the National Union and hence a correct flag must have 45 stars, one star for each state. Utah was the last State admitted. 2 The regular territories of the United States are Oklahoma, Arizona New Mexico, Alaska and Indian territory. To this should lie added theterritory of Hawaii justunncxed. Then the war will probably bring such as the Philipiues, Porto Rico and Cuba, depending upon the treaty of jRtice. SELINSGROVE. from New York and PhiladelpL5. Largest stock I .Best stock 1 Lower prices I The bargains we rive hold your custom ; be convinced by giv ing us a call DRESS GOODS. We can show vou 250 kindn of Dress Goods, Novelties, Mohairs and in fact all kinds of the latest Pattern. Remember we are selling all our Dress Patterns ; only one Pattern of a kind we find in this way we can show you a larger assort ment in Dress Goods and sell at lower prices. We can show you Novelty Dress Goods from 8c to 90c per yard. Call and see this line, and we are sure you will find a bargain. LAWNS. r rum uc to k x udct, uan owiss. Bhold Dimity, Frigd Dimity, Frig'd urg.. jf eracie, serge Jf q. ; in xaet we show you a full assortment in all kinds of Dress Goods and Ginghams, j Dress Ginghams 5o to 15c ; all Apron , Ginghams, Lancaster 5c; all Blue Calicoonly 5c. SHOES. i i'n i't Mip v.. i hp1 f t lle pumo nt c:i : , h' mi ' "v ! e our ..! mi is i n : !. i.t.t Halt you in umke yonv foot l'u the' shoe ; but w a simply give you a shoe that fits the foot. We just received a large new line of Spring and Bummer styles in Russets and Patent Leathers and all kinds, the latest styles and lower prices. Call and see for yourself. Groceries. Arbuckles' and Lion Coffee, 13c ; 2 lbs. for 25c 4 for 45c. Winner Coffee, 13o ; 2 lbs. for 20c. Loose Roasted Javo, 13c : 2 lbs. for 25. Java and Mocho, 350 : 3 lbs. for 00c. Extra loose green coffee, 25c. 9 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. 8 lbs Gran ulated, 50c. 10 lbs. Light Brown, 50c. Corn Starch, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12c. New liice, 5 i very nice. Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18c. a gal. Light Syrup, 30c. n (nl. Chocolate, 18c. ! baking SOun, u. pei ib. t Boking Powder, 5c. lb. , Rasins, 7c. i Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Liberal Aftnstments. Prompt Payment . . . REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHQCH, . GENERAL INSURANCE A6ENGY SEIiIN &RO VJ2f FA. On It- fll.ll Oj i n , n . v iucbi, lou-ungesi v;a8n uompanies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. Ho AsseeamfiTita No Premium Hotei fall--. a "MMMMM"TmMaaWaaaaaaa1 x .e Aetna f ounded A. D., 1819 Assets 811,055138 - J803 u 9,853,628.51 - X9iy 09,584.53 me oiauQara Acciaent insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited. M HOid on to Your Dollars, Until yon see Solid-fact Bargains. We bar that beats the record for beauty and lot " . jourseives and trot our Elegant Stock of Spring ClotbinT It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. Spring Hats, fapcy Sljirt? Everybody needs something in this lint IVa n a va i.,of nk.t .na. i i . .... ; juu uwcu, ana ai lut prices that defy competition. We ban the finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish vv m on.the Market. Hats, Caps, .aiiuca, iiuiinn una nuDDer uoods it nave in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, We have a line unequalled in the county, our Sprine wear, in nrin. and quality, cannot be beat in the State. We want you to see our shim. I iiiieMBr, Seliijiw, fa. Oatmeal, 10c., 3 packages 2ic, Crushed wuetit, J 5c, j Coffee cakes, 5c. a lb. 2 pnekages 25c. Fourth of J uly litis come and gone; it was more generally observed this year than usual. .. .1). W., Crouse and wife of "Wallinglbrd, I)elaware Co., are spending several weeks with Norton Crouse and family . . Harry Hummel, wife und child of Northumberland spent Sunday with Grandma Eby A brother of Dr. Voelkler with his wife of Corning, N. Y., were welcome guests at the doctor's Postmaster Wagensel- ler took charge of the oflice last week. He has retained the efficient assistant II. E. Laudenslager. . . .Mrs. Kate Gallngher nee Schlce of Norfolk, Va., is being entertained by tiki Misses Hendricks. . . . Misses Deckie Covert and Mary Schnure are spend ing several weeks at Harrisburg among friends... Mrs. Annie Shadel, nicco of Mrs. Kr ':e "Wagensellcr,' circulated among friends last week A Tally Ho Coach from Danville stopped overnight Monday at Key Btone Hotel; we did not learn where they were going .....Rev. Barb as sisted Rev. H. C. Salem, Scalp 1 Ginger snaps. 5c. a lb. j Oyster crackers, 5c. n lb. Kuick-knocks, He. a lb. Water crackers. 9c. a lb. Cash?paid for good butter and eggs. In Carpets, Kugs and Oil cloths we hove all the neest patterns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautilnl and at about a quarter off from former prices. Good Ingram Carpet, only -5c. Good Home-made Carpet, 25c. 8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 50o. per yd. M Table Oilcloth, 14c. per yd. 5 4 Table Oilcloth, 12c. per vd. No. 1 Butter, 14 No. 2 Butter, 10 Preah Etna, 10 OnlOna, (0 Dried Applet, 1 Shoalatr, I Potetoea, New Lard, 6 Turkeya, 10 Young Chlckena, 7 Pried Cherrlea, S Bacon, 6 Bam. 10 N. B. We have no Spec ial Bargain Day. Our Bar gains are Every Day. F.H. Maurer, N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts New Berlin, Pa. Mflio . Peu EJardi-jare Score, DON'T SACRIFICE ... Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUI the Sewing Machine with an established reputation mat guarantees vou long and satisfactory service : TV Wlite. Its beautiful figured wood M tirk, durable construc tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, coupled with the Finest SetofSte! Attachments, makes it the Most Desirable Machine in the Martet FBAHE S. BIEGLE, MlDDLEBUEGH, Pi- IclTSond tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue. KIT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep everything in the hardware line. Horseshoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels, hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brashes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and Pateot Washing Machines,: Call to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. Yoursjresp'y, I I I fnPniP Mt Pleasant Ji Li UuinCli Mills, p.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers