senses 7Jjj ti j&ry ?" wir participated m many naval and infantry engagements during the war, from wounds received then he suffered for year s, but to-day rejoices in renewed strength. U 4 dWfactly paint USo tfcat "T th betel of MoMMWcf in UK , VlIihoM who brarthr fcufht wu L ulcUrk, who, whtn but tktnSUm U. hrd the toown at ww sounded. fiW Wi patriot mm a iwvtacy Lai found relaxation dy i Ui mllMtloa TotheaH of PWaikntllneob far trap ... i-. Mf( si '61. voun CUik I ,-...A th.t anrfc la the mortar fleet I A4mlrl Porta, which not after begin WitioaiOilthJrppi ajvrr. . tvvnhardmmt M the VkkA-rf forh, th. hero ol tU. tto.y fell lathe deck ol Uu JBttt with ihtitercd Lhtflht hii recovered sufficiently to be Though parur winiiiw iwr ,vice. Ui palriotie teal fat the better of m. in! when the call tor mora troops Wise. tim, and w! ed by uaj dark cawtfd is a company 'sL Tod L Asset, at warren. 'S X- - J - . a It became Co. H. ol the 7tn uus votun- itndwuiantMtMAMiyai wcrvw ...1 General Grant than campaicoinc viint lnlnit Ocaaral Robert c. Lee. Ia a tklrmiih neat Ktchmona, ha was cd again ana was sent to ine noe- ..i u. Mmikud iikm ant aoma time. farmei but finally recovered, and went home. Shortly after, be beg an the ahedy of yeter Inary mrgery, and, when completed, went to Chicago, where ha hat resided for thirty yean, and it7 now one of the leading sur geons ol that profession in the dry. His old womda began to trouble him several years ago. Ha grew weak,ma dated and thoroughly dcUlitaicd. His friends began to despair of his Ufa. He was but a shadow ol his former sell, weighing only 90 pounds, Ion of nearly 50 pounds. He had the best medical atten tion, but it did not benefit him. "Finally a friend gave ma a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foe Pals People," said Dr. dark. "After taking the pills I wa so much benefited that I purchased a hali doren boxes and took them. "They were of mora benefit than the ablest physicians' treatment. By their aid alone, I soon regained my strength. "I weigh ISO pounds now, and except for injuries that can never be remedied, I am as well as ever. "I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pit, for Pale People the bat remedy I know of to buildup a run-down system." To-day Dr. Clark is a picture of health. He is W years old, an active member of Hatch Post, G. A. and resides at 4935 Ashland Ava Chicago. Many veterans have found Dr.TU liams' Pink Pills (or Pals People o( inestim able value in counts acting the unhcalthiul effects of army life. All druggists sell these pills and highly recommend them. Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days I . n.jAM;.j nffiaw Tlia PnKlift Their EN. TIRE STOCK OF FTmHlTUKfc; AT THE GREATEST SACRIP1CR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN- v -, SYLVAN 1 A. , We are not selHo out. but wo do this to Inerease our sales above any pre. vIoub year. We (rive a lew oi tne pnoes as lonow. ; ,w - ... . n t . a J nf n.ti. lf.itteniiM Soft Wood unauiDer onus i.w;ouuu tvy "'n"" Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00;Woveu Wire Mattrew Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pleoer 19.00! Bed Spriiisr Placll Parlor 8ulta 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft w,i..n n,uir nor net 2.50:PlaUoriu Rocaers In stock, everytblnic In the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Book Cases, Desks. Side.boa?ds. Cupboards, Centra Tables, Fancy Bookers, Baby Clmlra Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couohes, DouKbtrays, Slnk Hall Raoks, Cau Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Coma early and see our stock before, glvlnpt your order, and thua save 16 to 20 per cent on every dollar. Special Attention Givon to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, limited, MIEFLINBUROU. P .. 8.M .. 1.75 .. 1.2S .. .60 .. 8 60 4 FIRE jLIFE .. AMlFACCIDEMTI Insurance, fe. :10 m II? Four Free Scholarships To be awarded by I Snyder's old; and reliable oen'i ; Insurance Agency, SEUHSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Snccessor to tbe late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is mpretwnted in the follow ng list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None "haMK00' tOCATIOIS. AMKT. mE-Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreisrn uscts) f1'-' Hartford, of Hartford, (3onn., (oldest American Co.) J.W8.ea Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. Continental, New Jor , frZftSftS German American, . New York, n5,252,rS,8S LIFE-MutualLifeInB.Co. New York, $2M,638,983.fi6 ACCIDENT Employers' LiabiUty Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Bubscribed Capital of . $3,750 000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in)reIaon toall classes of Insur nce promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts, Sehnssrrove. F CANDY CATHARTIC I as i jl VUraO)NSTlPATIOTJ foe MFMLXWm mi? mVIOsV ALL DRUGGISTS mi to consuuPTivEs. Dr. Bsris will mstl OB ppUmiiun a f n awnpl of hit mw diaronry for nnn.uniDtliin. BronchltK nil k lunin, which twm Sa Mar turr. Tha Dootor la ry much tntunxtrd: In rrallnir tha dow of thing-mat ranwlr. Kdri ar rc ounuxl Is writ wlthaat Salar. kd"l?K. Sf. B. BBT8. STOVE : NAPHTHA The Cheapest and-Best Fuel on the Market. ! , With it you can run a vapor stovo for one half cent per hour. Give us a call and bo convinced.' . " , Schoch & Stahlneckr, , v ; K Middleburgh, Pa The Best Practical School in America. TO THE FOUIt PERSONS Who secure tho largest number of votes in the contest ex plained below. Get ?onr friends to sitaitie ror the POST anil secure a Free ScMaisliiD- We have just concliulwl au'nr- rangenient whereby we arc enabled to offer each of four young jtersoiis a free soliolarship iu the celebrated Eastman lJusines College, l'ough- kecpsie, New York, the ew 1 ork Business Institute, 125th Street, New York City, ' or the National CorrespoiKlenee Schools through which they give msti uctum ly nuul. Tlicse instituions are known in every section of tlicv.orUl. Their graduates are thoroughly equipped for business pursuitH, and are numbered by tens ot tlioiisanus. iney are iounu in every city and in almost every county and village in the United States. The courses of study given are short, inexpensive, practical and useful and afford a bettir training for business than can lie had in any other school. 8110-Lv FltKKSciIOIAIWHII'K-lgl 10 The following statement by Mr, Clement C. (Jaines, President of the College, explains what the uiilcrcnt scliolarshios are and what their value is as prizes. $37 FinsT Pimzk $37. A $35 SCIKLAIIHIUI'-PXHIKS, $2, Good for a term of twelve weeks personal instruction (at the- College) in the ACADEMIC, BUSINESS, SHOUT-HAND, TYPE-WHIT- IXG, TELEGRAPH and PEN MANSH IP departments, and $2 for comnlctc h hoi't-hand books. It the student prefer, Instruction by Mail in 1 look-keeping and Short-hand ol the same value will lie given. $32 Skcoxd Puizk $32. A $30 Sciioi.Aumiii'-HooKS, $2. Good for a complete course in Short-hand(withlooks $2) including Princinles. w ith nractical work in 1 - , i t CorresjKndenee and Reporting, in struetion exclusively liy mail ; or persona! instruction nt the same value (limited to ten weeks) in any deparuiM-nt of the College, with our Simplified Slun-t-hand Instructor $2. $25 Tin rj Prizk $25. A 25 Seiioi.ARsuir. (ih1 course in ISook-keeping (without books) including lioth Single and double entry, principles and practical work, instruction by mail or personal instruction of the same value (limited to eight weeks) iu any clejMirtnient of the Cullege, witlniut iMKikfl. $1G ForiiTH 1i7.k $HJ. A $15 S( hoi.Aiwiiir-LKSKOX, Pa- I'KIW, $1. Good for a term of ten weeks, correspondence instmction, in Short-1 hawl, lncuuling lesson jmpers but no books; or personal instruction of the same value (limited to five weeks) in any department of the Colh'ge, without books. These prizes are easily obtained and the four young persons who make the most telling efforts and appeal to tlieir friends for help will win them, ihe ru&l wants to add 1,000 Bubficribcra to ta list within the next 4 months. To ac- a . . lit .1 complisli this end it otters the scholarships to the four ladies or gentlemen who secure the greatest number of votes in our Eastman College Contest which is started to-day and will close with the last issue of the POST for August, 1898. Every ballot cut from this pajcr counts one vote. Certificates for votes acquired by new subscriptions and renewals with cash in advance will be issued with ballot annexed, which must be filled out and forwarded to be counted No votes except those written on the printed ballots cut from the columns of this paper orthose allow ed for subscription, renewals, jol) worl: and advertising will be count ed. Extra copies ot the POST may be obtained at 3 cents per copy. Votes Allowed fob SrtwcBij TIOXS. For every new subscription or re newal for a year accompanied by $1.00 in cash one hundred votes will be given. For every sixmonthssubscription or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50 votes will be given. For every dollar's worth of job work, legal advertising, business ad vertising or other printing brought to tliia office, we will issue a certi ficate, when work is paid for calling for 100 votes in the contest. ScI;olaril;ip Coupop. This Coupon entitles to ONE VOTE in the Middlebun POST'S contest for 4SfhoIarshipsat Eastman Rusincss College, Pough- kecpsie, N. l., worth $110. UKO. . AUEXSELLEK, Proprietor. SCENE IN A PORTUGAL WINERY. In the mountains, at the Quinto do Sexio, Portugal, a famous Fortt Wine district where the custom of treadingf the grapes for Port Wine; is still in vogue. From ten to a dozen men or women for each gang : in turn continue the treading, day and night, during the four or five ; weeks vintage. Some of the treading vats are large enough for three -. separate rows of ten men each, who with their white breeches wel'i tucked up, their arms on each other's shoulders, raise and tread their, feet alternately, with song and shouts to keep the lazier ones up to tht work, and a band with string instruments enlivens the hours. ! Mfw,M7rr lmr,Tx z faLy i. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other paiers cheap we Ii ivl' marie arrangements with a numlier of papers to combine them with the 1 out at seeial rates. The regular rate pei year for the Post is $1.50 but during our special oiler we will accept $1.00 per year iu advunce. Then if any want other miners th t we name below we give them the advantage of special rates. The first column names the publisher's price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the Post" and the publication named. The list is as follows. Spccr, of New Jersey. Uses Hollers instead of reet It is lrom this district the vines were imported over torty years age that now fill the vineyards of the Spccr Wine Co., at Passaic. At Passaic the same kind of grapes are crushed between large rol lers of rubber, revolved by steam. This is the only place in this country where the real genuine Port Wine is made from the Oporto grape and they are grown right in Si-eer's Vineyards. These vineyards extend over i of a mile along one of the Main avenues of Passaic, and comprise fifty six acres. The soil being, rich in iron makes the wine most valuable for Medical use. SPEER'S WINES Are well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and most refined Wines in America, equal if not superior to any wines in the world. They consist of Port, Sherry, Burgundy, Claret, Sauternc Wines, and ir irir Climax Brandy. Mr. Spccr has some Wine in his cellars that he made over thirty eight years ago. All of Spcer's Wines and Brandy are very old, rich, well rounded, soft and delicate. Every family should have a bottle or two of each vanity f Spccr'c Wines and Brandy always in the home, for sickness or fr.milv use. For Salt by Druggists and Grocers Who Sell JlighCliss 'V.w. l'ub. l'rlo. N. Y. tt'wkly Tribune, Ji.oo Plilla. " SIW8, 1,0(1 WnHtilnRton Weekly Post, i.m N. Y. Thrlre-weokly World, Coin Price. $ . .50 .40 .m .75 K.W lit .111 .75 r 2.53 .45 J.lfl .30 .) i.m too Sano-Rio Atuorluin Oardonlnir(M). l.oo I'hlln. Inquirer (dully), H oo farm New. (M), -5;) Womankind (Mj, '.mi Amurlcuu Agriculturist, i.uu I'racl leul Farmer, i.iki Ma(ra.lnea, ScrlUnnr's, i) oo Ladles' Homo Ideal l iki Tim Arenii. 2.50 Mudill'H KnNlilon Mag., 1.00 CoMinR)lltan, .m LeHllu'g Weekly, 4 no Kelew ol KevlewM, a.50 Century, 4.00 You can make a variety of com biuiftions from the ubove, for in stance the Post and N. Y. Tribune for $1.25; the Pokt and the Phila. Press for $l..r0; 1 lie Post, the X. Y. Tribune, Womuiikiiid and Farm News and other papers for only $ 1 . io i-usli iu advance nml so on conihi nations eim U- made to suit purchasers' tastes. Address all or ders to the Post or haudlliciii toour agents. tf Pt-rsonw troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experienc of Mr. W. SI. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Providence, It. I. He says : "for several yenrs I have been almost a constant sufferer from diar rhoea, the frequent attacks complete ly prostrating me and rendeirng ine unlit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a travelinc salesman kindly gnvo mo a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. Wheuever I felt symptons of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few dost s of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactorv and almost complete relief from the affliction," For sale oy all Druggists. ' ; OLD COPIES WANTED. In order to complete our files we want the following mimed issues of tho Post: July 8, Sept. 10, 1869; OetC, 13, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 187U; Feb. 17. Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883. March 27, June 12, and Oetolier' 30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28 May 6, Oct, 28, Dec. 23,1880; Dec. 29, 1887. Any of our readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor by letting us know. Such copies iu good condition will com mand a fair price. tf. Our baby has been continually troubled with rolie Aud cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more tban temporary rhef, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evi dence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk.Iowa. For sale by all Druggist. Th iwciilla- runctlun. ur wunu'ti unit! kp krpt vi THE HOME REMEDY for FEMALE COMPLAINTS i riht ir th.-r ico wmnir. tor all Ihne ialn. IrrrirularHli'. anil dlnVultlt no rpmedr onC n .Dift KaJ appllwl arth p.ultliO faninm JOIIW Kltfliy lacljr hirwlf HeilTra nil nmn ill numuiir Ovnrlm In 1(1 Mlnilten. I'rumplly relieves Ih'iiilai'h'. Nkiim'a, lllood anil lll.l.l. TrimlilM Valium.... MiTTOUil. mh. Kiimr and Ourea l,rumrrhn'a, Womb Complaint, Ul- IFW plara'm'nt, narka. tii, wanng iniwn ' . JaflaatT iAin. ami M i'niali liliwtnlvr. Va. llniilaliriiHrrnianil l'lcTatlon. CluTaIjT I J lhi..plrlt anil Vltllllxt-n tho nol train". WfhrJ Siifn, Surti nml AlMiiliilrly llMrmlraa. VUk Olio WO. bos will compli'ti" a ciini In onllnarr '' " '" .. ... ... HOI.II BV AM. lKHittlHT STOPS ALL PAIN r mt'" ,n Plalnwrapporon IN TEN MINUTES ThcPe'rloCa.CiiloflBl.Chlcir. Solrt In Miildlclmrirli IM.. v Mlrtrtli'lmrn Driig Co.; Ml. rii'iimiit MI!1h ! llmiry llnrillliK ; unu Pun .ia !n:i i- l ' W. Siiniimcll. f Z 1 I U 1 I A LAUNDRY Am BRUSH. Washing Flu. Rscrllenl Aid els. A ratber still bruhh (about four and a balf Inches long without reckoning the length of tho hnndle), such as the one illuHtrnted, is an admirable adjunct to the luuiulry otitllt. The hiinds o heavy licet of wool and heavy scums or bund, are much more easily scrubbed clcun tliun rubU'd clean on tho bourd. Flan nels of pure wool, which are not rubbed, but scrubbed with a brush, usiug water ofteneil with ammonia or borax, and a white, non-resinous soup, aud all filial ly dried on a wooden frame the size und nhupe of the garments washed, will not shrink and grow hard. The rubbing of wool flannel on a board causes the ulti mate spiral fibers of the wool to become entangled and shrink from tills cause. This cannot happen when the flannels are scri'bbed with a brush, and tho dirt is so much easier removed from the In terstices of the cloth In this way tliat the labor of washing is malrrially les sened. When wool is wet nnd driedtlie ultimate spiral fibers draw up unless the cloth or garment Is stretched on a board f rnnui so this process cannot taki place. Hurtl water and resinous, brown soaps cause flannels to be hurd. A brush with 11 convenient handle will cost about ten cents. The garment to be cleaned may he laid across the rub bing board, and the moreBoitcd portion scrubbed more easily when the brush hns n handle. N". Y. Tribune. ( iv - i Look! Look!! Look at youpsnlf when ynu buy lotliinn at my 'store, I keepeou hmtlv in stcck tbe best and finest ' inn of Hals and Gents' Clothing.. Furnishing Goods, TJndorweur and Cups. Call to see my stock. f.iBOTERy BROTHERHOOD JTOPI.' SUNUCHV, - - - Pknsa r V 1 rr (ty$" -1 - Slaterlala for Sprlns;. The newest makes of mousscline Ue soie are conspicuous for their peculiar ly glossy texture, some having almost the sheen of satin. Fortunately, they are mude stronger than formerly, so that they retuin their beauty longer. The printed varieties are very beauti ful, and tho pompadour and Indian de signs will be much employed. (iauzes that are striped lengthwise nro especially in demand for making scarf sashes for evening dresses, a fash ion which has met with particular suc cess in America. Accordion and knife plaitings are us much in vogue as ever, and this fashion reaches its climax in tbe use of velvet thus sprinkled. The effect is novel and striking, particularly as the hent presses down the nap of the velvet in many places, giving o particular luster to the textile. It Is used for gnrnitures nd millinery solely. Chicago Uecoid. $100 Reward.' $100 Tlie renders of llils paper will bo pleased to leurii Hint thero Is t lenst one dlHenne tliat aclonce has been olilo to cure In all It stuires and tliat iscatarrru. iiaii'siwuirniv uio . ic only positive euro now known to mo meui, J"!.'- l,i . .nnalltlll Inhlll ll H- case, roiiulros aconHtltutliinnl treatment. Hall s O itarrh cure In taken Inlernully. acting dljctiy 111111 tbe blood and mucous surtaceH of tbo svstntn. fhorcby destroying- the founilatlon of tiie (tlHoa.-e, and givlnir the patient streiijftU by hniiiiinirnthA constitution and hhInI Inir na ture in do ng Its work. The pronrli tom liavo so much faith In Us nuratlvo power, Hint, lliey olTir One Hundred Dollars for any c:u-e that It -tall" t .erne, send for list of tentimii-liils. Ad I"" K. J. unENEY CO.. Toledo, O Sold tv nmirglHts, 7M. lliui's Family fills are the beat A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot. For tbe pleas ure it gives, there's 110 sail' liko our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and hest fit ting Summer shoes now man ufacturcd, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to- pay, lor house or street wear, pleasure or overy-day practical purposes, walking,. riding, or driving, wo supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates oi; individual t.islo. Ladies. whoever claims your hands. -by all means surrender youi -feet to these shoes. G.H. WANTED-BRAINS Bai f om hasdioa fiiwi of pvblie toilltret, ititan ; ul avnsM of WiiUnjtoj City. Tb'.i to:k cost ti muy aollan. ItwUlmttty fomtkiaj. Wrlto uto-ity Cu rn tblak of lomithlti w palest I Prstict yev I dsn: they bit trtag yea vtalts. Bofon iRlyirc fer patnt, (tt nr libsral odirt tsd Ii'ntn'i Aitiitaat. Sasfttr la diiUy. COPP A CO.- FtWf ittmari Watlsrtcp. 1. Don Tnharra SbII and Riunk. Tear I I In lnir Trt nnffc inhai.i.A anallv nml fiii-ncm. I m mtr netlo, full of llfo, ncrvo ond vIkui ' " - Tl .u1 . strong. All drrJ. . .. teed Booklet . ' k 1 Sterllna- Bee!r .'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers