r-T Amerk the. m. 3 . It b Impossible to promise particular features that vill an-" tt-.r "AI.IZRICAN MONTHLY" during the coming year (of it is, as the Dccknuut uyi, 44 a great monthly newspaper.' As tucfi, it prin.j f:r its readers en illustrated account of the notable things which make t!w history cl the month, cf the political, the economic, and literary happening-, which are of value to intelligent men and womrn. The Editor's "Progress of the Vorld" tells suc cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The "Leading Articles" five toe best thought and information of the current magailnes in five ccr.!. tientsf the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious Import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by Intelligent people of "live" instincts is best gauged in the opinions which the readers of "Va know of no mint published. In this r My or In Europe, which combine to sucecsa- :s the American Monthly tha a ertnesa, ; r... lines", and enerpyol journsllsm with the r-undludjment. carefu.ly weighed opinion, euct V lyjledpo. and well-choaen English of the purely Ikarary periodical." Tk Outlook. For.. 25c.j SPECIAL OFFER The current number and ;a two preced ing .' ues. ...,. the AMERICAN MONTHLY fcavs sten fit to express. These cr; thinking business men, clergy. raci, editors, lawyers, professors, ra-l icers, the wide-awake women cf America. They write that the ALBICAN MONTHLY "is ;.id::pensable" "is simply invaluable"! "is a generous library in itself " is " a historical cyclopedia of the worlJ " I " the best means of aid for a busy man " I "uiebest periodical of the kind we have ever had"t "a triumph of editorial Ctnitia'! 44 the world under a field -glass," etc., etc SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 52.50 PER YEAR ' ArcrtEcs American Monthly Review of Reviews 13 ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK n ri....sa.-3.. durlnjr 1898 will present to ita modem a faithful pictorial repm entaiioii of the world', moil iutercstini; and important new.. THE NEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY S. K. ciwtkctt National find Inter national Politics Social and Economic Questions Industrial Entarprtsa Art and Literaturs The Wkrki.v will cotitinue to mrlkip.ite in tli? Krr.il political event iV nur cm. 11 try. It will treat of the nocul and ec mimic qticsiinni, and of the development of the niit.de weM. It peria, corre 1nntient in the Klondike rrRinn will trace the ttury of the great gold discoveries. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Two lone strulswill appear during the J year, coninbuted by sulhors of intr r- J , GtMf Whitacjr V. D. Howell. tik urn tic K, m k 1 Ian mrr luiioual fame, and will Ik illustrated. 1 "I l"m " ul Owen Wister i These and a score nl equally prominent Howard Pile writers will contribute short stories to the John Ksndrick Binft j Wruki y In iKit. making the paper espe Miry E. Wllklns daily rich in fiction. Uilierfi Laiureare the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES . THIS BUSY WORLD FOREION NOTES r . a. MAXTI.V Bf rot lTXKf MGKHjtt LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT if 4RSOLD H11ITK BtCAKPAMirillTXKT sPOBttNo piLCftiMAne mound the worlb In lb interest of the Whbk LV.Caspar Whitney is on his way around the wnrld. He will visit Siam in search uf 013 game, making his j principal hunt from Bangkok. Hwill visit Induand then proceed I to r-urope to prepare articles on Hie sports 01 Oermany and r ranee. loe. t ctfiy tend orrtt prosprtni. Suhtcriftiim I. Ml n j-;.ir. t'6sUit?t free in III United Stnttt, Cauttifa, atut Mexico. Addresa IMIil'hlt nilllTllKRS,l,ublllier..Xpw fork t II; J, Crt ii'irz F. K. btiKlln HtK'J I.. I, 0 V'''Vtt.ts-'VVVV'Vtk.Va.'Si. JV?v5, 'tmjlT1-:rWmii.:MlU . II III Mill.. .m- rfcl SfiniR OC THD CTDiflvn ci! ati men rnn iono J . - U V . inKtt; titKIAL STORIES 1 BJ A TKECOPPTR PR7NCE55 Jt A7RA' MrxKos !t ii in the bowel of the ranhwhere ttie hero hat hi adventures, and from where he rescues the I'rukce&f. I i t THE ADVUNTtlRERS FOUR FOR A FORTUNE ) iff 1- ItUUTT WA 7TK1.V H, d I. Mtll T 1. F.K W a thrilling story of a ficht far is a stirrinr narrative of four a treasure cnnf 'aled in an old companions who have lo castleintliemoutruintofVV'ale. cated a Ions lust fortune. SHORT FICTION In addition to the three lone serial stories, the pnhliration ff which will continue dutinir the entire ye4r, there will be short stories of every kind, of which it isonlv possible to mention a few lilies kere. Hunt, the Owlcr The Blockodi-ni A Harbor Myatery Uf sTAXier J. UiyMA.v e, jamkh ha its eh b, jdiix a. hiiaks The riunklnit of Watklns' Ohost A Oreat Hani A Creature of Circumstance ; juiix KKxiwirK nAxe.1 gr surme aa-grr k, hihias hobestsuh ARTICLES ON SPORT, TRAVEL, ETC. An American Fxplorer In Africa B, rrit 1 s c. AHA MA Laying Out a Gull Course B, ir 11. rj.v TAKSKt armour PRIZE COMPETITIONS Short Stories. Sketching, Photography Elephant Hunting; In Africa , SYDXHr BBOOKS First Lessons In Tiller and Sheet B, VVVLKr B. r. rARKOL DEPARTMENTS Editor's Tablo, Stamps and Coins. Photography 10 Ctmtt a Number SenJ for Free m.pertus Subscript!.', tl.00 a Year. V otUiiKC free In the l' nihil States, Canada, and Meairo. Address nAflPKR llUOTIllCKS, I'tihlUlicra, l riuiklln .S-.uiirp, X. Y. Citj. $ . . . v- r f Ad22&K AtTFK Ts. $ m M Mf'WtW ?& ti msm Ptzrm m?M rwm m I V17 WSs Wv WJ WJy 4 SU11W I. Wrvuitn II. B. M. V.lvn . Cyrus C. Adams r.iullncy l;ii"l,w Kill Mi 11".- 1 w It. :tm.i,u Ati (J km,,,,,, Ati m a lhortni"hlv nrt-to-d.ite perlodiral t.r women, will enter upon ita thirly liii volume 111 i!A Huiius 1 lio year it will be ashcrctufure A MIRROR OF FASHION Paris and tJew fork I Kadi Issue will contain rarcfiilly pre. FttSllhllS I pared drauiiKs of the advance t.isluons . . , , ,. of I'arisaml New Voik. Mice a mouth A Colored Fashion ! Ihe IIwak will l.iie, free, colored Supplement ! fashion supplement. I ulpaiwriultems '.n . ol certain iti'w n 111 rath uunilicr will he Cut Paper Patterns ; made a le.ituiv. These will b sold in A Bi-tVeekly Pattern 1 "!i";n :,h wcl ''""""" ' 1 price. Ihe llAi.sa will also publish bt "Wf I weekly, tree, an outline pattern sheet. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES WILD EULKN A II IILU V VLAi K kAQOED LADY Kv u: i. uoifnin William HI Ik 1'wn famousauihors will conlrihtite Ions; fsl.ii stories to the lUisH In is.i.t. ute first deals Willi .Scott h and l 011l111enl.il srenes, ihe second is a story ot a younx gttl, vctsalile, and tvpicallv American. These ami a score of other equally prominent writers will contribute slum sloi.es to the IUak In iV, niakiun the vi)ir especially rich in licllon. W. a Uui Mary K. Wllklna OcUva Thanet , H. H, Bpofford ' M. S, llriscot DEPARTMENTS AND SPEQAL ARTICLES OUK I'AKIM LKTTKK' THK LONDON LK TTKK 4 KITH IKIVe- ' WM' By Ain. lCll.f Kll.etOlf CLUH WOMRN HUMOR A M.tSti.lXli t II. II I! 1 II H, JOIIX AAA'A'i K .M.S 'I'hura will he u series of arliclns on llilquvtio, Mii-lc, the Viiice, Art, ihe I'Uy, onien and Men. I.raduis amonii Worncit, Uuiilviiliiiii, lloiikevpiiir, Lite aud Health, lutUmr I ictaila, eic. tOo, aCut-y (.lond lr Fret Proipactual tub., 14 Year W.i,fv ww Lit t't.W State, C.t.'ii, ,Ht tut. AJdrou HAIteEl BROTHER-. PublLhgts, Now Yaik City Tti kralsHl m mi 11 tuaaasnl( rH " lam. be T- Sloouni, tho Oimi h vs nla. il io nr rr.- T II .k Ni-w fy IJ'siivrvil h MlllliliK'U nti'l m. LCi.iK NnlUIIK rotilil If I .1 earn rniirty t'ttiioa r.. A. . m .11 " M rH HVIIM-.I. Fms lfilm ot .-.iirti M I nn C'on- i.iuiea. h - ra phll M.tipio 01 I. tliail t,')U ifi"iifr- !l:si-.iii(l.4clit)Ul NEW NOVELTIES. nnnTiirns There is nc Acetylene gat Is used In recebU I lllltlaFKl word so full patented bicycle lump, the stick of I Will I IILII of mcanin calcium being placed In acompaftment lnd about uhich sucu tender and which ha .mall perforation, to .1- hf.v rt,rnuort:nna rlisfer n th.tt - - of " Mother " she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottcrine step. Vet .1 ..:.io anda'forvci:iTj pine- off when the lamp ii tilted two the life of every Expectant Moth 11 ..rtnw-iiliil iliMai. Im ' , .,p. r. ,,,, , ,u. , , -r U lM..t with .I.inrrnr and all cf- to extend up inside the chimney and rlnmp it uuove the flange, with a cross v below to lock the two clumping wire In place. To discharge mucilage In small quan tities on siirfucca to be stuck together a spring stamp Is used, with a felt pad to which the glue is discharged from In- dcJ nisitnt '" the reservoir, a blow on the plunger ! . 1"" V,'." n" forcing the pad down and leaving n tle- hl Alll'1l0.lll Slid ... 1 ., , iiirin tit M-Hint-ii I porit of the iinieilocc on the aurfiue be lli uf ; i-iitmi-!" trora tlicws) bqliellltuil i OWi low the liquid to filter through and generate the gas. which is stored In a receptacle for burning. To prevent lamp chimneys from slip- l.i.r.iiil "lire J.iLn,i".i''ial I i.-s uf fldi H'tw til r . nii.l in lrwi.it lis find m i'.l ttiivi- trot 1 oIiiiikuI ni.-it.c-l.s r ;iny o u iod nvol- v wli-mlllf HvIp:1 of i) cell ,. l:ilr 1 .1 lUunr fits 01 ul- -simho- t ..r-Hpien ;i rini iniiv i mir" iitllulun- I'itt -n tim.i' wtih Ii iie, n,' tiU i it in." 'lutlonilo (T r ol 1 no liouon L-,1. T. A. Mikmiui, : U'" Uai i!v iM-n f ir c'li'istiMip' hoi ,iRjI rlii'i iiim jh-' dirlliii' :u.il y. ill. rilllllliH "I IV.lfl inorlls kiiiiur., nowlj dto-m 1 ol Inv IMsr. Alreiifty III t,l.o-M lt.lt lit 1 nn-i'iin Ii I In- l i ' Hloi id, Imp owi.es ' luli'bio 1 lb- lin-A' I'tod III I 0 ,1 A'.i'jI.! ill-"' 1 i- rH',VN rllmatiiiii I linn 011 lib- In K'linnai'i LitnH-iii iil" tl'inwumii vt iiii.rf..:.(.4 fir ci'utlt a:nl" I. Ill UN pit-fun riio wiirni. t uvm uul mi' I jiiiiiii'iiiin 1 truuil- b ii ti In a new t bill coup Imp a b.-ise plate HiiiiiF'ion. mi.i.i.iiiiiii. uoint.-rTujittHl with jnpri,,,, tei , mounfed on UltjesTr-. NMI C1 i.nu nr.uu. "ii v .......j . - , imCi 11 11 1 ! sitnpiv wrlieT. A, riloriiiii. the nxle and n clevis is nttnehed to the ... r.wi;i.,.'Str.'.'i..NHw - y.irk. "I"" end of the thill with the jaws alanting A curved sprint: is er 1:5 beset with danger and all cf fort should be made to avoid it. MJ lillClli: 1 1 mm s Friend win MMiri.iii.iMvM-iit.' I'-fat.! tell tbe Uorfirt to fit the socked,. mi a hi-, o :cr tu tbo fow, J' A T A Q V H n 1 n m i iv. u Gold Mining Co. . fnatenrl tr t.li avll nml luiril.-a nn tn i .'the underside of the clcris to hntd it 1 fast. j A recently patented wnter-supply i regulator for steam engines consists of 1 a hollow ball attached to the boiler by I two flexible pipes and held In a bitlnnc ; Ing arm, so that as the water gets low In trt Tin 1 1 If: rlnpe rin norntint nf f hp rip- Capital Stock, ;',K),000 ' creased weight and opens the supply -10.(lO ciu-li, lull v paid ami iidihik-, lve. si ssaMc of wliu-h 250,000 fhrv- IleteralWe. merchandise envelopes are ' , , , . ,: , , oemg piaeeu on ijic marKCi, witn (loiitue 1 s.i .u art. now ouVrcd for sul.,.'.-.pt..MH at flap,hlh pan he )pnt , eif her (lirec. ; in tils.-change tah in jj place that t!ie Kx pedant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. It j use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND par. SL'KCIAT NOTIC. .1 Tlicrn iiri' ninny ioroiis no - tin- irol'l lli-lil of Aliwka tlio cuiolin; wlm Im.r 11 .t choiikIi n-n ly money to ennlilr tlieut to do ho. . tion and held in place by meta! strips, one side of the flap containing a ctis ' ' tomer's name and the other the mer tu ch-vrt's name, so it can be reversed and "w.n. ' returned. -V I. I a - " My wiff snffpred mor in t-n min ut't with t-ithiT of her other two chil dren than sin did altogether with her last, having pr'vioinly nurd four bot tles of Miilhor's. Friend.' It is a hlensing to sny one eifTting to be- a M) 1 II hit , says a ciiitnmer. llENDr.UHDN iti.r, t'arrni, Illin.iii. LUC K till I listt U mi- (mii, it tovrl v't Thi it i 1, ' I t hlltt.-Mi.lk. Il f. , t'- ' ! or-hiM i.'l ftieM mt- 1 t ..nirn. 1. - it wa lltt 1 I 1 X I .1 1 i . ..r tiioi ! !!.'imi,..1 a I 1 l U it If-.i iKs-i. . .i.i ! u .t 1 1 Hi . :i;oM... , 1 5 -I 1. h . I, ; V..I. v'vtn- r- I V . . . ft 1 im l."t .Jr-i f. i-i . 1 1. - i 1 h.-it ; 4.n. fn .. .i-ii in . M I lit .1. 1 oi i I 1 1 1. n , . I 1 t ii 11 I :-lti'- t-. I til (.i ii. ) :n n K-inl llu 11. .it v i rftll !! i -4 . t 1 intr i. ii l r..U r I in 1 m mlar. ir mi run ' tt 1 rttttiK ami I ! In i-.-ri ki.owa Ml'. v .1 U-t til vrttil lrr- MY Tl-KVib : i: ki.v, : M"M i'i.y. 1 ti.m. -r ' him' fnaii. t,''' '' I !r 'I hf in. III-.. U fit., t.-!,., i.i.il t. tu t!c t--k iliforiii.itii.t . Clerics Hughes, II -IS-II. Kl W O I. M . Nl oKK. "SkTREVIVO m rsior:s vitality J. 1 it ... n . 1 ... 1 ror use on river 11.11 unrre water 1 overflows the land every vear n new Tonll smli, wi winilit lolvlce the ii'-ainu'wny f(vnre post is made in three parts, enri- ,f f..rii.itiir losnsl (synili.nto of f ; alstlnp of a wooden base located below l'rso,. i,d Jointly piir,..aae.'Irt)il.reah.f -r0llml to wnit.,. 1, hnw, a -short i . . . iron smp to support trie wooden post fornilrm .uel. yn.Ilcnf . II. s " '. ,e .,rprr par. t.e.n? tbr r i'lin inn v, n 11 uiiiin in nc riiMiv ri iiiov- Of Drnirirls's .it II "V. or out tiy tn.ill on re-i-lp: of j'rirp. Writo f'r tnok pr-ntilnin ; r,srimjnl:ils tml valiialil) li.fr.rni.itin:i f ,r all Mntliers, tu t. Tht Brsrl9-lit B-ialtor f. Itlaats, Ca. lafrs n'l'l stin k, mnl selii-t one of your niimlwr so , . iirnsiH'i't nnu riniie tor joins ikthhos With riarli i- ,. m,i (v.ntrn. 1 ii, acml out one iiiimlM!rfori-n. li.Vsilirof link pnj haae-l 1 fttle. fom lint pi-, i'l iiiniitsln ""-'I' P"rtij thrrn j yiuppp for 0110 yinr from tlio ilato of arrrlvall t inn itnlil noM", snpplyl'iK him wi,ri food, tobls. nl ; rnnlili' lilm ito i.roaiii Inrk III T 1 COLORS ARE FOUND. nil tlilriKi reciiiitit" a..I Mrlll, h..'.t indsvnlon sind soi diuviI liLln..lorntel l,v him til claiina fo M Chinese India ink Is made from burnt camphor, but the secret of its ninnu-fu.-ttire has never been revenled. AH the ochers are niifle from earth 4 1 1 . i. ..f l.k ...II.ivIm ikrt.a. tlB 1IMBM'I I', SOW llllll3 , Aln-ka-Klomlyke MlnlnK -o...n-f V,U : 'lntl n the 'le " V'llt- In -Num iiwn. il loiiitlvand iriially. sbre lu.d l.sre . ourg. "ennnny, onn 111 r ranee. aliko. ' Write for Circular Full Paiticulan ! 1 dirwioh. .Tnniea ItlM, lt Secretary Klate ot C'oloraslo Wm. Hlusw, caiiiUsliat, C1lUR-o: j AH reds are obtained from animnl ! and vcpctablo substances from the j cochineal insect, from earth, barks and I rnnta. Ultramarine blue is rnada from powdered lapis lazuli that la why it is e m. Titcomb. .Vic PreMilrnt and ifonsvimvl I so expensive. Ivory block and lione I black are made from burnt ivory and bone. Chinese white Is oxide of zinc. Sepia la a brown color, which the cut tlefish sends forth to discolor the water when attacked. Bister is made from the soot of beechwood. Gambope yel- 'fC 'I "He from t'"'f '.ftrei- litri r- u r. r Matiarr Fjsslman Frull DUpak-b Co. H. C. Fiwli, member Maritime Eachanir, York ; Oo. W. Morgau, Clnle (Ity, Alaaka; John K. iMiwIlier.lNew York (oi-lie T. Ilurfee, Fall Klder, Maaa. AOVlaoBT soshd. Hon. I. II. WakrAetd. Aaaoolata Justin. DWtrtct Court Month Fnsminirhom, Maaa. ; Hon, ii. C. Itkhmond. late Prraidenl Court of Appeal, Denver, Col. ; 8. O. L-pdeirmfT, lle Treasurer I.ycosnins; Coun ty, W'illiamsport, Penn. Flmt s. Curat sienna is really a paint made from the natural earth found In the neighborhood of Sienna. Italy, which is burned. Raw and burnt umber are like- namurr .11. jrTn, i-resiurns v u-. . . . . . .. . , . IPl 4 A fn Oil a t pnn, i 1. u rr, ilipl.. , pan ' ...1 out tounu near umDna, on tue islaml of Cyprus. The color known as maarini' o!i;. was named for Hortensia. ilmhi"-.s n.' I'otoinnc Teli-pliiine Co , WaihiiiKbin, I. Dr. If.. C. Fiflier. l.'-fJl Mi. hisn Ave.. Cbica i , III.: I Co!. 1'. A. lIurTuian, Detroit, Mich.; M. (i. II. wift. Attorney-nt-Law, Fall Itiver, Mai's. . N.ivc W. S-ott, Duliity Cnili't'tor, Ciilur KapiiN, Iowa. Win. F. M' KnijJit, Aitorney-at ljiw, Crtind ICapiiln. Mii'h. I'll.M III froiii KI-MANKNTI.Y I 1 Ki ll h) Hi. llM 1 'III, lull.' .1. 1,1 3 li .1 iliiii- tliiir, nl l ll-MO. Olii ln,rt,. if i . r;in f J fr, ciiri en ! ih, r Tii r i 1 1 . nf h.,w stHlnlitll'. tilt V'l'l 1 1 It V ll' v Imt M.iir ;ilivii-i'iri itJii i-'iiim Muru'V ri-fnniliil if j-r itm n-ii r cur. i tiif iihtHitifil in Him nil.-.' -,-v-r" i-.-in le. flniti "i iImv"' t in. Afr-r hII rt Ii-r fail i-t l.i, Mo Hint '. (-iiri-il. I'rici 7"i. )r botfl-, s-nf i r-riM i 1 to any Hililresri. on ri-i-eitit c,f jirii'i Aildre.- Ilirry Lnitnf. hU V r'niirtli .rruft, 'illHtniorr. F'n '.I .'i ly Cx.-oM hv nil tir-r cIh-h ilrnyi-fH m.r: Ii'.n't riilMirn Ti ., . t i , r M.I.Kit. I'll siiil Snniso V'ur J ir .tirs. ''. ..:.r i:. 1 r- n-.a i ' r." , ! r .T. :i i mrtl i . irt. i .r" ' inr.in :i . '.'!.' '' , i.trcs FARQUHAt Variable Friction Faed SAW MILL and fljaz Center Crank Eag; 15 t.sft R1armt Yonf ', cur ron IfCCC fa-.. 'Ir-.-.v V It It i .! n1 nif'. Iii Fi nuriJi r $100 Reward S100. Thr rfa-lt-r nf ti'. pht will pi"iwn'l 11 Imrn that thrr i at Wnt one lrpill ili-n-" thnl inct h.i (M'l-ii .thte to cur" it. lm t s'ax-?. d1 th.kf atnrrlt, Hal I ) atMrrli . un ij the only iitiv uf Known to fn m-itnal j fratPrnHy. alArrli tit-inu ronntittitlonal di etve, fpn'rw- nnrtittif titml trfatmnnt. Hull' ft4rrhf mw i tikn mtwrnnlly. lU'tinif !trert ly npon thp hiol ml mm oui hm"5''. f th T-rtrm. th-rriy d.-f niTinc the N.umUtion of the Hwnw, and Kiin lh pativnt jtrf uifth br tituMintx up t'i conti:ution anil tbior in n tnr in doinLT it- tIc. Th propr:rtr Uiwn m much faith in ti -'"irritivts hiwiti. tlu.t tlwv nlTfr out- 1 1 i ri'I rl ;rj f(lr ny i-a tlml t' f tui to cnr. -'nl f.i li-f of rtimitniai. A.i.ir.i. I- .l.i llr.Nf.V .i ' T-.l., - . .:.. !,v iT'iu-f-st. ! ', .- ;u. v I " : ' - i t Li i ,tAiin:it anil i.rcrt to A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa. Auditor's Notice r In i In Ijii.ite Rim.'i .rlin-r. i'.-'t. 'ul!r 1-. hi-'i,t,v 2 J:i r.. iuamrt.'.'T....r. urnin the dnr r't In n Uiu'oln Zr-ll-T Kt 'f luerji nl siilii tar-i! .'vi Su' l-r ( '.inr f v l'-n'. lllii r. r '. I ;rl 'M,t'I i 'S it '! ..-a H.,t.l .:...; ..H.ir'ti. Pi., ii. L'- I 1'. i r --;!, r.-i - . la in itTiiiitn.- r.i'irt A Iit i iiiiur , . l't. It -in 'HI rsV!Vll Iace ore the scrtion tails and worn waistcoats tr! newest fad. I are juined t'i;. Tlie liifinrwi of the Alaska Klinilkf Hold Mining Coninny will be to runs line of steam ers on the Yukon ltiver, anil bt-tween Shuttle ami the ilifferrtit tnrti of Alaska, open suppltr storcD at tltc ilifftrrent tuinpsi, do a ffenernl transportation, commercial anil hanking tms inexa, and, in tKiilitinn, deal In Mining Claims, and norlc the mini's already owned and that may lii-renfter tie ovtiuired by the ComiMiuy. The ( Vitnpanv controls tho following priK,rtit's: Klht C.old Placer Cluinis Diotn-iritjnir li'O Acre in Kxient. locati1 on Fort Mile Creek i iniil.T I nil ."I Slate. miuiiiK laws. Iivs-vlopmciit , lias proved the pav stn-nk lo be live feet till k I nn. I IliiH v 1. 1.1... I i.l no, ill tlnl i.uii. tol."it)tlii' iviiii. Five UiililPlm-er Claim", bu-j are very ehuirr; Kri'iitnic l'XI Acres in extent, on I'oreiipiue ei:t!nl!isheil wit iiiver, tiuii p-ins irnin .s cenia lo iu to a pan. I,,,,) j, Ti-n ( lulil Pliu'i r ( laims, nKk-ri'iriiiiiK Jiiilai rra ontlie T.uin.i Itiver, Miiiiniii; innu ill lo "J u i enicraliis, Mazarin. who was a nlive of C.inli.i.il Maarin. After her ntarri;:.-- 1'vil I iu Enpland, where she bei-ar.-ie a lt u' J fnTorite in society and a I .i l r .f f.i-a-lon. A certain bri-l.t s!..u:.: ..--. nitich worn by thin ilui in s, v.:: .. r.dopted by the fajhionables n:: 1 l,:;.-iv. :i j thereafter as maarir.c L!i:e. SPINAL" pATENTSfH C3TAINED. 1 tin l'.3M FANCIES OF FASHION. i"i u . i .. iui.it ind ..-! "" lll'l tI.S- iir--lt lf:ri T'D.. I i'j'1 tmnriff ii '. r -hat i'inis i- . .vu.. it vtid - -.. .it ;-!. -ir. a tr- s : ' '-it it niin- VI - ! .if ... i ... , . .., .! -: ; ".i GREASE UF-T IN TII2 WDSLD. '.- v.- - ir" i::':i ajsil. ai -iially f rv T '-r i-lTl'l. N' t .'iii'TTIIIIU'MIMU fur - :. lints. i end irrav niotiire Jet is imir.i'tisc! net c'resscs .rni"i tire in the w ar ire turning from l'ar;s. P!;iid noi'i. ties an- still v. . t-i d! r.1 rr :u f all i : l.'a-I.-- .r! a.-.d s-t I'll ;". T'v it. s - f ..'! lt'i! SJjry Ii. Willi I.. yuriL A Min trolil ipiartK IihIc in Alo-sli'a, which as say from ft lo i.W kt Inn. 'I ho Imtsi tihou mi eiiorimiiiH outernp ,if free inillim; ore. v-cut nt niirfiiee hi-itiir 12 fct Ihiek ; on this propertv Imve made I'J locutions of 1.V0 (eel by :si feet. einiiiliriK VM ocrcs. Wediin't claim tb.it il U the mother luile, but wi do know it i. without I un eniiiil foriironiici'tivo vuiiies I The cti mutes ami stiitemcnl above are of. or whit Its of are al i Tarisiaiis an at us furs treat.' I v '.: orwl velvet. l a not bivomir fjvi iitis. Sealskin esjuts thi wiat the collar ut. I nif's lit td briTaitail. VitiTs; I" ? Ti',' !ar. LiLeral Adjustments Prompt Payments. H. HARVEY SCHDCH; GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. SELIXSGKOVE, PA Only the Oldest. Stn-r. jest Cash Cmnpaait Fire, l.i tV. No Assessments . t. .-.st h i'tf i cn-.'.:-.c i-r:-.i : i"t: r. a::d ::t a!i .. Kt. .. .. I. . .'.-. I..,. I ... lie. ui orcariiliiKl.irKc ilivi.lends on itn, """ - " ! " " "- stock, iillcm tu liivi-stiirs wlviintisi-a thai in- trtn:::n-! with thruo s!.ail .s of t sure law ami profitable return.. 1 velvet ar.d a vo!-e of nid lace, t-onlered .nr. t.eorte w. nnrii.iii, our KiiM-rlntenilent, h.is bi-cn on ttie 1 iikon Tor the luist enr win ;!V ncci'sioty IkisciI Uhiii irit'orinatioti obtuiiic i ' ro v, f vel'.et. t ril-'. 'iii'ii i from oiirSiii'crintcmleiit. mid arc bclievesl und : , ,. . ... ' , , . acct ptiit by tho company. j " I"'1''' samo h.l. This company liuvinu; nennireu oxteiisive li.u : worn III fvorvthtn, Imliliiilts or rielr placer mnl u.it uuurta proper-' iin.t.,.. ;"l:i"ith sable, lied is ver im; in tin- interest of thi.iMiiitny Thereiore. ! at'd red cow nn ure li: ivn nn not sskini; hiiV t'lio to colltributo to ifn I'l.'J- Hllf'IKIIII.U, ,... ,i,.wKii..i niir liireif. 1 Ins eointuinv, lltl Its ahlci 1'opu ar a.: d wilh whi te Tl Font! vied A. V ccuiciir .i:ui l I'ni.iiti'. No Preminm l Notes. 1W V-scrs I l.i), 3.").,") l' ' 1 Tl IHUvs (lissrt aids. e- tensive knowletluc. and irnat resource.-, i. cer tain ti become one of the rtcacstcotitpuiiicti op criitiiiK in .ia.skn. tbir PrcHidenl tak-s pleasure in referring yon to the foltowlni; list of references : Jumcii K. iH ivcy, .Mills Jt Co.. lUnkers, lX'trnit, Mich.; Uiiiim C. Tctard, Commi.'sioiicr World'a l-'air from .Mexico, " I'ho Kookcry," Cliii-auo, HI Senator H. M. Teller, of Colorailo ; John Shafrotli, llciTcsriitativo to IVnirrcm., Ctdorndo ; v J. M. licit, KeprcsctiUtivctoCsn'(ri'riM,tlorado. C, C. Clcmeiit, V nshiiiL-loii Trait Co. llnililinw. Washlliirton, IV C. ; I Joaepti C. Jlclni, en-CUlef Justice of Colorado; I Charlca II. llayl, Chief Jus ties) uf Colorado : B. MaiiRliain. il Tlnies-llcrald.Clikiwo. (II.; Maurice Joyce, Flcclro lietitre, Siar Biiildin;, WasliliiK-Uin, t. C. ; Capt J. J. 1-ambcrl, Owner and Kililor Chief lulu, lueblo, Cot; S. I.. Ililk-Kiimu, Tax Aeii XI. I'. K. 1;. St.. l.onU, Mo. ; It. t: Uowaii, lrs -xcl Co., Phlladclpttla. I Tho lull-mul sttH'k is now nJll-ml atTKN Diu.iaiiM wv sharo. jSctul your (uxli'ts to tho Ma-Uyta Gold MinioiCo, io. a liroaslwtty, ow York. POINTED SHAFTS. Oiii; thirfr aoout a l ieye! it il. v :.'l eare who rides it. A church aalKoription i co cisl. r t j pay than a last year"s ec.tl bill. The reddest apple is not a'.wai tb tipest; it may be wormy. Yen c.m't tell how tttary psvp'e eotn'o 1'ieir h:;ir to hide some deformity. It is not always thi illustratw-d ar ticles iu eomie papers that are the fan ciest. Men who are alwns talkln- aoout t'oeir wivvs are not alwas tbo best husbands. When a V y ftts so lu ea;i roll i cigarette a ho walks he is entitles! to be called an expert. People who are most particular about their stomachs are not iuvesvir,.y the one with the least stomach trouble. A woman will spend: three dollar' tvorth of time mtikiiij over a quarter" worth of old gvods. There way be rooTn. at tbe top. but strawberry box hav more room at) the. bottom. Washington IVtu-fjjrtit. le .r Cll.t Homo American Tlu Standard AoidJiit In The Now York lit: Iibiiraajj 0 Tlu Fidditi Mutual Lif: A0v.i Great Reduction Sale ol FURNITURE! For Ninety Days ! The Undersi-nsd Offr The Fubiic Tlisir TIRE STCCX OF FUSNITUEi. AT TUS V. USA I blS ; SA'.'Itl.- 't'il Mv i-'.'.i vN; SYl.VAMA. V e &r uot -t'llin oiir, 'u.t vlotis vear. We niv- :i it v ,.t Si.ft h.h1 CtiHtiibs-r tnt Hnrl WoahI ClKiiiiber -u,t. . Autivitie Ouk Suitrs I'leci--.. I'lush t'nrlor ult WtxHieu Chtiirs jjt-r et Iu stock, every i tiitifC in tho furniture l!ti., i, IVuks 5isleborvis, Cui'oo.uv!.'. Ccutr Titoien. r stnr nik'N Lounge-, t.oacti v IHiuiiluiuys Su.;n 1I:,i :i:v,. Sent Cbnird tiuo, medium Usi chs; rui uiture, ti u.t II eia.vv ( rieen rvuueevt tin iiirvivit;ii. votbe cirr. u.io n.o our your orOer. auU tbu niv M to .'tl '- r!i: lli.'1'l-il.M.' .':l ' V. , :.' -h'iO' s ,i 'v'i !i,ii 14. ti i.'otti.-u Toil M-itt'.'i..- Vl.'HJ Hov.'.i ire U.iitiv.s. !'.. M !.l-K,,, viO.'iy tivi) I'.'iSi.i-.v fer ;t . I'lutionu Hoc iv "r-. . iiiiiiiii,- Mlrr,), !i, v. ocut, oil verv Os.'. iO i 50 'V v''VMfsV Clia.t is Chu SlKK'ial Attotitiua (Uvcu to Vavk-itakitt vV KmbaiiuLij-'s KATES lOtl AN HASTNAN, laixwwd. " ULb KLi B U Kvi ii, P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers