The MiddleburghPost Published every Thursday. tfeo W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year. nii ii m ist iw rum m nrtvame wiii'D Bern oui- Hide I He county.) N ATE S Of ADVf NTISINC. All triiiisU'nt ailvpriir-ih.-nn not otherwise eoiilnicteil for will becburifiil l Hie mtfol 1 Sent ptr line (nonpr1"l ni':isiirei lor flrtit Inser tion hihI 10 ceuts per line lor every wilmequeM Iwprtlon. "Vi notirtt pullitkrd frrr ; obituary porn j, tribulu vf rrtprct, dc. tArteerntt a line. Thursday, Nov. 2.", 1S97. The Next Republican Primary. Already eonsidi ruble interest i; inanifotitl in the coming rcpuMi-iui primary election. Those who art' nursing lioomlcts fir one jmsition or another are already steering Kick and iorth and wutclunr straws to see how the wind is Mowing. aiihiii'T tne most liniHiriani imh sitioiis to Im- filled is the position of 1 . I IT t licnrfM-ntuiivc in the I louse oi wep- reseiitativis at Harrishurg. Sn viler county should have an holiest man at the State Capitol, one who can not lie bought by some petty ap jioiiitiiicht or committee or a chance to smuggle a bill through under the guise of personal expenses. We think it is none too early for the iKuplc to demand of any and all candidates who propose to enter the race a satisfactory statement hound up in bull dog IkmkIs not to accept money for services or expense ex cept that implicitly allowed by the constitution and that he will not vote for an appropriation to others except as stated and provided by law. The jicople of Pennsylvania have been bull-dozed, skinned and robbed by a more olluted and dis solute band of corniptionists than ever tread ujhhi the soil of the an cient city of Rome in its darkest era. And now liefore any names of can didates have lieen announced, let the people of Snyder county by a reso- lute nd unflinc'oW wilrktoliimU Vf t,,e . 8t,.ent8 reai? , . rr ;"' ,?... " . , , Itfthhu winter term Prof. Win. to Tl'tVunc ilie igtioniflVv 'which has so glaringly existed in the past. AVc are fully aware that with too many jntiple a five-didlar bill brings more argument to secure a vote than whole columns ot the soundest advice. We live in hopes, however, that there are enough people who ap preciate honest men in public ofliix' to defeat any man who is not willing to satisfy the people in advance that lie can not lie swerved from the path of duty. The position of Associate Judge lias become a plum that many de sire. No less than ten or twelve persons arc already smacking their lips for a taste of the plum. If the soil is as fertile in the future as it lias Im-cii in the past the office should yield aliout a thousiiid dollars. The law allows a cmicnsatioii of ".00 a day and mileage for all days used on ollicial business. A man nml not work all day to get a day. This jHisitioii is certainlv a very desirable one to till and it is no wonder that there are so many aspirants for ju dicial honors. These are two important positions to Ik- filled and there will lie plenty of applicants. It behooves ,1. voters to put in good men. MIDDLKCKKKK. Our merchant, A. A. Fish is do ing a rushing business The shooting match at Jos. Weidcr's was a soccers last Saturday. Har rison Stin k will have one on Satur day. . . .Win. Ivrebs ami wife Jell last Wednesday for their home in Lynn, Kansas Jese Decker, wife and daughter, of Lamed, Kansas, are visiting Jesse Knepp's and others. They moved West thirty yirs ago. ... It is said that two jsirtniit agents are canvassing in this section. No. 1 will visit a place, procure u picture by pretend ing to enlarge it free in order to get their work introduced in new sections. In a day or soXo. '2 will come along ami tell the parties who gave pictures to enlarge, that they must buy frames in order to get the pictures. The price then U high er, attended our Union Christian enough to cover both picture and Endeavor Society last Sunday even tai me and leave a lann? maririn. inc, in company with Dr. D. G. Iook out tor them ! SKL1NSOKOVE. Tlie iiiciuIk-m ot 147th Kegt., who were at Cliattanooga, returned l(,mi. i imrstlav untl Mituniav i . .... . last week. Snue having gone to Atlanta, (ia . .1. Given, wife iiul children, of Charleston, Va., ire visiting Mr, (i.'s pjirents, Col. and Mrs. llilbish The game ot .... i i it i .1 foot ball Utwcen IJucknell ami the I IllVersltV which Was to have Urn. .1 1 ...I.,.-,. .. .,., ..I.,.. , V " . . . . cancelled lv liuckiiell. It lias since I urn learned that thev were alraid of being I teuton by our team. . . .II 11. Mover of Freeburg, was seen on our streets on Friday . . . .Capt. .1 A. Owens, ot lA'Wislmrir was in town several days recently. . . .Miss Harriet Kichter, who has Ik-cii at Wilkes liarre fr several weeks re turned home on Saturday .... Ira C. S-hoch, two sons and Chas. Yon (one ot the University team) took in the lT. P. and Harvard game at Phila. . . .('has. Geescy (a former student here), of Ilollidaysburg, is visiting friends in town Mrs. Not tling is visiting the Professor at lilooinslnirg and her daughter, Mary, is visiting at Stccltoti Simon Camp, son-in-law of Judge Shindel, of Phila., was in town lie tween trains on Saturday. . . .Rev. K. 15. Kil linger of Trenton, X. J. spent a dav or two visitmir friends . . . .Mr. Osnian, of York, visited his daughter, Miss Lizzie Osman on Saturday lctwecn trains. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Elcrhart, of Phila., sciit Saturday with Mr. Jwteinan s. . . . Mrs. Frank, of Curvensville, sjient Mondnv auioiiir friends. .. .Miss Sallie I ic lifer and Mr. Slear of Sun bury were married Tuesday even ing, Xov. 2.1. . . .Frank Sieliert, of Ijcwistown, is visiting his mother W. II. F. M. Society of the Trinity Lutheran church held their annual Thank Offering meeting on Sunday evening. FREEBURU. ' The Fall term of the Musical College closed with appropriate public exercises, Thursday evening. Moyer has completed arrangements for his Annual Musical Convention to Ix; held lietwecn Christmas and New Year in the OjK-ra House. The new curtains and drujiery will also lie arranged on the stage. . . . Mrs. Margaret 1 lover, of Front St., has gone to Lykens Valley, Dauph in county, to sjH-nd part of the win ter with relatives and friends. . . . Miss Alice Shotslicrgcr, employed in a confectionary store in Suuhury, was home during Saturday andSun day Ex-i'ost master I. J. J lick el, who is at l'axinos, conducting the store and jxtst office, came home to spend Sunday. We were all very glad to see him. . . .Win. Motz and wife returned to their home in Ak ron, Ohio. They spent several weeks very pleasantly with their numerous relatives and friends in our midst. Freeburg was the home of their nativity . . . .(Jeo. Class, son of' our townsman, John A. Class has gone to Akron, where he is clerking in a store. He is an in telligent christian gentleman. We all wish him success. . . .F. E. Ilil l)ih will have a sale of choice Il linois horses, Monday, Dec. Otli, l.S',17. A niimUr of sales will fol low, and the noted Horse Market of our town will lie kept in oiieralion This will be the lSlst sale held at Freeburg Prof. D. S. J lover was in . I uiuata county several oays last week, attending to the settle ment of several estates. The farm of Samuel (iixxlling, dee'd, was sold to Washington Strawser. The tim ber on the tract was sold to James doodling and Oscar Star for $."()0. The property is located in Susque hanna township, Juniata county lohn A. Mover and (Jeo. A. llotdart have placed their new saw mill and shingle mill in the woods of (Jeo. II. Pontius near Freeburg. They have secured several valuable pine and hemlock tracts in Monroe township, Juniata county IJcv. Druekeiiniiller had two busy days Saturday ami Siindy. Saturday he hail catechetical instruction and pre paratory services at (Jrub's church, Sunday forenoon. Oiiiiiininion ser vices, at 1 p. in. the funeral of Jacob Troup, and services at Fremont later in the afternoon .... Ilev. Haas held communion services at Freeburg last Sunday. . . .Mr. and Mrs. App and her sister, of Krea- ! Smith and wif . . . .Another phone in r rcc-burg in the furniture storeof 1. L. Haines. We will soon have n rmriihir net work ot ihonu& It 1 (-niviii..iit t.i sit in vour ' room ' 1 averse with vour neiirh- 111,1 r . - Invalid and Sacramental Wines. Speer'i l uff rnienteil Grope Juice if pure and uuilitolicutinii. U i made from the llnrat nA- licrown i-orttiri.. e.peciiiy for the . u' Chritin Cburche, pretervej from fresh B111 pun)uictM u, ,)reMei, nd K"r.ntced o retain itgratfiilflvoriiu'eeiitil quail- I tlct unimpaired for any period. Mui-li lued for levelling iiartien and luvalidi evening partial and luvalidi who Jo not uaa timulenU. Judge Ellison Judge Alfred Ellison's talk, "Freedom, Friendship and Charity," largely impromptu, was replete with solid, substantial thoughts in a sett ing of licautiful language and hu morous and pathetic incident. Those who have read his poetry as it has apcarcd from time to time in the Chicago Xcws, Eugene Field's pa JK.T, know whence those delicate touches, with which his discourse was shaded, came. He has that same intense1 intimacy with the hu man heart which characterizes Riley's, liurdette's and Field's best anecdotes, and enjoys all the jwwer over sentiment which these men I 1 m nave cmovcu. lucre was not one in his audiemr yesterday who did not feci a pleasurable satisfaction in listening to him from thy. time he Irgan to the tune he closed. If the Madison people arrange a lecture course this winter they must not fail to retain Judge Ellison to talk on "Kings and (uecns," for whicl: yesterday's effort argues well. MmUmn J.hiilu Ikmwrnt. ' Graps for Coughs and for SingersJ Auntie Ilacliael, a Holland nurae, haa dikcovf ered a novel and effective way of lulng (rape in combination will) Elecampane, Uoot and) Horehound for the purpone of curing cougbi colili and lore throat . It ! called Aunt Bach ael'i Elecampane and Horehound Cordial and) it li laid that pbyticiani are recommending if freely In Ilia Eaat, Bingeri and lecturer carry) a bottle with them. Teachers' County Institute. The Aunual Teachers' Couniy lIlSXUUV. h.. '4ll'".IM l "r House, Mirdleburgh, Pa., licginn ing, Monday, Dec. G, 1897, to con tinue one week. Every effort has leen put forth to obtain the best jsissible talent, Isith for day and evening entertain ment and instruction. The follow ing jH-rsons will lie present with us during the week : Supt. (J. T. Cooper, Mifllin Co. : Hon. Henry Houek, Deputy Supt. Public Instruction, llarrisburg, Pa. ; Supt. L. E. McCinnes, Steel ton, Pa. ; Dr. C. C. River, Kutz town, Pa. ; Dr. J. P. Welsh, Illoomshiirg, Pa. Monday evening will Ik? devoted to the teachers. A sisi-ial pro gramme will lie prewired for this entertainment, which will lie pub lished next week. Tuesday evening, Hon. Henry Houek, subject, "Ilound to Will." Mr. Houek needs no introduction to Snvder count v audiences. His work whether lecturer or instructor has always lieen the most satisfac tory, and many are the men and women, yes teachers likewise in Snyder county, who can and justly do attribute much for the inspira tion they have received for nobler living from the ringing, witty ad dresses ot Dr. Houek. Wednesday evening, I loward Siixby, Cincinnati, Ohio, subject, "Wits, Ancient and Modem." "Mr. Saxby is an orator, a hu morist and a philosopher. As a humorist and a wit lit? is unexcell ed in the U.S. As an orator lie is rocogized among the most brilliant. It is not often that the people in this part of the country have an op portunity of hearing such mem." Ml. Olivet (Ky.) frihtw. Thursday evening, Dir. 0, Hon. A 1 fnil Ellison, Anderson, Ind., subject, "DK's the World Move?" Judge Ellison rendered such ex eellent satisfaction last year that I engaged him immediately for this Institute. He is one of earth's spmally gifted men. Every jkt son wants to and ought to hear El lison. More particulars us well as regu lar programmes will be sent to teachers and directors next week. Faithfully yours, F. C IloWT.iJSOX, County Supt avnlaNclic of Xew Goods AT FlU tourer's i Bareahtv EMPORIUM. PRICES NEVER KNOWN TO BE SO L0W. r counters and shelves are now loaded with a lungnifictnt line of ricli and elegant Dress Stuffs, Chev iots, Covert Cloths, Henriettas in all IIih beautiful fall shailes. Hosiery, iriovef, lrimmings, &c. &o. jut re ceived from New York and Phila delphia, ucipuiui All IlcKt I n f u Ilcat l.nncntT Apron Oingham, ' cents itiueeaitco, ft l.iKht Calico, 5 Kel Oil Calico, 4 tnS " " Hark Cnlli-on, II. 4. 3 & ft " Fancy Novelty l)re Uoodn, oul)r 8 " This is the greatest bargain we ei ?r bad. tvervbody oucht to see tll i bareains we have in dresf, eooda. syles and prices. T'l latent ollka. ! inchea wlile, only &1 ctfi. r.tra tine novelty lircm goods, 75 ' Also a full line of the latest trinnn- 'j.irs, braids, silks and ribbons. Call i.nd see our low prices and styles on tese poods j we know we can please yuu. in our w.ill be found elegant stylish suits. Keavy and light weight Overcoats, Sj orm-couta and Every-day suits at py ices to astound you. JVn'a Hi'i lL.n. ,! avy Deavcr Illack Overcoats, storm titof; n toi tl.ati (1 .V) fl.OU noc Sic Mcn' iultg, nice Wi to 42, upward from lUiyV suite, 14 to ID year, for Youths' " for only 1 lituhel ot wheat, Mirn'e heavy eitra pants, only Mien's over-shirt, only Mrn's underwnre, per suit, only Yimlha' " 1.1c. lo2Sc Atlc (Men, s hats and raps can't be beat iq prices, bdU wear lor SOc Latest ea and lowest prices. Call and Bete our bats. Our Ladies' HUP Hfinartmpnt i uutu uuiiuiuuuui Is now complete. Here is a bewild ering array of Charming Wsaps, rich and strikiugly handsome Coats and Capes a dozen or more styles to se lect from. The Children's Coats are perfect beauties. We had these made expressly for comfort and ease. For elegance and style of gar ments our Ladies' Wrap Depart ment is not surpassed anywnere; and wbat is io your advantage, we are able to sell at Manufacturer s prices. Ladies' Aim oata, fam 12.00 up Ladle Ana canm. fhm ll fDnn "era' coaia, t io is, only l Lou Don't misa the coats now, you can nave your cnoice: A Marvelous dtorin of Boots & Shoes reached our store yesterday. Er er6thiog for footwear from the finest French kid to the ordinary dollar shoe. Greoter assortment the ever. Here is a whole counter full ot shoes for the Little people, for fat babies too, sizes from 1 to 5 and G to 12. Ladies' Rubbers, 25 cents1 Ladies' Storm Rubbers, 35 " Gents' Rubbers, 40 " IN GROCERIES we have added to our usual heavy stock in this line a full assortment of very choice Fine Groceries, such as priuifa Old Govrrninent Java and Mocha Couees, bpiceu Cherries and Aprocots. The Winner Colfee, 13c, '2 lbs.2r,c. Arbuckles' " lie., 4 40c. Lion " lie., 4 40e. 4Jc. H?. 'Oe. r.Oe. Sugar, Brown, " Light Brown, " Soft A., 10 lbs., ' nmmil'irivl 0 llw Soup lieans, 3c, l lbs., 2.V, Making soda, jier lb., 4'. Lie. Of. IS;. '2400 matches, Corn starch, oc, 3 lbs. Iticc, Ifet .Bakers' Chocolate, IN Carpets, Rugs and Oilcloths we have, till the newest patterns and ehoice coloriupn. The lutest de signs are beautiful and at a quarter off from former prices. The best Intrrniu Carpet I ever saw for only !i5c. per yard. Next better, UHc. Next bettpr, 3i!e. JJrusRcIs, Only 4.rc. Homo made carpets, 25c. to 50c. Floor oilcloth (i-4, only GOe. per yard. Table oilcloth 5 4 " He. " " .. .. g4 . ()c . BJjANKETS Bed blanketn for ouly COcls. per pair. No. 1 Butter, 20 Potutoc. tC No. 2 Ilnttor, 10 New lard, 7 Krenh Ekks, 20 Old Lard, S Onlont, M YoUhk Clilclcom 7 All Good Butter Wanted. N. IJ. Wo have no Special Bargain Day, Our Bargains are Every Day, New Berlin, Pa. N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Goes mucli further than a false statement. It lias-al-vay8 been out aim to follow an honest business policy. When you read a statement made by ust in this or any other paper, you can tlepond upon it being tlie truth, If you think, that 24 years of experience with good that sell on their merits count lor anything then it will be money in your pockets to see our I MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS AID OVERCOATS ! Our Prices are within reach of everybody. Men's Black Worsted Suits at $350 Men's Fancy Cassimere all wool suits at $5 00 Men's lilack or lilnc Overcoats at $5 00 Men's Heavy Overcoats at $3 00 Hoys' Suits, age 1 to 15, at 95c Men's ! wool I'ants, all size.-, at 8100 Consider yourself Free to go in and out of our store just to look our goods over and over; we take no grip on your pocket-book just because you step over our threshold. OPPENHEIMER & JONAS, The only ono price clothiers, SlHlbllfy J PSi JSSH ' KIT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse shoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, lor kg, shovels noes, tools of all kinds, Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, currycombs, brushes of art i: - L: a j - i ' t v kiuub, uruouis, tu ware, graime ware, iuds, ouckets, ana Patent Washing Machines. Oall to see my goods and you will be convinsed that you can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. Yours resp'y, I I Unrnnr Pleasant Jl Li VdlllClj Mills, i . Collars, Ties, Ladies' Jackets, Capes from $2.00 up, $10.00, &c, Children n to Wrappers, Alacintosbes. Everything in the Millinery line I keep. dies' aud Children's HatB and Tam 0' Shaners, Notions, Lft'lj1'".", Oout'B Kid Gloves, Corsets. Hosiery, Ladies' Neckwear, XmasNv ' Umbrellas. &c. Gents' Furnishing Goods in the latest, styles. la Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, and Bows, at the Fancy Store of bir. E. C. Aurapd, - FURNITURE, CARPETS AP CHINA. 1-V . w T"!"l ' W. H. FELIX, Lewiov9 TT OF ardi'arrj Store, ifSffil CllffS. "3? 0ml Fa - MiddlcW$b, a- :0. Bright new designs look out fro" every nook end corner of oar c Shapes and Styles In which at one yon gee your Ideal. j Couches; CARPETS, RUGS, ART SQl'ARS PICTURES at nrices so Io t'1Bt er merchants can notcouipe,e Tours Respeo'iully.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers