V ? . OF LILACS. BY CAROLINE LEROV. A RTIIUR NORTH RIDGE u dls A couragcd. Kitting- on the top of a CroUetnlown atone wall, be looked over the ruiih pasture land to the little, weather-beaten house, beyond, and de cided that he had never been quite so timch discouraged in all his life. It had not been a very loriff life, it Is true only 14 years but he felt that morning1 ns if he hud lived a frroat while, and to very little purpose. He wanted so many things, and had so fowl More than nil else, he longed for an educa tion, or, concluding that that word ex jiiwsed too much for Kim, for a few Ixioks.iit leant. He could rend, und think over w hut he read even, without a teach er; but lie certainly could not read without hooks. As for buying any. f h:it ust mi nbsunl idea, under present circtitustances. Arthur and his mother could hardly buy enough to eat, and had to pay in terest, too, on the mortgage placed on the lit t lo house u poor piece of prop erly, but nil -Mr. Northridge had left when lie died, six months before. Mrs. Northridge took in sewing ftr awhile, but the rheumatism in her hands was growing worse every day. Arthur had wortaed at very small wages nearly all winter for a machinist in the village; but the machine shop had burned down and the machinist had moved nv ay. To tell the truth. Arthur could not feel sorry about either of those occurrences, even though he tried from a sense of duty. He positively loathed machinery. He loved birds and flowers as much as he hated wheels and lathes and gearing. St iil, when the machinery stopped the money stopped also that vat the worst of it and apparently no way in which he could cam more, lie wished sig&t oi mem was enougn so su8tfes he wonls from one of the pieces in j toe of the solitude and sweetness of his old reading book would not keep the country In Uie crowded, dusty. going through his head in that monot onous manner: "I'll f.rd s war or make It! I'll find s way cirmtkt it!" lie could do neither, he was sure. And so, what waa to become of him and his mother? "Oh.Morton! Norton! Iiook atthat!" Arthur gave a start, coming back in an instant from a visit to the great trees of California, and saw a carriage rolling by, which, in accordance with the wish of the lady w ho occupied it, drove to the stone wall. ' She waa not Kxjadmr - ii JWuuP- though her eye were shining, and her J nt in aort at deflirht 'Sow- V II11I1 Wl WO UA1U IM. attention. Arthur look direction. A bunch of lilacs, which lie had been holding in his hands during his long reverie, had fallen unaware and the lady had seen it. lie sprang down, picked it cp and offered it to her. "They're a good deal wilted," he stid. "If you'll wait a minute I'll ran home aiiil ret some fnh ones." "No. ii.deed:" U.e lady replied, quick lv. She tnir.s tresed t"h?r chi witherfd f.owcrs Thfre were tears . et:!y a momeiit be i lily I'een sn-ilinc. sailUnc then a he la Ler eves. Uioul fore Ler i..; ler she had l.t;:u.i:d ctr: M Ler, i ::..i. lie . l-.:iked : tu- !. i.n d rt-iu.t.r ! 'jeeierstand Lis t.nd into Lis i . ( ', ,- :y at Arht-r. ii-mv ;t -Vy "au.. i Lorir. tbe- "i: It's 'J IS S.C ' vt he e.: ,LCU. :,e l.iacs rtciitid b-r of Ltr o!d Lt :s very fot.d of thei, fcad be!;. Ler nior thwi Kiediclne. e trst t:r;f hLe'f in.-n biile to uzz tLe c::v. We are verv n.:. -h (....geu to ytiu. Ar.htir oiJt tipwed. lie a a litiie cue -.-:. l ? euvh a c.Jp.sy of esiotiut; ewer t K.nij'ie bticL ('f l.Iaa Luif-wilv f.. m und wtvUiied '.lie ciirre witi u.-.- ---'! ls it t:r:" wty. A ciMTjett ia:er a sudden I'.iea c ii LilL, it so Jierfect Eiid prac-tici-.e a bhi.; tLat he d.d not even to f r.Kiaer it. He stiirted of! on t ruL to a LauM- wLi' L :ci'jd Ltur by. it t urr tLe roac. l .wr txizSvrj w at bitfy Luiiiiig a s'.r.; '. f -!!'.. "V".'.'. .tou j.',ea lei.d Th yO'Jr eld Li.1 i.tc th rec v arcm for the res, of H, " cij' . y.i. ifcifurc T Ti,e t ,d mat co'-id liardlr believe hit n v Li'.L, jirbi'r. hi uu' ko B-.mtre if ".' cyuiideritjf that he was grad- I. :::". rTTjwitiTOeif. t. Hie to Lire r. i I Lad aty aoiiey," Le v. ert ot uoidiy. "J'iu jrj.tg to try to tua.e aoiiie. ad if I oo I'll ptiy you ai ji at I ft "bi'.-k- If iiot, I'll work rt t-.r it ".L fexi'.e. ViU .hat doT J i-ier btti ord iieri piauiiy ,ouph ii- ..ue. "Twt eOutida ii.'re lie uus-iie-w." Le Wc.irl. it Lis peruLjir rapitg w'ix. "I iot : i.rfi Iiore it- tzui. j(J old Et isr't a vvsir a sie oti'e w at- liid tuua. w iie-t you're fcorivic' Ler." ArUiur's & Vr was Mi Lia own lrtrtue. a litt J jrtLer ol- -ilutW. I've furrowed Xs- Sanfti's a d of liifc- up vo tie city aiid try A ut rr 'uix be tyJtM L cut away larye iusv-rs of tiveii. ottg 1 iaU ,;, of jjfci-s of tver h Lfc fifcoed in tie? okfiL VCkr, that's a crazy idea, Artlior!" Uiawi". TMt Basvi 7j tiiinJ- TI! VB J r l' old Rate's Infirmities, made the trip see pi long to bin; but be at last rearheit that part of the city where be had men tally decided to go into business. Kate baited In dejected attitude at the corner of one of the principal busi ness streets. It waa a street in which nothing was bought or sold but money. Great crowds of men surged in all di rections over the sidewalks. Wagons j and cabs filled tip the spaca between. It waa all roar and rush and rattle. In the heart ' of it stood Arthur Northridge. in the old wagon with the lilac. "Holloa! My wife would like some ol those. How much, youngster?" And a hurrying man ntoped short and handed Arthur a two-dollar bill. "Tliat'a a whiff from my mother's front yard," exclaimed another man be fore Arthur had time to reply to the lirst one. "Give us a bunch, boy. I can't I wait for the change." I And, flinging down a quarter, he I seised a cluster of the (lowers and I riiahp! nn ntmin. . ... - .. . "I'm in a hurry, too," the first cus tomer explained. "Don't keep me wait- ! np. And he held out his hand impatiently. "I!ut 1 can't change It, sir," Arthur replied. "I've just gone Into business, i rienty of stock, but uo ready money." I The gentleman laughed at the words. ! und looked at Arthur appreciatively. I .1 .. .1 f l ... 1 .. i. A ...... 1. 1 i.... .mil i nine iimuiuif in luc wuim um j I this one bill," he said, in his turn. "Plenty of money once. Made it all j easy on this street. Lost it all easy, loo in the same place. Keep out of it. boy, unless you come on this sort of business. I'.ut my wife shall have some lilacs, anyway." lie fumbled in his pockets, found a ; ten-cent piece, gave it to Arthur, and ! passed on. lly this time quit a group surround ed the wagon. "Lilacs, five and ten cental" This was j the formula which Arthur had thought 1 out for himself as he drove old Kate along, wondering if it could possibly be ' considered extortion to charge so much for v hat was to him so valueless. But j he did not need to adopt this plan of i ratline attention to his wares. The uenrvini? ritr street- ...D - ' When the last flower had been dis posed of and old Kate waa heading for home, Arthur had ample leisure in which to reckon up his profits three dollars and fifty-five cents. He could hardly believe It, and counted the money again and again till l.i proved the accuracy of the calcula tion. "What am I to pay you for the horse and wagon?" was his first salutation to Parmer Sn ford, aa he drove into the vard. "I haven't fed her, for I had no "5" yourself J?14 "y - ot a moutniui." Tve been too busy. Nothing could have so inspired old Farmer Sanford with respect and ad miration for the lad aa his willingness to go hungry for the sake of making i little money. In hi vernacular, that was "su'thia like." "Well, considerin' as old Kate wouldn't have been doin" nothin' to 3&y. I suppose 50 cents would cover the damages." Without volunteering any explana tion. Arthur engaged the horse and wagon for the next day, and went home. He had a long story to tell his mother that night; and the next morn ing, taking all the lilacs that were on the place, he started off on Lis second trip to the city, selecting another forcer this time, but on an equally ht'.y street. Fortute seemed as ready to favor L.m as on tLe preceding day, and sales were brisk for half an Lour. At the end of that time. Arthur felt a hand on Lis shoulder, and looked up to see the jrer.tieman who Lad met Lim by the roadside two days before. "Gone into business. Lave you, try ioy? IIow did this LappeD?" lie tii.ed the question with great in terest. "OL. sir!" ArfLur auswered, with sLutatiou, "it all came from the bunch of lilacs. I thought if the lady cared so mucL. other city folks niigLt care, too. a little. At sty rate, I thought I'd try atd 6ee w Lfct came of it." "Was it Leceasary tLat is. did you did you " "We are T try poor, my mother and L" Arthur repLed. without waiting for the completion of the question. "I don't i:tow what will become of us when the lilac money is all gone, for I can't get anything to do. IS we lived in the city ;t ixuE-Lt be different, but " Arthur was obliged to turn his at tention to a customer. "Come around to my office before ytu go Lomt to-tight." And the gentleman, handing Lim a t-rd. vt'Led away down tLe street. Arthur NortLbridge was happier Lec Lt went Lome tLat night than he had been since Lis father died. He Lad another long story to tell his tnotLer. and even more intrestitg tLaa tLe first one "It stems that Mr. Emery's aon. his only cLiid. d,ed six months ago. It al moin killed iJrs. Etuery. so they ge up their Lome in lb country and went to tLe city to live. Their Iroot yard was full of lilac, just as ours ia. Their tbuy waa very fond of them. B was about my sii. and when ahe aaw tue sittiig oil tLe ali, an aw the lila. too well, you it sort of up Ler. Mr. lioerr ars they kv two arr- anU, iA if yos go tLere to kep Lou i'jr tbein you 11 only U oerae j xh.Lfx. I kbow I ahall lii U work 1 J Lis oft, it's a paut. irs. r-Ujry xUiit to see you to-uorrow I 1. ,. aj-Lat rret tLir-rs b bap- a 7a i - 1 ....1, .A ti'.,. .mrl . and we sell ft much ' is statement sometimes the druggist when Scott's .:a . ..i 1-. . - tdsion is called tor. lhis snows triicmggists themselves regard of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos fhites of Lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard" because he knows it has been of untold benefit should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something said to be justaSgOOO iorasiano- aed orroarAtion twtntv- five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent prchaser Be sure vou get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Ses that the man and fish ara on the wrunper. inc. and Si.oo, all druggist!. SCOTT H0WNK, Chemists, New York. n tii.it lie iiiiliintiiir umai'il Demons havu MUM their AiImlnlsiiMUiis', Uuk1.,iii. and Kv eiMilois' hix mills In the UemliT'4 onloe ol Niiv iliTit)iiiii . tiiiii Hie ime win ne pres. nit mr iMiinrnia' h i mi I .illi miw ' ie -iri. li.iue III MMl'lleli.uvii. l iv. I c. 13 IXV7. Pirat anil tlual noc.iiinl of V. M. Kyer, Kiw utor of Ihr e.titte ol Jaeuli Sliotly, latt of t'ninn Torntlii. ilrf'il. Kiml ami tlunl arcninil of (liarleaStsniTor, Ex eciuor of the rauir of -iiinucl Ma u'oi, I. lie of chngrove, ., tloc'il. Klrat ami final account of llenrr S. H-.'tinmt. Ait ininintralor of the e.tnte of Aloxanilur lioiuli, lata of V anliiiiKlon Toiviinhip. dev il. KirM and tlnal a.NMiint of I. K lloimt, Admin Ulrator of I lie ntato of Kraneia M Kertin. laluof Monro 1 oivtialiii, dt d. Ktrat aud final apcouut of JovaeOnrneliiia. Kx eculor of the eatnlr of Klltalictli t'ornellua, late of Jackaon rownalnp. drod, Aceount of laniel llravrr, lnrdiaa of Kmer ton lluinnirl, minor child o! Dauiol Uuminel, daraaaf d. PI rat aad final acount of John P. Laltiel, Ad inmUtratorof .Hnu Letlael, who waa irusnlian of Sallie A. Ilaaalmrer. a minor rhild of Ifcavid llaaaincr, lale of MiddleertwItTwp , doe'd. tecond and final account of Fran kiln and Cur tin ttowaraox. Kvicutor of tha eatala of Hauiuel liowe raox. lale of Franklin Twp., dee d. Kirat and final account of A. 8. Kurta, Admin ialrator ' T. A. of the c-tute of John KurU. lata of Weal Terry Townahip, deceaaed. Acrounla of (ieorfre hotalierirr. (iilardlan of Klmei V. and llaniel W. iieintaelmsn. minor children of Itaiiirl R. lleintrelman, doo'd. U. M. HIIINDKL, Nov. IS. 87 lUariater a KecordeN Court Proclamation. JMlfcKKA th lion. 11 amid M. Mol'lura eon . . .. ii.- dHa ol eiavi'cr. and In ? -l-l '.i.i. -o.. a- .T. J4I- oerllui.'aaav . m wuia -rt ia ana itrBy ilerenontv.'hiveiaaiiad (hair literal a. Itaarlns data Uie 4ih Jar e Oc. a. u., 1 W7. u ata iirwted Kr the ho!dlns uf an Irpl.a' 1'eun, a court ol O-mni'in Plr, ciiart oll,vor and Ter miner an 1 en-rl Court nl ,411 irtcr garfiona ihi-reaca, a. Ml ldl'l-nrrh. lur Itie einima "I Snrdrr. on the fnd Monday, (ii-inu ha ISlh dav oiD' lTi aud tuonuiiuue one weo4. Notice ia thi'r-fitre hrrehy kIi'vii to ho t'orwn er, .1 u'tirrii nt lur Ceaxv and Co'iataldea l'i and for the eoanlr i-t Snvdrr. ti apnr.rh their lrnier era..u Uh their m!l. rwrli, I n. i 1 ei UoQ. examination and -Iher r ni :ntrn-vJ U do thoae thlnif which m' iiudr ,il - and la their behall )an tin ui fx- .lomt a .d HneM. and perponf pmfu'i in h.-bl -'1 'hr lnui moliwpttlih aaaiiil u wnii or p-i ... ii ie quired to te then and i!iae a. leu iiii nl de naninx artthont Irate at tliclf !'! . Jul ! are rejnete.i to he puDciual mi Mirir aMeoitaiu-e at the aldnted tlice arce bl M n'.icc. Oivea undir ni h.n.i 1 - 'at tli- Shertlf. oTfirt In Mi.l ile' un-h. ilie ltd day .1 Nov. a.ll ooe Uoul eiil t hondr il '.Bd ninoly seeD. i S. U1TTF.K, .-huntl. CH1S. NASHPURV1-', Collections, Loans and Investments Rent r.nlrlild Private Itanker. Wiliiifiispott Lvfotuiiig Co.. Pa Iefu'i iici-ep'ed. tit.)-erfournn or chert. nilL an pi'i oi the ivorl 1. THE OLD ESTABLISHED - - Merchants' House- I Tilled Street Above t'allowblll. Under New Management Kates 1.50 a ilar, 5.00 jer Week. Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Designs Coer right Ac Aneooc aendlrtf a akatcb and aor1ptloa avsy atak aaoertain oar opintua xraa vimum mm luentKm H seuliablf utantatila. toui UoiiaatnetlyeitieaautlaL tlaudbook oa Hataaus em Irw. OlOaat afabry for eeurui lieiiaula. fatMita taka tLroajrh Mbub k Co. raoalrs tytnmi maun, arttbuvt etiaraa, la tii Scientific J.rarican, A bandaoeoelf lllaatraual vecklf. I juvaat etr cvaauua uf any eneiiuae ianaal. Tenua. Si a yar : 1'nu abonUai. ti fcwta by ail maaoealara. KUX3ltCo."" 'Newjfork feral Ottva. ara. WaabUastw. & C. Baco-Curo The only actetrU fic cure for the Tobacco habit. Baco-Curo;: Baco-Curov Has evrtt tliotuaiKli 1m wilier mumatut fsiM. (Writs fvr orvutt.) Hum nut Ctnui oa tlie will power uf tbs Uaer. It at Uae I Ufa. KUta luariuaMS. Baco-Curo: IXjuetlotn arselea: 'mr. aUUie'l Mnvm ifiu avors until htuJyt Ul IfAtUut U Ul stop. Baco-Curo UOmivinal Writ, (ca ItwuivnU. tUnttuif tiuvtrotuiioa ywar UMiv uj U K talis k sure. I iuwmCiksw HaeM ar omora tajuug aw; All duttxWu ae auUwrVi to eM Uaico-Cauw I iwundv M Urn loMaon llaiiK. W"' M.ci ariiuau Kuwixivw. T W aU TlMCLaVrV 4. aur at HIT MWOTtaS. if C. C- C- lU ww. wiMrfa iktivi mumt )HeCatsw.f Mr wffark. i O" Ir Junes' Headache, With regard to Dr. Jam ache l'owders. I have no in coiinueuding them to from ,'bemdaobe. They reli L . . a; . pain epeaawy, ana x nave new know anyone to be banned by th use. 1 bare been a great su. from' headache in iny life, but have almott gotten rid of it by the con stant uae of hot w ater and fruit aud br a'inr without coffee. .The Dr Jauiei Headache Powders Lave, however, greatly relieved uie at times audil never allow uiy self to t with out them, and Lave recoiuumudud to .then freely. C C. McCabk." For sale by V. H. Spunkier, Drug- gibt Middleburgb, Pa. (i 17-9m 'one OP TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, iininelv, II receptoeb' for the urine, and as such it is not I in !' to auv form of disease exc pl by one f two ways. Hie nrst, way is lioiu llliperlecc ion of the kidneys. The ucml way Is from car. treatment of other diseases ess loenl i iiii.K t ai sr.. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidliuVH Im the chief cause of liUddi-r trulilileH. Mo the noiiili, like the bladder, wnecreateil for one purpose, mid if not doctored too iiiueli i. nut liable to weukneew or dUeiifc, exuept in nire c.ises. It It itiinted buck of iiikI very clone to the bluddei', there fore nny pnili, diceane or iiienii vetii eliui ui.tnifi'-'ied in t lie ki.lliev luck, hlndiler or in iniuy piihenne in often, by inlet like. Hltribtited to leinnle weiik neni r womb trouble tif tonne nort. The error ii.eM-iilv uimle nnd may lie ns easily avoided. To tlnd out cor rectly, set your iirlneusiilH for twenty four lioiirn, n ttediineiit r fettling indirates kidney or bUdiler trouble. The mild and tlm extraoil'iiHry elTect of Dr Kiliuer'r SwHinp-lloot, the ifreHt kidney, Hint bladder remedy ix soon rettlizeil. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At ilniif filcts (Iffy ueutH and one dollar' You limy have a sample bottle ml paiii plilet, both sent free by until. Men tion the Middlebtiru'li, Post hihI eend votlr nddrehK to lr. Kilmer & Co., Hinifhttiuton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the centiineness this offer nILDUD P01S0H Primary. ha onoaryorTaw curadlnlatoUdays. Yon saaba treated a BtimAMnlla uvwo.vr wiiv ijrM-v uiiufr aaoifl ruaraa ly . If yon prefer to on me hare we wllloos. tracatoaarrallmaiirainandlinuihiii. .... BbarM. If wa f ai I to cars. If yon have Uaan mer ry, lotllela rsotaah. and at III haea ai.ha Aiwt PLlaa,MaoaaVatrliea In mouth, Bore Throat, iaaplea, Copnar CoIotcmI Knula. i;lr T2',, "Sfr- Mslror Ryebrows falllna: at, M at tkls aaemdar liLoOU POISofl araaraatMloenra. Wa solicit thaasoatohatL a i..a tfcina I raaraot SBDHentam. A av. A baol at proofs arm aasjad oa iddnwa COOK REM KDYIMl Ml Maaoalo Taaspla, CUICAliO, ir.i" Divorce Notice. sams saaoai lats or r. rrsaaAST sii.ijs asr- DRSCOl'STV, rsMS . Whcrraa. William A llaaom. your liualund haa tiled a litx-1 In the Court of Common l'lraa of Hnyder county, la, of May Term. 1A No. I.V, pmyiiiB a divorce atraiiiM you, now you are herebv iiotifled and required 10 auiwitr In said court on or before Monduy, the IJth tlay of leccmhar, next o anawer tha eomnlntnt of tile id W illiain A. Ki.om. anil in uclauii of audi appearance you will be liable to nave a divorce g-ntnted in your alwnce. I s. i;i I I r.ll. nneri'i oi nvuer i o. 8'JerilTa Oftlce, Middli-burKh, l's , (K t. lull, 1M7 IIMIXISTKATOK'SNOTICK Lef- V tern of AiliiiiiilHtriition I n t h e eotsta ol Ban). K reamer lata id Middleoreek Tp.. fnyder oounty. f.i.. oie l, wurinif oeeii aniiiej to ihe utidniiKiial, all )eroo- kimiticz tein. eive Indebted to aatd e-Ule are rt?.,urH-d lu mke Immediate payment, while ItiO.i: havinu claim will preaeut theu duly aulheullealed to tne uodenlttned. A, D. KUKAMKK. U. B. KKEAUKK. Oct. 5, 1-W. Adm'ra. Klondike Ala-"!!"! Why not Ki t your atiore uf the irreut furtunea to be realist from the wonderful discoveries alread; made slid to t liiule In thla New Klou- dlkn Alaaka-Kldonado? THE WASHING TON GOLD FIELDS KXI'LOKATION t'OM- ?ANf under 1U c'laract T la suthorlird to I roa- pect for and soqUlre M nin Claims and Prop ertiea in t'-ie wonderful gold fields of KlOuUike and Alaaka. ImiueDae f'rtunes have already been realised and millions inure will l inula there. Will yott allow tills Kulde0 opportunity to pe you by? A le dullara Invented lu in this undertaking1 may lie Ihe foundation to your fortune. The r'JaB to the Wouder!atid nC eaviUtoa iuimediale scMoti. The flrat iu the field Uie first In fortune. No H,.t h opwrtunity boa ever leen pieaeuted to the jieope uf the present -e Deration aa la ottered In the Klon dike AlaakS Cold KielOa. All aliareboldeea re tlieir lull proportion of all profita. No ill i- desda are made on tx-k reiuaiuing unsold Mend jour orderaencloaing Una Oollar for eav.b a bare of fully paid up and noit aaaeaaahla atock deaired to the WAHUINUTON -OLI KIKI.IH KXflvOK ATION COMPANY, Tacotlia, Wa.li- ItiKtou. Tlte followinf Taooms dealera In aupplie for tlia Klondike and Ahwka trayla are hioekliold- era in ue Compan' and will in firm you reAard- lua the reliahlliir of fu olTiverS: Monty A Uuon, Groosrlas; A. K. Hoaka. Harneas Oi. MornaOroaa,Iryoodaaiid'loliiiis; W i. Row laud. OulfiUer; Huii FrIIU, Teuta ; Taeoma Hardware Co. 10-itS-l yr. Hln;riir Sale ol REAL ESTATE! By virtue of scertoin writ of Piara Facias la- auad out of tha llourt of Common rlesa af Any er soouly. fa-, aud to ina diravtad I will ooaa So liuMl sale 4 the Court llouaa In St 14 UWOurnMi, fm., oil naaurdsy, Imc. , fl at one o'clock u. aa., ilw ollowin( deavrload real to wit: All that oortalu tract of laud attuaaaia vVaaliliiarton towualilp. Hiirdcr coun ly. fa, bounded oa tha Nortii by land iA Alra Mai i jm w m. . vmm. " j v i. . uii tbs Mouth by aaod of f4r strata Slid Weal by Uad of noward Jouaa coiilainini' M auia utora vt laaa, wbaraou ara ateitad a dwalliiif llouaa, bank barn mu4 otlior outbulldlnna. BaSaaa), takes Into aiawMwi snd to ba aold aa I I Ai . 1 u I .... . I .. .... tbs proporty uf JoaWu Haaruir. V W TTKH. Wierlff. MbariCs oOUa, H4dU.IUf-h, fa., A'or S, ISV7 TiitriM)iiiK4r TakalavxatlvatiulMluaTablata. All IVMf- (lass raluua tus saouar w w laiia to aur. m. . t mi.lm. Vaj-Ts-HM WHw Csalav - Ouarasuad tobacco bsllt aura, btukaa ak mm awom, siovs Jva. tut, li. All liuMiat. POSUr. . '1 Head- I ueliation j BU&trora I VcKha i fferert assa cmaM and uuUlaiira th world for a I 4 osa aih ?oa..... It ! worth your while U to (tive atttptlon to aome rei.soiia wUt you ahmi l lie a reader of Tne PniLADKLrniA This Prei ia the ureatest home newspaper uf the United tStatea.; (it reirinl uf each ilny'a eveuts. Id all part of the rli. is more complete tuan that uf any other paper. It lias mi space fur sensationalism or anv thing tending to lower or. inoraj ton. A No other I'liilsdeliihin bsier has equal facilities lorob'aliilnv proiniit and ae. urule reiwrla nt neaa events lierever they may occur. Krportera lor 1 11 K I'M Km are in every amiini.ot Phila ilelpliln every duy ; Keelnl eorrekMimlenee In Til It I'KKsn are ata-ti.ine-1 at every county neat and iiuixirtnnt town iu IVnnavlvania Nr Jemey. Delaware and Usrylaiil. Hiul at every news centre III the United Plnti and the 0I1I world. No other Fhiltidclptiltt paper equals Tun 1'UKaw 111 Us "1'eclul lepiilti:i?iil the woman's pane; tke literary I'i'U1-; tin? murkei puge;tlie piijjeg devoleil to church news, school new, sncii'ty news. H. A. K. news, sporting news, etc. Tun 1'iiii-s in mi mlvniice of the principles of the He puluraii p-iity. im , it prints the news of all political 1 vci:l u.oie ;nll t! :m m.y other paper; lieuce Tiik fthuiilu ne 011r iper. im timtur what your political opin lite, il' ttm wui. '.ii l,e wt iiil'iiiiiit' l. The Phila in:i.nii.v I'l'Kri ptii.ls ui! tuc uewB all the tune. Seiiil 1.1 v 11 r uil lies. S niine copy uf Tim 1'kki will 1.0 uiiiii.' i !:ic. I; Mm are lair miixicii mmi will retnl it ii'oiilui ly. TlIK i.H.V I'i:k.s is uih i i tl tiiiilieiiliera lor $ii,tHI year t"i'ii 11 1.1. , mil) miuMi' ill 111. . nice; IliKMiNHAV i'KKsa $2 .VI :i ynu; I mi H.ul.Y nml H'Mnv I'liKhN, $S tHl 11 yenr (75 els a ntlii; I uu 1:1 k l.Y I'uKS,. 1 ion ),.r. . lilicriil eominia- Men iMillnweil to i.t iMiiia m ii.i aolieit auliM-riiiioiia or la pcrHona ulio uill plaee 'lim 1 noson .nle In liH'nlitiea where lliere are 110 tu iil Atlilrew "TIIK i'fiKSS," I'liiliiilulpiiiu. P11 L. 2 A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' sboes is a pleasaut voyage afoot, For tie pleas ure it gives, there s no sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the ii-otioer imlMUt illld llOHf ilt- ting Suunuer shoes now niiin nfactured, at prices wbiuh buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. lor house or street wear, pleasure or every-uay practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, wo supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claiiiM yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. Aa latperlasl loeatloii. ir emir Irlenda or iiftlirhiKini are suftarlnir from coiitfu. colds, aors throat, or any throat or I una 1lwailli''ludlnt( conaiiiiiptloii), Bk llicm II they have ever uwd OtUi'n (.'urn. Tlila luinoua i.rif.Mn romitflv la liHvliiir a luruo fcululierei and Is uwloruilnir aouiu wondi-rliil riirea t t hnnit ud HiUK dIaHaavs. W. II Hpaniflor, Hlddlelturv ; M. Irtlin:k, M. I)., VI. HKa.ant Mills. wIIIkIvp you a sample buttle Irwt. No matter what oilier medlcluiis have fnlh-d to uo. try Otlu's euro. Uk alM 1 sud tO'ts. Kvsrrbodf Bay Ko. CasraroU Candy Catliartln, Uia moat won. oVful modlcal discovarrof tlia sk, ploaa tu and rrresliltiir to 111 Utata, a:l Ruiiuy and poal lively on kwluoys, liver and towels, I'liiniiaiuir tha antlra avsum. dlanol colds, cura liAavJaulia, Invar, tiahllual roiiMlpatloo and lilllonaixiaa. J'lraaa buy and try a box of O. (!. CI. to-day; ID, KVt, M) lenu. Hold and gusraut- to euro by all druityltU, . ILEARN 'A " 4M O H art ' M c : ta f! " I tlll!!H TIELi6E.AP.3V Milium WW "f F'frJ, Annpf iu. vvi.w.itArn nczwoi leVtououi Vrnnmut 77" Remember n SELINSG110VE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r I keep constantly on liaiidaii'l man itiiiiittire to order all kinds uf Marble and Granite liids Ami HeaistH! Old Stonec Cleaned and Repaired- LOW FHICE8 ! LOW PRICES I havo on of tha best Marble Cut ters In the State and couseuueutly tururtut good work. IVCoitie and see my workt price". Tliaokftil for past favors 1 most re peptfnilv Htk a ooDtlnnance of same, M. L. MILLER PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. flBnblirV AtZaasn'aoyru Divislou. In effect Nov 15, l&W. WaSTVfASO DtS. STATIOW. aT pm pa A. 1. sin 4.87 H.ut Lewlitown J. I i.Hi ixoj Main Street ;ai ii 1J.IW IjSWlitOWD T.-i 4il lUl t Maltlsnd 7.4:1 4.1S 11.46 8 Painter IM 4.10 U.4G 11 Shlndle 7 61 11.06 H.U 11 Wanner 7..v IM llM 11 Moolnre M 3 49 11.10 u Kaab'aMllla 8. 3.48 1112 l Adamaharx ! 8.19 3SH ll.Od' St BeSTertown 1 3.W 1U.6 W l)cnlr i .34 3.K1 10.51 3 MlilillaharKa I hM 3.17 10.45 s MeUer xir. 114 io.:w J? Kresmer I iv .110 ilo.Si su ; Pawlloti KM i.u-l Hi.as 48 ! SellD'Krove ' v" iftT lo.ii 44 Mellninrove J. vm- Ki.ua f.t i 8umiurT . . ' in 8. IM - I 1 IAS J.S 4111 , 4.14 1.14 I l 4.1' 1.1' I'd 111 I Trains leave Lewistown Jtuictiou: 4 58 s m, 10 13 s m,1237 P m,5 27 1 in .7 iC 11 SP Altoona. Plrtjihnp un.l tlm WanL. l'nU.lii........i 1U...I.1 .. u 'lr. a 11 ttl -v. miiiiiiuiD.U'i urn lUKiuii . - I 8 4 II. 1 IV! p iu For I li llHtlel 1 1 mi l York 833 3-ls ra, 1W 1 US 4 41 and HHpm' nurriauurK Warn sud 8 H p in Philadelphia & Erie R R Division AND NOKTIIKKN fUNTUAL KAIL" A' rnlna lenvo Sunhurv dallv exnunt SumUr : . !!. a in lor WilllMiniiiort and I'nimn.l ui'Ji S la in lor llellelontd Erlsand t;iiiiiida 'U 9 41 a in lor Look Haven, Tyrone wi'i th I 10 li in tor Hi lirlonte Knno & Csiiawlaim 5 4"p ui lor Heooro and tlinlrii Uliin lor l.elr Hnvan Suiidiiy S 13 a in for Krie and din ni'l ils'1' utSaui lor Lock ituven ant i'. ,jr ' llaumiiori 3 21 a ui lor t 'hUwImh snd Ilnnlt'i'i A H n in 0 s. a in an.l A 1:1 II 111 lur 7 10 1 m, lo !ttl a in, '4 p ui, 6 4' in kin and Mount Curinel Sunday IS 00 a m lor Wllkdabur.-i' i raina leave nenngroru jmr -, 10 00 s tn, Muuk days nrrivlnir t ' "" ,',. tt.Minm Uni. V.t.li ft l, III 111 HllUUri) ' vvaoiiuKtun m pin 541 li in duilv arrii liiK a I'll Hinlo! iiltl . .... 11 IS p m New York 8 M a in. Msl'lmor "r H 40 p in week day arrivInK l 4 B0 in, Nnw York 7 81 a id I Trit'uiftl'O lenv. HunDiiry 1 60 sin dully urrlviiu at l'lnlnluliii'l ... HiilliilliiruO iO a in WitalilnKtou """T, a ao a iu uaiiv arrivni4 hi riinni-1 ,jLu ton Hi 1 am ui.il'fliin Iew I urn I to II n llllltiliiuriiau.ii"-' a 8.1 inn, wnck day. arrlvln; r 111 imii. Nuw Voik WHO u ui, Kslt""""!' WaaliliiKton 7 18p Ul M4 1 I'm n. u ui ..v. Nllnll irr HL y.v- and t Wl p it, lor HarriahiirK, r"" .lit null i mure .i.aa j . n w'tr i B IIUTlMIINriUN, Han't !' A Nhwrtf'Utlo lira-Ill' , To try locursoonNilinitlon iy '"Ti'L.,? rri llko woiuif round In a cln-ln. V u " tll, url no puini solium, imii, uiiiy K"' " (,y Hj"J iro llfiriVH ynu a saiunle uai!kuK fri kfi and auula. m wa aaaa aaaa laiikets, i curry combg, bruHhcn of S ito waro, tubs, bucket s 1 vnu will hn i'nnvindtt, r v n any where in the cow Varncr. i IliK IMillli'. A lioiiiT-i II ...rillOCTI t:diiry Klnif, fiiB tMilchraU'd nmii'd) I hliaxl, sliimiuihu, liver and kHli" '7 ytnlif rfKiihtUiN uia hownlH. W. II. l "V'Jlul u i orili I U Idillinik. M. ).. Ml. la"'.,..J Artirtafa mg num. xabAsaA T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers