Published every Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. Well must be nnlrt in advance when lent out side the county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. AU transient nrtvprtt:ym.?nt3 not otherwise contractea for will ne clmrirl at I lie ri ot is cents per line moniutrlel measure) for flntt lnser uon aiiij 10 ceuts per line lor every subsequent tf Death notvej pMukedfret ; obifuary fotrxj, tn'6u(u of refect, ttc, three eentt lint. Tbnrsday, July 1, 1897. Continued rrom Flrat lne. but soon it nuot up into the air away above the derrick. It was a body of crude oil 7J inches in diameter. It rushed forth for nearly a minute, then it slacked up and was thrown up only 10 or 12 feet when a new im petus seemed to strike the column and up again it went like a mad de mon trying to icach the stars. The beuutiful amber column as it ascend ed and fulling to the ground in gold en uprny was indeed a sight for fully :W persons of our party who had never witnessed such a grand spec -tilde. It lusted only two minutes, but the sight win ho grand, beuuti ful and rare that the loug car ride, tircsomu walk and thn tedious wait dropped into iusiguificauce in com parison with this brilliancy and grandeur. At 4:2!) we returned to Bradford. At 7:00 p. in. a business meeting was held in the Lyceum. Senator l'.iner.v's llorrptlon. Th hospitality of the people of Bradford was so general among nil the citizens that it seems hardly fair to single out any particular individ ual for special ment ion, yet if wo did not, we would fall far short of our duty to Hon. L. Emery, Jr. He is known not only as the money king of that region, but the prince of on tainers, whoso gonerosity is suffi cient evidence that ho is none of the class of miserly rich men. Ho came to Bradford in 18W with a debt of $64,000 on his shoulders, haviug lost that amount in sinking dry wells in the Titusville region. No one scarce ly attempts to estimate his wealth He owns numorous oil wells, owns a large refinery in Bradford, a large block in Bradford and a store in the same, an immense wheat farm in Dakota, a largo interest in the pipe line that u worth glOO.OOO.OOt) a mu seum that cost him thousands o dollars to collect while travoling four years in Europe, Asia aidv Egypt, and shares and stocks in many oth er industries. Conservative esti mates havo placed the value of his property at $5,000,000. For eight years he served his district in the State Senate and ho is about the on ly man in the state who had the valor to lead in a desperate fight against the Standard Oil Co. Such a man being blest with millions might bo considered too Laughty and proud to extend the hand of cordiality to poor editors. Tho dis position of Senator Emery is quite tho opposite. lie invited our entire party and nil the people of Bradford who wished to attend. About 100 people attended tho reception at his magnificent homo on CougreHS street. The largo veranda was lit up with largo incandescent lights. The Senator himself met the guests and introduced them to Mrs. Emery and his daughters. Tho guests were giv en the bberty of tho house. A tem porary addition was added to the house covered with canvass to serve luncheon in. At tho one end of this sat Jamison's Orchestra, who fur nished music for those taking lunch eon. In another room was Senator Emery's large Ochestrion that fur. nished music for the other guests and for dancing. The walls of his house aro covered with hundreds of paintings of tho best artistic talent the world has ever known. There is scarcely a spot left on tho walls of his large house to hang another pic ture. In fact wo believe his resi dence contains more paintings by talented artists than any other pri vate residence in the United States. These togother with an immense stortopticon furnished ample enter tertaiumeut for th 400 guests. Largo bowls of lemonade und claret were in evidence und choice cigars wero freely offered while in the lunch room hosts of waiters served the guests with sandwiches, coffee, bherbet, ice cream, etc. In fact the fat of the land was at our dis posal. Tho Sixteenth Regiment Band camo to serenade the Senator and his guests. The Senator invited the band in for refreshments. The reception was converted into adanco in which both young and old partici pated. It Was long after midnight when we sought our rooms at the hotel and we did so with the feeling that it is a blessing that some rich men are not misers and that they get pleasure in making others happy. KM t Imi Cltjr, X. T. On Thursday morning -there was a go-as-you-please program. We visited the Mason io temple, Senator Emery's Museum and other places of interest. Rockwell, the Florist presented our party with boquets. In fact boquets were showered up on us. At one o'clock the Olean, Bock City and Bradford Electric R til way Company placed a lot of cars at our disposal aud invited ev irybody to tike a ride over their new road to Rock City, N. Y. The road had just been completed and this was the first trip. Four large cars were tilled and the road beinx a heavy grade, the trip up the inouu tain was a slow and tedious one te- quiring almost two hours to travel 13 miles. Rock City is appropriately named. Here the visitors were giv en a view of the wondrous rock formations which stand as monu ments to a pre-historic upheaval of the earth or a sinkiug of the valley which "winds its sinuous course along," beneath the cliffs of that wild and beautiful spot. The scenery was greatly enjoyed by all who-viewed it, and the opening of the moun tain electric road was a side feature that lent additional interest to the outing. It is not altogether the safest plan to take the first ride on a new road as wo learned from ex perience. On our way up a hand car got away from some men und coming down the mountain ap proached our car. The motormau seeing the hand car, reversed the car we were riding on, This was dono so quickly and tho car began to run down hill. Fearing that something was wrong with tho trol loy, a number jumped oft". The car was stopped without mishap. The sousation of the day, however, oc curred on the return trip. Tho mountain is very steep and the road very crooked. Our car being the last one was only half-filled. For tunately for us that it was not load ed any heavier. At the top of a long and heavy grade the trolley jumped the track and this would not work the Westinghouse air brakes any more. The speed became faster aud faster and for more than 3 miles down that mountain our car ran be yond control at the rate of (SO miles an hour. No one jumped from the car, all preferring to take chauces of saving life on the runaway car. A few hundred yards down the hill an other car was standing. Our motor mau signaled for them to get out of the way, but it was some time before those ahead understood the real situation, but understanding it they soon made themselves scarce. By this time the hand brakes were pulled ou hurd aud for the first time in a 5 miles ride the car was under control, ine occupauts ot the car were pretty well shaken up and ev ery one was ready to acknowledge that they were pretty badly scared. Here more boquets were showered upon us by Florist Sago. We were all in a good humor to vow never to use a mountain trolley road again for the first time. f Tilt limiiirt. After pertaking of supper, we en joyed a bicycle rule about the city. At i) o'clock we went to tho banquet given by tho Board of Trade. By ten o'clock 430 people were seated at the tables. Jamison Orchestra was seated on the stage aud furnished music. The repast consisted of a host of excellent dish os. A rose adorned every plate. At eleven the speech making began and was presided over by Senator Emery. It lasted until half-past one- This was not a very desirable part of the program as we had to be ready next morning to take a special train for Niagara Falls at 7:30. Trip to Xlnxnrn t'nll. Arising early next morning only short while after retiring we boarded a special train in charge of B. R. and P. R. R. which ran to Buf falo 72 miles without stop except to A NEW TRIUMPH. The lrenlel 4'onMimptlon 4 mi le t urtsi. . A. Sloctim, the Great Chemist and Scientist, v HI send to SuUerers. Three Kree Ilottleg of 1118 Newly Dlwovered Kemeillen to Cure Coii Humpilon and ai: Lung 1 roubles. Nothlnc could be talrer, more iihllantronlo or parry mote joy to the anilcted, than the (feuer ous oiler ol tho honored and dlstliiKiilshed chem ist, r, a. biocum, -M. t.., oi .wi urn uity. e baa discovered a reliable nnd absolute cure tor consumption, and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, cuturrlial affections, eenerul decline ni.d weakness, loss of llesh ahd all con ditions of w.istlnif away, and to niiilce its ercat merits known, will send three free bottles ot his newly discovered remedies to any mulcted read- of the 1'ost. Already his "new sclcntMc avstetn ot medl Ine" hat permanent W cured tliousuuds of un- pu-ently huoeless enm-i. The Poctor considers It not onle his nrofen. aiouiil, but his religious duty a duty which he ownes to sutlcrln humanity Judonul) liH In fallible cure. lie has provided the "dreaded consumnilon" to lie a curable dlsea-e beyond a doubt, lu anv cllinate, and baa on tile In his American and European luboratortcs thousands of heartfelt testimonial of trratltude" (rum those beuetltted and cured, In all parts ot the world. Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles lead to con sumption, and consumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain deuth. Don't delay unUI It la too late, Simply write T. A. Sloeuin. M. O , W line Street, New York, glvlug express and posuinV address, and the Tree medicine 111 be promptly aenu Please tell tbe Uuctor Ret water. At Buffalo the N. Y. Central and Hudson Hirer Railroad Go. took the train in charge and landed us at Niagara Falls at ten o'clock. Weengagod a surrey and immediately crossed the suspension bridge and went over into Canada. Here we went down to the base of the Falls. Here as nowhere else is realized the terrific irresis. able pow er of falliug water,. while the marvel of nature's handiwok fills and iu Bpiies with reverence and awe for the Great Artificer who made it all. Theu we recrossed the bridge and visited iu turn Qoat Island, Luna Island, and Three Sisters Island. On our return we stopped at Pros pect Point. As we did so aud were just leaving our carriage, a negro in formed Ub that a man bad just leap ed over the Falls. Sure enough only five minutes before a man stepped out to the corner of the precipice and hauded a note to a lady. She refused to take it, so he dropped tbe note on the walk and climbed upon the wall. He stood iu an attitude that some spectators think he was prayiug and the next instant he was going headlong down the precipice, ICS feet, with the falling water. He passed from sight iu an instant and no ouo bothered about him. The note was written on a brown piece of paper and contained this mes sage: "OodBlesall on Eirth and have Mercy ou my Sole." The spell ing was as is indicated. Tbe mau win about 50 years of ago and was evidently distressed and tired of lifo. We wore told that 50 persons in the hist 11 years committed sui cide at tho very same place. Eating our dinner we took tho cats of tho Great Gorge Route and rode to Lowistou on L ike Ontario passing the Great Whirlpool, the Buttery Rapids nnd Devil's Hole;. The sight is a rarity. Returning to Niagara Falls, wo took our train at 4:30 ar riving iu Bradford at 7:35. At nine o'clock we boarded a special train of sleepers aud arrived in Sunbury at 5 o'clock Saturday morning nnd Middloburg at 10:30. We would like to give some information about the oil industry, but for want of space muit defer it to a later period. W. M1DDLECKEEK. Ilnrvestlni; and haymaking are In full blast at present The funeral of Joseph Hasslncer on Saturday list was largely attended. We no ticed Mr. IlasMlnu'er and Mrs. Drecse, two of his children from Kiinss. present Rev. Slu ma and wife were In our village last week Alvln Clsh made a' builnesa trip to Sunbury and Shnmokln on Saturday Henry Maurer and Amnion ockcr Intend to work through harvest near Lewlstown Nelson Appof Sellusgrove and Grant Yoder of Olobe Mills were visiting Oscar Sbtiltz's and Alvln I'lsh's over Sunday S. Stelnlnger of Lewlstown was noticed In our vicinity last week Any person wnnttng to buy a piece of liny on the held will do well to address, Bjx 30, Mlddlccreek. Pa, HOW TOTND OUT. Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evideuce of kidney trouble. Too fre (iient desire to urinate or pain in the buck, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WH AT TO IM. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy fulfills every wish in relieving pain iu tbe back, kidneys, liver, blud der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold uriu and scaldinir puin in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wineoi beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compell ed to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stauds the high est for its wonderful cures of tbe most distressing cases; If you need a med icine you should have the best Sold by druggists price iiftv cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pbiu iinei, uoiu sent, iree Dy mall, mention Post and send your full nost-offlce auuress io ur. lunner a uo.. JJInc t) am ton, N. . The lironrietors of this paper guarantee tbe trenuineneHu Of 11)18 oiler. Insist on the Genuine WEST BEAVER. The prop business seems to be Improving with W. K. Howell of late as he hus a few extra teams hnullng besides his regular teams Miss Susie Hull of Lewlstown had been visiting seme of her Snyder county friends last week W. Beaver expects to be well represented at Lewis- town on the 5th of July to take In the big parade that I to come off on that day H. llouser ol Crossgrove moved to MeClure In the house he the Lowell store Mrs. Lizzie Kerns of lllulr J county Is homo with her father, A. Buumgardner, and expects to be here a few weeks visiting her mends bd. Komlg, one of tur township boarders, has bis borne now with Emanuel Wag ner, one of the ovorseore Geo. Krcbs hns the best Held of corn In tho township Lowell expects to be one amongst tho most wonderful places on the face of tbe globe on the 3rd, 4tb and 5th of July. Tho eomuilttee on arrangements are trying to have Ex-candlduto Bryan here to distribute Iree silver, Admission to the big tent free ; sideshow 10 cents The report Is thut our old friend. Peter Hoffman, started to Cuba last week. If he only gets bock In time to have his cider baircta tilled this fall for his many friends, it will be all nht. lu m s " L Hi nl 1i r it Mi"" i Best Cuogb Sjrrupi, Tau (kwd. Cm I in lima. Bold by dniggtuU. I Chicago, The best Washing Powder made. Best for all clean ing, does the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. Largest package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, fit. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. DON'T SACRIFICE .... Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that guarantees von long and satisfactory service : .i.-va ww""1 ' J. TV Wljite. Its beautiful figured wood work, durable construc tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, foiiplt'd with tlic Fiiust St't dftcel Attachment.', makes it tiio Eost Desirable Machine ia the Market. FRANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDLEliUKGlI, PA. lJfSoijd for our beautiful htilf-toue cutalogue. -i-Fire, Lije ar)d A(;cidr)b-j-Ir)snrar)ce. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGRQVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Better the World over. FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $43,000,000.00 naruoru, oi mrtiora, uonn., (.oldest American uo.) 8,645,735.62 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 5,588,058.07 ( Continental, New York, 6, 754,908. T2 German American, New York, 6,240,098.83 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,638,983.66 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., Office on Market Street, Selinsgrove, Pa Great Reduction Sale of p FIBH T II For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF. FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not 6elling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above any pre vlous year. We give a few of the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suits fl4.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2 25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits lfl.OOIWoven Wire Mattress 173 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed Springs 125 Plush Parlor Suits 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft 'eO Wooden Chairs per set 2.50. Platform Rockers 2 50 In stock, everything In the furniture line, iucluding Mirrors, Rook Cases. Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers, Baby Chair Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Cam Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before giving your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. " Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBURQH, P ierelyoHiettlia t? Why At Oppenhe liners' SELINSGROVE, PA. J There is only one House in the County where you can got such Nobby Styles At present we are carrvinu a full lino o Dandy Shirts in Colors and White, Laundried and unlaundricd couaBs, cum, ftows, ms, and all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Qoods, HATS AND CAPS in Straw and Wool, Nobby line at Fine Shoes. Don't fail to see our Russetta, all the latest Styles. Come and soe our large stock of Spring Novelties in the Ready Made Clothing Line. .. . mi. t ami we Is we want you to IwMinelwtJ juauuwi wiui our .rk WE ARE DEALERS iiiVUKY THING Grmwus, Dry G.khIs, IVk.i,, J and odvari'. Our specialty is to suit J ninl w mt 1..... 1 , i 'l "' niui what wc have, you'll .want. Look at theso i.J a:.!'' mm sir " hi t We Uuve a ll ol lient. pin-,. .Mill(l, T. Inch tllll'lt HfllllW ....I ... n. ." 1 '0 I. TlVlllH, StunUllltl'., Slsi-Ml Bl n 3 Vi. Culliii.U.nourraM'Vrf!? CLOTHING. Alcn's good dross Suits, 12, onlv 1 .1 -. fc"U Ull'M MIHS ; I,,. ID, only 2.00. 1 1 , 1 ZkllTllU' .1 . UilW Mills jijj. 14, only 1.00. r...... ii limits, Ii4 to 42, 7,V. Men's till" dress pants, 04 J Boys' knee pants. 1 to 14. in I Men's good heavy working J ,50 inches long, 2,c. toJJOc. Dry Goods. Stop, look lit our fancy niliiJ staple Calico, 4c. a vanl. All best indigo blue calico oc. All Apron Umelmins. ik All Fancy dress ginghams, 5c. I x&my percals 3b inches wid to'Jc. Also a lull line of Ftincv X, Dress Goods, White (ioodJ and all O. X. T. Spool (J c. a spool. GOODS SOLD AT BEDUCED 4 Here we are, just ivtimiwl Xew York and Philadelphia the largest and latest st vlis H I ever had before and wc arc at half-price fur what a gnu! buyers are paying for it. SHOES. We can sell vou Shu lower prices than vu can buy elsewhere Men's fine dress shoe Jliilarc ress, Go to 05c. Men's heavy working Oil Palarc Congress, !." to We. Ladies' Xo. 1 Knniraroo Shi or Piitton, 4 to 7, !'"c Ladies' Xo. 1 fine dress or Button, 4 to 7, Ji.". Boys' and Mcsscrs, Lice erf 75 to 1.00. Youths fine shoes, Luc or i 50 to 75e. Children's Shoes, Lace cr ' 25 to 50c. lieang. Lima. no. mr II) . n 11m. for i- Huuiw, 80. Der lb.. llw. lor S5c. ruN Honey. Itc. per nt. Sue. kit cal.. fi Syrup, tfc. per qt., 80c. per gul, Pure . yvr iu, 10c, per gil. Call nnd sec these Great liu in Slioes In'fore you bnv. 1 1 we can please you am! m money. OOFFKE. 4 lbs. Lion coffee for 4Sc. lwr lb. Arbuekles 4 lbs. for 4Sc. or 1 Mv own brand 3 lbs. for -1 . 15e. a lb. Java ami Itio loose roa-itii! lor 50c. or 15c. a Ik Chocolate ISc. SUGARS. 13 lbs. light Brown 5(V. 11 llw. soft White "'. 11 lbs. fine grnnuh'tcd r'111'' Baking SimIu 5c a !! t'uni 8c. or 3 lbs. for 20c. Call to See Our Carw MARKET PRICI 1. .... it.. Vm4 Side Meat, Gc.' I1 Chickens. 8c- Hrt Shouhk, c. J Pi H. UAtJW ' NEWBSBUN.f you taw his oner la the 1'ost. THIRffl3Xl.. oollnOsr ovo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers