Id) SteHHIERfc( Alt - ?L00K AT THE LABEL - X The date, printed titer rotir name, on the label ef tui puMr.ahowiUi urn to wliloU your aubacrtp. ttun baa been paid. -Prtce per Year, 11.59. only about iwHUUonery. W if Sis? s NaT' iblt lit ml tow; iceul latin I JIT. I ipkrl Inks. n boot I dfbUil vtoul fly uwttl cum I etc R CDlUCtl- iMiIUm i Hoi It) 1CTII 11, P ,W,r L. fl! P Lj0. WAOKWSELLKB, ST B TOE U EMS of LOCAL INTEREST PS would notify us by poatal or by jlintn Crash for Ladies' Suits at W.Solinsgrove. at. jiM Clrs Spitler is spending eev. JwekH at Shamokm. Silk Hose at 25c. a pair at ci'.Seliusgrove. 2t. ud Bowersox last week was the itol friends at Williarnsport. ill Bargain Day at Weis', Se- :0t. Saturday, July 24. 2t. kiE. Soles is spending the jt Freeburg, visiting relatives. Lj.W. Runkle and family vis it C.Seeolds at Sunbury last iioodoountry dry beef will ilea on subscription at this Gertrude Dunkleberger is her many friends in Sha ll Joseph Scharf of Bayard, W. t Tiiiting Potter's and Mo- March, Maron f. day, m .u.M.Wj G bug HE cW URVE'l s are m' ith econooT ie Roller led Crank Rut"10 alT ' i'iFncy Shirts for 32o, 37c it Usurer's, New Berlin. ibirtiforSOoand 17o. Krteeer of MilleEsburg,spent dtys in Middleburgh since our im.' I say I will sell cheap I itUap. Come and see. L. Doxkxibiboib. Heiier is still buying calves Ipmeot. Highest cash prices Mlctlnem. tr. display of Fancy Shirts at Wheimer's, Selinsgrove, will it greatly reduced prices. 3t, tutor of the Post and wife W risited relatives at Hartle- IHueppa, Union county, Pa. wind Royal Fisher of Wil VtiregueBts of their grand u. freezer and family. loin the Special Sale of foods and Linings at Weis', pe, Saturday, J uly 24. 2t. lev tax on foreign laborers Ji lots of business for the tion courts all over Penn- new 23 inch Morgan !c puck Repair Tires will be nolesale prioe. Inquire poonoi Akron, Ohio, a ISnjder Cnunt.ian ia inmul Weeks viBiting friends in I Edna Smith, Mary and pnofSslinsgrove recent Hto John F. Stetler's P Mo Williams of MVa. jw into our village on WO WhethflP ttlAra vraa yeugious improvement nce. Vuks and John SVitnfnn I HDnnoa o1 i i vifuau ouuuui it. . . meir vacations in Mid- ""wmer with his uncle, ia the latter with his d'inStetler. fTU): To dnlinit jnln,. P'wd sickness) old re r& urplus over $24,. fJPfofits assured. Ref- fttn Bex. Socutt, Duluth, Minn. On tha Avon. Fourth of July :e and elegant Waa Mnf nt band furnished f the last legisk. 11 for did not have the m did those bi bills of ex- flTlil the spoil.;, n MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO.. PA., THURSDAY. JULY 15. 1897. vnTWl AM BF COUHTHY J0UHAU8M. TIHIE AUVDBATE OF TlllffWlliiawf n Maurer, New Berlin, sells the best calicoes at 3, 4 and 5 cents. Old style washable suits in great variety for boys from 8 to 9 years at O. Uppenheimer s, Selinsgrove. 3t Dr. A M. Smith and wife of Bea ver Springs were at the county seat on Saturday between trains. Mrs. Herman of Osceola Mills was the guest of W. 0. Snyder and fam ily on Pine street several days last week. Thomas Hosterman of Woodward. Centre county, who formerly lived neiM, was in town over Sunday vis iting his many friends. DruggiBt W. H. Spangler on Sat urday went to Centre county in an swer to a telegram stating that his father had a sun stroke. Mrs. George Lumbard and son, Keller, and Miss Maud Keller of Se linsgrove visited friends and rela tives in town over Sunday. Miss Jennie Keller of Beaver Springs was entertained by her young friend, Miss Bessie Smith, at tnis place Saturday and Sunday. C. H. Steininger of this place has brought a stalk of oats that was raised in his lot. It was sowed 83 days ago and measures 5 feet. Who can beat it t Notics Those who owe us for meat bills are requested to pay the same prior to August 1st, 1897, or they will be" collected according to law. Mbisib & Mover. Oil Stoves for Summer cookino- Blue Flame. No black pans. Throws out do neat. All heat is concentrat ed for cooking. Call on W. E. Stahl oecker, Middleburgh. tf. Last Thursday H. Burns Smith went to New Ken sine ton. near Pitta, burg, to accept on 30 days' trial a position in a bank at that place. We wisn the young man success. Mrs. Harriet Smitn and dauchf r. Alice, and Miss Lillian Stetler left last Thursday evening for a several days' trip to Philadelphia and Cam den. On and after Julv 3d. the, A canflacr will have 45 Stara will be six rows. The first, third and fifth rows will have eight stars each, and the second, fourth and sixth will nave seven each. Dr. Bmbin is the proudest fellow on the face of the earth. A young patriotic son dropped in at his res idence on Independence day in the morning. Motner and son are do ing well. Milton T. Orwig, telegraph opera tor and ticket agent at Houtzdale, on Saturday visited his uncle, Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife at this placo. He bought a brand new Columbia bicycle 92 gear and consequently made good time. Ladiis, Have you seon my hand some line of Embroideries ? I have about three hundred yards that must be told and can be bought at the very loteest prices. In fact my entire line of goods must go. Libbii Dckkeldebqeb'8 Millinery. During the thunder storm Julv 1. lightning struck the barn of John Zieber, near Globe Mills, and com pletely destroyed the same with 40 tons of hay. Insurance $ 1200. The house of James Boush at Kreamer was struck during this storm and oow belonging to Wm. Freyman was killed. Our semi-annual Special Sale of Drees Goods and Linings will tai place Saturday, J uly 24th. As usual we will allow a discount of 20 nor cent, on all dress goods and lininm purchased for cash on the above mentioned day.- 8. Weis. 3t, , r Selinsffrove. Pa ' BucksKLi, Univebsity J. Howard Harris, President College, with four courses of study leading to de grees t Academr. a nrenaraUr school i Ladies' Institute, a refined boarding school ; Musio Sohool for both sexes: and Art Studio. For catalogue, addrnss the Registrar, W. u. uretcinger, Lewisburg, Pa. . T.tftV:"'. The Republican State convention will meet at Harrisburg August 20. If all manufactured goods were as much in demand as bicycles every mechanic would have employment. . To Be Given Away July 22. 23 and 24 for a little cash, greatest bargains I have ever offered. Do not miss it. L. DONEILBEKOER. Postmasters are now instructed to hold letters for thirty days unless a notice on the corner of the envelope asks for them to be returned sooner. Ws print envolopes. Mr. James L. Miller, of Snyder town, haa an old German Bible print ed at Frankfort, in 1G0C. The book is in a good state of preservation and is highly prized by its owner. Ira Ulan and family of Millersburg spent several days in Swineford the guests of Azariah Kreeger and A H. Ulsh and families. Mr. Ulsh is very successfully conducting the grist mill at Millersburg. A Neighboring oounty editor re cently wrote a strong editorial on patronizing home industries and merchants, and one of the store keepers of the town wrote him a letter of thanks on a letter head prin ed in Brooklyn. Many bicyclists habitually have their wheels where they will be ex posed to strong sunlight. This will very soon take all the life and elasti city out of a tire and do it more dam age than many thousand miles of rid ing would. P. M. Schoch and wife of New York City age the guests of M. K. Schoch ana family in Swineford. Mr. Schoch has not been in Middle - burg for many years and his faoe still seems familiar to his many friends at this place. Lank Hare gave to the Middle. burgh Base Ball Team the use of a very desirable field for the use of the boys to play games and practice. This shows a very magnanimous spirit on the part of Mr. flare and one that others might do well to emulate. Governor Hastings signed the Hamilton Road bill. Some "Sweet day" when the people elect a leormU. lature that leaves a few cents in the State treasury its provision may be put into effect and amount to some thing practical. On Saturday Mr. Sneer, the r porter of the Bellefonte Gazette, was a visitor in our town between trains. The scribe was shown the town by our classical student, A. F. Gilbert, who lost no time in nhowinir llm brilliant uewspaper man all points of interest about our city. Mr. Speer was much pleased with the town. He is Tom Harter's right hand man and says that our predecessor is getting along nicelr at Center noun. ty's Capital. A. Georgia editor recently penned the following obiturarr notice of a man by the name of James Brown : Poor Jim slung his earthlv irar. ments on a limb and swam thn rivnr yesterday. He didn't stand back but plunged right in : and struck out for the other shore, where the angels were waiting for him with a finer suit them he ever wore in this life. Jim was a poor man, but he had his subscription paid up on his home pa per and got there in great shape." And SOW it is Rev Prof. .TflAnh Yutzy, D. D., of Susquehanna University. Hart wick Seminary. Xw York, having very justly given him the degree. This is not merely an hon - orary compliment, but is a well-ner-ited conferment of the degree upon an eminently well-qualified gentle man. We congratulate Our frinnrl upon this pleasant and deserving event and most sincerely commend the institution for its wise selection of a candidate upon whom to confer this honorary title. If all the gentle men whom they doctor, are as worthy of the title as it Dr. Yutzy, the board of dir Angora of Hart wick Seminary will never be called upon to regret their action ia conferring degrees.- Tribuns. Amos Hoffman. Several weeks ago we published a notioe of the death of Amos Hoffman and we learn that we made some er rors in the same. We spptmd a no tice written by J. F. Hoffman as follows : He was the father of eiht sons and two daughters ml of which sur vive him as well a Mrs. Hoffmau, the mother of the above children. Five of the sons served in the Uoion Army at the clone of tho Rebellion. Henry served in the 8th III. cavalry during the war. Cupt. Thomas sorv ed 8 years in the 72 Regt., Baxters Zouaves, and Jacob F. served in the 26th Regt. and later on T. W. and J. Y. Recruited Co. A 208 Regt. and served with Johu II. as the drummer boy of the Selinsgrove Band at Uohed to the Regt. E. A enlistod in the 104 Regt. and served until the close of the war. f. W. beoame the Capt of Co. A 208 and ). F. the 1st Lieut., and was made the adjutant, but prefering the more active ser vice returned to the Co. at Bermuda Hundred, Co. A was the principal skirmish Co. of the 3rd Division, 9th Corns. Hirtranfts. T. W. and J V lead the advance of the division on the Weldon Raid, the Capt. being in obarge of the skirmish aomnanina A and F., while J. F. was in com mand of the advance guard preced ing the skirmish and on the return of the Regt. J. F. received the de tail of Ass't Corps commissary which he declined by Gen. Hartranft was in command of the Co. at Hatchers Run and Fort Stead man, where he was wounded. T. W. acted as ma. fftr of the Regt at Ft. Steadman and was brevetted Major for his gallant services and was detailed by Hart ranft as Engineer Officer of the Div. and was brevetted Lieut. Col. for meritorious services in front of Ft. Sedgwick in the taking of Peters burg, April 2nd, and afterward re ceived a medal of honor for above stated services. Tuos. W. aud J. F. being the senior officers of the Ret. both served on military commissions and court raai tiala during the time they were attached to Gen. J. F. Hartranfts divisions. j. f. n. Mare Girls Wanted at the Northum berland Cap Factory. The proprietiors have large orders cn hand that will require additional help at once. Forty girh and wo men wanted now. The work is clean, light and easily learned, and opera tives can in a very short time earn from $2.50 to $3 por week, aud more if apt in learning. Pay in cash every two weeks. These orders must be fill ed and if we cannot get enough help here a large part of the work must be done elsewhere. Northumber land has vacant houses that can be rented cheap. Families wanting to locate can secure work for their daughters at once, as the Cap factory firm are increasiug their business so that they can give girls permanent employment. They have GO girls employed now and can give employ ment to 150. Persons desiring em ployment will please apply to fore man of factory, or to W. H. Morgan, EL W. Hummel or Rev. A. N. Warner for information. 7 15-2 1 COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Snyder County Choir Convention. The 10th annual will convene on the Old Grounds near Freeburg on Saturday, Aug. 21, 1897. Lorenz's "Choir Leader" containing the choruses for the day are in the hands of the President, individuals or choirs will nlease nrocure coniea for rehearsal 4o per copy. Address Wm. Moyer, Freeburg, Fa. The Drug Store of this place was closed by the sheriff on Tuesday evening on suit of the Mo Williams Co. Charles O. Lenig of Kreamer call ed at this office on Tuesday aud paid 8 yean subscription to the Post. This is the kind of fellows we like to see. Chas. is a hard working man and pays his debts. . BNNfIa Katered lor Rerord. Alfred W. Troxel and wife and Franklin L. Troxell and wife to Su sannah Troxell, 74 acres iu Adams Two., for $5000. George Bowersox and wife to Jos. Banner, 241 acres in Franklin Twp... for $40. . Hop Mitchell and wife to Amanda L. Roraig, 19 ncros in Beaver Twp.. for $500. Jaoob Miller and wife to William F. Howell, lot in McClure, for $20. Danifl Bolender, sheriff, to Levi Rooke aud Chas. P. Swengel, Deed Poll for teu acres in Beaver, 1172, (now Spring) for $185.h2. l.MUr Urantad. Letters of administration in the estate of Wm. Schuee, late of Perry Twp., were granted to Caroline Schuee. In the estate of Joseph Hassinger, late of Spring Twp., to J. H. and D. J. Hassinger. In the estate of Harriet Neitz. late of Union Twp., deceased, to John S. Wolf. Will Probata. The will of the late John Reed, of Penn Twp., was probated and reg istered July 5th. Y. H. Wagner, Esq., is named as executor. The children and grand children are the heirs. Harder Cautjr PataiMter. July 7th, on the recommendation of Congressman Thad. Mahon, the following postmasters were appoint ed in Snyder county : Beaver Springs, A. M. Aurand, vice C. O. Greenhoe. removed; Freeburg, Jerry Charles, vice P. J. Bickel, removed j Globe Mill-, J. S. Meiser, vice S. O. Ulrich, removed s Middleburgh, G. E. Hassinger, vice J. W. Runkle, removed; Middle ereek, A. A. Ulsh, vice J. W. Kling ler, removed ; Penns Creek, F. H Stine, viceS. H. Stroub, removed' Shamokin Dam, G. H. Lefller, vice E. R. Hottenstein, removed ; Trox elville, D. L. Middleswarth, vice J. O. Gosh, removed. Last Thursday A. B. Markley was appointed postmaster at Aline, vice Augustus uinger, resigned ; J. N. Bromus at Mt Pleuua nf Afilla a-!.- T. G. Arbogast, removed. On Fri- l r . . . uay aoa. a. A. Wetzel was nppoint- eu ai ueavertown, vice W. M. Kel ler, removed. Teachers' Normal School. lue Annual -Teachers' Normal School will be held in thn aphnnl house at Middleburgh, beginning Monday, July 19, 1897, to continue lor a term of four (4) weeks. Valuable lectures, intarasrinolv delivered on pedagogics and psych ology will be given by Profs Geo. E. Fisher. Susnuehanna rTnivorai'tv William Noetling. Bloomsburg State formal School, and G. I. Cooper, Supt., Mifflin County, and others. Excellent assistance has been pro cured to aid us in the general man agement of the school All persons contemplating attendance unon tli Normal will do well to bring their text books, of whatever description, with them for use as reference. The usual fee of $1.00 will h charged each student for the de frayal of expenses incurred through the assistance procured. For ir. oulars or further information ad dress, F. C. Bowibsox. County Supt. A smooth, easy shave. pnti hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Sho in Wittenmyer's Building, op. posite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake. Shaving soap, faoe cream, hair oil and egg shampoo for sale. A E. Soles. Ladies' vests, hose, gloves, cuffs and collars, ribbons, laces, veilings, flosses, stamped goods, niching, silkolinea and many other goods will be sold cheap only oa these special days, July -3d, 83d and 24th, at Libbie Dunkelberger's Millinery. Jacob Howell Gets no Annuity. Governor Hastings last Friday vetoed the biU entitled, "An act granting an annuity to Jacob H. Howell, of McClure, Snyder county, Pennsylvania, a private in Captain Dayid II. Mitchell's Independent Company of Pennsylvania Militia." Says the Governor: ,,Thirty-fivo years have elapsed since the incurr ing of the disability set forth in the bill, and not an iota of proof is fur nished me as to the prosent con dition of the claimant, or that such condition, if its exists, is traceable to his services in the militia. Legis lation of this character is dangerous and tends to imposition upon both the Legislature and the Executive." Marnh MIHLioum- I-iI. 8arah Millbouse, who resided at New Berlin, was buried Thursday forenoon, July 8th. Deceased was aged as years, months and IS days. She was a member of the United Brethren church at New Berlin. Revs. S. S. Kohler and D. D. Budd inger of this place officiated. Blah-B Mceab, ar.l.w York. on 4 James' Headache Powdrra. "With regard to Dr. James' Head ache Powders, I have no hesitation in commending them to suflerers from headache. They relieve the pain speedily, and I have never known anyone to be harmed by their use. I have boen a great sufferer from headache in my life, but have almost gotten rid of it by the con stant use of hot water and fruit and bv doing without coffee. The Dr. James Headache Powders have, however, greatly relieved me at times and I never allow myself to be with out them, and have recommended to others freely. C. C. McCabe." For sale by W. H. Spangler, Drug gist Middleburgh, Pa. C 17-9m The Presbyterian Messenger. An illustrated weekly journal, contains the religious news ortne world each week. Its edi torials diBcuss all practical questions of church and state; its Sabbath School Department gives the best possible Lelp in studying the Sab bath school lessons ; its Home De partment furnishes interesting or iginal stories from good writers, aud has selections from the best maga zines and periodicals. The ablest writers in the country are included in its list of regular contributors. Its Young People's, Missionary and other departments are 'carefully ed ited each week. In its literary pages aro found able and helpful reviews of thsbest new publications issuing from the most prominent publishing houses iu the country. In quality of paper and mechanical execution it is unexcelled by any religious jour nal in this country, price $100, ia advance : to ministers, $UH Special price to new subscribers for first year $1.00. This, offer only holds good until Sept. 1st, lS'JT. Ta Lataaraa He-I aUa. The Susquehanna Lutheran K. Union will be held at Island Park, beteen Sunbury aud Northumber land July 22, 1&7. A splendid program has been ar ranged and a pleasant tiuit U t. pected. All are welcome. These gatherings have erown t. ha of a delightful andinterestingnature and are attanda.1 hr th nUn,i.. j MW u-Liwia VI all the Christian denominations. Ia addition to the excellent a.U and pirituol devotion, is the pleas ant social enjoyment of the day. All who have attended any of the former re-unions will bear testimony to the enjoyable features of these exercises. Ane coming re-union promises to be one of the most interesting ever held. Spend the 22nd on the Island Park. Miss Laura Wai tongo is visiting the Misses Bolender a mis piace. Middleburgh will ha a b-k.k during the coming winter. An ef fort ie being nude to rent the U. R church for one school The grade will be High School. Intermediate 4 a-a a. . ana mmary school !: '.H 5 1 w - n t :, , t. - s 10 - , P. St C ii,' msau V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers