... ' s LCGK AT THE LABEL The dl. primed after J "Hi uaiuf, uu I he label r lf's !vititr,KUowHlh tlu, to mtiiK'Ii jrour mibacrlp Uou liaa been paid. 4rHrtce per Year, $i.jo. g5Sf MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA. THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. VOlTOq' Ilf ! THE LMEB OF GOUMTRY JOWIULKIL'THE ADV08ATE F USE fflfflT MB EMnEAVnMfniBw' tms'shs fc- . yyuuvs u va valhiUUVyfa U UUli. l&iylTlL.Ea TBTHELi OWN NEWS. ed with Interesting i from Middle ?ek Valley. I Bllahlr 'hrnleled for Lj aad lb Grave. Closing-out Bargains 's Cash Store. 2t. Day exercises were held b church on Sunday. Brothel s erected and Ige stable in four days. btand wife of Shamo- tre Swineford visitors bch of Ijfwineford has L w : ..i Vi vo yvivu 1U UUUI V JJUB 8. J. W. Orwig spent it Harry Barter's, Har eek. rine Eogelbert of Ly iest of the Misses Wit ude Dunkleberger is s and relatives in Ring- If and family of Grant Virginia, spent Friday the guests of Rev. D. isioners met on Satur 111 receive bids next he construction of a let. bceinents of Buoknell wisburgand Susque- ity, SelinBgrove, are m r . . week. v;- " ' vood reliable girl to lueral house work in , Wages S-.50 per i Box 604, Sunbury, 2t. in great demand at Itbers warehouse. If l bushel or two they as readily as a larger iug and sou of Lew- Alice Pawling of Sunday were the jGeo. Alfred Schoch rlin Commencement nded last week. A commencement was pi is making rapid at the jail aro hav- They have provid ith a lot of musical p give concerts for t. Summer cooking, black pans. Throws ll heat is concentrat CaUon W.KStahl. Vrgh. , tf. land wife of Milton tha Control TTntnl fcerly had charge of I the railroad and ihere were glad to pull, Miss Marion iwiumau ana Mrs, Mifflinburg were S. Arboeast at the leford, from Tues- st week. pf Swineford has Ionery store back land will erect Yont of it in brder V of his store room La . uoujbuuoi iraae jnd daughter of Saturday were bw Uratzer. Mr. p. D.. 208th Rfft. Mr. Kratter and ro of his company representative be .. Hiaterfoi k. Messrs in this rical matters ory of. ountiea. al pub- Kemp- county terafor Centre, T. J. Specht and wife . of Beaver- town visited the latter'a parents in Swineford, Sunday. Miss Laura Schamhach. who ia working at 8h .del, visited her pa rents at this place over Sunday. v Mrs. Caroline Miller of Lewistown Junction spent several days last week with Jacob Gilbert's family. Samuel Wittenmver of Bucknell has returned home and will snend his vacation with hsi parents iu this place. S. B. Spitler, wife and son Ray mond, of Swineford, visited A. B. Shamorry and family at Kautz, over Sunday. Carbon Seebold, Frank S. Reiele. Aaron and Win. E. Stahlueuker drove to Centre county aud return lant week. P. M. Qoettel of Sunbury has a can vas tent erected on Market Street in front of the Post printing office and is taking pictures this week. At the State 'encampment of the Sons ef Veterans in session at To- wanda last week, it wa deoided to hold the next encampment iu Phil- lipBburg. W. Porter Thompson and wife of Mexico. Juniata couutr. are bmna entertained at the Central Hotel by their son, J. N. Thompson, Cashier of the bank. Tuesday of last week Alex. Stew art an anti-Quay man was elected Chairman of the Republican Sanding Committee of Franklin county over Capt. ZeiderB, a Quay man. The Missianary Service conducted by Rev. 0. O. Romig. in the U. B. church, last Saturday evening, was a grand success. The sermon was both interesting and instructive. A F & A. R. Gilbert have return ed from Franklin and Marshall Col lege Lancaster and Wm. Shindel from Susquehanna Uninverity and will spend their Summer vacations at home. An Ohio firm has opened a factory at Strasburg, Lancaster county, for the manufacture of corn-cob pipes. Ten men have been employed, and with machinery they can turn out 5000 pipes a day. The Woman's Missionary Society of Paxtonville will hold a lawn fes tival next Saturday evening June 2Gtn, at which time also they purpose chancing off their Missionary Quilt. They kindly invite all to attend. The U. B. Sunday School of this place will hold a lawn festival on'Fri day and Saturday evenings. Re freshments, such as Ico Cream, Cakes, etc., will be served. All are cordially invited to attend and have a good time. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Shov, in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg shampoo for sale. A E. Soles. We are in receipt of a communica tion from E. W. Young at Ft. Smith, Ark., to send the Post to him at St. Cloud, Minn. Mr. Young is the special Pension Examiner of the U. S. Pension Office at St. Cloud. His many friends in this, his native coun ty, will be glad to hear of the ap pointment. In Juniata county last week Anson B. Will was nominated for Register and Recorder on the Republican ticket ( Samnel Lap for Sheriff and Samuel Aurand for Jury Commis sioner. James M. Nelson was eleo ted delegate to State Convention and Harry C. McClelan, County Chairman. We are in receipt of a catalogue of the Penna. Chautauqua to open at Mt. Gretna July 1st and we notice that our class mate and room mate, Prof. W. L. Eauffman of Yonkeas, N. Y., has charge of the branches of Geology and Zoology. We publish a notice elsewhere giving full de tail of this most excellent summer school ' Wilson Mitterlisg of Heister's Val- ley on Tuesday sent a stalk of wheat to this office that measuers 6 feet. This boats the record. Joseph Hassniger.a prominent citi zen of Spring Twp., died suddenly on Tuesday morning. Being missed from home, a search was made and he was found lying on the ground dead within fifty feet of his residence. He was 82 years of age. Full parti culars next week. Short stories by Coaan Doyle An thony Hope, and Robert Birr will appear in the July number of Mo Clure's MagaKiuu. Add to these nn instalment of the interesting Steven son novel, "St. Ivo" and in the matter of fiction it would be hard to frame a more attractive announce tnent. There will be a cake and ice cream festival 2 miles north east of Mid dloburgh, in Frankliu township, near Edward Hummel's residence, on July 3d, 1H97. All are iuvitnd to attend and partako of the feast. Proceeds for the bet eftt of the new church at that place. I desire to inform the public that I am prepared to furnish all the fol lowing at the prices named: Round edge steel tires, 75cts. a Bet ; buggy shafts with cross pieces, SOcts. a set ; buggy rims, COcts to 75cts per set, These goods are all of first class qual ity. Gxo. E. 8jbcht.' Middleburgb, Pa. The Millheim Journal of last week says : Mr. and Mrs. Elias Foreman, of Troxeville, Pa., and Mr. Allen Al len Foreman and family, of Hartle- ton, Pa., were visitors over. Sunday at the residence of Mr. E. J. Swang- er on Water street Mr. John A Shultz. of Rebersburg, spent Mon day in town as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Swanger. A Center county exchage contains ibis item : " There is a family living in Sugar Tree township, Venango county, by the names of Juioe. The eldest daughter is named Olive Juice and a son is called Lemon Juice, Recently a baby boy arrived, and he is to be christined Tobacco Juice." If they keep on in that line we shouldn't be surprised if "Bug" Juice would soon be a component part of that family, John V. Lesher, a son of Robert Lesher, of Blue Hill, will graduate at the Bucknell University, at Lew sburg, next Wednesday morn in r. June 23rd. Mr. Lesher has been close student, and a general favor ite among his fellow students and faculty. We congratulate our young friend and wish him success in whatever calling he mar pursue. Northumberland J'ress. Last week Mr- Gibbons lost a gold watch east of Red Hill. He inserted a small notice in the Post and by Sat urday we had located the watch. It had been found by Mrs. J. S. Miser of Globe Mills. Does it pay to ad vertise? Certainly it pays and yet we have people in Middleburgh who say it does not pay and in order to keep down expenses do not adver tise. They cut down expenses and reduce trade. Rpttrlnl Pennies Kxamlner. E. W. Young, who has been in In dian Territory for the past few years as a special pension agent has been transferred from that point to St. Cloud, Minnesota. He left Wash ington, D. C, where he spent a few months with his family, on Saturday for a new field of labor, by way of Fort Smith, Arkansas, where he was to appear as the prosecuting witness against two men under indictment for perjury in connection! with a frandulent pension claim. Mr. Young is a son of David A Young of Blue Hill, and a brother of Mrs. Isaac Malick of Northumberland. Northumbtrland Prett. 9 . Chairman Focht's Report. The legislative committee annoint. ed two years ago to investigate the number of aliens Quartered noon the State was filed Monday night of last week'. The rerjort savs : "The evils complained of that led to the framing of the resolution authorizing this investigatiou have grown out of the too liberal immi gration laws of th couutrv. which in later years have invited iu many cases no longer the thrifty Europenn who at once became self sustaining and a good citizen, but many of the degraded and ignorant of the Sla vonic countries who have not only been a meuace to Americau work tngmen, unbalancing the equilib rium that previously existod bo- tween employers aud employes, but the burden put upon the taxpayer for the support of theso unnatural ized foreigners has become unbear able aUu there is need of alarm and quick action lest the erreat charities that hav, been furnished through the Christian benevolence of the DeOnle of PennavlvAnin ha in partdtfehed to the support of a purely alien class instead of relier- ing the distress of American citizens and former taxpayers." As a result of the inquiry a bill providing for the return of nauDers and indigent insane persons not having a legal settlement within Pennsylania to any other State or country to which they may belong was introduced recently in the house by Mr. Focht. It passed that body in less than a week on a special order. . Penn'a Chajtauqua. Tho Penn'a Chautauqua, located at Mt. Gretna, will open July 1 and closes the 30th. Among the lecturers are such notable names as Prof. S. C sonmucKer, wtio delivers a series of lectures on Natural His tory ; Capt Mclvanie, who lectures on Mushrooms and will conduct a field cluss j Mr. S. T. Roror will conduct the Cooking School' a spec ial building being erected for the purpose. Rev. Dr. Weibner, of Chi cago, will lecture on the Bible, aud has classes in Hebrew aud Thoolgy. Rev. Dr. Richards, of Muhlenberg college, will delivers series of his in imitable post-prandial loctures. The Art Department will be in charge of Miss Musbv. of Washineton. and tho Kindergarten Department will be conducted by Miss Lippincott. ot the same city. Prof. Averaignot, of Bucknell, will teach French. Spanish and Italian, while Prof. Kirschbaum will have charge of tho German Prof Ettinger, the doan of tho facul ty, will be the Greek and Latin in structor, and the Musical Depart ment will be in charge of Prof. Wollo. Among the popular entertain ments will be the Rock Concert Co.. the Beethoven String Quartette, the Tyrolean Troubadours, Alexan der Black's Picture Play "Miss Jer ry," two illustrated lectures bv Per- cr Reese, Spedon. the Wonderful Chalk Artist, Lieut. Peary on Arctio Explorations, Prof. Crozier in Piano Recitals, and Grand Concerts and Lectures. The Penn'a Chautauqua is doincr a good work in educational lines. Mt. Gretna, with its lake and delightful climate, is a desirable place to spend the summer vacation. Excursion tickets over all roads. Catalogues, with full Droeram and list of attractions, can be had by ad dressing Rev. L Calvin Fisher, Sec retary, Lebanon, Pa. MARJtlRD. June 20tb, by the Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, A O. Renniniger of New Berlin and Miiss Jennie Walter of Middleburgh. June 17th, at Middleereek. by Rev. L. Dice, Isaac Lepley of Adams township and MissEdda D. Manbeck of Spring township. Juniata County Marriages. On the 9th inst.. by Rev. R. M. Campbell, Foster McClure, of Tur bitt township, to Mamie Bashore of Walker township. On the 11th inst., bv Rev. Isaac Book, Harry F. Arnold to Martha R. Mills, both of Tnscarora township, this county. On the 12th inst., by Thomas Creighton, J. P., George W. Bailor, of Fort Royal, to Mattie Dowling, of Reed's Gap, this county. DESPERADOES IN THIS COUNTY. Thry Allnrkrd I'rurli 91. ftprrht and arraunca lo Hill II in. lie K. rapwt Through III. WUa. Two men, one from Northumber land county and one from Selins groye, this county, met F. M. Specht about six mileH from this place and two miles from New Berliu on the road leadiug from New Berlin, Fri day afternoon and attacked him. The Solinsgrove man rode up first and demanded of Spocht to wait un til Iuh partner came. All wore on horse back. Specht dismounted and jumped ovor tho fence (itul run across the field and later on took ref- upo in tho woods. Specht learned from neighbors that tho two desper adoes were galloping back and forth anu asking etery body whether they had seen tho son-of a , meaning Specht. The dosnoradoes not find. ing Specht went back to Jesse Bil- gor s ana got a gun And hoiha 1nn,1,l shells. They started oft" threatening iue me or apecut. He escaped, how ever, and reached town unhnrmml about dusk and related the story of uis narrow escape. It has since been learned that while tho two despera does wero in the neighborhood they had "blood" in their eyes. No ar rest has yet been made hence the names or the principal actors are omitted. The Editorial Pari. Ou Tuesday morning Miss Effi Auraud and Mrs. A. M. Aurand of Adamsburg, Wm. P. Shollev. IV ft Stetler, Miss Libbie Dunkleberaer. the Editor of the Post and his wife of this place started with the Edi torial Excursion-. The main place of visit is Bradford, Pa. The program is as lollows : Leave Sunburv on special train Tuesday at 9:40, arrive at Bradford m time for sunner From 8 to 10 an informal reception in tho Lyceum. Mayor Fagnon for. inally wolcomes the party. Wednes day morning a trip to see oil well shot; Weduosday afternoon, busi iie?s meeting j Evening, Reception at beuator Luiory s residence and Vitascopo Exhibition at Exchange Lyceum. Thursday trip ovor Nar- row Uuago Kailroad to Rock Citv, Evening Banquet by Board of Trade of Bradford. Friday, trip to Niagara l alls, t ull particulars next week. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Iti'rdi Knlrrpil lor Itrrord S. Thompson Hilbish and wife, lot in Middleereek twp., for 100, to Mary A. Mitchell Absolom Snyder to Adam Showers 7 acres in Franklin Twp., for $115. Jacob Schneo and wife to Riley Kepler, 117 acres in Perry Twp., for $'2000. Marriage .I.trraur "Hearts Fluttkbino with Delo sions." The following marriage li censes have been granted since our last publication : JGeo. F. Bousum, Patterson, ) Maud V. Lumbard, Selinsgrove. A. E. Rood, MonrooTwp.. ) Maggie M. Row, Penn " j Martin Boyer, New Berlin, ) May M. Aurand, Selinsgrove. ) J. L. Graybill, W. Perry Twp., A. C. Roninger, Jeuuie Walter, Jackson Twp., Middleburgh. The Jieformed Church Messenrjer of Thursday of last week contains a neat portrait of the Rev. Emanuel V. Gerhart, D. D., LL. D. Professor in the Lancaster Theological Seminary. This number of the Messenger is the jubilee number in honor of the Doctor's eightieth birthday. Dr. Gerhart was born in Freeburg, June 14, 1817, in the house now owned and orcupied by our venerable towns man, Hon. Goo. C. Moyer. A num ber of excellent articles, penned by some of the leading ministers in the Reformed church have been contrib uted to this number, which gives a sketch of the Doctor's life as a stu dent, missionary, pastor, preacher, author, teacher, college president. theologian, ete. Freeburg is proud of being the birthplace of a man so eminent in his calling. Courier. , HER LOVE RATED AT $ 000. Thai Num Claimed for Alirunllon or a wire- Air-iln. Thomas H. JT.ili!,.v , . t ' unjiarub VI Harnsburg, Wednesday brought an action m the court of Dauphin coun ty against O. n. II mghawnut 0n grounds that are nnnuj t -v.uauui. X U IU) bill of complaint in tho suit is a re quirement that tho defeudant bo put uuuw uau to defend tho action which is for $1,000 damagos. ia tiie statomont of tLo suit which was hied Hublov " I " - 11 4 U U J was marriod on September .li, 1,S!)4, to Alice Yordvan.l tlmf ... -fc vnni IlliailUlU life was pleasaut and all was lmnnv uuui me anogod intervention of one O. H. Houghwaout. a citizen of Nor thumberlaud county. This man, the statement recitos. "knowing tho re unions oi uubley and Alice.his wife" did "wrongfully, wickedly and un justly coutrive to doprive him of the comfort, fellowship and society of uiswiio aud on August 15, lHiW. is alleged to havo outiood her from the roof of her liege lord and master and to have Hince maintained her at 2037 Fulton place, Harrisburg. For the affections of the wife thus alien ated Hubloy asks $1000 damages. Sunbury Item, Bousum--Lnmbard. Last Thursday evoning at the res dence of tho bride's parents in Se liusgrovo Maude V., daughter of Jos. A. Lumbard and wife, waa married to Frauk Bousum, a former residence of that place. The cere mony was performed by Rev. D. E. UcLainof this place, a brother-in-law of the brido. The young couple enjoy the pleasures of a largo circle of acquaintances who wish thorn a pleasant voyage down life's busy stream. of of as The lrlnioorwalr.at Nhurt Hanire. George W. Smelley will contribute an article on "The nersonnl Hi.l me. I'rinco af Wales" to tho Julv JAtdies Home Journal. It is said that Mr. Smalley cives a uniminlv interesting, cluse view of tho Prince. touching in detail upon his great personal popularity in Kmrlnml. nn.l the reasons thoreforo. his lovo sports, his pastimes, his sociul duties and diversions, and showinc? him an affectionate son, a dovotod bus band, a loving father qnd brother. Whnt TiilmiiK Hayn. Rov. T. Do. Witt Tulmago sagely observes that "a uowspapor whoso columns overflow with advertise ments of business men has inor! influence in attracting to and build ing up a city or town than any other agoncy that can be omployed. Peo ple go where thoro is business. Cap ital and lubor will locate wheru thorn is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build up a town as a newsnaner well nut. rottized and its power should be ap preciated." Xewxpaperdom X Y. Ii'lli ol Jitcob Munxrlmnn. Mr. Jacob Musselman. one of our old citizens, but who for tho nast year had been a resident of Altoona, where he was staying with his sons, died at that pluce on tho 11th inst. His remains were brought to thiy place on Monday, and wero interr ed in the Ev. Lutheran cemetery from the morning train. His rela tives and a large number of acnunin- tances assembled at the station. and accompanied the remains to their resting place. Rev. J. II. Barb officiating. A sermon was preached in the Evan. Lutheran church after the interment. Mr. Mussolman was in the 69th year of his age. Durinc the war of the rebellion he was a member of Co. H H7th P. V. I. Quite- a number of old soldiers were attendance at the burial. S'lina grove Tribuue. ' in A Biig-Kr Mad for a Punch, The Williftmnr.nwn 7Vm. nt loo ' -' r . K w w. inDV waaIt ffAVA an Apnminf nt a mm.. between Jeremiah Buggy and Mary runco. it is seiaoin mat a buggy and a punch become mated. Of course our friend Burns is not re sponsible lor tnis incongruous trans formation that mabea a hnoov nn rstw v . of a punch. ,. i 5 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers