Published every Thuja day. Ceo W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. mhch must be paid In advance when lent out side the couuly.) ATESOF AOVIRTItlNO. All transient adverr!rm.?nta not otherwise contracted tor will tie charged at the rate of It Cents per line (nnnparlel measure) tor first Inser tion and 10 cents per line for every subsequent Insertion. T7Va notifies pMinhed fru i obituary pnerty, tribute! of rriptet. fc, three eenU a una. Thursday, Jan. 14, 1897. No Rules for the Primary. The Republican Standing Com mittee at its meeting Saturday in this place fuilcd to adopt specific rules for the government of the pri mary election. Thin is an omission to pprfonn a most responsible duty. We are led to believe that this was due to an oversight. A resolution was adopted that none but "True Blue Republicans'' dare vote. Now the question arises, what is a "true blue republican"? It still leaves the question open to the individual opinions of the election board of each district and the interpreta tion of the name, "true blue repub lican" will be us widely different in the various districts of tho county as were tlio qualiiicatioiiH of a voter a year ajo. It is not specific and this makes it objectionable and most se riously objectiouable. It is no secret that in some dis tricts last year full-lledued demo crats were allowed to vote on the slight pretense of promising to vote for oue candidate al the fall election. Others promised without being sworn that they would vote the en tire republican ticket in the fall, oth ers simply asserted that they had done so at the preceding election aud there were others who wore sworn to the various conditions above mentioned according to the interpretation of the election board from each district. It has been sug gested also that in some cases, the voter was required to swear by ev orything that was high and holy that ho had voted for every, republi can from Abo. Lincoln down to the present time and would continue to do so until the mortal coil should be ushered into eternity, and .even on the other eboron this obligation should require them to vote the whole republican ticket. While, of coursethe pjetunj Y2 the last sentence is overdrawn, it will give a fair idea of the possibili ty of such widely diflorent construc tions placed upon the eligibility of tho voter. Under these conditions it renders it so envy, on a close vote, for a do fe.ited camlidate to say ho was de feated bv democratic voles and may evon give him the grounds for con testing the result of such a primary election. The party disturbance of 1ND4 certainly is not forgotten and should serve as a lesson to direct the committee to avoid such un pleasant results. What is a "true blue republican ?" Out of a dozen no two persons gave tho same an swer. Tho Republican Standing Commit tee of Union county haB adopted a set of rules that are worthy of ex ample. They are clean, business like and specific No one will mis take the purport ihem. They are clear and ore woi tuy of considera tion aud we believe, with ono or two changes to suit existing con ditions, of adoption. Senator Brown, of Westmoreland County, is reported to be preparing a new primary election law for pre sentation to the Legislature. Every citizen who desires integrity in our elections will gladly welcome every practical effort to secure honest methods at all primary as well as general elections. There is no ques tion of wider importance to all peo ple. Senator Brown alleges that he was cheated out of a nomination by a false count and the corrupt use of money. The primary election law of 1881 will cover this. That act re quires all election officers to be sworu to a faithful performance of their duty and makes it a misde meanor for any to act without being so sworn. It is also made punish able for any such election officer to perpetrate any fraud whatsoever, particularly naming false counting, defacing or destroying ballots, add ing ballots to the poll, or in any wise stnfliing the ballot box. What we ueod above everything else is a plain, specific rulo clearly stating tho eligibility of a voter. Wo appeal to the intelligence of the Standing Committee and ask them to consider this question and by all means to act specifically on the elig ibility question and others that re quire attention. What Girls art Doing. from Harper's Bazar. Country girls, who certainly have the art of getting up picnics, may hare plenty of them in summer, and, for all we know, in winter also, but we are not positive whether they have ever had yet what our New York girls are calling a ''winter pic nic." It is a great mistake to think that New York girls are formal, and above doing anything in the way of amuseiuert which may be by some cousider. d "not as other people da" For real fun and innocent pleasure they are always ready to try any thing new, and are not afraid of public opinion. A "winter picnic," as it reads, conveys nothing to the mind ; but wait until you hear what it is, and then the fun of it all may be appreciated. There is to be one given shortly here in town, and those who have been asked are in eager anticipation of the result, All the girls are asked to bring some sort of food or refreshment, and the one who is at the head of it has arranged the details so sys tematically that there will be uo possibility of two girls bringing the same thing. There is every pros pect of a good supper. Oue girl will bring sandwiches, another cake, an other tea and sugar, auother fritd oysters, another chicken or lobster salad, etc., etc., just as they do at a picnic in tho country. The hampers will bo taken into the diuiug-room and unpacked there. No servants allowed until after tho meal is over, aud then they will come iu to clear away tho "debris." Half the fun of a picnic is the .setting of the titble aud tho unpacking of the well filled baskets. All superfluous tofas, tables, and divans, lamps and chains, will be taken out of the drawing-room and diuiug room, leaving only what is uecesnary. Kitchen tables are to be used, and ever-groeu trees have been ordered from tho florist to put about tho room to give it a more rustio ap pearance. I ho men nave not oeen mentioned vet, but of course plenty of them have been asked to come, and, not being as sauguine as tne eirls, thoy are wondering whether it will be a success or. a bore. One voung man is very much exercised as to "whether a fellow will be al lowed to smoke or not. They al ways do at picnics!" Of course there will be the the inevitable Vir ginia reel, aud there is some talk of an impromptu vaudeville perforin ance, so much the fashion now. Some of the girls have prepared choruses to sing, and there will per haps beft lj.ttleraarjdjjlin ,pr b.ajija! playiug. JOYS OF MATERNITY. VIGOROUS MOTHERS AND STURDY CHILDREN ADMIRED. MA.REIIKD. Deo. 17th, bv J. Kohlor Peck, J. P., John C. Moyor of Meiserville and Sus iu Ellen Chubb of Inglenook, Pa. Dec. 20th. by Win. I. Treasf er, Ed ward P. Iveml-rling, of Wagner, Pa. to Miss li'isa E. Smith, of Decat.ur, Miilliti county. l).c. 2Ctli, bv Rev. W. M. Lanms, Mr. Herbert V. IVuington, of Lew istown. to Miss Lizzie T. Steiiiing er, of West Beaver. Dec. lUst. at the nnstor's re-ii- donce, by lt" H. H. Spahn, Miss .Minnie Masom and John X. Brosms, both of Fremont. D.-c. HI. by the Rev. B. F. Kantz. Miss Maggie J. Middleswarlh and Wellington I. Freed, both of Beaver town. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's rills, for no modi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. Tbey are a whole medicine Inlood? chest, always ready, al- asjatv ways efficient, always sat- WLJ I I isfactory; prevent a cold III 9 or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only I'ills to take with Wood's Sarsaparllla. Way M laaay Wtawi Are Chlldlaas-A Froblaaa TfcsA Has Faaxlad rhjrsiciaai for CaatmrtM. Reproduction is a law of nature, and no picture of joy and happiness can equal that of the vigorous mother and her sturdy child. Nature makes but few mistakes, and every thoughtful person must admit that a cause exists, why so many women are childless. The subject baffles the theories of phy sicians. Such cases are curable nine times out of ten, as evidenced by thousands of letters on file at Mrs. Pinkham's of fice. Many a dar ling baby owes its existence to Mrs. Pfnkham's advice and the Vege table Compound. This is not to be wondered at when such tes timony as the following explains itself: " I have taken three bottles of your Vegetable Compound, one package of Sanative Wash, one box of Liver Pills; and now I have a dear little babe four weeks old, and I am well. I have to thank you for this. "1 have spent 8200.00 for doctor's bills without obtaining any relief. For my cure I only spent $5.00. "I had been a victim of female troubles In their worst form; suffered untold agonies every month; had to stay in bed, and have poultices applied, and then could not stand the pain. l My physician told me if 1 became pregnant I would die. I had bladder V-ouble, itching, back ache, catarrh of the stomach, hys teria and heart trouble, fainting spells and leu corrhuea. Can you wouuer mai I sing the praises ol a medicine that has cured me of all these ills?" Mrs. Geo. C. Kirchnh, 372 llelmont Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. ST .1 (II U A All I II Y W m wtm I I 11 MAI ltft. BARGAINS! Keep an eye out for Bargains. You will find the place for it when you see F. II, MAIMER'S iff Cash Store EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice in hereby riven that Letters Tftn mentnrv on the estate ol Jacob Jnrri'tt. latent Monroe township, Snyder couuly, l'a., ffnvrrf hfpn ImaiimI In I hM uniliirHlirnfKl rout. Hi. ,r i u..iri ' township. All persons, therefore, IndeMed to said estate will pieHift make Impiijliat' pay ment, and thine bavin claims ugnlhst It will present thum tor ettlctiient to JaV-l'7. Executor... i .JR.. We are selling on small profits now and for cash, so we can save you some money by buying for cash. Come ami see. W'c will give you a few prices on our goods. GROCERIES. SUGARS. 11 lbs. white for 50c. or He. jier lb, 11 lbs. granulated 0e. or 5c. per lb, 1 3 lbs. light brown 50e. or 4c. per lb, COFFEE. 3 lbs. Lion co flee for 50c. or 17c K.T lb. 3 lbs. Arlmckles coflcc for 50e. or 17c. per lb. 3 lbs. Java and Kit in milk pails 55e. or ItyJ.. per lb. 3 lbs. loose rousted fancy Mocha and Java 9.V. or 33c. per !b. 4 lbs. loose ryastcd fancy Javf and Rio (i(.)c. or Kic. per lb. -RICE. libs. Iiloeror 25 cents, lbs best Carolina for 30 cents. -SYKLTS.- 1 gat. best white honey syrup SO coots. 1 gal. iure Sugar Syrup 30 cents. 1 'jollon Syrup IS cents. y. MOLASSES 1 gal. lest X. O. Molasses, J liaking powder, 1 lb. best linking Soda, 3 lbs. corn starch for 20c.or Sc. a pk. SALT. 140 lbs grain hack common salt. 5b" lbs. Hue Dairy Suit, .Scribner's ( e ?U?S5 MAGAZINE Weiltoer8tri An Red-better Year fori. . Cft. Feb. 14, W laQ7 Applicable to Doors and r ioy. of ' Dwelling Houses, School r Churches and all I'ublicB NoNe so durable, the the fTHK E.VTIRR NOVELTY or many of '-pliinslor 1N97U nutau.e. For Instance, stries derated to "25?. ? 8EE BY CHAHLES DANA AJIBSON Mr, uiusou na.i n.H before appear ed as a writer. He TWited London last Sum tner for ScinKEK's Maoazini. for Hie purpose of depleting wltn pen and pencil those scenes and tyiiea which the hug- metropolis presents In endless rarleiy. Of like novelty u the first considerable. NOVEL BY RICHAKD HAUDIXU DAVIS, "So! dient of fortune." The hero Is oue ot I he most Tiir.irous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Il lustrated oy C. 1). uibson. "THE COND0CT OK OKEAT BISIXESS." A beaullfully Illustrated aeries of articles of which tha following uru already completed : To Great Department Btore." "Tha Management of a Orsat Hotel." The Working of the Bank " "A Qreat Manufactory." "Y?.?iEl?,?ilAPUAVTS LIFE IJI AMEIUCAN (.OLLhUhS A series of articles loucbliiK upou the life of our older universities as rep resented by the dolnira of tho students them selves. Judge Uenry E. Ilowland wrltos on "Under graduate Lite at Yule.'' Mr. James Alexander on Princeton." and lard" 01 uoa Ellwari1 S. Marilu on "Uur- "JAPAN AND CHINA SINCE TUB WAR" will llmtratd rt'3l'Uk''sroUpo1 ttrt'tlt'i' ricul "THE I'NQIIET BEX- 50c, 9c. oc, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health ny simple means, after mirroring for sev erol year with a severe ltin affection, nnd iliat drenil dlNcnse 4'oiixiitiipllon, Is anxious to make known to his fellow suilerers the means of cure. Tothoe who desire II, he will eheerful 1) send (free of charge) u ropy ol Hie prt'scrlpllon used, which they will Hurt a sure corn for Con sumption, AtttliMta, ('filnrrli, Itroiirlilfla, uii'l all throHl unl lung Mnlmllr Hi' hiM'N all hiiITititii will try this reniHily, as It In Inviiluuhle. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a lilei'slhg, will please address Itrv. KDWARD A. WILSON, tMO-lyr Uronfclyn, New York. VGOR Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Ucnknra. Nrrvona- nra, Debility, and all IIih train of eil rmm early er rors or later ri'i'um ; thi- re mits of overw.irk, mrkneu, worry, etc. Full strength, devvlopmetit and tone glvon Ito every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methotlN, Im niedlnt i-ti Drovetnent ftiH-n. Pfllh.rj. it.,. potilble. S.imn refcrencM. took, explanation und proofs mailed (sealed) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., & MAOARA ST. H-ALO, Y. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours 31 A TC 11 LESS IX E VEK Y fKTCKJ!. CALIFORNIA Three lours toCALIFOHNIA nnethe PACIF IC COAST will leave Hiirrtsburg, Alteoua nnd Fltttilurg.iiinunry7, February 84, and March 7, 1SD7. Five week In California on the first tour and tour weeks on the second. Passengers on the third tour may return on regular trains within nine months. Stop will be made nt New Orleuns for Murdl-Uros festivities on the second tour. Itates from nil points on the Penna. R. R. Svs tem : Klrsl tour, $310.00 ; seeond tour, W.M).(K) : third tour, f-jio.tni. From I'ltlsburg, 5.o less for each tour. FLORIDA .larksonvllle tours, allowing two weeks In Florida, will leave New York end PhllaiMnhlu January al, February and Si. nnd March 9, 1MI7. Hate, covering expenses en route In both direct Ions. :H.oo from I'lttsbtirg, aud propor tionate rutes from other points. For detailed Itineraries aid other Informal on npplVHt, ticket agencies, or address Thos. K Watt, Pass. Agent, Western District, 8C0 Fifth Avenuo, i'lttsbtirg, Pa. I I Beat Couth Syrup. Tastaa Oood. TJsa ' I I In time. Sold hy drnnlna. i I WANTED SKVEH A L FAITIIKt'L MEN OH ' woiueii to travel for resmuislble estublished house In Pennsylvania. Salary JJso payable I6 expenses. Position pernmiifn Ki'lerence. Knc ose Ki'lf-addn-sseil stiiinpeil en velope. The Nullonnl Star Building, Chicago. . ucmuiit i it COo. 30o. 13o. 8o. 4o. to. '' Q't'I euiteutlurjrTorayfe. 7 nbat the law urauteed. ..r tea get; '- iX'tJnfteS, I'nrter tha tula i-''4iiii oex. - airs. Helen Walterson Moody will write a series of articles:-" Wo man und Kelornis," Tin Colloge- Hred Wo man," Womuus Clubs." und "The case of Alarlu" (a paper or domestic seMce." W. D. HOW El. 1,8 S "STOKE OF A PLAY." In this Mr. liowells gives u the best uovel he has ever prsluced la his Ucllghlfiil vein ol llKhl comedy. GEOKQBW CAHI.E. In addition to the nc llon enumerated there win be ascites of four short stories by Ueorge W. Cuble, the oulv ones ho ha wrilieu for inuny ) ears. UOW TO TRAVEL WISELY with a minimum of wear and t- ar must be regarded as an art little understood. Mr. l,i H Morris Id. alintr. In iwoarilcies, wih ofler a variety ol usHiil suggest Ions and data on "Orrnu and I.nd Trovrl." This will be h-pnlly round ed out by an article from Mr. Hlahard HarflliiK Davis on "Travellers one Meeta i Their Ways and Methods." The II luslrrtlons by American and foreign urilsis will be highly pertinent , It if impouibU in a unall tpate to etm men bon th many ittrartu tcniureiur .897. A beau "' urotd booklet hat been prepared, which will be lent, pottage paid, on requtit. Scribner's Magazine 3.00 a Year, 23 cents a copy. c::a:.les scribner's sons 153-w Fifth Auenue, New York. Tour to California. California has been most fittingly termed the Italy of America." All (he delicious balm, the loildless sky and the rich verdure of t h ITT,' (1 f European p-nlhsuiaare duplicated In this sunny land of the Pacific. Here nature tuuk in ih bunshlne of herown beauty ; and here she has routuimueu uer own sanitarium, wnere eternal iprtng Inspires everlastlngyouth With the snow nantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand ;he calm Pacific with its soft breezes upon the ither, and a veritable paradise of Mower fruit. pind plunls between, man can nnd and needs no lovelier land. To visit such a country Is a nrlvl- bege. a blessing, jj FoiHlssnVroiilhwiniiTr' .lave been arranged to leave New York, Philadelphia, ana Pllteburg, January 7, February Iti March 87. The first tour will run direct to San Dteirn Via St, Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and return from Suu Francisco via Salt Lake City, Denver, and CbloaffO. allowing- five weeks In Cairornla. laL ie second tour will run via the Mammoth .u.i. Doors and windows win i l,.ut;!tl7)' t renj9 air tight, by buying , weather strip. It ,,, f U..J iuuiK;r, ior mat boeou in a season win . lien exiKise,! v any felt, as that also 1 , The strip to buy is maJ which is as durable as Vou ' or windows. When in m' weatherstrip, buv theW . BUECAM CONCAVE AND r without any rublier ()r ftt t come haid by out oftlWei NOWASTOCO 1 will apply my weather 2 wtntlows and doors at 5 f(K)t. Kottom strips 75 wtxxl strips, C. ty I). at j. jierfoot. Hard wotsll,,,,, at 00 cents each, alluwin- , count accordiiig to ainou ,., to a building. Tkums; C', job is completed and guarantcetl. Yours at JI.O.M.01.l Agent, venilln X. 15. I will will with , model and estimate wliatk . if desired, li;; Itetlueed Kalea to MNhlnria ronnioi me Inangnrntlos 11, J Kjimnin nniirunit. For the benent. or those who dn, t the ceremonies Incident to 1 tie mrl rresiiiKiii-etei'l JfKlnley.l lie Vmiu t. .V ""'I'uity win sen excuiNKa 11 J .J, nin yIH t. rrom Marca 4 to 8. at tin- fniini..r " New York S.oo: Phlladelplni lis tJ ' Harrlsburg, 5.t ; 'wii'iitinVl; Kuchester. $1114. ifj I'lltxhnr tin no . ....... V the Pennsylvania system ul rwhNru This Inauguration will he a most 1 event, and will unloubtedly attrartiia ber of people from every section of ik J The magnincent facilities of tin-P. Railroad make this line the ravunw nutlonal capital nl all nines, and m etiulpment and splendid terminal ta Washington make It especially rwwki occasions. RheumatiHiii Cured la tit. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism tut 4 1 ouiunujr uures miui a days. !t8 mi the system Is remarkable and m;ad m uuuir.iu-.iiuse ann tne a: o'-iaieiy disappears; The first a. . .. low., ru, i-rettu (jiinee, i nieai piaie.i j, Wveand New Orleans to Ban Diego, stopping at 2 butter plates, . 1 cream juir. a. n" "Crescent city" during the Mardl oros Car- 1 siiKHr bowl. 1 Kruvey bowl 1 oug (linlies. 13 cups, 12 sii Hirers. LQ piocos FOR S33.0S. SHOES. Ladies' rubbers from 25c. to 49c. Men's " " .'ilJc. to 70. Men's (iutn Boots Ciimlee, ;2. 75. Men's Felt " from $2.00 to $2.7';. Men's Slits. tlrefs and heavy, from tip. Lmlies' iSlioef. from !H)c up. Cull ami iet our SHOES ami we are sure we cmi pleuse you in price and quality and styles. DKY (lOOIXS. All blue Calicos, jets. All stable best sold, from 4 to 7cts. (JINCHAMS. Apron (Jiiijrhuins, Gets. Ih'css (iinghams lrom 5 to Sets. CAKl'ET CHAINS. I it 4 plv carpet chain from 15 to Our Clubbing List. We have mndo arrangements with a number of newspapers nud maga zines to club them at reduced rates in connection with the I'ost. The figures in the first column represent the reijular price of tho paper and in the second column is the price of that paper with the Post : -Both. $1.00 s itv l.ttn 1.IMI 1 7.". i.:s: I. MI 8.IO S.tS atNi 8.50 6 00 4 I'll . Til 4 An 4 Til a so II. Vi 1.75 I'hlla. Inquirer, (dully) " " (Sunday) Farm News, Womankind. Hwlon Travelor.ftwlce a week) 1 N. Y. Tribune, (Weekly) 1 i............ 1.. .. vurvii vi rnaiiiou, The Ohio Farmer, (wm'kly) Thrlce-n-week World, Iiemorost's IMngazlne, Review ol Reviews, Leslie's Weekly, The Century, St. Nicholas, Harper's Weeklv, llnriHT's Magazine, uarp.T's llitzar, Comnopoiitan, American Agriculturist, Washington Post, rrlee of one.. h on .10 (HI (Ml .60 1.00 1.IHI lilHI M 4.IM) 4.1111 3 HO 4 IK) 4.1m 4110 l.M) l.Oll 1.00 IS cents, always in stock. OAltPKTS. Don't fonret our lioine-matlo Carpet from 25 to 40cts. AM wool stripe, 50 to 55cts. Ingrain Carpets, 25 to TOcts. Please call and see our new . and goods ami we can sav money by selling for cash. CasliPi for BaHer & Eggs. F. H. MAURER, NEW BERLIN, PA. prices ? you O VI AM IXPIRIINOI. TRADI MARKS, DIIICNS, OOPYRIOHTt Ate. SPECIAL COMBINATION. I (1.) We will Bond the N. Y. Weekly Tribune, The Boston Traveler, (twice a week) and the Post oil one year (this makes four papors every week) for only two dollars. ! (2.) We will send the FarmNem, (monthly), Womankind, (monthly), The N. Y. tf'ribune (or the Boston Traveler And thn Post nil nna u for only two dollars. Sneeinl rates UJnntorl Hn Irlao !SnB""S for other combinations will hnmnrlA naillOU HII IUCQ S, Anyone sending a ftketrh and deaerlptlon mar qulcklr aaoerUIn, true, whether an Invention la probablr patentable. Communications atrlctlr coDfldontlal. Oldeal aseucj forsecurliurpatenui In America. We havo a Wanlilnston or)l. Patents taken tlirougb at una A Co. reoslra paolal notloe In tha SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, teanttftillr lllnstrated, lanreat elrenlatloa of J any selautlfle Journal, wenkijr, terms (ll.on a Tout .jUsix months. SpMlmen copies and LUjiO loo ON Patutts aentXree. Address MUNN t CO., Sl Broadway, Hew Tertb soma almost upon receipt of a list of naDera de- BliCTtf,W Bired. im. Wtublnglon, V. C, for their $I,8u urlM gOff VMM Man W IflV HHUUAI MttBlWHI WUWtt, nival. This tour will return via Salt Luke City, Denver, omaha, and Chicago, allowing four weeks In California. The third tour will run via Chicago, Denver, and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re turn bv regular trains via different routes wltbln nine months. All of these tours, either going or returning, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Olenwood springs, Lead vine and the Harden of the Uods. Hates from all points on tho Tetinsylvanla Hallroad Systom east ol I'nt.sburg: First lour, KII0; second tour, H'iOj third tour, $210 round trip, and flM one way. For detailed Itineraries and other Information , apply nt. tfc-kel agencies, special b mklng olllces, or address Oorge W. Itovd. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Uroad Street Slullon, Philadelphia. old by all Unigd nenellta : "5 cents. aieourgh. T.- P. Anthony, Ex-Postrawer i oity, Iowa, says : "ll bougnt otn- tout tic . ure ior itueumai ism, ana two a did me more good tan anr mlici took." Sold by all DrVgrlsts. MI41m Hon. W.J. Bryan's all who ara intrta4 in hnluda W of Bo. W, J. hryan i m lioolr iknli m immMiaauiS) mm Kim. i ist'aT. Vlimil!DI rtiTin IFIKU miirjjf CilrLJill mrrtiJi agents wanted Mr. Brja l nooncwl hi. tnt.ntlon of detnlioi Dt.'i rojaltlsa to furthering tha rMollntM Thers ara alraadr ladlostloDiof taxs Address W. B. CONKrY COVPtM.Mi 341-351 Oearbora SL..CHKAH N Snecial Reduction al CLOSING OUT SAt I desire to reduce my stock audi win uuer n special reduction 01 n kJU, and 30 per cent, on all CLOTH! bought of me. A full and comple! line of Clothing is always kept nana. Gents5 Furnishina Goods Don't fail to see the bestbargai; in the county. it GUTELIUS. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND :0:- Brlght new designs look every nook and corner of o Shut, pb and St vies la wLiIcb you Bee your ideal. CARPETS, RUGS, ARTSQ ititniia si pnicov er tnftmhfinra cad DOtCOBP :0:- Tours ReFpectfuHr. W. H. FELIX, Lewii Cow VuiM Mr. tip iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers