- ...... - Co. Commissioners, 1 1 07 sLOOK AT THE LABEL Tlio rtntp, printed npr four iiaini-, on llir l l of thm paper, ahnwarhn limit to wnvii jniir ul..s rlr llun Inn N rii pnlil. - Price i-r Vcur. I1.S0. delay, m; lor MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., FA., THURSDAY, DEC. 'Jl, INlKi. VOL 33. NO. "sniui"i'"s . , ; iv..":.-- i7 lit . ie, ffii v trt. j , . . kif fill . IWS Sifli EMS of LOCAL INTEREST IMiiwmltiMTor If those hclntr Aollii notify -us ty po.t.1 or by bpspernet week. ymir Ilolulay present at ,St'linK(jrove. ... on, I Canes at exceedingly I price ot Wcis', SeliuBgiove. l-itinifnt H-w. O. A. Sehoch s, Alice rawiiug oi nennsgrove. Ira. Ulh " Millersburg is , l.ntflllA hollllIlT BeUSOU With Unlives in Swiueford. morrow U Christmas. W e I ill our renders a Merry Christ ina iuri" " ! Bertha Yeagcr of Yeagertown itiiiS the hospitality or Dr. U. i.biri ai.d wife iu Swiueford. W 0. Smith of Philadelphia .. ivr.l-.r , tit the Leutrai noieion .uonuay i inttrcst of sullonng hamamty. Lmrietr of useful 88 well -an cntal articles at moderate run be secured at eis , be fore. i'H Carrie and Notta Hen- oiSelinsgrovo, roceutly paid it t JllBd Rosa Scuocb. in i lor J. corJiinco with the custom of iwnnapers oi onyder county I will be no paper issued lrotn :!ce next week. d like to have the address of Imtizens who live out of town. t Urf hm'H will be gladly re- I it tbiti oflico. kb Kreamer, residing about .ile west of Middlebur&h kill- full blooded Chester White r that weighed 405 pounds. I who ventures on the ice lime before he oughter tb to burn, because he tries ilk upon the water. S. H. Y) I-r Estate of Globe Jar.u.ur int. lH'JT will btart lyUHh I'.iisineKs and all out accounts bLuII be settled. popleof Suyder county are in Haumnaker for U.S. Seua- vote of the people would de Wauainaker's remaikabln lb. i te is an honorable man. It !at we love Penrose loss, but k lov Wttuuinuker more, that i jr me pooplo s choice for U. Itor. iru that Henry C. Sampsell, ilrt piiblicuu Cou'ity Cbair tt'DilM bciu a candidate for fie JU Jtjyut the Bpnnc renub- fmurr. Vhj nisht of last week Mrs. 1; liLu if ill.. I... r:ll.. :-. 'iriuu .I1IUH, 111 U Hotunmubulmiii loft her bod l lowii Ktjiirs iujurinjf herself f year's siibscription for the )uur uistant friend as a w otlenuR, and it will make lukofvou every week uud K'lutuJ. ve riTcivod a copy of the i'bi JievorJ Almanac for 'f'bisa valuable little hand Me with historical, statis-'"tui-r mfortuation 'IH-ctfull extend to you an 'j to cull und look at our hoi-'u- Our lino exceeds for both m beauty and low-f"'t-8. S. Weis, Seliusgrovo. I'USH f IP llw. ,tr Hn,i..,r".',".uA,m,).01 r . im.no nurier is lssuea rl'llJlUL' Will lilL-n IM., a tt-r which they will v t vuio.-Cottre Demo. Vuyou buy for ft A man Pr,'lrl'iodT What more juuiu you und than sud !t ono yuar to a dis- Of nun nf I Ti SutoJ ""'"o. ii will ifer nupl ,.l 1 1 . i i issue we 'nufbkotch of Honorable W,.0 i i, . congress- fLuCdSDKJ Ly U6nry I'QWauaniakerhasthe en fthe.Pple of Snyder (venby t(.Hfact that a ' borouBb has rece ved "icnutures. ni. Kenresunta I! w11 l?t0 fop "at can- :l,n.a.terJLat, fill no aouut ' find that John Wuna- -w kuuBurmi work, is ku uo 10 o,e and Teachers' Institute at TrOxelville. The following Is the programme for the Teacher.V Institute to be held at Troxolville, Jan. 1st and 2ad 18J7: rirmt Neloa. Jan. 1, Friday evening. Music. Address of Welcome, C. W. Smith, Uesptnse, W. I. Keller. Music. llocitation, C. E. Reitz. Oration, J. A. Bowersox. Music. Address, Supt. P. C. Boworsox. Nprnuil Nrnlatn. Jan. 2, S Uur 1 i.v, A. M. Music. Vaccination in Public Schools, . (U. r.Stimely. Music. How to Iulcrest Primarians, . U.S. Kern. Music. Thoroughness iu Teaching, . C.L. Wetzel. Musk. Morals in tho Public Schools, C. Jt. Klose. Thlril Niilnn. Jan. 2, Saturday, P. M. Music. hy is a Systematic Course of Road mg Essential to Successful Teach- ng, U. A. Aurand Music. School Government, M. O. Iliroor. Music. Patriotism iu the Public Schools, IK. E. Wetzel. Committee. MIDDLEBURGHER CHALLENGED TO FIGHT A DUEL. Pennscreek School Resolutions. his itilinito wisdom to remove from our ima&t a Bcuool-mate, Ira D. Fessler. ItllHlllvnd. Tllflt lvllila Wd ilaanlv feel the loss of our young friend, yet we uow in uumuie suumission to our Father's will. TlflRnl VMil. That ura a vmru I Iiiua with the family for the loss of tbir I- - A. 1 -A 1 A WT- t sou, nui we BU'jum iui 10 mut wno aoeiu an tuinga well. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and to bo published in the county papers. H. F. Seciimst, ) J. G. Hvhti.ey, Comm. J. C. SlIOWEHS, ) Geo. Laub and wife, of Cainmel, are vismng ai iieury ucaver s in owmoioru. There are about a dozen nppli cants for the position of cuiiiiins sioners ciern or onyuer county. Who the lucky man will bo can prof). amy uo announced in our next issue. Christmas exercises will bo ob served as follows: Lutheran on Wednesday evening. I'.vunizelicul. Reformed and Hassingei's Thurs day evening and Uuitod Brethren on Friday evening of this week. New features are beini; continual ly added to Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, and the publishers say that the coming year will show an even more marked improvement in its character than wus shown during the past year. Nathan Hackenburg, tenant of the farm belonging to the estate of J no. M. lluckcnburg, deceased, 5 miles West of Middleburgb, warns every person not to trespass on the prem ises uor to steal anything thereupon or they will bo dealt with according to law. The following named studonts are home from college spending tho hol iday vacation : Franklin and Mar shall College ut Lancaster, A. F. ami Roswell Gilbert ; Bucknell Univer sity at Lewisburg, Samuel Witten myer, Jr. ; Susniiehanua University at Selinsgrove, Charles Marks, Wm. Hhindel and Bruce Crouso. Tho Luwistown Gazelle of lust week Bays : "Information having been made against J. F. Stotlor, of Middleburgh, for running deor with dogs, in the vicinity of Cooper's Gap, on ground formerly coaled by Logau Iron company, he was bound over to appear at next quarter sessions. Quite a number of hunters with several hounds have been defying the law and the local hunters, who determined to enforce the law." We prcsumo those Mifflin county hunters observe the law in every par ticular. J. D. Winters, tho novelty grocery man, who represents The Hoovon Mercantile Co., Wholesale Grocers, 6 Harrison St., New York City, Wishes his trade and many friends in Suyder, Union, Centre, Mifflin, Perry and Juniata counties A Merry Xraas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year, and extends to them his thanka for their patronage during the pant year and hopes for the con tinuance of the name for 18!)7. Your Friend, "Novelt? Joe." n-rtli F.nterrit for llrrorit. John Field and wife to Catherine Roush, two acres in Middlecreek Twp., for !1H. Samuel Rumbach and wifo to Catherine Roush, l Sucre iu Middle creek Twp.. for ifliM). Margaret and Jacob Heckman to Catherine Roush, six acres in Wash ington Twp., for !?1(K. Same, to Maine, 2 acres in Washing ton Twp., for if ). Robert Beaver and wife to Hon. S. A. I'tzel, lot i i lieavertown. for. ?i:i.. Daniel R. Xagle and wife to Henry N. Wetzel of Kreamer, ." acres in Middlecreek Twp.. for !I10. Matilda C. and William Wolf, lot in Keek's addition, Smith Grove, for I). Banks Wetzel, Ex'r of Samuel Wetzel, deceased, to Geo. S. Leplev, 13 acres iu Spring Twp., for $2l)H.l'u. Elizabeth Prill to Is nc Prill, one and one half acres in Union Twp., for .HM. Lydia rrks to H. E. Divis, lot iu Penu Twp., for !?stn. E. L. Heifer to J. W. Hi lfer, Hi) acres iu Spring Twp., for $1K). John Hetrick and wifo to Jacob II. Hetrick, farm of l.'s) acres in Beaver Twp., consideration, tflo.OW. l.fllr ra Uranlril. Tho will of Sarah Nauglo, late of Kantz, was probated on the U inst, mid Julia Aim Naugle was granted li tters testamentary on the estate. Letters of administration, iu the estate of Michael Ewig, late of Adams Twp., deceased, wero issued to George Ewig. Tho will of Jacob Sholly. late of Union' Twp., was probated on the l"th of December. W. M. Boyer of Port Trovei ton was appointed ex ecutor. All children are equal heirs except Emma June shall have $800 more thau the rest.' Letters of administration in the estate of Francis M. Fertig. late of Monroe Twp., were granted to I. E. Boust of Shumokin Dam. "Mistaken Socls Who Due am or Buss." The following marriage li censes have been grunted since our last publication : iWm. II. Brown, Union Co., ) .Minnie Wetzol, Jackson Twp. J John C. Mover. Meiserville, ) Susan E. Chubb, Siglorvillo, D. J. Swartz, Pallas, fDilluC. Martin, SC. L. ShallVr, t Cora A. Wi truer, Freiburg, Port Trovei ton. UNION MEETINGS. The past i s of the various chu reli es of A 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Inn gh, Imve arranged to observe the week ot itiaver. .lanii irv 3 to 10, in the follow ing order : January Kefoi ined church ser mon by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler. January Ith. United Evaru'elical church, Subject, Thanksgiving and Humiliation, leader l(ov. Hertz. January Mh. United lhetliren church, Subject, The Chureli Uni versal, leader, Rev. D. D. Buddinger. January tith. Lutheran church. Subject. Nations and their Rulers. loader, Itov. D. E. McLain. January 7th. United Evaucrelical church, Subject, Foreign Missions, leudcr, Rev. J. II. Hertz. January Hth. Reformed church. Subject. Home Missions and the Jows, leader, Rnv. S. Sidney Kohler, January lth. United Brethren church, Subject, Families and Schools, leader, Roy. D. Buddinger. January 10th, Lutheran church. Sermon by Rev. D. E. McLain. A Pointers for Outsiders. The jury in the St. Clair murder trial ought to havo put the costs of the case on Catlierman a fathur. who it is said, attended the trial, hud the gall to say on ono or two occusiols that our model young man St. Clair oujjht to be puui-hod for uiurdoriug his sou. Isn't that Union county r resumption for you? Punish one of our populir youug boys a leader in juveiulo reliirious circles, au obedient so a who helped his mother wash and delivered her washings to her patrons, ami fairly tumbled oyer himself in his efforts to assist her? Puuish him becuuso ho had the courage to stand up and protect the dignity of Milton and shoot a man down who presumed to come into our quiet town and walk up the streets with an independent, world ly air f Well we guess not. That isn't the way Northumberland coun ty justice is built. Here is a little data for outsiders to study when they feel inclined to invade the peaceful precincts of our county and walk over her lawabiding peo nle. 1886-1800 : killin's 67 : hantrine's 0. Milton Standard. Hon. (Jrorg; Mrrntrp 4'liTillrnitril Henry ('Uy to .norlnl t'ombiil. t Onl ridayof Teachers' Instituto in Middleburgh Dr. Baer made al lusion to Hon. Gcorgo Kremer who lived at one time near Middlpburirh and who was challenged by Henry Clay to light a duel. " 11 r u e s't George." as ho wus cille 1, whs born at Middlctown, Duupliin county, Nov. 21, 1775 and died on his furin near Middleburgh, Sept. 10, ls.'il. at the age of 7H years, lie M-rved t wo terms in Cotigp44 fioni IS2.-lto 1J7 represeiitiiig Union (including Snv dor) and Northuiuberlaiiil counties. Mr. Kremer, in his second term in Congress, became involved iu a dis pute which brought him into public notice. These events took place about or when Henry ('lav was appointed Secretary of State bv President John Quincy A lams, uud are known as the "bargain and sale" excitement. Mr. Kremer was linn ly convinced that Mr. Clay threw his influence against General Jackson by which the electoral oto of Ken tucky was given to Mr. Adams for a consideration, and when th? first pluco in the Cabinet was tendered to and accepted by the Kentucky Statesman honest George opened his mouth and poured forth the hot shot that set the entire country agog on the all-important accusa tion. John Randolph of Roanoke dilated upon the accusation against ('lav to such an extent that the ne.v Secretary of State was compelled to challengo him to mortal combat. Af ter Kremer had exposed it in the papers, Clay replied as follows : "I pronounco the author of the charge a base and infamousc ilumni tor, a dastard and a liar anil if he dare unveil himself uud uvow his name I will hold him responsible for the laws that govern men of honor." This challenge was accepted by Kremer who published his name with an acceptance to tight a duel. Kremer searchod tho hardware stores of Washington to secure the best II ro arms in t he land and it was noon noised abroad that honest George was one of tho best marks men about the National Capitil. Tho news was euougli for the re nowned Kentucky orator. Ho never appeared against the plucky states men of "I'eiinsylvania Dutch" fame. Georuu Kremer occupied a on spieioiiR position iu the carlv d iys of Union (then including Snyder) count v, uinl lived for inativ years at Lewisburg. For a while" young Kreamer clerked for his uncle, (L it eral Shyster, who came from (i,u inany where he had been iu Military Service. Iu 17W our young hero went to Selinsgrove. where ho was iu t ho employ of his uncle, Simon Snyder, afterwards G m i nor, who t hen carried on a grist null, store, farm and warehouse. In l-titij he re moved to Lewisburg, then called I lerrstown and started a store in Isiis, which he continue I until 127. He was elected t- th" Legislature iu 11.! uud iMl l uud iu lHIO he whs de feated for congress, but was elected. as before stated, 1822 and re elected in 1821. Upon his retirement from congress hotitirchasod about :tOu acres of laud in Franklin Township, Suvder (then Union) county, near this place and moved his family from Lewisburg to tho farm April -', IX2i, where lie. lived until the day of his death. Mrs. Thomas Bower of Swiueford is a daughter of the distinguished George Kremer and now lives on the Kremer homestead. Oconee Kremer was married iu 1811 to Cath erine Evans, only daughter of Col. Frederick Evans and wife. Mr. Evans lived with Mr. Kromar until Evans died in 1811. He uud his wife and Hon. George Kremer were bur ied iu the old cemetery lot on tint Krouier homestead. These bodies wero due up iu 1801 bv Hurrv Snccht and ro-buried in tho Middleburgh cemetry where they are now resting. We recall this bit of historv at this time because there are many of the younger generation who havo never I .l 1 1 l- ufiini m uuu, vioo. jvreiuer, a gonr.li) man of national reputation in his day and we propose to do our duty toward preserving historical data of our own county a duty that has been too much neglected by tho peoplo of Suyder county. BANK STATEMENT, .L f. ...', "f "" ''lr'" 'Mnal It llllt ..f f..l...,ir -l,. , M ,l,.,ir.y ,,1 III i. ''"'I'Jl'! tl.. Ill tlllTliMPUl ll'1-.IIM-W RESOURCES. t.oaui will ilN,M'iiii Ov.".tariH. .'i iii, in ,ii,., ilr,.' t I . S. ll niiU lit i iv , n,., n ,, rri'tiiiiinm mi r. . u I'.iiliitv It iinN ,' " It iiil:i!i.liini.i. r. t. ..ii '.!. , ..' O'Iht rr.ll chI it.. ,i, in. ,r- i .s nu n. I Dm-rrniu N. in. in ,i n ,kh i,,ii u. TM- Aw'i'hN It'll- mini stni - II ink. .iii.Vii'i'.ik',.',',"." ' It'll" rr.l ll UHMiiu. I i,..,.rwi m. t'lli-rk anil .tl h. r . ..I ViIi h .,r ,,n,,.r s , ,., , 1-r.i.-l 1. ti ! ;.- , hi- -1. - . i, t. K I. .iinl 1 1 r I.wti. Iim ( i;, ' "iViiiVh ' VI.: S""'-li' 1 I.M.I Mi .l-.'ll t II I.T I .... s j.i-, U'. . injil i. iii Km I i, i, i a i ri-.n'in r ,." p. rc;.;,i. ,.; , uv,.ii,,, .l!7.-H 1 1. Ill It'll ,11 I I'M 1.1 FricnJs of "The Post." ..nil :ii-, i.lT'i v i K'l Mi I. U t :'V HHJ.1-." HI UV.ii '.;:. hi T"r" iJinm.v IdAI.IIdTIES. tV'lll' ll-t K k pUilll, .-l.lll.,lll S'lnil'i- K'tml , ,,M,,V, I ll'IIO I'-.l pi- )... l"H.4,S ,,. .. ' " I'U'i nivit -M .Ill-Ill ll ltll,k M..I,., nllll.u, .. . M I'I'- tiiiitlnT N ill. .1, it I, :)., , III!" Ll S.,l,. ,, l,lk,.r, ,,, IllillV.il'lal i-HIIk sltl., .. "" M'-' K . iii -,;i.i,i iH'iii.tini ri-rililciii-Mir a,.. iuii,hii limll ' I'll CI y. N.ili.t.unl ItilN miiii il ' TOT A I.. I lTll-iVi SI A I KoK "KSN4 I V N ., ' SN I'KUl olM V. us: , I. .1. N. I lluMI's, i. ,r, -,i,,.r,,f t, i,vm n iin.-.l hunk,, a., i.ii.-inniv - KHiur unit tin" iitKivf tia'i',.'.'i,'-'f ,'"n"'1" ""' """' knowie.irf,. .). N. THOMPSON. Jr..-.islili-r. S,ili. rlt-, mi. srt.irn tn Im (.h,i un t IiIh xikI un ul It v. IS-lil. I i- WKIsl:i, Notuiy pui.li,.. t nllllKiT -ArteM A. k It t-'Ki J CI t. Al..'i..lt M llOl ll. W. W. V I n'K.NMVKK, IMrwtor-, 07 :tf. '.; 07 Oli o:i '0ii "07 07 02 01 A NtraiiK Drram. One night, recently, a Newport woman awakened her husband by a hearty laugh, in her sleep. Tho bus baud did not interupt her merry dream, but when sho awoke next morning, ho wantod to kuow whut ths fun was. She said she had dreamed that one of Newport's min isters (a young divine) hud grass growing out of one Bide of his head and a large tomato stalk was spread ing its branches out of the other Bide, therefore furnishing much food for laughter to her. This eccentric dream was the outcome of an oyster supper before retiring. Tur l Hliloriilit. Ciltr.iinlu hub vii in,,,! mtliiifly trrinitl riio "lUly er Aiil"rli-ii All llm i,.,-i,,m Ii ,u, tlm rlomll.'M nk.v an, I tin, n. n v.Tiliiri" ul tlir r,-ai Kur.ip.-.iii pi-iiliiiiiliiiiri'iiipiir,,t... in ti,S hiiiiiiv Un I III tin. I".i.-llli-. II r,' l,.,ll,r I,, .It. i ..... mini Ii I ii. m lii-rown tii-aut ; attl linn h.i I, ii o-uiiinniii-.i hit uwii N.iiiiiiiritiui, wiiitb i-ii-rii.il Kpilnif linpln.'HeviTlii-tiiiirfyuiitli Willi lli -iiiuw iiiniiii.-,l pi"ok or Mm SUirriiH iihiii tint tiiio liiui-1 the eitlin I'uiinit with Itn m,p iip.ni tin Ollltir, suit H vi-i-IUililit paru llmi or rimv.-t-M. iritlli, nml plniit.t Pern i. in in im,, nail iin.l i, m IM, im-in-r mini, i vwit HH.'lt tMUitlry In it prM- l"k', H UlCHMltlg. The 1'iMin-ylvatilii lliilroal ru npanv, rocitg nl.lii Mn- o"i'il iilniii iu-r,,iiil,,ii,ii,,-a'.nl pli-a-. mil w.i.v or i-mvliiK in ui tn.-iir. Inaiik'tinti'-.l it si-i li". or annual intirx lit Ciilli.irnla, riiuiiln u Inrii.ili train nl I'lilnn ui pala.-r cms lr -m N -tv York I'i Ml-I'.i.-lllr l-nasl, n, HUipjui,,. ,u t. prlnrlpil p Mills rl liili'irsl en rnnii-. Ti e nr--al pipiiliirliv ul lin-sii lours ill-lit. iii-ir.iii's Mib s. I mi or Mi . in it. in .nl. K.ir tin-s,. is.in or is-jj Min'o linirs i.,w. i,, ,.,, arrini-1 l.i I 'ivi. N.-w v,,rk. I'lill i i.,iil.i. aim Pllishiiirf, ,1 inii iry K7. Kcnrilary vl l u, h V7. 'I'li ilrst i,nir will run ilin-i-t l,i s et In, L-.i via St. I.oitls m l I in- una Km Koaii-, jui.l r. niin Inim S ,., -r an-N,. i via Sail l.ak.' flu, hiivir. uii.l i'lill- i ail-nniii; ti ,.( ks in ' tl.,riil a. Tin- s...-. i l t i ir win run la Mi,. M iiiiiimUi Cat,- u:i. N on.-aiisto s,m in,.,.,,, st.,i,in . al tin- r-. . iii i ll) ' .Pii in,. Mn- M.u.li i.r.is c..i. nival. Tin' ' if will n-iiini via Sati I. il.i-1 My, lii-itn-r. urn ill i. ami t lilc.nfu, nil. nunc lour Wl-rks III I llll l' lll i. Tin' thir l t.nir ill run via riil, a,' !, Ii -im r. in,. I sill I, ,M" t 'll v, allow in . p ussi.,..i.r. to i,-. tui ii In i. ii.,r lialu.t la.tiili.r.iut mutes u III, In iiln,- in n, i ii , All ollll '..,ls. ,.l.r ...iln.' or r,.,irnli,L. will p iss I iii ,m ;i I mi leu ins I'.il.na.l.i n--lon, Uli'llWo I I s, ,"H, ..-.l,h . an,! .. t) ,,,.i ,,( tin- ti i.ls. II lies rr.i n ,11 piluts on Mi,. ',.invlaiila llailr.'a l n. .i..iu e is' ol I'll isimr,' : Kir-a i . .nr. I till , N.T in I I nr. 1 .11 ; Mni il l.inr. I.'lil I'liuiiil trip, anil I ... way. For ilet. nl. I li libraries aii'l ot ln-.-lur.iriii.il ion , upplv al II. h 'l lue.i.-les. npivial Ii nklio,' oiil,.-s. or u lilress ,. ..,r'- W, II Assistant liem-ral r,isen,'er A ;.ui. lit oil sin.-ei si.uion, l-lilla-ili-lplilu. AD.VMSBURG. Both churches will have Chiist mas exercises on Thursday livening ('has. preese of Halstead, Kan., after having spent several weeks very pleasantly, ut this place, left for Philadelphia where he intends learning telegruphy The Missis Alcclitlev y.-ive a very pleasant "Lean-Year Party," Thursday even ing. All present report it us" being one of the best parties of this year ... .Wellington Jhichnian from the West is (.pending Christinas with his sister, Mrs. Jonathan Spangler ... Dr. Chas. Smith, of Jefferson Medical Collcgn, is spending tho holidays under the parental roof. . . . Chas. (Joss, u student at tho Sus quehanna University, spent a few days iu our town, last week. ...Miss Bessie Smith of Middleburgh lias been visiting friends at this place for tho past week. . . .The I. O. O. F. Lotlgeofthis place expect to at tend the funeral on Wednesday, of John Lichteuwalter, a member, at Centrevillu....H. I. Romiir attend ed Sunday School Convention at Lewistown last week Claude Klose of Buffalo, N. Y. is BDendin? the week in our town. Rom. of HoN-on. Tho following persons havo paid their subscription to the Post to tho dates opposite their naino-i. Should any mistakes occur in these credits or on your p i per please notify u H. II. Heil.sler, Ijlias Khiigler, Elon Snook, David Mi, llcswurth, S. P. AucUr. .1. Ti. Vai ner l.lolni Smith. lie. Stitiillri-, ('. Stetler. David Coleman, F. M. Mont.-lius John Howell, A. W. Itowel'HOX, R-.b. Mid llcswarth, Kd Fr 1, J. It. Shaffer, II. D. Swim ford, Jesse I lackciihurg, Wm. Nagle, loin, F. Ii. ibl, Joseph Kerr, S. H. Reiiiiiiiger, II. 1. Keiser, Win. Hunt. Jacob R. M Hirer, Riley Keph-r, M. L. Shannon. Jonathan Troup, J. F. WauMi.-r, It. Kreih'.tumu, A. D. Miller, J H. Long. If. II Riutninger, II. II. Smith. I'i. I. Stuck, Levi S. Gelnelf, Aaron Hummel, Alfred Chlll'lt, Henry Napp, Benj. Shaetler, Emanuel Zeclnnan, Elmer Greincr, W. F. l-'eese. Edwaitl Miller, Mrs. J. C. Specht, G W. Snyd.-r. Joseph Middles war th, Frank Beaver, M. C. Smith, James Shuitian, A. Baunigarduer, M. W. S. ltenfer. Jerome Beaver, Ivlward Beaver, If. C. HeLll. W. C. Shaeir.-r, P. S. Mlttelhllg. Fred. Row, Sol. Wetzel, John H. Mover, J, W. Baku, Simon Arhogust, Bellj. Stetler. Joseph Brunni-r, J. J. Shradei , Hon. S. A. Wet.el. Hon. 1 leiir. v Hi own, Jacob S. ( laiiirlt-r. Jerome Ulrich, Geo. S. Trout man, E. S. Aiu-ker, A. W. Ulsh. Isaac Smith John II. Waller, Jr.. .1. P. Voder, I. E. liiiiuMiuau, John D. llttgar, B. 1'. 1 1 ii in nut, Al. Clelan, Valentine Walter, Percival Garmaii, P. S. Bickhait, John Smith, Harry Rowersox, Mrs. T. I-'. Ranch, Jonas K. Fetter, Roswell l-'ttlerolf, A. W. Potter, Benj Manrer, Geo. M. Smith, Win. Shainbach, J. E. Botisr, Dr. C. II. Brihbin. John Renin Hirer, 'J'heoilore Row, State Sibrary, Rev. J. S. 1'ai nswoi lh, Mrs. M. L. Ernest, havo Nathan Hackonbur? will public sule on March 11, 1807. Three great Goat days at E. B. Weidman's Millinery Story at Ad amsburg on December 31, January 1 ami 2. Over 50 Jackets and Capes to select from, at greatly reduced prices. Misses' and Children's coats at from $11.03 upwards, Ladies' Jackets and Capes at from $13.00 uowards. Apr. 1, '07 Oct. 1, 'or. Dec. I, 'Oti Dec. 1, 'Ori Dec. 7, 'or! Nov. 0, '07 Nov. I, Nov. 2. Apr. 2, Jan. 1, Dec. r. J in. I, Nov. 10. Jan. 1, Jan. 1. Jan. 1, '07 Oct. I.V '0.1 Aug. 1, M..r. I, Apr. 1, 'oil Nov. 1, 'oi! Nov 1, 'Oi! Jan. 1. 'o;t Dec. 21, 'Of, Nov. I.V, "'.17 Nov. 20, '07 Feb. l.-t, '07 Mar. I, '07 Apr. 1, 'or, Muv 1, '01 Oct. 17. '07 Aug. 1, '07 Mar. 1, "M Sept. 1, 'o:t Nov. 1. '0(5 Jan. 1 '07 Aug. l, "or. Apr. 17, '07 Apr. 1, 07 Mar. 1, '97 Oct. I, '0.5 Jan. 1, '08 M .y 1. '07 Nov. 1, '07 July 1, '07 Jan. 1, '07 D.-c. 1, '07 Oct. 1,'07 Jan. 1, '97 Dec. 1, 'Oti Jan. 1, '07 Feb. 1. '07 flit. I.'., 'Oti Jan. 1. 07 Nov. 1.1, '07 J in. I, '07 Feb. 107 Sept. I, '07 Jan. 1, '!7 Jlllv I, 'Ul! Felt. I. '07 Feb. 1. 07 Felt. i, "or. Jan. 1, "Or; Apr. I. '07 Dec. I, '07 July 1, Jan. l."i, -Ian. 1, Feb. 11, D-c 1."., Dec. 1, "07 May 1, "07 Aug. 1, '02 Jan. I. "07 Muv I, "Oil Apr. 1, "Oti Jan. 1, ".-7 Jan. 1, '07 Dec, 1, "07 Jan. 1, "07 Feb. 1.1, "07 Jan. I, "07 Sept. 1, "07 D. c. 1, 'nr. Dec. 1, 'oi! F. It. 1, "07 Apr. I, "Of. Feb. bl, "07 Nov. If., '07 Jan. 1, "07 March I, "07 Sept. 1 1, "07 Jan. 1, 'OH St pt. 1. "or, June .10, "07 .May 1, 'or, Feb. 1, '07 S 07 '07 "07 01! "or, MIDDLE CREEK. Again Jack frost has put ustop to plowing. .. .Only u few of our peo pie took in court last week. ...After u Hummer's stay ut Rccdsvillc, Miss Nora Knepp has returned home.... Chas. Heimliueli uud wifo were vis iting friends iu Union county last week.... Miss Mary Furgeson of Reedsvillo wus tho guest of Jesse Knepp's last week. .. .Grunt Yoder of Globe Mills niiid u visit to Alviu Ulsh ono day last week. . . .Furry Zoibor has returned to his native place, after a summer's stay near Bellovue, Ohio.. .11. (5. Krebs is again assisting Chas. Ulsh in his store at Wagner Protracted meeting at Maubeck'a church is still in progress. May much good fruit spring therefrom. .. .Quite a number of people in our vicinity are sick but at this writing all are im proving. .. .Mr. Shilling and wife of McClure were visitiug his brother Humuel, on Sunday At this writ ing we are anxiously await ing a rab bit snow as the season will soon be out.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers