1 J THE JM1DDLEBURGH POST. l:. V, WAtiKNsKM.Klt, IMitor nin'i Proprietor MlKKI.rilt hOM, I'a., 1)kc. 'Jl, l&'Jti. A1 v-r t ii n l purs when it in pono klxmt in mi uiti'liuM iit, l uhin px-lik way, n hp n work to j'i-t their money out uf iiiiv j I h-r in 'i'ht tnt'ti U Tin" Sii(.i ni, Court of ArkniiKnn ln ill fulfil tlmt Hie fiivi'riior Imn tho rilit to iipi (i i ti ii -: 1 1 1 i r - of the Ij'-rih-I tit uro nlirff viiriktif i'4 hiivo lu'i'ti Ciiiik'1 ly ill ntli, r f i mi ut if 11 r tln r CUII1"'". (''Ill)" I, lit lull fill HoW I'D olitililll'il in Fniiiff 1 v tin- nctim.s of jnilu-inl errm. '1 l.i' WiimiiiM iniiistnitfs llltVil II I', l.tlv fl Vi'll !l Hum, xtrmu'ly m ilt Id J. Mh. II f.T 1'iHI ti'i-li iluyx, 1111 111 llfllllllt V Li f Ofl. Aii Jln'Ii-li i m it il.ciari'n tint li" litmus i. nt li i'tCill f ni'.ti rd iti nf tlii" nlil iniftriii wliii-ii uri' riow liiii:; inv iii tlii j riv it. ciil' i ii m uf t ltt 1'ii.ti' I Sinti s, un l nil nt which ui ru oriciiciiiy ! i !.- i in I .ir at wty Li;;h I'lii'ii. A l"iiliiii j ii v ii is ri i'i n' I v jj r n ri . 1 11(111,111, ll tl umi.'i - :l. M.'i-I I:, i a' i i : 1 1 II mil uf II f HI 1 1' 1 1 111 . l! In, l . n .', wli I t 1 1 i - 1 ti' J'Ht ll llli't lull I'lV, I I'll l.y i l.i' uf t III! iii"inlii I i. 1 ii. .i i i, wi.'i. l ! iiv.i ii Mil'-t'ii.tnil ,i tin- fi'iniiH : i'it.1 Ii SI flllllil :.;H,i I II I 1','M I. Ai'iiiMHi', lii'liim Ti" i ltd ry , lnis it H 'I ' ' I '!' till' ll!illill. 'Ill" II, I lii'lt lilts iili' ri :it In 1 :i s . r-i I 'i t h " run-1 li;; ij lul - Itll'H llf II C.lil' ". -, -',,lilt,'r, !,(( ,, the titst Hit : u i ii i i,iii nt !i i.ri', every mini i ii i i i hi-, nun. f f.uirii', it Muiiiuls like ii I'l'i'li, il Intti" lor ii ttlllll', 1 mt It Ii Mil. I t ) ll l,' tl," ,l, ni r.-.l i ll'. ft uf M,iti:i'.; m,t tin; li y, ulurii no i inl i,i f..urf i In itiginj lius hitherto Ih i Ii nl. I" t.. il... In ml hti. hi to tl," lii .l from ut, 1 White Cro--), them litinjiiit lieeii t m I ul i : n b i 1 1 in " 1 1 ii ii i it iii w order, to I'O kllOWl' III tin' (iri'ill Ct'ie-M. 1 1 M "liji'ft ii to 1,'ivf Miffiir to Alfinu fluulii r iiinl jvuri. units in muitii tuiti riv:ii,ni. It or if.; i ti't t 'il in tho AuMriuii A!uiie CluU Tlio lutfiitioii IH tl CStlll'llhll llllts oil high lllollIitllilH iui,l ti) Ki i i Miiiii(;!i iiinl relief More or li is.i s f iiiit iiiiiu urtiflfi likely to lif I n . ri'il i;i ctiiereiie ii'S lit fyii Vli ntiy Incited JM lliti. In tin; iirw "il'i-t e nuiwiy fn.Tfli limit inl t!ii T. -;i, Mi.il. ml U'liiruuil, wiili'i-ilrnif In , I v lit ; iiitut i urn li'ivit, ,1 in tii'' of tiif fir 1,,'tui'cu ilm Wi.inUs, 1111,1 Uuti l-,,i'H I'lmlllf,' II hhovvi i i,f in tilie ml linn in v i i - til. itni. lly 1 1 1 1 1 1 : s uf mi it,,nrutiH till' WiitiT 11 euri ,e, under ii - 1 1 1-1 thl'uU'll til" 'iH'i t" ilrclifll ( lif ll iif tin' ii'i- lull! I" nir-l'.lli r-i in thoen tilut 'i-.. 'I h" ji ii r ih ili i ivi'il fnuii tin; nli' nil, I n !i ii'i inllt, . tlnmili till.' llll'llHIII l, I ill'!.) tll- I '! fl'llf.l I r i Ii i inli ;- , l,y h, In i.u tht cuiii I ii uut i n iiinl mI.,,-1. In,; Him,' w.iti r ih f.'ifi ,1 t!iruii;li tin- I" uti 1 vt ii 1 1 1 ii t r r ri'poiiti'illy, In in n--i il uvur tt!nl i. r n l; I Ml. 11. I'l iit 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 r 1 1 h in I 1 1 1 iii . r li ivo lIlM'ldM' I li lt must In; lvf""n:,'i',l MH oiii' ni t In1 1.; mi v --t I'l rilw uf t li' fit i ii i is. It l,ini:iri thnl t liiMlMitnli n! ci,li,li'(' lltti'lnllli tll'M' lust It lit lulu mi' Mlll'iT IIIH tl oiii ili fnftiv,) vi-iuii, mi, I Unit llltlliy if tin ill urn 111 iluli;;. r nt losilin; tint 1'inivr uf hlht ult,i ;i tlli f. Of tllf .V.,!!!) ) .fliu,il i' hlMn II tllllS I X' iiiniiu'ii in l!.ilt:in i:n, '.t.'.i.'il wi re fniunl tlJ lllllf f Vl s SO l,:ifv l!ll,!lin.'ll tlmt flirtil'T M''l ml at ti ll 1 HUM Will irn llllllllf I'.l llli-,,illti ly lli-.;i'f. In ll'l li- t mil to tln'-M' lin in Mi'if si , !nl tlmii. muiiU of n tin if. t wli, mi irtiiu;t Hllil lliti !! I;;, l,t III '.ii-il tl'i'.ltllti'lit for tin; i-Ni'S Win l"f il I'-.l us nulls. JH'Ii-.ii'i. . !' ) tin's,. Inn -i- i wis sulil link! iMtitin.i I - 'in, .1 utt 'ii I nii'i' Ui!. nut sii.'.i 1 1 , it in, lit v on i, li, i-xt I i-iiiij-ly ,1 l!l .;,'! -, IUViliMll Init IIM-l t'ly til,' ili., l.!l .,,,1 ut ,fl lll;l!l"!,t llll)tllir Illi'ht i f t.li' i Vt -., I, lit III ninny f.iscH iiftiuil lil;inti,is-. 'lius kIhiwiii:; )'lsltlV"lv lliiMli; Ii;', I'M'lillun tui! N'l'W VulU Mini mi l Ki'ri;ss. Tlmt liimly tn.tv jn r frill, iif tin- ulmln number of fliil.lnii i A Hilifii'il in il f lly lli.f lliil tiliiuli' slimiiil Iif f jiilnl to In; vii'tiniH of il'.'fi ctiVi; vision menus tlmt uniau wlirrn in tin; im'.-iii: of tln'm imlo illfh loss f ill rli'sM. "is or ili'lisi; i'jnur inuv, or botii ti,f;i tliri', iii'u lining thuir t;vil work. Tlmt iiiuiiy inirmis uro IICKlfCtf.il ill fiiliil;; for tin i v eliil clri'il'd rye is uinli i.mliii', Init it will tlouLitlrss In! in i; isi-iiry to Me ok else wlicru for thu fun,, s uf tin; Hi'tioiiH oomlitiuiiH vliii'h fxist in linliiiuurt'. Ilov Nut lire. When a Imy Kiiyn 'W ut tlif tulilu ll tliMtm't ini'iui no; It incniui that lie U trying to ! ollte. Atclilnou CJloln?. A-I-, . . . MA IK.-. W X l-lli; JL WO IVIK. IVIOKTONS i 1' tJ Vf.ntnr wi- sL ufii iniiitiii 5 I'l'i'li iu 1 OliLY is tlio moil nin.il li iniiLf, tntit.iiiziup, jitrvtrso Rtiil chirm 1U' I inilit ni w;ll ful in i t it, yon'J ho, in lmvo fi'iinl it out vroimui of in v iinco. I've love with lier for hvo rc;ir, nti.l it s n wotnli r my hnir isn't wlntu; tiiiiii liiiics I think it ii turning i.r.iy, Imt when I noi;o to Holly uliotit it, shf not to t'other, I win oM enoiiu'li to I'O i;niy nny w ny. Ah! thit'H h' re 1'olly liurti, mi l ho known it, for 1 ma li'teen yeiirs oMi-r t li mi chu is iktnl whin Unit willful yomitf wniivk'i wihc 1 to lie ticitliir ly crii'.'l, chi treuti mo with respect. 1 know tb -it iiTiioii;: in y frietnU 1 n:n roiiHiilrre'l to lmv.' fnirly k 1 fetuj I cikii ti! U mtinmi'ily mi most m1jeet , nn,l I st iktnl wi ll eiioii rh in my jiro fnr'si ill, ut l ii'-t eii'klili'.l;,' tin! to keep my lirinl uliove w t' r. lint wh' ti I'm with Jtolly. or in h r prc-once, I'm mi w', n lirivi li:i:r, looiisli n-',. A Inn itii' truiii nn ii-yluiu wotilil l u liriiitu'it coiiversiitiotiiils' eoinf..iri;.l l i ti'.". Ami iilik'! I'ol'y iaiows tlmt too, mi l i-hn tiirnn fits mr niil m i'.e.s life mi mint trrnlile loir le i to ine. I sturt t miikf ii m ii ,i!ili rc;!iiirk, when uml'li nly I liii tt Polly's eyes ; then I hliltillili! n,l my the uroii;,' tlnii-r, mi l h' will re ji.iirk, "Po o:i reiily think tl:nty" with mi Ii ii i.'ke l look in In r I'eiiuli ful lilui; i vis, '.vhilf I iloti't tliitii; it nt nil lint h ive oist sniil it. An 1 to it 'oes until I nti i, r sot'.etimes if 1 :im quite ri-M. Win n we ,i;i to tlniifes 1 my we, I'm iilwuys tin ro if I know i-lie ih r;iiiu;; thuit's lire n httli; wniso tlnm nmi'l, fur I'ollv il itifi s pii-t tne with 1je:iHts mi l c:i'N of nii'ii, ami I t-tiiii'l iiliuut tin' wall w ikt,;hin.i; her. Sho never wi'.l i;iv hut two ilunees to mo, no 1 liiwo iiotliiiij,' to ilo iu the luciiutimu liiit w.itf h her. Uuo ui'ht I wiih ili'-pcrntfl. 1 Lrt'l Fcnt Lcr vio!el.i nsusu u .she us is pur tieuhirly fotnl of thuui, nml most of my moEoy j;oes that wny. Sometimes fho woiirs them, ntul often cur Men them, but thii lit.'ht they wuro no where to lie hi-i'ti, uu'l iu her luuul wim one lurt'o reil ron'. I wont nj to her ; I'ppeiirihe; to 1)0 lorryto nee me wns tho partieulur form of torture which coiumemletl itseif to her on tht.i iH' peciul flight. "You hero!"i-he Miiil, 1 : f 1 1 :i -C li r eyet r,)n iu u ''otii.ilitnrnt mnl without itvmile; till put on, of ci.ur-e, liefiniH) 1 inn nlw.iys wlnri; i-hn is. "(i), no, I'm nut In re, I'm some v,ln.ro rise," I Mii-I wittily. IMie liniithi il liiiiiioiK r.itely. "You're so 1 it ii ii v, " she r, iii'iri.eil, ciiokiiur. "Yeu," Hiklil 1 K'verrly, "I sUiio-.,' I niu fiitmy, very liitiny but where uro my violets?" Why, Iiinl you imy violets?" (Vltil nlie, "1 iliiln't know limv sh ttilil I know?" She s:inl it MiTioiisly, luit there win ft look in her eyes tlmt 1 whs use, I to ; 1M h ivo ltke l to shuke her. "Polly, you know i vum I v whut 1 liie in ; wliere uro my violrts?" "If you menu the violets you bent me,'' hlin rcplidl with ilijfinty, "I iiu.li r-tooil tlmt ii'.'ter they lelt you they lif!otie,l to me ; ilo you want them Illicit V" This frie.iiiKly. "i)h, Polly," I mi. I, rcliieeil once nioio to my usuul comlitioa of mi. ninity, "1 ilnlu't menu it, 'ienr, I Jou't wniit the il I In';,' your pnnlou, of course 1 ilou't wun t them; I only wiiiilo-l you to weur them or curry them, you know, ilurlni:;." I!ut bin) siiu' tlint him lul l the best of me, ho cnrrieil thini with u hih hiiu, I. "Tho rose wiis y ut me by ii frietnl," bhn hesitutuil, ",iu I I mpposa I huve it riy.ht to veur wlnit I plenijo; but fit 'lown, iloti't st m l mi loin,', you'll be tired!" This wiih mi illusion to my i0'e, mill it m i, lib. lniil me. "You urn cxccc. lun-ly ruilo!" 1 ruM, turning unv uu I leaving in r. It whs the Most hi.vi re spin eh I Inul ever iiui'lu to Polly, mi,; i Miti'iri il u! tho t bun.', he of it. For lour iluys 1 ill lu't ! i in iir her or selnl her violets on co. It win uu awful four iluys; I neither iilept nor ute, but ju t revile,! myself us ii fool tor becoming cs triiiK'iil from the only womnti m the worll. In my ilespuir 1 i vin went iu far us to tulie .liuie Hunt to n il men where l)olly was i,ur,i to kco uu, mnl nho iliil. Aud when 1 )ii.,se I lu rntnl fho- looked over my head with her Hiunll note iu tho nr, 1 wi-he I Miss Hunt wins iu well, Kiinewhoro ilse, t but I iui;.;kt rush over to Polly, throw tnynelf ut her feet mil kiss them! Yes, I lu'kiiowlodiju t hut I Luvo olten wished tlmt. Finally J. wrot ) to her, fully con scious thnt it was h very filly letter, wherein I told her I was merely uiinry at inynelf for not knowing bho cHied for red rose, and I neut three dozen. The iiubwer I received wus ihurueteriBtio : "You lire a billy old rooso, and if you hud only wuited until I lluibhod whut I wan Huy;tir you would hnvo il lis covered that you bout tho rimo your be If with tho violets. 1 ilou't euro ut all for r tte." By w.1 '-en I learned, not that Dolly win reprntnnt, but tint her violets hud buled, und fho wuntcd more. So I nont them, hundreds; of them, hopiug tint willful and fiis cinntin youuj womuu would bo up JU'lsed. Hut t ho trrcnlest oT rny misfortunes h.is not yet been net down. Thero wn nuother yonin; mnn, uu iicqiitiintnnco nnd nt' .nin r of JtollyV. with rxuetly tho Hiiuio tiii'no us inyRelf ltieliiird Mortoti. 1, of course, hud tnken n liU",c I'.isliLu to him, in bu t I huted him (for Polly otico reinnrlrd thnt he wnsu iiiej fellow), ii'nl I don't thir.k ho hud uu eitr.iordiniiry nfleetion for tne. We wtr; no relutlou; I wns ejikd of that. A few ilnys ikrter 1 hnlbecn Mich u end to Polly I culled upon her, ntld, hen veil favoring me, I found her nlotie. "Polly, ilenri.st," I be .' ill, "I li'U mi forry " "P"ii'l." fho mid, thtit incident is clo"ed. Timre are ki iniitiy nicer thin.is to lull, n! out ; .bine Hunt for in-l it. c." I shiver;- I; I w.n n'oout to be i ii'iii in ,1. "N she nicer?'' feud I. "kVhut do you re'iUv think of h"r?" f ii 1 Poily Willi rn'ln r uu iinious loo!; I tuou.dit; but oi C iurse I was m:s- t.lkel'. "ih, file's u very Kood fjirl, very rood!" with n de-ipernt" desiro t inii!;e Polly jealous if I could, which I Couldn't. Ms ulie?" Polly tOed her he l l. "Wi ll, Mr. Morton, iin vou w,int to l.nuw what I think who looks like?" The "Mr. Morton" was ominous; I fhivrred ii.'iiiii. '"I can't imninr," nnd I lightly, thinking how very pretty Polly w:is with that jiink fpot in either cheek. "I think flu; looks liken cook!" flic lectured triutnphiiutly, whilo f, in wardly nurcottiR, protested: "Oh, Polly, u cook! ' "Yes," fho went ou fpitefully, "and not even like u fooil conk !'' "Polly I Not like n bnd cook ?" "Yes," fho wont ou, "liko a very poor cook!" I wns obliged to l.iujh, I cojldu't help it. "Splendid wife fhe'd ninko!" mi l I, not inclining to rouso Po!!y. l!ut fuddeiily fhc turntil nnd Fnid t!ie most terrible tiling to mo that she'd ever teiid fince I'd known her. "Then you'd better n.urry her I" This from I o!ly ! "(!i " I bin'un, but she wns ".mc, and there wns not hiu' for me to ilo but to pick up my hat mid o, which 1 did, calling inyeif a beu-t and ii brute as I went. That ni;;ht leavim; the theatre We liappniied to meet a moment. She was rii'liant u ti it scorniul. "Polly," I said, ris ilvin;; not to no tice the contretemps of the afternoon, "who are voil noiti to daiH'e the co tillion with at the Tony's t j-umrrow mht?" "With Mr. Morton," she answered sweetly. "What u dear you are 1 vn, ufrnid you'd promise Homebody else." And then fho laughed. "With the pleasant, nroi'iibk) Mr. Morton," fho continued, "who never says the wrong thine;." Aul then 1 knew fho meant tho oilier one! Fin afraid 1 faid u bud word ; hor mocking laugh to'.lowe I me ill the d irkuess, aud echoed in iuy dreams that niht. 1 wishel I'd nevrrbeen her I'tiJ tool; it bad; immediately. 1 ilebut'Jd n long timo within myself whether or not I Khould go to tho Tor ry'f, but us usual ended by t;o;ug. I could ibiueo flag nnd tnko Po!ly out, mnl lovely idea perhnjis fho would tuko mo out ! Then in I thought of tho way I hn I left her tho night before, this beautiful hopo fndol. Whut would hh'i want with u br.ito liko ins? 1 uevcr f.iw her look better than that night of the Terry's ilaiio; h!io was in v. htt", which best became her, and fho fceluud to tne like uti angel. Ami that beastly Morton looked pretty weil t in, 1 had to admit to myself that he was rather n well up peariu;.' chap. Mrs. Floyd Hopkius, who aspires to be foinethliig of u bello herself, ftood for n moment und followed tho direc tion of my glance. "Miss Palrymple is looking particu larly well this eveuiu:',," nnd she, ti very pr.icio'.isi Hpeeeh judeod for her. "Very!" 1 replied, having ncnse enough loft not to dincuas Dolly with u womuu. "Hut what tin uwful llirt!" bho went ou ; this left mo lisping. "And t ugagod, I uuder.stand, to Mr. Mortou nil tho time." "Who miid it?" I usked hoarsely. Polly fngaged aud to thut cud wit h my name. "Oh. everybody my.s no," ntid then fho looked ut ma with hitch uu unpleiiM ant Hiiiilo, "That's your uumo too, isn't it?" "Yeu, I believo it is," I said bril linntly, inovinij; uwuy from her. Dolly tnguged! I couldn't Briup the full Higuitlcituce of it; tho thought lult mo dazed und bewildered. Thin very night would deoido it. I would go to her nnd ask her if there was a ay truth in it. J ust then the came toward mo as if rIio wah going to take rue out, but something in my face must hay Btoppad htr. "What in the matter?" sho nalJ, torninir a little white. "Dolly." I Rnid ctcrnly, "will you give me tho first two dunces after eup per?" "Of course if yon want them ; lint won't you dnneo now?" I never saw Dolly so meek before. "No," I answered, almost roue'ul.v, "not now." Sho left mo with a Mrango look on her sweet face. It sceniod centuries until supper; I tried to think of what I should oav to her, but tny mind whs in such ix cha otic stnto that I decided t depend on tho inspiration of thu moment. At hist supper wns over nnd I found licr, tucked her arm in mine, aud unrobing oil" to a quiet nook, put her in tho only seat, and stood accusingly beforo her. "Polly," I began, look at mo!" This sho did, n little timidly, I thottpht, nnd 1 nlmost forgot whut I was (joiug to fay iu the joy of looking nt her. "My ilnrlin ," I wet.t on, "I lmvo loved you fo Ion", ho Writ, nnd honed that in tho cour-'.' ol years you tniht cotno to cure " Hie ilropncd In r eves ; just then 1 reuiein'orre 1 that horriblu gossip, "but to imrht, Polly, I heard something thut turned my heart to ftoiie." "What was it?" fho asked. That vou were eng ig'jd to" "Who?" breathlessly. "Morton," I jvispo 1, "that wretch ed, caddish " "Stop!" she faid, vriih dignity, "Tell in", you fhall," 1 grasped her wrists ; "is it f V" If it ha.l bei ii any wonrwi in the world lilt P,.!ly I flnuild have said flio was enilmrru-seii. Shu nelually biusliel. "No," h!i'' said slowly, "it is not so, but " tier hands went up and covered In T face. ?dy beavetis! t ipjinsn sho fhoiild cry. " f : ii t what?" I lM-i'lel cruelly; "you'r" not cngigrd to him, but yoii'rii in love with hii.i?" Sho took h'T han Is away and her tao wii1- very re 1 ; if it ha 1 not been such n serious moment I fhoiild have said flic hn I been laughing. "Mr. Morton hie never asked mo t: bo hi.s wife if ho does I -hull- " I w as briiie myself. "Aid if he doe's?" 1 his.se 1. "I shall f.iy yi ;'," very softly. A terribli s ileiifu ensued ; thu cirih vr&i I'inkiiig In ueath my feet. "You love this Mr. Morton?'' I snid sharply. And then the very queerest thiug in the world happened; Dolly's fneo I whitened u little us kuo roso und put out her hand. "Y'es, you old fooso," she raid, "I love this Mr. Morton !" It didn't tnko mo loug to gnther Dolly into my firms. Tho nct live minutes aro not to ap pear iu tins nairdtive. "Dolly," B'aid I, blissfully, "did you ever know such n stupid old fool iih I um?" "VrviT in n'.l my life," said tho sweetest of glrl.i, inr voice coming from tho vicinity of my coat collnr. "And do you suppose that woman mi lint mo when fho tol l tno that gos sip, my ilur!itig?" "tl" cour'f sh:' did," said th voice, "and Fin glad sho said it I I il.oi't beli.'Vi' vn'iM i.T.'? li, ii-.i nut....l mc, otlnrwi-e!" My answer would Hot look Well on paper. "I'o you know, Pick, that you never have a-ke,l me before?" And wln ii I came to think of it, I uevi r hud. --Thu lYlcrsou Maguzino. New Mel !nt 1 ot Ai.ipiitalbui. A new nnd simple- tno do of treat incut has been introduced in Franco by which, it is claimed, a largo pro portion of injured limbs no-.v usually amputated can be saved, snys tho Uot-pitiil. Tho method, which is duo to Dr. lleelus, was recently described before the French Congress of Sur gt ry, nu 1 is thus cxpluiiio I : "Whatever tuo eti ui or gravity of the lesions, ho (Pr. lleelus) never under uny circumstances amputates tho injured liuib, but merely wraps it in antiseptic substauci! by a veritable embalming process, leaviug niituro to separate tho dead from tho living tissues. This method of treatment posse-bos tho double n Ivan tu go of being much less fatal than surgical exserofis, und of preserving for tho use of tho patient if not tho entire limb, at any rate a much lnrger part than would bo left nfter amputation. Ilo udvucittfi this very conservative treatment on nccouut of the excellent efl'oets of hot water, which ho uses Irei'ly. After the bkin has been fhtivod aud cleansed from nil fatty sub.st inocH by ut her, ft:?., iu tho usual way, u jet of hot water is made to irritute nil tho injured surfaces, uud to penetrate into all tho hollows and under ull the tie t iched parts of th wound, without exception. This is tho only way of reiuoviug nil c!ot.s and to wash away all foreign bodies, together with the micro-orgimiiitiiB they may contain. Tho advantages of hot water nt this high temperaturo aro threefold: (1) Hot w.it-.r ut this temperaturo is antiseptic, heat ijrrntly iucreuaes tho potency of antiseptic substances; (2) it is lieinobtiitij (Unit is, stiuohos the How of blooil); (it) it helps to com pensate lor tho loss of lient resulting from tho blcodiurr, and especially from tho traumatic, shock. After tho 'em balming' proce'ss, and tho dead tissue has beeu separated from tho living, the surgeon has nothiug to do except to divide tho bones' ut a suitable spot. According to Ft' a! in tho results at tained uro romarkublo." tiiqiln'r or Terrapin Mew, Stove Melton, of Jacksonville, Fla., has been collet-ting gophers all sum mer and now lias a colony of QUO, Ilo expocts to sell them during tho winter at S3 a dozen to visitors who want gopher etew. New York Sua. ioT i in V in n lino mn i iralZiSAIq'ejOi , It Is not only one of tho most delicate and deiir rs i.r L r- ,j - . . r, , i i - , . . . . . , ' tiro.iKiiisi ruuus ovurunuieu io mo puoiic, out in ntlui ootnpr composea almost intirery ot puro Rlutcn, la on tho most healthful and nutritious foods known. MtftUUCIURIO ttCltlKIVlU l)Y NORTH DAKOTA MILLING COMPANY, GRAND FORKS, N. D. CUSHMAN BROS, 78 Rat'soii St, N. Y, General m f'-' am)ite mnl V.IM1 pnje cook book free if you in, iitn.u t Ij is. p;i; ccccccccccccccccc 9 For the whole family Lively Liver, Pure Clod, Ccautii Complexion, Perfect Health in C&TKfiHTi CURE CONSULT! c c C C C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 0" CUArlANTEED TOBACCO HABIT Ovnr l.Oon,'inOboMrioltl.rtinfrt)rtim firorw tfl powor to1o:tmy thorteMro for tohnn n n form. N'tMo-bnc Ih tho tfriMttt mrvo-fKHl tho world Munjr ulu )i) (Huitult in liu.i fatN to Dnko tho wtvik litiiHitrnt limn htrouu, vluoruim ttfid iitnumM U J ti t iry :i l t V lltfhtiHj. WooxiMM't yun t' ticlli'VP tMmt w wty, ft.ii a 'uro W ahMiliitflir Ki:ir:intt "i t-v iltvi wlion. H'inl lir our t-l "hoii't 'l uici'O ntt niul Smoho Vuur Ltfu Away " Ti itti n frtHtniiiuiilu. .MivksTM P. HT LULl.NU UKUKU V Cti., Cblcugo or Ac w ork. SOLD AND GUAHANTEED BY your own druccist. NEVER GRIPE NEVER SICKEN iUC NEVER WEAKEi Purely vegetable, eat like candy, never fail to Induce n natural sc:L the stomach, liver nnd bowels. Absolutely guaranteed to cute con tip or your money refunded. 10, a; of 5oc. All druggists. Sample and Imo'k Addrs THE STERLING KEMEDV CO.. CHICACO OR NIIW YOU. r HO-TO-BA OUHi THE -W'V"' Monthly :f i llujirsts Edited by AlBatTSJIMV O- n sz M " " V3 " bf only cne tntmiuf rnn he t,ik,-n, vou' I su -.;. ' Ki-.rinr cr A':r:irr, as ,;:,-riii mort grout:! : iy otlu-r Mj;'a;int." Hoard tf Library Cimn:i" i of New llitnipsliirc, iSijd. fffWXZ rr.a(;.i;lne is, In Its contributed and depar: ' mmS features, what Its readers, who Include the n-.o;t i names of the English-speaking world, are plras- '. t : "absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the ti "invaluable," and " Indispensabla." It is profusely lllu. with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original ar: are cf Immediate interest, by the best authorities 6n their re ; ive subjects. The Editor's "Progress of the World" e--clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of ti-e I race curirg the current month. The " Leading Articles c: Month " present the Important parts of the best maga'.in-: ;.; : that have been written in every part of the world. Tin'. :-. &r.d mcst Important books are carefully reviewed. I " chronological records, and other departments eon.; I ' ' ccitair.ty that the reader cf the Review or Rcvirws will miss nothing of great significance that is said or written or done throughout the world. Send i" L'' In Samp .1!' I ir CP THE REVIET OF REVIEWS CO.. 13 Astor Pla, N( V.'fjiv.V Cbr.v. t Trial (fevt months), U00 : W.: THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. 3. Qvinccy, Drawer 130, Chicago, Secre tory of the Star Accident Cuui'ANV, for iuformatlun rcgarJinf Accident Iiuur ncc. Mcution this p.ipcr. By o doing you cnu ive roembtrshlp fee. IU jinij over $'JUO,C0J.OU fur ocdJcntnl injuries. De your own Agent. KO MtUlCAl, EXAMINATION UCQUIRED WANTED-AN IDEAS'SKS".!SS iilu j to iminutf J'rtiii'ct your lili-nk ; llii-y niiiy iliif ym waalth. Wrilu JOHN Vi;l))K. 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