r-p Tjlfeh ium?w tMftt mm IllmiMls fffn K&i mz- Mitor ,nd Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, DEO. 17Tm VOL NO.oO. MSof LOCAL INTEREST t DdU- " " tart is i" fc'0" tu,B "v" it .i:.1..r rtruwdnf 4 nt lr Tuiir n"ii.i.j ..liiiimve. ,'fort proceeding with be pub- Ll next I C. Spinjjlor of Selinigrovo l himn.it her iasi i-riiiu.v. feline- - - - L n K Kreamer of Philadel Lnpnt several unjo m vnu 1 V.rliart of Mif. urs nirn'-' -"- - , - - fern were i" town on "U1,J L M 1 Duels of Selinsjrrovo ia t'lrrynuci: irienas m iod. L Flormicn Moyer of Frceburg I Tuesday i tow" W1U1 Huasof Shamokin spet citthocouuty seat receuuy IrT Saiigle ntitl wife of New drove tlnougu town on nun La Folk and Boyd Stetler i biiKiiK'f trip to .union iuhi Ifjaim'iir and wife of Suu ii'wnt Suntlay in town visiting ii i 1 i: 1 L lorciin Will UO iieiuciiieu nt Li-lmrrli on Christmas at liock ft. tu. r;t,.lw.l nn1 wife of Now sneiit Sunday with Joseph ua family. Viehanna University at Se- 9 . . i 1 f e hus a large nuenuuucu ui its this year. Thompson, Jr., Cashier, ia ir Dm hankers' convention tburg this week. imOcker, who is clerking at in. "Pent a few days with his kit thi pUce. Sbirer of MeClure paid a vis- lr lUuehter, Mrs. Dr. Brisbin, i lord liiHt week. important matter that was kl out this week will appear k iu our X iii as issue. !Nt'lli U')inig of Atlamsburg itortttined by Miss Lottie -fvorul Jays last week. Meredith, the drwr clerk. lurted for Bryn Mawr. where li'Ci'pted r new position. Lizzie MiJilleswarth of Mc-i-iti'd Dr. Brisbin ami wife k iord lor the past week. iy-fivd friend and relatives Ih-rt lined by II. R. Bickhurt ly J u 1 1 u u' Institute week, want a paper thut will in- fry member of your family, pu tor mo l'ost fi.ou a year. se of Win. Romig vs. Aman imbaeli was settled on Mon- 'iiing before court convened. Hir Xmas presents. Send t for U Vear lit vnnr frii.mlu p from now till Juuuary 1, Wt Huiniiiel and sou of pye are visiting her parents, nreeg.'r ana wile, in Swine. I'M Winpy and daughtor, ut-Hvertown visited her pa iuk Buhl, and wife, on Hat r m imeiui as well -as P' articles at moderate f be seeured at Weis', Se- ll'.tht'l mill r,m,1 t. ..-.I poyjthpent a few duys with p-urs. .nclittin aud MrB Jp'eiitly. litiini'ui- ... :f r uie liospitality of their "' relatives in Mid-audvn-iuity over Sunday 5!UllL'1ir n .1nt : 1 t lid. Olim ul.n ; P'"Rii;r rcBidouco in this f uy week, was in tie i uu uease ineiii with uore desirable than the will send the 1W from "uutiry in'.lH for l mi " iook hi our Iinl. U I In v 1 J - . T , v"i nue exceeds fnr- ooth m i i u OW. . ei8, Helinsgrove. fe!!n?ve who r. lour mrough tha Wlh. , county, for tfie past ??,? many friends and M"i place Monday and and Three horses for sala rhnnn. N T. Duudore. The second annual mimical nqsom- bly will bn held in tlm Opera House, l" reoourg, .lanunry u, l.l an.l 10. Wm. Cloven. Conductor. Select the dates for votir s.ilo and have them inserted in our Bale register. John F. Stetler and wife have the thanks of the Editor and wife for a most excellent treat of venixon serv ed in Mrs. Htetler's best Htylo. , Wo are please 1 to le.irn that Coun ty TreaMiirer-elect Win. L. Ueiglo of Adu'iinbitrg propose to make .Miil'llebui'g his home in the near future. Midlleburgli extends to him the hand of welcome. The A nifrli'ii i '. mojjj.i did Ha fair share of the work in th roceut campaign of Elucation. The pub lishers made a special effort to get reliable statistics which always ura more satisfactory than theories. E. W. Naule of Freeburu. who had been selling the White Bowing ma chine for C. C. Seobold, is now sell ing the New Frmcess machine nnd also Orgnns. Call on him and get prices. ou will oo BiirpnseJ to tind them ho lew. Dr. G. E. Hassintzer and son.Milo. on Monday went to Philadelphia. 1 hey were ncconinanicil bv llattie Bowersox, who went to the hospital to have an operation performed to have ti limb straightened, and John Smith for deafness and woakuoss of speech. Lt. Win. II. flemberling. Edward Geinberliug of Seliusgroveaud Frof. Wm. Mover of rreeburg on Satur day ollicially examined the Middle- burg bridge. They were the viewers appuiuted for that purpose. The undue was found to be practically all right. On account of the extra call for legal and local advertising our read ing matter was cut snort for several weeks. This week, however, we re sume Talinage's Sermon, the S. S. T.ntitinn a ulinrt. utni-v mill nil Mia general aud local news. Our reaJ-i ers can expect a lull quota right along. On Moudav the Eaale Hotel iu Swiueford changed bauds. E. C. Oraybill sold out to Carbon Seebold for S(HMK). The old stand near the depot has been a popular stopping place for many years and under the new management it will lose nono of its lustie. The Roll of Honor will appear next week. Send iu your remittance and begin the New Yeur with a clour re cord. A great nmny paid at the of tice this week. These in connection with those who have paid since the last roll of honor has been published will receive due acknowledgements. A smooth, easy shave, geuteel hair cut, or other tousorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Fost omce. (ioto holes and vou will make no mistake. Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg- shampoo for sale. . l oolks. Congressman Mahou is in receipt of many letters from applicants for storekeepers aud gaugers iu tho rev e title service, ihese appointments aro nil under civil service und Mr. Mahou has nothing whatever to do with them. Recently President Cleveland has placed under civil ser vice 00,000 appointments that were formerly made by Congressmen. John Htetler's hunting party re turned home last Saturday with t in oo deer. Que was shot by Frank Herman, one by Alviu Herman and tho other by our popular chief bur gess, J. F. Stetler. This is certainly doing reuiui kably well for our marks men from Snyder county. All the dogs they hud in their posessiou ex cept ouo was killed. Eugene E. Boaver, formerly of this place, begau work as night operator ut tho tower, Salem. Va .on tho Nor folk nnd Western R. R., December 3rd, IH'.5. and up to December 3rd, lN'Jtl, worked 3i!'.t days having workod every night aud put iu some extra time. He is only l'J years of ago an I weighs l'J5 pouuds. Duriug the en tire year he has not made u binulo mistake, This is encournging. Oth er boys ought to bo inspired to no bler duties. Hurrah for Christmas ! The hap piest tune of tho year and the best time to make everybody happy. Do you waut to know where to buy presents beautiful and handsome, to please your friends t We will toll you. Go to Misses Jennie Ulrich and Osraun where you will find the finest assortment in books, games, Christmas Cards, dolls and many other articles to please little folks. Also a tine display of handkerchiefs and a beautiful line of Chinaware, pleasing to the eye and purse. Don't forget to give us a call. You will find us, next door to Wagenseller's drug etore, Market St., Helinsgrove, Pa. 12-10 2t. DIED IN KANSAS. Mr. J. XT. ttrP!i, it Former M M !! burgher Murrain bit to llirit. At Ilerriogton, Kansas, Taesday evening, Decembor 8th, lS.iii, after an illness of several weeks. Airs. Su "an Dreese, beloved wifo of Jacob W. Dreese, aged M years, 10 months and 21 days. IX MEMORIAM. Susan Kern was bijrn nt Boaver- town, Pennsylvania, January 17th, I V I, and was m irned M Mr. J. W. Lreexat New B mIiii, P.i., Septem ber iHh, IS r. right awav uftr his return from the war. Four children were the fruits of that union, three of whom ate now living sfelville Kern, Burchard Ii tgin an I ('liarl.-s Itussel, ull oi whom are no.v at home and together with the husband and father did all they could to make the wife and mother as comfortable as possible during her last sad ill ness, nheu it was only a question of timo when divith would claim her as his own. Together with her husband she went to Kansas iu lHS-, locating -it Halstead, Harvey county and in IH'JO moved to Horington where they have since lived. Mrs. Dreese was a kind and ex emplury christian woman, a kind wifo and mother she was loved und rospectcd by ull. Iu all of their a I Veisities she never lost heart and was uever in the least discouraged, no matter what fortunes this world might bring. No difference how things might go she was always kind aud obliging to nil, and during the last weeks of her illness when she knew she could never cet well, no complaint was ever known to come from her lips. Funeral services were held at Her ington, Kan., Thursday afternoon, and the remains were followed to tbeir last resting place by a largo circle of frieuds who will join with us in extending sympathies and con dolence to tho husband, children and other relatives iu the death of one so dfljrly loved. iTlivDrcere is well kuown in Mid dieburgh, her husband having for many years kept store in the build ing now occupied by Hon. G. Alfred Scuoch. This of courso was US years ago. The son, Melville, visited friends here about three years ugo. .on t:. F. H. Maurer, New Berlin, on Jan uary 1st, 18J7, will start a cash busi ness. Produce of nil kinds wilt be taken us before and goods will be Bold at Rock Bottom Prices. We sell for cash and pay cash for iro auce aud poultry und we will sell you more goods for one dollar tha.i ever before. Butter and Eggs a specialty. i Freo Delivery For Sunbury. II. F. Maun has taken charge of the Sunbury post ollice, his commis sion having arrived on Saturday. Mr. Maun uuiiounced that there would be no change in the clerical force at present in the ollice. His bond for the faithful performance of his duty was filed last week. The amount was twenty thousand dol lars, and H. E. Davis, S. P. Wolver ton and J. S. Packer ate the bonds men. Mr. Mann will no doubt make uu obliging and cllieiont ollicial, who says Sunbury will enjoy the free de livery system within tlio next tew mouths. The Sick. Carol Ruuklo is sick with pneu monia. Margaret Snyder, daughter of Ed itor Snyder, was beriounly ill this week. Wo aro pleased to learn bho is convalescing. Miss Laura Smith, who had been sick at the Eaglo Hotel, has been re moved to Eliabethville. A. G. Rashoar is able to sit up. J. II. Bachmau is also on tho sick ViA. Aljii-t UU Own rhll.l. Reuben Kreamer, who resides livo miles west of Middleburgh, was brought before court on Wednesday afternoon for abducting iu company with a stranger his i) year old daugh ter, Beula Verdilla. while going home u im school to Jesse Hackenburg's at Middleswarth, who had taken the child to raise wheu it was ouly two years old. The result will be an nounced next week. At the Middleburgh Drug Htoro you get pure drugs and all tbe lead ing remedies for coughs, colds and all lung troubles, liver, kiduev and stomach complaints, such as Cham btrUin's Remedies, Otto's Cure for the throat and lungs. Dr. James Tar Syrup and Fig Laxative, Green's August Flower and Bosohees Ger man Syrup, together with Lane's ert King and all tho leading Harsa p.TiUas on the market. ta. u. ia. mssiNOKR, rrop r. The Teachers' Institute Thi Prorrmllng or l.itt Wrrk'a r. Ion Coinnlrtril. llaviiw r inn to m-iwd im U'o,i,,n. day of list week our renort of the insimiuto closed with Tuesday eveiimg. Hence we resinno our re poit with the session on WEHXESII.W MOUMNO. Music, "C)ino Ttiui Almighty King.' Devotional Exercises were con ducted by R.-v. I). E. MoLiin. Supt. F. C. B wersox suggested tint applicant for p.r;ii mvit cer tificates pay the expenses thus in curred. R.m .'irks by R. L. Sohroyer and C. L. Wetzel. A motion prevailed that applicant for permanent certificates pay ex penses exceeding live dollars (the amount appropriated by the Insti tute) for holding examinations. Music, "Trip Lightly." Prof Barton snoke on the subject of "Geography." Music, "Vesper Hymn." O. V. Wulbort. with a keen in sight into the subject discussed "Literature in the Public Schools." Music, "Johnny Sands." Supt. T. E. Conner of Miflliu coun ty was introduce I and spoke chief ly on the topic "Who should teach the public schools." Dr. Dick dilated on the subject, "Tho Best Teacher Tho Best Ones tiou." 4 Music, '-'My Country." Prof. Barton continued hi talk on the subject of "Geography." Adjourned. wehnksvav akskunoov. Music, "Creation" aud "Rod, White and Bluo." Roll call. Music, "With Joy we Moot." Dr. Dick, spoke: "Waking up vs. Stuoof. ing Mind " Music "Star Spangled Banner." Prof. Barton spoke: "Elements of BUCCOHS." Tho committeo on District Insti tute made the following report, dis tricting the county, naming the time aud places for holding iiiNtitutesaud a committee on program a follows : District No. 1. Spring, llcavcr, West Beaver and Adams townships at Troxelville Jan. 1-J. l.H'.i7. Com nlittee: W.J. Dice, I'orry Snook, W. I. Keller, Millie Kacuipfer, and Jacob Aigier. No. 'J. Franklin, Mi l dleburg and Centre districts at Middleburgh, Feb. l;20. Committee: M. I. Pot ter, Jerome Krdlev, L. C. liachmau, Jere Bowersox and Samuel Miller. No 3. Washington, Middlecreek and Penn townships at Ft burg, Feb. I-' ll. Committee: C. K. Fish er. J. F. Wugcnsellor. Chas. Miller, Grace Holl'inan and I'lutio Walter. No. 1. Perry, West. Perry and FiVeudalo Independent Districts, at Fremont, Fub. wn. Committee: T. G. Arbogast, J. N. Drosius, Nel son Mengel, H. S. Hoi nbel ger and Annie Winey. No. .I. Jackson, Monroe, and So linsgrove at Shaiii"kiu Dim, .Ian. H-'.t. 'oiiunittee : Llovd Schroyer, Lydia Fisher, Mi Mary (NJelra Sanders nnd A. B. Slieary. No. fi. Chapman and Union at In dependence school house, Jan. '21. ('oiumittee: Lottie Spangler, F. A. Weaver, D. S. Herrold, Geo. K. Sholl and J. S. Keichenbach. Joint Institute of Snyder and Juniata counties, Richfield Jan. lo in. The report was adoptod. Music, "Keller's A m eric a n Hymn." Dr. Dick, subjoct: "Tho Novel School Teacher." Judgo Ellison was introduced and creatod a favorable impression. Muse, "Onward Christian Sol dier." WEDNESDAY KVENlSO. Judgo Alfred Ellison of Anderson, Indiana was the orator of tho evou inir aud spoke on the subject, "Kings and Queens or Earth's Truo Royalty." The Judgo demonstrat ed his magnetic power as an orator and for one hour aud a half enter tained hi large audience with wit and humor. He abhorred tho traflio of American girls with fortunes to empty heads with foroign titles and impressed his hearers with the idea that Earth's True Royalty lies about the domostio hearth where kindness reigns supreme. THURSDAY MORNING. Music, "Mountain Maid's Invi tation" and "Floe as a Bird." Devotional exercises. Music, "America." Dr. Baer, subject: "The What and Why Periods." Music "The Watch on (he Rhine." Vr-.Dick, subject : "Our Debts to the Past and our Obligations to the h at lire.' Music, "Swinging in tho Old Ap ple Iree." Prof. W. H. Detweiler of the Blooinsburg state Normal School wa introduce 1 and spoke on the topic, "Points iu Teaching History." Music, "Old Folks at Homo." . Dr. Baor, subj.ct : "Thought Gett ing." Music, Juanita." Prof Birton, subject; "School Discipline." Roll call. Adjourned at 12. TIIOIISDIV A1TKUSOON. The Director's convention met at 1:4.". Music, ''Rock of Ages." Remarks by Supt. Bowersox. J. S. KaufTman presided iu the ab sence of President Herman. Supt. Bowersox rea l the proposed coiiHtitution. President Percival Herman, having arrived, ussiiincd the chair. The constituti on was ado ted as read as was also the order of exer cises. Enrollment of Members. Three member wero appointed to serve on the Executive Commit tee: M. K. Hassing'T, Harvey Moy er and IraC. Sehocii. On program : H. C. Haas, C. M. Showers and Frank Specht. Ner Middleswarth, Ira C. Sclioch, Supt. Bowersox and Dr. Herman made remarks pertinent to the time of the annual meetings. Music, "America." W. F. Sanders, subject: "I).) Good Salaries Bring the Best Results I" Dr. Herman mad.) remarks. Ira C. Schoch. subject : "How can our School Grounds be Improved." Music, "Battle Hymn of the Re public." G. C. Gutelios, subject : "What is the best way of disciplining au Uu ruly Scholar !" . , Dr. CUJ.SuHb, uliAoUt:'!Xu CompuirfSry Vaccination Law." Dr. Dick made his closing address. Tho following ollionrs wme elect ed: President. Dr. Percival Her muii of Kruterville Vice Presi dents, Ner. M. Middle wart h of Troxelville and J. S. KaiilViuau of Middleburgh i Recording Secretary, W. F. Sanders; Cor. Sec., M. K. Has singer. Dr. E. W. Tool of Freeburg ; Wm. N. Giiteliu of New B mIiii ; Mr. O. W. B.msli of McClure; J. A Loin bard of S 'lmsgrove and Supt . Bow ersox were appointed delegate. Adjourned 1:30. TIIL'KSDAV EVENINO. Lu B. Cake and wife of New York City were the entertainer of the evening. The court house never was filled so completely with anxious hearers. The entertainment consist ed of recitations, impersonations, songs, t ic'. Their entei taininent was of a high character and brought forth heart y unplauso. Rr.cu'i io. After the entertain ment u rcccpt ion was tendered to t lie teachers iii the Bank Ituilding. The reception wa arranged by J . F. Wagenseller. Tho reception oiu mittee consisted of Delia Burns, Lottie Spmgler, Lo.vis (boilbel ling aud Edwin Charles. Prominent among the participant were Lu B. Doughnut and wife, Dr. Bacr aud Prof. Bowersox. A very pleasant evening was spent. KltlllAY MOUN1MI. Music,-".More Love to Thee." Devotion J Exorcises. Music, "Freedom's Flag." H. S. Hornberger read a paper on "Percentage, My Way of Teaching It." Music, "Rise, Shine und Give Ood the Glory." Miss Ida G. Stahl read a lengthv paper on "Woman in Education." Dr. Baer endorsed tho sentiments and said woman doserves tho credit for elevating the race. Ho entered a solemn protest against bachelors. Music, "Lovo at Home." "The Utility of Teachiutr Reading Systematically" was the subjoct of a paper read by Iv h. Wetzel. Music, "Men of Harleck." M. I. Potter, "What should bo taught in our Publio School and how to Teach It." Roll cull. Music, "Annie Laurie." Prof. W. II. Detweiler, subject: "Topical Method of Teaching His tory." Music, "America." Dr. Baer, subject : "Patriotism." Musio,-"Flag of the Free." It was resolved to pay the secre tary 15.00 for services and $5.00 to Prof. Bowersox for amount having been paid to permanent certificate committee. The committee on Memorials sub mitted their report which was as follows : hereas. it has pleuwed tho Al mighty God during tho past year to spare tho lives of ull our fellow teacher., although sickness has been in the midst of them. Thcreforo be it .V.oiy7, in Ira Kline's and Liz zie Livingston's sickness, we have felt the loss of t he two earnest work ers ut our annual County Institutes Be U therefore, AV.o(v7, that we extend to our brother and sister workers our heartfelt sympathy in all the suffer ing they have endured mii I we re joice that they are convalescing, AWorW, that these resolutions be published ill the proceeding Mild iu the county pipers and a cupv sent them. Tim committee on resolutions re ported the folliiwimr tvlii.-l. adopted : Whereas, we, the teachers of Snv der county, met in the tliirtv-ninth annual Institute held at Mi. Idle burgh, Dec. 7 to II do adopt the following resolutions : 1st. That in our worthy Co. Supt., F. C. Bowersox. we recognize a com petent lender and instructor of teachers and that t he t hank of the lustitute uie hereby tendered him. '2nd. That we extend our heart felt t hunks to Drs. W. P. Dick. Jos. F. Bu'ton, Samuel A. Baer und Prof. W. H. Detweiler for the very nblo instructions they have given. .'trd. That w must heartily thank Prof. Win. Moyer, musical director, W. F. Brown, pianist, W.J. Dico and J. N. Brosius, cornetist for tho us sistance rendered by them, the Middleburgh Orchestra and Selins grove Glee Club for the very excel lent music rendered for the benefit of the Institute. 1th. That we appreciate tho in terest manifested by t he people of Middleburgh and vicinity iu the cause of education by t heir presence Ut tlia HHMHiollH of I llll IllUlillllll 1111.1 their patronage in the evening. lull. 1 hat wo feel highly gratified to the lecturers who have been so Btltertaininir sod innt.rnrt.iva birinr the bvening sessions. O. D. Orissinger, R. E. Stimely, O. A. Auraiid. 10. Jennie Walter, C. A. B. Glass. P.iof. W. H. Detweiler then gi"e a verv interesting tall on "Litera ture." Adjourned at high noon. nilPAY AFTERNOON. Music, "Onward." The Superintendent turn present ed the matter of publishing the pr., ceediligs. The Roll was called and each teacher credited with the time pres ent. Dr. Baer and Prof. Detweiler made their closing addresses. Supt. Bowersox gave his parting advice anil adjourned the institute nt -Mo p. in., by singing "Home Sweet Home '' Court House News. Iti'i'il i:nli-r'il (or Iti-i'iircl. Henry W, Smith und wife to Mary C. Snvder, lot in Selihsgrove for 1.00. Mrs. Mary C. Snyder to Mrs. Amel ia Buyer, lot in Selinsgrovo for 2 loll. Jacob Peter and wife to Joseph Smith, property in West Beaver township, coutuiiig SI acres, for gl.HHI. Joseph Meiser and wife to Eli Port.hne, property iu Perry town ship, containing 21 acres. Consid eration Sf.'ilHI. Jacob (i. Hi eon to David Y. Breon property iu Centre township con taining 1 bl acres for lHtHi. I.i'lli rs (jritulrtl. Testamentary. Annie Hile, in the estate of Susanna II lie, late of Chap man township, deceased. John H. Janet t, in the estate of Jacob Jarrelt. late of Monroe town ship, deceased. Newton S. Bachmau, in the estate of Israel Bachtnan, late of Middle burgh, deceased. MitrrlKP I.Ii-ciiin. James E. Decker, Beaver two., ) June Huckcnburg, Centre jcims. P. Erb, Adams two., JMollieFetterolf, j Francis Snuffer, Washington twp., (Miuuio Howell, Middleburgh. i Harvey A. Foltz, Juniata Co.. ) Emma Hornberger, Perry twp. A. H. Swanger, Crossgrove, Gertrude Shrawder, Troxelville. Win. A. Arbogast. Perry twp., Bickuurt. Washington Emma . Phillip Roush, ( Mary J. Nace, Globe Mills, Perry twp. The S. II. Yodor Estate of Globe Mills on January 1st, 1R'j7 will start a Strictly Cash Business and all out standing accounts shall be settled.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers