- v ! i 1 1 f. 'V W t 7 ? r t X. ii. haktk I He that will not reason in u li(ot ; lie licit i :i lonl ; lie llial dart- not i .1 nl.ivo. i t j:di 101: am vnovmmou V- - VOL. XXI II MlDDLEBUnGll, SNYDER CO., I'ENN'A, JUNK ii, l.xso. AO a; I '11 c .lOETHY: men are Wlcksi F.ta E-rioi ? "Toll me4ifTy bwded Mnn," 1 ld "WhprclntliU u,-ld uro the wicked fcrrto UldT. I huve wondered the tiult old fcrnvn Ami t tidied the epitaph, old new; Jlut on iitoniiuieut, obelink. Jlr or htoue J rend of o vH tbt iiten huve done. flue oKI etoti ,,iK1 l'' n Kmve "l W lv Illlule. tt'tlk UUcUiii wu lU hwid, bin bund oul)iitfe; i knew y l,,e K1,?IUU tiH !,,"1',,,1 f but bi bpart wiwInftrtiHingbU lip to reply. "Who i to JuIi;e when rh otd tnkiw , It flight? ,.ti ... i.. "tttixt the wrong hint SY no w tbu riifhtf V).l.-h of us uiortuU Muvll hire1o hiv- Tbnt our neighbor n wlkeJ who died to day? "In our Jourofy .tUroHgb 1K., the fur ther w epued The better we learu that bmu.mltyV need I c!mrlty'i Hplrit, that promptit ub to ' Jlud JUther vlrtuo than YMht tho lives of our Kind. "Therefore, (ood tluedn we reeoid on llicfo Htonen; The evil men lo, ht it die with thdr bones, J huve labored nssovton thin ninny ii jeiu-, jyut I never have buried u bud .;m J ruth .Sn A I . It all .comes baok .to too now, the rotter uiiiterjr ami ileapair that cnme to me wbem I kuow uiy ilarliny woe rflse to ue4alau to every vow. Wbeo I tbiuk even naw of thai one great Borrow of my life, and of the woe .most bitter tho woman I joved brought to ine tbo woiuau .wLobo false lovo mado mo what I urn to-day, tuasttir of tho eUtelieHl :Looie,ovner of coautleda woaltlj, but alas ! wifeleHH nud cliiUltHs n lonely, gloomy man, I tell you uiy etoiy, and thn nlotj jf.otbere as well j tut I mnnt tell jou it iu uy own wiy, bo I will Lo ,gin at the begiuuing : I was tuly t"OUtylivo when 1 ifirst met Arelie Cniutron, and bhe was tbeu a beautiful fiiil of oifihtecn a simple, geutlo girl, I buliovod, wbo knew oothin of vanity or aui bitioo, or anytbitig that wotnuu of the world bold dear. I was oatuinlly rouinutic, aud, Kka the Lord of ttoBna," my greut et ambition whs to be loved for myself alone i not that I bad very rauch to tempt a woman witb, but I was tbo youngest son of a wealthy .family, and my mother's fortune a oonsidorablo sum beciuio miua at ber death. I never told Arelio Cameron Ibis ; I let ber tbink m a struggling law yer, and as such I woood and won ber. I made ber my wife, and took her to a roso embowered cottage, aml oar honeymoon was to mo a dream of delight ; aud if my diusat lisfaotion was folt by Arelio sho tiev er gave the slightest sign of it to rue ; bat I know now that a torn. ,-pest of pasBioa and bitterness was aising within her toward me, aud why T Because another bad fallou iu love witb ber beaatiful face auotbor tto wbom she never mentioned me nor ber own marriage. This 1 Joarned afterward, and more than this for J learned of stolen meet ings by moonlight, of kisses aud .and careHses between my wifo aud iLer lover. I believed I. bad tested ber love .enough, and 1 went away for a few days ; my intention being to tell my ipoople of my marriage. I did so. iuud received tbeir assurance of a weloome for my beautiful wife ; aud rthen, witb high boutiog boart, and pulses tbrilliog as I pictured bow d be glad light would leap to A relief eyes when we met, pictured ber de- Uigbt at:tbe costly dresses and jewels J bad ordered, bor childlike astonish ment at tbetbeautjr aud elegance of the new.bomo to which I would tbilogber. '" lit" was June the red roses bloomed fragrant as tboy twined iarouottt tbe columns of " tho rustic veranda snd mixed tboir ricb per- fun? r!'.!i lis ft'.at odor of bysolutb t ... ...... J , l . - ; r-n thenght came to me then, ni I stood at tbo door with nuiiNhiue aronnd me, of the horror that auaitod me W44n tt would open. Almost mpaticintly I rinf,' tho bM for tbo ecnnd tiwio, nnd j'lmo. el at the windows to m-n if my d irl ing'B fnno was milint down upon me. l'othnpH flip hu mn inn himI was coming to tho door berfelf. lint no i the footstep wns fclow nnd heavy slow and heavy even for Tune, I thought. Jne was an old nerviuil iu my fatbur' frtiuily. whom I brought to the cotlup, bidding her keep my nonet for a while. Ah nho openoil tho door tt'inutljinu in her fuco w'.iich war very pa!o, 1 not o tl, utiuck a chill to my !ioit- "What is it, JmeT ' I iixj lire.d nnxioUMly. "In your tnUiieHo ill?" What is tho tnullfr, Jano .' IJod'w mike, ppeak .! ' I wont to pins her, but nbo caught my arm, and burnt into teatH '() .Manler liny I Mauler (ixy I" she cried. ' Sho h.m gono without a word to ine ; but sho loft tins for you." Her hutid trembled ns hIiu dro'v out the note bearing my immn. I'oor ul 1 bouI 1 tho muro tkau nus pectod tho fatal truth. Mechanically I opened tho hitter : but not oven at tha lirvt rea.i.ng did I rcft,u wu,kl "fallen me. I h wo-iiBii t wriMuippeu, I'jo WHO i , r I : 1 . i adored, ha.l Ih-d from lo-r Iomuo to! India. My fn'lor hi 5 li..,sn pois .tie I j lia.'gis-g hon'h. aud tho other bullet auolher ! Tbo word of tho uote id - jby ouo the in tat r.tilllr i1i-i:m; h id ib red hip own heart, nioxt atuntio I uo. A woman 1 be-1 known to ueionca-itH i iT, iuJun 1, j 1 never n.ariiod B;;Kiu 1'iojlc liuved puio i:h a lily had p-n-.-od jnlmont nnkn-vn. f.. i.y .omo oiw.'al! .i !.ii:..mthnp,i, b .1 i.. v. them, and tiio th PL'1', timt I colli i liavo loved tt woman ei.phlj of .vritiiig them, made my huuI Hiek She wroto "1 made a fool of laysm'f whon I became your wife. I would ncvn have done bo, only 1 thought you were making helievo poverty, for I had heard a hint of tilings you had do'io bfforo you met me that did not speuk for lack of gold ; but I find now, too lato, bowt ver, for mv natiNfaetion, tint yot; ruully aro no more nor lesa tliau what I buliovod us only jiietoiiflo, uud ho I have left you. 1 cannot way muoli more lima that 1 never loved vo:i, aud that 1 wornhip Iho l iver with whom I hivt !1!. and he eau ';vo luu wealth and position, for ho does not dream 1 om a wifo. It in not bkelr that you will hoek mo. 1 l;no.V you mi well for that. Sit ret n .'. 1 waa going to bay, but rtmembei ing that loeaiia til! we niiiet iioiiu. vhich 1 hopo from thu bottom of my uoiii wo never shall, 1 nay inttvad good by " 1 ruhhed np tho sUrii-H, but there! wan voiy litl'.e sign of coul'ubiou or disorder there- It ir.usl havo bcei: woll meditated on, uud uo sudden decii ion conic to. Ah. llnuveu .' she bad gone calmly, almobt sys tematically, about ber elopement. 1 Bat down sluuued for tho time beiug. 1 had loved her, nnd my love died hard Ouo mouiunt 1 felt 1 must seek ber 1 could not live without her tho tiuxt 1 fecornod tho thought, augry at myself for ita en tering my miud. One iuRtant 1 would follow her uud reclaim her briug ber buck to tho path from which she bad strayed tho uext 1 loathed the thought of ber. The night passed on, aud still 1 wrestled with my agony ; the mid night bells rang out, aud still 1 sat gazing into darkness. Later still, Jano brought mo a cup of chocolate, which I drank mechanically without a word. When morning dawned 1 a'.ill sat in the one chair where all night 1 had leviowod my dishonor, 1 toDg the bell and Jane came iu. "0, Muster Guy, do cot take it bo hard 1" In that moraont bor bumblo sym pathy was more bearable than that of an cipial would have been, for as sbo spoke the toars filled bor kindly eyes. "1 will flurvivo it, Jdua." "Yes, yon, my boy. Along witb your mother's name you havo bet strength. "She bos dishonored a proud name, Jane. 1 feel worse tlwin bad .1 borne my father's." When 1 bad inherited my mother's money 1 bad to lake ber family name us mine, and it was a proudor name even tbau my father's. So, while my brothor wiuj Vernon Flem. ing, .1 was Guy Howard. "1 am going away, Jane." I suid ; "but you are to kunp this place, and if my if your midtress comes Lack, remember 6be ti your mialrosB still, and that this place is hers. 1 will send you money to Lcop everything H k - I if I ever return 1 will The next diy 1 sailed for fie new! was n peifoet devil j)en. bin ten. per ; world. iDtcudiug to remain for some ' wab roimod "Mont' mo hio lo! tiiuo. 1 had only bee a out one! morrow nlht," I s(df '"and 1 il. shott monUi when a lUor cnoieiK jrn tiy floj''fbab- .Ik Hi . i from hotnn an irupornlivt) buiuiuous j Juio to ot'.nnpl & "fit'iei lif. I to it'turo It iviituicjd the news rf aain, and as pure a t'beio in a (i j.) Vnnon'e nianingo to a beautiful above me, i wiil haad yoti over to lark-errd Wi.tunn whin uono ofllholaw ! Oli woniio 1 could thoiu had kdown or ever board ot boloro an nbmiluto Htt.iiitfer, in fact ; and along niili this were tl.o tiding;) that my father lay at the point of death Abe doctors bad, given him p. I At my f itln.i'H .loalli my Iirothot J would iiiln iit ui! tin; uiht rrtlutt.fl of ! ll I'.,. II..,. ...... .. I were : "tl it'll v tlitniled 1 wont buck again, pcifeetty am - bitionlesH. fur ovuy hope of my lifo;ivo mu from thi inanV'' had ll -il with A relic's wont buelt t wli.it I llK'JIItH It sooniH foot ib . tifo.ir oil. to opeu j'ld nyi'.-n, but tho memory of tli;t hnmo-oiiiinif 1- oueli wjth ine now, !u ,;.., your r.,udly h.:iul '' even Htrmiger than tin. memoiyofj I haw n" pistol gicau in th.. air. 1 tho hoirora that followed '1 !. refore r0it a ubuip. bu.Mcn pain in my m.1, , I miiHt tei! it. I went tirHt to Bt") civ f-ithcr. Ifo waa propped up ilh pillmvB in the iieu, nis moo gii i'iiiy. -n. vs ; 'T. aiu had iiiohI purely plnen 1 hia hand np. on him. II j looked at tuo wilbeyeu in whirl) a atrnr.go lim'rc gleaioed a vry i,lol(, f,.,., niy ),,)H. I'll at. ,,.ir,., that Hitan ' ImMo-i of ii -a . ... I oitiS'jh'H, I lul l '(.Oil o'.O of v't in jbu hud n en :.n..ih. r will: it My heart gv, oi l with horror- horror i ;k."iL".Ii!'j' I5.it l wai ii Miy Ihoughtii rovoitod to tho boiitUi ful wifo of my brother' "MyWo.l!"! cued- "Aiu 1 too lato to Hare hitu''' I knew the Autidoto l;it wa-i it too lain to lino it? Scairely huoiliug the ipit.htionu nsled, I went and got the autidoto, winch if ho wore not to lar gono, would fa! hint. As i raiufi up thoavi iiuo again, my thought full of my f tthei, a lady imiuo alobg tho iihddy path below ; a lull gtllCcf'll WOlllUtl, 1 Rl'V ut u glar.ca with Bouintliin tstrnn;;ly f,i- luiliar ubout bur carriage. Mho on me i out from tho douso Bbadow, and in mIki did no uy brother overtook mo, and hia eyes foil on the Udy na well, who ut that muiucLt utepped into the HUl'Sllilio "That IS my wile, 'tly," ho litiid. "Is i-Lo nut beiiutiuil enoiifb lo muLe piM'dotiuhlc tuy mi Miliiubou Ho they call it ?" lluautiful enough ! Ah, hcavocs ! Yes, for that moment 1 wiw tho por feet feuturoH, theciowu of wavy hair, the critudou curving lip) of tho wo man I hud loved Tho dark eyes of my fuiuo wifo were lookiug into initio. A bharp cry left uy lips Mi eyes did not deceive me. Clad in mlLou robes and coidly lace, Arelio I stsod before mo. fStood Lef jio moi ouly for a moment, a. id then 1 caw her lips grow white, ber face grow pallid, heard the low, frightened cry, hiiw tho pasaionato, pleading look ; the next moment tbo bad fallen at our fout. Aly brothor loo Led at me. "You have frightened her. Guy, by tho way you looked ut bor. I think you must bo crazy Vou d:d not seem to know vvhut you were doing." II o lifted Arelio iu lis arms aud carried her to tbo house, while 1 fol lowed, almost doubting tho whole oucuronco. First 1 wont to my fa ther's room and gave him the drco I bad gouo for, then I went down to I tho library to seek Vtinon and tell him Anilio'u ctury i and I entered by the Hide door, aud came f.icu lo face with Arolig. vbo held uj open letter in ber baud, "What do you intend lo do .'' bbn aiil, the puper droppicg from ber tiugors, which I taw tit a gluu-jo wan my futher'e will,, for bo owned other wealth bciiiJja tbo eutuiled eblulo. At this iucitaut a Bervont entered, und Arelio etole out without hearit. my aimowr. I left tho library then u.s well, aud wont out into (ho groundb, walking up aud down iu dwp tho't, wbou tbe bwep cf a dread told me ; Borne ope waa near, and 1 tamed to meet her again. "You will tparo me, tiuy.' You will not betray tie " tho ciied, clavpin my. arm.- I tdiook ber eft". . '- ' Da yon think I would be a pity' , not wait for wrnltb ond poMtiuu i few Hiorl years f t 1 did r.ot dream that at tl.ia inn rucnta pnir of eyB-Yerii.n'H eyes daik witb su.lUn-bwru" ji-aloim ra. were fixid tiponna, but Aide iniut hi'.ve itiu tlici. . Sho p-islic.l n.e l ack i .on nviat not le-jnl ma to my hnsbtnd. tiuv -Howard !" nln ; cried "Wi lou, wlioro uro vo l. . 'You would steal my wlh, to n ni:'. vou TD'in.lfii! !'" . 1 h.iri1 Vern- muh voice etv, ,XH luilleai od foiwar.l ; bti.lo n.i "lint I wil! n;nd ti bulla I hou aa 1 kll 1 thought 1 beiud a woman's E'Veato, end tbu seeond re port of a pistol, and, i remembered no tooro Wt.on 1 nwoko to cuiiHeiodsiioPs 1 wan wl;at I nm now the Umeh i iafcUr of thin vast estate, for I lu.d I heeli too hilu to hiivo my fatl.uV lit'., a had iuiM"l th; icvo!i 'or tho tii ';.i 4 Imd caiii'lil in mi evio. I" 1 tliaiik (..i d, a '.vnie, 'ji l hh.i v vl ' : it ii li'it none ever .Ire, illVi'OI ! . i what " oru'jii e wo'c bad bi-en t" mo. 1 never ei'iri-Ii.d lli.m.'li 1 -.. ' "'- r ; liberlv to do ho. for nf'.or niv n e.iv. jry Arelio went uw.y.and four yeaih afterward i looked upon her dead faco, nil its beauty marred, all it vlulioatn ppifcctiou tic, by the lift tho had lu J This is the htory :f Fleming nail, aui Iho reason by I, ;tn iiihmU i have never been charmed ngain the light of woman'o eyes, nor won by a hinilu on Lor I pa A iny conipoKml if el vn Iiimi jnuHii men And r.n old fellow lroin .'tcroib tho creek retiiod to the jun room. The f.jn man, when neLetuJ, j lemm ked Hi:il he thought the pi i.i- ti-ir oi.l t lo ! j u '1 1 to tlu j : ititi n r ii. r for li o j earn. ""'hat aiu r loiig enough, ' ai 1 lie old follow "Lets put it oil hm. fiii ton.'' "Oh, no, that won't do " 'Willi, thin," Htrotchin;; himself! out ou a bench, "I'm ivith ji r. ' I "Whin, you going lo haug the j i rj?" 'Tln;t'p about it " ".My dual' sir, we tuo ouxiotia to '.;et back to our buhincsit." "Then hud him up for ten." T.ut that would be a great ia Jl,' Cu 'Then hijiut au' tuale yoiiruclvcH comfoitablo." Iluvo you uny hpecial roaou why iho prisoner should go up for ten yearn?" Tbiuk I have," throwing a quid of1 tobacco at tho spittoon. "Will you plnuHu namo it."'' "Yes, fur it won't take mo Ion1;. N. , , T t I ' e is my son in law nn I havo boon; . . , . . , Kllpportltl LlIU (JVCI UinCO h0 VMlb . ... I miiriud. ,, , 1 Ho went up for ton yoara. A" ', , , , I When Feunlon was almoner to IiOuiaXIV, bie mnjeaty vvim antou- It'ciliLi.l In Aha ii ri , 1 i t I 1 1 r I t.t , ' i i ' II UlllUUIUUU VUUjll.'UllllU, UUIJ 111 1 II ' aelf uud the piioht. "What i; the i-eaNon of thiH arked the kiui;. "1 caiiccd il to bo given out, Biro,'' re plied Icueloii, "that your majuHly did not alteud chapel to day, that you Uii'uhl kuow who colih lo vvur ihip God, and who to Walter the king.'1 'ji.ii Eafcy &r.d L:g and I. We ko on our way tn'otlior, Ituby uud tloir und 1, Three merry couipnutonrf, 'Neitth any bort of tky, ' Uiiitt an hoi pretty oycHiin, Or K'a.Vi HI'" hit Uar old tall: li It windy, or eloinly, or etor my, Our counn does never fiU. Uuby'Ha little l uiy, Don In a j:ntlimiaii brave; II ha bad two bt;, an you huve, Ue'd kneel to ber, like a nlav, Afl lt ,t,loyjii ftiSii otitota hr, rri- i. ,,',eitrtilrt, wllmlnrrfrdtoiMMreeth.it I I rv .;i.i:'i!., it oaRujyrK.rtoni.y r..npUou I kooWBtuiiii " U. A AK'liitH, I , I IU Ko. t)ArJ , lifUx'w, V. Y. I tun )fl MA1UM) IKilIUUKTs. I reimmt. I'nyiler county, Pa. ' ?"',s ' I I. ; r'.'f.'l-i"! ...r K .. I u.l :i -.uriniD. -I. tl. ' too:. I me:,. K I Vt 'ri IS PHYSICIAN AM) S'JI'CfXN. r'ro mil.'. I'a l'!f;' il rt ! itml ti tri-. tu , ui n, ; I -on . .r . i In imoi l.nlliOi a'i l lUitmr , illl'iu nil M.ii;. .'twl K. VAN Ml'HK fltK, I l'll'alCAL A MI.l'l! M;'il. ! KM1M tfoMu jrr'V. i'liri. IV rri. B !1 'I l i- V V , ..;ii it.l '. r .' 1 -.I'tlA I. S il Mil I ..I I : M. l : . I . . I' M .u i; m s UF.V t:. tt', W !.; f. ri ' .. . . . -i ilei l iiili ..r"",'. ','' ,," ''. ';. ';..!.' I It N ii i . t y I.i'. . ,'. I i ri. . - t-. !''! I ..';;! 5,' '. l!"ll .'..V l-t'.:. Ill ' . t -. -i ' I - :.-u 'i. !.,'-. : Ib wi:, -i.i: in n i i i 1 1.'- u.n( k I ' ..In, ! "!' r 'i'.T o m- I'.i. .1.111 SI. w. for ffourajf'a For ffourahjia For Neuralgia For Nouralfjia For Rhoumutism For Rhoumatism For fthoumabsm For Rtiju.i.alli " F of a Lanto ffaci For a Lonr'j t','A f ir a Lenta Duel. F,r a l B.A f!u. fur Thomcii' l:;' :'ru 0 'tutor Thj'nos' li, ..-( '(. .' Cuctor Thomas' i:c'-ctr. :. O'l tJoctvr Tfioiras' Fcnrtnc Cl f.-jlU I ! V AT T.: n 7 T) T ; ' T'-t l!CE 50o. .i.iU V..CO. r;::::. aa;:;;: i x.. lot':. r7r?w. w. 7. ri-' ,r':'t '..r-'i :,lj p lv - l .-rvi .'i.x -.. ''' v-i?$j s i .1 V j u- -let: f. T!. liii'illPlmv rfiti'lihilii- Jr !i w!'i i "n ' ' Ul. . t.ii:.H, ijiii.niv hum ..i ll. "j tut. ii ii.t:.ui., ttnu-. ii,Ai !i,.,f'irf' ill. .'1, Nini'.iiit, f I.OI1 uml ?: 1.11, mil H. .n.O lu. Ii i i.'i i:' r.iii.ii'.: u i .,ity l.ir I'i.-t-u"-' ''f t! t M.I11 ; ..mi I.Ur-. It h intiHii:.lli! rr M--i.w-i ivc.'i.Hur tl v..i.i,n. m,.tu 1 vi..ii..ui li'.n.uv in -. Itil.K'Min! iinur.'llifiorlu,C'Uii.-t l.fn.l.'i' I.d.. t i.r.nlui'i' r.irislii'iit ion )'h r nn tn-iii-in', '.' U citilulirii imt pirrllm tlu blitnil, r'iri.'ilii. tin ii'M Mi', i.:.l . Out ii'. 'i'.. lint;. m i'( I I. : tii v.n III 'imliimi in.. I I i.lU.liii(, ii. .it f:r'ii;'t!i.'t:M In1 ihiimi,. i,.t 1 r. 1'i.t Ilit'l-inlt?-llt I'Vvrrn, l.nHhlf llit'ji l4ii.ll f ivy , i tr , 1. Jnui Ii 1 1' ('."il. C" T!ic Si-mi; ri. hi, i.lnvu tr.f!'. li ir "nt rti '-.'.' 1 i i-.l ilii.-N in '.. i u( . J ik.. I. -ili' r. llw iwlj I.J LKUHX lUII.'.KAL IU.. HlfU'lU-, i Philadelphia Lawyer PM lll'llMt III 1)U I fill- v-i'l.:. K.iV O1..1I .il II." '..I if III Vt .' 1)1' n ii't miv ..ill- vii'l t irrii M in-, .in.! I v 111 Ir!! wt i 1! f.'imOiot 1411 tl'tlHIH I 111:.,. llll. !ll 11.1'. 'I 'm rii If.i. i'i h h mi l.i'iitt '.in' ivnul'l Iiiivb .'.ia 'if'ii. Iili" 'i i 'rl;tj' ". uii'l y' lin, Unyi' iv ut mr r.'.ii .0 i a V; li i-ut; I l.iin ..in nil i i.ii. Mu ii U iKt.it. n l"nti'w ntntt'il.ii'ti.ri.r t.f Wil i.iiit.iu I'.. I urn... l-.i'. liin 'H., ' It'.tii rltH IiikI O.. 1 i... i.i w l!.i. I('iwtiu llli'.iitiiiii.ii I ni... r..- Ilttf I ! t.r. mi nti.l if, i e .Muf ir tl I III lloitii-'-i! I 'if lln I 'i.y itiiilit ln',ind lu'iiv mill iu.if.1 ri.'.tiir:.! until i r.h ii.i'ii..' .it in. .'I'.'i',' iii-mil .1. .ti.in ff : kit..,, t uulllltif itliii ii Itu ft i iUi''k nii.l i.nii.litiut, in uiI h-U" On . .if I'liil".!t Ipln i !'lni-.i i iiTihu-.trf. Mil. O il. !!. mri itMLiiiig IHIMjiiu blr.ML,oiiui'nlimii.iu)ii: " I' 1 1 It l ti m lji,niui.iti-.iil I i t,- tiuliiUi.ii ull lilt- imiii .ml .it mv .1 tliLi' ami t.i:J bvv. lilii. i.ail Atiilvre.! irmiilv uttli it lur iii'iiitUt. VV" 1; iv.t !i.,t!iuniy nf IMS Hi.rt milflilcjit O) 1 .11 II V I l .Hil i-K. JlH 'I'I. lill1 II t'D'l tl 'l I1 i ho llii1 mi ill-til yi'i vi.iiil r. ll.-l litllirr Minn '"'.-.il i.ii u - V"'i i iu vTi-t 11 -H'Ui-K, hiuv., (icruiuuvut, Ijy wa-llrj l'r Hit RUGSJAM CURE Price fiiU.BU.! 11 m.ihi.'r.-.i. itKi injij. IJSiAK I N.lti llt'IllllllA I Out ItOK illKrt till, witlmiit llll Trwlo-iUti. RHfUMATISM ClIHfi. vut It In uui in lt l.iitii.l iiit. rtofti, Imk rt ,,, mm.t'm Vtfrt n:rri rV.:M. nr,ve, ''"ir flt-.nw h. Iitiwh, It mm t .. KiUi V,'. m.i, ( nu rJn p, Had liuiuubt ill- M-ilDVlHiurtrtU UrJkMi. IrrrM a Cof.- ANT, is: ::u, r.'r,, ::. Y. J :i. si'i:;:m: AUOhfvtiY -AT L,'v, '. ; ,, 'in ' l r.M i, i . f , i,., . , j , "ii i ; :, I : ,lu' If ; l I ; ! : Li. i' .i . AM I- St.. Ciirl'fi!:, ATT(;:.VK'. - A I'.I. w, M 1 1 r I . I ; f : I ;i;li, : VI l.:i,t I. , u: rn-i . o. .i ,. ,. ; , r, ' n i. v. I iif.-tui .n. i . tiftio.!'.!..!, un u.l I i:,.ii- :.. . , J ACHIS (ill. liiili I , .I.'.'. IIIII.. I'.I 1.1. , J. x, .iO'.'lt 1.. Bi. .1 1.1 t. , , , , , r, . ' ' "..'!. I .,, H..'..:. t.t W1 il. I.. iJt)i ,s i n. AiroiiNiy tr ins, .i i . .' '.o h, m . '.till IM If; 1 M : .i mi ii. , : . I.'t L14 ri i' I i t',-r I -tti, I mi- ,, , ,,, w.-.f-;.i.i: in rn;:.!-:, i,m " U IJ I ( : 'I I'll. I ATTOKf.'LY'AT-LAW. All l U I I.I' H nutfO I i . In, ,.Hri. "i tly u'.iou.li . t,,, I'O j G DKITHICH, '.ITTiHtMlV t r.i.w. .tf.ll k; IJI. , ,'V, Hnnymu, V; All .r"lii"ina hivho-i.rtiui tiv .i,,.,, i,, """'"loiiin,,,. i ; .V..,"".'0 1' ii.'tn. "hi. JUMVEH," A TTOKi'ilL Y-AT-LAVV, AM 1'IM'KI. T ATTMIIM-.V. f..,..VA.;, J'j " in 1 1 ii. t J "i ' '. "5.;.". i ! , i'!,::HTf. I , k . r. i""r .1.-. .. : -T i .,. " :t ' lit i'r.L , . ., , , ' ' . ' . li . ri t ! V, roilllM . I .. ....... . i --i - ,. , ,, ,, "" ' ' It " .-''1 1. 1 .mi O.'. ' U. A l.r.l, ' .u ' .. - .. . rP J. --MITM t a i i t :c at j. a a MlOl.l.f'.ii ti.K ;,N irJ)ii r'rt' ' '.'r, f...'-. i ir, i ..ih.t.ato, in ttif! '.Ic.,,,, a. v. 1'(.)tti:k, t riohVh y .i r .a w faciiu.J,rrovo, V, , ' it'll ": """'' I" O'O ).'.ii.:i ... . , ' I I" II r'r .. i ii : v U ft.IU f. I ( I."" 1 AtU.rnr.y.iir I..iw, l...!fi.iiri:', 'i. i i 'i in I.. I! .11... .I...' u 1,1 ' ,:- "n't ! hi .1 ,l"fai , o. t I, ik-i. i U1JN 1! AI..(H.It( V tlll'lK nf Iltv MH'IM.KiM T.tl. T..' I i -.Idol .mi. l.ii,lrioS.ei,tri. ii.. to ,, c.;li ,11, " 1 rfinj. l miin M l i. C'AMUKL II. OlvWK;", ATT'WXnYA 7 I. A II', E.n toliiti K, l i,,,,., ( t. , tuo. ju. 11. j JOHN K. HIT.UI'is" JUSTICE CP THE I'tACR, y.'i.i.V, Stntr ',., J-4i. '-c'O.llLvlii.in pn-i.ipily luau... .-3 i'hy.-iiviu-nx, ,c J J- SMITH, Physician & Surge on, (w'T.ThM 'r0'" lrvK'i'i Kiui rul.ll OUl.e nn (tiiu.iruet, Jonli'Tu' J W. SAMl'Si:!., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ( onlrovilli' lVnnV oilers hi proiei.iinii feriro to iho Piorcti. olU'ovlHouj ui,my. ' A .i. n PursiciAM a sunnEON. Mlilillobui-Kli, ivnu'u. Oilom lilt iirofiikli,nal rvl... i,.n....in... i"-" T'""ly- VTAW I - PHYSICIAN & SURCEOfl, ' Mlddlnburgh, I'vnn'a'. om, iiutrsn t'lirri iiuprolttulrnkl rfli la tk rl'lMi.t ''la.liHl.ym.,VI'tlr:.un-tnii' trl.'ti ,.iiin lu,. IVKIiV STA1 !!.:'. (-.TJ)?.QZ WALT I!m. ''r.r'cloi.'. ;!: : .1!. ',. I j i.i - r-v , tr; t i . i i- j - !i- A, f ii, -t I l.i-t mi f. ... . .nil ia ii. h I'. r "t. " '.'l.tr.r-til I'M! V ii. i.i i ... ..i i '! ' I- ' li . ! l;, m. ;. i.v AGENTS VAHTE1) ! I'.T 'i'ilO lill'ilt .NfW It. ink, iHEWQSLD'S VCSDKKS" t: v l l.f.. I ' '! I ti uk u. I. M ti I ' i ' i- . il. il I " I- ii' I ii,' ilitr '''''. I.. .ii if I'.IN ' . .. 1 1. ii. i " ' i r I i. r . li ii : ' I ' f il- r.it il- , . i. .. I,.-; tn.n. I f. 'If 111" -I . . . :.- '. :.. .1 I Ha.' I.lfl ! W t I Ml' . '''I It-. i . .. .. 'hi .ii. i.-ii n V ".I V. t.'i nil I il .111. ... i m w.-i..,. 1 1 n 1 1 ' i ri i.'.'l li..! .1- . t . l.k '...IH'-' rt ! , ( . i .... v '.. . -.1' O ' t it .. " I : I 1 :'i L ll.'l I'll P V wh- , I'.KAX'iT.T'. '.V.. '.'A At, .1 1 I t 1 , .. i-i 4 . V 1 1 I H W I " I ,, N, , ,, II I-1 it . ' r.C.'s , ,') I.. I .'. lubl I to WAN li. ; ' ', , ! 1 1 , ,., 1 Any I in..'., ,t ' i ''"" in.-',:,.l:.',. -'!,: N Ili'tWI't'll IU. i,.n! I 'i.v . 1 1 v.' h. mm Kri to ot.lii il ti . lln Ii u I lilM I'M.'.SilSi'ni'i, i'.,:!v MVS ' .1: 1 ' ,1 II.. 1 1 ',,r I I ii .n , AS'f'i 4 ' Wl.itu. MiMlK'nl mt V..ri I7rtn.l i'. I Ire Vi..i luii.it ' t.r I'MM ' fl 'J.i ,'. V. ,ili tii.. it O- ri.t'iinl f it u iiln m I'i.i-i-llilil im, ll.il .n- iti)' A MLirliO.. All IT'ipli' : v It ct r 'f., il'iily f.i.-l o"rlv. .i (Up., r li HlO Iluvo J iur i ti'l'i-M y nil ln:j .ii. nr., I May I, 'tU l. I'X? "I'iiiv Kc, .'oij)('r Die. tilled JIoiinl:tin Dow W'liis- Koy ;it s-J.oo jut :tl!,'ii w (10 oont "f ijM.ii'l. Tin: s. M i i-: r- it it, Ka.fli- I!.f !. J i.mUin, IVi. mm CIJRED ! i w,'.c r..Mt tinrM thr m l lkrplKli if rn.'itr 1 it n rvnr in-tm. y C..i" - "il " J. m : .. -'in- .-on.ti rt. I!" l. i.. .'T. m 1 '! ul) I rtiip li I.iU I'11" '" f-r TH..HI if ii. Hun ikN -.iii'i-.r.- 1,1, r. r.'i rii'i'iii, ii.in ti . J. in " Ii I. .U ul, I.', If OH.'. IMMW i J ''. '-" J ll. .;. i I.'... ... i.n i rmm.fi" I -1 ' .l 11.1. '..!...: '.. !.. 'i ', l -ri.WI ,Cinr 1 i ..'. . n. . ... .''.ism i, n.. IB iJ i.i.. -. '.. i i ''i; t, i .-An '. U A, u Ii i,. B 55 '-' ". Vm S. f l ., M-r..... .S ft .. I.- . ')' 'i.r. : .i... r.j. t i...-v 'i Afi'ii.. , ur- r.7 - IT .. .V. I. I. .. 1Ml. I .1. U lMt I. it"-, i m. t my dfumlK i a. ,'linn i.r . I- ki'.i! t - ,11 lnt m f3 rrtiiin 4 1 'p.'. r i.' .! . i.t"i I , "t .. i i., uu.ti t"i r-x. ii &'tiE!iTS WANTED iffi THIRTY YEAR3 A DETECTin' UY ALLAN riNKERTOM. vmt .ti'inpn ITir.rtii tt r.nil I'l.'mprr-rii-rilv fxptya 1. 1 ri. initial li.t.i... i ,.f ull nn.:., mul I'll, -.'n :..;i ..-r.-'w Lt in "I. 1 1 r;n. i.n' K.,-rt..uu. i t I din im I'." irrui tit. 11 nf I rl'itlii'iU. fw' .-riii i.vritwl i.l'ril'ii lt.tr, .ti-ltMi I i-iitiOh I.'Ii. bint ' T till, h ,. ly l,itiiiMJ u..J ' .'O.i. . . 1 . 1 An niilntlv im-w hnnli, r:"'!' lhtatralvt ii.l with rnrtriiltt'f tho ouwt Ot-tocilM K-ACCWT8 WANTS 9 J InfTorr Vti tltir.'tiiv ftiniMn of fnpU -V trill tt a. it t.,u 1 11.11:: I It il. nlinh.mtv M..i.iiii:t .1. rnr;iu: mi. lit I.'i..nnl m. 11. Tti'fc r, r, .(, ,, i .i, , , ,,( f.,f ,.r B.r ii ,4,)MJJ. l'wl..:'i la' c .n K,. .nr.) ,jf :.:uj n i ,v'" R;'i'! I'll- Ag.'iit In I-', rv .'Wiii.hip, i e.ii iitir. iir.i.., ,...,1, v Hh n,i , Nmic. . i.n t. 11 111. .1 ii. , f v,"u, i .tni. 1 1 r lu.l riuulaiti U.J I rut tit i.:;iii(, 11. iris-1 O W. CvliU.roM LtJ, 1-iMUhi-n, t.nYttk. $EWIUMACIIJHB PERFECT SATISFACTION Hew Hens SsiLIafe; ' ORANOE, MASO. i' yi'MME LIGHT IliifJMIMQ v3f I
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